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Legacy OS
Legacy OS (formerly TEENpup Linux) is a distribution based on antiX (prior to 2023 the distribution was based on Puppy Linux). Although the original concept was to create a flavour of Puppy Linux with more applications and a more appealing desktop aimed at teenage users, Legacy OS has now grown to become a general purpose distribution. It comes with a large number of applications, browser plugins and media codecs as standard software. Each new release of Legacy OS is about providing a lot of software which will work smoothly on older computers (about a decade in age).
Status: Active
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2014-01-25 |
NEW • Distribution Release: SolydXK 201401 |
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Arjen Balfoort has announced the release of SolydXK 201401, the latest version of the project's set of desktop Linux distributions with a choice of Xfce (SolydX) or KDE (SolydK) desktops, both based on Debian's "testing" branch: "New ISO images include the latest update pack: KDE has been updated to version 4.12.1; LibreOffice has been updated to version 4.1.4; Firefox has been updated to version 26.0 and Thunderbird to version 24.2.0; these community packages were added to the community repository - grub-customizer, kdeconnect, plasma-mediacenter, xfce-theme-manager, xfwm4compositeeditor. The 'Business' editions will follow later." Other interesting package updates include FreeType 2.5.2, GCC 4.8.2, Linux kernel 3.11.10, NVIDIA driver 319.76, OpenSSH 6.4p1 and VLC 2.1.2. Read the brief release announcement here. Download links: solydx64_201401.iso (1,205MB, MD5, torrent), solydk64_201401.iso (1,519MB, MD5, torrent). |
About SolydXK
SolydX and SolydK are Debian-based distributions with the Xfce and KDE desktops respectively. SolydXK aims to be simple to use, providing an environment that is both stable and secure. SolydXK is an open-source alternative for small businesses, non-profit organisations and home users. The project started as an unofficial variant of Linux Mint's "Debian" edition with KDE as the default desktop, but it was later given its own identity as SolydK. SolydX was added after Linux Mint dropped its Debian-based flavour that used the Xfce desktop. The project also has a rolling release branch, called Enthusiast's Editions, which used Debian Testing as a base.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2020-07-05 |
Distribution Release: SolydXK 10.4 |
SolydXK is a Debian-based distribution that offers two main editions: KDE and Xfce. The project's latest release is SolydXK 10.4 which is based on Debian 10.4 "Buster" and offers improved privacy settings for the web browser. The release announcement reports: "SolydXK 10 point release 10.4. The SolydXK team has worked long and hard to create the next point release based on Debian 'Buster'. Highlights: based on Debian 'Buster' 10.4 release with the latest kernel version 4.19; usr directories have been merged where the /{bin,sbin,lib}/ directories become symbolic links to /usr/{bin,sbin,lib}/ - more information on the subject; many bugs have been resolved; we have changed the SolydXK Firefox settings even further to improve user privacy - this is done in the firefox-solydxk-adjustments package which can be purged if you don't need it. Work is still being done on the Enthusiast's editions - they will be released at a later date." Download (pkglist): solydx_10_64_202007.iso (1,664MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), solydk_10_64_202007.iso (2,295MB, SHA256, signature, torrent). |
2019-09-27 |
Distribution Release: SolydXK 10 |
SolydXK is a Debian-based desktop distribution which is available in two main editions: Xfce and KDE Plasma. The project's latest release builds on technology from Debian Buster and fixes a number of bugs. "The SolydXK Team has worked long and hard to create yet another solid release. We are proud to announce SolydXK 10 based on Debian Buster! Highlights: Based on Debian Buster 10.1 release with the latest kernel version 4.19. Live ISO can now be booted with localisation support. New GRUB2 theme. The USB Creator was rebuilt from scratch to improve stability, speed and maintainability. Many bugs were resolved and we changed the SolydXK Firefox settings even further to improve user privacy. This is done in the firefox-solydxk-adjustments package which can be purged if you don't need it. We thoroughly cleaned up the ISOs removing any packages that are not strictly needed without compromising system stability and safety." Further details can be found in the release announcement. The Raspberry Pi 3 image has been dropped from this release due to apparent lack of interest. Download (pkglist): solydx_10_64_201909.iso (1,635MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), solydk_10_64_201909.iso (2,256MB, SHA256, signature, torrent). |
2019-03-03 |
Distribution Release: SolydXK 201902 |
Arjen Balfoort has announced the release of SolydXK 201902, the latest stable build from the project that develops a set of desktop-oriented Linux distribution (with Xfce and KDE Plasma), based on Debian's stable branch: "New 201902 ISO images have been released. These are some of the highlights: the live installer will update itself when starting, it should show its update progress but sometimes it takes a while before it shows, the live installer now supports F2FS and NILFS2 file systems for flash drives; partition encryption during installation has been improved; we have changed the SolydXK Firefox settings even further to improve user privacy and also to comply with Mozilla's distribution policies - this is done in the firefox-solydxk-adjustments package which can be purged if you don't need it; Waterfox is now packaged and distributed by the SolydXK repository; several new features have been added and many bugs have been solved in our SolydXK applications." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download (pkglist): solydx_9_64_201902.iso (1,592MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), solydk_9_64_201902.iso (1,956MB, SHA256, signature, torrent). |
2018-07-02 |
Distribution Release: SolydXK 201807 |
SolydXK is a Debian-based desktop distribution which is available in KDE Plasma and Xfce editions. The project's latest release, SolydXK 201807, features a number of security enhancements, including the activation of AppArmor in the default configuration. The distribution's release announcement reads: "The new 201807 ISO images have been released. These are some of the highlights: Firefox's default configuration has been further restricted and the provided plugins, Privacy Badger, HTTPS Everywhere and uBlock Origin, help to improve your privacy; these restrictions were also implemented for Thunderbird; AppArmor is now installed by default, this will improve security by binding access control attributes to programs rather than to users; all SolydXK applications now use pkexec to get elevated permissions; many new features and bugs have been solved in our SolydXK applications. You can download the ISO images from our community site. Do not forget to verify your download before you use it. Enjoy this new release!" Download (pkglist) the new SolydX and SolydK variants from here: solydx_9_64_201807.iso (1,570MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), solydk_9_64_201807.iso (1,936MB, SHA256, signature, torrent). |
2018-01-16 |
Distribution Release: SolydXK 201801 |
SolydXK is a Debian-based, desktop distribution which offers two main flavours, with one edition featuring the KDE Plasma desktop and the other featuring the Xfce desktop. The SolydXK project has released a new snapshot which features fixes for the Meltdown CPU flaw and a number of new configuration tools. "All SolydXK ISOs are fully updated, including the latest kernel release with the Meltodown vulnarability patch. The ISOs come with a system configuration tool called SolydXK System Settings. Following is a list of features added since the 201707 releases: Device Driver Manager (DDM) has been integrated. Debian Plymouth Manager has been integrated. Add new partitions to fstab. Safely remove old kernel packages. After installation you can choose additional packages from the Welcome Screen but unfortunately, I had to remove the business application LetoDMS (document management system) as installable from the Welcome Screen. It installs just fine but I haven't been able to get it to work. I've removed the package from our own repository but if you need an Open Source DMS, I recommend to take a look at SeedDMS." Further information can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (pkglist): solydx_9_64_201801.iso (1,566MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), solydk_9_64_201801.iso (1,928MB, SHA256, signature, torrent). |
2017-07-16 |
Distribution Release: SolydXK 9 |
The SolydXK project has announced the availability SolydXK 9, which is based on packages from the recently released Debian 9. Apart from the new base, SolydXK has removed the Backports repository by default (though it can be re-enabled), added a tool to assist in encrypting partitions and introduced new desktop themes. "In the past three weeks we have been testing, improving, developing and exercising parts of our vocabulary that our mothers didn't even know we had but finally we are satisfied with the result. It is time to release the new SolydX and SolydK version 9. Changes: New themes for SolydX and SolydK. You can choose a light or dark theme. SolydXK Systems has a GUI now where you can encrypt partitions (and your USB flash drive), localize your system, select the fastest repositories, hold back packages and cleanup your system. The encryption part of this application is functioning but still in beta. Use at your own risk! The backport repository was removed by default but can be enabled in the new SolydXK System application. The solydx/k-info packages were integrated in the solydx/k-system-adjustments packages and are now obsolete." More details on SolydXK 9 can be found in the project's release announcement. The project's two editions can be acquired from their respective download pages (SolydX, SolydK). Download (pkglist): solydx_9_64_201707.iso (1,564MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), solydk_9_64_201707.iso (1,950MB, SHA256, signature, torrent). |
2017-06-26 |
Development Release: SolydXK 9 Beta |
Arjen Balfoort has announced the availability of a beta release of SolydXK 9, a desktop-oriented Linux distribution (now based on Debian 9) with a choice of Xfce 4.12 and KDE Plasma 5.8 user environments: "Debian Stretch has been released and it's time for us to do the same for SolydXK. Before we release our ISO images there is still a lot to do. Our repository needs changing, we must describe the steps to upgrade a SolydXK 8 system to SolydXK 9. The ISO images need testing and the applications need testing as well. I could use some help with describing the upgrade steps or even creating a script to aid users in process of upgrading their systems. So, if you have some spare time, install SolydX 8 and SolydK 8 (201701 version) in a virtual machine and describe/script the best way to upgrade the system. System changes: new themes for SolydX and SolydK, you can choose a light or dark theme; SolydXK systems has a GUI now where you can encrypt partitions, localize your system, select the fastest repositories, hold back packages and cleanup your system." See the release announcement for further information. Download (pkglist): solydx_9_64_201706.iso (1,555MB, SHA256, torrent), solydk_9_64_201706.iso (1,946MB, SHA256, torrent). |
2016-06-27 |
Distribution Release: SolydXK 201606 |
Arjen Balfoort has announced the release of SolydXK 201606, a new stable release of the Debian-based desktop Linux distribution offering separate editions with Xfce 4.10 or KDE 4.14 desktops, as well as an Xfce variant for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer: "It is time again for the new SolydXK ISO images. These are some of the changes: Firefox ESR is now used from the Debian repository instead of custom built and installed from the SolydXK repository; you can now use custom mount points in the live installer, double click on a partition to select a pre-defined mount point or write your custom mount point; improved command handling of SolydXK applications for the Enthusiast's editions; SolydX RPi has been built from scratch and is based on Raspbian...." Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. Download (pkglist): solydx_8_64_201606.iso (1,437MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), solydk_8_64_201606.iso (1,523MB, SHA256, signature, torrent). A variant of SolydX for Raspberry Pi is also available: solydxrpi_201606.img.tar.gz (1,142MB, SHA256, signature, torrent). |
2015-12-25 |
Distribution Release: SolydXK 201512 |
Arjen Balfoort has announced the release of SolydXK 201512, the latest stable release of project's distribution that offers a choice of Xfce 4.10 or KDE 4.11 desktops, all based on the stable Debian GNU/Linux 8: "It's time for new releases again! The new ISO images come packed with changes. I'm not going to mention them all but here are a few: the live installer can now encrypt your partitions; the USB creator has been rebuilt and it does create bootable USB pen drives for several distributions; the update manager has new icons to indicate its status; you can right-click to show the legend for the meaning of the icons; left-click has been removed, So you will need to right-click to activate the update manager window. I hope you are going to enjoy these new releases!" Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. Download (pkglist): solydx_8_64_201512.iso (1,421MB, MD5, torrent), solydk_8_64_201512.iso (1,509MB, MD5, torrent). Besides the official releases, the project's developers have also updated their "Community" editions, including the 32-bit flavours of SolydX and SolydK, as well as the "Enthusiasts" variant (based on Debian's "Testing" branch) and a special edition for the Raspberry Pi mini-computer. |