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The following distributions match your criteria (sorted by popularity):
1. Nobara Project (12) Nobara Project is a modified version of Fedora Linux with user-friendly fixes added to it. The distribution comes with certain features that do not ship with the regular Fedora, such as WINE dependencies, OBS Studio, 3rd party codec packages for GStreamer, NVIDIA drivers, and some package fixes. Nobara aims to fix most of those issues and offer a better gaming, streaming and content creation experience out of the box. The project's official release comes with a custom-themed GNOME desktop, but it also offers separate editions with standard GNOME and KDE desktops.
2. AlmaLinux OS (19) AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven project that is built from the source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). AlmaLinux is a completely binary compatible fork of RHEL and it is maintained by AlmaLinux OS Foundation which is a register non-profit.
3. CentOS (29) CentOS as a group is a community of open source contributors and users which started in 2003 and has been sponsored by Red Hat since 2014. CentOS Linux versions up to CentOS Linux 8 are 100% compatible rebuilds of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, in full compliance with Red Hat's redistribution requirements. In 2020 it was announced CentOS Linux is being discontinued and replaced with CentOS Stream, a developer-focused distribution which acts as a middle-stream between Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
4. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (54) Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a Linux distribution developed by Red Hat and targeted toward the commercial market. Red Hat Enterprise Linux is released in server editions for x86, x86_64, Itanium, PowerPC and IBM System z architectures, and desktop editions for x86 and x86_64 processors. All of Red Hat's official support and training and the Red Hat Certification Program centres around the Red Hat Enterprise Linux platform. Red Hat uses strict trademark rules to restrict free re-distribution of its officially supported versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, but still freely provides its source code. Third-party derivatives can be built and redistributed by stripping away non-free components.
5. Qubes OS (72) Qubes OS is a free and open-source, security-oriented operating system for single-user desktop computing. Qubes OS leverages Xen-based virtualization to allow for the creation and management of isolated compartments called qubes. These qubes, which are implemented as virtual machines (VMs). This allows each component of the operating system to be isolated from other pieces, preenting compromises from spreading or information from leaking.
6. Ultramarine Linux (93) Ultramarine Linux is a Fedora-based distribution featuring extra package repositories such as RPM Fusion and enabling multimedia codecs. Ultramarine can be considered a spiritual successor to Korora Project and aims to make Fedora a more desktop-friendly experience.
7. Berry Linux (156) Berry Linux is a bootable CD Linux with automatic hardware detection and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB devices and other peripherals. Berry Linux can be used as a Linux demo, educational CD or as a rescue system. It is not necessary to install anything on a hard disk, although this option is also available (it needs 1.2GB of hard disk space). Berry Linux is based on Fedora (previously it was based on Red Hat Linux and KNOPPIX).
8. openEuler (201) openEuler is an open source project operated by the OpenAtom Foundation. It is a digital infrastructure distribution which can fit into a wide variety of server, cloud computing, edge computing, and embedded deployments. openEuler is compatible with multiple CPU architectures (including x86_64 servers, cloud environments, ARM-powered embedded devices, and RISC-V boards) and suitable for a wide range of environments. The project releases a long-term support (LTS) version every two years in order to provide a stable platform for enterprise users. A new openEuler interim version is released every six months to provide more up to date technologies. While openEuler focuses on server deployments desktop environments (including UKUI, Deepin, GNOME, and Xfce) are available.
9. Navy Linux (230) Navy Linux is an open source community project founded by UnixLab (Unix/Linux developers community). The project aims to provide a free-of-cost clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux with minimal install media.
10. Network Security Toolkit (244) Network Security Toolkit (NST) is a bootable live disc based on the Fedora distribution. The toolkit was designed to provide easy access to best-of-breed open source network security applications and should run on most x86 platforms. The main intent of developing this toolkit was to provide the network security administrator with a comprehensive set of open source network security tools. What we find rather fascinating with NST is that we can transform most x86_64 systems into a system designed for network traffic analysis, intrusion detection, network packet generation, wireless network monitoring, a virtual system service server, or a sophisticated network/host scanner.
11. risiOS (246) risiOS is a Fedora-based Linux distribution which runs the GNOME desktop environment and includes a number of graphical setup and tweak tools to help initialize and customize the desktop experience. risiOS includes wizards for adding media codecs, Flathub repositories, and popular open-source desktop applications.
12. Baruwa Enterprise Edition (255) Baruwa Enterprise Edition is a CentOS-based, commercial Linux distribution delivering fully-fledged mail security solutions. It provides protection from spam, viruses, phishing attempts and malware. It is designed for organizations of any size from small to medium businesses to large service providers, carriers and enterprises. Baruwa Enterprise Edition works with any standard SMTP server and it comes with automated installation and configuration management tools. The web-based management interface is implemented using web 2.0 features (AJAX) and available in over 25 languages. Also included is reporting functionality with an easy-to-use query builder and advanced search options.
13. SME Server (266) SME Server (known as e-smith at the time) was founded in January 1999 by Joseph and Kim Morrison. The company introduced the first version of its flagship software product, the e-smith server and gateway, in April 1999. By the end of the year, many thousands of e-smith servers were running in countries from Fiji to Finland. Word was spreading quickly among developers and systems integrators who needed a solid, easy-to-use server for their small-business customers. In July 2001, e-smith was acquired by Mitel Networks, but was later released as an open-source product under the GPL licence. In May 2013 a new not-for-profit organisation was set up to manage SME server. Due to copyright issues it was named Koozali SME Server Inc. The word "Koozali" approximates to Swahili for "rebirth". Future versions will use this name. The distribution, which is based on CentOS, is currently entirely funded by donations.
14. ADIOS Linux Boot CD (Not ranked) ADIOS boot CD is a Fedora-based live and installation CD with support for User Mode Linux (UML) virtual machines, further enhanced by Linux Intrusion Detection System (LIDS) and SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux). The live CD, which includes the KDE desktop environment, uses a compressed loopback filesystem.
15. AnNyung Linux (Not ranked) AnNyung is an i686-optimised, server-oriented Korean Linux distribution based on the Red Hat/Fedora technology with added security features. Starting from version 2.0 AnNyung only exists as an add-on to CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, not as a complete and installable operating system - hence the "Discontinued" status.
16. Ares Desktop (Not ranked) Ares Desktop is a free operating sytem for people looking for a polished desktop environment for the educational, business desktop and home user fields. Ares Desktop is based on the Fedora Core system. Ares Desktop offers more than just an operating system: It comes with many packages that are used daily by desktop educational, business and home users. All these packages are bundled up in an easy installation program.
17. AsianLinux (Not ranked) AsianLinux is an Indian Linux distribution which aims to promote Linux and open source. Based on Fedora Core, it comes with several enhancements, as well as additional multimedia and development tools; these include Firefox with Flash, Java Runtime, Kaffeine and Real Player plugins, various graphics manipulation applications, and CAD design software.
18. ASPLinux (Not ranked) ASPLinux is Russian company developing ASPLinux distribution and providing a wide range of professional services such as porting existing applications to Linux from other OS, development of embedded GNU/Linux solutions for custom hardware platforms such as consumer electronic devices, including porting GNU/Linux OS itself if needed, software development for GNU/Linux, technical support, consulting, training. In March 2001 ASPLinux and Black Cat Linux Team, developers of the popular in Russia and CIS Linux distrubution, merged. ASPLinux company headquarters are located in Moscow.
19. ATmission (Not ranked) ATmission is a Fedora-based Linux live CD that enables you to experiment with the Linux operating system and other open source software, without the requirement to install Linux on your PC. The ATmission Live CD contains the KDE desktop,, and many other application programs.
20. Atomix (Not ranked) Atomix is a Serbian desktop and server oriented Linux distribution based on Fedora Core and enhanced with multimedia applications.
21. Aurora SPARC Linux (Not ranked) Aurora SPARC Linux is Red Hat-based Linux distribution ported to the Sun Microsystems' SPARC architecture. In November 2006 the distribution has become part of Fedora Secondary Architectures project.
22. Aurox Linux (Not ranked) Aurox Linux is a Linux distribution with emphasis on support for several European languages, as well as multimedia and education. It is based on Red Hat Linux - version 9.0 of Aurox Linux is fully compatible with Red Hat 9. Aurox is a completely free distribution, released under the GPL license, and available for free download via FTP. The CDs are also published with the "Aurox Linux" magazine available in several language versions (Polish, Czech, German, French, Spanish) in 9 countries of Europe.
23. Bee Linux (Not ranked) Bee Linux is a Fedora-based desktop distribution and live DVD made in Algeria. It supports French, English, Arabic and Amazigh, and it features automatic hardware configuration (including USB ADSL modems), advance security management system, integration of WINE, popular Google applications, NVIDIA and ATI proprietary graphics drivers, and Xfce as the default desktop.
24. BioBrew Linux Distribution (Not ranked) BioBrew Linux is an open source Linux distribution based on the NPACI Rocks cluster software and enhanced for bioinformaticists and life scientists. While it looks, feels, and operates like ordinary Red Hat Linux, BioBrew Linux includes popular cluster software e.g. MPICH, LAM-MPI, PVM, Modules, PVFS, Myrinet GM, Sun Grid Engine, gcc, Ganglia, and Globus, *and* popular bioinformatics software e.g. the NCBI toolkit, BLAST, mpiBLAST, HMMER, ClustalW, GROMACS, PHYLIP, WISE, FASTA, and EMBOSS. It runs on everything from notebook computers to large clusters.
25. BLAG Linux And GNU (Not ranked) BLAG is a Linux distribution based on Fedora and reduced to one CD. It includes useful applications missing from Fedora, as well as a suite of graphics, Internet, audio, video, office, and peer-to-peer file sharing applications. BLAG is up-to-date with all Fedora errata fixes at time of release and uses Synaptic for easy upgrades. The name stands for Brixton Linux Action Group, which works to overthrow corporate control of information and technology through community action and to spread Free Software.
26. Boston University Linux (Not ranked) Boston University Linux (or BU Linux for short) is a CentOS-based distribution specifically tailored for the Boston University environments. Among the more interesting enhancements are network installation, Kerberos authentication, tight default security, automatic security updates, OpenAFS file system, and extra software applications.
27. Chapeau (Not ranked) Chapeau is a high-performance, cutting-edge operating system built from the GNU/Linux distribution Fedora Workstation with the GNOME desktop environment. In comparison to Fedora, Chapeau adopts a more relaxed approach to software licences and is intended to be just as useful for advanced users as it is easy for those new to using a Linux system. There is built-in access to third-party software and sources repositories not included in Fedora such as RPMFusion, DropBox, Steam, Adobe Flash and Oracle VirtualBox. Chapeau also includes pre-installed core packages to make the installation of new kernel modules pain-free, built-in remote and virtual system management tools, a selection of maintenance tools that come in especially handy when running Chapeau's live image on a DVD or USB drive to analyse and fix broken systems.
28. Chinese 2000 Linux (Not ranked) Chinese 2000 is a simple, stable and easy-to-use computer O/S. The applications and resolutions have been successfully localised both linguistically and culturally and this enables the usage of Chinese in carrying out commands and operations. Chinese 2000 is suitable for both family and business users and it can be used as workstations and servers. As it can coexist with other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, that allows users to have more choices in the market. Chinese 2000 is based on Red Hat Linux. It also certifies the Borland development tools which complies with the Chinese 2000 v1.0 platform. One of the greatest advantages of using Chinese 2000 v1.0 is that users can enjoy customer hotline support once registered with us through our website. Users can also download various software from our website without additional charges.
29. Chinese Linux Extension (Not ranked) CLE stands for Chinese GNU/Linux Extensions, it is a collection of Chinese related software on GNU/Linux platform. CLE is based on and optimised for the Red Hat Linux distribution. As with Red Hat, software is packaged in the RPM format. CLE also support other major distributions such as Slackware and Mandrake. You will get a complete Chinese (BIG5/GB) environment under Linux by installing CLE.
30. ClearOS (Not ranked) ClearOS is a small business server operating system with server, networking, and gateway functions. It is designed primarily for homes, small, medium, and distributed environments. It is managed from a web based user interface, but can also be completely managed and tuned from the command line. ClearOS is available in a free Community Edition, which includes available open source updates and patches from its upstream sources. ClearOS is also offered in a Home and Business Edition which receives additional testing of updates and only uses tested code for updates. Professional tech-support is also available. Currently ClearOS offers around 100+ different features which can be installed through the onboard ClearOS Marketplace.
31. Cobind Desktop (Not ranked) Cobind is a software company based in Pittsburgh, USA, whose mission is to simplify the creation of custom Linux distributions to promote the presence of open source technology in the mass market. Based on Fedora Core Linux, Cobind Desktop marries XFce and Nautilus into a cohesive desktop experience featuring Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Thunderbird. Simple, fast, and familiar, it is the Linux desktop experience built with the typical user in mind. Cobind Desktop is available as an installation CD-ROM or live CD-ROM.
32. Cool Linux CD (Not ranked) Cool Linux is part of the LINUX EMERGENCY CD project and is based on Red Hat Linux. It is a bootable, live Linux CD with NVidia drivers, Blender, VMware (trial), OpenOffice and plenty of other software.
33. CPUBuilders Linux (Not ranked) CPUBuilders Linux is a complete RPM-based Linux distribution designed for desktop or server applications. We strive to include as much great software as possible and provide an easier-to-use Linux experience without giving up any advanced functionality. Usable by beginners, hackable by experts, compatible with widely available Red Hat 9 and Fedora Core 1 packages, and easy to keep updated with the optional and inexpensive Cognitio update service.
34. Dynasoft Linux (Not ranked) Dynasoft Linux is a Chinese Linux distribution based on Red Hat Linux. It includes a modified version of KDE with full support for Chinese language and a Chinese input system called "Yangchunbaixue" developed in-house.
35. EduLinux (Not ranked) EduLinux is a Chilean Linux distribution specially designed for computing labs. Its principal objective is to improve the performance of old computers labs, introducing a modern client/server architecture. It features a simple installation process and a client administrator software specially designed to incorporate new computers into existing networks. EduLinux is developed by Instituto de Informática Educativa in Universidad de La Frontera and Centro de Tecnología y Educación of the Ministry of Education.
36. Ekaaty Linux (Not ranked) Ekaaty Linux is a Brazilian community distribution based on Fedora. Its single-CD releases are geared towards desktop use in business and home environments, with KDE desktop, Smart package manager, office suite, Kontact personal information management suite, and antivirus/antispam tools forming the backbone of the distribution. Ekaaty Linux supports English and Portuguese languages only.
37. elpicx (Not ranked) The elpicx live DVD is a Ubuntu and Fedora-based live Linux system with a single goal - to help students to prepare for the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) certification exam by providing several test emulators as well as a number of LPI reference cards, study notes, preparation guides and exercises. Available in English and German.
38. ELX Linux (Not ranked) Project ELX was started in February 2000 in Hyderabad, India. ELX Linux is a product of Everyone's Linux Pvt. Ltd (formerly known as 3T Solutions Pvt Ltd), a highly progressive organisation of young, dynamic and hardworking professionals yearning for perfection. It started with only 15 developers and today a brilliant team of over 25 Linux professionals have been working for ELX. ELX Linux is a fully featured Desktop Operating System with user friendliness as its basic feature. The easy-to-use desktop does not demand any learning curve for a typical Windows user and is very easy to use for a novice in computers. ELX comes with a vast variety of applications starting from word processors compatible with MS Word, other productivity applications like spreadsheets, presentation tools, and also CD burning applications.
39. EnGarde Secure Linux (Not ranked) EnGarde Secure Linux is a server-oriented open source operating system that provides services like web, DNS and email simply and securely while eliminating the need for time-consuming "hardening" by the user. EnGarde offers integrated intrusion detection, advanced kernel and network security features, and graphical auditing and reporting - all controlled through Guardian Digital WebTool, a simplified browser-based management system.
40. eZeY (Not ranked) eZeY (formerly Open Xange, before Xange and Vixta) is an easy-to-use, Fedora-based desktop Linux distribution featuring the KDE desktop.
41. EzPlanet One Linux (Not ranked) EzPlanet One Linux is a Fedora-based Linux distribution tuned for enterprise solutions. EzPlanet One integrates advanced technologies, flexibility, high availability, security, quality. Built with the enterprise in mind, it features also several tools for the professionals and individual users that make its use more fun. Most of the latest advances in technologies available for Linux have been included in the EzPlanet One distribution. For example it supports most wireless network adapters, including those that do not have specific Linux drivers. EzPlanet One is ready to be used for your server infrastructure and your desktop clients. Quality is the secret of a robust and unbreakable foundation for the technical architect, with the tools and the ease of use to suit system administrators, bank managers, personal assistants, chief financial officers and beginners.
42. FoX Desktop (Not ranked) FoX Linux is a single-CD desktop-oriented Linux distribution based on Fedora Core, with KDE as its preferred desktop, main components recompiled for the i686 architecture and out-of-the-box support for popular multimedia formats.
43. Freedows (Not ranked) Freedows is a Brazilian commercial distribution based on Fedora Core. Several editions are available, including Lite, Standard, Thin Client, Professional, and SMB. Among them only the Lite edition is available for free download via BitTorrent.
44. FTOSX Desktop (Not ranked) FTOSX is the natural next generation UNIX/Linux-based operating System. Based on GNU/Linux, but following its UNIX inheritance, FTOSX offers a fresh, innovative and simple approach because is designed specially for the masses. FTOSX is a RPM-based operating system (based on Red Hat Linux and Fedora Core) and therefore similar to popular Linux distributions. FTOSX offers more than 1,000 software packages redesigned in an harmonically form in its graphical interface, FTGUIX.
45. Fuduntu (Not ranked) Fuduntu, originally Fedora-based, but later forked, is a Linux distribution that earns its name by its ambition to fit somewhere in-between Fedora and Ubuntu. It is designed to be aesthetically pleasing, and is optimized for netbook and other portable computers, as well as general-purpose desktop machines.
46. Fusion Linux (Not ranked) Fusion Linux is a Fedora remix that adds all the best software that is available for Linux (free, non-free and even some non-open source firmware and applications for better user experience). It is an installable live DVD image that includes multimedia functionality out of the box, with added desktop tweaks for better usability, and additional software. Fusion Linux is 100% compatible with Fedora, including packages from Fedora and RPM Fusion software repositories.
47. Gelecek Linux (Not ranked) Gelecek is a Turkish Linux distribution based on Fedora Core.
48. Haansoft Linux (Not ranked) Haansoft Linux is a Korean Linux distribution based on Fedora Core. It is developed by Haansoft, a member of the Asianux consortium and a leading developer of Linux-based software in South Korea.
49. Hakin9 Live (Not ranked) Hakin9 is a magazine about security. It is read by people responsible for computer systems security, programmers, security specialists, professional administrators, as well as people taking up security issues in their free time. Hakin9 Live is a bootable distribution, based on Gentoo Linux or Fedora, containing all the tools and material needed to practice methods and techniques described in the articles.
50. Hancom Linux (Not ranked) Hancom Linux, headquartered in Seoul, Korea, specializes in developing Linux-based applications for desktop computers and information appliances. Founded in 1999, the company employs more than 90 employees in 5 locations worldwide.
51. Hanthana Linux (Not ranked) Hanthana Linux is a Fedora remix suitable for desktop and laptop users. Hanthana comes in the form of a live DVD for regular PC systems (x86_64 architectures). It includes all the features of Fedora and loads of additional software, including multimedia players and codecs, graphics, development, educational and entertainment programs ready for use right after installation.
52. Happy MacLinux (Not ranked) Happy MacLinux is a Linux distribution with Japanese environment for the m68k and PPC platforms.
53. Haydar Linux (Not ranked) Haydarlinux is aimed to be the first Arabic Linux distribution that has the full Arabic support, by supporting Arabic in both localized and enabled faces. Haydar Linux will give all Arabs the best way to enter the Linux world with ease and stability.
54. Honeywall CDROM (Not ranked) Honeywall CDROM is a CentOS-based distribution with the goal of capturing the activities of cyber threats and analysing the captured data. It has a GUI-based interface for system configuration, administration, and data analysis, and supports the new 3.x branch of Sebek. The CD, release under the General Public License, is a product of the Honeynet Project, a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving the security of the Internet by providing cutting-edge research for free.
55. IDMS Linux (Not ranked) IDMS Linux is a specialised distribution focused on stability and mission critical operation, normally required in server environments.
56. Ignalum Linux (Not ranked) Ignalum is located in Markham, Ontario, Canada. The privately held company was founded in the year 2002 with a vision of creating a cost-effective, installation-friendly, complete Linux-based operating environment offering full Windows compatibility. Ignalum Linux is a complete, Red Hat and RPM-based operating system optimized for the i686-class processors. It contains an easy to use installation program, extensive online documentation, and a menu-driven package system. A full installation gives you the X Window System, C/C++ development environments, Perl, networking utilities, a mail server, a news server, a web server, an ftp server, the GNU Image Manipulation Program, OpenOffice Suite, Netscape Communicator, plus many more programs. Ignalum Linux can run on any P6-class and higher processors (but uses -march=i686 -O2 optimization for best performance on i686-class machines like the P3, P4, and Duron/Athlon).
57. JAMD Linux (Not ranked) JAMD Linux is a distribution based on Red Hat Linux aimed for the end user. It has the following features: recompiled for i686 and above processors; single CD, yet full featured; includes OpenOffice, Mozilla web browser, Evolution PIM, GnuCash personal finance, The Gimp graphics editor, games, educational software, and more; 4 step install (mouse, timezone, administrator password, user account creation); 13 minutes from install to desktop; end user friendly customizations.
58. K12Linux (Not ranked) K12Linux is Linux Terminal Server Project ( integrated with Fedora, in a convenient Live USB or DVD media installer. Since 1999, LTSP has empowered many schools and businesses with Linux-based terminal servers and thin clients, allowing low-cost clients or recycled computers to become powerful Linux desktop machines. K12Linux allows easy deployment of a Linux terminal server, capable of serving entire networks of netboot diskless clients. Clients login to the central terminal server, where they can use any Linux desktop environment and most desktop applications. Significant long-term cost savings are made possible by central management of software and accounts.
59. KoreLinux (Not ranked) Kore Linux is a Korean Linux distribution based on Fedora Core.
60. Korora Project (Not ranked) Korora was born out of a desire to make Linux easier for new users, while still being useful for experts. The main goal of Korora is to provide a complete, easy-to-use system for general computing. Originally based on Gentoo Linux in 2005, Korora was re-born in 2010 as a Fedora Remix with tweaks and extras to make the system "just work" out of the box.
61. KRUD (Not ranked) KRUD is a Linux Distribution which tracks Red Hat Linux. It is updated every month, and is available by CD and CD Subscription. KRUD is based on a complete Red Hat Linux install with all of the errata and updates included, plus extra packages added in by Kevin of We've been making KRUD since 1999. We do it because it saves us time, and it makes updating our systems easier. We'd like you to try it because it will do the same for you.
62. Linare Linux (Not ranked) Linare Linux is a desktop-oriented, commercial Linux distribution based on Fedora Core technology. Features of Linare Linux include a full office suite compatible with Microsoft Office, which includes word processing, spreadsheet, drawing and presentation software. It also comes with a full Internet suite, bundled with a GAIM messenger that can be used with Yahoo, MSN, AOL and ICQ protocols. Linare Linux includes Mozilla mail software, the increasingly popular Outlook-styled email program, and the Mozilla Internet browser.
63. Linpus Linux (Not ranked) Linpus Lite is a commercial, Fedora-based distribution developed by Linpus Technologies, a Linux company with headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan and a development office in Shanghai, China. The product's main features are: easily switchable touch-based mouse and keyboard launchers; web applications integrated with the launchers; HTML 5 widget panel; full theme changes and compatibility with a wide range of computer hardware.
64. Project (Not ranked) LinuxInstall is a distribution based on Red Hat Linux 8.0 with personal desktop packages (Mozilla, Evolution, OpenOffice); latest Kernel; latest software updates; auto hardware detection; auto root account creation; auto hard drive Partitioning; auto network setup using DHCP; auto package selection; no questions asked during installation; completely automated installation done in 15 minutes and best of all, it's all in ONE CD!
65. Linux+ Live (Not ranked) Linux+ Live is a live DVD based on Aurox Linux. It is developed by the publishers of the Linux+ magazine in Warsaw, Poland.
66. Linux XP (Not ranked) Linux XP Professional Edition is a universal and secure operating system for Russian speakers designed for home and business use. It is based on freely available sources from Red Hat Linux and Fedora Core.
67. LormaLinux (Not ranked) LormaLinux is developed by the MIS Department of Lorma Colleges in the Philippines. It is built on top of Red Hat Linux - recompiled and optimized for the i686 computers, so it is faster and leaner. Perfect as a workstation and it comes on only 1 CD. It also contains software from the Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) for setting up diskless workstations. It uses KDE for its desktop environment and is constantly being updated. LormaLinux is a full-featured Linux distribution specifically made for ease of use and functionality.
68. Magic Linux (Not ranked) Magic Linux is a new distribution, which is specifically designed for Chinese users. Magic Linux is a non-commercial production completely developed by Linux enthusiasts with a simple motive in mind: say farewell to endless Chinese localisations from one Linux distribution to another and bring the native Chinese support to your desktop.
69. myLinux (Not ranked) myLinux is a Ukrainian Linux distribution based on the Fedora Core technology.
70. MythDora (Not ranked) MythDora is a specialized Linux distribution based on Fedora and MythTV, designed to simplify the installation of MythTV on a home theatre PC. In addition to MythTV and its plugins, MythDora includes extra Linux packages that are necessary for MythTV to run, and drivers for hardware commonly encountered in machines intended to run MythTV. Also included in MythDora are several video game emulators, and extra tools and scripts.
71. Niigata Linux (Not ranked) Niigata Linux is a Fedora-based Japanese Linux distribution designed as a web application environment for web development with Apache and PostgreSQL.
72. N-iX Desktop Linux (Not ranked) N-iX Destkop Linux is a Linux Distribution based on Fedora Core. You can download the ISO images and just have a N-iX customised version of Fedora with some additional stuff, like Java, Flash, Adobe Acrobat Reader, K3B and other software working right from the box. You don't need to search and install those programs. But if you also want to run N-iX tools, like XPlat Messenger Client, Cross Network Client you should buy a licence for N-iX Desktop Linux.
73. NuxOne Linux (Not ranked) NuxOne is a Korean Linux distribution based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is developed by Linux One, Inc.
74. Ojuba (Not ranked) Ojuba is a Fedora-based Linux distribution whose main focus is to provide the best Arabic support, as well as some Islamic tools such as Hijra (Hijri calendar) and Minbar (prayer time indicator). It is available as an installation DVD or installable live CD.
75. OLPC OS (Not ranked) One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) is an initiative to build a low-cost laptop computer with a pre-installed operating system and applications designed for children in developing countries. The operating system is a Linux-based solution, a heavily customised edition of Fedora Core with a special graphical user interface called Sugar. Among applications, the system includes a web browser built on Xulrunner, a simple document viewer based on Evince; the AbiWord word processor, an RSS reader, email, chat and VOIP clients, a multimedia authoring and playback environment, a music composition toolkit, graphics toolkits, games, a shell, and a debugger.
76. O-Net (Not ranked) O-Net is an Italian commercial Linux distribution created by HI-NET.
77. Co-CreateLinux (Not ranked) Co-CreateLinux is a product of, an open source developer community of Chinese developers. The project is sponsored by several large software companies, universities and research centres from around China. The Co-CreateLinux distribution is designed for business and home desktop market and its main features are simplified installation procedure, high compatibility with Windows and ease of use. It is based on Fedora Core and released under GPL.
78. OpenNA Linux (Not ranked) OpenNA Linux is a GPL-licensed Linux operating system with rock-solid stability and industrial-strength networking. Highly secure, very fast, and modern Linux operating system, it is intended for those who want to install and run a Linux server for mission critical tasks in a high secure environment. With OpenNA Linux, you have the choice to install different pre-defined types of servers which will install only what is required for the server to run with the required service. If you want to run a web server in your network, then OpenNA Linux will install at your demand the required packages to provide this service. In this way your server will never keep software that you don't know or you don't need for the services you want to provide.
79. Openwall GNU/*/Linux (Not ranked) Openwall GNU/*/Linux (or Owl for short) is a small security-enhanced Linux distribution for servers, appliances, and virtual appliances. Owl live CDs with remote SSH access are also good for recovering or installing systems (whether with Owl or not). Another secondary use is for operating systems and/or computer security courses, which benefit from the simple structure of Owl and from the inclusion of the complete build environment.
80. Phayoune Secure Linux (Not ranked) Phayoune Linux is a live distribution based on Linux From Scratch and optimised for USB storage devices. Besides standard desktop software, it also includes a variety of server applications, including a firewall, web server, mail server, database server, file server and application server.
81. PHP Solutions Live CD (Not ranked) PHP Solutions Live is a bootable linux distribution based on Aurox Linux and targeted at web developers. It contains Apache, PHP 4, PHP 5, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and other applications.
82. Pidora (Not ranked) Pidora is a Linux software distribution for the Raspberry Pi computer. It contains software packages from the Fedora project compiled for the ARMv6 architecture used on the Raspberry Pi, packages which have been specifically written for or modified for the Raspberry Pi, and software provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation for device access.
83. Pingo Linux (Not ranked) Pingo Linux is a Slovenian Linux distribution based on Fedora Core. The distribution includes Slovenian editions of KDE, GNOME,, and Mozilla, an installation program fully translated into Slovenian, multimedia applications, and utilities for system administration.
84. Red Flag Linux (Not ranked) Red Flag Software Co., Ltd. (Red Flag Software) was founded by Software Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and NewMargin Venture Capital. The company is focused on the development and marketing of Linux-based operating systems and application software on multiple platforms for the constantly growing base of Chinese technology users.
85. Resala Linux (Not ranked) Resala Linux Project is a single-CD distribution based on Fedora Core. The main objective is to: (a) create an Arabic-ready distribution to make it easy for computer users to use Linux in the Arabic-speaking countries, and (b) to open the door for all developers to contribute to a regional distribution. Resala Project is supported by where it will be maintained as a standalone project to allow contributions from everywhere and by everyone who can contribute.
86. Rocks Cluster Distribution (Not ranked) Rocks is a complete "cluster on a CD" solution for x86 and x86_64 Red Hat Linux clusters. Building a Rocks cluster does not require any experience in clustering, yet a cluster architect will find a flexible and programmatic way to redesign the entire software stack just below the surface (appropriately hidden from the majority of users). Although Rocks includes the tools expected from any clustering software stack (PBS, Maui, GM support, Ganglia, etc), it is unique in its simplicity of installation.
87. Linux4all LiveCd (Not ranked) Basilisk (formerly known as RPM Live CD) is a Linux live CD based on Fedora Core. The CD image is a workstation with KDE, GNOME, Office, Internet/network and other applications, as well as servers and services to integrate into a LAN workgroup or domain.
88. Southern California Internet Linux (Not ranked) SCI.Linux is a Linux distribution based on system administration through Webmin, best-in-class desktop applications, Microsoft Office compatibility, VPN connections to Windows, remote desktop to Windows XP, easy dual-boot with Win2K/XP/NT, multimedia applications for CD/DVD plus authoring utilities, spam blocker, complete set of high performance development tools, high performance video, extensive printer and sound card support, LaTeX, cluster software, and more. This distro is aimed at the student/researcher who wants to replace Windows and still interface to the Windows world. Requires a Pentium MMX or better, 256MB or more of RAM, at least 2.5GB of free disk space.
89. LBA-Linux (Not ranked) SOT Finnish Software Engineering Ltd. was established in Tampere, Finland in 1991. In addition to its offices in Finland, the company has subsidiaries in Scandinavia. SOT is actively involved in the development of the Linux operating system. The company offers solution, consultancy, maintenance and support services based on this expertise. As the maker of the most popular Linux distribution in Finland - SOT Linux - SOT has strong experience in Linux environments. The diverse software and system projects we have produced for our clients since 1991 have given us a solid track record in e.g. Linux, Windows, Mac and UNIX environments. Your systems are guaranteed to be maintained by professionals, using the latest available knowledge.
90. Springdale Linux (Not ranked) Springdale Linux (formerly PUIAS Linux) is a complete operating system for desktops and servers, built by compiling the source packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Besides these upstream packages, the project also provides several other repositories: "Addons" which contains additional packages not included in a stock Red Hat distribution, "Computational" which carries software specific to scientific computing, and "Unsupported" which holds various experimental packages. The distribution is maintained by the Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University in the USA.
91. SuliX (Not ranked) SuliX is a Hungarian, Fedora-based distribution for schools. Its main features are usability, Hungarian language support, "freshness" in terms of software updates and educational purpose. It can be used in schools, for IT education or as a Linux migration tool. The name "SuliX" comes from Hungarian: "suli" means "school" in child's language. SuliX is developed by a small group of teachers in Hungary.
92. TFM Linux (Not ranked) TFM Linux is a Linux operating system that can be used for small enterprises, whose administrators are not so experienced in Linux. It all began a long time ago with a Red Hat distribution, whose packages were very low on security, so that less than 5 % of these were kept and the rest was replaced with alternate Red Hat packages which proved to be more stable. That's the way the TFM Linux idea was born. The simplest method at that time was the adaptation of Red Hat distribution to the needs previously specified. So in March 2001 TFM Linux 1.0 was launched. An easy to install operating system, easy to use as server edition or workstation and adapted for the user's needs. All the knowledge gathered during all this time, allowed the observation of the modified Red Hat distribution limits, and, as future plan, it was established that the next version of the distribution will be done starting from zero, for having complete control to what is happening in the distribution and the packages interactions.
93. Thiz Linux (Not ranked) With the vision of great demand of stable, affordable operating system for Internet access and document processing, ThizLinux Laboratory Limited was set up in Hong Kong in January 2000, aiming to provide PC user a cost-effective and user-friendly operating system. Among the variety of Linux projects, ThizLinux Laboratory concentrates its effort in three developments: Linux-based applications & ERP Projects, embedded Linux O/S and applications and Linux Diffusion and Education. ThizLinux Laboratory is proud to be the first Linux O/S developer in Hong Kong. We are dedicated to simplify the installation process and enrich the applications, allowing users to use ThizLinux products at ease.
94. trixbox (Not ranked) trixbox (formerly known as Asterisk@Home) is a CentOS-based Linux distribution that enables the home user to quickly set up a VoIP Asterisk PBX. A web GUI makes configuration and operation easy. The CD also includes an xPL (home automation) interface for easy interaction with other devices in the home.
95. Trustix Secure Linux (Not ranked) Trustix Secure Linux is a Linux distribution targeted at companies, of all sizes, in need of a low footprint and high security server operating system. Trustix Secure Linux includes the open standards based SoftWare UPdater, SWUP, which keeps all software packages up-to-date, resolves library dependancies and integrates public key cryptography to ensure safety and security.
96. Userful Desktop (Not ranked) Userful Desktop is a complete Linux operating system pre-integrated with a suite of public computer management software and Userful's 10-to-1 desktop advantage. With Userful Desktop and sufficient video cards, mice and keyboards, up to ten users can independently browse the Internet, send email and run a wide variety of productivity software all from one computer box. Built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Userful Desktop is a multi-user desktop computing platform that can be customised to address a wide variety of public computing applications.
97. VortexBox (Not ranked) VortexBox is a Fedora-based Linux distribution that turns an unused computer into an easy-to-use music server or jukebox. Once VortexBox has been loaded it will automatically rip CDs to FLAC and MP3 files, ID3-tag the files, and download the cover art. VortexBox will then serve the files to network media player. The file can also be streamed to a Windows or Mac OS X system.
98. VzLinux (Not ranked) VzLinux, a product of Virtuozzo International GmbH, is a free and open-source distribution built from the source code for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is available in three different flavors - optimized for running in high-dense system container, virtual environments and as a bare-metal image. It is also supported as a guest operating system under different hypervisors (Virtuozzo, OpenVZ and KVM) with templates in hyperscaler marketplaces. The project also provides a ready-to-use conversion utility for simple and on-the-fly conversion from CentOS 8 to VzLinux 8, plus the possibility to convert CentOS 7 directly to VzLinux 8.
99. Xteam Linux (Not ranked) Xteam Software (China) Co. Ltd. was founded in 1999 as the first specialized Linux Company in China. It provides individual users and business customers with advanced high-tech Linux OS products and corresponding services. Our Linux workstation - Xteam Linux targets individual users who are familiar with computer technology including newbies, enthusiasts and developers. It contains an intelligent GUI installer, easy-to-configure tools and a variety of applications, and it is also optimized for various application environments to be a high performance PC workstation, advanced development platform, and even a private network server.
100. Yellow Dog Linux (Not ranked) Yellow Dog Linux is an open source Linux operating system for home, office, server, and cluster users. Built upon the Red Hat/CentOS core, Terra Soft and now Fixstars (which acquired Terra Soft in 2008) has since the spring of 1999 developed and maintained Yellow Dog Linux for the Power architecture family of processors. The distribution combines a graphical installer with support for a wide range of Power hardware, leading-edge kernels, stable, functional compilers for code development, and servers for web, database, email, and network services. More than 2,000 packages are included on the install DVD.
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