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Lonix was a console-based full Linux system which runs from a live CD. It includes a lot of useful utilities for students and developers, along with some servers like Apache, Proftpd, sendmail, and sshd (all pre-configured). It can also be used as a partition tool (featuring fdisk, parted, and partimage) or as a rescue CD.
Status: Discontinued
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2017-01-01 |
NEW • Distribution Release: PelicanHPC 4.1 |
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Happy New Year 2017! The first release announcement of the year goes to the PelicanHPC project (formerly known as "ParallelKnoppix") which develops a specialist Debian-based distribution that can be easily set up as a node for a High-Performance Computing cluster network. It is maintained by Aissam Hidoussi at the University Hadj Lakhdar in Batna, Algeria. PelicanHPC 4.1 is a minor bug-fix update and it comes with a choice of two desktops - Xfce 4.10 and GNOME 3.14: "PelicanHPC 4.1 is released with two desktops (Xfce and GNOME). It is based on Debian 8.6 'Jessie' and live-build 4.x. The default login information is user 'user', password 'PelicanHPC'. For security reasons, please change your password after login. Fixes to PelicanHPC 4.0: mounting of PELHOME partition; SSH problem in PelicanHPC with Xfce desktop; Ganglia." Visit the distribution's news page to read the brief release announcement. Download (MD5) the live DVD images from SourceForge (pkglist): pelicanhpc-v4.1-xfce.iso (1,484MB), pelicanhpc-v4.1-gnome.iso (1,840MB). A tutorial for setting up the distribution as an HPC cluster node is available here. |
2013-01-10 |
NEW • Distribution Release: PelicanHPC 2.9 |
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Michael Creel has announced the release of PelicanHPC 2.9, a Debian-based live DVD that makes it possible to set up high-performance computing clusters in minutes: "PelicanHPC version 2.9 is available. Octave 3.6.3, dynare 4.3.1, some updates to the econometrics stuff, and also the usual sync to Debian. This release is mainly to incorporate package updates from Debian. A note: PelicanHPC is based on Debian stable ('Squeeze'), and is made using live-build v2.x. Before too long, the testing version of Debian ('Wheezy') will become stable. To make live images with 'Wheezy', you need to use live-build v3.x. The build script for PelicanHPC will need to be adapted to use live-build 3.x. I doubt that I will have time/interest to do that, so if anyone would like to take on the job, feel free to go for it." Visit the distribution's home page to read the brief release announcement. Download link: pelicanhpc-v2.9.iso (727MB, MD5). |
2011-01-12 |
NEW • Distribution Release: PelicanHPC 2.3 |
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Michael Creel has announced the release of PelicanHPC 2.3, a Debian-based live CD for high performance computing clusters formerly known as ParallelKNOPPIX: "PelicanHPC 2.3 is available. From this release forward, Debian 'Squeeze' will be the base for PelicanHPC, until further notice. Also, PelicanHPC is henceforth available only in a 64-bit edition. There are no major changes since version 2.2, apart from the newer versions of most packages. In particular, the kernel is now at 2.6.32, and Xfce is looking sharp at version 4.6.2. In the move from 'Lenny' to 'Squeeze' as the base, the Ganglia monitoring system has stopped working, because the configuration files have not yet been updated. I would be happy to receive gmond.conf and gmetad.conf files that cause the installed version of Ganglia to work properly on PelicanHPC. KSysGuard still works well as a cluster monitor, though." Visit the project's home page to read the brief release announcement. Download: pelicanhpc-v2.3.iso (649MB, MD5).
2010-09-11 |
NEW • Distribution Release: PelicanHPC 2.2 |
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Michael Creel has announced the release of PelicanHPC 2.2, a Debian-based live CD that makes it easy to set up a high-performance computing cluster in a few minutes: "Version 2.2 final release is available. This release has many new features, the main new feature is a simple way to save the configuration across boots. This allows for full headless remote administration, and makes it considerably more convenient to use PelicanHPC to run a permanent cluster. Other new features: auto-detection of persistent front-end home and node local scratch space; ability to run local scripts post-boot and setup; node beep after boot; firewall; automated node booting using wake-on-LAN; configuration of slots and optional front-end inclusion for MPI; Ganglia...." The full list of changes can be viewed on the project's home page. Download: pelicanhpc-v2.2-i386.iso (676MB, MD5), pelicanhpc-v2.2-amd64.iso (697MB, MD5).
2010-07-22 |
NEW • Development Release: PelicanHPC 2.2 RC |
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PelicanHPC, a Debian-based live CD for high performance computing clusters and formerly known as ParallelKNOPPIX, has released a new test build: "Version 2.2 release candidate is available (only for amd64). This release has many new features, thanks to Robert G. Petry. It is now possible to configure the frontend to boot without intervention, and to send wake-on-LAN packets to the nodes. There is a big list of new features, so test reports are welcome. New in this version: ~/pelican_config file to allow for persistence, customization and headless boot; autodetection of persistent frontend home; autodetection of frontend and node local scratch space; ability to run local scripts post boot and setup; node beep after boot; firewall; automated node booting using wake-on-lan; static IP assignment configurable using MAC addresses; node startup/shutdown script." Visit the project's home page to read the brief release announcement. Update: A bug fix version was soon released as RC2: pelicanhpc-v2.2-rc2-amd64.iso (697MB, MD5).
2010-01-13 |
NEW • Distribution Release: PelicanHPC 2.0 |
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Michael Creel has announced the release of PelicanHPC 2.0, a Debian-based live CD which makes it simple to set up a high performance computing cluster: "PelicanHPC 2.0 is available. Features: based on Debian testing instead of stable - this means that most packages have newer versions, in particular, the kernel is at 2.6.30 and Open MPI is at 1.3.3; has new MPI bindings for GNU Octave; the new MPI bindings allow use of Octave 3.2.x instead of 3.0.x, which gives some important performance gains; the new bindings are less complete than MPITB, but they provide all MPI calls used in the examples for GNU Octave; the Monte Carlo and kernel examples have been adapted to use these new bindings; Open MPI is now the only MPI implementation installed; the Ganglia monitoring system is installed and pre-configured for up to 4 hosts." Visit the project's home page to read the brief release announcement. Download: pelicanhpc-32bit-v2.0.iso (463MB, MD5), pelicanhpc-64bit-v2.0.iso (479MB, MD5).
2009-02-04 |
NEW • Distribution Release: PelicanHPC 1.8 |
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Michael Creel has announced the release of PelicanHPC 1.8, a Debian-based live CD image with a goal to make it simple to set up a high-performance computing cluster: "PelicanHPC v1.8 is released." What's new? "The make_pelican script supports USB disk image as well as ISO; added dialogs for setting password and allowing use of permanent storage; add binary blobs for closed-source network cards; add locales, console-common and packages for mail; add a couple of symbolic links to support software compiled using older versions of OpenMPI; tutorial updated." Visit the project's home page to read the release announcement and to learn about the distribution's features. Download from here: pelicanhpc-v1.8_32bit.iso (386MB, MD5, torrent), pelicanhpc-v1.8_64bit.iso (400MB, MD5, torrent).
2008-05-20 |
NEW • Distribution Release: PelicanHPC 1.5.1 |
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Michael Creel has announced the release of PelicanHPC 1.5.1 (formerly PrallelKNOPPIX), a Debian-based live CD designed to make it simple to set up a high-performance computing cluster. This updates fixes the recent "predictable randomness" vulnerability in Debian's build of OpenSSL and all users are strongly encouraged to upgrade. From the announcement: "PelicanHPC1.5.1 released. Changes: fixes a major security problem related to SSH keys, all users who connect their cluster to a network are strongly encouraged to update; added fail2ban to discourage brute force SSH attacks; MPITB and other example code for Octave is now pre-compiled; package updates, including Octave 3.0.1 and OpenMPI 1.2.6." Download PelicanHPC 1.5.1 via BitTorrent: pelican32-v1.5.1.iso (359MB), pelican64-v1.5.1.iso (367MB).
2008-03-01 |
NEW • Distribution Release: PelicanHPC GNU Linux 1.3 |
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PelicanHPC GNU Linux is a new name of what used to be known as ParallelKNOPPIX, a live CD project with a goal to make it simple to set up a high performance computing cluster. Now based on Debian GNU/Linux (rather than KNOPPIX), the project has announced the release of PelicanHPC 1.3. From the changelog: "make_pelican allows a password to be specified, the default is still 'live'; make_pelican allows you to specify a storage device to mount as /home, the default is still to use a ramdisk; the setup routine has been greatly improved. At this point, I think that Pelican is in good shape. I am not planning on making more releases until several months from now, unless some important bug surfaces." Visit the project's home page to read the release announcement. The CD images are available for download via BitTorrent: pelican32-v1.3.iso (345MB), pelican64-v1.3.iso (357MB).
2007-11-22 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2.8 |
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Michael Creel has announced the release of ParallelKNOPPIX 2.8, a KNOPPIX-based live CD that allows setting up a cluster of machines for parallel processing using the LAM-MPI and/or MPICH implementations of MPI: "ParallelKNOPPIX v2.8 released." What's new? "v2.8 (64-bit only, use v2.7.1 for 32 -it CPUs); /home and /root are NFS exported, which makes it possible to add users; advanced users can mount a storage device at /home, for increased space and to save work between sessions; Linux kernel; Open MPI 1.2.4, Octave 2.9.14, SciPy 0.60, NumPy, Parallel Python 2.5rc, KDE 3.5.8; Cloop 2.0622 (thanks Klaus Knopper); Aufs cvs 17-10-07." Visit the project's home page to read the brief announcement and changelog. Download the CD image via BitTorrent: parallelknoppix64-2.8.iso (674MB).
2007-05-10 |
NEW • Development Release: ParallelKNOPPIX64 2.6 RC1 |
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Michael Creel has announced the availability of the first 64-bit edition of ParallelKNOPPIX, a KNOPPIX-based live CD that provides an easy way of setting up a cluster of machines for parallel processing: "Big news - the first release candidate of a 64-bit edition of ParallelKNOPPIX is out. This is version 2.6, for 64-bit CPUs. It won't run on 32-bit CPUs, so for mixed clusters you need to use the 32-bit edition. A big thanks to the VMKNOPPIX people for their 5.1.1 64-bit release, which was used as the base, and to Intel Software for a hardware donation that helped with development of this version. I have a limited set of 64-bit hardware for testing, so reports are especially welcome." Please visit the project's home page to read the release announcement. The CD image is available via BitTorrent and also from this HTTP server: parallelknoppix64-2.6-rc1.iso (644MB, MD5).
2007-02-24 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2.4 |
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ParallelKNOPPIX 2.4 has been released: "This has kernel with the paravirtualization support, KVM compiled in for both Intel and AMD, and QEMU with the kqemu kernel module (big thanks for GPL release). There's also a rom-o-matic boot ROM at /cdrom/kvm-pxe.iso. I'd like to get a virtual compute node running on top of PK using one of the virtualization platforms, for demonstration purposes and pure cool factor." Read the rest of the release announcement on the project's home page. Download: parallelknoppix-2.4.iso (520MB, MD5). Also available via BitTorrent. ParallelKNOPPIX is a KNOPPIX-based distribution geared for a high performance computing cluster.
2007-01-25 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2.3 |
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Michael Creel has announced the release of ParallelKNOPPIX 2.3: "Version 2.3 is released. This version synchronises all packages to current Debian unstable and fixes some bugs. In particular, the annoying hang at boot time that sometimes occurred has been solved. Also, the compute nodes can be booted using copies of the CD. This is useful if you can't get PXE boot to work for some reason and your cluster is not too large." Read the brief release announcement on the project's home page. Download: parallelknoppix-2.3.iso (513MB, MD5). ParallelKNOPPIX is a KNOPPIX-based distribution that makes it simple to set up a cluster of computers for parallel processing using the LAM-MPI and/or MPICH implementations of the Message Passing Interface (MPI).
2007-01-01 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2.2 |
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A new bug-fix release of ParallelKNOPPIX is out: "For those of you who like to start the new year with a new release, version 2.2 is out. This release meets the long term goal of removing the need to mount a storage device. Since no storage device is used, the permissions bug that affected versions 2.0 and 2.1 when VFAT file systems were used is no longer an issue. From the changelog: a major change - everything is done in RAM, hard disks and/or USB storage are no longer needed or used; current Debian unstable, rather than KNOPPIX, is now the base, all packages have been upgraded; the compute nodes boot up to KDM, and you can't log in to them - this is intended to improve security, since the only access to the cluster is through the master node or over the net." Find the full release announcement on the project's home page. Download: parallelknoppix-2.2.iso (681MB, MD5).
2006-12-01 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2.0 |
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Michael Creel has announced a new major release of ParallelKNOPPIX: "ParallelKNOPPIX 2.0 is released. The 2.x series makes setting up and using the cluster even easier than before. It is also much easier to save a ParallelKNOPPIX setup for re-use. Of course, it is also possible to use a ParallelKNOPPIX cluster without leaving traces on the host machines. The 2.x series is focused on MPI-based parallel computing - PVM is no longer supported. Some details: kernel, KDE 3.5.4, new non-parametric multivariate density estimation example using MPITB for GNU Octave." Visit the project's home page to read the release announcement. Download: parallelknoppix-2.0.iso (600MB, MD5); also available via BitTorrent.
2006-05-06 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2006-05-05 |
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Michael Creel has announced the availability of a new version of ParallelKNOPPIX, a KNOPPIX-based live CD that allows setting up a cluster of machines for parallel processing. What's new? "05-05-2006: new version. OpenMPI 1.0.2; Octave 2.1.73; Povray-3.5 for use with PVM; significant changes to setup: auto-mounting of working directory on compute nodes as they boot, compute nodes can be added and removed on-the-fly; new cluster monitor based on KSysguard; tutorial updated, explains how to re-master." Please visit the project's home page to read the full changelog. Download: parallelknoppix-2006-05-05.iso (632MB, MD5); also available via BitTorrent.
2006-02-21 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2006-02-20 |
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The ParallelKNOPPIX live CD has been updated. What's new? "Open MPI at version 1.0.1, the pi example for C shows how to use it; mpich.tar.gz is included in the 'Examples' directory, this shows how to compile and install software on a running cluster, and lets you run a very cool parallel Mandelbrot set plotter; Ganglia removed for the time being; missing MPITB source included; montecarlo.m does dynamic load balancing and is robust to node failure; tutorial updated." Visit the project's home page to read the release announcement and to learn more about the distribution. Download from here: parallelknoppix-2006-02-20.iso (614MB, MD5).
2005-12-04 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2005-12-02 |
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A new, security enhanced version of ParallelKNOPPIX was released over the weekend. From the changelog: "Passwords are reset for 'root' and 'knoppix'; RSA keys are regenerated; the 'knoppix' user is removed from /etc/sudoers. The cluster is secure for connection to the internet using a second network interface on the master node, and can be reached by ssh, scp, etc. The cluster is not secure from damage by malicious / incompetent users with physical access to the nodes, since they can still easily get root access (or hit the nodes with a hammer!) The security enhancements are new and only lightly tested. Please report means of gaining root access from hosts outside the cluster." Visit the project's home page for further details about the new release. Download: parallelknoppix-2005-12-02.iso (616MB, MD5).
2005-06-03 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2005-06-02 |
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A new version of ParallelKNOPPIX has been released. What's new? "Update to KNOPPIX 3.9 base, KDE is now at 3.4.0; added pgapack, a parallel genetic algorithm - includes lots of neat C and FORTAN examples; minor tweaks to package list." More details are available on the project's home page, together with a brand new online forum for users of the distribution, launched earlier today. Download the new release from here: parallelknoppix-2005-06-02.iso (491MB, MD5). ParallelKNOPPIX is a remastered edition of KNOPPIX that allows setting up a cluster of machines for parallel processing.
2005-04-26 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2005-04-25 |
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A new version of ParallelKNOPPIX has been released. What's new? "New version based on KNOPPIX 3.8.1. Setup has been streamlined quite a bit, and the dialog boxes have a much nicer font; tutorial has been updated to explain the new setup method, and to cut down on toner usage when printed; bootstrapping example for Octave (now at 2.1.69)." Read the release announcement on the distribution's home page. Download: parallelknoppix-2005-04-25.iso (469MB). ParallelKNOPPIX is a remastered edition of the KNOPPIX live CD designed for setting up a cluster of machines for parallel processing.
2005-04-01 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2005-04-01 |
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A new version of ParallelKNOPPIX has been released. What's new? "R parallel Monte Carlo example - thanks Luke Tierney for help with this; Parallel bladeenc provides a more complicated example for C++; additional examples for Octave (now at version 2.1.67), including kernel regression; tutorial has been expanded a bit; PVM does not work; automatically deletes any NTFS partitions found (April fools)." Read the full announcement on the project's home page. Download: parallelknoppix-2005-04-01.iso (526MB). ParallelKNOPPIX is a KNOPPIX-based live CD that allows setting up a cluster of machines for parallel processing.
2005-03-01 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2005-03-01 |
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A new version of ParallelKNOPPIX has been released. From the changelog: "Allows up to 200 nodes. R, with MPI and clustering packages added. I'd appreciate hearing about tests of PVM and the R SNOW and R MPI packages. Tutorial now explains how to use the GUI re-master scripts for easy addition of packages and/or personal files. It is possible to create a personalized CD/DVD without rebooting, if you have a CD/DVD burner in addition to the CD drive you boot from. Octave updated to 2.1.66, since we have a Makefile.env for MPITB that works with Debian unstable - thanks Thomas Weber!" Find more information on the distribution's home page. Download: parallelknoppix-2005-03-01.iso (519MB).
2005-01-11 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2005-01-10 |
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A new version of ParallelKNOPPIX is out. What's new? "Added Ganglia monitoring, with web frontend. Here is a screenshot of the Ganglia report for the tracetest_example.m running on a 2 node cluster. Added maximum likelihood and generalized method of moments examples for MPITB for GNU Octave. Added GUI scripts for remastering. Facilitates personalization, adding/removing packages, etc. This is not in the tutorial yet, but if you just follow the scripts in order, you can easily use apt-get to add/remove packages and create your own ISO image. ISO has been trimmed down to about 500MB." Find the release announcement and other information on the project's home page. Download: parallelknoppix.iso (504MB).
2004-12-17 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2004-12-16 |
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This is a new version of ParallelKNOPPIX, a KNOPPIX-based live CD that allows setting up a cluster of machines for parallel processing. The latest version is based on the recently released KNOPPIX 3.7. What's new? "Same functionality, but newer packages; image size is somewhat larger (550MB) - too lazy to trim fat, but now you can play frozen-bubble; the script to copy to hard disk for remastering has been improved a bit." Visit the distribution's web site to find out more about the latest release. Download: parallelknoppix.iso (548MB).
2004-11-26 |
NEW • Distribution Release: ParallelKNOPPIX 2004-11-25 |
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ParallelKNOPPIX is a new distribution in our database; it is a remastered variant of the KNOPPIX live CD that allows setting up a cluster of machines for parallel processing using the LAM-MPI and/or MPICH implementations of MPI. A new version was released yesterday: "A major overhaul: a more careful package elimination to decrease image size; GUI configuration - open a terminal in Desktop, ParallelKNOPPIX, Setup, and type SetupParallelKNOPPIX, the rest is clicking through, usually following defaults. Note: the tutorial needs to be updated. Contains MPITB for GNU Octave, with a working example." The project's home page provides further information and links to documentation and downloads. Get the latest version from here: parallelknoppix-2004-11-25.iso (467MB).
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Featured Distribution: 3CX Phone System |
3CX Phone System is a specialist, Debian-based Linux distribution designed to run a complete unified communications platform. The 3CX client, included in the distribution, can also be installed separately on most hardware as well as the cloud. It provides a complete open standards-based IP PBX and phone system that works with popular SIP trunks and IP phones. It will automatically configure all supported peripherals and it also comes with clients for Windows, OS X, iOS and Android. The ISO image includes a free license for the 3CX PBX edition. The ISO image contains the standard Debian installer which installs a minimal system with the nginx web server, PostgreSQL database, iptables firewall and Secure Shell. Options not relevant to 3CX have been removed from the distribution. Download the installation ISO image from here: debian-amd64-netinst-3cx.iso (378MB). |
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