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Saluki Linux
Saluki Linux was an ultralight distribution with an Xfce desktop based on Puppy Linux. It was designed with newer hardware, netbooks, and modern processors in mind. The goal was a lightweight, easy-to-use, high-performance operating system that works out of the box with minimal configuration. Saluki Linux was small enough to run completely from RAM or boot from and save changes to USB sticks or rewritable CDs, but it can also be installed alongside other operating systems without partitioning the hard drive.
Status: Discontinued
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Latest News and Updates |
2017-07-01 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Netrunner 17.06 |
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The Netrunner project has announced the availability of Netrunner 17.06, a desktop Linux distribution built from Debian's "Testing" packages. The new version ships with the KDE Plasma 5.10 desktop, Linux kernel 4.9 and Firefox 52 ESR (Extended Support Release). "The Netrunner team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Netrunner 17.06 'Daedalus' 64-bit ISO image. Netrunner 17.06 ships with an upgraded stack of KDE Plasma, Frameworks and Applications on top of an updated Debian 'Testing', plus the usual selection of applications like LibreOffice, Kdenlive, GIMP, Audacious, Steam, Skype, Transmission, VirtualBox, Krita, Inkscape and many more. Here is an excerpt of some major version numbers shipped in Netrunner 17.06: Linux Kernel 4.9, Plasma 5.10, Frameworks 5.34, Qt 5.7.1, KDE Applications 17.04, Firefox 52 ESR, Thunderbird 52.1. Besides the software updates, we have overall refined the stack and also included a new set of default wallpapers." Information on the new update to the Netrunner distribution, along with screen shots, can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (SHA256) the live DVD image from SourceForge: netrunner-1706-64bit.iso (2,131MB, torrent, pkglist). |
About Netrunner
Netrunner is a Debian-based distribution featuring a highly customised KDE desktop with extra applications, multimedia codecs, Flash and Java plugins, and a unique look and feel. The modifications are designed to enhance the user-friendliness of the desktop environment while still preserving the freedom to tweak. A separate "Rolling" edition, based on Manjaro Linux, was launched in 2014, was discontinued, re-launched in 2017, and discontinued again in 2019.
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2021-02-20 |
Distribution Release: Netrunner 21.01 |
Netrunner 21.01, an updated version of the project's desktop Linux distribution based on Debian's "stable" branch, but featuring the latest LTS (long-term support) kernel, has been released: "The Netrunner team is happy to announce the release of Netrunner 21.01 'XOXO'. This version is based on the current Debian 10.7 ('Buster') and it comes with better support for modern hardware thanks to Linux kernel 5.9.15 from Debian backports. Netrunner 21.01 ships with all the latest security updates provided by Debian and a new beautiful wallpaper showing the new code name of this release. With the activated Debian backports repository, we provide updated firmware for WiFi and ethernet chips as well as improved printer drivers to allow more modern hardware support. Firefox-ESR and Thunderbird were updated to the latest stable LTS versions, which get regular security updates provided by Debian security. Netrunner maintains its gorgeous look and feel from the previous version based upon Breeze Window decoration and red color cursor." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information and screenshots. Download (SHA256): netrunner-desktop-2101-64bit.iso (2,624MB, torrent, pkglist). |
2020-02-23 |
Distribution Release: Netrunner 20.01 |
Netrunner is a Debian-based desktop distribution with the latest version, Netrunner 20.01, based on Debian 10.3 "Buster". "Netrunner 20.01 ships with all the latest security updates provided by Debian and a polished Indigo Global Theme, making use of Kvantum theming engine. Firefox-ESR and Thunderbird were updated to the latest stable LTS (long term supported) versions, which get regular security updates provided by Debian security. Theming-wise, the switch to the Breeze Window decoration with its darker color increases the contrast and makes it easier to distinguish between active and inactive windows. The red colored cursor (RED-Theme) allows to quickly locate the cursor on the screen and has a retro vibe to it. As always we provide a uniquely drafted wallpaper, which fits the milestone of 10 years of Netrunner and the 20th version release." Further details and screenshots can be found in the distribution's release announcement. At this time a more minimal "Core" edition of Netrunner 20.01 is planned, though not yet available. Download (SHA256): netrunner-desktop-2001-64bit.iso (2,475MB, torrent, pkglist). |
2019-08-21 |
Distribution Release: Netrunner 19.08 |
The Netrunner development team has announced the availability of Netrunner 19.08 (code name "Indigo"), the project's first release based on Debian 10: "The Netrunner team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Netrunner 19.08 Indigo, a 64-bit ISO image. This version is based on Debian 10 'Buster' and comes with a few new and updated software versions: KDE Plasma 5.14.5, KDE Frameworks 5.54, KDE Applications 18.08, Qt 5.11.3, Linux Kernel 4.19.37, Firefox 60.8.1, Thunderbird 60.7.2. Switching from Firefox to Firefox ESR allows our users to enjoy a stable long-term supported version which gets regular security updates provided by the Debian security team. KDE Plasma 5.14.5 provides a stable and advanced desktop environment that you can tweak to your needs. Netrunner 19.08 ships with a brand-new theme called Indigo which features the identically named color as main attraction. The mixture of darker blue and lighter blue together with classic white-like gray creates a pleasent-to-the-eye look that matches the Breeze icon theme perfectly." Continue to the release announcement for more details and screenshots. Download (SHA256): netrunner-desktop-1908-64bit.iso (2,462MB, torrent, pkglist). |
2019-04-20 |
Distribution Release: Netrunner 2019.04 "Rolling" |
The Netrunner project has announced the availability of a new snapshot of the distribution's Arch Linux-based "Rolling" branch. The new snapshot, Netrunner 2019.04 "Rolling", features KDE Plasma 5.15.3 and runs on version 4.19.32 LTS of the Linux kernel. There have also been changes to the distribution's look and feel: "Like its cousin, the Debian-based edition, Netrunner 'Rolling' also ships a dark look and feel theme, including the Kvantum theme engine. Using the Kvantum theme engine plus the Alpha-Black Plasma theme allowed us to create a more 3D-looking design. Moving the mouse into the lower right corner now visibly activates 'Minimize all Windows' to show desktop function by a light glow. For those who prefer the classic look, going back to the well-known LNF is a three-button click and is explained under Tips in our current Readme section. Compared to 2018.08 these are the main updates: KDE Plasma 5.15.3, KDE Frameworks 5.56, KDE Applications 18.12.3, Qt 5.12.2, Linux kernel 4.19.32 LTS, Firefox Quantum 66.0.3 with KDE integration, Thunderbird 60.6." Further details and screenshots can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (SHA256): netrunner-rolling-2019.04-64bit.iso (2,747MB, torrent, pkglist). |
2019-01-14 |
Distribution Release: Netrunner 19.01 |
The Netrunner development team has announced the release of Netrunner 19.01, a significant update of the project's desktop-oriented Linux distribution (with KDE Plasma) based on Debian's "Testing" branch. This release brings a new default desktop theme, additional web applications, and various Plasma add-ons and tweaks: "After a busy holiday season, the Netrunner team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Netrunner 19.01 'Blackbird'. Here are the main updates as of our snapshot of Debian 'Testing': KDE Plasma 5.14.3, KDE Frameworks 5.51, KDE Applications 18.08, Qt 5.11.3, Linux Kernel 4.19, Firefox Quantum 64.0, Thunderbird 60.3. Blackbird ships with a new theme called 'Netrunner Black' based on a dark, yet not too harsh contrasting visual. Using the Kvantum theme engine plus the Alpha-Black Plasma theme allowed us to create a more 3D-looking design. For those who prefer the classic look, going back to the well-known LNF is a three-button click explained under 'Tips' in our current Readme section. Moving the mouse into the lower right corner now visibly activates the 'Minimize all Windows to show Desktop' function with a light glow." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information and screenshots. Download (SHA256): netrunner-desktop-1901-64bit.iso (2,789MB, torrent, pkglist). |
2018-08-05 |
Distribution Release: Netrunner 2018.08 "Rolling" |
The Netrunner team has published a new snapshot of the distribution's Manjaro-based Rolling edition. The new snapshot, Netrunner 2018.08 "Rolling", features updated KDE Plasma packages, improves GTK+ application integration into the default Plasma desktop and upgrades the Krita drawing software. "GTK Apps now use Kwin borders integrating nicely with the rest of the Plasma desktop environment. Krita is shipped as 4.x release, which got some nice overhauls and features compared to previous version. System Settings - Plasma Tweaks: Using the new sidebar Layout, we sorted all the revamped UI-related KCM modules into one section called 'Plasma Tweaks' for easy configuring Plasma to your liking. 2018.08 comes with some new Plasma Theme that has some transparency built in to allow for experimenting with the new Blur options. It also features a new default wallpaper style, because why not." The release announcement includes a list of key package upgrades and screen shots. Download (SHA256): netrunner-rolling-2018.08-64bit.iso (2,508MB, torrent, pkglist). |
2018-03-11 |
Distribution Release: Netrunner 18.03 |
Netrunner is a Debian-based Linux distribution featuring the KDE Plasma desktop. The project has launched a new version, Netrunner 18.03, which builds on Debian's Testing branch and includes the Plasma 5.12 LTS desktop, version 4.14 of the Linux kernel, LibreOffice 6 and Firefox 58. "The Netrunner team is happy to release Netrunner 18.03 'Idolon' 64-bit ISO image. Netrunner 18.03 ships the latest packages from Debian's Testing snapshot repository. From 18.03 onwards, we also decided to include even more packages directly from upstream, so it will be most compatible when enabling the continously updating testing repo. Compared to the previous 17.10 release, 18.03 comes with the following updates: KDE Plasma 5.12.2, KDE Frameworks 5.42, KDE Applications 17.08.3, Qt 5.9.2, Linux Kernel 4.14, Firefox Quantum 58.0.1, Thunderbird 52.6.0, LibreOffice 6.0.2. We now ship Yarock, a Qt-based music player which also happens to greatly support a wide selection of free online radio stations." Additional details and screen shots can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (SHA256): netrunner-1803-64bit.iso (2,310MB, torrent, pkglist). |
2018-01-26 |
Distribution Release: Netrunner 2018.01 "Rolling" |
One of Netrunner's editions is a rolling release based on Manjaro and offering users a rolling release platform with the KDE Plasma desktop environment. The Netrunner team has published a new snapshot, version 2018.01, which features KDE Plasma 5.11.5, Firefox 57 "Quantum" and the YaRock music player. "For the first time, we ship YaRock, a Qt-based music player which also happens to greatly support a wide selection of free on-line Radio stations. A nice bonus feature is when clicking on any artist or song name during play will automatically open the browser and perform a search. SUSE's ImageWriter is back, as is the Firefox Pre-Load to make the browser appear almost in an instant when clicked. Discover also re-enters the default list of applications with its integrated update feature via PackageKit/AppStream. Using the new sidebar layout, we resorted the various modules so now almost all theming related settings can now be found under 'Plasma Tweaks'." Additional information and screen shots can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (SHA256): netrunner-rolling-2018.01-64bit.iso (2,367MB, torrent, pkglist). |
2017-07-18 |
Distribution Release: Netrunner 2017.07 "Rolling" |
The Netrunner team has announced a new snapshot of the project's rolling release edition, which is based on Manjaro Linux. The rolling release, which was last updated about 18 months ago, includes package updates across the board. The new snapshot, Netrunner 2017.07, features the KDE Plasma 5.10.3 desktop environment, Firefox 54 and version 4.11.8 of the Linux kernel. "Yes, it's back: An up-to-date Netrunner Rolling ISO has been released today after 18 months from the last release. That means Netrunner is now available again as part of the two biggest non-commercial, community-driven distributions since our split from Maui: Debian and Manjaro/Arch. While it would have been possible to simply update the previous system due to its inherent rolling nature, we recommend a fresh install. Our plan is to release an updated install medium regularly 2-3x times a year. What's new? Compared to the 2016.01 version which featured KDE Plasma 5.5.4, Qt 5.5.1 and Firefox 44 at that time, here is what's changed: KDE Plasma 5.10.3, KDE Frameworks 5.35, KDE Applications 17.04.2, Qt 5.9.0, Linux Kernel 4.11.8, Firefox 54.0.1, Thunderbird 52.2.1, LibreOffice 5.2.7." Additional information and screen shots can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (SHA256): netrunner-rolling-2017.07-64bit.iso (2,389MB, torrent, pkglist). |