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CTKArch was a minimalist, Arch-based live CD using the Openbox window manager. It includes a text-based system installer, support for a number of popular file systems, and out-of-the-box support for English and French languages.
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2015-06-30 |
NEW • Distribution Release: OpenMediaVault 2.1 |
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Volker Theile has announced the release of OpenMediaVault 2.1, a new version of the project's specialist Debian-based distribution designed for network-attached storage (NAS) tasks: "Today I am happy to announce the release of OpenMediaVault version 2.1 (Stone burner). The main features at a glance: using Sencha ExtJS 5.1.1 framework for the WebGUI; add a new dashboard and widgets; many internal improvements and bug fixes; improved the internal network interface backend; add WiFi support, only WPA and WPA2 are supported; add VLAN support; the network interface configuration page has been modified, now only the configuration values are displayed, use the dashboard widget to show the state of all network interfaces; the public key of the user must now be specified in the RFC 4716 SSH public key file format, it is possible to add multiple keys; option to turn off the collection of system performance statistics...." See the release announcement for further details. Download links: openmediavault_2.1_amd64.iso (347MB, MD5, pkglist), openmediavault_2.1_i386.iso (375MB, MD5). |
About OpenMediaVault
OpenMediaVault is a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) solution based on Debian GNU/Linux. It contains services like SSH, (S)FTP, SMB/CIFS, DAAP media server, rsync, BitTorrent and many more. Thanks to a modular design it can be enhanced via plugins. OpenMediaVault is primarily designed to be used in home environments or small home offices, but is not limited to those scenarios. It is a simple and easy-to-use out-of-the-box solution that will allow everyone to install and administrate a Network-Attached Storage without deeper knowledge.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2024-03-03 |
Distribution Release: OpenMediaVault 7.0 |
OpenMediaVault is a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) solution based on Debian GNU/Linux. The project's latest release, OpenMediaVault 7.0, is based on Debian 12 introduces new notification and monitoring tools to make managing the NAS more efficient. "The changelog will list all improvements in this version alongside the following: upgrade to Debian 12 'Bookworm'; package updates and notification will be handled by unattended upgrades; relocate Linux MD device (software RAID) management into a separate plugin; add support for network ethernet devices using device tree aliases; replace the cron-apt package with unattended-upgrades and apticron, the former ensures that security updates are installed automatically and the latter ensures that notifications are sent when new package updates are available, the apt-listchanges package will send you an email with a summary of the latest changes whenever packages are upgraded; add the ability to authenticate an RPC call by using the X-OPENMEDIAVAULT-SESSIONID header instead of a cookie...." Additional information is provided in the release announcement. Download (SHA256): openmediavault_7.0-32-amd64.iso (936MB, pkglist). |
2022-05-04 |
Distribution Release: OpenMediaVault 6.0.24 |
OpenMediaVault is a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) solution based on Debian GNU/Linux. The distribution's latest release is the start of the 6.x series which is based on Debian 11. "After a long development phase I am happy to announce the release of OpenMediaVault 6 (Shaitan). A big thank you goes to all translators, forum moderators and bug reporters for their contributions and support. The main new features of OpenMediaVault 6: based on Debian 11 'Bullseye'; completely new user interface written from scratch; added some new plugins that are based on containers - these are S3, OwnTone, PhotoPrism, WeTTY, FileBrowser, Onedrive (please note that not all platforms are supported because the upstream base containers are only available for specific CPU architectures); enhanced ISO installer; ensure that /media is unmounted to allow installation to USB devices - this will allow the installation from USB to USB device; /dev/disk/by-label filesystem device files are not supported any more because they are not unique and predictable." Additional details are provided in the release announcement. Download (SHA256): openmediavault_6.0.24-amd64.iso (828MB, signature, pkglist). |
2020-03-30 |
Distribution Release: OpenMediaVault 5.3.9 |
OpenMediaVault is a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) solution based on Debian GNU/Linux. The project's latest release is version 5.3.9 which the project refers to simply as version 5. "After a long development phase i am happy to announce the release of openmediavault 5 (Usul). A big thank you goes to all translators, forum moderators and bug reporters for their contributions and support. The main features at a glance: Using Debian 10 (Buster). Use SaltStack to deploy configuration settings. Using 'omv-salt stage run all' will deploy the whole system according to the configuration database. The omv-salt CLI command superseds omv-mkconf. Note, the command will not only create the configuration files, it will also take care about to start/stop/restart the services. The omv-initsystem command has been replaced by ‘omv-confdbadm populate’. This command discovers the current system settings and synchronizes them into the database. Add Time Machine support to SMB/CIFS shares. Use systemd-logind to handle power button action. Use systemd to reboot/shutdown/standby the system. Use chrony instead of ntpd." Further details cans be found in the project's release announcement. Download: openmediavault_5.3.9-amd64.iso (559MB, SHA256, signature, pkglist). |
2017-06-14 |
Distribution Release: OpenMediaVault 3.0.79 |
Volker Theile has announced the release of OpenMediaVault 3.0.79, a major update and the first stable build in the 3.x version series. OpenMediaVault is a specialist Debian-based distribution designed for network-attached storage (NAS) systems: "After a long development phase I am happy to announce the release of OpenMediaVault 3 'Erasmus'. The main features at a glance: using Debian 8 'Jessie'; use kernel/firmware backports by default using Sencha ExtJS 6.2 framework for the WebUI; adapt backend to systemd; complete re-factored backend; support LVM snapshots; add SAN (Subject Alternative Name) to self-signed SSL certificates; file systems will be mounted according to FHS below /srv now; outsource TFTP into a plugin; introduce omv-confdbadm command to manage the database via CLI; add more UI translations, e.g. Catalán; enable SSH service by default; use predictable device files everywhere; improve statistic graph colors for color blind users; set SMB/CIFS file/directory masks to values for collaborative workflows...." Read the rest of the release announcement for a detailed list of new features. Download: openmediavault_3.0.79_amd64.iso (407MB, SHA256, pkglist). |
2014-09-16 |
Distribution Release: OpenMediaVault 1.0 |
Volker Theile has announced the release of OpenMediaVault 1.0, a major new release of the specialist Debian-based distribution for network-attached storage (NAS): "Today we are happy to release OpenMediaVault version 1.0 (Kralizec). The main features at a glance: OMV 1.0 is based on Debian 7 'Wheezy'; better support for weaker systems (i.e. Raspberry Pi, Cubieboard, Cubox); nginx (instead of Apache 2) for the WebGUI; dashboard with support for widgets; systems can be put into standby mode; improved infrastructure for plug-ins. Excerpt from the changelog: the list of updates and plugins are indexed, that is, the search for new updates or plugins will not be launched each time when the user invokes the WebGUI to; file systems on non-rotating drives are with the mount option 'discard' hooked (ext3, ext4, Btrfs, VFAT, JFS, XFS); infrastructure improvements for plugins...." Continue to the release announcement for the rest of the changelog. Download: openmediavault_1.0.20_amd64.iso (345MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2013-08-25 |
Distribution Release: OpenMediaVault 0.5 |
Volker Theile has announced the release of OpenMediaVault 0.5, a major update of the project's Network-Attached Storage (NAS) solution based on Debian GNU/Linux: "Today I am proud to release OpenMediaVault 0.5 (Sardaukar) after a long time of development. The following changes and new features have been implemented: complete refactoring of the backend, the main processing unit/engine has been relocated into a forking daemon process; IPv6 support; upgrade WebGUI to Sencha ExtJS 4.2.x; add new panel in the 'System - Network' section to configure Zeroconf/Service Discovery; add option to enable AIO support for SMB/CIFS, AIO is enabled by default; do not execute a file system check during boot on USB devices; add ability to enable/disable scheduled S.M.A.R.T. tests; add ability to initiate a S.M.A.R.T. test via WebGUI; display an information dialog after RAID has been created...." Read the full release announcement for more information and upgrade instructions. Download: openmediavault_0.5.0.24_amd64.iso (248MB, MD5). |