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Poseidon Linux
Poseidon Linux was a GNU/Linux distribution designed primarily for academic and scientific use. It was based on Ubuntu LTS, enhancing its parent by adding a large number of applications for GIS/maps, numerical modelling, 2D/3D/4D visualisation, statistics, genetics, creating simple and complex graphics, and programming languages. The usual software for daily use, such as the LibreOffice suite, Internet browsers, instant messaging and chat clients are also included.
Status: Discontinued
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2006-09-30 |
NEW • Distribution Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 50002 |
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An updated version of BLAG Linux And GNU, build 50002, was released earlier this week: "The second update to the Fedora Core 5 based, single-CD, 100% Free distribution has been released. Highlights for this release are the latest kernel 2.6.17, the 'promotion' of BitlBee (an IRC to other chat networks gateway application) and Irssi (a terminal-based IRC client) from the repository onto the main CD, and updates to such major packages as Firefox, with BLAG's unique set of activist and independent media bookmarks), GIMP 2.2.13, Inkscape 0.44.1, Scribus 1.2.5, Thunderbird and XChat 2.6.6. BLAG continues to have range of tools and software for the desktop user, media activist and those searching for the properly 'free' GNU/Linux experience. This includes BLASTERISK - the free BLAG telephone service for Free Software users, developers and Indymedia activists." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download: BLAG-50002.iso (694MB, MD5), also available via BitTorrent.
About BLAG
BLAG is a Linux distribution based on Fedora and reduced to one CD. It includes useful applications missing from Fedora, as well as a suite of graphics, Internet, audio, video, office, and peer-to-peer file sharing applications. BLAG is up-to-date with all Fedora errata fixes at time of release and uses Synaptic for easy upgrades. The name stands for Brixton Linux Action Group, which works to overthrow corporate control of information and technology through community action and to spread Free Software.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2014-10-25 |
Development Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 200000 Alpha |
Abdur-Rahman Morgan has announced the availability of the initial alpha build of BLAG Linux And GNU 200000, a set of Fedora-based live CDs (built exclusively from free software components) with a choice of GNOME, LXDE, MATE and Xfce desktops: "BLAG 200000 alpha of GNOME, LXDE, MATE and Xfce are ready for download. There is also a MINI, which I'll explain shortly. What has changed since the pre-alpha release? The repository works without having to download the second version of the blag-release package; replaced FVWM with Openbox; I've added Sound Recorder to ensure that a recording package was available on the CD, Audacity was too large; Labyrinth to provide a different tool for representing information; Xpad to provide quick notes; the LXDE, MINI and Xfce CDs are available to allow you to start on the DE/WM of choice and provide smaller downloads." Continue to the release announcement to learn more. Download (MD5, pkglist): BLAG-200000-x86_64-GNOME-Alpha.iso (637MB), BLAG-200000-x86_64-LXDE-Alpha.iso (520MB), BLAG-200000-x86_64-MATE-Alpha.iso (641MB), BLAG-200000-x86_64-XFCE-Alpha.iso (547MB). |
2008-07-22 |
Distribution Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 90001 |
Jeff Moe announced a bug fix release of BLAG Linux And GNU labeled as 90001, a single-CD desktop distribution based on Fedora: "It comes on a single CD (684 megs), is easily installed, and user friendly. This release follows quickly on the heels of BLAG 90000, as there were a few annoying issues with that, some of which have been sorted, such as some broken dependencies. A number of packages have been added to the CD, some of which appeared in earlier blag releases, such as: bittorrent, freej, gcc, gqview, gthumb, thunderbird, vnc-server, xchat. The CD has 97 package updates including a new kernel-libre-, firefox 3.0.1, gnome/gtk2/nautilus packages, pidgin, xorg and more... Known issues with this release: Use yum instead of apt, or uncomment GPG line in /etc/apt/apt.conf (or install those keys); Automajick kickstart installs are not currently available; On some installs you have to hit ctrl-alt-f7 after firstboot when you add a user; this is only needed the first time." Read the complete release announcement for further details. Download: BLAG-90001-i386.iso (684MB, SHA1SUM, torrent).
2008-07-15 |
Distribution Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 90000 |
Jeff Moe announced the release of BLAG Linux And GNU 90000, a single-CD desktop distribution based on Fedora: "It has been a while since I've sent out an announcement, but quite a bit has happened since our last release, 70000. Alpha releases based on Fedora 8 and 9 made regular appearances. Linux-libre, a project to make a branch of the Linux kernel with non-free software removed, has flourished. This is the first "major" release of BLAG to include this kernel by default... We have a new repository tracking Fedora rawhide, with always the latest and greatest, it's BLAGHEAD: Software from the Future. A new mailing list has been added." Read the complete release announcement for further details. Download: BLAG-90000-i386.iso (606MB, SHA1SUM, torrent).
2007-11-14 |
Distribution Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 70000 |
Jeff Moe has announced the release of BLAG Linux And GNU 70000, a single-CD desktop distribution based on Fedora 7: "BLAG 70000 (sugarwater) released. BLAG is a 100% Free Software distribution with all the tools you want from a desktop computer, plus more. It comes on a single CD, is easily installed, and user friendly. Power users have the resources of a repository that combines bits from Fedora, freshrpms, Dries, ATrpms, Livna, Planet CCRMA, and our own special brews. BLAG 70000 (sugarwater) is a new series with a new base (F7) and many new applications. It is released under the GNU GPL v3." Optimised for the i686 processor architecture, BLAG 70000 uses Linux kernel and GNOME 2.18 as the default desktop. Read the complete release announcement for further details. Download: BLAG-70000.iso (689MB, MD5, torrent).
2007-06-27 |
Development Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 70000 Alpha |
Jeff Moe has announced the first alpha release of BLAG Linux And GNU 70000, a free, desktop oriented distribution based on Fedora 7: "An alpha test image of BLAG 70k is available on the FTP site. This release is meant for people who would like to preview and test the next stable release of BLAG which will be 70000. The current stable release of BLAG is 60001. This 70k series is updated to use Fedora 7 as a base and kernel 2.6.21. It's in pretty good shape already, but has a few things to smooth out." The release announcement doesn't give away any further information, but interested alpha testers can download the CD image from here: BLAG-69999.10001.iso (699MB, MD5).
2007-05-10 |
Distribution Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 60001 |
Jeff Moe has announced the release of BLAG Linux And GNU 60001, an updated version of the Fedora-based distribution for the desktop: "The first update to the BLAG 60k series, BLAG 60001, has been released. This is just a 'roll up' of recent package updates, including an update from the 2.6.18 kernel to 2.6.20. The base package set remains the same. Over 200 updated packages are included. This release is primarily done so people who download the ISO don't have to then download a bunch of package updates. The repository now has over nine thousand packages and the developer's DVD set now takes three DVDs." Find more information in the release announcement and release notes. Download: BLAG-60001.iso (694MB, MD5); also available via BitTorrent.
2007-01-14 |
Distribution Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 60000 |
BLAG Linux And GNU 60000, a single-CD, Fedora-based distribution, has been released: "BLAG 60000 (flout) is a new series with a new base (Fedora Core 6) and many new applications." The new version ships with Linux kernel and includes the latest version of the GNOME desktop environment, 2.16. Among software applications, BLAG 60000 features a large number of multimedia packages, such as Democracy Player, the Kino video editor, Listen audio player and Audacity sound editor. Kiax Internet telephony software and Gaim instant messaging client are also provided. Other popular software, including Firefox, Thunderbird or GIMP are included on the installation CD, while additional 8,500 packages are available from the project's download repositories or two downloadable DVDs. Please read the complete release announcement for more information. Download the CD image from here: BLAG-60000.iso (692MB, MD5), also available via BitTorrent.
2007-01-02 |
Development Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 60000 Beta |
Jeff Moe has announced the first beta release of BLAG Linux And GNU 60000: "BLAG 60000 (puente) beta released. BLAG 60000 is a new series with a new base (FC6) and many new applications. Since September 3rd over 50 alpha versions of BLAG 60000 have been spun. Today, this first day of 2007, we have our first beta." What's new? "Kernel 2.6.18; Democracy Player - a very cool Internet TV program; Inkscape - enabled with Inkboard so you can collaboratively work on drawings via Jabber; video editors - Kino for basic usage or Cinelerra for serious movie production; Gaim - handles Jabber, AOL, MSN, IRC, ICQ, Yahoo, and other Instant Messaging networks...." Read the release announcement for a complete list of new features. Download: BLAG-59999.50000.iso (678MB, SHA1).
2006-08-23 |
Distribution Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 50001 |
Jeff Moe has announced an updated release of BLAG Linux And GNU, version 50001: "BLAG 50001 (smack) has been released. BLAG 50001 is based on Fedora Core 5 and uses packages from Extras, FreshRPMS, Dries, and ATrpms. It includes all Fedora updates as of time of release. New CD packages include GnomeBaker, Graveman, StreamRipper and a few GStreamer plugins. Updates include AbiWord, Audacity, CUPS, Firefox, GIMP, GNOME, GnuPG, hal, Apache, Inkscape, Linux kernel, Liferea, Nautilus, NetworkManager.... Overall, 12 new packages were added, 89 updated." Read the rest of the release announcement for full details and download links. Get the CD image from here: BLAG-50001.iso (693MB, MD5); also available via BitTorrent.
2006-07-10 |
Distribution Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 50000 |
Jeff Moe has announced the final release of BLAG Linux And GNU 50000 - a single-CD, Fedora-based distribution with multimedia support and extra applications: "BLAG 50000 ('grass') has been released. BLAG 50000 is based on Fedora Core 5 and uses packages from Extras, FreshRPMS, Dries, and ATrpms. It includes all Fedora updates as of time of release." The new version is built on top of the Linux kernel 2.6.17, with glibc 2.4, X.Org 7.0, GNOME 2.14.1, Firefox, the latest GNOME Office, and a collection of multimedia applications, codecs and libraries. Please see the release announcement for further details and download links. Get the CD image from here: BLAG-50000.iso (683MB, MD5). The CD image is also available for download via BitTorrent.
2006-03-29 |
Distribution Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 30003 |
An updated version of the current stable BLAG Linux And GNU 30000 series is now available: "BLAG 30003 (bicycle) has been released. BLAG is a single-CD distribution with everything desktop users 'expect' from a desktop, plus a collection of nice server applications. BLAG 30003 is based on Fedora Core 3 plus updates, adds applications from Dag, Freshrpms, NewRPMS, and includes custom packages. BLAG 30003 is the latest update to the BLAG30k series, using updates from the Fedora Legacy project. Updates include a new kernel, Apache, OpenSSH, Firefox, Mozilla, Liferea, Scribus, udev.... Overall, 42 packages were changed on the CD." Read the rest of the release announcement for further information. Download: BLAG-30003.iso (698MB, MD5).
2006-03-18 |
Development Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 50000 Alpha |
The first alpha release of the single-CD, Fedora 5-based BLAG Linux And GNU 50000 now ready for testing: "The latest development version of BLAG has been released. It is based on bits from Fedora Core 5's upcoming release. It has the basic bits users 'expect' on a desktop and is all on one CD. BLAG 49k now includes Cinelerra and LiVES for video editing. Also includes AbiWord, Gnumeric, Firefox, GIMP, Inkscape, Scribus.... This is an ALPHA (test) release, but is running pretty nice already." Read the rest of the informal release announcement for details. Download: BLAG-49993.90011.iso (694MB, MD5).
2006-02-03 |
Distribution Release: BLAG Linux and GNU 30002 |
The Fedora-based BLAG Linux and GNU distribution has been updated to version 30002: "BLAG 30002 (Johannesburg) has been released. BLAG is a single CD distro with everything desktop users 'expect' from a desktop, plus a collection of nice server applications. BLAG 30002 is based on Fedora Core 3 plus updates, adds applications from Dag, Freshrpms, NewRPMS, and includes custom packages. BLAG 30002 is the latest update to the BLAG 30k series, using the last updates from Fedora before moving to the Fedora Legacy project. New CD packages include kiax (VoIP softphone), netcat and xvid4conf." Read the full release announcement for further information. Download from here: BLAG-30002.iso (701MB, MD5); also available via BitTorrent.
2005-08-27 |
Development Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 40000 Alpha |
The first development release of BLAG Linux And GNU 40000 is now ready for download and testing: "BLAG39999.20000 ('dents') has been released. It is an ALPHA (test) release of the forthcoming BLAG40000. BLAG is a single-CD distribution with everything desktop users 'expect' from a desktop, plus a collection of nice server applications. BLAG39999 is based on Fedora Core 4 plus updates, adds application from Dag, Freshrpms, NewRPMS repositories, and includes custom packages. BLAG39999.20000 is the first public release of the BLAG40k series." Here is the full release announcement. Download: BLAG-39999.20000.iso (694MB, MD5); also available via BitTorrent.
2005-08-13 |
Distribution Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 30001 |
BLAG Linux And GNU version 30001 has been released: "BLAG 30001 ('lederhosen') has been released. BLAG is a single-CD distribution with everything desktop users expect from a desktop, plus a collection of nice server applications. BLAG 30001 is the first update to the BLAG 30k series. Updates include a new kernel, Gaim, GIMP, OpenSSL, Perl, PHP, SpamAssassin, Thunderbird, Apache, OpenSSH, BitTorrent, MPlayer Xine, Firefox, Mozilla.... New packages are gtk-gnutella and nicotine. Overall, 139 packages were updated on the CD (16% of the total)." See the release announcement for more details. Download the latest BLAG release from here: BLAG-30001.iso (696MB, MD5); also available via BitTorrent.
2005-08-08 |
Development Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 30001 Beta |
BLAG Linux And GNU version 30001 Beta is available now: "A beta of the next minor release of BLAG30k is ready. If the beta looks good, it will become BLAG30001, perhaps later this week. This beta brings lots of updates to the repository too, which you can grab with synaptic or code: apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade." This is the release announcement. ISO images of CD (the genuine distribution) and DVD (for the developers) are available for download from this FTP server; here is a quick link to the CD image: BLAG-30000.10003.iso (696MB). BLAG is a Fedora based distribution with added applications for improved usability.
2005-04-22 |
Blag Linux 30000: Yet Another Solid Distro Based on Fedora |
BLAG Linux And GNU version 30000 was just released, and now Capnkirby Linux Reviews presents a Blag Linux 30K review : "Clearly the intent of Blag is personal entertainment, the majority of the software installed is directed at music, video and Internet. Including several file swapping programs such as Bittorrent and aMule, streamtuner is included as well. An Ipod syncing app, xmms, and mplayer are all included... It is solid, usable and likable with a great deal to offer. I do recommend trying it." Read the review here.
2005-04-20 |
Distribution Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 30000 |
BLAG Linux And GNU version 30000 has been released: "BLAG Linux and GNU is a 100% Free Software distribution. BLAG is a single-cd distro with everything desktop users "expect" from a desktop, plus a collection of nice server apps. BLAG30000 is based on Fedora Core 3 plus updates, adds apps from Dag, Freshrpms, NewRPMS, and includes custom packages." This is the release announcement. ISO images of CD (the genuine distribution) and DVD (for the developers) are available for download from this FTP server; here is a quick link to the CD image: BLAG-30000.iso (698MB), also available via BitTorrent.
2005-04-16 |
Development Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 30000 Beta 3 |
The third beta release of BLAG Linux And GNU, version 30000, is out: "Well, beta 2 looked fine and ready for final, but Fedora released a number of small things like glibc, a new kernel, php, wireless-tools, etc... So there is a new Beta 3 available. Grab it with BitTorrent if you can." This is the release announcement. Both CD and DVD ISO images are available for download from this FTP server; here is a quick link to the DVD image: BLAG-29999.60002-DVD.iso (3,318MB), also available via BitTorrent. BLAG is a Linux distribution based on Fedora Core, but with added applications for improved usability.
2005-04-07 |
Development Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 30000 Beta 2 |
The second beta release of BLAG Linux And GNU, version 30000, is out: "The second beta of BLAG 30k has been released. Please test and let me know if you see any final issues. There were lots of updates from beta 1, including a new X.Org, apt, initscripts, GIMP, Anaconda, etc. If this release looks final enough, I'll roll it and call it stable." This is the release announcement. Both CD and DVD ISO images are available for download from this FTP server; here is a quick link to the DVD image: BLAG-29999.50000-DVD.iso (3,322MB). BLAG is a Linux distribution based on Fedora Core, but with added applications for improved usability.
2005-03-10 |
Development Release: BLAG Linux And GNU 30000 Beta |
A new beta version of the Fedora-based BLAG Linux And GNU, version 30000, has been released: "I'm quite happy to announce that BLAG 30k is now BETA. It is 'feature complete' and there will be no changes unless there are big clear bugs. Not to knock Fedora folks, but this beta release should be much more stable than Fedora's final release, due to the massive number of package updates. There is some testing remaining to be done. My guess is that the only real changes that will be done from beta to final is whatever errata Fedora releases in the interim and some upgrade tweaks." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. The CD and DVD images can be downloaded from here: BLAG-29999.40000.iso (697MB), BLAG-29999.40001-DVD.iso (3,349MB).
2004-08-03 |
Development Release: BLAG Linux 20000 Alpha |
An alpha version of the Fedora-based BLAG Linux 20000 is released and the apt-getable repository is in place: "For people who want to test the ALPHA release of BLAG based on Fedora Core 2, BLAG19999.00071 is available. FC2 has been issuing a flood of updates. A number of packages from Dag/Freshrpms have been updated as well as blag custom packages. The repository is up for 20000, so you can apt-get... If you were running a previous version you can `apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade` to sync up." The full announcement. Download: BLAG-19999.00071.iso (685MB).
2004-06-11 |
Distribution Release: BLAG Linux 10000 |
A new version of the Fedora-based BLAG Linux is out: "BLAG10000 has been released. BLAG10000 (borrow) is the next major branch of BLAG. It is based on Fedora Core 1. It uses packages from DAG, FreshRPMS, Newrpms, Dries and ATrpms. BLAG is a single CD GNU/Linux distribution based on Fedora Core 1. It includes everything a desktop user would 'expect' on a system and more. It has common server packages and handy utils that admins like." Read the complete release notes for further information and download locations. Download: BLAG-10000.iso (684MB); also available via BitTorrent.
2004-04-09 |
Development Release: BLAG Linux 10000 Beta |
This is a new development release by the BLAG Linux project, now based on Fedora Core: "If you have a spare computer or spare hard drive and have some experience with BLAG/Fedora/Red Hat, come take the development version for a test drive. BLAG10000 and it's development releases are based on Fedora Core 1, public software repositories, and custom packages. When the stable version is released (10000), development versions are unsupported. If you still want to test it, despite the above, please do as many of the following tests as you can..." Read the rest of the announcement for additional information. Download: BLAG-9999.00035.iso (696MB).
2004-03-11 |
Distribution Release: BLAG 9002 |
A new version of BLAG (BLAG Linux And GNU) has been released. From the release notes: "BLAG9002 (trike) is a significant update of BLAG9001. The major changes are lots of Red Hat updates (kernel, XFree86, apache), many BLAG package updates, and piles of new packages. A new desktop, XFce, is now on the CD. It is lightweight, but user friendly and cute. BLAG now includes more wireless kernel drivers so more gear works out-of-the-box. Airsnort & airtraf have been added. Winmodem drivers (hsf, ltmodem, slmodem) added...." Download: BLAG-9002.iso (695MB). BLAG is a Red Hat-based distribution, reduced to 1 CD-ROM and supplemented by 200 additional packages.
2003-12-07 |
Distribution Release: BLAG 9001 |
BLAG is a new Linux distribution on our list. BLAG (BLAG Linux And GNU) is a single CD product based on Red Hat 9 with many useful applications missing from the original Red Hat Linux (e.g. mp3, p2p, apt...). Version 9001 was released over the weekend: "BLAG9001 is an updated release of BLAG9000. The major changes are lots of Red Hat errata fixes (new kernel, new XFree86, new glibc), some BLAG package updates, and a handful of new packages. If you are running 9000, you can get all of these updates via apt-get or synaptic." Read the rest of the announcement. Download: BLAG-9001.iso (687MB) or via BitTorrent. More information on the distribution's web site.