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SymphonyOS was a Ubuntu-based desktop Linux distribution featuring a custom-built desktop environment called "Mezzo". Written in Perl and Gtk2::Webkit, Mezzo uses the lightweight but highly configurable FVWM window manager to create an unusual and eye-catching desktop user interface with focus on simplicity and usability.
Status: Discontinued
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2013-03-15 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Slax 7.0.6 |
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Tomáš Matějíček has announced the release of Slax 7.0.6, an updated version of the Slackware-based live CD with a minimalist KDE desktop: "I'd like to announce an update of Slax live Linux, version 7.0.6. The main changes are the new Linux kernel 3.8.2 and updated KDE 4.10.1. It was a bit harder than I expected, mostly due to some really odd changes made by KDE developers, which I had to work around to get the same functionality as we are used to. Raw changelog: fixed missing notification when module is activated or deactivated; upgraded all packages to reflect changes in Slackware 'Current'; Updated Firefox to 19.0.2; show date on taskbar under current time; the device notifier in KDE is now hidden since it was showing on mad positions. The Slax size has increased by about 3 MB due to new stuff provided by KDE." Read the full release announcement for more information. Download: slax-English-US-7.0.6-x86_64.iso (226MB, MD5). Update: a bug-fix version 7.0.7 is now available. And 7.0.8. |
About Slax
Slax is a minimalist desktop live CD based on Slackware Linux. It boots into a simple desktop using the Fluxbox window manager which offers a small collection of applications, including the Chromium web browser, a text editor and a calculator. Prior to version 9.x, Slax was a Slackware-based live CD featuring the KDE desktop and a wide collection of pre-installed software for daily use together with useful recovery tools for system administrators. After releasing version 11.x with a Debian base, the project returned to a Slackware base for version 15.0.0.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2023-10-05 |
Distribution Releases: Slax 15.0.3, 12.1.0 |
Tomáš Matějíček has released two updated builds of Slax, the project's minimalist, Slackware- and Debian-based live distributions: "I am thrilled to introduce the newest version of Slax, your only pocket operating system. This update is available for both of its bases: one that's built on Debian (version 12.1) and the other one on Slackware (version 15.0.2-current). One of the most notable enhancements of this release is the improved session handling, especially when running Slax from writable devices, like USB drives or hard disks. In the past, Slax didn't offer an easy method to manage multiple sessions. All modifications were simply stored in the /slax/changes directory, providing just one session in general. However, with this update, you can now maintain multiple sessions. Each session is neatly saved in its own subdirectory within /slax/changes/. At boot time, you are presented with options: you can either start a new session, resume a previous one, or select a session of your choice from a menu." The release announcement offers a full list of new features and enhancements. Download links for Slax 15.0.2 (MD5, pkglist): slax-64bit-slackware-15.0.3.iso (372MB), slax-32bit-slackware-15.0.3.iso (365MB). And the download links for Slax 12.1.0: (MD5, pkglist): slax-64bit-debian-12.1.0.iso (415MB), slax-32bit-debian-12.1.0.iso (416MB). |
2023-02-02 |
Distribution Releases: Slax 15.0.1, 11.6.0 |
Tomáš Matějíček has announced the availability of Slax 15.0.1 (based on Slackware's "Current" branch) and 11.6.0 (based on Debian 11.6.0). Both new releases of the project's minimalist live distribution bring updated software as well as improved persistence: "I am excited to announce the release of Slax's latest versions - Slax version 15.0.1, based on Slackware 'Current' and Slax version 11.6.0, based on Debian 11.6. Both versions are available for both 32-bit and 64-bit processor architectures. One of the biggest improvements in Slax 15.0.1 and 11.6.0 are updated packages. Another key feature of the new Slax versions is the use of the newest DynFileFS which implements how 'persistent changes' are stored on writable media. This means that when you run Slax from an USB device, all the changes you make to the system will be stored in a special file (actually, a set of four files) on the USB disk, making it possible to use Slax on the go. In the past, this feature was limited to a total size of 4GB, but with the newest DynFileFS, you can store up to 16GB of data." Read the full release announcement for further details. Here are the download links for Slax 15.0.1 (MD5, pkglist): slax-64bit-15.0.1.iso (244MB), slax-32bit-15.0.1.iso (237MB). Finally, the download links for Slax 11.6.0: (MD5, pkglist): slax-64bit-11.6.0.iso (278MB), slax-32bit-11.6.0.iso (273MB). |
2022-02-22 |
Distribution Release: Slax 11.2.0 |
Tomáš Matějíček has released a new version of Slax, a distribution that started back in 2003 as a minimalist live CD based on Slackware Linux, but evolved into a minimalist live CD based on Debian. The new version continues to use the Fluxbox window manager and is available for both 64-bit and 32-bit systems. The ConnMann application is now the preferred network connection manager. "More than two years since the previous update, I am happy to announce the immediate availability of final Slax version 11.2.0. This release features EFI support for USB booting and a complete update of all packages to the versions available in Debian 'Bullseye'. Furthermore, it provides full Aufs support, so you can continue working with additional modules as in previous Slax versions, add and/or remove modules on the fly. The core of Slax remains the same as always. Network connection can now managed using ConnMan. Most importantly, Chrome is no longer a part of Slax, but you can still install it with a single click or two, as well as the VLC video player." Read the release announcement and the changelog for more information. Download links (MD5, pkglist): slax-64bit-11.2.0.iso (280MB), slax-32bit-11.2.0.iso (276MB). |
2022-02-09 |
Development Release: Slax 11.2.0 RC1 |
Tomáš Matějíček has announced the availability of the first release candidate for a new major release of Slax, a minimalist desktop Linux distribution based on Debian's stable branch. This is the project's first build derived from Debian 11: "I made my first attempt to build Slax based on Debian 'Bullseye' (version 11.2). Some of the applications are no longer available, such as Leafpad or wicd, and I replaced PCManFM with Tux Commander. Feel free to suggest a small simple GUI app (GTK-based) for network configuration. This version does not include the Chromium browser due to its size, but if you click on the icon, it will install automatically before first use. Debian also no longer supports aufs, so it has been replaced by overlayfs in Slax. This is an internal change which affects the use of 'slax activate' command (it will no longer work). I am investigating possibilities to make it work again but as far as I can see, there is no way to modify the existing overlay filesystem on the fly as it was possible with aufs which means that it is no longer possible to add new modules on the fly while running Slax." See the release announcement for further details. Download link: slax-32bit-11.2.0-rc1.iso (279MB, pkglist). |
2018-11-15 |
Distribution Release: Slax 9.6.0 |
Tomáš Matějíček has announced the availability of a new release of Slax, a distribution formerly based on Slackware Linux, but recently re-designed and built on top of Debian's stable branch. The new version, Slax 9.6.0, is the latest build; it brings the usual round of security and bug-fix updates, including a fix to the PXE boot support: "Slax 9.0 released. I am happy to announce that a new version of Slax Linux is available for download. It features updates for all included packages, and fixes PXE boot support, so it is now possible to boot Slax over network again. There is also a 'pxe' script included, which you can execute on a running Slax to start a pxe server (it will auto-assign a random IP address from range 10.0.0.x). In order to download Slax, visit the newly redesigned website at Enjoy the new release!" Here is the brief release announcement as published on the project's newly re-designed website. Download links for the 32-bit and 64-bit builds can be found on the home page (MD5, pkglist): slax-64bit-9.6.0.iso (263MB), slax-32bit-9.6.0.iso (269MB). Separate iPXE images are also available - these can be used to enable computers without built-in PXE support to boot from the network. |
2018-07-23 |
Distribution Release: Slax 9.5.0 |
Tomáš Matějíček has announced the release of Slax 9.5.0, the latest build of the project's minimalist and modular desktop Linux distribution based on Debian's "stable" branch: "Slax 9.5.0 released. I am happy to announce that a new version of Slax Linux has been released. Slax is a minimalistic, fully modular operating system. As usual, this version incorporates all upstream improvements from Debian stable, and fixes a few small known bugs. I am happy to announce that it is now possible to purchase Slax pre-installed on an USB flash drive with hardware-based AES encryption. This device is universally usable because encryption is performed directly on the drive and no trace of the PIN is left anywhere. Once disconnected, the USB drive automatically locks itself again. Payment is possible only with Bitcoin. You can download Slax from the project's home page. Enjoy!" Here is the brief release announcement with a screenshot and a photo of the above-mentioned USB drive. Download the Slax 9.5.0 live CD image from here: slax-64bit-9.5.0.iso (262MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2018-03-26 |
Distribution Release: Slax 9.4.0 |
Slax is a live Linux distribution based on Debian. The Slax project has published a new version, Slax 9.4.0, which contains mostly package updates and bug fixes imported from Debian: "Slax 9.4 final released. After a short testing period with no problems reported, I feel it is now the right time to release a new version of Slax - a minimalistic, fully modular operating system. This version incorporates all upstream improvements from Debian 'stable', adds several default applications and fixes several known bugs. File manager now understands file types, so it is easier for users to open files like images, PDF documents, and so on. On top of all that, Slax now includes one-click-to-install launchers, to offer additional software to users while keeping Slax size small. If the current approach proves useful, Slax could contain lots of icons for additional programs, which will be simply installed (automatically) when launched for the first time." A list of changes between Slax's 9.3.0 release and 9.4.0 can be found in the distribution's changelog. Slax's ISOs and checksum can be found on the project's home page. Download the live CD image from here: slax-64bit-9.4.0.iso (260MB, torrent, pkglist). |
2017-12-24 |
Distribution Release: Slax 9.3.0 |
Slax is a Debian-based distribution designed to be run from a USB flash drive. The project has released a new version of the live desktop distribution carrying the version number 9.3.0. The new version's major change is the introduction of additional firmware for wireless networking devices. "Lets recap all the changes since previous stable version: First of all, I've added lots of firmware drivers to support various WIFI devices. It is around 40MB compressed, so Slax is a bit bigger now due to this, but I fully understand that a computer without network connection is completely useless, so this had to happen. I spent some time testing Slax to boot from many different file systems and I was able to identify some problems, which are now fixed. Most importantly this includes NTFS and ext4 support, so Slax is now capable of booting from them as well." Further details can be found in the project's release announcement for Slax 9.3.0. ISO images can be downloaded from the distribution's home page. Download: slax-64bit-9.3.0.iso (256MB, pkglist). |
2017-11-16 |
Distribution Release: Slax 9.2.1 |
Following a long absence, the Slax project has returned and the new version, Slax 9.2.1, features several significant changes. Slax no longer uses Slackware as its base, the project is now built using Debian packages. With this migration to Debian, Slax will also adopt the APT package management tools and the systemd init software. "After several years of inactivity Slax project has been brought to life again. For those who did not hear about it yet, Slax is a little distribution of GNU/Linux (in 200MB), which runs on your computer without installing, and makes no changes to it (unless you tell it to do so). This time, Slax uses Debian stretch as its base, and thus it can offer all the wonders of the mighty 'apt' command. If you are missing any software in Slax, use 'apt install SOFTWARENAME' to get it in an instant. I've decided to go for Debian because it made my life much easier and I believe that it will make yours too. Graphical desktop uses Fluxbox window manager and xLunch, which was written especially for Slax and with Slax needs in mind. Furthermore the development of xLunch continues independently." Further information can be found in the project's release announcement. Download links and MD5 checksums can be found on the project's home page. Download: slax-64bit-9.2.1.iso (208MB, pkglist). |