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Calculate Linux
Calculate Linux is a Gentoo-based family of three distinguished distributions. Calculate Directory Server (CDS) is a solution that supports Windows and Linux clients via LDAP + SAMBA, providing proxy, mail and Jabbers servers with streamlined user management. Calculate Linux Desktop (CLD) is a workstation and client distribution (with a choice of Cinnamon, KDE Plasma, LXQt, MATE or Xfce desktops) that includes a wizard to configure a connection to Calculate Directory Server. Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS) is a live CD with a build framework for creating a custom distribution.
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2022-01-07 |
NEW • Distribution Release: GeckoLinux 153.220104.0, 999.220105.0 |
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GeckoLinux is a member of the openSUSE family of distributions with a special focus on making the operating system desktop-ready out of the box. The project has publisehd a new set of both Static and Rolling editions along with a Next series of editions. The project's news page offers details on the new install images: "Thanks to some important improvements from the Calamares installer project, and after lots and lots of trial and error to tweak the GeckoLinux configuration, inclusion of openSUSE's famous integration of the GRUB bootloader with Btrfs and Snapper snapshots has finally arrived in GeckoLinux. This also required a major rework of the default Btrfs subvolume layout, allowing for effective snapshot rollbacks without manual manipulation of the bootloader or default subvolumes. Important note: When performing a rollback in GeckoLinux for the first time the command is slightly different from vanilla openSUSE: 'sudo snapper --ambit classic rollback' (please see the wiki entry). Another important improvement to all GeckoLinux editions is the addition of improved installation logic based on whether the system is running in EFI or legacy BIOS mode, leading to much better reliability during future GRUB bootloader updates." Download (Static pkglist, Rolling pkglist): GeckoLinux_STATIC_Cinnamon.x86_64-153.220104.0.iso (1,422MB, MD5), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Cinnamon.x86_64-999.220105.0.iso (1,636MB, MD5). |
About GeckoLinux
GeckoLinux is a Linux spin based on the openSUSE distribution, with a focus on polish and out-of-the-box usability on the desktop. The distribution features many desktop editions which can be installed from live discs. Some patent encumbered open source software is included in GeckoLinux which is not available in the default installation of openSUSE. Special attention has been given to the quality of the font rendering. GeckoLinux provides two main editions, Static (which is based on openSUSE Leap) and Rolling (based on openSUSE Tumbleweed).
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Recent Related News and Releases |
2022-08-29 |
Distribution Release: GeckoLinux 154.220822.0, 999.220820.0 |
The GeckoLinux project maintains an openSUSE-based distribution which offers multiple desktop editions. The project has published new media for both the project's Static (Leap-based) branch and its Rolling (Tumbleweed-based) branch. "The GeckoLinux project is pleased to announce major updates to all editions of the Static branch, built from openSUSE Leap 15.4. This series of spins has significantly better support for new hardware thanks to the much newer kernel in openSUSE Leap 15.4. Most packages and desktop environments also have have significant new versions compared to the previous release built from openSUSE Leap 15.3. For this GeckoLinux release, permissions have been relaxed for easier printer administration without the root password. Apart from the major openSUSE updates, there are other no other major tweaks to the GeckoLinux configuration, which was already significantly improved in the previous release. GeckoLinux Static users with existing installations can simply update their systems with these simple GUI instructions." The release announcement also mentions known issues, such as Samba upgrade concerns and a warning that the openSUSE Leap branch will likely reach the end of its life in the next few years. Download: GeckoLinux_STATIC_Cinnamon.x86_64-154.220822.0.iso (1,659MB), MD5, pkglist), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Cinnamon.x86_64-999.220820.0.iso (1,705MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2021-06-08 |
Distribution Release: GeckoLinux 153.210608 |
GeckoLinux is a Linux spin based on the openSUSE distribution, with a focus on polish and out-of-the-box usability on the desktop. The project's latest release is based on openSUSE 15.3 which offers binary compatibility with SUSE Linux Enterprise. "GeckoLinux is pleased to announce the 153.210608 update to its full range of STATIC and NEXT editions. These updated editions are now based on the new openSUSE Leap 15.3 release, which in turn is built from SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) packages. The Linux kernel is still at version 5.3.18, but additional backports are included for better compatibility with newer hardware. GeckoLinux in turn continues to refine its package selection and unique configuration to provide a simple, clean system that works out of the box. For this GeckoLinux STATIC release, the Calamares installer is now at version 3.2.36, and has been configured to use the Btrfs filesystem with LZO transparent compression by default for the guided partitioning options, although of course all other modern Linux filesystems are also available with the custom partitioning option." Additional information can be found in the distribution's release announcement. Download (MD5, pkglist): GeckoLinux_STATIC_Cinnamon.x86_64-153.210608.0.iso (1,412MB), GeckoLinux_STATIC_XFCE.x86_64-153.210608.0.iso (1,409MB), GeckoLinux_STATIC_Gnome.x86_64-153.210608.0.iso (1,426MB). |
2021-05-17 |
Distribution Release: GeckoLinux 999.210517.0 |
GeckoLinux is a Linux spin based on the openSUSE distribution, with a focus on polish and out-of-the-box usability on the desktop. The project's latest rolling release snapshot carries the version number 999.210517.0 and features a number of new features. Btrfs is now used as the default filesystem, zRAM is enabled, and the EarlyOOM service is enabled to terminate applications which are using too much memory. "This release offers several quality of life improvements for GeckoLinux ROLLING users. By majority vote, the default filesystem for the various Calamares guided installation options is now Btrfs with transparent Zstd data compression. Of course, all other modern Linux filesystems are also still supported via the custom partitioning option. Additionally, zRAM swap is enabled out of the box, and the EarlyOOM daemon is also enabled to help prevent unrecoverable system freezes in low memory situations." Further changes and details can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (MD5, pkglist): GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Cinnamon.x86_64-999.210517.0.iso (1,486MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_XFCE.x86_64-999.210517.0.iso (1,497MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Gnome.x86_64-999.210517.0.iso (1,518MB). |
2021-02-22 |
Distribution Release: GeckoLinux 999.210221.0 |
GeckoLinux is an openSUSE-based distribution which features both fixed and rolling-release editions. The project's latest rolling-release snapshot, version 999.210221, introduces updated desktop environments and a number of fixes. The project's release announcement shares the available desktop versions and details on improvements: "Plasma 5.21, Framework 5.79.0, KDE applications 20.12 - improved font legibility with main user interface fonts colors changed to pure black; fixed screen brightness hotkeys bug; fixed a bug causing delays in initial loading of desktop icons and notifications; GNOME 3.38; Budgie 10.5.2 - improved behavior of Nemo desktop icons; eliminated transparency from bottom panel for better visibility and contrast; Xfce 4.16; Cinnamon 4.8.6 - improved behavior of Nemo desktop icons; relocated mounted drives applet; MATE 1.24.1; Pantheon (various component versions); LXQt 0.16." The distribution is available in nine editions. Download (MD5, pkglist)): GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Cinnamon.x86_64-999.210221.0.iso (1,430MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Budgie.x86_64-999.210221.0.iso (1,478MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Gnome.x86_64-999.210221.0.iso (1,458MB). |
2020-12-11 |
Distribution Release: GeckoLinux 152.201210.0 |
GeckoLinux is a Linux spin based on the openSUSE distribution, with a focus on polish and out-of-the-box usability on the desktop. The project has published updated media for both its Static and Rolling branches. "All editions in this update receive quality of life improvements for Bluetooth audio users. The default PulseAudio configuration now prevents undesired automatic switching to the low-quality HSP/HFP device profile, and audio streams will automatically switch to newly connected Bluetooth devices using the A2DP profile. Additionally, improved support has been included for the 7zip archive format. Finally, the default GRUB boot sloader configuration has been tweaked to be cleaner and more predictable on EFI systems. A variety of GeckoLinux ISO spins are available with polished desktop environments to suit every need and preference. Each spin contains a well curated selection of preinstalled applications appropriate for the particular desktop environment." Further information can be found in the project's release announcement. There are eight editions of the Static branch and nine of the Rolling branch, one of each are listed here for simplicity. Download: GeckoLinux_STATIC_Cinnamon.x86_64-152.201210.0.iso (1,289MB, MD5, pkglist), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_XFCE.x86_64-999.201205.0.iso (1,417MB, MD5, pkglist). |
2020-07-31 |
Distribution Release: GeckoLinux 999.200729.0 |
The GeckoLinux "Rolling" edition, which is a desktop-oriented distribution based on openSUSE's "Tumbleweed" branch, has been updated to version 999.200729.0. It brings a new set of installable live images with a choice of Cinnamon, Xfce, GNOME, KDE Plasma, MATE, LXQt and IceWM desktop environments. From the release announcement: "GeckoLinux is pleased to announce the 999.200729 update to its 'Rolling' editions, thus completing the current refresh cycle of the entire GeckoLinux line-up. GeckoLinux 'Rolling' spins are generated directly from unmodified openSUSE Tumbleweed and Packman repositories, and the installed system can be updated directly from those official sources. This design decision has allowed GeckoLinux 'Rolling' users to install and update their systems in a constant rolling fashion over the past two years from the cutting-edge and highly-stable openSUSE Tumbleweed distribution." Download links (MD5, pkglist): GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Cinnamon.x86_64-999.200729.0.iso (1,392MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_XFCE.x86_64-999.200729.0.iso (1,381MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Gnome.x86_64-999.200729.0.iso (1,384MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Plasma.x86_64-999.200729.0.iso (1,409MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Mate.x86_64-999.200729.0.iso (1,437MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_LXQt.x86_64-999.200729.0.iso (1,373MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_BareBones.x86_64-999.200729.0.iso (1,029MB). |
2020-07-20 |
Distribution Release: GeckoLinux 152 |
GeckoLinux is a desktop-oriented distribution based on openSUSE. The project's latest version includes updated desktop environments and enables several third-party software repositories. "GeckoLinux continues to be focused on eliminating pain points and polishing its unique out-of-the-box configuration on top of the stable and flexible openSUSE base. Proprietary media formats play out of the box, and additional user-installed multimedia applications work automatically with restricted media codecs thanks to the prioritized inclusion of the Packman repository. Google and Skype repositories are also configured out-of-the-box for optional installation by the user of proprietary applications from those vendors. Third-party RPM packages can be easily installed using the graphical YaST package manager. GeckoLinux uses the Calamares system installer at version 3.2.15, providing easy but powerful options for reliable installation of the live system. A variety of GeckoLinux ISO spins are available with polished desktop environments to suit every need and preference. Each spin contains a well curated selection of preinstalled applications appropriate for the particular desktop environment. Current highlights include: Cinnamon 4.4.8; MATE 1.24.0; Plasma 5.18.5 / KDE applications 20.04; Xfce 4.14; GNOME 3.34.4; LXQt 0.14.1." Further information can be found in the project's release announcement. Download (MD5, pkglist): GeckoLinux_STATIC_Plasma.x86_64-152.200719.0.iso (1,316MB), GeckoLinux_STATIC_Cinnamon.x86_64-152.200719.0.iso (1,277MB), GeckoLinux_STATIC_Gnome.x86_64-152.200719.0.iso (1,270MB). |
2018-06-08 |
Distribution Release: GeckoLinux 150 |
GeckoLinux is a distribution based on openSUSE with a focus on providing a friendly, desktop platform with multimedia codecs out of the box. The project has published two new versions: Static 150 which is based on openSUSE's stable Leap edition, and GeckoLinux Rolling 999 which is based on openSUSE's rolling release Tumbleweed edition. "The GeckoLinux project is pleased to release updated spins of both Rolling and Static editions. GeckoLinux spins are based on the openSUSE distribution, with a focus on polish and out-of-the-box usability on the desktop. A large variety of customized desktop options are available in Static (based on openSUSE Leap) and Rolling (based on openSUSE Tumbleweed) editions. After installation to the hard disk, a GeckoLinux system will continue to receive updates from the openSUSE and Packman infrastructures. An installed system can even be upgraded smoothly to future openSUSE releases while at the same time retaining its unique GeckoLinux configuration." There are several desktop spins and a BareBones minimal spin of each edition. More information on both editions can be found in the release announcements (Static, Rolling). Download (Static, Rolling) (pkglist): GeckoLinux_STATIC_Cinnamon.x86_64-150.180607.0.iso (1,129MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Cinnamon.x86_64-999.180607.0.iso (1,115MB). |