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Corel Linux
Discover Linux power built specifically for the desktop with Corel LINUX OS. Featuring a four-step graphical installer and a KDE-based, drag-and-drop environment, this Debian-based operating system was incredibly easy to install and configure. Access local and network drives and the Internet with an innovative browser-style file manager. Get system updates over the Web. Plus, enjoy outstanding file compatibility and network integration. Corel LINUX OS - combining renowned Linux performance and stability with intelligent simplicity. Update: Xandros Corporation has announced that it has signed a strategic licensing agreement with Corel Corporation, giving it access to Corel's Linux desktop OS and related technologies. The newly formed company will focus on developing the desktop and server markets with assistance from its founding parent, Linux Global Partners.
Status: Discontinued
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2021-09-06 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Finnix 123 |
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Finnix is a small, self-contained, bootable Linux CD distribution for system administrators, based on Debian. The project's latest release is Finnix 123 which is based on Debian 11. The new release provides the option of setting OpenSSH credentials at boot time, FTP client packages have been removed, the jove package has been installed, and the command line will now try to suggest available packages the user can install when a command is not found. "Today marks the release of Finnix 123, the LiveCD for system administrators. Expanding on Finnix 122 from six months ago, this release includes a number of fixes, new packages and new features. From the Finnix 123 release notes: Added kernel command line 'sshd' and 'passwd' options, example: 'sshd passwd=foo', 'sshd passwd=root:foo passwd=finnix:bar'. The machine ID is now, when possible, stable across reboots and being generated from the DMI. This is used for e.g. the DHCP client ID, so multiple reboots should no longer cycle through dynamic IPs on a network. The finnix command now has instructions for how to enable ZFS support. Added a basic command-not-found handler; e.g. trying ftp will point out lftp, and will provide instructions for installing if desired explicitly. Added manpages for Finnix-specific commands (wifi-connect, locale-config, etc). Added packages: jove. Removed packages: ftp, ftp-ssl, zile." Further information can be found in the project's release announcement and in the release notes. Download: finnix-123.iso (412MB, torrent, pkglist). |
About Finnix
Finnix is a small, self-contained, bootable Linux CD distribution for system administrators, based on Debian. It can be used to mount and manipulate hard drives and partitions, monitor networks, rebuild boot records, install other operating systems, and much more.
Recent Related News and Releases |
2024-07-04 |
Distribution Release: Finnix 126 |
Ryan Finnie has announced the release of Finnix 126, a new version of the project's small Debian-based live Linux distribution designed for system administrators: "Today marks the release of Finnix 126, the original utility live Linux distribution. Finnix 126 includes a number of fixes, new packages and new features: Linux kernel 6.8 (Debian 6.8.12); new packages - libc6-i386 (finnix/finnix#35; not directly usable but allows for running certain i386 binaries in Finnix's amd64 userland); added 0 kernel command line option which does the same as the 0 (locale-config) utility, but during early boot and before shell prompts; upstream Debian package updates; many minor fixes and improvements. This is the first Finnix release to contain additional 'supply chain' assurances. The release was built on a public CI platform (GitHub Actions), with the ISO (.disk/build_info) pointing to the URL of the build run which lists a SHA256 checksum of the ISO and links to the exact commit used to build it. Additionally, the build provides an attestation of the build artifacts through GitHub's new attestation functionality. Note that this release was made a few days after the OpenSSH CVE-2024-6387 vulnerability announcement, and to be clear, Finnix 126 does include a fixed version (Debian 9.7p1-7)." Read the release announcement for more information. Download (SHA256): finnix-126.iso (499MB, signature, torrent, pkglist). |
2023-03-28 |
Distribution Release: Finnix 125 |
Finnix is a small, self-contained, bootable Linux distribution for system administrators, based on Debian. The project has published version 125 which attempts to offer more flexible package management through a combination of Debian's Testing and Unstable repositories. "Today marks the release of Finnix 125, the original utility live Linux distribution. Finnix 125 includes a number of fixes, new packages and new features: Linux kernel 6.1 (Debian [package] 6.1.0-6). New packages: 2048, aespipe, iperf3, ncdu, netcat-traditional, ninvaders, vitetris. Note that netcat-openbsd continues to be included and is the default nc. apt update will now download both 'testing' and 'unstable' indices, to allow for installing packages which may currently be hinted out of Testing. Apt pinning is configured so Testing will continue to be preferred to Unstable, however. Updated to memtest86+ 6.10, which now includes a UEFI version which is included in the 'Utilities' boot sub-menu when booting on a UEFI system. Note that this is not signed and will not work with Secure Boot. 7z will invoke the installed 7zr program, unless the user explicitly installs 'p7zip-full'." Additional details are provided in the release announcement. Download: finnix-125.iso (489MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist). |
2022-03-29 |
Distribution Release: Finnix 124 |
The Finnix distribution is a small, self-contained, bootable Linux CD distribution for system administrators, based on Debian. The project celebrates its 22nd anniversary this month with the release of Finnix 124. "Finnix 124 includes a number of fixes, new packages and new features: wifi-connect helper utility will now display nearby access points if invoked without any command line options. ip= kernel command line network configuration now supports netmasks in addition to prefix lengths. Added a pure Python strings implementation. Explanation from the commit: I had avoided including strings because, while it's incredibly useful, it's the only desirable utility in the binutils package, which otherwise includes a bunch of compilation-related utilities, and the package itself is quite large. So in the words of the “my mechanics” YouTube channel, I make a new one! It's not a 100% complete reimplementation of GNU binutils' strings, but is fine for casual binary checking. This is also set up so that if you do apt install binutils in the live environment, its strings will take precedence over the Python version. RISC-V (riscv64) unofficial build support added, in addition to amd64, i386, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, s390x." Additional information is provided in the project's release announcement. Download: finnix-124.iso (455MB, signature, torrent, pkglist). |
2021-02-09 |
Distribution Release: Finnix 122 |
Finnix is a self-contained, bootable Linux CD distribution for system administrators, based on Debian. The project tries to remain lightweight and provides a command line interface only. The distribution's latest release is Finnix 122 which reduces ISO image size, improves boot times, and adds a number of new packages. "Today marks the release of Finnix 122, the LiveCD for system administrators. Expanding on Finnix 121 from six months ago, this release includes a number of fixes, new packages and new features. From the Finnix 122 release notes: improved USB flash drive boot compatibility on older BIOSes; improved boot speed; lowered ISO image size; added Finnix getting started command; added WiFi-connect helper script; manpage cache is now being generated, allowing for man -k/apropos; redesigned boot splash screen; increased boot splash timeout from 15 seconds to 30 seconds; added packages - iozone3 (finnix/finnix#8), rover, iw, crda, wireless-regdb, mscompress, apg, ftp, ftp-ssl, keyutils." Further details can be found in the project's release announcement. Download: finnix-122.iso (411MB, singature, torrent, pkglist). |
2020-08-10 |
Distribution Release: Finnix 121 |
Finnix is a small, self-contained, bootable Linux CD distribution for system administrators, based on Debian. The latest release migrates from Debian's Stable branch to Debian Testing and adds several new packages. "Today marks the release of Finnix 121, the live CD for system administrators. This release expands upon Finnix 120, and includes a number of fixes, new packages and new features. From the Finnix 121 release notes: switched back to building against Debian 'Testing'.... This release also removes the LILO boot loader, strips away some unnecessary programs, and fixes a number of bugs: "serial-getty consoles are now usable. Non-zero exit codes are now displayed in PS1. Added '0' command for easier access to keyboard configuration. GRUB is now being used for both BIOS and UEFI booting. Removed GRUB initial boot beep. Re-added shared per-user SSH agents. Fixed SSH remote access. Enabled zram swap compression, 50% of physical RAM; release ISO image layouts are again being optimized for CD-ROMs - this has no negative (or positive) effect when the ISO is written to a USB key, but speeds up CD-ROM booting." Further information can be found in the distribution's release announcement and in the release notes. Download: finnix-121.iso (509MB, signature, torrent, pkglist). |
2020-05-14 |
Distribution Release: Finnix 120 |
After a 5-year hiatus, the Finnix distribution has come to life once more with a release of version 120. Finnix is a Debian-based live Linux CD made for system administrators and designed to manipulate hard drives and partitions, monitor networks, and rebuild boot records. The new version is the project's first release for the x86_64 architecture: "Finnix 120 released. That's right: after a 5-year hiatus, Finnix - the live CD for system administrators and the oldest live CD in production - is back to celebrate its 20-year anniversary in 2020 with Finnix 120. Finnix 120 is a complete overhaul, with a number of major changes (as well as too many minor changes to enumerate): Finnix 120 is now a native 64-bit amd64 userland and kernel system; both BIOS and UEFI booting are now available, with Secure Boot; hundreds of new utility packages have been added; automatic setup attempts of complex block device layouts have been removed in favor of management via udisksctl with tab-completion; other legacy features and boot modes have been discontinued or are no longer supported, in favor of core USB/CD booting...." Read the release announcement and release notes for more information. Download: finnix-120.iso (477MB, signature, torrent, pkglist). |
2015-06-05 |
Distribution Release: Finnix 111 |
Ryan Finnie has announced the release of version 111 of Finnix, a small Debian-based live Linux distribution for system administrators - now with experimental support for the armhf architecture: "Finnix 111 released. Finnix is a small, self-contained, bootable Linux CD distribution for system administrators, based on Debian 'Testing'. Finnix 111 includes support for the ARM architecture, OverlayFS support, as well as other features and bug fixes. Finnix 111 introduces support for the ARM (armhf) architecture, in addition to existing x86 and PowerPC architecture support. Finnix 111 for ARM is currently classified as a 'technology preview', and primarily targets the Versatile Express A9 platform, as emulated by QEMU. This makes it easy to download and test via QEMU on a standard PC without special hardware. Additional platforms are planned for the future. Finnix for ARM has been successfully tested on the Raspberry Pi 2." See the release announcement and release notes for further information. Download (MD5) links: finnix-111.iso (160MB, torrent, pkglist), finnix-armhf-111.iso (109MB, torrent), finnix-ppc-111.iso (155MB, torrent). |
2013-11-15 |
Distribution Release: Finnix 109 |
Ryan Finnie has announced the release of Finnix 109, a small Debian-based live Linux distribution designed for system administrators: "Finnix 109 released. Finnix 109 includes a number of new features and bug fixes. Linux kernel 3.10 is included, USB 3.0 boot support has been fixed, PowerPC G5 automatic fan and thermal control has been implemented, and 'nomodeset' is now passed by default, increasing boot compatibility on many Radeon graphics cards. Minimal build support has been added to Project NEALE Project NEALE, the system to build Finnix releases, has been extended with a new 'minimal' mode. This mode builds an ISO image with just enough software to start up and shut down, and excludes the hundreds of sysadmin utilities found on a normal Finnix ISO. Developers may use this as a base for their own software and utilities, rather than using the full Finnix releases." See the release announcement and release notes for more details. Download (MD5): finnix-109.iso (131MB, torrent), finnix-ppc-109.iso (135MB, torrent). |