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SCO Linux
The SCO Group (SCO) was a provider of software solutions for small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and replicated branch offices. SCO solutions include UNIX and Linux platforms; management, messaging, and e-business tools; and services that include technical support, education, consulting, and solution provider support programs. Based in Lindon, Utah, SCO has a worldwide presence with offices in 18 countries and representation in 82 countries. SCO solutions are divided into three broad areas: operating systems, extended platform and services. SCO's Operating Systems encompass SCO's UNIX and Linux platforms. SCO operating systems offer the performance, scalability and confidence of UNIX and the flexibility and reliability of Linux. SCO operating systems include SCO Linux Server, SCO UnixWare and SCO OpenLinux. Note: On 15 May 2003, SCO suspended the distribution of its Linux-based operating systems, claiming intellectual property infringments.
Status: Discontinued
| Tips, Tricks, Q&As | Questions and answers: Backing up specific folders in the user's home directory |
Tips and tricks: Find common words in text, find high memory processs, cd short-cuts, pushd & popd, record desktop |
Tips and tricks: Package compression compared |
Tips and tricks: File encryption and cloud backup |
Tips and tricks: Keep terminal programs running, using the at command, reverse OpenSSH connections |
Tips and tricks: Verifying ISO images |
Tips and tricks: Digital cameras, mobile phones and music players under Linux |
Tips and tricks: Fix filenames, manage networks from the command line and more command line tips |
Questions and answers: How much disk space to allocate |
Tips and tricks: How to check the licenses of kernel modules |
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2014-05-19 |
NEW • Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux 5.0 RC2 |
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Christophe Lincoln has announced the availability of the second release candidate for SliTaz GNU/Linux 5.0, a minimalist Linux distribution with custom package management and LXDE desktop: "The SliTaz team is pleased to announce the new SliTaz 5.0-RC2 release candidate. We have done a huge amount of work fixing bugs from RC1, with about 500 commits in our Mercurial repositories. All the 4,300 packages have been rebuilt to found and fix bugs and to ensure everything can be rebuilt from source by advanced users. We took a lot of time to improve the user experience with our default and custom LXDE desktop. Polkit and udisks configuration have been fixed to handle correctly external devices and internal hard disk partitions. The RC2 supports a new installation method. SliTaz can be installed into a single directory without partitioning any hard disk. This method works with all file systems including NTFS and FAT32. Here is the brief release announcement. Download: slitaz-5.0-rc2.iso (42.0MB, MD5). |
2014-05-02 |
NEW • Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux 5.0 RC1 |
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Christophe Lincoln has announced the availability of the first release candidate for SliTaz GNU/Linux 5.0, the project's upcoming stable release of the distribution that prides itself to be extremely fast, small and capable of running on older computer systems: "The SliTaz team is pleased to announce the availability of SliTaz GNU/Linux 5.0 release candidate 1 (RC-1). It's very mature, but it still requires intensive testing before we're able to release a fully stable version. SliTaz 5.0 RC-1 includes many small bug fixes like improved dialogs for the slitaz-config utility that give new users the ability to easily set up their systems from a graphical or text interface. Tazpanel boasts a new look and feel and the distribution now has better language support than ever before. We've even fixed support for old ATA hard drives to keep with our tradition of being able to run even on ancient systems. Here is the brief release announcement. Download: slitaz-5.0-rc1.iso (42.0MB, MD5). |
2014-02-16 |
NEW • Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20140216 |
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Christophe Lincoln has released the first public development build (called "Cooking") of SliTaz GNU/Linux 5.0, a fast and minimalist desktop Linux distribution in just 40 megabytes: "The Slitaz team is proud to announce the release of a new 'Cooking' version which paves the road to SliTaz 5.0. This new Cooking includes almost two years of work and has an incredible changelog. All our home made tools have been improved and it also includes some great new tools such as 'frugal' or 'decode'. We focused a lot of work on desktop integration to provide a fine user experience and have greatly improved the Linux kernel (3.2.53) configuration. On the package side we updated all existing packages and also added a bunch of new packages to reach more than 4,200 packages in the Cooking database. Lots of work has also been done on the SliTaz installer which provides a new ncurses/text front-end. The live CD will now ask for language settings before booting. Visit the project's news page to read the brief release announcement. Download: slitaz-cooking.iso (40.0MB, MD5). |
2012-04-11 |
NEW • Distribution Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux 4.0 |
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Christophe Lincoln has announced the release of SliTaz GNU/Linux 4.0, a major new version of the project's fast, minimalist but extensible Linux distribution with its own package management system: "The SliTaz contributors are pleased to announce the release of the new stable distribution SliTaz GNU/Linux 4.0. Two years of community work have created a reliable system capable of even shorter boot times with more than 1,000 new installable packages. SliTaz provides a complete graphical desktop in 35 MB based on LXDE and Openbox that works entirely in 192 MB of RAM. Its new 4-in-1 CD image can be installed on a hard drive with only 48 MB by automatically selecting a configuration most fully suited to your hardware. The home-made tools have grown. Tazpkg brings a new notification system and is much faster despite the increase in the number of packages and Tazpanel enables a new centralized management system." See the brief release announcement and the detailed release notes for further information. Download: slitaz-4.0.iso (34.7MB, MD5).
2012-03-04 |
NEW • Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux 4.0 RC2 |
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Christophe Lincoln has announced the availability of the second release candidate for SliTaz GNU/Linux 4.0, a minimalist desktop Linux distribution: "The SliTaz team is pleased to announce the new SliTaz 4.0 RC2 release candidate. We have done a huge amount of work fixing bugs from RC1 and on end-user home-made tools such as TazPKG, TazPanel and TazUSB. WiFi connection is made easier via TazPanel or the new wifibox. TazPKG has better desktop integration and a new notification system. This new version comes with a full X.Org package and DRI support as well as the nv, intel, geode and vesa drivers working out-of-the-box. We have also rebuilt all packages once again and saved 2 MB in the core live CD, so we now include LXRandR, Parcellite and the Transmission BitTorrent client. This RC2 is close to the upcoming SliTaz 4.0 version planned in two weeks." Visit the distribution's news page to read the release announcement. Download the live CD image from here: slitaz-4.0-RC2.iso (35.1MB, MD5).
2012-02-23 |
NEW • Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux 4.0 RC1 |
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Christophe Lincoln has announced the availability of the first release candidate for SliTaz GNU/Linux 4.0, a light, fast and extensible mini-distribution for the desktop: "The SliTaz contributor team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the first release candidate for SliTaz GNU/Linux 4.0. SliTaz can boot in 10 - 12 seconds on fairly new hardware and with the new 4-in-1 CD image you can install a full SliTaz desktop with only 48 MB of RAM. The 4-in-1 CD image is able to auto-detect the memory and boot SliTaz in text mode, in a minimal X environment or a full desktop. SliTaz 4.0 will have more than 3,000 well-tested packages in its repository and the RC series let us track last bugs. From our last Cooking release the packages have all been rebuilt twice to ensure build quality. This RC1 ISO will prompt you with a new graphical menu, a graphical language and keyboard set up, a new desktop layout and artwork. Visit the project's news page to read the announcement. Download: slitaz-4.0-RC1.iso (34.0MB, MD5).
2011-05-31 |
NEW • Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20110531 |
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Christophe Lincoln has announced the availability of a new development build of SliTaz GNU/Linux 2011.1, a minimalist desktop Linux distribution in 30 megabytes: "The SliTaz team is proud to announce the release of a new Cooking version built with our new and fresh packages from cookutils. Cookutils is one of the new generation of tools to build SliTaz packages and provides a build bot with a nice web interface that works out-of-the-box on any SliTaz system. These new packages have been built with a new i486 optimized toolchain. The full boot process has been improved and the first boot configuration is now done through GTK+ boxes in an X session and the boot time is also faster. This version comes with a new GUI tool for system configuration as well as our new system configuration panel - TazPanel. Visit the project's news page to read the brief release announcement. Download: slitaz-cooking.iso (30.0MB, MD5).
2011-03-29 |
NEW • Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20110329 |
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Christophe Lincoln has announced the availability of a new development build of SliTaz GNU/Linux, a minimalist, but extensible distribution and live CD featuring the Openbox window manager: "The SliTaz team is pleased to announce the release of a new cooking ISO image featuring over 2,900 packages. All packages have been rebuilt using our new cooking tool, now included in Tazwok. It contains Linux kernel 2.6.37 compiled against glibc 2.13, Binutils 2.21 and GCC 4.5.2. The Core live CD includes Midori 0.3.3. Tazpkg is now entirely translated to French and we are open to additional translations. Tazwok have been entirely rewritten and it's now possible to recook SliTaz from scratch using any ISO image. This release is the first of release candidate series which will lead to stable 4.0 release." Visit the project's news page to read the full release announcement. Download the installation CD image from here: slitaz-cooking.iso (31.0MB, MD5).
2010-11-05 |
NEW • Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20101104 |
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Christophe Lincoln has announced the availability of a new development release of SliTaz GNU/Linux, a fast, minimalist distribution featuring the Openbox window manager and a custom package management tool: "The SliTaz team is pleased to announce the release of a new 'Cooking' CD image featuring over 2,600 packages. It contains Linux kernel 2.6.34 and was rebuilt using a new toolchain with glibc 2.11.2 and GCC 4.5.1. X.Org Server has been fully updated to 1.9.2. The live CD includes Midori, the DeaDBeeF audio player and many applications for daily use. Tazpkg and Tazctrlbox now support gettext translations and more UTF locales have been added. Many bug fixes, updates and improvements can also be found, a lot of work have been done these last 6 month." Visit the project's news page to read the brief release announcement. Download: slitaz-cooking.iso (32.0MB, MD5).
2010-03-28 |
NEW • Distribution Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux 3.0 |
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Christophe Lincoln has announced the release of SliTaz GNU/Linux 3.0, a minimalist (but extensible) and fast desktop Linux distribution with Openbox as the default window manager: "The SliTaz team is proud to announce the release of the SliTaz GNU/Linux 3.0 operating system. It's simpler, faster, customizable, mightier and yet incredibly tiny. The new SliTaz stable version is now out after one year of development. The core desktop provides a full-featured desktop powered by X.Org 7.4, Openbox, LXDE components and home-made tools. It lets you easily connect to the Internet to surf the web with the Midori web browser, listen to music or manage your pictures. The default core system fits into a 30 MB ISO image and live CD flavors start at 8 MB. This stable version has been built by a new toolchain including GCC 4.4.1 and uses the Linux kernel" Read the release announcement and release notes for more details. Download: slitaz-3.0.iso (30.0MB, MD5).
2010-02-21 |
NEW • Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20100221 |
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Christophe Lincoln has released a new development build of SliTaz GNU/Linux, the last testing version before the final 3.0 release expected at the end of March: "The SliTaz contributors are proud to announce a new Cooking version of the live CD. This is the last Cooking RC before 3.0 release. The core ISO image is at 27 MB and comes with many changes and improvements. This Cooking uses X.Org as X server instead of Xvesa and provides full UTF-8 support. Within a clean desktop environment, it also provides many applications for daily usage and common tasks. Netsurf replaces Firefox as a default web browser. Nevertheless, a Firefox flavor at 29 MB with sound and WiFi support can also be downloaded from official mirrors. On the updates and improvements side: tazpkg is faster; boot-scripts are updated and home-made toolboxes are improved." Visit the distribution's home page to read the full release announcement. Download: slitaz-cooking.iso (27.0MB, MD5).
2009-11-05 |
NEW • Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20091104 |
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Christophe Lincoln has announced that a new development build of SliTaz GNU/Linux 5.4, a minimalist distribution with Openbox designed for older computers, is ready for testing: "SliTaz contributors are proud to announce the availability of a new Cooking ISO image based on over 2,100 packages available in the SliTaz repository. The full system has been rebuilt with a new toolchain using glibc 2.10.1 and GCC 4.4.1. This new Cooking uses the Linux kernel with better hardware support and more built-in modules. The boot process has been further improved and the boot time is now faster than ever. Major packages found on the live CD, such as Firefox, have been updated to the current stable version. The tazpkg package manager supports new features, including the conversion of DEB, RPM, Arch, Slackware and IPK packages to SliTaz's native format." Visit the project's news page to read the release announcement. Download: slitaz-cooking.iso (31.5MB, MD5).
2009-04-17 |
NEW • Distribution Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux 2.0 |
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Christophe Lincoln has released SliTaz GNU/Linux 2.0, a fast, independent mini-distribution and live CD: "SliTaz GNU/Linux 2.0 is released after a year of hard work. Based on version 1.0, SliTaz comprises of 1400 software packages easily installable via the 'tazpkg' package manager. The live CD can be fully configured to taste to easily create a custom distribution specifically for tasks such as multimedia, graphics or development. Some of the new features in this release include: better hardware support for WiFi, Windows drivers, NTFS and low memory systems; easier customization to roll your own distro; web boot support; Openbox replaces JWM as the window manager; more tiny graphical utilities for administration, setting preferences, system upgrade, etc. The distribution is available in English, German, French and Portuguese." Read the detailed release notes for further information. Download: slitaz-2.0.iso (29.7MB, MD5).
2009-02-28 |
NEW • Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking-20090228 |
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Christophe Lincoln has announced the availability of a new test build of SliTaz GNU/Linux 2.0, a minimalist desktop distribution in under 30 MB: "Getting ready for the next stable release, the SliTaz project is proud to publish a new Cooking version with many bug fixes, updates, improvements and new futures. PCI/USB device auto-detection is now handled by Tazhw and firmware can be installed with one click trough a graphical interface. Tazndis have also a simple box who let you manage Windows drivers in a user-friendly interface. The graphical package manager is much easier to use, the Live USB media can easily be created through a box. The desktop has a box to enable or disable applications started with the Openbox session and Ivman provides a lightweight notification system." Visit the project's home page to read the release announcement. Download: slitaz-cooking.iso (28.6MB, MD5).
2008-07-17 |
NEW • Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20080716 |
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Christophe Lincoln announced a new beta (called Cooking) release of SliTaz GNU/Linux, perhaps the smallest desktop distribution on earth: "So, we released a new Cooking version with a lot of improvement from 1.0. SliTaz use Openbox has default Window manager and Obconf to configure it graphically, update to Kernel with build-in support for XFS and wifi through the packages manager. The desktop avec icons, Packages can now be managed through the graphical Packages Manager Tazpkgbox. The image ISO of 28.6 MB provides also MPlayer, Notecase, Lua, Hardinfo, many updates and more than 200 packages added to the repository. SliTaz can now also boot from the Internet! Web boot for everyone with gPXE and" Read the official release announcement titled "Cooking 20080716 - Web boot and MPlayer" on SliTaz website. Download: slitaz-cooking.iso (28.6MB, MD5).
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Featured Distribution: 3CX Phone System |
3CX Phone System is a specialist, Debian-based Linux distribution designed to run a complete unified communications platform. The 3CX client, included in the distribution, can also be installed separately on most hardware as well as the cloud. It provides a complete open standards-based IP PBX and phone system that works with popular SIP trunks and IP phones. It will automatically configure all supported peripherals and it also comes with clients for Windows, OS X, iOS and Android. The ISO image includes a free license for the 3CX PBX edition. The ISO image contains the standard Debian installer which installs a minimal system with the nginx web server, PostgreSQL database, iptables firewall and Secure Shell. Options not relevant to 3CX have been removed from the distribution. Download the installation ISO image from here: debian-amd64-netinst-3cx.iso (628MB). |