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m0n0wall was a project aimed at creating a complete, embedded firewall software package that, when used together with an embedded PC, provides all the important features of commercial firewall boxes (including ease of use) at a fraction of the price (free software). m0n0wall was based on a bare-bones version of FreeBSD, along with a web server (thttpd), PHP and a few other utilities. The entire system configuration was stored in one single XML text file to keep things transparent. m0n0wall was probably the first UNIX system that has its boot-time configuration done with PHP, rather than the usual shell scripts, and that has the entire system configuration stored in XML format.
Status: Discontinued
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2009-03-28 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Puppy Linux 4.2 |
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Warren Willson has announced the release of Puppy Linux 4.2, a fast, user-friendly desktop distribution in 100 megabytes: "Both the 'Standard' and 'Retro' editions of Puppy Linux 4.2 are now available. Puppy 4.2 is the first official version of Puppy Linux without Barry Kauler making the final choices. Features: many tastes catered for with a choice of window managers, either IceWM or JWM, with extra themes, including Clearlooks GTK+ theme engine; optimized SeaMonkey web browser with MonkeyMenu extension; efficient management with Puppy Control Panel; elegant, graphical GRUB boot loader using gfx-boot; stay informed with Pwidgets running desktop programs; audiophiles will be pleased with AlsaPlayer and Pmusic for audio entertainment using the latest audio codecs for .flac, .ogg and .mp3 files; access to Internet radio using streamtuner...." Read the release announcement and release notes for further details. Download: puppy-4.2-k2.6.25.16-seamonkey.iso (100MB, MD5), puppy-4.2retro-k2.6.21.7-seamonkey.iso (101MB, MD5).
About Puppy Linux
Puppy Linux is yet another Linux distribution. What's different here is that Puppy is extraordinarily small, yet quite full-featured. Puppy boots into a ramdisk and, unlike live CD distributions that have to keep pulling stuff off the CD, it loads into RAM. This means that all applications start in the blink of an eye and respond to user input instantly. Puppy Linux has the ability to boot off a flash card or any USB memory device, CDROM, Zip disk or LS/120/240 Superdisk, floppy disks, internal hard drive. It can even use a multisession formatted CD-RW/DVD-RW to save everything back to the CD/DVD with no hard drive required at all.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2022-12-10 |
Distribution Release: Puppy Linux 22.12 |
The developers of Puppy Linux, a lightweight distribution which can be assembled to be compatible with a variety of parent distributions, have published a Slackware-based version of Puppy Linux. It is compatible with the Slackware Linux 15.0 and Salix software repositories. The release announcement shares key details: "S15Pup is built from a 'Puppy builder' system named Woof-CE, which can build a Puppy Linux distribution from the binary packages of any other distro. Each 'Puppy distro' built by Woof-CE is a distinctive distribution in its own right, with unique features. S15Pup is built from Slackware Linux 15.0 binary TXZ packages, hence has binary compatibility with Slackware and access to the Slackware and Salix repositories. It is available in both 64-bit and 32-bit versions. Features include: traditional Puppy Linux look and feel and features; Linux kernels from the LTS branches of 5 series - 5.15 for 64-bit, 5.10 for 32-bit; AbiWord and Gnumeric word processing and spreadsheet; FFmpeg and supporting programs including Pmusic and MPlayer; Joe's Window Manager 2.4.3 (JWM); LXDE add-on; lightweight web browser in adrv; browser installer for heavyweight browsers such as Chromium, Firefox and Palemoon; Samba, used to share files with Windows, included; Evince PDF viewer." Download (pkglist): S15Pup64-22.12-2B1-T.iso (346MB, MD5), S15Pup32-22.12%2B1-T.iso (331MB, MD5) |
2021-01-04 |
Distribution Release: Puppy Linux 7.0 "Slacko" |
If you are a fan of Puppy Linux, a unique, minimalist Linux distribution designed for the desktop, here is an interesting piece of news for you - the based-on-Slackware "Slacko" variant of Puppy Linux has hit version 7.0. This version continues to be built on top of Slackware Linux 14.2, but it includes all of the upstream bug and security fixes as well: "Another stable release of Slacko64 Puppy Linux is out. Slacko64 Puppy is built from Slackware64 14.2 binary TXZ packages, hence has binary compatibility with Slackware and access to the Slackware and Salix repositories. It is a 64-bit operating system and requires a compatible Intel (IA64) or AMD (amd64) processor. More comprehensive release notes and documentation of known issues are available. Features include: latest bug fixes from upstream Slackware; 64-bit and 32-bit EUFI boot capability; FrugalPup installer to install Puppy to UEFI and BIOS computers, either to hard drive, USB or SD/MMC devices; ability to boot from ISO files from hard drive or USB device using Super Grub2 or you can prepare a GRUB 2 entry manually...." See the release announcement for further details. Download links (pkglist): slacko64-7.0.0.iso (343MB, SHA256), slacko-7.0.iso (323MB, SHA256). |
2020-09-22 |
Distribution Release: Puppy Linux 9.5 |
Philip Broughton has announced the release of Puppy Linux 9.5, a major new update of the project's lightweight distribution with JWM as the default window manager. This is the first Puppy based on the Ubuntu 20.04 "Focal Fossa": "The Puppy Linux team is proud to release Puppy Linux 9.5, also known as 'Fossapup64', version 9.5. This is the fourth official release of an Ubuntu-based 64-bit Puppy. Fossapup64 Puppy, is built from Ubuntu 'Focal Fossa' DEB (64 bit) packages, hence it has binary compatibility with Ubuntu and access to the Ubuntu 'Focal Fossa' repositories. Puppy Linux is small, runs in RAM, is lightning fast, very versatile and good fun. Has everything a novice will need while giving full control to the experienced user. Features include: Linux kernel 5.4.53; modular build means you can swap out the kernel, applications and firmware in seconds; a minimal barebones Puppy available by removing a single file and rebooting; Joe's Window Manager (JWM); Rox-Filer; Hexchat; Palemoon browser...." Please see the release announcement and release notes for further information. Download: fossapup64-9.5.iso (409MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2019-03-25 |
Distribution Release: Puppy Linux 8.0 |
The Puppy Linux project produces a lightweight distribution which includes many graphical utilities in a small download. The project's latest release is Puppy Linux 8.0 "BionicPup". A forum post lists the changes in 8.0: "Built with woofce using Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver packages and various .pet packages. All the usual packages (many updated) - Palemoon, DeadBeef, quickpet, pburn, JWM, change_kernels, Gnumeric, AbiWord, MPV, Samba, jwmdesk, Geany, Simple Ccreen Recorder, mtPaint, dunst, Transmission, pkg, uget, osmo etc. Some new stuff: woodenshoe-wis Rox filer. Rox now has copy and paste! Compton compositor set up as default. Adds subtle shadows to windows and menus. Matching JWM, GTK2 and GTK3 themes. Claws-mail now has a tray icon. Steps findnrun now default in tray. rg66 and geoffreys tweaked retrovol ffconvert, swapped for qwinff. Homebank is back. Sunfish chess, guvcview, redshift-gui, janky_BT bluetooth, gpick instead of gcolor, Take A Shot instead of Screeny." More information can be found through the project's release announcement. Download: bionicpup64-8.0-uefi.iso (354MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2017-12-05 |
Distribution Release: Puppy Linux 7.5 |
Philip Broughton has announced the release of a new version of Puppy Linux. The new version is Puppy Linux 7.5, code name "Xenialpup". The new version of the lightweight distribution is built using packages from Ubuntu's 16.04 "Xenial" release and Puppy maintains binary compatibility with Ubuntu packages. "Puppy Linux is small, runs in RAM, is lightning fast, very versatile and good fun! It has everything a novice will need while allowing full control to the experienced user. It comes in both 32-bit & 64-bit versions that can boot in both BIOS and UEFI enabled computers. The 32-bit version has kernel 4.4.95-noPAE for better compatibility with older hardware while the 64-bit has kernel 4.9.58 for better modern hardware support. True to Puppy Linux tradition both versions come with a full range of communications, productivity and entertainment applications as well as a wide range of the unique puppy-specific utilities and applications. The 330MB ISO includes: JWM window manager and ROX file manager. Palemoon browser and Claws mail client. FTP, torrent and chat applications. MPV media player, Simple Screen Recorder and Deadbeef audio player. Abiword word processor and Gnumeric spread sheet application." Further information can be found in the project's release announcement. Download links for 32-bit and 64-bit builds can be found on the project's home page. Download: xenialpup64-7.5-uefi.iso (330MB, SHA256, pkglist). |
2015-11-17 |
Distribution Release: Puppy Linux 6.3 "Slacko" |
Barry Kauler has announced the release of a new version of the Puppy Linux distribution. Puppy Linux provides users with a lightweight, installable live CD which strives to be easy to use. The new release, Puppy Linux 6.3, is built from Slackware packages and is available in 32-bit and 64-bit builds. "It has been awhile since the last announcement of an official release of Puppy Linux, 6.0.3 'Tahrpup', starting with 6.0 in October 2014. Mick Amadio, the coordinator for Puppy built from Slackware 14.1 binary packages, has brought Puppy to a new release, version 6.3. This is distinct from Puppy 6.0.x, which is built from Ubuntu Trusty Tahr binary packages, coordinated by Phil Broughton. Mick coordinated Puppy 5.7.x which is also built with Slackware packages. For the first time, Puppy is released in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions." Further information on the new Puppy Linux release can be found in the project's release announcement. There are also release notes for the 32-bit and 64-bit builds. Download: slacko64-6.3.0.iso (234MB, MD5). |
2014-10-28 |
Distribution Release: Puppy Linux 6.0 "Tahrpup" |
Barry Kauler has announced the release of Puppy Linux 6.0 "Tahrpup" edition, a minimalist distribution compatible with Ubuntu 14.04 binary packages: "We have another official Puppy Linux release. Since I retired from developing Puppy Linux early in 2014, keen members of the Puppy community forked my Woof Puppy builder, naming it woof-CE. Since then, 01micko has been active with a Puppy built from Slackware packages, named 'Slacko Puppy'. The guys have also been working on another pup, built from Ubuntu 'Trusty Tahr' binary packages, under the leadership of Phil Broughton and this has now reached release status. It is named 'Tahrpup' and is version 6.0. Tahrpup is an official release of Puppy Linux for those who would like the package manager to have compatibility with the large collection of packages in the Ubuntu repository." Here is the complete release announcement with relevant links. Download: tahr-6.0-CE_noPAE.iso (199MB, MD5), tahr-6.0-CE_PAE.iso (199MB, MD5). |
2014-03-12 |
Distribution Release: Puppy Linux 5.7 "Slacko" |
Puppy Linux 5.7 "Slacko" edition, a small and fast distribution built from and compatible with Slackware's binary packages, has been released as the "flagship" Puppy release. From the release announcement: "Slacko Puppy is built from a 'Puppy builder' system named Woof, which can build a Puppy Linux distribution from the binary packages of any other distro. There are many 'puppies' built with Woof, including Precise, Wary, Racy, and Slacko. A new release of Slacko Puppy Linux is out! Slacko Puppy is built from Slackware-14.0 binary TXZ packages, hence has binary compatibility with Slackware and access to the Slackware, Salix and Slacky package repositories. More comprehensive release notes and documentation of known issues are available. Slacko 5.7 is the first Puppy built from the woof-CE build system, forked from Barry Kauler's Woof late last year after he announced his retirement from Puppy development. It is the natural progression of Slacko 5.6 with the added features introduced to woof-CE." More links for readers to follow can be found on Barry Kauler's blog. Download: slacko-5.7-NO-pae.iso (161MB, MD5), slacko-5.7.0-PAE.iso (162MB, MD5). |
2013-08-13 |
Distribution Release: Puppy Linux 5.6 "Slacko" |
Puppy Linux 5.6 "Slacko" edition, a small and fast distribution built from and compatible with Slackware's binary packages, has been released: "This is an improved version of the successful Slacko 5.5. The biggest enhancement in this version is full support of the f2fs filesystem. Slacko 5.6 has many improvements due to the heavy development of the Woof build system and the many bugfixes to the Slacko base packages (independent from Woof). Lots of packages have been updated for the 5.6 series including but not limited to the following: improved SFS Manager, Updates Manager, improved graphics support, updated ffmpeg-2.0 and supporting programs including Pmusic and Mplayer, Abiword-2.9.4 and geany-1.23.1, Sylpheed-3.3.0, Firefox ESR, plus many other updated programs. Slacko 5.6 is available with a choice of kernels, 3.4.52 (with f2fs patch) compiled for processors that do not support PAE, and 3.10.5 for processors that do." Read the whole release announcement and find more on the homepage of Slacko Puppy. Download: slacko-5.6-4G-NON-PAE.iso (164MB, MD5), slacko-5.6-PAE.iso (165MB, MD5). |