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Linuxfx is a Brazilian Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It ships with an intuitive Cinnamon desktop user interface designed to facilitate migration of users from Windows. It includes a video management system called Sentinela, a computer vision software with video analytics and software for access control (facial recognition and automatic number plate recognition), object detection, gender, age and mood detection. Other features of the distribution include a new personal assistant, a WX theme for desktop and system applications, and compatibility with software written for Windows (.exe and .msi) through a Wine port. Following the release of Linuxfx 10.6 the distribution became a commercial offering.
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2018-01-08 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2018_01_08 |
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Parted Magic, a Linux distribution run from a live disc for managing hard drives and partitions, has been updated. The new version, Parted Magic 2018_01_08, introduces a new kernel with better support for a range of video cards. File system tools, such as those used to manage Btrfs and ZFS volumes, have been upgraded too. "The Linux kernel has been updated to 4.14.11. I have received a lot of glowing reviews of the newer video cards it supports and it's stability. The 2017_09_05 release was our most successful release to date with very little complaints. Instead of changing a bunch of stuff for the sake of changing a bunch of stuff, we basically kept it the way it was. We only addressed the little issues and updated relevant software. GParted has been updated to 0.30.0. I would like to do something different with the artwork though. If anybody out there would like to create something new, contact us. Other updates: e2fsprogs 1.43.8, Mozilla Firefox 52.5.3esr, MESA 17.2.8, X.Org Server 1.19.6, OpenSSL 1.0.2n, Samba 4.4.16, NetworkManager 1.8.4, wget 1.19.2, Python 2.7.14, Ruby 2.2.8, cURL 7.56.1...." A list of new and changed packages can be found on the project's news page and in the distribution's changelog. Parted Magic can be purchased for $11 from the project's online store. |
About Parted Magic
Parted Magic is a small live CD/USB/PXE with its elemental purpose being to partition hard drives. Although GParted and Parted are the main programs, the CD/USB also offers other applications, such as Partition Image, TestDisk, fdisk, sfdisk, dd, ddrescue, etc. In August 2013 the distribution became a commercial product and is no longer available as a free download.
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2024-11-04 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2024_11_03 |
Parted Magic is a small live CD/USB/PXE with its elemental purpose being to partition hard drives. The project's latest release is version 2024_11_03 which updates the Linux kernel, introduces WINE 9.x and provides upgrades for LibreOffice and ClamAV. "This version of Parted Magic updates the kernel to Linux 6.11 and adds/updates various programs. WINE has been updated to version 9 with support for 32-bit and 64-bit programs. I didn't do any extensive testing, but I found an old AutoCAD 14 CD from the 90s and it did install and run. I also tested a few 64-bit Windows binaries and those also ran. Winetricks was added to help install programs and missing DLL files. I didn't realize how long it's been since LibreOffice was updated, so that got some attention. The clamtk program was saying the definitions were out of date, even though they were not. This was corrected with a ClamAV update. A forum user suggested Hddsuperclone to be added. Updated programs: BIND 9.18.30, Boost 1.78.0, Cabextract 1.11, ClamAV 1.4.1, cups-cURL 8.10.1, LibreOffice 24.8.2, Mozilla Firefox 115.16.1esr, NVIDIA driver 560.35.03, OpenSSH 9.9p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1zb, Perl5.34.0 Wine 9.0, ZFS on Linux 2.2.6" Additional information is provided on the project's news page, while download and purchase options are offered through the distribution's online store. |
2022-01-18 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2022_01_18 |
Parted Magic is a small live CD/USB/PXE with its elemental purpose being to partition hard drives. The project has published a new update which addresses issues with Secure Erase functionality. The release announcement on the project's news page reads: "Parted Magic 2022_01_18. This version of Parted Magic updates the kernel to Linux 5.16.1 and fixes a few minor problems with the Secure Erase and NVME Secure Erase programs. Manufacturers are starting to get a bit carried away with the length of names given to drives. The names are now limited to 15 characters, so the Secure Erase GUI should now fit well on everybody’s screen. If there is still any doubt to what drive is what, do a mouse over and the entire name will be shown in the tool tip. We are using the bleeding edge NVIDIA 510.39.01 driver because it’s the only driver that will compile with the 5.16.1 kernel." Some of the package upgrades include X.Org Server 1.20.14, Firefox 91.5.0, LibreOffice 7.2.3, PulseAudio 15.0, Ruby 3.0.3, Samba 4.15.3, Nano 6.0, SysVInit, 3.01, Python 3.9.10, Wayland 1.20.0, curl 7.81.0, among many others. Parted Magic can be purchased from the distribution's online store for US$13. A list of included software can be found in the distribution's package list. |
2021-05-12 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2021_05_12 |
Parted Magic is a small live CD/USB/PXE with its elemental purpose being to partition hard drives. Although GParted and Parted are the main programs, the CD/USB also offers other applications, such as Partition Image, TestDisk, fdisk, sfdisk, dd, and ddrescue. The project's latest release, version 2021_05_12, is the latest of the distribution's fixed releases. The release announcement on the Parted Magic news page reports the distribution will shift to a rolling release approach later in the year. "This version of Parted Magic once again updates 100's of core programs and adds some new ones requested by users. I have added bcachefs-tools, but I was not able find a kernel patch for Linux 5.12, so there isn't any kernel support. There is also some other news. This is the last version of Parted Magic in it's current release format. Starting with the next release (in about 3 months), Parted Magic will take on the rolling release model. The One Year Subscription will be mostly unchanged. The other option will be a subscription service for $4 a month. Why is this better? You will be able to pay $4 a month and get fixes and updates. This lowers the price from $11 to $4 if you only need Parted Magic for a single one off project. All you have to do is log into your account and unsubscribe at any time." Parted Magic can be purchased from the distribution's online store for US$11. |
2021-02-28 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2021_02_28 |
Parted Magic is a small live CD/USB/PXE with its elemental purpose being to partition hard drives. Although GParted and Parted are the main programs, the CD/USB also offers other applications, such as Partition Image, TestDisk, fdisk, sfdisk, dd, and ddrescue. The project's latest release is Parted Magic 2021_02_28 which upgrades core packages and addresses an issue with boot image size limiations. "Notable changes for this release: Linux 5.11.2 with NVIDIA driver version 460.56. Forum member ven42 found a program buried on the Internet called 'Fred'. This is a perfect replacement for the old 'pcregedit'. For what ever reason some newer computers cannot load a boot image larger than 250MB. Users would get a message 'error: out of memory'. This was fixed by making the initramfs smaller. Duh. There was another memory error 'Not enough memory to load specified image'. I've seen this on and off with computers for the past 10 years. I had a boot menu entry to fix this by telling the computer how much memory to use. Most people overlooked it or didn't see it. Over the past month I just added mem=32G to all of the boot entries and so far it hasn't caused a problem. Hopefully the memory errors are put to bed once and for all." Further information can be found on the distribution's news page. Parted Magic can be purchased from the distribution's online store for US$11. |
2020-12-25 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2020_12_25 |
Parted Magic is a small live CD/USB/PXE with its elemental purpose being to partition hard drives. Although GParted and Parted are the main programs, the CD/USB also offers other applications, such as Partition Image, TestDisk, fdisk, sfdisk, dd, and ddrescue. The project's latest release updates the desktop to Xfce 4.14 from 4.12. "This version of Parted Magic comes with a huge number of package updates and improvements. Most notable is the upgrade to Xfce 4.14. I spent a lot of time tweaking the general look and feel. It looks significantly better than the last version. The boot menus have some changes so it's easier for people the find the more common booting work-a-arounds. Fcitx has been added to further improve input support. A menu allows you choose between Fcitx and Ibus. The old PXE version download has been discontinued. I highly suggest using the new method to boot Parted Magic via PXE: If you really need to use the old slow PXE method you can build it with the included script: boot/pxelinux/" The project's news page has more information. Parted Magic can be purchased from the distribution's online store for US$11. |
2020-10-12 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2020_10_12 |
Parted Magic, a live disc utility for managing disks and partitions as well as rescuing data has released a new version which introduces two major changes. The first is the graphical interface has migrated from Openbox to Xfce and the second is Parted Magic is now a 64-bit distribution. "Desktop is now Xfce and you can configure the crap of it now with GUIs and use the save session. The NVIDIA drivers are used by default. This was a big gain moving to 64-bit. Lots of program requests that were not possible or problematic because of the 32-bit system are now included. LibreOffice, Wireshark, Keepassxc, VLC, etc. This should put a smile on a lot of faces: international language support and man pages have returned. All languages supported by Linux should be available. Not a cherry picking of a few European countries. Ibus is also included. You'll see the new entry in the boot menu to get this going. The downside: the ISO is now 1.5GB. I found some old laptops and tested the bigger Parted Magic. The one with 2GB of RAM worked just fine in live mode. Another one with 4GB ran just fine from RAM. Even the cheapest computers made in the last 10 years can still run this." Further information can be found on the project's news page. The new version of Parted Magic can be purchased and downloaded from the distribution's online store. |
2020-08-25 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2020_08_23 |
Parted Magic is a small live CD/USB/PXE with its elemental purpose being to partition hard drives. The project has published an update which begins the distribution's migration to phase out 32-bit editions. "This version has some major changes that might be a big deal to some people, but I don’t think it will be a problem for most users. I was forced to drop the 32-bit kernel after finding out syslinux has an initramfs size limitation. I will include an old version with a 32-bit kernel. You can download it from your file list. 32-bit was going to be dropped in the near future anyway. 32 and 64 was dropped from the boot menus. If you have a custom boot menu or PXE configuration, please make a note of this change. For example, m64.img was renamed to m.img. Parted Magic no longer uses Aufs. The conversion to Overlayfs was nearly 100% done by D.L.C. Burggraaff. This means kernel updates will no longer be delayed waiting for an Aufs patch." further information, including a list of updated packages, can be found on the distribution's news page. The new version of Parted Magic can be purchased and downloaded from the distribution's online store. |
2019-12-24 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2019_12_24 |
Parted Magic is a small live CD/USB/PXE with its elemental purpose being to partition hard drives, recover data and image partitions. The project's latest release is Parted Magic 2019_12_24. The new version includes Wine, DosBOX and the GNOME Disk utility. Several key packages have also been updated. "Parted Magic 2019_12_24. This version of Parted Magic adds WINE, Gnome Disk Utility, DOSBox and a new method of booting via PXE. We have also reverted back to the 2014 desktop wallpaper and GRUB screen as seen on the screen shots page. New PXE booting: 1. Extract the ISO image and copy the 'pmagic' folder to your server. 2. Use the new 'wget=' kernel cheat code and the path leading to the 'pmagic' folder. Updated Programs: testdisk 7.2-WIP, ncdu 1.14.1, kernel firmware 20191222git, ZFS on Linux 0.8.2, Linux kernel 5.4.6, xf86-video-sis 0.12.0, libdrm 2.4.100, OpenSSL 1.0.2u, nwipe 0.26, Mozilla Firefox 68.3.0esr, libtiff 4.1.0, Flashplayer Plugin, ca-certificates 20191130, BIND 9.11.14. Added Programs: Wine 4.0.2, libpwquality 1.4.1, gnome-disk-utility 3.6.1, cracklib 2.9.6, DOSBox 0.74.3, stressapptest 1.0.9, cabextract 1.9.1." Further details on the new version, along with instructions for setting up PXE booting for Parted Magic, can be found on the distribution's news page and additional information can be found in the project's changelog. Parted Magic is available for purchase for US$11 from the project's on-line store. |
2017-09-05 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2017_09_05 |
Parted Magic is a live CD/USB commercial distribution which is designed to work with hard drives and disk partitions. The Parted Magic live disc can be used to manage partitions via GParted as well as rescue lost file with TestDisk. The project's latest release, Parted Magic 2017_09_95, ships with GParted 0.29.0, version 4.12.9 of the Linux kernel and packages to support both Btrfs and ZFS. The project's news page states: "This version of Parted Magic updates GParted, Clonezilla, Linux kernel and adds a few programs. GParted has been upgraded to version 0.29.0. Clonezilla has been updated to version 3.27.13, partclone to 0.2.91, and drbl to 2.25.6. The installation in Parted Magic has been tested by Steven Shiau. The Linux kernel has been updated to 4.12.9 and firmware as of 2017/08/28. Other updates: openvpn-2.3.17, nvme-cli-1.3, flashplayer-plugin-, samba-4.4.15, mozilla-firefox-52.3.0esr, libtirpc-1.0.2, libgcrypt-1.7.8, gnupg-1.4.22, gd-2.2.4, e2fsprogs-1.43.5, curl-7.55.0, ca-certificates-20161130, btrfs-progs-v4.12, bind-9.10.5_P3, gsmartcontrol-1.0.2, zfs-on-linux-0.7.0, spl-solaris-0.7.0. Added programs: iproute2-4.4.0, iotop-0.6, ioping-0.9, fio-2.20, atop-2.2." The Parted Magic changelog has further details. The distribution can be purchased for $11 from the project's online store. |
2017-06-12 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2017_06_12 |
Parted Magic is a live CD/USB commercial distribution which is designed to work with hard drives and disk partitions. The Parted Magic live disc can be used to manage partitions via GParted as well as rescue lost file with TestDisk. The latest snapshot of Parted Magic, version 2017_06_12, features a few changes, including the addition of the Filezilla file transfer application: "This version of Parted Magic adds a few leaves and branches to our slow growing oak tree. Filezilla replaces gFTP. Parted Magic now ships with a screen magnifier. The Linux kernel has been updated to 4.11.4 and includes the ZFS Linux drivers. Clonezilla has been updated to 3.25.11 and tested by Steven Shiau. And as always, this release includes updated X.Org components and security fixes. Be sure to check the new releases of Wxfixboot 2.0.1 and Ddrescuegui 1.7.1. Updated programs: X.Org Server 1.19.3, Clonezilla 3.25.11, ntfs-3g 2017.3.23, Mesa 13.0.6, Mozilla Firefox 52.1.0esr, Flashplayer plugin, Samba 4.4.14, OpenSSH 7.4p1, FreeType 2.6.3...." Information on updated packages and other changes can be found on the project's News page and in the distribution's change log. The latest version of Parted Magic can be purchased and downloaded for US$9.00 from the project's online store. |
2017-01-09 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2017_01_08 |
Parted Magic is a live CD/DVD Linux distribution for working with disk partitions and rescuing data. The latest version of the commercial distribution is Parted Magic 2017_01_08 and has been updated to use X.Org Server 1.19.0 and the kernel has been upgraded to Linux 4.9.1 with various video card fixes. The distribution now ships with support for working with ZFS volumes thanks to the ZFS on Linux kernel modules. "This version of Parted Magic comes with X.Org Server 1.19.0 and the latest open source drivers. The kernel has been updated to Linux 4.9.1 with many video card fixes. We also added a few programs and made a few minor nitpicks most people didn’t even notice. I thought the 2016_10_18 release was going to be a problem because of all the updates. It was actually the best release ever and Parted Magic 2017_01_08 builds on that. Parted Magic now ships with ZFS on Linux kernel drivers. Added programs: GRUB Customizer 5.0.6, x11vnc 0.9.13, FSlint 2.44, zerofree 1.0.4, SPL Solaris 0.7.0-git, ZFS on Linux 0.7.0git and BleachBit 1.12." Further details can be found in the project's release announcement. The latest version of Parted Magic can be purchased for US$9.00 from the project's downloads page. |
2016-10-18 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2016_10_18 |
Parted Magic is a live distribution commonly used to partition hard drives, rescue data and clone partitions. The commercial distribution has as been upgraded to feature new versions of many packages along with new artwork. "This release is by far the most aggressively upgraded version in the history of the project. Nearly 800 programs have been updated. All new artwork, icons, and themes. At the same time there have been no major changes to the layout, so everybody should feel at home. The goal was to get everything up to date without causing regressions and discomfort. Parted Magic was never meant to be a play toy. It was designed to get things done and look somewhat cool with our Steampunk looking themes. We really hope you find this release useful, because a lot of work went into it." This version of Parted Magic features GParted 0.26.1, Linux kernel 4.8.2, Ddrescue GUI 1.6.1 and Mozilla Firefox 49.0. The release announcement goes on to mention free copies of the distribution are available to students. Parted Magic can be purchased via the project's downloads page (starting at US$9.00). |
2016-04-26 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2016_04_26 |
The Parted Magic distribution, an independent commercial project that provides partitioning and data recovery tools, has released a new version. The new release, Parted Magic 2016_04_26, includes several updates, including version 4.5.2 of the Linux kernel and TestDisk 7.1. The Chrome web browser has been dropped from this release. "This version of Parted Magic supports Secure Erase of NVMe SSD. These are different than ATA Solid State Drives, so a new GUI had to be written. The new GUI is very similar to the ATA Secure Erase GUI. It's located in the 'Erase Disk' menu right under the ATA Secure Erase button. I'll be working on another Secure Erase page for the new NVMe GUI. On the downside we removed Google Chrome because they quit releasing 32-bit builds. There are 64-bit Chromium modules in the Support Forum if you really need a Chrome like browser." A complete list of changes can be found on the project's News page. The Parted Magic distribution can be purchased through the project's Downloads page. |
2016-01-08 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2016_01_06 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2016_01_06, a new stable version of the project's commercial distribution designed primarily for disk management and data rescue tasks: "Parted Magic 2016_01_06. This version of Parted Magic updates some packages and adds some new ones. You'll also notice our delivery service has changed from E-Junkie to DPD. Not only does it look better, but download performance is more reliable. The 1-year subscriptions no longer have to be mailed out every release. You can keep your original email to get your updated Parted Magic files. We'll send out a simple email to let you know about stable releases. The Network manager stack was upgraded to 1.0.8. fstransform was added, this command-line program converts one file system type to another, for example XFS to ext4. isdct was added, this is a command-line tool for managing and secure erasing newer Intel SSD and NVMe devices. Updated programs: Google Chrome 47.0.2526.106, Mozilla Firefox 43.0.3, TigerVNC 1.6.0, MESA 11.0.7...." Visit the distribution's news page to read the full release announcement. Parted Magic 2016_01_06 is available from the distribution's online store for US$9.00 (immediate download), US$49 (annual subscription), US$19 - 40 (USB drives) or US$9 - 11 (CD or DVD). |
2015-01-14 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2015_01_13 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2015_01_13, an updated build of the project's commercial distribution designed mainly for disk management and data rescue tasks: "We reorganized the ISO image and removed a little over 40 MB from the download without removing any features. We actually added a lot of stuff. In the past a few people were getting hung up on 'Setting up system devices'. They had DVD drives hooked to ASMedia SATA3 ports. Parted Magic now boots with a DVD drive hooked to ASMedia ports. In this version you'll notice a set of lips in the panel. A few people requested some sort of speech program, but didn't give many details of what they wanted. I hope this is what they were looking for. You can now do a memory test from the EFI menu. Clonezilla has been updated to 3.12.7. Xfburn is now compiled to use GStreamer. Audacity 2.0.6 was added. Firefox was updated to 34.0.5." See the project's news page to read the release announcement with a changelog. Parted Magic 2015_01_13 is available from the distribution's online shop for US$9.99. |
2014-01-05 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2014_01_04 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2014_01_04, a new version of the project's commercial distribution with specialist tools for disk management and data rescue tasks: "This version of Parted Magic updates many programs, introduces a few news one, and adds a new module system. The most notable program updates include Linux kernel 3.12.6, ClamTK 5.01, File Roller 3.10.0, Mozilla Firefox 26.0, and GParted 0.17.0. A few programs where added. These include: Gpointing Device Settings, Rdiff Backup, Wimlib, PCRegEdit and a ton of new Perl modules for the ClamTK upgrade. We have come up with a new module system that drastically reduces the amount of RAM needed to use extra programs. The new module system works exactly like the old system. You simply place our new .sqfm packages into the pmagic/pmodules folder and they merge into the existing RAM disk without using the extra RAM needed in the uncompressed form." Visit the project's news page to read the full release announcement. Parted Magic 2014_01_04 is available from the distribution's online shop for US$4.99. |
2013-09-28 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2013_09_26 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2013_09_26, a specialist live CD that comes with a collection of utilities for disk management and data rescue tasks: "Parted Magic 2013_09_26. This version of Parted Magic includes a new GUI for Secure Erase, a GUI for ddrescue, it now boots normally on Windows 8 machines with Secure Boot enabled, a completely new layout for the panel menu, and many updated programs. The new Parted Magic Secure Erase GUI has been the main focus over the past few months and it very well may be the easiest-to-use and most powerful ATA Secure Erase program on the planet. There is also a very nice GUI for ddrescue written by Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty. You no longer need to disable Secure Boot on Windows 8 machines to use Parted Magic. New programs: ddrutility and mprime. Updated programs: X.Org Server 1.14.3, Linux kernel 3.10.12, Mozilla Firefox 24.0, GParted 0.16.2...." Visit the project's home page to read the release announcement. Please note that the latest releases of Parted Magic are no longer available as free downloads; see the download page for information on how to purchase your copy. |
2013-08-01 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2013_08_01 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2013_08_01, the latest stable version of the specialist live CD featuring utilities for disk management and data rescue tasks: "Parted Magic 2013_08_01. This is probably the most thoroughly tested version of Parted Magic we've done in a while. More attention was given to fixing old problems then adding new features. That's not to say there are a few new ones. The program to download virus definitions has been overhauled to show more information after the download is complete. Such as the size of the files and the version. You can also decide to download the main, daily, or both. The program which displays what programs are installed has been split up into groups instead of a 1,000 package list. The EFI GRUB 2 menu and the syslinux menu have been completely overhauled from scratch." Visit the project's news page to read the release announcement. Download (MD5): pmagic_2013_08_01.iso (336MB). |
2013-06-15 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2013_06_14 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2013_06_14, the latest stable version of the project's specialist live CD designed for disk management and data rescue tasks: "Another month of solid development is complete, it's time to release Parted Magic with a new look and a growing number improvements. After what seems like a good part of 5 years, Parted Magic has a new desktop wallpaper! Colin Skees put together the Steampunk/Tron theme for us and I have to say it is really cool. We came up with 2 sizes and probe for screen resolution, so it looks good on most machines. A lot of work went into Parted Magic Mount. It now auto refreshes and supports device mapper, smart phones, cameras, and Kindles. Most of the little quirks have been worked out and we honestly believe it is becoming one of the best GUI mount utilities available. Clonezilla has been updated to 3.3.40, drbl to 2.3.28, and partclone 0.2.61." Visit the project's news page to read the full release announcement. Download (MD5) link to the bug-fixed version 2013_06_15: pmagic_2013_06_15.iso (315MB). |
2013-05-02 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2013_05_01 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2013_05_01, an updated release of a live CD containing useful tools for data rescue and disk management tasks: "The Parted Magic project is proud to announce another stable release of the popular partitioning and system rescue environment. This has been by far the most ambitious release of Parted Magic to date. EFI booting support from CDROM has been greatly improved. Erase Disk has a new menu with translations. The f2fs-tools package has been added, you an also create a f2fs with GParted. A new 'forcevesa' kernel command-line option has been added, this works with cards like the MGA G200* series; the Parted Magic Wipe Free Space GUI has been translated. We have created a simple GTK+ GUI for chntpw, it should make changing Windows passwords much easier. The X.Org Server has been upgraded to 1.14.1." See the project's news page for the full release announcement. Download (MD5): pmagic_2013_05_01.iso (315MB). |
2013-03-01 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2013_02_28 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2013_02_28, a new version of the project's Linux-based live CD with open-source tools and utilities designed for disk management and data rescue tasks: "The Parted Magic project is proud to announce another stable release of the popular partitioning and system rescue environment. Since the last release many new improvements and updates have taking place. Parted Magic now supports booting from EFI BIOS. The kernel has been upgraded to Linux 3.7.9 with fixes for the bug bricking Samsung laptops using EFI and the samsung-laptop module. It's safe to use EFI and Parted Magic in this release. The chntpw utility has been added to the boot menu once again. A new kernel command line option 'wicd' allows easy switch between NetworkManager and wicd." Visit the project's news page to read the remainder of the release announcement. Download (MD5): pmagic_2013_02_28.iso (308MB). |
2013-01-30 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2013_01_29 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2013_01_29, a Linux live CD with specialist tools for disk management and data rescue tasks: "Parted Magic 2013_01_29. This version of Parted Magic brings all the X.Org packages up to date, adds Spanish language support, and a much improved shut-down menu. In the last release there were some issues with the X.Org Server 13 series. Some people were getting black screens. Reports have come in and most of this seems to be corrected by adjusting some udev rules, pulling a few X.Org drivers from git, and updating to the 3.7.5 Linux kernel. Lots of packages have been recompiled to add the Spanish locales. The syslinux menu has also been updated with Spanish language entries. Spanish is now very well supported in Parted Magic. Firefox is updated to the latest 18.0.1 release." See the project's news page to read the complete release announcement. Download (MD5) from here: pmagic_2013_01_29.iso (298MB). |
2012-10-11 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2012_10_10 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2012_10_10, a specialist Linux live CD providing utilities for disk management and data rescue tasks: "Parted Magic 2012_10_10. This version of Parted Magic includes GParted 0.14.0 with LVM support and X.Org Server 1.13.0 with the latest drivers. I noticed some Reiser4 patches for the 3.5 kernel so it was included again. The reiser4progs package was patched to work with GParted and the 3.x kernels. Rdesktop was removed in favor of FreeRDP and its GUI Remmina. Two plugins were added to SpaceFM so you can mount Samba shares and use ClamAV directly from the file manager. Several minor bugs have been addressed. A large number of programs have been updated: Python 2.7.3, Mesa 9.0, Firefox 16.0, Linux kernel 3.5.6...." Visit the project's news page to read the release announcement. Download (MD5): pmagic_2012_10_10.iso (236MB), pmagic_2012_10_10_i486.iso (236MB), pmagic_2012_10_10_x86_64.iso (237MB). |
2012-09-12 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2012_09_12 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2012_09_12, a specialist live CD providing utilities for disk management and data rescue tasks: "Parted Magic 2012_09_12. GParted LVM support - this is a list of new LVM features: physical volume creation, checking, resizing (no compaction, just adjusting size above highest used block), moving (using GParted's offline move capability), activation and deactivation, deletion. A large number of programs have been updated: Midnight Commander 4.8.4, Firefox 15.0.1, kmod 10, ALSA libraries 1.0.26. OpenSSH 6.1p1, X.Org Server 1.12.4, Linux kernel 3.5.3. The has been updated so it works with atftpd again. There were actually two issues. The bigger initbase file was 41 MB and atftpd can only handle 32 MB maximum file size." See the project's news page for a complete list of bug fixes. Download (MD5): pmagic_2012_09_12.iso (238MB), pmagic_2012_09_12_i486.iso (237MB), pmagic_2012_09_12_x86_64.iso (239MB).
2012-07-30 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2012_07_28 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2012_07_28, a specialist live CD with a large collection of utilities for disk management and data rescue tasks: "The most ambitious release of Parted Magic to-date. LVM hang fixed; garbled Russian translation problem with Clonezilla fixed; added NFS 4 support for Clonezilla; TrueCrypt hang fixed; ROXTerm 2.6.5 replaces LXTerminal; fixed 'cryptsetup luksOpen' bug; SVG icons now look like they are supposed to; added LOG support to iptables kernel driver; HAL has been removed. You can now boot Parted Magic from Linux RAID partitions (/dev/md*). Device Mapper and LUKS Crypt should work in the next release. I'm hoping to get Parted Magic to boot from encrypted USB drives real soon." Visit the project's news page to read the release announcement which includes a brief changelog of updated software packages. Download (MD5): pmagic_2012_07_28.iso (235MB), pmagic_2012_07_28_i486.iso (234MB), pmagic_2012_07_28_x86_64.iso (236MB).
2012-07-14 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2012_07_13 |
Parted Magic 2012_07_13, a live CD with utilities for disk management and data rescue, has been released: "Major GParted bugfix and feature release! From the GParted site: 'This release of GParted adds the ability to show if partition size differs from file system size. This new feature enables you to identify unallocated space within a partition and can suggest how you can put this space to good use. Also included are bug fixes and language translation updates. Key changes include: Show difference if partition size differs from file system size. Avoid end partition overlap when resizing extended partition.' There are also some other notable changes. Parted Magic now uses the Tango Icon Theme. It creates a very uniform look and feel. Btrfs-progs has been updated to the latest git version so it's possible to create smaller file systems. Udev has been updated to version 182." See the project's news page for the announcement. Download (MD5): pmagic_2012_07_13.iso (233MB), pmagic_2012_07_13_i486.iso (232MB), pmagic_2012_07_13_x86_64.iso (233MB).
2012-06-27 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2012_06_26 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2012_06_26, an updated version of the project's specialist live CD with utilities for disk management and data rescue tasks: "Parted Magic 2012_06_26. Lots of little changes and some new programs added. The most noticeable additions are Samba and the proprietary binary video driver from NVIDIA. The NVIDIA driver doesn't come pre-installed, but it is available as a ready-to-go module. Make sure you grab the drivers that match the kernel in the version of Parted Magic that you are currently running. You must also disable the nouveau driver from the Fail Safe menu. The panel has been almost completely reworked. Clonezilla and our famous 'Erase Disk' program have been added to the desktop. ARandR replaces LXRandR." See the project's news page to read the release announcement. Download (MD5): pmagic_2012_06_26.iso (234MB), pmagic_2012_06_26_i486.iso (233MB), pmagic_2012_06_26_x86_64.iso (235MB).
2012-05-30 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2012_05_30 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2012_05_30, a utility live CD designed primarily for disk management and data rescue tasks: "Minor bug fix release with some added programs and updates. SpaceFM was updated to 0.7.7 and now uses udevil for device mounting. pyNeighborhood 0.5.4, Shorewall 4.4.27, Shorewall6, gptsync 0.14 and udevil 0.2.4 were added. Coreutils 8.17, File 5.11, LFTP 4.3.6, MB 1.1.11, OpenSSH 6.0p1, OpenSSL 0.9.8x, rdesktop 1.7.1, SSHFS FUSE 2.4, UNetbootin 575, zerofree 1.0.2, ClamAV 0.97.4, e2fsprogs 1.42.3, FUSE 2.9.0, rsync 3.0.9, cifs-utils 5.4, keyutils 1.5.5, krb5 1.7.1, cURL 7.25.0, Libidn 1.25, OpenLDAP client 2.4.31, and SpaceFM 0.7.7 were updated. The Download Java program has been completely rewritten and works more reliably now. Work on a GUI for Shorewall has started." Visit the project's news page to read the release announcement. Download (MD5): pmagic_2012_05_30.iso (196MB), pmagic_2012_05_30_i486.iso (195MB), pmagic_2012_05_30_x86_64.iso (196MB).
2012-05-16 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2012_05_14 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2012_05_14, an updated build of the project's specialist live CD with a collection of software for hard disk management and data rescue tasks: "Parted Magic 2012_05_14. Huge updates with this one! New 3.3.6 Linux kernel, X.Org Server 1.12.1 with the most recent drivers, SpaceFM replaces PCManFM-Mod, Udisks replaces PMount, and an optional firewall for wired connections. To enable the firewall hit TAB and add 'firewall' at the first boot screen. All incoming traffic is blocked. Support for wireless connections is coming soon." Other updates include glibc 2.15 and MesaLib 8.0.2. See the distribution's news page to read the release announcement and consult the changelog for details about upgraded and newly added packages. Download (MD5) links: pmagic_2012_05_14.iso (193MB), pmagic_2012_05_14_i486.iso (193MB), pmagic_2012_05_14_x86_64.iso (194MB).
2012-03-25 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2012_3_24 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2012_3_24, an bug-fix update to the project's specialist live CD with tools for disk management and data rescue tasks: "Parted Magic 2012_3_24. This version fixes more issues related to BusyBox/Clonezilla interaction and updates a mess of X.Org drivers. The BusyBox applets stat and ls no longer worked with Clonzilla. If you find any more issues, let me know. X.Org drivers Nouveau-git, xf86-input-keyboard 1.6.1, xf86-video-openchrome 0.2.905, xf86-video-wsfb 0.4.0... were updated. Programs bar 1.11.1 and md5deep 4.1 were added. Improvements were made to pmagic_shred_zero, pmagic_wipe, pmagic_wipe_part and pmagic_erase. The other noticeable upgrades are Linux kernel 3.2.13, Firefox 11.0, nwipe 0.08, and e2fsprogs 1.42.1. LVM partitions now mount correctly when using Mount Partitions." The release announcement is on the distribution's news page. Download (MD5): pmagic_2012_3_24.iso (188MB), pmagic_2012_3_24_i486.iso (187MB), pmagic_2012_3_24_x86_64.iso (188MB).
2012-02-21 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2012_2_19 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2012_2_19, a new stable version of the project's utility live CD designed for data rescue and disk partitioning tasks: "Parted Magic 2012_2_19 updates some programs and fixes a few bugs. The most notable updates include Clonezilla 1.2.12-10, TrueCrypt 7.1, Firefox 10.0.1, and Linux 3.2.6. When Busybox was compiled for the last release dpkg and ar were mistakenly left out. When the last kernel was compiled, the bnep module was missed. Updated programs: TrueCrypt 7.1, wxGTK 2.8.12, Linux kernel 3.2.6, Clonezilla 1.2.12-10, PartClone 0.2.45, ddrescue 1.15, e2fsprogs 1.42, hdparm 9.38, pciutils 3.1.9, nilfs-utils 2.1.1, NTFS-3G 2012.1.15, pcmanfm-mod-1.2.4, UNetbootin 568, Mozilla Firefox 10.0.1. Visit the project's home page to read the brief release announcement. Download (MD5) the live CD image for your processor's architecture: pmagic_2012_2_19.iso (187MB), pmagic_2012_2_19_i486.iso (187MB), pmagic_2012_2_19_x86_64.iso (188MB).
2011-11-25 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2011_11_24 |
Patrick Verner has released a new stable build of Parted Magic, version 2011_11_24: "Parted Magic 2011_11_24. There are some major changes that might cause some issues with the multi-boot CD crowd. For a long time the pmagic-<version>.sqfs and Initramfs would not be found on completely supported computers. Reason 1 - this was caused by Windows based zip programs failing to convert the file names properly. Reason 2 - I wasn't using the mkisofs -J option when making the official ISO images. Reason 3 - Somebody would remaster the ISO image and not use the mkisofs -l option. Major bug - there was a dummy file mistakenly left in /usr/local/bin that caused the secure erase command to fail, it has been removed. Updated programs - lilosetup, TestDisk 6.13, Linux kernel 3.1.2." Visit the project's home page to read the full release announcement. Download (MD5): pmagic_2011_11_24_i486.iso (181MB), pmagic_2011_11_24_i686.iso (181MB), pmagic_2011_11_24_x86_64.iso (182MB).
2011-10-03 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 6.7 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 6.7, a new stable version of the project's specialist live CD designed for data rescue and disk management tasks: "Major enhancement release with many updates. Most notable updates include Linux 3.0.4 and GParted 0.9.1. We have dropped the legacy PCManFM for PCMan-Mod, and man is it nice! Lots a little PCManFM bugs that have existed for years are now quashed. Xfburn replaces SimpleBurn for burning CD/DVD media. Chntwd was added to the boot menu. Adding Luxi fonts improved international language support. Although it's not the newest release, Firefox is updated to version 6.0.2 and is compiled for i486 (official branding included) with permission from the Mozilla Foundation. OpenSSH is updated to 5.9p1 with the ECDSA key created by default. People have been complaining about Parted Magic being hard on laptop batteries, so CPU frequency scaling on anything with a battery is now set to 'on-demand' at boot." Visit the distribution's home page to read the release announcement. Download (MD5): (179MB), (179MB).
2011-07-31 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 6.4 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 6.4, a small utility distribution with specialist software for data rescue and disk partitioning tasks: "Parted Magic 6.4. Lots of updates, bug fixes and new features. Parted Magic's kernel is updated to 3.0 and SMP support was removed from the i486 kernel. Some people were having issues with the nouveau X.Org driver, so an option was added to the failsafe menu to revert back to the nv driver. If you add 'clonezilla' to the kernel command line at boot time, you are brought directly into Clonezilla. There are some major improvements in handling of Radeon and Mobile4 video cards. Some major updates on popular core programs as well. Firefox was updated to 5.0, Clonezilla to 1.2.9-19, and GParted to 0.9.0." Visit the project's home page to read the release announcement. Download (MD5): (170MB), (171MB).
2011-07-03 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 6.3 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 6.3, a utility live CD with software for disk management and data rescue tasks. Besides the usual i486 image, Parted Magic now also exists in i686 and x86_64 flavours for more modern computers. From the release announcement: "This release fixes a few obscure typos and bugs in some of our scripts. Pburn and Pfilesearch have been added for testing. There are no menu entries yet, so run 'pburn' from the command line. The main reason for this release was to add more kernel CPU options. Parted Magic now comes in i486, i686, and x86_64 editions. The only testing I've done with x86_64 was on my i7 machine. I've successfully chrooted into a 64-bit Slackware 13.37 and ran some command-line programs. The i686 CPU is set to PIII, so if you are running a PII, use the i486 version instead." Download (MD5): pmagic-6.3.iso (170MB).
2011-06-15 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 6.2 |
Patrick Verner has released a new version of Parted Magic, a Linux-based live CD with a collection of software designed for disk management and data rescue tasks: "It's that time of the month again. The most noticeable change is that Rox now handles the desktop icons and feh displays the desktop wallpaper. These seemed like the best lightweight choices in preparation for the new PCManFM when it's released as stable. Parted was upgraded to 3.0, but GParted is still linked against libparted 2.4 for now. All fonts should look good in Firefox if you use a language other than US English. A few other useful programs were added like ZFS Fuse, LILO Setup, Rox Filer, and FixParts. Updated programs: TestDisk 6.12, Parted 3.0, Linux kernel, GParted 0.8.1...." Visit the project's news page to read the release announcement. Download: pmagic-6.2.iso (168MB, MD5).
2011-05-08 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 6.1 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 6.1, a specialist live CD providing a large collection of utilities for hard disk management and data rescue tasks: "Parted Magic 6.1. This version of Parted Magic includes a new X.Org build and some bug fixes. The Nouveau X.Org driver for NVIDIA chips is used by default now. The black screen problem with the Intel Mobile 4 Series Integrated Graphics Controllers has been fixed. A mess of other minor issues were addressed. Updated programs: alsa-lib, ddrescue 1.14, file 5.05, Midnight Commander, tar 1.26, X.Org Server 1.9.5 (all compatible drivers and libraries too), Linux kernel, Mozilla Firefox 4.0.1." Visit the project's home page to read the release announcement. Download the live CD image from here: pmagic-6.1.iso (163MB, MD5).
2011-04-13 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 6.0 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 6.0, a specialist live CD designed for disk management and data rescue tasks: "Parted Magic 6.0. If you have experienced booting issues with Parted Magic, this is the version you have been waiting for. The way the kernel is handled has been completely redone. This is the reason for the new major version number. The kernel modules, udev, and firmware have been moved to the initramfs. The nice graphical boot menu that we have been using for years has been removed in favor of a very basic one. Many laptops and notebooks could not start the complex menu. A large number of major and minor bugs have been fixed as well. Updated programs: LVM 2.02.84, util-linux 2.19, Linux kernel, udev 165, glibc 2.13, xfsprogs 3.1.4, BusyBox 1.18.4, Memtest86 4.20, NTFS-3G 2011.4.12..." Visit the project's news page to read the release announcement. Download (MD5): pmagic-6.0.iso (158MB, MD5).
2011-02-16 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 5.10 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 5.10, a Linux-based live CD containing a variety of disk partitioning and data rescue utilities: "Parted Magic 5.10. It seems like it has been longer than a month, but it's time for a new release. The most notable changes are the Linux 2.6.37 kernel, GParted 0.8.0, and the move back to Firefox as the default web browser. We updated some programs and here is the list: FSArchiver 0.6.12, gzip 1.4, hdparm 9.37, xz 5.0.1, Conky 1.8.1, NTFS-3G 2011.1.15, Linux kernel 2.6.37, gDisk 0.6.14, HDT 0.4.1, Squashfs 4.1 and GParted 0.8.0. These programs have been added: Firefox 3.6.13, and NTP 4.2.6p3 (ntpd starts automatically at boot). Some of the lesser changes were fixing the 'shred' bug in the 'Erase Disk' menu and the boot/isolinux directory has been removed (instead we use the boot/syslinux directory and the syslinux.cfg). Some other bugs were fixed, as always." Visit the project's home page to read the release announcement. Download: pmagic-5.10.iso (143MB).
2010-12-29 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 5.8 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 5.8, a specialist Linux-based live CD designed for disk partitioning and data rescue tasks: "After several months of work, a new version is ready for release. Many bugs have been fixed and many core programs have been updated. You will notice the Linux 2.6.36 kernel and the newest version of the Gnome Partition Editor (GParted). There is also a mess of new stuff as well. Parted Magic now includes the SciTE text editor. For the first time the ISO image can be fully loaded into RAM and booted. This means, for example, that the default syslinux menu can be used for a PXE boot. The following programs have been updated: Clonezilla 1.2.6-40, Linux kernel, BusyBox 1.17.4, SimpleBurn 1.6.0, ClamAV 0.96.5, e2fsprogs 1.41.14, GParted 0.7.1." Visit the project's news page to read the full release announcement. Download (MD5): pmagic-5.8.iso (148MB).
2010-10-13 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 5.6 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 5.6, a specialist live CD with a collection of utilities designed for disk partitioning, disk cloning and data rescue tasks, with support for a large number of common file systems: "Parted Magic 5.6 includes some new features as well as bug fixes. The Nouveau X.Org driver was added and can be activated from the Fail Safe Menu at the first boot screen. Systester was also added. A default root password (partedmagic) has been added to make using SSH easier. The following programs have been updated: Linux kernel, GParted 0.6.4, gDisk 0.6.11, hdparm 9.33, stress 1.0.4, UNetbootin 490, NTFS-3G 2010.10.2, BusyBox-1.17.3 and udev 163." Visit the project's home page to read the complete release announcement. Download (MD5) the compressed live CD image from here: (134MB).
2010-08-22 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 5.3 |
Patrick Verner has released a new version of Parted Magic, a specialist live CD designed for data rescue and disk partitioning tasks: "Parted Magic 5.3 updates BusyBox 1.17.1, FreeType 2.4.2, NTFS-3G 2010.8.8, udev 161, Linux kernel Some other adjustments have been made to improve memory usage. We dropped Unionfs in favor of Unionfs-fuse. The main pmagic-5.3.sqfs is now one Squashfs instead of the split-up method. If anybody was having issues with G4L, give this version a try. Some other minor bugs were fixed. We are no longer supporting or supplying a USB ZIP file. Our official method for booting from USB is UNetbootin. People that know what they are doing shouldn't have any problem extracting the ISO image and executing the syslinux command. Supplying a USB zip was inviting too many people that had no clue how to boot from a USB drive and offering complex documentation was just adding to the confusion." Visit the project's home page to read the full release announcement. Download: (125MB).
2010-08-03 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 5.2 |
Patrick Verner has announced the immediate availability of Parted Magic 5.2, a live utility distribution designed for hard disk partitioning and data rescue tasks: "Parted Magic 5.2 updates GParted to 0.6.2, fixes some bugs, and improves international language support. The new GParted re-enables MiB partition alignment option and fixes the problem with logical partition move overwriting the EBR. A mess of bugs have been fixed with the help of Dick Burggraaff (burdi01), Jason Vasquez, and most of all, users willing to take the time to report them and help us test. Asian language support has been greatly improved with the addition of SCIM and GCIN. GCIN is automatically started when Taiwanese is selected at the boot menu and SCIM is automatically started when Japanese or Chinese is selected at the boot menu." Visit the project's home page to read the full release announcement and check the brief changelog. Download (MD5): (124MB), (124MB).
2010-07-12 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 5.0 |
The just-released Parted Magic 5.0, a live utility distribution designed for hard disk partitioning and data rescue tasks, comes with an upgraded kernel and GParted, as well as improved internationalisation support: "Parted Magic 5.0 brings Linux kernel, significant international language support (German, French, Italian, Norwegian, Brazilian Portuguese and Russian), X.Org Server 1.7.7, and GParted 0.6.1. All other program updates can be found on the change log page. I would like to give a big thanks to Dick Burggraaff for all of his contributions over the past couple of months. He has made many updates to the init scripts as well as the much improved Parted Magic keyboard program located on the desktop. Overall, many bugs have been fixed and this release is far better than anything in the 4.x releases for a large number of people." Visit the project's home page to read the full release announcement. Download (MD5): (99.2MB), (99.2MB).
2010-06-14 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 4.11 |
Patrick Verner has released Parted Magic 4.11, a utility live CD with various data rescue and disk management tools: "Parted Magic 4.11. This version of Parted Magic updates FSArchiver 0.6.10, gDisk 0.6.7, LFTP 4.0.7, OpenSSH 5.5p1, Chromium 6.0.424.0, Linux kernel, Parted 2.3, NTFS-3G 2010.5.22, syslinux 3.86, udev 157. Xarchiver was removed in favor of using File Roller for the archive manager. To be as useful as possible while keeping the same lightweight philosophy these programs were added: lm_sensors 3.1.1, Perl 5.10.1, Clonezilla 2.3.5-21, unrar 3.9.7, vmfs-tools 0.2.1. Some major effort went into this release and I hope you enjoy it. Next release will most likely include a newer X.Org and Linux kernel. I would also like to thank burdi01 for his efforts improving the init scripts and his future work on the keyboard selection program." The full release announcement is available on the project's home page. Download (MD5): (93.5MB), (93.5MB).
2010-04-12 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 4.10 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 4.10, a live utility medium designed for hard disk partitioning and data rescue tasks: Parted Magic 4.10 updates grep to 2.6.3, BusyBox to 1.16.1, SimpleBurn to 1.5.0, sshfs-fuse to 2.2, Linux kernel to There are a few new programs as well: EncFS 1.5.2, GEncFS 1.0.0, GSSHFS 1.0.0, RLog 1.4, UNetbootin 429 and emelFM 0.6.0. Parted is patched with updates from Ubuntu to reverse a decision to use a BLKRRPART instead of the BLKPG ioctls that worked. GPicView doesn't segfault any more. FAT32 file system now mounted as UTF8 by default. Many enhancements were made to the handling of SCSI device at boot. Creating bookmarks with Chromium no longer crashes the program." Visit the project's home page to read the full release announcement. Download (MD5): (79.5MB), (79.5MB).
2010-03-21 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 4.9 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 4.9, a small Linux-based live CD/USB with a collection of hard disk partitioning and data rescue utilities: "Parted Magic 4.9. Although this is mostly a bug-fix release, some other major changes were made. People didn't like that we were using Chrome, so we switched to Chromium. All the old IDE drivers were removed from the kernel and only the new framework is used now. The major difference most people will notice is that devices that used to be labeled /dev/hd* will now be /dev/sd* and all CDROMs will be /dev/sr*. Three new programs were added - mhdd, elinks, and zsync. Some changes were made to the kernel configuration and initramfs so Virtio hard disks could be used to boot Parted Magic. The fstab daemon was also fixed to support Virtio hard disks. Many other small fixes were made to the network scripts and the system in general." Visit the project's home page to read the full release announcement. Download (MD5): (73.6MB), (73.6MB).
2009-12-21 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 4.7 |
Patrick Verner has released Parted Magic 4.7, a small live CD with a collection of hard disk partitioning, hardware testing and data rescue tools. What's new? "Parted Magic 4.7 adds and removes some programs and fixes a few bugs. Key changes: Partclone 0.1.9 was added again despite Clonezilla being removed, people still wanted to use it from the command line; Xfburn and libburnia are replaced by SimpleBurn and cdrtools; LXMusic 0.4.0 was added with a very limited xmms2 build; util-linux is replaced by util-linux-ng; Firefox is replaced by Google Chrome (official beta version); Linux kernel is updated to with Squashfs and LZMA compression; a mistake in the kernel configuration was fixed and Broadcom wireless drivers work again; some major problems were fixed in the wireless scripts; lsof 4.78, workman 1.3.4, hddtemp 0.3-beta15 were added." The full release announcement can be found on the project's home page. Download the live CD or the live USB image from here: (72.2MB), (72.2MB).
2009-11-17 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 4.6 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 4.6, a specialist live CD designed for disk management and data rescue tasks: "Parted Magic 4.6 is a mostly a bug-fix release with some usability improvements. Key changes: many fixes and changes for Netbooks; GNU Parted bug 'ERROR: Current NTFS volume size is bigger than the device size!' is fixed; Parted Magic Save Session uses xz instead of 7-zip; ClamAV was added, but you have to download the definitions yourself; Flash Player can be downloaded and installed from the panel's application launcher; a simple program to change the keyboard layout was added to the desktop; a new program added (lxrandr) to re-size the display while running inside of X.Org; ROXTerm was replaced by an svn build of LXTerminal; Clonezilla was removed from the main Parted Magic image because it's not possible to make a rescue ISO without downloading a template." Visit the project's home page to read the full release announcement. Download (MD5): (82.0MB).
2009-09-19 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 4.5 |
Patrick Verner has released Parted Magic 4.5, a small Linux live CD designed primarily as a hard disk partitioning utility: "This new version of Parted Magic updates the graphical server X.Org, expands networking, improves RAM usage, and fixes some bugs. To combat some of the problems associated with the newer versions of X.Org and Intel chipsets, Parted Magic offers driver versions intel-2.4.1, intel-2.5.1, intel-2.6.3, intel-2.7.1 as boot options. There is a new PPPoE option added to the 'Start Network' program. RAM usage has been significantly reduced for the 'Default settings (Runs from RAM)' and 'Live with low RAM settings' boot options. The default option only requires 192 MB, from 256 MB in version 4.4, to completely run Parted Magic from RAM. The biggest gain was with the low RAM option because that now only requires 48 MB to run." Visit the project's home page to read the release announcement. Download (MD5): (79.0MB).
2009-08-13 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 4.4 |
Patrick Verner has released Parted Magic 4.4, a live CD designed primarily as a hard disk partitioning and data rescue tool: "This new version of Parted Magic has some major updates. Users can now get online with dial-up networking through our 'Start Network' program. Parted Magic is not in the desktop media business, but ALSA sound drivers and ALSA core programs were added if you would like to use a media player. We highly suggest Slackware 12.x packages. Unionfs is now being used for the big directories and Parted Magic's RAM usage, with the default boot option, has been halved - it only takes 256 MB of RAM to run completely from system memory and free up that CD-ROM drive or USB stick. At boot time the SSH daemon is started and public keys are generated, so that's one less thing for people using SSH to deal with. Last but not least, you will notice that Super Grub Disk is now an option in the boot menu." Visit the project's home page to read the full release announcement. Download (MD5): (95.6MB).
2009-07-10 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 4.3 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 4.3, a bug fix release of the popular live CD designed for hard disk management tasks: "Not only did some bugs get fixed, but a few new programs were added too. chntpw, nilfs-utils 2.0.12, gdisk 0.2.2, Adblock Plus 1.0.2 are now part of Parted Magic's program line-up. These programs have been updated: udev 143, glib 2.20.4, GTK+ 2.16.4, e2fsprogs 1.41.7, Firefox 3.5, FireFTP 1.0.5, Clonezilla 2.3.3-65, Linux kernel, p7zip_9.04, Partclone 0.1.1-15, NDISwrapper 1.55. We also took some time to redo the artwork. Many thanks to Jason Vasquez for heading up this effort. I think it's the best-looking version of Parted Magic yet!" Visit the project's home page to read the full release announcement. Download: (92.8MB, MD5).
2009-06-17 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 4.2 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 4.2, an updated version of the popular live CD designed for hard disk management tasks: "I guess it's about time to release another version of Parted Magic. Clonezilla is now part of Parted Magic's program line-up! This is not a dual boot set-up like some people have done in the past, the actual program Clonezilla can be launched directly from the Parted Magic desktop. It took some modifications to get it working and the Clonezilla author Steven Shiau did a fantastic job helping us make the necessary changes to Parted Magic so it would work the way it was intended to work. We also replaced bzip2 with pbzip2 and gzip with pigz." Visit the project's home page to read the full release announcement. Download: (91.4MB, MD5).
2009-05-09 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 4.1 |
Patrick Verner has released Parted Magic 4.1, a specialist live CD containing a collection of software for managing hard disks: "This version of Parted Magic fixes some bugs and adds some new features and programs. There was a scripting error that caused DEB packages not to load in some situations, mkfstab was moved later in the booting process to stop the new fstab from being overwritten by the one from the 'Save Session' package, and 'partimag' user was added by default for PartImage. The fstab daemon now detects device mapper RAID partitions while removing the unmountable mirrors from /etc/fstab. GParted and mount-gtk correctly display and mount these partitions. Added support for new package extensions .tbz, tlz, txz. Numlock is set to 'on' in and outside of X by default." Read the rest of the release announcement for additional details. Download: (88.4MB, MD5).
2009-04-04 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 4.0 |
Patrick Verner has released Parted Magic 4.0, a specialist live CD featuring a collection of hard disk management tools: "Parted Magic 4.0. A new release with some exciting new features! Parted Magic now has full support for partitioning Device Mapper RAID partitions. The initrd was completely trashed and Parted Magic now boots from an initramfs. The new initramfs is only about 500 kB and all drivers needed to boot the media are built directly into the kernel. The 'Low RAM' option was changed to boot Xvesa, TWM, and GParted at 800x600x4; it now runs very well on a computer with 64 MB of RAM. You can now 'save session' with the CD version (CD-RW required). The PXE version can merge initramfs for module installation. We also have new artwork in a clean blue theme that matches the look of the new website." Visit the project's home page to read the complete release announcement and changelog. Download: (70.9MB, MD5).
2009-02-25 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 3.7 |
Patrick Verner has released another bug-fix update to Parted Magic 3.x series, a live CD with a collection of hard disk management utilities: "This is a bug-fix release for the 3.x series of Parted Magic. The package installer had a scripting error that wouldn't allow more than one package to be installed. Added /mnt/local so G4L works. Jason added some fixes and features to the wipe and mount scripts. The code for booting ISOs directly using GRUB4DOS was merged back in after the last round of major changes. The code for forcing devices at boot with uuid= and label= was also merged back in. The "unnamed window" problem fixed in Conky. Web links in GTK+ applications about dialogs launch now. Added Xfce files so help in Screenshooter works. List of updated packages: Linux kernel, Coreutils 7.1, Firefox 3.0.6, FireFTP 1.0.4." Here is the complete release announcement. Download: (84.5MB, MD5).
2009-02-14 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 3.6 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 3.6, a live CD featuring a collection of hard disk management utilities: "Parted Magic 3.6. This release offers a major overhaul in the way Parted Magic boots and behaves. The 'Live' option is back and Parted Magic runs on a machine with 128 MB of RAM. There is also a 'low memory' option that disables unnecessary daemons to speed up systems that only require trivial tasks, like running GParted. The 'Live' option was tested on a PII with 128 MB of RAM. There is a new way to mount devices too, mount-gtk creates a consistent interface to mount file systems found in fstab created by the pmagic_fstab_daemon. Last but not least, the updated package list: GParted 0.4.3, Linux kernel, e2fsprogs 1.41.4, NTFS-3G 2009.2.1." See the full release announcement for more details. Download: (83.4MB, MD5).
2009-01-26 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 3.5 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 3.5, a minimalist live CD featuring GParted and other hard disk management utilities: "Parted Magic 3.5. This release of Parted Magic includes many new features and updated programs. The first thing you might notice is the dramatic increase in size. We are now using a Squashfs image instead of a 7zip archive. This once again allows for a 'live' option for older computers. Parted Magic doesn't use any additional RAM with the default boot option, the compression was just decreased. With the Linux 2.6.28 kernel comes the first stable ext4 file system release. We are using a highly tested SVN version of GParted to give you full control of your ext4 partitions. This includes all features for ext file systems found in previous releases. Jason Vasquez has vastly improved support of wireless devices. We hope you have a better experience with your wireless networking." Here is the full release announcement. Download: (73.5MB, MD5).
2008-12-16 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 3.3 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 3.3: "This release of Parted Magic offers better support for video drivers and adds NFS. gFTP was also added and a few other core packages have been upgraded. The contents of the USB version have been altered to clean things up a bit. All GRUB files are in /boot/grub and all syslinux files are in /boot/syslinux. You will need to alter your syslinux command syntax or move the configuration file back to the root of the USB drive." From the changelog: "Downgraded to xorg-server to version 1.4.2; added DHCP 3.0.7; added gFTP 2.0.19; updated NTFS-3G to version 1.5130, udev to version 135, GParted to version 0.4.1, BusyBox to version 1.13.1; added Portmap 6.0 and nfs-utils 1.1.2." Read the full release announcement and changelog for further information. Download: (51.7MB, MD5).
2008-11-29 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 3.2 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 3.2, the latest version of another distribution specialising in hard disk partitioning: "Parted Magic 3.2. This is mostly a bug-fix release for the 3.x series with a few new features. Some of the new updates include GParted 0.4.0, Linux kernel, Xarchiver 0.5.1, dc3dd 6.12.2, and hdparm 9.2. Jason fixed the disk wiping program and some other issues were addressed as well. The newest and most powerful new feature is 'installpkg' from Slackware Linux. You can now add programs to Parted Magic by simply adding them to the pmodules directory and booting the machine. Parted Magic automatically installs them at boot. There are several tested TGZ packages available in the forum for download. Make sure you change the tmpfs_size= boot parameter to allow more RAM for your additional packages." See the release announcement and changelog for additional information. Download the CD images from here: (47.5MB, MD5).
2008-10-19 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 3.1 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 3.1, a minimalist live CD with a collection of software for hard disk management tasks: "Parted magic 3.1 released with only minor changes from RC1. One of the most important new developments is the HDD edition. This is a new concept in rescue and partitioning environments. It's basically a copy and paste USB distribution for system administrators and is the future of the Parted Magic project. Version 4.0 will be largely based on Slackware Linux and will offer package management and most things you would expect from a small rescue environment. My honest opinion is the death of CDs and DVDs is closer than most people think and the dominance of Flash media with read-write is the future of any system administrator's toolbox. This forum post describes the new HDD edition." Visit the project's news page to read the release announcement. Download (MD5): (47.2MB), (47.2MB).
2008-10-11 |
Development Release: Parted Magic 3.1 RC1 |
Patrick Verner has announced the availability of the first release candidate for Parted Magic 3.1, a minimalist live CD featuring a hard disk partitioning utility and other hard disk management tools: "Parted Magic 3.1 is more of a new feature release than a bug-fix release. We added G4L and a graphical user interface for UDPcast. We switched from the Xfce desktop environment to LXDE and the artwork is also new. Major updates like X.Org 7.4, Linux kernel 2.6.27, Firefox 3.0.3, NTFS-3g 1.2918 and e2fsprogs 1.41.2 have also been added. Many bugs have been fixed and we hope we didn't add any new ones. Please test this release and report any problems in the forum." Visit the project's news page to read the release announcement. Download: (47.1MB, MD5).
2008-07-26 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 3.0 |
Patrick Verner announced the 3.0 release of Parted Magic, a specialist live CD distribution designed to facilitate hard disk management tasks: "This new release of Parted Magic has the most aggressive changelog of any release to date. Almost everything has been updated and redesigned while doing our best to maintain the same user interface. The most significant changes are the additions of HAL and dbus, new Xorg server, basic wireless detection, FireFTP, udpcast, Linux-2.6.26, and many other updated and new programs. Parted Magic also has a new GRUB version of the iso and the USB version is GRUB-ready. People have been asking for a "Save Session" function and we added it." Visit the project's news page and check out the latest changelog for a complete list of fixes and package updates. Download: (43.8MB, MD5).
2008-05-08 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2.2 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2.2, a specialist live CD distribution designed to facilitate hard disk management tasks: "This is another update / bug-fix in the 2.0 series. I dropped VisParted because strong development is coming from the GParted camp once again. Recent updated to PCManFM have made some new things possible on the desktop and improved the look and feel. All mountable partitions and CD-ROMs are fully supported from the desktop now, so it's never been easier to access files from Parted Magic. You will find most of the bad bugs and annoyances from 2.1 have been fixed." Visit the project's news page and check out the latest changelog for more information about Parted Magic 2.2. Download: pmagic-2.2.iso (44.9MB, MD5).
2008-02-29 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2.1 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 2.1, a specialist Linux distribution designed for hard disk partitioning tasks: "Parted Magic 2.1. This is mostly a bug-fix release. The only major improvement is support for ext4 in VisParted and Linux kernel" From the changelog: "Updated to linux kernel, NTFS-3G 1.2216; VisParted now creates ext4 file systems; fixed PXE booting; fixed multi-boot CD problem; merged 'List Partition Tables' into VisParted; added Netcat and some other networking programs to Busybox; Added Squashfs LZMA kernel drivers; added all upstream changes from GParted CVS; removed the GTK+ H20 theme and replaced it with Clearlooks; fixed xxd and dd placement; fixed missing pmodules directory in the make USB program; fixed the desktop files getting deleted bug." See the complete changelog for a detailed list of all changes. Download: pmagic-2.1.iso (37.3MB, MD5, torrent).
2008-02-11 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2.0 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic, a specialist live CD designed for hard disk partitioning tasks: "Parted Magic 2.0 is finally released! GParted has been forked to VisParted to add features GParted doesn't have. VisParted can read and write volume labels for most supported file systems. Point and click disk wiping was added. When you mount a partition with VisParted, a Thunar window will open at the selected location. Desktop icons are automatically created for mounted CDs, DVDs and USB flash drives. The boot menu is all new and all the boot options can be displayed by hitting F1. Networking and Firefox were added to surf the web, to get help and to view the online documents. A simple 7zip package management system was created so users can add their own stuff with little effort." Visit the project's news page to read the release announcement. Download: pmagic-2.0.iso (42.6MB, MD5).
2007-10-27 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 1.9 |
Patrick Verner has announced the release of Parted Magic 1.9, a single-purpose Linux distribution designed for partitioning hard disks: "Parted Magic 1.9. Updated packages: Linux kernel 2.6.23, ntfsprogs 2.0.0, ntfs-3g 1.913, Conky 1.4.7, BusyBox 1.7.0, jfsutils 1.1.12, PartImage 0.6.6, Parted 1.8.8, FUSE 2.7.0, xfsprogs 2.9.3. I added all i386 keymaps from kbd. There is a label changing GUI for ReiserFS, NTFS, ext2, ext3, XFS, and JFS. A few people asked for PhotoRec and it was added. I did some hacking on GParted and you can create HFS+ file systems directly from GParted now. Added support to name the location of the Parted Magic Squashfs in the syslinux.cfg. Some other bug fixes and script changes as well." Read the release announcement and changelog for more details. Download: pmagic-1.9.iso (36.1MB).
2007-07-26 |
Distribution Release: Parted Magic 1.8 |
Parted Magic is a 30MB Linux live CD/USB/PXE with its elemental purpose being to partition hard drives. Parted Magic 1.8 is out and it has some new features and many updated programs: "We added dd_rhelp, sdparm, mbr, and xfburn for starters. Updated programs: linux-2.6.22, e2fsprogs-1.40.2, ntfs-3g-1.710, dd_rescue-1.13, ddrescue-1.5, leafpad-0.8.11, file-4.21, testdisk-6.7, mdadm-2.6.1, pciutils-2.2.5, syslinux-3.51, isomaster-1.0, hdparm-7.4, xfsprogs_2.8.21-1, busybox-1.5.1, and usbutils-0.72. All menus are bypassed now. After the syslinux menu, it boots to the desktop without any other interruptions. You can now create the live USB from the live CD by using our new 'USB Operations' program..." Please see the project's website for further details. Download: pmagic-1.8.iso (35.6MB).