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DoudouLinux was a Debian-based distribution targeting young children. Its goals are to make computer use as simple and pleasant as possible while also making information technology more accessible to all children on earth, without discrimination. DoudouLinux uses a heavily customised LXDE desktop with a simple navigation system that offers links to about fifty applications for education, fun, work and multimedia tasks.
Status: Discontinued
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2012-07-31 |
NEW • Development Release: Pentoo 2012.0 Beta |
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Michael Zanetta has announced the availability of the initial beta build of Pentoo 2012.0, a Gentoo-based live DVD featuring a collection of applications and tools designed to perform penetration testing: "The Pentoo team is pleased to announce public beta of Pentoo 2012. Yesterday at Defcon I was able to finally complete building of our brand new beta. I now present to you, the best pen-testing distro I was able to whip out in three days of heavy drinking and partying while walking around with my laptop all of Defcon constantly looking for a source of power to keep compile going. This ISO image has had nearly no QA at all, but I can promise it will rock your socks. I'm not going to say much here, except please try it. (Still 64-bit only for now, sorry.)" Visit the project's home page and its Blogspot page to read the two brief release announcements. Download: pentoo-x86_64-2012.0_betazero.iso (1,458MB, SHA512).
About Pentoo
Pentoo is a Gentoo-based Linux live CD with a selection of applications and tools designed to perform penetration testing.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2016-08-02 |
Development Release: Pentoo 2015.0 RC5 |
As has become a tradition, every new DEF CON (the world's largest annual hacker convention) means a new release of Pentoo, a Gentoo-based live DVD featuring an extensive set of security utilities designed for penetration testing and forensic analysis. This year is no exception: "Another DEF CON, another Pentoo release, this time with a surprise. You know how every security live CD has run as root by default? Well, here at Pentoo we have switched to logging in as a user by default. So now when you boot up, you will find yourself logged in as 'pentoo' (with sudo access, of course). Even the menu has been completely designed to run sudo automatically for anything in /sbin or /usr/sbin so you don't get permission errors using the menu for hacking tools. With a host of new and updated packages we hope you love this Pentoo release more than any previous release. We take security seriously, not just in keeping our packages up to date, but with system and kernel hardening, and now our latest update to run as a user by default." Here is the brief release announcement. Download: pentoo-amd64-default-2015.0_RC5.iso (3,434MB, SHA512, signature, torrent, pkglist), pentoo-amd64-hardened-2015.0_RC4.6.iso (3,446MB, SHA512, signature, torrent). |
2015-12-02 |
Development Release: Pentoo 2015.0 RC4.6 |
Richard Farina has announced the availability of a new development update of Pentoo 2015.0, a Gentoo-based live DVD (with Xfce 4.12 and Linux kernel 4.0.8) featuring an extensive set of tools designed for penetration testing and forensic analysis: "The DEF CON 23 release was RC 3.8, and today we are announcing RC 4.6. That is 7 (publicly uploaded) builds that got tested, and we found bugs worth fixing. What you can download today, is hopefully the most impressive ISO image to date. I won't harp on how it's awesome, or why it's awesome, other than to say we tested things, made some usability improvements, and things just plain work. Isn't that what you have always wanted out of your live CD? I'll keep this announcement brief, but baring a major bug this will be your ISO for a little while. There are plans brewing for a fairly major improvement in the next release that it's totally hush hush (unless you hang out in IRC where I talk about it all the time). I will give a hint, it is something I have wanted to do for a long time, and now I finally get to." Here is the brief release announcement. Download: pentoo-amd64-default-2015.0_RC4.6.iso (3,892MB, SHA512, torrent), pentoo-amd64-hardened-2015.0_RC4.6.iso (3,918MB, SHA512, torrent). |
2015-01-05 |
Development Release: Pentoo 2015.0 RC3.7 |
Richard Farina has announced the availability of the "3.7th" release candidate for Pentoo 2015.0, a Gentoo-based live DVD with a collection of utilities designed for penetration testing and forensic analysis: "This RC is the follow-up to the fixes and improvements in RC3.6, plus some other exciting stuff. First of all, the boot menu has a new 'verify' option which will confirm that the ISO image files have not been corrupted by UNetbootin or a bad thumb drive. I know checking md5sums yourself is annoying, plus it's impossible to verify after you install to a thumb drive, so now you can do it quickly on boot, automatically! The side effect to this is that we find that things like UNetbootin sometimes make unexpected changes, and you may need to use the second (no verify) boot option to actually run Pentoo." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download (SHA512): pentoo-amd64-default-2015.0_RC3.7.iso (3,287MB, torrent, pkglist), pentoo-amd64-hardened-2015.0_RC3.7.iso (3,313MB, torrent). |
2013-03-09 |
Development Release: Pentoo 2013.0 RC1.1 |
Richard Farina has announced the availability of the first release candidate for Pentoo 2013.0, a Gentoo-based live DVD with a collection of penetration testing and forensic analysis tools: "Pentoo 2013.0 RC1. Jam-packed with 3.7.5 Linux kernel (PAX-hardened for 64-bit users) and built with a fully hardened toolchain (did someone say Wireshark exploit?). Time may have been passing, but we here at Pentoo have been anything but idle (you can check the SVN history). As usual, we have the latest tools and toys for all the good little pen testers. I simply couldn't list them all if I tried, so I'm not going to try. Everything has its usual amount of spit and polish on it, except the layers seem to be building up. This release comes with a shiny new installer with 200% more works! Automatic and manual modes for normal partitioning and booting now work properly, and the installer is very fast (you know, as fast as we can copy all that data to your hard drive)." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download: pentoo-x86_64-2013.0_RC1.1.iso (1,942MB, SHA512). |
2012-11-10 |
Development Release: Pentoo 2012.0 Beta 3 |
Michael Zanetta has announced the availability of the third beta release of Pentoo 2012.0, a specialist Gentoo-based live DVD containing a collection of penetration testing tools: "Today we are releasing the 64-bit edition of beta 3. The Pentoo Linux team really isn't accustomed to failure, but every single 32-bit build I've done has resulted in complete failure. Issues have ranged from horrifying and unexplained build failures, to building perfectly but being completely unbootable. That said, for those of you that don't have computers from 2003 will LOVE the updates in beta 3. The installer has been reworked so that it, ahem, works. Additionally a number of tweaks to improve updating and system customization have been made. We have shiny new WiFi drivers, shiny new video card drivers, and all your favorite password crackers updated and ready to rock out." Here is the full release announcement. Download: pentoo-x86_64-2012.0_beta3.iso (1,614MB, SHA512). |
2012-09-07 |
Development Release: Pentoo 2012.0 Beta 2 |
Michael Zanetta has announced the availability of the second beta release of Pentoo 2012.0, a Gentoo-based distribution with a collection of utilities for penetration testing: "It's my favorite time of year again, the really short lul between Defcon and Derbycon. I've used my free time to polish up all the bug reports from our Defcon beta release and kick out a shiny new release. Many surprises await you, but I'm not building up a bug-fix beta more than I already have. New things: default hardened setup, torrent download. Live to hack, hack to live. If my dedication isn't obvious, today is my anniversary but here I am uploading betas, etc. You will not find a team of volunteers more dedicated than ours, so test the release and submit bugs so we can make it even better for you." Here is the brief release announcement with a link to the project's bug reporting page. Interested beta testers can download the live DVD image via BitTorrent: pentoo-x86_64-2012.0_beta2.iso (1,484MB).
2009-12-05 |
Distribution Release: Pentoo 2009.0 |
Michael Zanetta has announced the release of Pentoo 2009.0, a Gentoo-based live CD featuring a selection of applications and tools designed to perform penetration testing: "Pentoo 2009.0 final is there. Nights after nights, we polished this version, and it looks really nice. The most notable changes: new Linux kernel with Aufs and Squashfs-LZMA; new WiFi stack 2.6.32-rc7 with injection and fragmentation patches; QEMU with virt-manager so you can play some virtual machines in there; lots of tools updates (MSF, exploit-db, Kismet, SQLmap, Firefox and add-ons); some tools additions (Airpwn, Wapiti, PPPd) and some graphics fixes (NVIDIA, Intel); enhanced cracking software (NTLM/MD4/MD5 CUDA brute force cracker; WPA PSK rainbow tables generation accelerated through CUDA, STREAM or PADLOCK; John The Ripper with MPI support)." Visit the project's home page to read the complete release announcement. Download: pentoo-i686-2009.0.iso (666MB, MD5, pentoo-x86_64-2009.0.iso (698MB, MD5).
2009-08-18 |
Development Release: Pentoo 2009.0 Beta |
After three years without a release, Michael Zanetta has announced the availability of Pentoo 2009.0 Beta, a Gentoo-based Linux live CD with a selection of applications and tools designed to perform penetration testing: "I know we've been so long to throw this out, but we finally managed to get something working and here it is, twice, as we're releasing both a 32-bit and 64-bit edition. It features the following: changes saving; enhanced cracking software - NTLM/MD4/MD5 CUDA brute forcer, WPA PSK rainbow tables generation accelerated through CUDA, STREAM or PADLOCK, John The Ripper with MPI support; Linux kernel 2.6.29 and WiFi 2.6.31_rc4 with all the patches from Zero; tons of new tools; Enlightenment DR17 built from SVN." The release announcement can be found on the project's home page, while a brief changelog is available on the download page. Get the live CD images from here: pentoo-i686-2009.0_beta.iso (658MB, MD5), pentoo-x86_64-2009.0_beta.iso (700MB, MD5).