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Ehad was an Israeli project offering a repackaging of standard Mandriva Linux binary packages, in order to provide a single installation CD for Mandriva users in Israel. Ehad intends to provide a useful assortment of applications in a single CD and offers full compatibility with this popular distribution. Ehad users can enjoy all the graphical installation and configuration tools provided by Mandriva, as well as the huge software repositories (including automatic installation capabilities). Ehad has built-in support for Hebrew and English out of the box.
Status: Discontinued
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2004-11-10 |
NEW • Distribution Release: SAM Mini Live Linux 1.1 |
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SAM Mini Live Linux 1.1, a Mandrakelinux-based bootable live CD, has been released. What's new? "Included is the Firefox 1.0 (final) release, the first preview of GIMP 2.2, Gaim 1.0.2, some new and exchanged games (now 13), Ctorrent and some more updates. You can use 'transset' to check out the transparency effects of X.Org 6.8.1. Also new is Zenity to give bash scripts nice GUI dialogs. The first one included is a GUI for SAM's 'configsave'." Here is the full release announcement. Download: sam-1.1.iso (209MB).
About SAM
SAMity Linux, a live and installation CD based on Unity Linux, is an easy-to-use, fast and clean Xfce Linux desktop for home users.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2009-08-10 |
Distribution Release: SAM Linux 2009 |
SAM Linux 2009, a PCLinuxOS-based distribution and live CD featuring the Xfce desktop, has been released: "The Sam Linux team announces the release of SAM Linux 2009. The distribution is based on PCLinuxOS 2009.1 but it will be the last release based on PCLinuxOS. The most important changes are the upgrade to kernel version, Xfce 4.6.1, support of a variety of WLAN hardware and support of the MSI Wind netbook architecture. Minor changes include the upgrade of all packages as of 18 July 2009 and the use of Opera as email client instead of Thunderbird. SAM Linux 2009 is made fully compatible with the PCLinuxOS repositories. In the process of changing from PCLinuxOS to a distribution still unannounced we will stop hosting our own PCLinuxOS repository but we will keep up the support for SAM Linux 2009 as long as it is in use by our community." Here is the brief release announcement. Download: SAM2009.iso (679MB, MD5).
2007-12-25 |
Development Release: SAM Linux 2008 RC1 |
Nico Reuter has announced the first release candidate for SAM Linux 2008, a desktop Linux distribution based on PCLinuxOS: "After more than half a year without a new SAM we are happy to give you a nice Christmas present: SAM 2008 'claw' release candidate 1. What's new: It uses the newest Xfce 4.4.2 as default desktop; it supports around 60 languages out of the box; it comes with proprietary ATI and NVIDIA drivers on the live CD, and CompizFusion pre-installed; many packages are updated to their newest versions available in the PCLinuxOS repositories; was replaced by GNOME Office; it has a new start menu, a 'hacked' menu from Linux Mint; the deskbar applet in combination with the tracker search tool gives you a powerful desktop search." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download: SAM2008-claw-rc1.iso (695MB, MD5).
2007-06-01 |
Development Release: SAM Linux 2007.1 Test 1 |
A new development build of SAM Linux, a distribution based on PCLinuxOS, has been released: "SAM 2007.1-test1 is available for testing. The most important changes: was dropped, here is the reason: SAM now comes with basic support for more than 50 languages, proprietary ATI and NVIDIA drivers have been added to the live CD with a nice GUI to install them, under the hood it is running a development version of kernel All packages have been updated to their newest versions available in the PCLinuxOS repositories, some new ones have been added (PDFedit, Planner, Searchmonkey, Ntfs-config, VirtualBox...) and a fresh theme was created." Read the rest of the release announcement on the distribution's home page. Download: SAM-2007.1test1.iso (694MB, MD5).
2007-03-22 |
Distribution Release: SAM Linux 2007 |
SAM Linux 2007, a PCLinuxOS-based live CD featuring the Xfce desktop, has been released: "After two test releases I am happy to give you the final version of SAM 2007. SAM comes with the latest Xfce 4.4 desktop, support for more than 20 languages, Beryl/Xgl, and contains a complete home desktop with office, Internet, games, multimedia, graphics, system, security and rescue-Software, and nice additions like WINE, Flash 9, Java and RealPlayer. Now it is possible to boot from a USB stick using the CD as start medium, and the export of the 'home' folder to an USB flash device is back on the live CD. Changes: updated to 2.2 RC, changes in the games section, added GParted...." Read the full release announcement for more details. Download: SAM-2007.iso (699MB, MD5).
2007-02-15 |
Development Release: SAM Linux Desktop 2007 Test 2 |
SAM Linux Desktop is a PCLinuxOS-based distribution featuring the Xfce desktop. A new development version, now based on the just announced PCLinuxOS 2007 Test 2, has been released for testing: "In sync with today's announced PCLinuxOS 2007test2 release I am happy to give you the second test of SAM Linux Desktop 2007. As before, THIS IS A TEST RELEASE, don't use it as your serious work environment! Report bugs in the forum please! SAM now comes with the latest stable XFce 4.4 desktop enhanced with Adesklets and Wbar, a Mac like starter bar, as well as some selfmade Wizards to configure them. The Live CD now is back on isolinux as bootloader for more compatibility and uses aufs as file system, installation now is possible from the user account." Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. Download: SAM2007test2-en.iso (694MB, MD5).
2007-01-24 |
Development Release: SAM Linux Desktop 2007 Test 1 |
SAM Linux Desktop is a PCLinuxOS-based distribution featuring the Xfce desktop. A new development version, now based on the recently announced PCLinuxOS 2007 Test 1, has been released for testing: "This first snapshot of the upcoming SAM 2007-1 is a complete rebuild, built on top of the new PCLinuxOS 2007 system and software base. What comes with the new SAM: kernel, GCC 4.1.1 and updated glibc, X.Org 7.1; Xfce with auto-mounting of removable devices and media; Beryl, Compiz, Emerald, AIGLX and Xgl for eye candy; only GTK+-based applications for more speed; a complete set of applications for current or older hardware alike; 2.1.0, AbiWord and Gnumeric; Firefox, including Flash 9...." Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. Download: SAM2007test1-en.iso (694MB, MD5).
2006-09-25 |
Distribution Release: SAM Linux Desktop 2006-3 |
A new version of the PCLinuxOS-based SAM Linux Desktop has been released: "SAM 2006-3 is ready for the public. Again based on PCLinuxOS software and XFce, SAM offers you a complete desktop environment for your older hardware. With more than 1,000 packages it's smaller than the previous version, but now the complete 2.0.3 is back on the live CD with full support for English and German languages. A new 'welcome' dialog introduces you to the usage of the desktop and gives you direct access to the Internet connection wizard and installation tool. The new installation tool, an enhanced version of Mandriva's Draklive Install, speeds up the installation time even on older systems." Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. Separate English and German editions are available for download from here (MD5): SAM-2006-3-english.iso (692MB) or SAM-2006-3-german.iso (692MB).
2006-07-23 |
Development Release: SAM Linux Desktop 2006-2 Preview |
Nico Reuter announced the second development release of SAM Linux Desktop: "This release means the biggest step in the history of SAM: going away from Mandriva to the new base of SAM: PCLinuxOS. I did this for various reasons, like compatibility of LiveCD tools, more stability, better community support and some more small reasons. SAM contains more than 1100 packages of finest Linux software on only one installable LiveCD... You can export your home directory to an USB key for your private documents and settings. Feel free to download your German or English copy of SAM Linux Desktop 2006-2preview!" Check the release announcement and the package list for more details. Download: SAM-2006-2-preview-english.iso (690MB, MD5). Note: As Ladislav Bodnar is on holiday, updates to distribution-specific pages are temporarily pending.
2006-01-18 |
Development Release: SAM Linux Desktop 2006-1 Preview |
Having evolved from its original focus as a mini live CD, SAM is about to become a full-featured desktop Linux distribution. The first development release of SAM Linux Desktop 2006-1 has arrived: "After a long time without a new version of SAM, the first preview of the new and much larger SAM live CD is available for download. It is based on Mandriva Linux 2006 with fresh software from the Cooker. This preview does have some bugs left to kill, but it will give you a good impression of what SAM now stands for: a complete, easy to use, fast and clean XFce Linux desktop for home users." Read the rest of the release announcement for additional details. Download: sam-2006-1-preview.iso (699MB, MD5).