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Linux LiveCD Router
Linux LiveCD Router was a Linux distribution designed to share a broadband connection over WiFi. It can be used with DSL, cable modem, T1, ISDN, and dial-up connections. It can also be used it as a firewall, or as an access point for most WiFi cards. Linux LiveCD Router does not require any installation, but requires a dedicated computer to boot and run the CD.
Status: Discontinued
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2010-08-09 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Peppermint OS One-08042010 |
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Kendall Weaver has announced a new release of Peppermint OS One, an Ubuntu-based distribution with LXDE and integrated web-based applications: "We are proud to announce the release of Peppermint-One-08042010, being the third respin of our 'One' release. This release offers a fully updated system as of August 4, 2010 and comes with a number of bug fixes, some new features, and some other miscellaneous goodies. The default Firefox is now version 4.0 Beta 2. Due to the recent issues with the 3.6.x series and the frequency of updates and instability we figured this would be a good move. It's faster and generally more stable though a few extensions are likely to not work just yet...." Check the complete release announcement for further details. Download (MD5): Peppermint-One-08042010.iso (450MB).
About Peppermint
Peppermint OS is a Debian- and Devuan-based (previously a Lubuntu-based) Linux distribution that aims to be fast and easy on system resources. By employing its Site Specific Browser, Peppermint integrates seamlessly with cloud and web-based applications. The distribution's other features include straight forward updates and easy step-by-step installation using the Calamares installer. The distribution once employed a hybrid LXDE/Xfce desktop environment, mixing LXDE's lxsession with Xfce's panel and application menu. Starting in 2022, Peppermint OS shifted to using the Xfce desktop, dropping the LXDE components.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2023-07-01 |
Distribution Release: Peppermint OS 2023-07-01 |
The Peppermint team have published a new version of the project's Debian-based distribution featuring the Xfce desktop. The new release is based on Debian 12 "Bookworm". "Branding updated; new Plymouth design; adjusted the Welcome screen... removed features or added features based on feedback; Peppermint Docs updated; Peppermint Hub adjusted features added or removed based on feedback; suggested feature has been simplified based on feedback; Kumo has been updated to use lua, and the GUI was simplified; Neofetch configured to use the basic output (no logo); the OS base is now Debian Bookworm stable; Calamares installer removed installing packages during install feedback suggested that if too much was selected the install process would take too long or fail, that's why we removed that module; added a few Marawaita themes and Tela Icons." The release announcement and release notes offer additional information. Download: PeppermintOS-Debian-64.iso (1,499MB, SHA512, pkglist). |
2022-02-03 |
Distribution Release: Peppermint OS 2022-02-02 |
Joseph Dickson has announced the availability of a brand-new Peppermint OS release, the first one in over two years. The user-friendly distribution is now based on Debian 11 and uses the Xfce desktop; it is available for 64-bit architectures only. The new release comes without a version number, but the download folder includes a BuildDate.txt file, so we'll use the "build date" as the version number. From the release notes: "Team Peppermint is happy to announce our latest release. New features: our new Welcome to Peppermint application allows you to quickly customize Peppermint by installing software we think you'll like - we allow you to choose your default packages and web browser; the new Peppermint Hub combines Peppermint Settings and Control Center for managing your system; hblock is a terminal based ad-blocker, it can be enabled or disabled at anytime. Additional changes: LXDE components have been removed in favor of Xfce 4.16; Calamares replaces Ubiquity for system installation; a minimum set of desktop wallpapers is included during installation; a streamlined set of icons and Xfce themes are included; Nemo replaces Thunar as the default file manager...." Download: PeppermintOS-amd64.iso (1,471MB, SHA256, pkglist). |
2019-12-18 |
Distribution Release: Peppermint OS 10-20191210 |
Peppermint OS is a lightweight, desktop distribution based on packages from Ubuntu which merges components of the Xfce and LXDE desktop environments. Peppermint OS also tries to integrate web-based applications into the desktop, using site-specific browsers, and local programs. The project's latest release is an update to its existing version 10, offering new packages and updated hardware support. "Team Peppermint are pleased to announce Peppermint 10 Respin (20191210), the latest iteration of our operating system. Based on the 18.04 LTS (long-term support) code base, Peppermint 10 Respin still comes in both 64bit and 32bit flavours so older hardware is still supported. We hope you enjoy using it half as much as we did putting it together. Peppermint 10 Respin main changes: all 18.04 base updates to 10 December 2019, including the 5.0 kernel and HWE X.Org stack, Firefox 71; added a cursor resize utility to the settings panel; added a web browser manager GUI utility to aid with the installation and removal of some of the more common web browsers; reverted to an earlier Xenial version of pulseadio-equalizer; added a Peppermint 6 (LXDE) style xfpanel-switch profile which swaps out the Whisker menu for an old-school hierarchical menu." Additional details can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (SHA256): Peppermint-10-20191210-amd64.iso (1,490MB, signature, torrent, pkglist). |
2019-05-18 |
Distribution Release: Peppermint OS 10 |
Peppermint OS is a lightweight, desktop distribution based on packages from Ubuntu which merges components of the Xfce and LXDE desktop environments. Peppermint OS also tries to integrate web-based applications into the desktop, using site-specific browsers, and local programs. The project's latest version, Peppermint OS 10, is built from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS packages and features improved hardware support. It also includes an updated copy of Ice for managing web-app short-cuts. "Peppermint 10 main changes: Linux kernel 4.18 which is now on the rolling HWE-18.04 track so will eventually roll onto the 5.xx kernel automatically as the HWE is updated upstream. Updated X.Org stack, again via the rolling HWE-18.04 track. Proprietary NVIDIA graphics drivers now installed automatically if 'Install third party drivers/software' is selected as part of the installation routine, this includes automatic configuration of NVIDIA Optimus setups up to the NVIDIA 390 drivers. If you intend to install the later drivers from the 'Proprietary GPU Drivers' PPA, it would probably be best not to select this option during install and add them manually post-install. Ice now has support for isolated profiles for Chromium, Chrome and Vivaldi SSBs (Firefox SSBs are always isolated)." Additional information can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (SHA256): Peppermint-10-20190514-amd64.iso (1,493MB, signature, torrent, pkglist). |
2018-12-21 |
Distribution Release: Peppermint OS 9-20181222 |
Mark Greaves has announed the release of an version of Peppermint OS 9. Peppermint OS is a lightweight distribution based on Ubuntu and featuring a combination of local and web-based applications. The new version is based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and offers a number of improvements: "Swapped VLC for Xplayer (we've had reports that VLC has been getting a little 'flaky' for some users over their last few releases). Removed the Linux Mint 'Levels' from mintupdate (in line with our update policy, not Linux Mints). Fixed the ICE applications 'Where in the menu ?' category names, so they now match the Xfce Whisker Menu categories (i.e. 'Sound & Video' renamed to 'Multimedia', and 'System Tools' renamed to 'System'). Added 'Accessibility Settings' utility to the Peppermint Settings Panel 'System' Category. Added 'Enable/Disable Neofetch' utility to the Peppermint Settings Panel 'Tweaks' Category. Added 'System Information' utility to the Peppermint Settings Panel 'System' Category. Added a 'Transparent' wallpaper (so users can now set solid colour backgrounds via the 'Wallpapers' utility)." Further details can be found in the project's release announcement. Download links and checksums are available on the distribution's home page. Download: Peppermint-9-20181222-amd64.iso (1,356MB, signature, torrent, pkglist). |
2018-06-22 |
Distribution Release: Peppermint OS 9 |
Peppermint OS is a lightweight, Ubuntu-based distribution that features a desktop environment made up of Xfce and LXDE components. The project's latest release, version 9, is based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and features several small changes. "We have replaced lxrandr with xfce4-display-setttings for monitor settings as we continue to look for better options that add functionality without adding weight, and to continue the migration away from the few remaining LXDE components. By user request the Menulibre menu editor is now installed by default, and no longer breaks the menus as it did in previous Peppermint versions. Continuing the theme of improved menu and launcher management, there is now a right-click 'Create new launcher here' desktop context menu item. The Nemo file manager now has a right-click 'Send by email' context menu item. (requires an email client such as Thunderbird to be installed). The Panel Reset function in the Peppermint Settings Panel no longer needs to log you out of your session to reset the panel. The Xfce Panel Switch utility is now installed by default, so you can now backup/restore any custom panel configurations and switch between them. It includes a Peppermint-9 default profile and a few others to play with." A complete list of changes can be found in the release announcement. Downloads can be found on the project's home page. Download: Peppermint-9-20180621-amd64.iso (1,311MB, signature, torrent, pkglist). |
2018-02-05 |
Distribution Release: Peppermint OS 8-20180203 |
Peppermint OS is a lightweight distribution based on Lubuntu. The Peppermint team has released a new minor update to the project's version 8 release. The new installation media features bug fixes and an updated version of the Linux kernel. "This is a security refresh of the Peppermint 8 ISO images to include all updates to date (as of 3rd Feb 2018), including the Meltdown and Spectre mitigations such as the new HWE kernel 4.13.0-32 and the latest Chromium web browser version 64. The new ISO also contains bug fixes for flash content in ICE SSB's, and Chromium not remembering user selected xdg-open preferences for magnet and mailto links. There is no need for Peppermint 8 or Peppermint 8 (first) Respin users to reinstall this version, the mitigations and bug fixes have already been pushed as automatic updates to the earlier Peppermint 8 versions. Peppermint 8 Respin-2 is still available in 32-bit and 64-bit editions, with the 64-bit edition having full UEFI and Secureboot support." A list of changes and fixes can be found in the project's release announcement and in the release notes. Download (SHA256): Peppermint-8-20180203-amd64.iso (1,272MB, signature, torrent, pkglist). |
2017-12-08 |
Distribution Release: Peppermint OS 8-20171130 |
Mark Greaves has announced the release of an updated build of Peppermint OS 8, a lightweight distribution based on Lubuntu (the long-term support branch) and featuring the LXDE desktop: "Team Peppermint is pleased to announce the latest iteration of our operating system, Peppermint 8 Respin, which still comes in 32-bit and 64-bit variants, with the 64-bit variant having full UEFI and Secureboot support. Whilst a respin is generally a minor release intended as an ISO image update, the Peppermint 8 Respin does contain some significant changes: Nemo 2.8.7 updated to 3.4.7 which seems more stable during large file operations and now has a separate process for controlling the desktop; OpenVPN updated in the repository to version 2.4.4 to support mixed mode IPv4/IPv6 VPNs; switched to slick-greeter, a much prettier login screen and a GUI utility in the menu called 'Login Window' for login screen settings, including the ability to add, change, remove an auto-login user; added a desktop right-click 'Open Peppermint Settings Panel' context menu item...." Read the rest of the release announcement for a complete list of changes. Download (SHA256) links: Peppermint-8-20171130-amd64.iso (1,266MB, signature, torrent, pkglist), Peppermint-8-20171130-i386.iso (1,189MB, signature, torrent). |
2017-05-28 |
Distribution Release: Peppermint OS 8 |
Mark Greaves has announced the release of a new version of Peppermint OS, a lightweight distribution based on Lubuntu. The new version, Peppermint OS 8, includes both UEFI and Secure Boot support on 64-bit computers. The project's site Specific Browser feature supports a range of web browsers, including Chromium, Chrome, Firefox and Vivaldi. "Peppermint 8 (Peppermint-8-20170527) highlights: Still based on the 16.04 code base, but now with the 4.8 kernel series and upgraded graphics stack via the HWE offering rolling kernel and graphics stack upgrades as they become available upstream. Mesa 17.0.2 for an improved gaming experience. The Peppermint 8 ISO images now have an 'OEM Install' option, allowing computers to be shipped with Peppermint pre-installed (and with additional software pre-installed) where the user will be prompted for their own language, location, keyboard layout, and account details on first boot, allowing the system configuration to be unique to the new owner. Talking of keyboard layouts, in response to user requests Peppermint 8 now has much improved keyboard layout handling, including the ability to easily configure then swap between multiple layouts from the system tray." Additional features and changes can be found in the release notes. Download (SHA256): Peppermint-8-20170527-amd64.iso (1,227MB, signature, torrent, pkglist). |