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SymphonyOS was a Ubuntu-based desktop Linux distribution featuring a custom-built desktop environment called "Mezzo". Written in Perl and Gtk2::Webkit, Mezzo uses the lightweight but highly configurable FVWM window manager to create an unusual and eye-catching desktop user interface with focus on simplicity and usability.
Status: Discontinued
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2021-12-24 |
NEW • Distribution Release: siduction 21.3.0 |
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The siduction distribution is a desktop-oriented operating system and live medium based on the 'unstable' branch of Debian. The project's latest snapshot is version 21.3.0 which introduces improvements for wireless network handling, includes OpenDoas as an alternative to sudo, and offers many package upgrades. "The flavours and versions we offer for siduction 21.3.0 are KDE Plasma 5.23.4, LXQt 1.0, Xfce 4.16, and the X.Org and noX images, where X.Org comes with the window manager Fluxbox, while noX does without X altogether. The released images of siduction 2021.3.0 are a snapshot of Debian 'Unstable' from December 23, 2021, enriched with some useful packages and scripts, a Calamares-based installer and a customized version of the Linux kernel 5.15.11, while systemd is at 249.7. The iNet Wireless Daemon (iwd), which we already shipped with siduction 2021.1.0 for the flavors X.Org and noX, is now also responsible for WiFi on Plasma, LXQt and Xfce. iwd is lightweight and establishes connections to WiFi faster than was possible with wpa_supplicant. iwd works stand alone or together with NetworkManager, systemd-networkd and Connman." Additional changes can be found in the release announcement. Download (pkglist): siduction-21.3.0-wintersky-kde-amd64-202112231751.iso (2,962MB, SHA256), siduction-21.3.0-wintersky-lxqt-amd64-202112231805.iso (2,488MB, SHA256), siduction-21.3.0-wintersky-xfce-amd64-202112231826.iso (2,564MB, SHA256). |
About siduction
The siduction distribution is a desktop-oriented operating system and live medium based on the "unstable" branch of Debian GNU/Linux. Forked from aptosid in late 2011, siduction offers many separate live media with a range of desktop environments. The project also promises regular releases, an open development model, and friendly relationship with its developer and user community.
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2024-12-24 |
Distribution Release: siduction 2024.1.0 |
The siduction distribution is a desktop-oriented operating system and live medium based on the "Unstable" branch of Debian. The rolling release project's latest snapshot, version 2024.1.0, provides several desktop upgrades, including KDE Plasma 6. "The flavors we offer for siduction 2024.1.0 include KDE Plasma, LXQt 2.1.0, Xfce 4.20, Xorg and noX. GNOME, MATE and Cinnamon have not made it again, as there is no maintainer for them within siduction. They may return one day or not. Of course, they are still installable from the repository. Plasma 6 has now nearly fully arrived in 'Unstable' and 'Testing' and will be available for Debian 13 'Trixie'. Although Wayland is the default session type in Plasma 6, we have opted for X11 as the default, as Calamares currently does not take the desired keyboard layout under Wayland. This could have severe consequences in encrypted installations. However, you can at any time switch to Wayland in SDDM. As existing users, you've likely already upgraded to Plasma 6 and now the current Plasma generation is also available for fresh installations." Further details can be found in the release announcement. Download (pkglist): siduction-2024.1.0-kde-amd64.iso (3,557MB, SHA256), siduction-2024.1.0-lxqt-amd64.iso (3,144MB, SHA256), siduction-2024.1.0-xfce-amd64.iso (3,039MB, SHA256). |
2023-08-17 |
Distribution Release: siduction 2023.1.0 |
Ferdinand Thommes has announced the release of siduction 2023.1.0, the new stable version of the project's distribution based on Debian "Sid" (the "unstable" branch) and featuring a choice of KDE Plasma, LXQt and Xfce desktops: "The siduction team is very proud to present an unscheduled release for a special occasion. Debian, whose unstable branch some of us have been following for over 20 years, celebrates its 30th birthday on 2023-08-16 and we think that is worthy of all honor. Debian is the second oldest distribution after Slackware, and is solely supported by the people involved, without a company standing in the background or someone at the top deciding where things go. Debian is considered the 'universal operating system' because of the many architectures supported to this day and the stability of their releases is legendary. The flavours we offer for siduction 2023.1.0 are KDE Plasma, LXQt 1.3.0, Xfce 4.18, X.Org and noX. GNOME, MATE and Cinnamon did not make it again this time because there is no maintainer within siduction for them." Here are the complete release notes. Download (pkglist): siduction-2023.1.0-kde-amd64.iso (3,121MB, SHA256), siduction-2023.1.0-lxqt-amd64.iso (3,020MB, SHA256), siduction-2023.1.0-xfce-amd64.iso (2,742MB, SHA256). |
2023-03-10 |
Distribution Release: siduction 22.1.1 |
Ferdinand Thommes has announced the release of siduction 22.1.1, un updated build of the project's distribution based on Debian's "unstable" branch and offering official variants with KDE Plasma, LXQt and Xfce desktops: "We are pleased to offer siduction 2022.1.1 as a bug-fix release. It is based on an excerpt of Debian 'Sid' from March 8, 2023. siduction 2022.1 had some problems with the newly introduced snapshot feature when using Btrfs as filesystem, which were difficult to solve, but are now fixed. In addition, siduction 2022.1.1 reflects the changed sources list due to Debian's new policy on handling non-free firmware. Furthermore, besides many package updates, Linux 6.2.2 and KDE Plasma 5.27.2 are shipped. With that out of the way, let's cut to the chase. 'Masters of War' has quite a few new features to offer that we hope you will find exiting enough to try out. But before that, let's get to the basics first. 'Masters of War' uses Linux 6.2.2 as kernel and offers images with KDE Plasma as our main offering, along with LXQt, Xfce, X.Org and noX." Continue to the release notes for a full list of new features and screenshots. Download (pkglist): siduction-22.1.1-kde-amd64.iso (3,137MB, SHA256), siduction-22.1.1-lxqt-amd64.iso (1,865MB, SHA256), siduction-22.1.1-xfce-amd64.iso (2,743MB, SHA256). |
2022-12-30 |
Distribution Release: siduction 22.1 |
The siduction distribution is a desktop-oriented operating system and live medium based on the Unstable branch of Debian GNU/Linux. The project includes several updates to its featured desktop environments and the Linux kernel. It also adopts the Nala package manager: "Nala as a new frontend for Debian’s package manager frontend apt. It works as a drop-in replacement, meaning that you can use the commands you are used to from apt also with nala. Apt gets the job done, but it is neither fast nor is it very user-friendly, when it comes to how it outputs its information. Nala in comparison seems like apt on steroids. It is faster by using parallel downloads, has better output, that is presented in a user-friendly way. It also has a history function that was borrowed from Fedoras package manager frontend dnf. You can try out nala right now and if you don’t like it, return to apt any time. You can also use both, alternating between them. Some good reading about nala can be found on the website Linuxiac. Our manual also offers a section on nala here." The release announcement offers further details. Download (pkglist): siduction-22.1-Masters_of_War-kde-amd64-202212291659.iso (3,192MB, SHA256), siduction-22.1-Masters_of_War-lxqt-amd64-202212291722.iso (1,889MB, SHA56), siduction-22.1-Masters_of_War-xfce-amd64-202212291715.iso (2,831MB, SHA256). |
2021-07-29 |
Distribution Release: siduction 21.2.0 |
Ferdinand Thommes has announced the release of siduction 21.2.0, the latest build of the project's distribution set with a choice of Cinnamon, KDE Plasma, LXDE, LXQt and Xfce desktops, all based on Debian's "unstable" branch: "The siduction team is very proud that for our 10th birthday (yes, we started out in July 2011) we can present siduction 2021.2.0 to you. This one is dubbed 'Farewell' in remembrance of our friend Axel, who passed away way too early. So no, 'farewell' does not mean we are going away. The highlight of this release is the resuscitated siduction manual, that goes back to the days of sidux, which some of you will remember as a former incarnation of siduction. What’s new this time around? The flavours we offer for siduction 2021.2 are KDE Plasma 5.20.5, LXQt 0.16.0, Cinnamon 4.8.6, Xfce 4.16, LXDE 11, X.Org and noX. GNOME and MATE did not make it again due to a lack of a maintainer support within siduction." Read the detailed release notes for more information. Download (pkglist): siduction-21.2.0-cinnamon-amd64.iso (2,514MB, SHA256), siduction-21.2.0-kde-amd64.iso (2,893MB, SHA256), siduction-21.2.0-lxde-amd64.iso (2,323MB, SHA256), siduction-21.2.0-lxqt-amd64.iso (2,334MB, SHA256), siduction-21.2.0-xfce-amd64.iso (2,404MB, SHA256). |
2021-02-15 |
Distribution Release: siduction 21.1.0 |
Ferdinand Thommes has announced the release of siduction 21.1.0, a brand-new version of the project's set of rolling-release distributions based on Debian's "unstable" branch with a choice of Cinnamon, KDE Plasma, LXDE, LXQt and Xfce desktops: "The siduction team is proud to present siduction 2021.1. After a long hiatus of almost three years, we are happy to be back with an official release. This one is dubbed 'C-Blues' and it should be easy to guess what the 'C' stands for in these troubled times. The flavors we offer for siduction 2021.1.0 are KDE Plasma 5.20.5, LXQt 0.16.0, Cinnamon 4.8.6, Xfce 4.16, LXDE 10, X.Org and noX. GNOME and MATE did not make it this time. They might be back at some point or not. Of course, they are still installable from the repository. The released images are a snapshot of Debian 'unstable' from 2021-02-07. They are enhanced with some useful packages and scripts, an installer based on Calamares and a custom-patched version of the Linux kernel 5.10.15 and systemd at 247.3." Continue to the release notes for further details. Download (pkglist): siduction-21.1.0-cinnamon-amd64.iso (2,463MB, SHA256), siduction-21.1.0-kde-amd64.iso (2,907MB, SHA256), siduction-21.1.0-lxde-amd64.iso (2,268MB, SHA256), siduction-21.1.0-lxqt-amd64.iso (2,284MB, SHA256), siduction-21.1.0-xfce-amd64.iso (2,410MB, SHA256). |
2018-03-09 |
Distribution Release: siduction 18.2.0 |
Ferdinand Thommes has announced the release of siduction 18.2.0, a set of rolling-release distributions based on Debian's "unstable" branch and featuring the latest versions of a number of popular desktop environments: "Today we are proud to release siduction 2018.2.0 with the KDE, LXQt, GNOME, Cinnamon, MATE, Xfce, LXDE, X.Org and noX flavours. The released images are a snapshot of Debian 'unstable' from 2018-03-04. They are enhanced with some useful packages and scripts, an installer based on Calamares and a custom-patched version of the Linux kernel 4.15.7, accompanied by X.Org Server 1.19.5 and systemd 237. KDE Plasma stands at version 5.12.2, while GNOME comes in at 3.26 with some packages still at 3.24. LXQt ships at 0.12.0 and Xfce at 4.12.4, while Cinnamon comes in at 3.4.6 and MATE at 1.20.0." Here are the full release notes. Download (pkglist): siduction-18.2.0-cinnamon-amd64.iso (1,750MB, SHA256), siduction-18.2.0-gnome-amd64.iso (2,090MB, SHA256, siduction-18.2.0-kde-amd64.iso (2,288MB, SHA256), siduction-18.2.0-lxde-amd64.iso (1,603MB, SHA256), siduction-18.2.0-lxqt-amd64.iso (1,666MB, SHA256), siduction-18.2.0-mate-amd64.iso (1,868MB, SHA256), siduction-18.2.0-xfce-amd64.iso (1,720MB, SHA256). |
2017-12-31 |
Distribution Release: siduction 18.1.0 |
Ferdinand Thommes has announced the availability of a new snapshot of siduction, a rolling-release distribution based on Debian's "unstable" branch. "Today we are proud to release siduction 18.1.0 with the flavours KDE, LXQt, GNOME, Cinnamon, MATE, Xfce, LXDE, X.Org and noX. The released images are a snapshot of Debian Unstable, that also goes by the name of Sid, from 2017-29-12. They are enhanced with some useful packages and scripts, a brand new installer and a custom patched version of the Linux kernel 4.14.10, accompanied by X.Org Server 1.19.5 and systemd 236. KDE Plasma stands at version 5.10.5, while GNOME comes in at 3.26 with some packages still at 3.24. LXQt ships at 0.12.0 and Xfce at 4.12.4, while Cinnamon comes in at 3.4.6 and MATE at 1.18.3. Sadly, right now, GNOME, MATE and LXDE are largely unmaintained. If no one steps up to keep them in a releasable state, we might have to drop these flavours with our next release. The corresponding packages will stay in the archives." Further information can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (pkglist): siduction-18.1.0-cinnamon-amd64.iso (1,314MB, SHA256), siduction-18.1.0-kde-amd64.iso (2,295MB, SHA256), siduction-18.1.0-lxqt-amd64.iso (1,175MB, SHA256), siduction-18.1.0-xfce-amd64.iso (1,227MB, SHA256). |