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YunoHost is a Debian-based distribution which strives to make it easy to quickly set up a server and host web applications. The distribution can be managed through a custom command line utility or through a web-based administration panel.
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2020-11-13 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 3.3.2 |
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Endian SRL has announced the release of Endian Firewall 3.3.2, the latest version of the project's Linux security distribution, based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and designed for home use, that can transform a hardware appliance into a full-featured Unified Threat Management (UTM) solution. The new version comes with a long list of improvements and bug fixes: "The Endian team is proud to announce the new Endian Firewall Community release. First, we're releasing a huge set of updates that has a ton of bug fixes and minor feature improvements. In addition, we're releasing a new ISO image for those who want a new install with all the latest and greatest packages. Last, we're switching our development cycle to use rolling releases which means you guys should be hearing (and receiving 'update goodies') a whole lot more from us on a much more regular and frequent basis. Changelog: add kernel module RTL8152/RTL8153; add NVMe support to kernel; fix igxbe compilation issue; bug fix - is blocked by DNS Proxy; bug fix - IMAP training fails if mail is incomplete; bug fix - cannot create backup if the remark field contains only integers; bug fix - body of HA notification mails are sent as attachments...." Read the rest of the release announcement for a complete changelog. Download: community-x64_3.3.2.iso (359MB, SHA256). |
2018-02-28 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 3.2.5 |
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Endian Firewall is a Unified Threat Management (UTM) appliance based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux that protects networks. The Endian team has announced an update to the distribution's 3.2 series. The latest version, Endian Firewall 3.2.5, fixes a number of bugs, including one which prevented OpenVPN from starting following a reboot of the system. The release announcement reads: "Check out the new release today by downloading the latest ISO image. If you already have an installed community with at least a 3.2.0 beta 1 version you could just register and run the updates. Here's a short list of changes compared to the latest version: improvement UTM-1722 - add option for load custom TLS ciphers; improvement CORE-2143 - add CLI notification when a reboot is required; bug UTM-1813 - OpenVPN job does not start after reboot; bug CORE-1416 - Snort doesn't work when HTTP proxy is on; bug UTM-270 - Squid terminates with an error if an entire domain and its subdomains are used in the same access policy. No need to say, this new image includes a lot of improvements and bug fixes as well. For more details, please see the changelog." Download the installation CD image from SourceForge: efw_community-x64_3.2.5_softwarex86-64.iso (355MB, MD5). |
2017-09-20 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 3.2.4 |
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Endian has announced the release of Endian Firewall 3.2.4, an updated build in the 3.2 series of the project's CentOS-based Linux distribution for firewall and routers: "The Endian team is proud to announce an updated image for the 3.2 release. Check out the new release today by downloading the latest ISO image. If you already have an installed community with at least a 3.2.0beta1 version you could just register and run the updates. The registration procedure is much easier now - follow the initial wizard and just with an email address you can keep the system updated. Don't forget to give us a feedback or report the bugs to JIRA. Here's a short list of changes compared to the latest 3.2.2 released ISO image: updated Squid to 3.5.25; updated Dnsmasq to 2.76; updated OpenVPN to 2.4.3; security improvements to certificates management and OpenVPN; extended support for hardware raid; extended support for network interfaces; security fixes; added hourly graphs. No need to say, this new image includes a lot of improvements and bug fixes as well." Here is the brief release announcement. Download (MD5) the installation CD image from SourceForge: efw_community-x64_3.2.4.iso (350MB, pkglist). |
2016-07-31 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 3.2.1 |
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Endian has announced the release of Endian Firewall 3.2.1, the first stable build in the 3.2 series of the project's CentOS-based Linux distribution designed for firewall and routers. Besides improvements in hardware support, the new release also brings a number of security updates: "The Endian team is proud to announce the Endian Firewall Community 3.2.1 'countdown' release. Check out the new release today by downloading the ISO image. If you have a 3.2.0beta1 you can just register and run the updates (upgrade from 2.5 or 3.0 is not supported). The registration procedure is much easier now: follow the initial wizard and just with an e-mail address you can keep the system updated. Here's a short list of the newly implemented features: 64-bit CPU support; new 4.1 kernel; Python updated to version 2.7; extended hardware support through updated drivers; extended 3G modem support; security fixes." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. The new installation CD image is available for download (MD5) from SourceForge: efw_community-x64_3.2.1.iso (334MB, pkglist). |
2014-01-20 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 3.0 |
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Endian has announced the immediate availability of Endian Firewall 3.0, a new "bleeding-edge" release of the Linux-based distribution designed for firewalls and routers: "Finally the Endian Firewall Community 3.0 has reached its final stage. This release includes the following changes: HTTPS filtering; SMTP proxy - domain management and SMTP delivery status notification configuration; OpenVPN - support for TUN mode, connections page for VPN users; user management and authentication - user management for OpenVPN, integrated certificate authority, external certificate authority support, user password and certificate management (two-factor authentication); logging and reporting - live network traffic monitoring (powered by ntopng), system status graphs are not lost at every reboot, images for SMTP mail statistics graphs...." See the release announcement and release notes for further information. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-3.0.0.iso (208MB, MD5). |
2013-11-19 |
NEW • Development Release: Endian Firewall 3.0 Beta 2 |
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Endian has announced the availability of the second beta build of Endian Firewall 3.0, a major new version of the Red Hat-based distribution for firewalls and routers: "Hey folks, take a look at the Endian Firewall Community 3.0 BETA 2. The new release includes new features relevant to email security, OpenVPN, logging and reporting module and a number of improvements as well. Features, improvements and bug fixes include: SMTP delivery status notification configuration; connections page for VPN users - frontend and backend; add the option "required" to the multiline validator; HTTP proxy information popup is not shown correctly; YAML traceback in domain routing until first domain route configuration; spam blacklists and whitelists typo in tooltip displayed text...." Here is the brief release announcement, with further details summarised in the release notes. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-3.0.0-beta2.iso (203MB, MD5). |
2013-10-09 |
NEW • Development Release: Endian Firewall 3.0 Beta 1 |
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The first beta release of Endian Firewall 3.0, a Red Hat-based distribution designed for firewalls and routers, is ready for testing: "Endian Firewall Community 3.0 beta. This release includes the following new features: HTTPS support for HTTP proxy; smarthost configuration for each outgoing email domain; outgoing IP address configuration for each email domain; replace entire proxy chain with c-icap; live traffic monitoring with ntopng; IPsec GUI rewrite with extended cipher support; OpenVPN server in TUN mode; OpenVPN server GUI rewrite; VPN certificate management. Improvements: MultipleSelectField does not fully support jQuery UI Themeroller; enable EMI Entity to use entites.OneToMany; enable Field and OneToMany to get options for widgets; rename clientSearch DataGrid option to client_side_search; support callable field label_text and title within container and recursive container...." See the release announcement for a list of new features and other details. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-3.0.0-beta1.iso (198MB, MD5). |
2013-08-23 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 2.5.2 |
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Version 2.5.2 of Endian Firewall, a specialist distribution designed for firewalls and routers, has been released: "After a long time, we are ready to announce the Endian Firewall Community 2.5.2 release. This release is mainly a bug-fix one. A list of the main changes: antivirus - ClamAV has been updated to the most recent version to make sure signature updates will continue to work; anti-spyware - lists are now being provided by PhishTank instead of Malware Domains, this not only results in more sites being recognized correctly but also allows us to show an information page with a link to PhishTank's description of the malicious website instead of displaying an empty page; hardware support - support for various hardware devices has been added, including support for USB modems as well as drivers for network interface cards and hard disk controllers." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.5.2-devel-201308191922.iso (214MB, MD5). |
2012-01-31 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 2.5.1 |
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Endian Firewall 2.5.1, an updated version of the Red Hat-based firewall distribution, has been released: "An update for Endian Firewall Community to version 2.5.1 is now available. This release introduces a number of new features. Connectivity - support for most modern UMTS/3G USB dongles. By adding new drivers Endian Firewall 2.5 now supports most modern UMTS/3G dongles. Once plugged in they appear as serial devices and can be configured by choosing Analog/UMTS modem as uplink type. System - performance improvements. The whole system start-up procedure has been rewritten. Endian's new jobs engine decreases the start-up by 50 percent. Additionally major improvements have been made in memory usage. A fully configured system's memory footprint has been reduced by more than 200 MB." See the full release announcement for additional information and a complete list of new features. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.5.1.iso (186MB, MD5).
2011-12-30 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 2.5 |
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The Endian development team has announced the release of Endian Firewall 2.5, an updated version of the project's Red Hat-based specialist distribution for firewalls: "Endian Firewall (EFW) Community version 2.5 is now available. This release introduces new features and lots of bug fixes that make EFW 2.5 a significant improvement in the development of the Endian product family. Release notes: the whole process management in the background of the system has been rewritten - with the new Endian Jobsengine the boot procedure now takes only half as long as before; some major changes have been made to various proxy and anti-virus settings - this resulted in almost 200 MB of memory being freed in a fully configured system; many small improvements have been made and hundreds of bugs have been fixed; supports trusted time-stamping using OpenTSA...." See the complete release announcement for more information. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.5-201112281641.iso (186MB, MD5).
2010-05-27 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 2.4 |
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Endian Firewall 2.4, a specialist Linux distribution for firewalls and gateways based on CentOS, has been released: "Endian Firewall (EFW) Community version 2.4 is now available. This release introduces new features and lots of bug fixes that make EFW 2.4 a significant improvement in the development of the Endian product family." Features: "If you are using EFW 2.4 and you wish to switch to Endian UTM 2.4, you can now do so by simply pushing a button. The process is completely managed by EFW, ensuring you a safe and effective upgrade. Updating your EFW 2.3 does not require to install a new system from scratch any more. Instead, you can update single packages using our dedicated repository. With the new version of the kernel the number of supported hardware devices - most of all network interface cards - increases significantly." Here is the full release announcement. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.4.iso (128MB, MD5).
2009-10-27 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 2.3 |
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Christian Graffer has announced the release of Endian Firewall 2.3, a CentOS-based specialist distribution for firewalls and gateways: "Today I am proud to announce the release of version 2.3 of Endian Firewall Community. This release includes many features that were previously available only to users of the Enterprise edition, as well as some completely new features. These new features are: backups can now be stored to and recovered from attached USB mass storage devices; the main page has been replaced by a dashboard with statistics about the system and its services; emails can be sent automatically for predefined events; it is possible to add time-based access control lists for the HTTP proxy; Snort rules can now be configured...." Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.3.iso (124MB, MD5).
2009-09-18 |
NEW • Development Release: Endian Firewall 2.3 RC1 |
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The first release candidate for Endian Firewall 2.3, a specialist firewall distribution based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, is now available for testing: "Today we are proud to announce the first release candidate of our Endian Firewall Community version 2.3. This release includes many features that were previously available only to users of the Enterprise edition as well as some completely new features. These features are: backups can now be stored to and recovered from attached USB mass storage devices; the main page has been replaced by a dashboard with statistics about the system and its services as well as live-graphs for incoming and outgoing traffic; emails can be sent automatically for predefined events; with the new interface it is possible to add time-based access control lists for the HTTP proxy...." Visit the project's news page to read the full release announcement. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.3-rc1.iso (123MB, MD5).
2008-07-26 |
NEW • Development Release: Endian Firewall 2.2 RC2 |
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The second release candidate for Endian Firewall 2.2 "Community" edition, a firewall appliance based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, was announced: "The Endian Team is glad to announce the latest release candidate of Endian Firewall Community. RC2 contains many bug fixes since the previous release candidate. Endian Firewall Community is an all-in-one Linux security distribution that turns every system into a full featured security appliance. Designed with usability in mind, Endian developed a solution that is extremely flexible, easy to install and manage. The Community version has been warmly embraced by the open source community... This is a bugfix release, for the full change log see Happy Testing!" Read the release announcement for further information. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.2-rc2-200807241531.iso (118MB, MD5).
2008-05-14 |
NEW • Development Release: Endian Firewall 2.2 RC1 |
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Raphael Vallazza has announced the first release candidate for Endian Firewall 2.2 "Community" edition, a firewall appliance based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux: "The Endian team is glad to announce a new beta release of the Endian Firewall Community, with many bug fixes and enhancements. Highlights: enhanced management of WAN/RED connections (support for multiple uplinks, multiple IPs and networks on each WAN/RED interface in STATIC mode, uplink monitoring with automatic failover); Port forwarding (multiple uplink support, allowing different rules per uplink, port forwarding of traffic coming from VPN end points, option for rule-based logging); system access (external access has now been enhanced and renamed to system access, fine-grained management of permissions regarding access to the system from LAN, WAN, DMZ and VPN end points)...." Read the rest of the release announcement for further information. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.2-rc1-200805131128.iso (118MB, MD5).
2008-04-23 |
NEW • Development Release: Endian Firewall 2.2 Beta 4 |
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Raphael Vallazza has announced the fourth beta of Endian Firewall 2.2, a firewall distribution based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux: "The Endian Team is glad to announce a new beta release of the Endian Firewall Community, with many bug fixes and enhancements. Endian Firewall Community is an all-in-one Linux security distribution that turns every system into a full featured security appliance. Changes from 2.2 Beta 3: new enhanced GUI; added OpenVPN x.509 certificate and pre-shared key (PSK) support; added static IP address support for OpenVPN clients; added Source NAT support; 60+ bug fixes and other enhancements." Read the release announcement and changelog for additional information. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.2-beta4.iso (126MB, MD5).
2008-02-02 |
NEW • Development Release: Endian Firewall 2.2 Beta 3 |
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Raphael Vallazza has announced the third beta release of Endian Firewall 2.2, a Red Hat-based firewall distribution: "The Endian team is glad to announce a new beta release of the Endian Firewall Community edition, with many bug fixes and enhancements. Changes from 2.2 Beta 2: New uplink control made with Javascript and JSON, enhances responsiveness on uplink status change, the user can now decide if uplink should be 'managed' automatically or manually; updated kernel to version, rebuilt with GCC 4.1.2 to solve some compiler related issues and added drivers that where missing in Beta 2; rebuilt packages for i586 instead of i686 to support embedded and older systems (VIA C3, AMD LX, etc.); 60+ bug fixes and other enhancements." Read the full release notes for further information. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.2-beta3-200802011745.iso (125MB, MD5).
2007-12-31 |
NEW • Development Release: Endian Firewall 2.2 Beta 2 |
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Raphael Vallazza has announced the second beta release of Endian Firewall 2.2, a RHEL-based firewall with anti-virus/spam tools, content filters, SSL/TLS VPN, IDS, and other features: "The Endian Team is glad to announce a new release of the Endian Firewall Community version 2.2 Beta 2. Endian Firewall Community is an all-in-one Linux security distribution that turns every system into a full featured security appliance. Changes from 2.2 Beta 1: Updated kernel to version (features a lot more drivers, better SATA, SCSI and NIC support); updated ClamAV to version 0.92; updated Openswan to version 2.4.11; updated Snort to; 55+ bug fixes and minor feature enhancements." Read the release announcement and changelog for a detailed list of changes. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.2-beta2-200712281931.iso (109MB, MD5).
2007-10-28 |
NEW • Development Release: Endian Firewall 2.2 Beta 1 |
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A new development release of Endian Firewall is ready for download and testing: "The Endian Team is glad to announce a new release of the Endian Firewall Community version 2.2 Beta 1. Support for multiple WAN Connections, Zone Firewall for stealthy filtering of local traffic, time based HTTP access policies and OpenVPN X.509 support are just some of the brand new features. The result of over a year of development is an enhanced and polished Endian Firewall release, network security has never been so powerful and easy. Release Highlights: support for multiple uplinks; multiple IPs/networks on each WAN/RED interface in STATIC mode; uplink monitoring with automatic failover (ISP failover); uplink editor...." Read the release announcement for a complete list of changes and new features. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.2-beta1.iso (104MB, MD5).
2007-07-11 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 2.1.2 |
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A bugfix release of the Red Hat-based Endian Firewall is now available, with several minor yet significant new features: "The 2.1.2 is built up from the 2.1.1 version, fixing the SATA support system and allowing for a wizard after installation that asks to set up the passwords (root and administrator). In addition, this new release enables the possibility of restoring a backup directly after installation, and of blocking incoming connections coming through the VPN. Moreover, the Endian Firewall Community now includes a 1:1 NAT (for ALL port-forwarding protocol types) and provides added support for EFW as a XEN domU instance. Kernel, glibc, clamav and havp have all been upgraded, and the proxy authentication can now be bypassed for specific ip/mac addresses." More details in the release notes. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.1.2-200707101220.iso (112MB, MD5).
2007-01-02 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 2.1 |
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A new community release of Red Hat-based Endian Firewall is now available. What's new in version 2.1? "GUI: check boxes instead of multi-select select boxes within network wizard, SSL certificate will only be generated if the host or domain name is changed; VPN: OpenVPN server displays CA certificate, gives the possibility to configure port and protocol, allows to configure multiple networks per user; rewrite of backup service: each backup can be downloaded with a single click, user can decide what to include; other changes: merged in changes of R*EL, updated SpamAssassin, p3scan, ClamAV and fcron, solved problem of gaps within graphs, installation, restores and factory default stores meta-information about the used archive...." More details in the release notes. Download: EFW-COMMUNITY-2.1-200701010332.iso (107MB, MD5).
2006-07-13 |
NEW • Distribution Release: Endian Firewall 2.0 |
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Endian Firewall 2.0 "Community" edition is out: "Endian Firewall 2 released! Endian Firewall is a 'turn-key' Linux security distribution that turns every system into a full-featured security appliance." From the release notes: "HTTP Antivirus now supports video/music streaming useragents, so HTTP virus scanning does not prohibit streaming; ClamAV anti-virus engine updated to the latest release, now configurable via web administration Interface; outgoing firewall enhancements; SMTP proxy now supports authentication against IMAP server...." Download: EFW_COMMUNITY_2.iso (98.4MB, MD5).
Sponsored Listing |
Featured Distribution: 3CX Phone System |
3CX Phone System is a specialist, Debian-based Linux distribution designed to run a complete unified communications platform. The 3CX client, included in the distribution, can also be installed separately on most hardware as well as the cloud. It provides a complete open standards-based IP PBX and phone system that works with popular SIP trunks and IP phones. It will automatically configure all supported peripherals and it also comes with clients for Windows, OS X, iOS and Android. The ISO image includes a free license for the 3CX PBX edition. The ISO image contains the standard Debian installer which installs a minimal system with the nginx web server, PostgreSQL database, iptables firewall and Secure Shell. Options not relevant to 3CX have been removed from the distribution. Download the installation ISO image from here: debian-amd64-netinst-3cx.iso (628MB). |