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BackBox Linux
BackBox Linux is an Ubuntu-based distribution developed to perform penetration tests and security assessments. It is designed to be fast and easy to use. It provides a minimal yet complete desktop environment, thanks to its own software repositories, which are always updated to the latest stable versions of the most often used and best-known ethical hacking tools.
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2017-07-06 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Pardus 17.0 |
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Pardus is a Turkish desktop distribution based on Debian. The Pardus project has announced the release of Pardus 17.0 which features the Xfce 4.12 desktop environment and version 4.9 of the Linux kernel. Applications such as Firefox 52.2 and LibreOffice 5.2 are also included. An English translation of the project's release announcement reads: Enjoy the most up-to-date and stable versions of software such as Firefox, LibreOffice, Thunderbird, and VLC Media Player while your hardware works smoothly and with high performance in the Pardus operating system that comes with Linux kernel 4.9.0. See the impact of power management on battery life on laptop computers thanks to the integration of these software as well as tlp software into Pardus." Further information on the software available in Pardus 17.0 can be found in the project's release notes. Download: Pardus-17.0-amd64.iso (1,204MB, pkglist). |
About Pardus
Pardus is a GNU/Linux distribution jointly developed by the Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and National Academic Network and Information Centre (ULAKBİM). It started its life as a Gentoo-based project before developing its own unique identity. Since late 2012 the distribution, developed in two separate branches as "Corporate" and "Community" editions, is based on Debian. This page focuses on the Corporate version of Pardus.
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2023-08-31 |
Distribution Release: Pardus 23.0 |
TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM (The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey and The National Academic Network and Information Centre) has announced the release of Pardus 23.0, a major new update of the project's Debian-based Linux distribution with a choice of Xfce and GNOME desktops. Pardus 23, code-named 'Ay Yıldız' or 'Crescent and Star', which is one of Turkey's national symbols, aims to offer the most up-to-date technology, ease of use with new applications, a long-term support program and a stable Linux kernel 6.1 version. The release offers various innovations, such as Pardus GNOME Welcome, Xfce Fine Settings and Pardus Updater. In Pardus 23, Xfce 4.18 is used as the default desktop environment. Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for UNIX-like operating systems; while being visually attractive and user-friendly, it requires low system resources and makes the system fast. The release comes with Linux kernel 6.1.38 as well as many popular, up-to-date applications, such as Firefox 102.14.0esr, LibreOffice 7.4.7, Evolution 3.46.4 and VLC 3.0.18. See the brief release announcement and the more detailed release notes for further information. Download (SHA512, pkglist): Pardus-23.0-XFCE-amd64.iso (2,712MB), Pardus-23.0-GNOME-amd64.iso (2,864MB). The distribution supports both Turkish and English languages. |
2021-08-22 |
Distribution Release: Pardus 21.0 |
Pardus is a GNU/Linux distribution jointly developed by the Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and National Academic Network and Information Centre (ULAKBİM). The Debian-based distribution has published a new version, Pardus 21.0, which features several key updates. An English translation of the project's release notes (in Turkish) reads: "Enjoy the most up-to-date and stable versions of software such as Firefox, Libreoffice, Thunderbird, VLC Media Player in the Pardus operating system that comes with Linux kernel 5.10. As well as these software, the Pardus Power Manager can be seen on the battery life of power management on laptops. With Pardus USB applications, you can format your USBs and write disk images. Using the Pardus Software Center, you can download very popular applications to your computer. The Debian-based package management system has special improvements, security, and innovations to Pardus thanks to the weekly updates via package repositories." The distribution is available in three editions: GNOME, Xfce and Server. Download (pkglist): Pardus-21.0-GNOME-amd64.iso (2,427MB, SHA512), Pardus-21.0-XFCE-amd64.iso (2,317MB, SHA512), Pardus-21.0-SERVER-amd64.iso (883MB, SHA512). |
2019-11-20 |
Distribution Release: Pardus 19.1 |
Pardus is a GNU/Linux distribution jointly developed by the Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and National Academic Network and Information Centre (ULAKBİM). The project's latest update is Pardus 19.1. An English translation of the project's Turkish release notes reads: "Version 19.1 of Pardus, which is developed by TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM has been published. Pardus 19.1 is the first interim version of the Pardus 19 family. Changes: update notification desk has been added to Xfce and GNOME editions; Pinta and GIMP image editor application will be installed in Xfce and GNOME editions; GNOME interface improvements have been made; Pardus Mazağa application has been improved; updates with more than 200 packages and patches have been introduced to the installed system; over 2,000 packages have been updated in the repository; Firefox version 68.2 has been updated to be the default web browser; default email client Thunderbird has been updated to version 68.2.2; VLC is the default media player and it has been updated to 3.0.8; default office suite applications have been updated to LibreOffice 6.1.5." Download (SHA256, pkglist): Pardus-19.1-XFCE-amd64.iso (1,638MB), Pardus-19.1-GNOME-amd64.iso (1,660MB), Pardus-19.1-SERVER-amd64.iso (614MB). |
2019-08-03 |
Distribution Release: Pardus 19.0 |
Pardus is a GNU/Linux distribution jointly developed by the Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and National Academic Network and Information Centre (ULAKBİM). The distribution is built on Debian, with the latest version, Pardus 19.0, being based on Debian 10. The project's release announcement is available in Turkish and an English translation reads: "The Pardus operating system comes with Linux kernel 4.19 to keep your hardware is running smoothly and with high performance. See the positive impact of power management on laptops on battery life thanks to integration with Pardus, as well as software such as TLP. Pardus-specific improvements and innovations in the Debian-based package management system are more convenient and secure thanks to weekly updates via package repositories. Pardus has made improvements and has been compiled from source code and rebuilt packages." Pardus 19.0 comes in Xfce, GNOME and Server editions; here are the download links (SHA512, pkglist): Pardus-19.0-XFCE-amd64.iso (1,598MB, torrent), Pardus-19.0-GNOME-amd64.iso (1,611MB), Pardus-19.0-SERVER-amd64.iso (625MB). |
2019-03-04 |
Distribution Release: Pardus 17.5 |
Pardus is a Debian-based distribution jointly developed by the Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and National Academic Network and Information Centre (ULAKBİM). The project's latest release, Pardus 17.5, offers several package updates and continued support through to 2021. An English translation of the project's release announcement (in Turkish) reads: "Pardus 17.5 is the latest intermediate version. To keep track of the changes, you have to keep your Pardus 17 installed system up to date. With this latest version of Pardus 17, LTS (Long-Term Support) is offered through to 01.05.2021. Pardus 17 will continue to receive updates." Some of the changes in this release include: fixed issues in many graphical interfaces that some end users encountered; system performance optimisations affecting package updates; security updates including over 200 packages and patches; Firefox has been updated to 60.5.1, Thunderbird to 60.5.1; VLC media player has been updated to version 3.0.6; LibreOffice has been updated to version 6.1.5; the Pardus Store application has been updated to version 0.3.1. Download links (SHA512, pkglist): Pardus-17.5-LTS-XFCE-amd64.iso (1,334MB), Pardus-17.5-DDE-amd64.iso (1,396MB), Pardus-17.5-LTS-SERVER-amd64.iso (530MB). |
2018-11-04 |
Distribution Release: Pardus 17.4 |
Pardus has announced the release of Pardus 17.4, an updated build of the project's Debian-based distribution set for desktops and servers. Like the previous releases in the 17.x series, this one also comes in two desktop variants featuring either Xfce or the Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE). It offers various improvements as well as stability and security updates for more than 300 packages. Updated software include Firefox 60.3.0, Thunderbird 60.2.1, VLC 3.0.3 and LibreOffice 6.1.3. The OpenSSH server package in now installed by default. Other changes include: improved performance due to package optimisations; fixes to various bugs that some users encountered in graphical interfaces; fixes to installation without Internet that previously resulted in post-installation corruption of resource lists; changed the default background of the start-up screen. Existing Pardus users do not need to download this release as all updates have already been applied to their systems. See the release announcement and release notes (both resources are in Turkish only) for further information. The new Pardus release, which supports both Turkish and English languages, is ready for download (SHA512, pkglist): Pardus-17.4-XFCE-amd64.iso (1,325MB), Pardus-17.4-DDE-amd64.iso (1,387MB), Pardus-17.4-SERVER-amd64.iso (521MB). |
2018-03-03 |
Distribution Release: Pardus 17.2 |
The Pardus project, which develops a Debian-based distribution for desktops and servers, has announced the release of Pardus 17.2. This updated build comes in two desktop variants featuring either Xfce or DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment) desktops, and there is as a separate edition for servers. The release notes are provided in Turkish only, but the distribution itself can be booted and installed in both Turkish and English. Some of the changes in Pardus 17.2 include: LibreOffice updated to version 6.0.1; fix to the navigation rectangle in the Start menu not following the mouse cursor; updated the most Xfce components to their latest versions; fixed incorrect Turkish translations in some Xfce components; miscellaneous package updates, including security patches; various improvements to DDE's dock, such as new functionality to hide plugins, network list refresh button, new 'Forced Quit' in the context menu, improved auto-hide function, improved Window preview.... Pardus 17.2 ISO images are available from the project's download server (SHA512, pkglist): Pardus-17.2-XFCE-amd64.iso (1,306MB), Pardus-17.2-DDE-amd64.iso (1,367MB), Pardus-17.2-SERVER-amd64.iso (529MB). |
2017-11-04 |
Distribution Release: Pardus 17.1 |
Pardus, a Debian-based Turkish Linux distribution for desktops and servers, has been updated to version 17.1. The new release offers three separate ISO images with distinct names that indicate the purpose - Xfce, DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment) and Server. The release notes are available in Turkish only, but an online translation service reveals a changelog in this interim release of Pardus: The default name of the download directory has changed from 'Downloads' to 'İndirilenler'; the system settings menu has been enhanced; the default printer test page has been redesigned; the password of the pre-defined 'pardus' user is removed when the live system is turned on; the crash that occurred when the gdebi program was run with a graphical interface was fixed; the crash in certain parts of the gnome-disks program have been fixed; new desktop wallpapers added; many packages have been updated; the theme has been refreshed; Deepin Desktop Media support added; many security and system performance patches have been added." Further information on the software available in Pardus 17.1 can be found in the project's release notes. Download (SHA512, pkglist): Pardus-17.1-XFCE-amd64.iso (1,258MB), Pardus-17.1-DDE-amd64.iso (1,283MB), Pardus-17.1-SERVER-amd64.iso (518MB). |
2013-03-27 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2013 "Corporate" |
Pardus Linux 2013 "Corporate" has been released. This is the first stable release of the "new" Debian-based Pardus Linux with GNOME and KDE desktops, currently available in Turkish only. From the release announcement: "Pardus 2013 Corporate is released and available in four flavors. GNOME (x86, amd64) and KDE (x86, amd64). Currently the distribution is only available in Turkish, but this situation will change in the future. Pardus 2013 has many new features inside out. First and most important, Pardus is now based on Debian 'Wheezy' and built using tools provided by the debian-live project. Other features include but not limited to: installable live images for peaceful exploration; integrated and simplified installer for easy installation; Firefox 17esr and Thunderbird 17esr for stable internet experience; complete multimedia tools for hassle-free multimedia experience." Download (MD5) from here: pardus_kurumsal_2013_kde_64bit_tr.iso (1,709MB, MD5), pardus_kurumsal_2013_gnome_64bit_tr.iso (1,472MB, MD5). |
2011-09-19 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2011.2 |
Gökçen Eraslan has announced the release of Pardus Linux 2011.2, an updated version of the project's desktop Linux distribution with custom package management and many user-friendly features: "Pardus Linux 2011.2 is now available. Here are the important updates shipped with Pardus 2011.2: NetworkManager is updated to, problems about adding VPN connections have been fixed, handle WLAN security passwords gracefully while upgrading distribution; ModemManager is updated to 0.5, improvements for Samsung modems, support access technology reporting for Qualcomm Gobi modems, fix communication with Nokia N900 devices; CUPS is updated to 1.4.8; LibreOffice is updated to 3.4.3, fixed crash closing document with footnotes; MPlayer - fixed crash playing subtitled videos which was triggered by FreeType 2.4.6 security update." Read the complete release announcement for a full list of bug fixes. Download the installation or live DVD image: Pardus-2011.2-i686.iso (1,168MB, MD5), Pardus-2011.2-x86_64.iso (1,186MB, MD5), Pardus-2011.2-Live-i686.iso (1,346MB, MD5), Pardus-2011.2-Live-x86_64.iso (1,369MB, MD5).
2011-07-12 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2011.1 |
Gökçen Eraslan has announced the release of Pardus Linux 2011.1: "Pardus 2011.1 'Dama Dama' is now available. Here are the basic components and their versions shipped within Pardus 2011.1 release: KDE Desktop Environment 4.6.5, Linux kernel, LibreOffice, Mozilla Firefox web browser 5.0, X.Org Server 1.9.5, GIMP 2.6.11, Python 2.7.1, GCC 4.5.3, glibc 2.12. In addition to those updates: lots of bugs have been fixed; 64-bit Skype and WINE package are now in 2011 stable repository; YALI has a System Rescue mode now; work on 2009 - 2011 distribution upgrade interface is about to finish, after the testing is complete, upgrade-manager package will be provided in 2009 repositories to ease the transition; QuickFormat application can be tested now to format USB removable disks easily.... Here is the brief release announcement. Download: Pardus-2011.1-i686.iso (1,160MB, MD5), Pardus-2011.1-x86_64.iso (1,177MB, MD5). Quick links to the live DVD images: Pardus-2011.1-Live-i686.iso (1,338MB, MD5), Pardus-2011.1-Live-x86_64.iso (1,358MB, MD5).
2011-05-30 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2011.1 Beta |
Gökçen Eraslan has announced the availability of the beta release of Pardus Linux 2011.1: "The Beta release of the upcoming Pardus 2011.1 is now available. Here are the basic components and their versions shipped within Pardus 2011.1 beta release: KDE Desktop Environment 4.6.3, Linux kernel, LibreOffice, Mozilla Firefox 4.0.1, X.Org Server 1.9.5, GIMP 2.6.11, GCC 4.5.3, glibc 2.12. In addition to those updates lots of bugs have been fixed, 64-bit Skype package is now in 2011 stable repository, 64-bit WINE package will be in 2011 repositories soon, YALI now has a System Rescue mode, work on 2009-2011 distribution upgrade interface is about to finish, upgrade-manager package will be provided in 2009 repositories to ease the transition.... Read the complete release announcement for further details. Download the installation or live (non-installable) DVD images from here: Pardus-2011.1-Beta-i686.iso (1,139MB, MD5), Pardus-2011.1-Beta-x86_64.iso (1,155MB, MD5), Pardus-2011.1-Beta-Live-i686.iso (1,307MB, MD5), Pardus-2011.1-Beta-Live-x86_64.iso (1,325MB, MD5).
2011-02-16 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2 "Corporate" |
Ozan Çağlayan has announced the release of Pardus Linux 2 "Corporate" edition, a desktop distribution featuring the legacy KDE 3 desktop: "The final release of the Pardus Corporate 2 is now available. Pardus Corporate 2 is shipped with KDE 3.5.10 which has a good reputation for its stability and performance. All other components of the system are updated to offer a fast, comfortable and problem-free desktop experience. Here are the basic components and their versions shipped within Pardus Corporate 2: KDE Desktop Environment 3.5.10, Linux kernel, LibreOffice office suite 3.3.1, Mozilla Firefox web browser 3.6.13, X.Org 1.7.7, GIMP 2.6.11, Python 2.6.5. The installation image includes support for all officially supported languages." Here is the brief release announcement. Quick download links to the installation and live DVD images: Pardus-Kurumsal-2-i686.iso (1,002MB, MD5), Pardus-Kurumsal-2-x86_64.iso (1,032MB, MD5), Pardus-Kurumsal-2-Live-i686.iso (956MB, MD5), Pardus-Kurumsal-2-Live-x86_64.iso (957MB, MD5).
2011-01-21 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2011 |
Gökçen Eraslan has announced the release of Pardus Linux 2011: "Pardus Linux 2011 is now available. Major features in this release are: the latest Linux kernel 2.6.37 provides an up-to-date hardware support; the bootsplash technology used in Pardus 2009.2 is replaced by the new Plymouth engine; YALI, the installer of Pardus, gained LVM/RAID and UUID support; Pardus 2011 comes with the latest KDE 4.5.5; Kaptan, the desktop customization tool, now optionally captures your picture and sets it as your avatar in KDE; GNOME NetworkManager 0.8.2 is now the default networking back-end; all GTK+ applications are rendered with Oxygen style; LibreOffice is the default office suite; Mozilla Firefox 4.0 beta 9 is the default web browser." For further details please read the release announcement. Download either the installation (MD5) or the live (MD5) DVD images from here: Pardus-2011-i686.iso (1,103MB), Pardus-2011-x86_64.iso (1,122MB), Pardus-2011-Live-i686.iso (1,256MB), Pardus-2011-Live-x86_64.iso (1,276MB).
2011-01-01 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2011 RC |
Gökçen Eraslan has announced the availability of the release candidate for Pardus Linux 2011: "Pardus Linux 2011 RC is now available. Changes since beta 2: better hardware support with latest Linux kernel: 2.6.37-rc8; users with AMD and NVIDIA graphics cards are now able to make selection between open-source and vendor-supported proprietary drivers during and after the installation; Hungarian and Russian language support added; the network configuration utility called 'network' is ported to the new NetworkManager backend; lots of bug fixes are included in installation (YALI) and configuration applications; new binary packages included in Pardus 2011 package repository." Read the rest of the release announcement for known issues and other information. Download: Pardus-2011-RC-i686.iso (1,105MB, MD5), Pardus-2011-RC-x86_64.iso (1,124MB, MD5), Pardus-2011-RC-Live-i686.iso (1,272MB, MD5), Pardus-2011-RC-Live-x86_64.iso (1,292MB, MD5).
2010-12-03 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2011 Beta 2 |
Gökçen Eraslan has announced that the second beta release of Pardus Linux 2011 is available for testing: "Live and installation images of Pardus Linux 2011 beta 2 release for 64-bit and 32-bit architectures are ready. More hardware support, bug fixes for our manager family and lots of new packages and updates are included in beta 2. In addition, some of the operations previously achieved in YALI, now have been moved to the first boot of the system and some visual changes applied to YALI interface. Also, one of the most important bugs, USB installation failure is now fixed. Keep in mind that this is a beta release and because of the fast development process, you will get massive number of package updates as more bugs are fixed." Here is the brief release announcement. Download the installation or live DVD images from here: Pardus-2011-Beta-2-i686.iso (1,071MB, MD5), Pardus-2011-Beta-2-x86_64.iso (1,090MB, MD5), Pardus-2011-Beta-2-Live-i686.iso (1,269MB, MD5), Pardus-2011-Beta-2-Live-x86_64.iso (1,290MB, MD5).
2010-10-21 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2011 Beta |
Gökcen Eraslan has announced the availability of the beta release of Pardus Linux 2011: "Live and installation images of Pardus Linux 2011 Beta release for 64-bit and 32-bit architectures are ready. In this release: YALI with renewed interface, LVM/RAID support and disc partitioning screen; boot splash has been completely renewed offering richer theme support and more capable animations by using Plymouth; KDE 4.5.2; Firefox 4.0b8pre with many new features like new browser interface, tab grouping, bookmarks between computers, passwords and history matching, a new add-on interface; alternative web browsers Chromium and Rekonq are ready; LibreOffice with improvements like Turkish spell checking, add-ons and compatibility; faster package updates and installation with improvements in PiSi infrastructure...." Here is the full release announcement. Download (MD5): Pardus-2011-Beta-i686.iso (1,015MB), Pardus-2011-Beta-x86_64.iso (1,034MB).
2010-06-04 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2009.2 |
Onur Küçük has announced the release of Pardus Linux 2009.2: "The second update release of the Pardus 2009 family, Pardus Linux 2009.2 is released. The newest member of the Pardus 2009 series comes with advanced driver support, enhanced desktop environment and updated versions of packages in our repositories, providing enhanced stability, performance and easily installable environment with thousands of open-source software. One of the highlights of the new release is the latest stable KDE, version 4.4.4, and Qt 4.6.2, coming with many bug fixes, new netbook mode and new features of the Plasma system. Firefox 3.6.3 to safely browse the Internet, GIMP 2.6.8 for graphical work, the 3.2.1 office suite and programming systems like Python 2.6.5 are only a few of the updated packages of the new release." Read the complete release announcement and release notes for further details. Download the installation image: Pardus-2009.2-Geronticus-eremita.iso (680MB, MD5). A live CD image is also available: Pardus-Calisan-2009.2-Geronticus-eremita.iso (698MB, MD5).
2010-05-22 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2009.2 Beta |
Onur Küçük has announced the availability of the beta release of Pardus Linux: 2009.2, a desktop-oriented Linux distribution featuring custom package management and several useful utilities developed in-house: "The first testing release of Pardus 2009.2 is ready. Pardus 2009.2 beta comes with the latest stable KDE release, enhanced hardware support and bigger software archive: KDE 4.4.3, Linux kernel,, Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3, GIMP 2.6.8, X.Org Server 1.6.5 and Python 2.6.5. With this release, Pardus International ISO image has grown in size and won't fit on a CD any more. With the addition of Turkish language and many packages, almost 1 GB image can be used by burning a DVD or by putting it on a USB stick. We remind you that this is the first testing release for Pardus 2009.2. As this release is within the fast development cycle, there will be lots of package updates towards the stable release." Read the full release announcement further details. Download: Pardus-2009.2-Beta.iso (696MB, MD5). A live CD image is also available: Pardus-Calisan-2009.2-Beta.iso (696MB, MD5).
2010-01-16 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2009.1 |
Onur Küçük has announced the final release of Pardus Linux 2009.1: "The latest stable release of the 2009 family, Pardus Linux 2009.1 is ready. Pardus Linux 2009.1 comes with the latest stable KDE release, enhanced hardware support, and bigger software archive with up-to-date packages such as KDE 4.3.4, Linux kernel, 3.1.1, Mozilla Firefox 3.5.7, GIMP 2.6.8, X.Org Server 1.6.5, Python 2.6.4 and many more in just one CD. With the 2009.1 series, the Pardus ISO files are generated as hybrid images which can be burned to a CD, DVD or dumped to a hard disk-like media, such as a USB stick. The Pardus team thanks to you all who have developed, tested, translated and supported Pardus Linux." Here is the brief release announcement. Download the installation CD image from here: Pardus_2009.1.iso (683MB, MD5). A live CD with support for English and Turkish languages is also available: Pardus_Calisan_2009.1.iso (697MB, MD5).
2010-01-09 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2009.1 RC |
Onur Küçük has announced the availability of the first release candidate for Pardus Linux 2009.1, now also available as a live CD: "A release candidate of Pardus Linux 2009.1 is ready. Starting with this release, Pardus Linux ISO files are generated as hybrid images. The same hybrid image can be burned to a CD, DVD or dumped to a hard disk-like media, such as a USB stick. Pardus Linux 2009.1 RC comes with the latest stable KDE release, enhanced hardware support, and bigger software archive with up to date packages such as KDE 4.3.4, Linux kernel, 3.1.1, Mozilla Firefox 3.5.7, GIMP 2.6.7, X.Org Server 1.6.5, Python 2.6.4 and many more on just one CD." Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. Download: Pardus_2009.1_RC.iso (680MB, SHA1). A live CD image with support for English and Turkish languages is available from here: Pardus_Calisan_2009.1_RC.iso (700MB, SHA1).
2009-12-26 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2009.1 Beta |
Onur Küçük has announced the availability of the beta release of Pardus Linux 2009.1: "The first testing release of Pardus Linux 2009.1 is ready. Like always, you can download it from the Pardus FTP servers. Pardus Linux 2009.1 beta comes with the latest stable KDE release, enhanced hardware support, and bigger software archive with up-to-date packages such as KDE 4.3.4, Linux kernel, 3.1.1, Mozilla Firefox 3.5.6, GIMP 2.6.7, X.Org Server 1.6.5, Python 2.6.4 and many more in just one CD. We remind you that this is the first testing release and not all of the features and optimizations of the final release are ready. As this release is within the fast development cycle, there will be lots of package updates towards the stable release." Read the rest of the release announcement for additional information. Download: Pardus_2009.1_Beta.iso (696MB, SHA1).
2009-07-18 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2009 |
Onur Küçük announced the official release of Pardus Linux 2009: "The international CD of Pardus 2009, containing 11 languages to choose from, is also available from FTP servers. This new release contains many bug fixes and enhancements. A new, shiny KDE 4 desktop environment, improved hardware support, latest releases of Pardus Manager tools, up-to-date software repository, and performance improvements are among the many new features of Pardus 2009. Pardus 2009 has also been improved graphically in every part of the distribution. All splash systems, from bootloader to login screen, have been revised. The latest version of Pardus contains up-to-date packages like KDE 4.2.4, Linux kernel,, Mozilla Firefox 3.5.1, GIMP 2.6.6, K3b 1.66, X.Org 1.6.2 and Python 2.6.2." Here is the complete release announcement. Download: Pardus_2009.iso (687MB, MD5, torrent), Pardus_2009_International.iso (696MB, MD5, torrent).
2009-07-11 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2009 RC2 |
Onur Küçük announced the second release candidate of the Turkish Pardus Linux 2009: "The International CD of RC2, containing 11 languages to choose from, is also available in FTP. The new release contains many bugfixes and enhancements after the RC release. New release comes with improved hardware support for printers, scanners, webcams, wireless adapters and DVB devices. Pardus 2009 RC2 has also been improved graphically in every part of the distribution. All the splash systems from bootloader to login screen have been improved. Migration tool, allowing users of Windows to migrate their personal data now comes with the installation CD. Pardus repositories are growing larger and larger everyday, with the main repository over 2000 packages." Here is the complete release announcement. Download: Pardus_2009_RC2.iso (680MB, MD5, torrent), Pardus_2009_International_RC2.iso (693MB, MD5, torrent).
2009-07-04 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2009 RC |
Onur Küçük announced the availability of the release candidate of Pardus Linux 2009: "Highlight of this release is the new International Pardus 2009 ISO. You can now choose any of the 11 languages to install and enjoy Pardus 2009, all in one CD. The new test version of Pardus 2009 contains up-to-date packages like KDE 4.2.4, Linux kernel 2.6.30, OpenOffice.Org 3.1.0, Firefox 3.5, GIMP 2.6.6, K3b 1.66, X.Org 1.6.2pre, and Python 2.6.2. Managers now share the same look and feel, have many optimizations and new features. Hardware support has been improved. Support for many new printers, scanners and webcams has been added, and many bug fixes are integrated to hardware system. Known issues: on some wireless adapters, signal strength can be detected incorrectly." Here is the complete release announcement. Download: Pardus_2009_RC.iso (668MB, MD5, torrent), Pardus_2009_International_RC.iso (695MB, MD5, torrent).
2009-06-20 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2009 Beta |
Onur Küçük has announced the availability of the beta release of Pardus Linux 2009: "The second testing release of Pardus Linux 2009 is ready. The latest stable release of KDE, version 4.2.4, is available with enhancements. Pardus Linux 2009 beta comes with many new features in the PiSi and COMAR base tools, YALI installation program and KAPTAN. The new version contains up-to-date packages: KDE 4.2.4, Linux kernel 2.6.30_rc8, 3.1.0, Mozilla Firefox 3.5 RC1, GIMP 2.6.6, X.Org Server 1.6.2pre. Many more managers are now ready for Pardus 2009, they share the same look and feel, have many optimizations and new features. Also there is a new tool in town, System Manager, which can be used to manage system-wide preferences through a graphical interface." Here is the complete release announcement. Download: Pardus_2009_Beta.iso (680MB, MD5, torrent).
2009-05-27 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2009 Alpha |
The first alpha release of Pardus Linux 2009, an independently developed desktop distribution with a custom package manager and desktop administration utilities, is now available for download: "The first alpha of Pardus Linux 2009 has been released by the Pardus community. Pardus 2009 alpha is a preview of the next version of the Pardus Linux distribution. The new Pardus Linux 2009 comes with KDE 4 desktop, improved driver support and new ext4 file system. Highlights: KDE desktop 4.2.3; Linux kernel 2.6.30-rc7; office suite 3.1rc6; Mozilla Firefox browser 3.5beta4; GIMP 2.6.6; X.Org Server 1.6.2pre; Python 2.6.2; GCC 4.3.3; glibc 2.9. Known bugs: Packages installation starts slowly on the CD installation; Kaptan starts with English language even if another language is selected." Here is the release announcement (in Turkish), with the translation of the main points in this post at Pardus Worldforum. Get the installation CD image from here: Pardus_2009_Alpha.iso (698MB, MD5, torrent).
2009-01-31 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2008.2 |
Ekin Meroğlu has announced the release of Pardus Linux 2008.2, an independently developed desktop distribution and live CD featuring a variety of unique technologies: "The second update release of Pardus Linux 2008, Pardus Linux 2008.2 'Canis aureus' is out. With this release, core technologies like PiSi and COMAR are updated to provide new features. YALI is also updated to offer a smoother and more reliable installation experience. The enhancements in Mudur initialization system provide a faster and more robust start-up process, along with a better remote file system support. Pardus is offered as two variants to support ever-increasing number of languages: one installation CD with support for Turkish and English only and another installation CD with support for 11 languages." Read the release announcement and release notes for more information. Download: Pardus-2008.2-Canis-aureus.iso (696MB, MD5), Pardus-2008.2-Canis-aureus-International.iso (697MB, MD5).
2008-09-15 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2008.1 |
Ekin Meroğlu has announced the release of Pardus Linux 2008.1: "We're happy to announce Pardus Linux 2008.1 'Hyaena Hyaena', the first update release in Pardus 2008 series. It contains all the bug fixes, enhancements and new feature additions since the release of Pardus Linux 2008. Features: new and improved Network Manager with Ad-Hoc and 802.1x wireless support; two live CD variants with KDE 3 and KDE 4; support for Swedish; international installation CD with support for 11 languages; updated applications - KDE 3.5.10, Linux kernel with improved hardware support, Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1, 2.4.1, KDE 4.1.1; hundreds of free software applications with fewer bugs and updated to the most recent versions...." Read the release announcement and release notes for more details. Download the English/Turkish installation CD or one of the "Calisan" live CDs: Pardus_2008.1.iso (696MB, MD5), Pardus_Calisan_2008.1-KDE3.iso (695MB, MD5), Pardus_Calisan_2008.1-KDE4.iso (687MB, MD5).
2008-09-08 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2008.1 RC |
Ekin Meroğlu has announced the availability of a release candidate for Pardus Linux 2008.1: "We're happy to announce Pardus 2008.1 RC, the last test release for the upcoming Pardus 2008.1. This release candidate includes a major difference form earlier versions of Pardus Linux - from now on, it will be released as two flavours of live and install CDs: one install CD in English and Turkish and one in all supported languages, one live CD with KDE 3, and finally one live CD with KDE 4." Read the full release announcement for a detailed description of all the different Pardus flavours. Quick download links to the English/Turkish installation CD and the two live CDs (Pardus "Calisan"): Pardus_2008.1-tr_RC.iso (697MB, MD5), Pardus_Calisan_2008.1-KDE3_RC.iso (697MB, MD5), Pardus_Calisan_2008.1-KDE4_RC.iso (695MB, MD5).
2008-08-28 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2008.1 Beta |
Ekin Meroğlu has announced the first beta release of Pardus Linux 2008.1: "We're happy to announce Pardus 2008.1 Beta, the first beta for the upcoming Pardus 2008.1. Some of the highlights are: a new version of Network Manager with ad-hoc, 802.1x and connection sharing capabilities; the new stable version of KDE 3 - KDE 3.5.10; Linux kernel - the latest stable release of Linux Kernel 2.6.25; Swedish language support; KDE 3 live CD, KDE 4 one is planned to be released soon; all the enhancements and bug fixes since the release of Pardus 2008. We would like to remind you that this is not a final version, and should not be installed on production machines. We did our best to fix all bugs, however, should you find one, do not hesitate to enter a report in our bug reporting system." Here is the complete release announcement. Download the installation or live (Calisan) CD from here: Pardus_2008.1_Beta.iso (697MB, MD5), Pardus_Calisan_2008.1_Beta.iso (697MB, MD5).
2008-06-27 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2008 |
The Pardus development team has announced the release of Pardus Linux 2008, an independently developed desktop distribution with custom package management and system configuration tools: "New version of the Pardus project, Pardus Linux 2008, improved by the latest technologies and up-to-date applications, has been released. As always, Pardus 2008, is being freely distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License. In compliance with the main goals of the Pardus project, Pardus 2008 has lots of new features for ease of installation and use, both at the infrastructure and interface levels. In addition, Pardus 2008 provides enhanced hardware support, stable and reliable Linux infrastructure and numerous applications on a single CD." Visit the distribution's home page to read the release announcement and check out the release notes for information about new features. Download (MD5) the installation CD images from here: Pardus_2008-Kurulan.iso (695MB, torrent).
2008-06-18 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2008 RC2 |
Ekin Meroğlu has announced the availability of the second release candidate for Pardus Linux 2008: "We're happy to announce Pardus Linux 2008 RC2, hopefully the last release candidate for upcoming Pardus 2008. This release includes a whole bunch of bug fixes and enhancements, as well as new features of Pardus' own tools and underlying technologies. Many package updates are available too: some are in the install CD and some are in the repositories, just a few clicks away. We would like to remind you that this is not a final version, and should not be installed on production machines. We did our best to fix all bugs, however should you find one, do not hesitate to enter a report in our bug reporting system. Also, we would be happy to hear about your experiences in our pardus-users email list." Here is the brief release announcement. Download: Pardus_2008_RC2.iso (697MB, MD5).
2008-06-10 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2008 RC1 |
Ekin Meroğlu has announced the availability of the first release candidate for Pardus Linux 2008, an independent desktop Linux distribution with custom package management and system administration tools: "We are happy to announce Pardus Linux 2008 RC1, the first release candidate for upcoming Pardus Linux 2008. This release includes most of the enhancements planned for the final release. Some of the highlights of this release are: updated Pardus-specific tools, specially the new Display Manager tool; a new Kernel ( and GCC (4.3.1); many bug fixes and updated packages. We would like to remind you that this is not a final version, and should not be installed on production machines." Here is the brief release announcement. Download the installation CD image from here: Pardus_2008_RC1.iso (697MB, SHA1).
2008-06-04 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2008 Beta 1 |
Ekin Meroğlu has announced the availability of the first beta release of Pardus Linux 2008: "We're happy to announce Pardus 2008 beta 1, the first beta for upcoming Pardus 2008. This beta includes most of the enhancements planned for the final release. Some of the highlights of this beta are: Pardus-specific tools and technologies - the new dbus-based COMAR, the fastest-ever PiSi, the new YAlI, the new Display-Manager tool and enhanced Kaptan; seamless desktop integration - full PolicyKit, ConsoleKit, dbus/Comar integration, PulseAudio, automatic printer recognition; new visual design - from bootsplash to icon theme, all Pardus visuals have been redesigned; up-to-date packages and repositories; components - GCC 4.3.1 RC, glibc 2.8, kernel,, Firefox 3.0 RC1." Read the rest of the release announcement for further details and known issues. Download the installation CD image from here: Pardus-2008_Beta1.iso (697MB, SHA1).
2007-11-19 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2007.3 |
The Pardus development team has released Pardus Linux 2007.3, the third update to the stable 2007 code base: "Pardus Linux 2007.3 codenamed 'Lynx lynx' is out. Download 2007.3 version now! What's new> NetworkManager can detect your own wireless profiles and automatically switch to one of them; package manager is more polished now, many bugs in bug tracker have been fixed; Pardus installer 'YALI' now asks questions first, and then installs the system; KDE is updated to 3.5.8; all-in-one office suite is now version 2.3. K3b CD/DVD burner application is upgraded to 1.0.4." Visit the distribution's home page to read the release announcement. Download (MD5) the installation ("Kurulan") or live ("Calisan") CD from here: Pardus-Kurulan-2007.3.iso (686MB, torrent), Pardus-Calisan-2007.3.iso (689MB, torrent).
2007-07-12 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2007.2 |
The Pardus developers from Turkey have announced the availability of Pardus Linux 2007.2: "Pardus 2007.2 Caracal caracal released! It is possible to install Pardus 2007.2 in French, Italian and Catalan besides Turkish, English, Spanish, German, Dutch and Brazilian Portuguese. Pardus 2007.2 now introduces KDE 3.5.7 for better stability, translations and eye candy for Pardus users. Network manager application now comes bundled with PEAP-MSCHAPv2 support. Now Pardus clients can authenticate with wireless devices using this protocol, benefiting from strong encryption possibilities." Read the release announcement and release notes for further details. Download: Pardus-Kurulan-2007.2.iso (686MB, MD5), Pardus-Calisan-2007.2.iso (697MB, MD5). While the installation CD "Kurulan" and the live CD "Calisan" are also available via BitTorrent, "please note that to eliminate potential problems, burn the CDs in DAO mode, 16x speed."
2007-06-24 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2007.2 RC2 |
S. Çağlar Onur has announced the availability of a second release candidate of Pardus Linux 2007.2: "Pardus project announces Pardus 2007.2 RC. This release includes all the bug fixes and updates applied to Pardus 2007.1 'Felis Chaus', including but not limited to: KDE 3.5.7,, K3b, kernel updates and hundreds of bug and security fixes with lots of improvements. We would like to remind you that this is not a final version and should not be installed on production machines. We did our best to fix all bugs, however should you find one, do not hesitate to enter a report in our bug reporting system." Read the release announcement and release notes for further details. Download the installation CD ("Kurulan") or the live CD ("Calisan") from here: Pardus-Kurulan-2007.2-RC.iso (689MB, SHA1), Pardus-Calisan-2007.2-RC.iso (693MB, SHA1).
2007-06-12 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2007.2 Beta |
Görkem Çetin has announced the availability of a beta release of Pardus Linux 2007.2, an independently developed desktop Linux distribution with custom package management and system administration utilities: "Pardus project announces Pardus 2007.2 beta (code name Barış), which is dedicated to our long-time developer Barış Metin. This beta version includes all the bug fixes and updates applied to Pardus 2007.1, including but not limited to KDE 3.5.7,, K3b and kernel updates, and hundreds of bug and security fixes. We would like to remind you that this is not a final version, and should not be installed on production machines." Read the release announcement and release notes for more details. Interested beta testers can download the installation CD image from here: Pardus-Kurulan-2007.2_Beta.iso (686MB, SHA1).
2007-03-16 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2007.1 |
The Pardus development team has announced the release of Pardus Linux 2007.1 "The first maintenance release of Pardus Linux 2007 is out. What's new in 'Felis chaus'? It is possible to install Pardus in Brazilian Portuguese, as well as Turkish, English, Spanish, German or Dutch; users will enjoy KDE 3.5.6 with the latest release of more than 300 software packages; the PiSi package manager is now 40% faster for repository processes; WPA authentication, status monitoring and improvements have been done with network manager. Pardus comes with Internet tools, office suite, multimedia players, games and numerous applications to satisfy the needs of desktop users, all squeezed into a single CD." Here is the brief release announcement. Download (MD5) the installation (Kurulan) and live (Calisan) CDs from here: Pardus-Kurulan-2007.1.iso (686MB), Pardus-Calisan-2007.1.iso (687MB).
2006-12-18 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 2007 |
After several months of beta testing, Pardus Linux 2007 final has been released. Here is a brief list of the distribution's most interesting features: "Multilingual installer - it is possible to install Pardus in Turkish, English, Spanish, German or Dutch; smaller packages, faster updates - thanks to the improvements to the Pardus package manager PiSi; package manager - the intuitive graphical interface of PiSi makes updates and installation of software much easier; fast start-up - the new init system developed using the Pardus configuration framework ÇOMAR makes the start-up much faster; new and up-to-date applications - more than 640 packages are installed from the CD, and more than 1000 available over the Internet." Read the release announcement and release notes for more details. Pardus Linux 2007 is available for download as an installation CD (Kurulan) or live CD (Calisan) from here: Pardus-Kurulan-2007.iso (676MB, SHA1), Pardus-Calisan-2007.iso (694MB, SHA1).
2006-12-02 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2007 RC |
The Pardus Linux project has announced the availability of a Pardus Linux 2007 release candidate. According to the changelog, the new version comes with support for Spanish during system installation, a new graphical tool for managing disk partitions (Disk Manager) and updated versions of PiSi, the package management utility and Comar, the system administration module. The Linux kernel has been updated to version, while a number of other packages, including CUPS, GnuPG and NdisWrapper have also been upgraded to their latest versions. Many bugs reported on the distribution's bug tracker have been fixed. Visit the project's home page to read the full release announcement. The Pardus Linux 2007 RC installation CD (Kurulan) and live CD (Calisan) are available for download from here: Pardus-Kurulan-2007-RC.iso (663MB, SHA1), Pardus-Calisan-2007-RC.iso (624MB, SHA1).
2006-11-25 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 2007 Beta 2 |
The second beta release of Pardus Linux 2007 is out. Code named "Sait Faik" after the great Turkish short story writer Sait Faik Abasıyanık, Pardus Linux 2007 comes with the following new features: multilingual installer supporting Turkish, English, German and Dutch; smaller packages and faster updates thanks to the improvements to the Pardus package manager PiSi; intuitive graphical interface of PiSi which makes software installation and updates much easier; fast start-up thanks the new init system developed using the Pardus configuration framework ÇOMAR. The new release also includes a new Tulliana icon set, and more than 200 bug fixes since the previous beta. Please read the full release announcement (in Turkish) for further details. Download: Pardus-Kurulan-2007-Beta2.iso (668MB, MD5).
2006-11-12 |
Development Release: Pardus Linux 1.1 Beta |
The first beta of Pardus Linux 1.1 has been released: "Pardus operating system's latest beta version, codenamed 'ATA', is out for download and testing. Pardus 'ATA' incorporates a range of features enhancing the productivity and usability for personal desktop computing. Some highlights are 2.0.4, KDE 3.5.3, YALI installer 1.1 beta7 and Firefox, together with lots of entertaining games, educational software, desktop publishing packages, digital photography software and painting applications. Pardus 'ATA' is geared towards desktop users, developers, Linux enthusiasts and hobbyists." Read the full press release for further information. Download the installation CD (Kurulan) or live CD (Calisan) from here: Pardus-Kurulan-2007-Beta.iso (694MB, MD5), Pardus-Calisan-2007-Beta.iso (685MB, MD5).
2005-12-27 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Linux 1.0 |
Following the release of a live CD edition earlier this year, the developers of Pardus Linux have now announced the first official release of the Pardus installation CD. Developed by the Uludağ Project in Turkey and designed for desktop use, the distribution is an interesting effort providing several custom utilities, including a nicely designed graphical installation program, a configuration manager, and a control panel. It uses a unique package management called "PiSi". Although developed primarily for Turkish speakers with several Turkish utilities and a dictionary, the system installer and user interface also support English. See the release announcement on the distribution's home page for further details about Pardus Linux. The ISO image can be downloaded from here: pardus-1.0.iso (692MB, MD5, SHA1).
2005-05-05 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Live CD 1.1 |
Pardus is a Turkish project with the goal of creating a Gentoo-based live CD for Turkish speakers. Version 1.1 is the project's second release and the good news is that it will be included in this month's Chip magazine (Turkish edition) as a cover CD. The major differences between 1.0 and 1.1 include the following: X loads v41 module by default; all bookmarks in Firefox are now in Turkish; NTFS module parameters have been updated; Gtk-Qt engine comes with an updated default font; the Java symbolic link was fixed in all Mozilla browsers; certain symbolic links under /etc were fixed (GConf and some modem drivers). Here is the complete release announcement (in Turkish). Download: pardus_calisan_cd-1.1.iso (674MB).
2005-02-04 |
Distribution Release: Pardus Live CD 1.0 |
Pardus is a new Linux live CD made in Turkey and based on Gentoo Linux. Version 1.0 is the first public release of the project: "Pardus Live CD, a bootable CD edition of the Pardus National Operating System, has been announced and distributed to the participants of Akademik Bilisim in Gaziantep University. The live CD includes Linux kernel (2.6.10) , office tools (word processor, spreadsheet editor, presentation tool, etc.), Internet tools (browser, e-mail, instant messaging, relay chat etc. clients), multimedia and graphics tools (video player, music player, etc.), games and lots of other applications. Pardus is open source and freely distributed as a GPL product." More details are available on the project's web site (mostly in Turkish with a small English section). Pardus 1.0 is a good-looking live CD with interface and support for Turkish. It can be downloaded from here: pardus-calisan_cd-1.0b.iso (693MB).