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Linux LiveCD Router
Linux LiveCD Router was a Linux distribution designed to share a broadband connection over WiFi. It can be used with DSL, cable modem, T1, ISDN, and dial-up connections. It can also be used it as a firewall, or as an access point for most WiFi cards. Linux LiveCD Router does not require any installation, but requires a dedicated computer to boot and run the CD.
Status: Discontinued
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2014-05-18 |
NEW • Distribution Release: SalentOS 14.04 |
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Gabriele Martina has announced the release of SalentOS 14.04, a brand-new version of the project's Ubuntu-based desktop distribution featuring a highly configurable Openbox window manager: "With great pleasure I announce the release of SalentOS 14:04. After months of work, here's the new operating system, available in four editions: SalentOS 32-bit 'Full' and 'Light', SalentOS 64-bit 'Full' and 'Light'. The 'Full' edition is complete with all the software available so it can be used right away to surf the web, enjoy multimedia content and work. The live image weighs around 850 MB, it is installable and can be burned to DVD, or used to create a bootable USB device. The 'Light' edition is designed to use alternative software and programs according to the tastes and preferences of each user. It contains the base system and has only a web browser and text editor installed." Here is the brief release announcement (scroll down the page for the English version) with a screenshot. Download: SalentOS-amd64-14.04-full.iso (848MB), SalentOS-amd64-14.04-light.iso (541MB). |
About SalentOS
SalentOS is a Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution that uses Openbox as window manager. SalentOS has been designed to embrace lightness (hence the choice of Openbox), but at the same time it maintains the completeness and features of Debian. The system includes elements of GNOME and Xfce desktops.
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2017-11-29 |
Distribution Release: SalentOS 2.0 |
Gabriele Martina has announced the availability of a new version of SalentOS, a lightweight Debian-based distribution featuring the Openbox window manager. The new version, SalentOS 2.0 (code name "Neriton"), is based on Debian 9 "Stretch" and features UEFI support (though not support for Secure Boot). "With great pleasure, the development team is pleased to announce the release of SalentOS 2.0 'Neriton'. The system, remember, is based on Debian Stable (Stretch) and is in continuity with the previous release (Luppìu). The main innovations: Debian Base Stable (Stretch); Linux kernel updated to version 4.9; compatibility with the new UEFI standard - no Secure Boot; updated and optimized all system management tools (Styler, Yanima); introduced Dockbar (tint2); new wallpapers on-line verification system; optimized the first installation wizard; updated all major packages to their latest stable versions; minor bug fixes." More information can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (MD5) the SalentOS live DVD image from here: SalentOS-Neriton-2.0-amd64.iso (1,240MB, pkglist). |
2016-10-22 |
Distribution Release: SalentOS 1.0 |
Gabriele Martina has announced the release of SalentOS 1.0, a new line of the desktop-oriented distribution featuring a customised desktop based on the Openbox window manager. Code-named "Luppìu", this is the project's first release based on Debian's stable branch, rather than Ubuntu as was the case with the previous SalentOS versions. From the release announcement: "With great pleasure the team announces the release of SalentOS 'Luppìu' 1.0. Here are the main features: based on Debian Stable; Linux kernel 3.16; new tools for system management - Styler and Yanima; new system update alert tool; menu translated into major languages - English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French and German; new installation wizard; lighter system - no daemon of a background system settings; optimized graphics effects; pre-installed drivers for all the major wireless cards." Download the installable live DVD image from here: SalentOS-Luppiu-1.0.1-2-amd64.iso (1,082MB, MD5, torrent, pkglist). |
2015-04-08 |
Distribution Release: SalentOS 14.04.2 |
Gabriele Martina has announced the release of SalentOS 14.04.2. Along with an updated set of core packages, the latest version of SalentOS features a number of visible changes. These changes include a new Control Center, a new Update Center for handling package upgrades, a new software repository and Firefox is now the default web browser. "The Full version is complete with all the software available so can be used right now to surf the web, enjoy multimedia content and work. The live ISO weighs around 850MB, it is installable and can be burned to DVD or used to create a bootable USB device. The Light version is planned to use alternative software and programs according to the tastes and preferences of each user. It contains the base system and has only web browser and text editor installed. The live ISO image weighs around 550MB and can be burned to a CD or used to create a bootable USB device." A full list of changes in the new version can be found in the project's release announcement. Download: SalentOS-amd64-14.04.2-full.iso (785MB, SHA1, torrent, pkglist). |
2013-09-21 |
Distribution Release: SalentOS 12.04.3 |
Gabriele Martina has announced the release of SalentOS 12.04.3, an updated build of the project's Ubuntu-based set of DVD images offering a choice of Openbox or Razor-qt desktops user interfaces: "With great pleasure I announce the release of SalentOS 12.04.3, UbuBox and Razor-qt editions. After months of work on the 12.04.2 version here are the new ISO images with these main features: new Plymouth theme; replaced ADeskBar 0.4.3 stable with tint2 panel (UbuBox); Openbox main menu integrated into tint2 panel; Oblogout theme chooser to change the icon theme in Oblogout (UbuBox); latest Razor-qt stable Desktop (Razor-qt); updated all core packages and applications to their latest versions; all Ubuntu LTS updates; minor bug fixes and security updates." Here is the brief release announcement in Italian and in English. Download your preferred edition from SourceForge: ububox-salentos-12.04.3-x86.iso (966MB), razorqt-salentos-12.04.3-x86.iso (953MB). |
2013-02-24 |
Distribution Release: SalentOS 12.04.2 |
Gabriele Martina has announced the release of SalentOS 12.04.2, an updated build of the project's Ubuntu-based lightweight Linux distribution with a choice of Openbox or Razor-qt desktop user interfaces: "With great pleasure I announce the release of SalentOS 12.04.2, UbuBox and Razor-qt editions. After about four months of work here are the new ISO images with these main features: fixed GTK+ 3 application crashes with Openbox; revised software, removed Sylpheed and added Thunderbird; Razor-qt 0.5.2 with related bug fixes (Razor-qt SalentOS); new wallpapers and Openbox themes; upgraded adeskbar to 0.5.1; improved Samba support; Sakis3g packaged and installed; minor bug fixes and all Ubuntu updates." Here is the brief release announcement (with a screenshot of the Openbox edition) in Italian and English. Download your preferred SalentOS flavour from SourceForge: ububox-salentos-12.04.2-x86.iso (891MB), razorqt-salentos-12.04.2-x86.iso (934MB). |