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Clear Linux
Clear Linux is a minimal distribution primarily designed with performance and cloud use-cases in mind. The operating system upgrades as a whole rather than using individual packages. Extra software can be added to the system (along with associated dependencies) using pre-compiled bundles which can be accessed through the distribution's swupd software manager.
Status: Active
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2012-02-10 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Thinstation 5.0 |
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Mike Eriksen has announced the release of Thinstation 5.0, a small and open-source thin client operating system based on CRUX: "After about a year of development Thinstation 5.0, the successor to Thinstation 2.2.2, has been released. Thinstation 5.0 is based on the CRUX 2.7 code, but the user front-end is very much the same as previously, i.e. it still uses build.conf and thinstation.conf. There are of course some new things to learn (2.2.x is more than five years old) but the soul and spirit is all the same. However, there are new requirements: a simple build requires 64 MB of RAM and an i686 class processor is required. This is 16-year old technology, any CPU post 2003 works and almost any post 1996 does. For package developers Thinstation 5.0 is great news. It is so easy now to add own packages or modify existing ones thanks to the standardized CRUX code base. Read the release announcement and visit the project's website to learn more. Download: TS-5.0-Installer-0210.iso (218MB).
About Thinstation
Thinstation is a modern thin client that does work on its own for basic operations like web browsing, managing removable media and printers, but rely on servers for major applications as well as administration of the clients. The clients may be diskless or boot from local media. Thinstation works as a client using X, ICA, RDP, SSH, NX, telnet, tn5250 and other protocols and works on standard PC hardware.
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2005-06-28 |
Distribution Release: Thinstation 2.1.1 |
Thinstation is a new distribution on our list - a modern thin client that does work on its own for basic operations like web browsing, managing removable media and printers, but rely on servers for major applications as well as administration of the clients. A new version was released over the weekend: "The Thinstation project is proud to announce that version 2.1 is released and is ready to download from the download page. Expect the TS-O-Matic servers to hold it within a few days too. Among the goodies: IceWM window manager, xtdesk desktop icons, PCMCIA support, wireless network, Mozilla Firefox 1.0, integration with ICA 9 client, NX client, rdesktop 1.4.1 with native disk, sound, port redirection and a lot of bugs fixed. (EDIT: A missing file has bumped the version to 2.1.1.)" Read the release announcement on the project's home page. Download: Thinstation-2.1.1.tar.gz (37.4MB).