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Search by Distribution Criteria (Simple Search Form) |
This section allows you to search for a particular distribution based on certain criteria. Select the criteria from the drop-down and check boxes below and hit the Submit Query button to get a list of known distributions that match your choice.
The following distributions match your criteria (sorted by popularity):
1. AcademiX GNU/Linux (Not ranked) AcademiX GNU/Linux is a Debian Stable-based distribution which works with software which can be used at all levels of education from grade schools through to university. AcademiX includes an installation utility (called EDU) that can be used to install a variety of applications in mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, biology, statistics, electronics, amateur radio, graphics, office, programming - which are accompanied by virtual interactive labs. The distribution uses the MATE desktop by default.
2. Android-x86 (Not ranked) Android-x86 is an unofficial initiative to port Google's Android mobile operating system to run on devices powered by Intel and AMD x86 processors, rather than RISC-based ARM chips. The project began as a series of patches to the Android source code to enable Android to run on various netbooks and ultra-mobile PCs, particularly the ASUS Eee PC.
3. APODIO (Not ranked) APODIO is a Linux live and installation DVD with a large collection of open source audio and video software, as well as graphical utilities for making system administration as simple and intuitive as possible. It is based on Ubuntu.
4. ArchStrike (Not ranked) ArchStrike is a distribution for security professionals and researchers based on Arch Linux. ArchStrike provides an extra repository of security software and is available in Openbox and Minimal 64-bit builds. ArchStrike provides a live desktop environment based on the Openbox window manager.
5. Audiophile Linux (Not ranked) Audiophile Linux is based on Arch Linux and provides a minimal graphical environment from which to play multimedia files. The distribution ships with the Fluxbox window manager, DSD support and a custom real-time Linux kernel for improved audio performance.
6. blackPanther OS (Not ranked) blackPanther OS is a Hungarian Linux distribution which borrows features from other major projects, including Mandriva Linux (graphical configuration tools), Fedora (graphical user interface) and Ubuntu (driver management). The distribution is designed for use at school, home and work as it contains applications for common daily tasks, such as time management, office work or media playback.
7. BOSS GNU/Linux (Not ranked) BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions) GNU/Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution developed by C-DAC for enhancing the use of free and open source software in India. Made specifically for the Indian environment, it consists of a pleasing desktop environment coupled with support for several Indian languages (Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Malayalam, Punjabi, Tamil) and other packages that are most relevant for use in the government domain.
8. CAELinux (Not ranked) CAELinux is a live DVD Linux distribution dedicated to computer-aided engineering (CAD) and finite element analysis. Based on Ubuntu, it features a full software solution for professional 3D FE analysis from CAD geometry. It includes the Salome 3D pre/post processor, Code_Aster non-linear/multi- physics FE solver, Code-Saturne and OpenFOAM CFD solvers, Elmer multiphysics suite, GMSH, Netgen and enGrid 3D meshers, GNU Octave, Rkward, wxMaxima, Scilab, and more.
9. ClonOS (Not ranked) ClonOS is a turnkey Open Source platform based on FreeBSD and the CBSD framework. ClonOS offers a complete web-based user interface for easily controlling, deploying and managing FreeBSD jails, containers and Bhyve/Xen hyperviser virtual environments.
10. CRUX (Not ranked) CRUX is a lightweight, Linux distribution for computers running on 64-bit x86 processors. The distribution is targeted at experienced Linux users. The primary focus of this distribution is "keep it simple", which is reflected in a simple tar.gz-based package system, BSD-style initscripts, and a relatively small collection of trimmed packages. The secondary focus is utilization of new Linux features and recent tools and libraries.
11. DRBL Live (Not ranked) DRBL (Diskless Remote Boot in Linux) is server software to boot and operate remote desktop clients. The DRBL software allows client machines to run as stateless, thin-client style computers which are managed by the DRBL server. DRBL Live is a Debian-based, live disc distribution of the DRBL server software which can be run from a USB drive or CD/DVD. It includes a desktop environment to assist users in configuring the server.
12. ForLEx (Not ranked) ForLEx is a lightweight Debian-based Linux live CD which boots into an LXDE desktop. The distribution's primary goal is to provide several useful utilities for forensic analysis.
13. Frugalware Linux (Not ranked) Frugalware Linux is an independently developed general purpose desktop Linux distribution designed for intermediate users. It follows simple Slackware-like design concepts and includes the "pacman" package management utility from Arch Linux.
14. GeckoLinux (Not ranked) GeckoLinux is a Linux spin based on the openSUSE distribution, with a focus on polish and out-of-the-box usability on the desktop. The distribution features many desktop editions which can be installed from live discs. Some patent encumbered open source software is included in GeckoLinux which is not available in the default installation of openSUSE. Special attention has been given to the quality of the font rendering. GeckoLinux provides two main editions, Static (which is based on openSUSE Leap) and Rolling (based on openSUSE Tumbleweed).
15. GoboLinux (Not ranked) GoboLinux is a modular Linux distribution - it organizes the programs in a new, logical way. Instead of having parts of a program thrown at /usr/bin, other parts at /etc and yet more parts thrown at /usr/share/something/or/another, each program gets its own directory tree, keeping them all neatly separated and allowing the user to see everything that's installed in the system and which files belong to which programs in a simple and obvious way.
16. Greenie Linux (Not ranked) Greenie Linux is a Slovak desktop distribution based on Ubuntu and optimised for users in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Created as an operating system designed for every-day use and focusing on the needs of book readers and writers, Greenie Linux combines a set of applications for home use, out-of-the-box functionality and Ubuntu repositories. It also includes a set of tools for reading, writing and modifying books and documents. The goal of the distribution is to create a user-friendly desktop system and a useful live CD.
17. Hanthana Linux (Not ranked) Hanthana Linux is a Fedora remix suitable for desktop and laptop users. Hanthana comes in the form of a live DVD for regular PC systems (x86_64 architectures). It includes all the features of Fedora and loads of additional software, including multimedia players and codecs, graphics, development, educational and entertainment programs ready for use right after installation.
18. helloSystem (Not ranked) helloSystem is a FreeBSD-based, desktop-oriented operating system. The project seeks to provide a macOS-style desktop interface and layout while using open source software.
19. KISS (Not ranked) KISS is a meta-distribution which provides a minimal, command line environment (using BusyBox) and a package manager (called kiss) written in a shell script. The project strives to reduce the size and requirements of packages to provide a lean and more fully understandable operating system.
20. KNOPPIX (Not ranked) KNOPPIX is a bootable disc with a collection of GNU/Linux software, automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB devices and other peripherals. KNOPPIX can be used as a Linux demo, educational disc, rescue system, or adapted and used as a platform for commercial software product demos. It is not necessary to install anything on a hard disk. Due to on-the-fly decompression, the disc can have up to 10 GB of executable software installed on it.
21. Kwort Linux (Not ranked) Kwort is a CRUX-based Linux distribution that uses the GTK+ toolkit and the Openbox window manager. Its most prominent feature is a package manager, called kpkg, for retrieving packages from download mirrors.
22. Leeenux (Not ranked) Leeenux is an Ubuntu-based commercial Linux distribution tailored to netbooks. Several editions, depending on the user interface are available; these include Unity 2D, MATE and LXDE desktop environments.
23. LinHES (Not ranked) LinHES is an attempt to make the installation of GNU/Linux and MythTV as trivial as possible. It includes everything needed to get your set-top box up and running in as little time as possible. LinHES is based on Arch Linux and is targeted at anyone looking for a set-top box solution.
24. LockBox (Not ranked) LockBox (LBX) is a Linux distribution derived from Debian, Ubuntu and elementary OS. It is especially designed for storing and managing cryptocurrencies. It includes several hardened configuration changes for security purposes, a highly restrictive firewall setup, several applications designed for data backups, a password manager, and the Brave internet browser.
25. LuninuX OS (Not ranked) LuninuX OS is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution designed to be beautiful, clean, simple, fast, and stable.
26. Lunar Linux (Not ranked) Lunar is a source based Linux distribution with a unique package management system which builds each software package, or module, for the machine it is being installed on. Though it can take a while to do a complete Lunar installation it's worth it as it tends to be quite fast, once installed! In the beginning Lunar was a fork of Sorcerer GNU Linux (SGL). The fork occurred in late January to early February of 2002 and was originally made up of a small group of people who wanted to collaboratively develop and extend the Sorcerer technology. The original name for the project was Lunar-Penguin but the group decided to re-christen it Lunar Linux while the Lunar-Penguin name has become a sort of umbrella which the team could use if they decide to collaboratively develop something besides Lunar Linux.
27. Minimal Linux Live (Not ranked) Minimal Linux Live is a tiny Linux distribution which is designed to be built from scratch using a collection of automated shell scripts. Minimal Linux Live offers a core environment with just the Linux kernel, GNU C library and Busybox userland utilities. This default build is just 7MB in size. Additional software can be included in the ISO image at build time using a well documented configuration file. Minimal Linux Live can be downloaded as a pre-built image, built from scratch or run in a web browser using a JavaScript emulator.
28. NethServer (Not ranked) NethServer is a CentOS-based Linux distribution for servers. The product's main feature is a modular design which makes it simple to turn the distribution into a mail server and filter, web server, groupware, firewall, web filter, IPS/IDS or VPN server. It also includes a comprehensive web-based user interface that simplifies common administration tasks and enables single-click installation of several pre-configured modules. NethServer is designed primarily for small offices and medium-size enterprises. NethServer continues to develop server-side software, though after the 7.x branch, the project has shifted away from creating its own distribution and focuses on providing software which can be installed on other enterprise-class server distributions. NethServer forms the basis of the NethSecurity firewall distribution.
29. OLPC OS (Not ranked) One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) is an initiative to build a low-cost laptop computer with a pre-installed operating system and applications designed for children in developing countries. The operating system is a Linux-based solution, a heavily customised edition of Fedora Core with a special graphical user interface called Sugar. Among applications, the system includes a web browser built on Xulrunner, a simple document viewer based on Evince; the AbiWord word processor, an RSS reader, email, chat and VOIP clients, a multimedia authoring and playback environment, a music composition toolkit, graphics toolkits, games, a shell, and a debugger.
30. Openwall GNU/*/Linux (Not ranked) Openwall GNU/*/Linux (or Owl for short) is a small security-enhanced Linux distribution for servers, appliances, and virtual appliances. Owl live CDs with remote SSH access are also good for recovering or installing systems (whether with Owl or not). Another secondary use is for operating systems and/or computer security courses, which benefit from the simple structure of Owl and from the inclusion of the complete build environment.
31. Pardus Topluluk (Not ranked) Pardus is a GNU/Linux distribution jointly developed by the Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and National Academic Network and Information Centre (ULAKBİM). It started its life as a Gentoo-based project before developing its own unique identity. Since late 2012 the distribution, developed in two separate branches as "Corporate" and "Community" editions, is based on Debian. This is the page for the Community edition.
32. RasPlex (Not ranked) RasPlex lets you turn your TV into a Smart TV. Similar to the AppleTV, but running on a Raspberry Pi computer and completely free and open source, RasPlex is basically a set-top box that lets you play content from your computer or smart phone to your TV. RasPlex currently uses LibreELEC as its base OS.
33. Redo Rescue (Not ranked) Redo Rescue is an Ubuntu-based live CD featuring backup, restore and disaster recovery software. It centres around an easy-to-use graphical program for running bare-metal backup and recovery on hard disk partitions, as well as on external hard drives and network shares. The CD also includes several popular data recovery programs and a web browser. The distribution, originally called Redo Backup & Recovery, went on hiatus after a release in late 2012, but was eventually resurrected in 2020 by the Redo Rescue project.
34. REMnux (Not ranked) REMnux is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution with a toolkit for reverse-engineering and analysing malicious software. It provides a curated collection of free tools created by the community. Analysts can use it to investigate malware without having to find, install and configure the tools.
35. Rescatux (Not ranked) Rescatux is a Debian-based GNU/Linux live distribution that includes a graphical wizard for rescuing broken GNU/Linux installations. The available rescue options include restoring the GRUB bootloader after a Windows installation, Linux and Windows password resets, and Linux file system checks.
36. Salient OS (Not ranked) Salient OS is an Arch Linux-based, rolling-release distribution aimed at multimedia and gaming enthusiasts. It is optimised for performance as a gaming workstation and it can be installed to a hard disk using the Calamares installer. Salient OS comes in two separate editions, featuring either the Xfce or the KDE Plasma desktop.
37. Salix (Not ranked) Salix is a Slackware-based Linux distribution that is simple, fast, easy to use and compatible with Slackware Linux. Optimised for desktop use, Salix OS features one application per task, custom package repositories, advanced package management with dependency support, localised system administration tools and innovative artwork.
38. Secure-K OS (Not ranked) Secure-K OS is a Debian-based distribution which runs from a live USB. The distribution is designed to provide secure communication and anonymous web browsing using applications such as the Tox messaging client and Tor Web Browser. Secure-K features the GNOME Shell desktop environment and is developed by the Mon-K organization.
39. Septor (Not ranked) Septor is a Linux distribution which provides users with a pre-configured computing environment for surfing the Internet anonymously. It is based on Debian's "Testing" branch and it uses Privoxy, a privacy-enhancing proxy, together with the Tor anonymity network to modify web page data and HTTP headers before the page is rendered by the browser. The distribution uses KDE Plasma as the preferred desktop environment and it also includes a the Tor Browser and OnionShare for anonymous file sharing.
40. Source Mage GNU/Linux (Not ranked) Sourcemage is a source-based GNU/Linux distribution based on a Sorcery metaphor of 'casting' and 'dispelling' programs, which we refer to as 'spells'.
41. Springdale Linux (Not ranked) Springdale Linux (formerly PUIAS Linux) is a complete operating system for desktops and servers, built by compiling the source packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Besides these upstream packages, the project also provides several other repositories: "Addons" which contains additional packages not included in a stock Red Hat distribution, "Computational" which carries software specific to scientific computing, and "Unsupported" which holds various experimental packages. The distribution is maintained by the Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University in the USA.
42. Star (Not ranked) Star is a desktop-oriented Linux distribution based on Devuan GNU+Linux. Star is available in a range of editions, each featuring a lightweight desktop environment. Star is small enough to fit on a CD and uses SysV init software.
43. SteamOS (Not ranked) SteamOS is a Debian-based Linux distribution designed to run Valve's Steam and Steam games. It also provides a desktop mode (GNOME) which can run regular Linux applications. In addition to a stable Debian base, SteamOS features various third-party drivers and updated graphics stack, a newer Linux kernel with long-term support, and a custom graphics compositor designed to provide a seamless transition between Steam, its games and the SteamOS system overlay. The base operating system is open-source software, but the Steam client is proprietary.
Note: Valve discontinued its Debian-based SteamOS and launched a new, Arch-based SteamOS for the Steam Deck. This new, Arch-based system appears to only be available with the Steam Deck and is not released as a stand-alone ISO.
44. StressLinux (Not ranked) StressLinux is an openSUSE-based minimal Linux distribution that runs from a bootable CDROM or via PXE. It makes use of some utilities such as stress, cpuburn, hddtemp, lm_sensors, etc. It is dedicated to users who want to test their system(s) entirely on high load and monitor the health of these systems.
45. SuperGamer (Not ranked) SuperGamer is a live DVD currently based on Ubuntu (previously it was based on VectorLinux), intended to showcase gaming on Linux. The distribution is optimised for a gaming computer environment, with some tweaks to help speed up running from the live DVD. While older version included some open-source and demo games, the newest release does not; however, Steam, GOG Games and The Humble Bundle can be easily installed.
46. SuperX (Not ranked) SuperX is a desktop-oriented computer operating system based on Linux, using a highly customized KDE desktop environment. Originally developed in India, SuperX is published by Libresoft, a startup with a free and open source software business model. SuperX is available in multiple variants, from a freemium variant for home users to a professional variant for enterprise users. SuperX strives to be "Simple User friendly, Powerful, Energetic and Robust eXperience".
47. Swift Linux (Not ranked) Swift Linux is a lightweight, MX Linux-based distribution featuring the Xfce desktop environment. While Swift previously included forensic analysis and data recovery utilities, since version 16 the distribution has presented itself as MX Linux with alternative wallpaper.
48. Trusted End Node Security (Not ranked) Trusted End Node Security (TENS), previously called Lightweight Portable Security (LPS), is a Linux-based live CD with a goal of allowing users to work on a computer without the risk of exposing their credentials and private data to malware, key loggers and other Internet-era ills. It includes a minimal set of applications and utilities, such as the Firefox web browser or an encryption wizard for encrypting and decrypting personal files. The live CD is a product produced by the United States of America's Department of Defence and is part of that organization's Software Protection Initiative.
49. ToOpPy Linux (Not ranked) ToOpPy Linux is a French distribution based on Puppy Linux. The project provides a lightweight distribution which includes many small utilities and can be run either from a live disc or installed on the hard drive.
50. Project Trident (Not ranked) Project Trident is a desktop-focused operating system based on Void (previously Trident was based on TrueOS). Project Trident uses the Lumina desktop as well as a number of self-developed system administration utilities. The Void-based distribution is installed on the ZFS filesystem to provide snapshots and rollback features.
51. Uruk GNU/Linux (Not ranked) Uruk GNU/Linux is a free software desktop distribution based on Trisquel. It follows the licensing guidelines of the Free Software Foundation. Uruk primarily uses .deb package files, but strives to support a wide range of package formats, including .rpm files.
52. VenenuX (Not ranked) VenenuX is a South American desktop distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux and intended primarily for Spanish-speaking users. It adheres strictly to the principles of free software as defined by the Free Software Foundation.
53. VortexBox (Not ranked) VortexBox is a Fedora-based Linux distribution that turns an unused computer into an easy-to-use music server or jukebox. Once VortexBox has been loaded it will automatically rip CDs to FLAC and MP3 files, ID3-tag the files, and download the cover art. VortexBox will then serve the files to network media player. The file can also be streamed to a Windows or Mac OS X system.
54. VzLinux (Not ranked) VzLinux, a product of Virtuozzo International GmbH, is a free and open-source distribution built from the source code for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is available in three different flavors - optimized for running in high-dense system container, virtual environments and as a bare-metal image. It is also supported as a guest operating system under different hypervisors (Virtuozzo, OpenVZ and KVM) with templates in hyperscaler marketplaces. The project also provides a ready-to-use conversion utility for simple and on-the-fly conversion from CentOS 8 to VzLinux 8, plus the possibility to convert CentOS 7 directly to VzLinux 8.
55. XStreamOS (Not ranked) XStreamOS and XStream Desktop are Sonicle's effort to maintain a distribution of the illumos kernel (originally derived from OpenSolaris), featuring the ZFS file system, Crossbow network architecture, virtualisation and zones, as well as a customised LXDE desktop. It also strives to develop and contribute to the illumos kernel. Sonicle, a company located in Italy, also maintains two other full-featured products - XStream Server and XStream Storage.
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