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FreeBSD RSS Feed DistroWatch.com: FreeBSD


Last Update: 2025-02-16 08:21 UTC

FreeBSD is a UNIX-like operating system for the i386, amd64, IA-64, arm, MIPS, powerpc, ppc64, PC-98 and UltraSPARC platforms based on U.C. Berkeley's "4.4BSD-Lite" release, with some "4.4BSD-Lite2" enhancements. It is also based indirectly on William Jolitz's port of U.C. Berkeley's "Net/2" to the i386, known as "386BSD", though very little of the 386BSD code remains. FreeBSD is used by companies, Internet Service Providers, researchers, computer professionals, students and home users all over the world in their work, education and recreation. FreeBSD comes with over 20,000 packages (pre-compiled software that is bundled for easy installation), covering a wide range of areas: from server software, databases and web servers, to desktop software, games, web browsers and business software - all free and easy to install.

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 21 (370), 6 months: 19 (386), 3 months: 22 (391), 4 weeks: 22 (397), 1 week: 17 (529)

Average visitor rating: 8.69/10 from 68 review(s).

FreeBSD Summary
Distribution FreeBSD
Home Page https://www.freebsd.org/
Mailing Lists https://www.freebsd.org/community/mailinglists.html
User Forums https://forums.freebsd.org/
Alternative User Forums UnitedBSD
Documentation https://www.freebsd.org/docs/https://wiki.freebsd.org/
Download Mirrors https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/mirrors/
Bug Tracker https://www.freebsd.org/support/bugreports.html
Related Websites FreeBSD NewsThe FreeBSD DiaryThe FreeBSD MallFreeBSD for Raspberry PiFreshPortsFreeBSD PortsFreeBSD System Administration TrainingBSD JumpstartDaemonForumsBSDNexusThe FreeBSD FoundationManual PagesWikipediaBSDForen.de (German) • BSDGuru (Polish)
Reviews 13.x: The Register
12.x: ArstechnicaDistroWatch
11.x: Pro-Linux (German) • DistroWatch
10.x: DistroWatch
9.x: OSNewsDistroWatch
8.x: O'Reilly BroadcastLWN
7.x: Linuxoid (Russian) • Wordpress
6.x: BlogspotServerWatchabout LinuxTuxmachines
5.x: DistroWatchOSNews
4.x: OSNews
Where To Donate, Buy or Try The FreeBSD MallDonate

Recent Related News and Releases
  Releases announcements with download links and checksums:
 • 2025-02-15: Development Release: FreeBSD 13.5 BETA-2
 • 2024-12-03: BSD Release: FreeBSD 14.2
 • 2024-11-09: Development Release: FreeBSD 14.2-BETA2
 • 2024-09-17: BSD Release: FreeBSD 13.4
 • 2024-06-04: BSD Release: FreeBSD 14.1
 • 2024-05-20: Development Release: FreeBSD 14.1-BETA3
 • 2024-03-05: BSD Release: FreeBSD 13.3
 • 2024-02-21: Development Release: FreeBSD 13.3-BETA3
 • 2023-11-20: BSD Release: FreeBSD 14.0
 • 2023-11-04: Development Release: FreeBSD 14.0-RC4
 • 2023-10-28: Development Release: FreeBSD 14.0-RC3
 • 2023-10-21: Development Release: FreeBSD 14.0-RC2
 • More FreeBSD releases...

 • 2024-11-13 Isolating tasks on FreeBSD with quBSD
 • 2024-11-07 FreeBSD publishes quarterly newsletter
 • 2024-09-28 FreeBSD Foundation partners with Quantum Leap Research to improve laptop support
 • 2024-08-28 FreeBSD Foundation receives investment from Sovereign Tech Fund
 • 2024-08-19 FreeBSD publishes quarterly newsletter
 • 2024-07-11 FreeBSD to adopt quicker release schedule
 • 2024-05-23 An overview of ThinOS, a FreeBSD-based thin client from Dell
 • 2024-05-03 FreeBSD publishes quarterly status report
 • 2024-03-25 FreeBSD Foundation hopes to improve FreeBSD's wireless networking
 • 2024-03-05 A port of Nix for FreeBSD
 • More FreeBSD headlines...

Table Notes and Explanations

(Please refer to the table below.)
  • Select view:
  • To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.
  • Notes: In case where multiple versions of a package are shipped with a distribution, only the default version appears in the table. For indication about the GNOME version, please check the "nautilus" and "gnome-shell" packages. The Apache web server is listed as "httpd" and the Linux kernel is listed as "linux". The KDE desktop is represented by the "plasma-desktop" package and the Xfce desktop by the "xfdesktop" package.
  • Colour scheme: green text = latest stable version, red text = development or beta version. The function determining beta versions is not 100% reliable due to a wide variety of versioning schemes.
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Feature 15-CURRENT 14-STABLE 14.2 13.4 12.4 11.3 10.4 9.3 8.2 7.4 6.4 5.5 4.11 3.5 2.2.8 Feature
Release Date 2025-02-16 2025-02-16 2024-12-01 2024-09-19 2022-12-05 2018-07-08 2017-10-03 2014-07-15 2013-06-09 2011-02-24 2008-11-28 2006-05-25 2005-01-25 2000-06-24 1998-11-29 Release Date
End Of Life   2028-11-30 2025-09-30 2025-06-30 2024-06 2021-09 2018-10 2016-12 2015-08             End Of Life
Price (US$) Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Price (US$)
Image Size (MB)     200-3200 200-3200 200-3200 200-3200 200-2900 100-1700               Image Size (MB)
Free Download Ports Ports ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO Free Download
Installation Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Installation
Default Desktop                               Default Desktop
Release Model Rolling Semi Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Release Model
Office Suite Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice GOffice, KOffice, OO.o GOffice, KOffice, OO.o GOffice, KOffice, OO.o GOffice, KOffice, OO.o GOffice, KOffice, OO.o GOffice -- Office Suite
Processor Architecture aarch64, amd64, armv6, i686, powerpc, powerpc64, sparc64 aarch64, amd64, armv6, i486, powerpc, powerpc64, sparc64 aarch64, amd64, armv6, i486, powerpc, powerpc64, sparc64 aarch64, amd64, armv6, i486, powerpc, powerpc64, sparc64 aarch64, amd64, armv6, i486, powerpc, powerpc64, sparc64 aarch64, amd64, armv6, i386, powerpc, powerpc64, sparc64 amd64, i386, ia64, powerpc, powerpc64, sparc64 amd64, i386, ia64, powerpc, powerpc64, sparc64 amd64, arm, armel, i386, ia64, mips, mipsel, pc98, powerpc, sparc64, xbox amd64, arm, armel, i386, ia64, mips, mipsel, pc98, powerpc, sparc64, xbox alpha, amd64, i386, ia64, pc98, powerpc, sparc64, xbox alpha, amd64, i386, ia64, pc98, powerpc, sparc64 alpha, i386 alpha, i386 alpha, i386 Processor Architecture
Init Software RC RC RC RC RC RC RC RC RC RC RC RC RC RC RC Init Software
Journaled File Systems UFS2 SU+J UFS2 + gjournal UFS2 + gjournal UFS2 + gjournal UFS2 + gjournal UFS2 + gjournal UFS2 + gjournal UFS2 + gjournal UFS2 + gjournal UFS2 + gjournal           Journaled File Systems
Multilingual Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Multilingual
Asian Language Support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes arabic, cn, jp, kr, tw arabic, cn, jp, kr, tw arabic, cn, jp, kr, tw arabic, cn, jp, kr, tw arabic, cn, jp, kr, tw arabic, cn, jp, kr, tw Asian Language Support
Full Package List 15-current 14-stable 14.2 13.4 12.4 11.3 10.4 9.3 8.2 7.4 6.4 5.5 4.11 3.5 2.2.8 Full Package List

Full Package List:   FreeBSD 14.0
  Number of packages: 33,962 (download as TXT)
  •  0ad 0.0.26_15
  •  0d1n 3.8_1
  •  0verkill 0.16_2
  •  1password-client 1.12.4
  •  1password-client2 2.14.0
  •  1password-client2-beta 2.15.0.b.03
  •  2048 0.9.1
  •  2048-qt 0.1.6_3
  •  2bsd-diff 2.11.1_1
  •  2bsd-vi 050325_2
  •  2d-rewriter 1.6
  •  2fa 1.2.0_15
  •  2ping 4.5.1
  •  3270font 2.3.1
  •  3d-ascii-viewer 1.3.0
  •  3dc 0.8.1_4
  •  3ddesktop 0.2.9_15
  •  3dpong 0.5_6
  •  3mux 1.1.0_15
  •  3omns 0.2_1
  •  3proxy 0.9.4
  •  44bsd-csh 20001106_5
  •  44bsd-more 20000521_1
  •  44bsd-rdist 20001111_2
  •  4pane 8.0
  •  4ti2 1.6.10
  •  4va 1.21_2
  •  54321 1.0.2001.11.16_15
  •  6tunnel 0.13
  •  7kaa 2.15.6
  •  7-zip 23.01
  •  90secondportraits 1.01b_1
  •  915resolution 0.5.3_11
  •  9base 20170701
  •  9box 0.2.1_3
  •  9e 1.0
  •  9menu 1.10
  •  a2jmidid 9_3
  •  a2pdf 1.13_2
  •  a2png 0.1.5_11
  •  a2ps 4.15.5_1
  •  aalib 1.4.r5_13
  •  aamath 0.3_4
  •  aaphoto 0.43.1_15
  •  aarch64-binutils 2.40_41
  •  aarch64-freebsd-sysroot a2023.08.03
  •  aarch64-gcc12 12.3.0
  •  aarch64-gcc9 9.5.0_11
  •  aarch64-none-elf-binutils 2.40_41
  •  aarch64-none-elf-gcc 11.3.0_2
  •  aarch64-rust-bootstrap 1.72.0
  •  ab25 0.2.5
  •  ab-av1 0.7.8_1
  •  abbayedesmorts 2.0.1_1
  •  abcde 2.9.3_1
  •  abc g20220920
  •  abcl 1.9.2
  •  abclock 1.0d_4
  •  abcm2ps 8.14.14
  •  abcselect 1.5
  •  abduco 0.6
  •  abe 1.1_9
  •  abella 2.0.7
  •  abGate-lv2 1.2.0_5
  •  abi-compliance-checker 2.3
  •  abinit 9.10.3
  •  abiword 3.0.5_7
  •  abiword-docs 3.0.1_1
  •  abook 0.6.1_2
  •  abs 0908_4
  •  abseil 20230125.3
  •  abx 0.1_2
  •  abyss 2.3.7
  •  acalc 0.3
  •  accerciser 3.38.0_1
  •  accounts-qml-module 0.7_2
  •  accountsservice 23.13.9_1
  •  accrete 1.0_1
  •  ace-of-penguins 1.4
  •  acerhdf-kmod 0.1.4
  •  acfax 0.981011_4
  •  acfgfs
  •  acidwarp-sdl g2022112701_1
  •  aclgen 2.02
  •  aclip
  •  aclock 0.4.0_10
  •  acltool 1.16.2
  •  acme 0.97.r3241
  •  acmed 0.21.0_4
  •  acme-dns 1.0_111
  •  acme.sh 3.0.6_1
  •  acme-tiny 4.1.0
  •  acmetool 0.2.2_4
  •  acpi_call 1.0.1_1
  •  acpica-tools 20221020
  •  acsccid 1.1.10
  •  actiona 3.10.1_6
  •  activemq 5.18.1
  •  activitymail 1.26
  •  actor-framework 0.19.2
  •  acts 1.4.2
  •  ad2vcf 0.1.6
  •  adacurses 20211021_1
  •  adamem 1.0_4
  •  adapta-backgrounds
  •  adapta-gtk-theme
  •  adcli 0.9.1
  •  adcomplain 3.52
  •  add 20230205
  •  add-css-links 1.0_1
  •  addresses 0.4.8_9
  •  addresses-goodies 0.4.8_10
  •  addrwatch 1.0.2
  •  addts 1.0
  •  adept 2.1.1_1
  •  adguard-exporter 1.14_14
  •  adguardhome 0.107.36_2
  •  adios2 2.9.1
  •  adjuster 3.23.23
  •  admesh 0.98.5
  •  adminer 4.8.1
  •  admiral
  •  adms 2.3.7
  •  ADMsmb 0.3
  •  ADMsnmp 0.1
  •  adns 1.6.0
  •  adobe-cmaps 20051217_4
  •  adoc-mode.el 0.7.0_1
  •  adoc-mode.el-emacs_canna 0.7.0_1
  •  adoc-mode.el-emacs_devel 0.7.0_1
  •  adoc-mode.el-emacs_devel_nox 0.7.0_1
  •  adoc-mode.el-emacs_nox 0.7.0_1
  •  adodb5-php80 5.22.6
  •  adodb5-php81 5.22.6
  •  adodb5-php82 5.22.6
  •  adodb5-php83 5.22.6
  •  adol-c 2.7.2_7
  •  adonthell 0.3.8_2
  •  adonthell-wastesedge 0.3.8_1
  •  adplay 1.8.1_2
  •  adsuck 2.3_9
  •  adtool 1.3.3_3
  •  advancecomp 2.5
  •  adwaita-icon-theme 42.0
  •  adwaita-qt5 1.4.2
  •  adwaita-qt6 1.4.2
  •  adzap 20110915_2
  •  aee 2.2.22
  •  aegis 4.25_14
  •  aeolus 0.10.4_2
  •  aerc 0.10.0_11
  •  aescrypt 0.7_1
  •  aeskulap
  •  aespipe 2.4e
  •  aestats 5.39
  •  aewan 1.0.01_1
  •  af-aspell 0.50.0_11
  •  afdko 4.0.0
  •  affenspiel 1.0_2
  •  affiche 0.6.0_12
  •  afflib 3.7.16_1
  •  afio 2.5.2
  •  afl++-gcc 4.08.c
  •  af-libreoffice
  •  afl++-llvm 4.08.c
  •  afm 1.0_1
  •  afni 23.2.12
  •  afpfs-ng 0.8.1_6
  •  afsp 8.2
  •  aft 5.098_11
  •  aften 0.0.8
  •  afterglow 1.6.2_2
  •  afternoonstalker 1.1.6
  •  afterstep1 1.0_5
  •  afterstep 2.2.12_9
  •  agame 1577_13
  •  agar 1.7.0_1
  •  agave 37
  •  age 1.1.1_7
  •  agedu 20211129.8cd63c5
  •  aget 0.4.1_1
  •  agg 2.5_11
  •  aggregate 1.6_1
  •  agrep 2.04_2
  •  agrum 1.9.0
  •  ags
  •  aha 0.5.1
  •  ah-tty 0.3.12_3
  •  aichat 0.8.0_4
  •  aide 0.17.4
  •  aifad 2.0.8_1
  •  aiksaurus 1.2.1_3
  •  aimage 3.2.5_2
  •  aircrack-ng 1.5.2_4
  •  aircraft-datcom 0.0.20120723_6
  •  aird 1.0
  •  airsaned
  •  airspy 1.0.10
  •  airspyhf
  •  aisleriot 3.22.25_2
  •  aixlog 1.5.0_1
  •  akira 0.0.16_2
  •  aklabeth 1.0
  •  akmos 0.7.2_3
  •  akonadi 23.08.1
  •  akonadi-calendar 23.08.1
  •  akonadi-calendar-tools 23.08.1
  •  akonadiconsole 23.08.1
  •  akonadi-contacts 23.08.1
  •  akonadi-import-wizard 23.08.1
  •  akonadi-mime 23.08.1
  •  akonadi-notes 23.08.1
  •  akonadi-search 23.08.1
  •  akpop3d 0.7.7
  •  akregator 23.08.1
  •  alac 0.0.71
  •  alacenc 0.3.0
  •  alacritty 0.12.2_3
  •  alarm-clock-applet 0.3.4_3
  •  albert 0.20.5_2
  •  alberta-fem 3.0.3_1
  •  alchemist.el 1.8.2_14
  •  alchemist.el-emacs_canna 1.8.2_14
  •  alchemist.el-emacs_devel 1.8.2_14
  •  alchemist.el-emacs_devel_nox 1.8.2_14
  •  alchemist.el-emacs_nox 1.8.2_14
  •  aldo 0.7.7_3
  •  alef 1.0_4
  •  alef-webfont 1.0_2
  •  alegreya 2.008_1
  •  alegreya-sans 2.008_11
  •  alembic 1.8.6
  •  alephone 20230119_4
  •  alephone-data 1.0_11
  •  alephone-scenarios 1.0_9
  •  alertmanager 0.23.0_15
  •  alex4 1.1_1
  •  alfio 0.3
  •  alfont 2.0.9_11
  •  algae 4.3.6_19
  •  alglib 4.00.0
  •  algol68g 3.3.23
  •  ali 0.7.5_15
  •  alienarena 2013.766_13
  •  alienarena-data 2013.766_2
  •  alienblaster 1.1.0_7
  •  alienwah 1.13_1
  •  alienwave 0.4.0
  •  align 1.7.5
  •  alignmargins 1.0_1
  •  alizams 1.9.3
  •  alkimia 8.1.2_1
  •  allacrost 1.0.2_33
  •  allegro
  •  allegro5
  •  alliance 5.1.1_5
  •  alligator 23.08.1
  •  alltraxclock 2.0.2_12
  •  almostti 1.3
  •  aloadimage
  •  alo-lv2 0.9
  •  alpine 2.26
  •  alpng 1.3_4
  •  ALPSCore 2.2.0_18
  •  alsa-lib 1.2.2_1
  •  alsa-plugins 1.2.2_13
  •  alsa-seq-server 1.1.0_1
  •  alsa-sndio 0.2_1
  •  alsa-utils 1.2.2_3
  •  alt-ergo 0.95.2_4
  •  alttab 1.7.0
  •  Aluminum 1.4.1
  •  alure 1.2_13
  •  amanda-client 3.5.11
  •  amanda-perl-wrapper 1.01
  •  amanda-server 3.5.11
  •  am-aspell 0.03.1_12
  •  amass 4.2.0
  •  amath 1.8.5
  •  amavisd-milter 1.7.0
  •  amavisd-new 2.12.2_11
  •  amavis-logwatch 1.51.03_1
  •  amazon-qldb-shell 2.0.2
  •  amazon-ssm-agent 2.3.1205.0_17
  •  amazon-ssm-plugin 1.2.463.0_3
  •  amber-code-search-replace-tool 0.5.9_7
  •  amberfish 1.6.4_1
  •  amberol 0.10.3_3
  •  ambit-tensor 0.7.1
  •  amb-plugins 0.8.1_2
  •  amd64-binutils 2.40_41
  •  amd64-freebsd-sysroot a2023.08.03
  •  amd64-gcc12 12.3.0
  •  amd64-gcc9 9.5.0_11
  •  amd64-rust-bootstrap 1.72.0
  •  amdmsrtweaker 1.1
  •  amfora 1.9.2_16
  •  amgcl 1.4.3_2
  •  amigadepacker 0.04
  •  amigafonts 1.02
  •  aminal 0.9.0_16
  •  amiwm 0.21.pl2_1
  •  aml 0.3.0
  •  am-libreoffice
  •  ammonite 2.5.6
  •  amnesia-tdd 0.3.2
  •  amoebax 0.2.1_8
  •  amp
  •  ampache-php80 5.6.0
  •  ampache-php81 5.6.0
  •  ampache-php82 5.6.0
  •  ampache-php83 5.6.0
  •  ampasACES-container 1.0.2_1
  •  ampasCTL 1.5.2_20
  •  amphetadesk 0.93.1_7
  •  amqp-cpp 4.1.4_1
  •  amrstat 20070216_1
  •  amsynth 1.11.0_4
  •  amtc 0.8.5
  •  amtk 5.6.0_1
  •  amtterm 1.6
  •  amule 2.3.3_9
  •  am-utils 6.2_111
  •  an 1.2_16
  •  anacron 2.3_7
  •  analitza 23.08.1
  •  analog 6.0_131
  •  ancient 2.1.1
  •  and 1.2.2_1
  •  Andika 6.101
  •  android-file-transfer 4.2
  •  android-file-transfer-qt5 4.2
  •  android-tools 31.0.3p2.0_12
  •  anese 0.9.1
  •  angband 4.2.2
  •  angelscript 2.34.0
  •  angie 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-auth-jwt 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-auth-spnego 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-brotli 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-cache-purge 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-dav-ext 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-echo 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-enhanced-memcached 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-eval 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-geoip2 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-headers-more 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-image-filter 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-jwt 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-keyval 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-lua 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-ndk 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-njs 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-perl 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-postgres 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-redis2 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-rtmp 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-set-misc 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-subs 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-upload 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-vod 1.3.0
  •  angie-module-xslt 1.3.0
  •  angle-grinder 0.19.2_3
  •  angrysearch 1.0.3_3
  •  animorph 0.3_8
  •  anjuta 3.34.0_4
  •  anki 2.1.66_1
  •  ann 1.1.2_1
  •  annoy 1.17.3
  •  anomaly-mono g20210310
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  •  anongitssh 0.2
  •  anonymous-pro 1.002_3
  •  anope 2.0.14
  •  ansible-sshjail
  •  ansifilter 2.20
  •  ansilove 4.2.0
  •  ansiprint 1.0
  •  ansiweather 1.18.0
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  •  antibody 6.1.1_15
  •  antic 0.2.5_11
  •  antimicrox 3.3.4
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  •  antimony-language 0.7.0_6
  •  antioch
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  •  antivirus 3.30_10
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  •  antiword 0.37_4
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  •  antlr3 3.5.2_1
  •  antlr4 4.12.0
  •  anttweakbar 1.16_1
  •  anubis 4.2_17
  •  anvil 0.0.20
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  •  anyremote 6.7.3
  •  aoi 3.0_5
  •  aom 3.7.0
  •  aop 0.6_2
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  •  ap24-mod_auth_cas 1.2
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  •  ap24-mod_auth_gssapi 1.6.5
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  •  ap24-mod_auth_mysql2 1.11
  •  ap24-mod_auth_mysql_another 3.0.0_5
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  •  ap24-mod_authnz_external24 3.3.2
  •  ap24-mod_auth_openid 0.8_2
  •  ap24-mod_auth_openidc
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  •  ap24-mod_auth_pgsql2 2.0.3_4
  •  ap24-mod_auth_pubtkt 0.13
  •  ap24-mod_auth_tkt 2.1.0_3
  •  ap24-mod_auth_xradius 0.4.6_2
  •  ap24-mod_authz_unixgroup24 1.1.0
  •  ap24-mod_cfg_ldap 1.2_6
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  •  ap24-mod_gnutls 0.12.1
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  •  ap24-mod_memcache_block 1.01
  •  ap24-mod_mono 3.13_2
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  •  ap24-mod_webkit 1.2.3
  •  ap24-mod_xsendfile 0.12_3
  •  ap24-py39-mod_wsgi 4.9.2
  •  apache24 2.4.57_1
  •  apache-ant 1.10.13
  •  apache-bcel 6.4.1
  •  apache-commons-beanutils 1.9.4
  •  apache-commons-cli 1.4
  •  apache-commons-codec 1.16.0
  •  apache-commons-collections 3.2.2
  •  apache-commons-collections4 4.4
  •  apache-commons-compress 1.24.0
  •  apache-commons-configuration 1.10_1
  •  apache-commons-csv 1.10.0
  •  apache-commons-daemon 1.3.4
  •  apache-commons-dbcp 2.9.0
  •  apache-commons-dbutils 1.7
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  •  apache-commons-httpclient 3.1_2
  •  apache-commons-io 2.11.0
  •  apache-commons-jelly 1.0_1
  •  apache-commons-jxpath 1.3
  •  apache-commons-lang 2.6
  •  apache-commons-lang3 3.13.0
  •  apache-commons-logging 1.2
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  •  apache-commons-net 3.9.0
  •  apache-commons-pool 2.11.1
  •  apache-jmeter 2.11_3
  •  apache-log4j2 2.20.0
  •  apache-mode.el 2.0_1
  •  apache-openoffice 4.1.14_3
  •  apache-openoffice-devel 4.2.1678061694_34
  •  apache-poi 5.2.3
  •  apache-rat 0.13
  •  apache-solr8 8.11.21
  •  apache-solr 9.3.01
  •  apache-spark 3.3.0
  •  apachetop 0.19.7
  •  apache-xmlbeans 5.1.1_1
  •  apache-xml-security-c 2.0.4
  •  aparapi 1.0.0_1
  •  apbs 1.5.102
  •  apc 1.0_8
  •  apcctrl 0.8.21_1
  •  apcpwr 1.3_1
  •  apcupsd 3.14.14_4
  •  apel 10.8.20220720_5
  •  apel-emacs_canna 10.8.20220720_5
  •  apel-emacs_devel 10.8.20220720_5
  •  apel-emacs_devel_nox 10.8.20220720_5
  •  apel-emacs_nox 10.8.20220720_5
  •  apertium 3.8.3_1
  •  apertium-eng
  •  apg 0.4.1_121
  •  aphelia g20190913
  •  apib 1.2.1_4
  •  apinger 0.6.1_3
  •  api-sanity-checker 1.98.4_7
  •  apitrace 9.0_2
  •  APKiD 2.1.5
  •  apl385 20191020
  •  apngasm 2.91
  •  apngdis 2.9
  •  apoolGL 0.99.22_9
  •  apparix 20110303
  •  app-builder 3.4.21
  •  appcsxcad
  •  appjail 2.8.0
  •  appjail-devel g20230914
  •  appmenu-gtk-module 0.7.6_3
  •  appmenu-registrar 0.7.6_2
  •  appres 1.0.5
  •  AppStream 0.16.1_1
  •  AppStreamCompose 0.16.1_1
  •  appstream-glib 0.8.2_1
  •  AppStreamQt 0.16.1
  •  appwrapper 0.1_12
  •  apr
  •  apricots 0.2.8
  •  apron 0.9.13
  •  aprsc 2.1.10
  •  aprsd 2.2.515_3
  •  apt-cacher-ng 3.2.1
  •  aptly 1.5.0_13
  •  apt-mirror-devel
  •  ap-utils 1.4.1_5
  •  apwal 0.4.5_15
  •  aqbanking 6.5.4
  •  aqemu 0.9.2_3
  •  aqualung 1.0_25
  •  aquantia-atlantic-kmod 0.0.5_2
  •  aquaria 1.002.22_9
  •  aquatone 1.7.0_15
  •  arachne-pnr g20181021_3
  •  ar-ae_fonts1_ttf 1.1_5
  •  ar-ae_fonts_mono 1.0_5
  •  arandr 0.1.10_2
  •  aranym 1.1.0_3
  •  ar-aspell 1.2.0_11
  •  arataga 0.5.4_1
  •  aravis 0.8.20_1
  •  arb 2.23.0_1
  •  arbor 0.9.0
  •  arborx 1.4.1_1
  •  arc 5.21q
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  •  arcanist-lib-php81 20220518_4
  •  arcanist-lib-php82 20220518_4
  •  arcanist-lib-php83 20220518_4
  •  arcanist-php80 20220518_4
  •  arcanist-php81 20220518_4
  •  arcanist-php82 20220518_4
  •  arcanist-php83 20220518_4
  •  arcan-trayicon
  •  arc-gruvbox-theme g20161220
  •  archey4
  •  archimedes 2.0.1
  •  archiva 2.2.3
  •  archivemount 0.9.1
  •  archiveopteryx 3.2.0_9
  •  archiveopteryx-devel
  •  archivesmtp 1.2_3
  •  archlinux-keyring 20230504
  •  archlinux-pacman 6.0.2
  •  archmbox 4.10.0_1
  •  arc_summary 20230609
  •  ardour 7.5.0
  •  arduino 1.0.6_41
  •  arduino18 1.8.5_2
  •  arduino-avrdude 6.3_4
  •  arduino-bsd-mk 2.4
  •  arduino-builder 1.3.25_17
  •  arduino-core 1.6.18_1
  •  arduino-ctags 5.8_1
  •  arduino-irremote 4.2.0
  •  arduino-mk 0.10_5
  •  arduino-openglcd 1.0.r3_2
  •  arduinoOTA 1.2.0_14
  •  arduino-sevseg 3.7.0
  •  arduino-tools 1.8.2_5
  •  argc 1.10.0
  •  argdata 0.7_4
  •  argobots 1.1.186
  •  argouml 0.34_2
  •  argparse 2.9_1
  •  argp-standalone 1.5.0
  •  args 6.4.6
  •  argtable 2.13_2
  •  argus-clients-sasl
  •  argus-sasl
  •  argyllcms 1.9.2_6
  •  aria2 1.36.0_2
  •  arianna 23.08.1
  •  aribas 1.64
  •  aribb24 1.0.4
  •  ario 1.6_3
  •  arj 3.10.22_9
  •  ark 23.08.1
  •  ar-kacst_fonts 2.01_3
  •  ar-khotot 1.0_3
  •  ar-libitl 0.8.0
  •  ar-libreoffice
  •  armadillo 12.6.4
  •  armagetronad
  •  arm-elf-binutils 2.39
  •  arm-gnueabi-binutils 2.40_41
  •  arm-none-eabi-binutils 2.40_41
  •  arm-none-eabi-gcc 11.3.0_2
  •  arm-none-eabi-newlib 2.4.0_2
  •  armv6-gcc12 12.3.0
  •  armv6-gcc9 9.5.0_11
  •  armv7-freebsd-sysroot a2023.08.03
  •  armv7-gcc12 12.3.0
  •  armv7-gcc9 9.5.0_11
  •  armv7-rust-bootstrap 1.72.0
  •  arpack++ 2.3.0_6
  •  arpack-ng 3.9.0_1
  •  arpc 0.7_2
  •  arpCounterattack 1.2.0_8
  •  arpdig 0.5.7
  •  arping 2.21_1
  •  arpoison 0.7_1
  •  arprelease 1.2_5
  •  arpscan 0.5_1
  •  arp-scan 1.10.0
  •  arp-sk 0.0.16_5
  •  arpwatch 3.4
  •  arqiver 0.9.0
  •  arrow 13.0.0_1
  •  arrow-datafusion 16.0.0_6
  •  arrow-glib 13.0.0
  •  arss 0.2.3_2
  •  art 0.9.02
  •  artemis
  •  arti 1.1.8_1
  •  artikulate 23.08.1
  •  art-raw-image-editor 1.20.1_1
  •  arts++ 1.1.a13_21
  •  arttime 2.1.3
  •  artwiz-aleczapka-de 1.3_4
  •  artwiz-aleczapka-en 1.3_4
  •  artwiz-aleczapka-se 1.3_4
  •  artwiz-fonts 1.0_5
  •  artyfx-lv2 1.3.1_11
  •  arx-libertatis 1.2.1_1
  •  asbutton 0.3_3
  •  ascent-simulation-engine 0.7.1
  •  ascent-visualizer 0.9.2
  •  ascii2binary 2.14_1
  •  asciidoc 10.2.0_2
  •  ascii-invaders 1.0.1_1
  •  asciinema-agg 1.4.2_1
  •  asciiquarium 1.1_1
  •  asclock 1.0_4
  •  asclock-xlib 2.0.11_4
  •  ascpu 1.11_7
  •  asedit 1.3.2_5
  •  asfsm 1.0.p15_3
  •  asignify 1.0
  •  asio 1.28.0
  •  ask 2.5.3
  •  asl 1.42.183
  •  as-libreoffice
  •  aslookup 0.13d
  •  asm2html 1.7
  •  asmail 2.1_4
  •  asmctl 1.9
  •  asmem 1.12_1
  •  asmix 1.5_3
  •  asmixer 0.5_3
  •  asmjit g20221210
  •  asmx 1.8.2_2
  •  asm-xml 1.4
  •  asn1c 0.9.27
  •  aspell 0.60.8_11
  •  aspell-ispell 0.60.8
  •  aspostit 1.3_7
  •  asprint 1.0_3
  •  asql 1.7
  •  asr10 1.0
  •  asr-manpages 20000406
  •  assaultcube
  •  assh 2.15.0_9
  •  assimp 5.3.1
  •  assp
  •  ast-aspell 0.01
  •  astc-encoder 4.5.0
  •  asterisk16 16.30.1
  •  asterisk16-chan_sccp 4.3.3_2
  •  asterisk16-espeak 5.0.r1_2
  •  asterisk16-flite 3.0_5
  •  asterisk16-g72x 1.4.3_5
  •  asterisk18 18.19.0
  •  asterisk18-chan_sccp 4.3.3_2
  •  asterisk18-espeak 5.0.r1_2
  •  asterisk18-flite 3.0_5
  •  asterisk18-g72x 1.4.3_5
  •  asteroids3d 0.5.1_9
  •  astime 2.8_2
  •  astk-client 2020.0.1_1
  •  astk-serveur 2020.0.1_1
  •  ast-libreoffice
  •  astroid 0.16_6
  •  astromenace 1.4.2
  •  astrometry 0.94
  •  astron 0.0.20200521_3
  •  astyle 3.4.8
  •  astzclock 1.0_2
  •  asunder 2.9.6_3
  •  asusoled 0.10_10
  •  asylum 0.3.2_2
  •  asymptote 2.81_3
  •  async 0.1.1_7
  •  asyncplusplus 1.1
  •  atac-seq 0.1.3
  •  atanks 6.5_3
  •  aterm 1.0.1_7
  •  atf 0.21_1
  •  atf-fvp v2.9.0_1
  •  atf-rk3328 v2.9.0_1
  •  atf-rk3399 v2.9.0_1
  •  atf-sun50i_a64 v2.9.0_1
  •  atf-sun50i_h6 v2.9.0_1
  •  atheme-services 7.2.12
  •  athens 0.12.1_2
  •  atkinson-hyperlegible 2020.0514_1
  •  atkmm 2.28.0_1
  •  atlantis 0.23.5_3
  •  Atlas 0.5.2_2
  •  Atlas-devel 0.6.4_2
  •  atlast 1.2
  •  atlc 4.6.1_1
  •  atom 1.0
  •  atomicparsley 20221229.172126.d813aa6
  •  atomix 3.34.0_1
  •  atompaw
  •  atool 0.39.0
  •  atop 2.0.2.b3_3
  •  atp 1.50_2
  •  atr3d 0.6_19
  •  atril 1.26.0_20
  •  atril-lite 1.26.0_20
  •  atris 1.0.7_7
  •  atris-sounds 1.0.1_2
  •  atslog 2.1.1_8
  •  at-spi2-core 2.50.0
  •  atuin 16.0.0_1
  •  atunes 3.1.2_5
  •  aub 2.2_1
  •  aubio 0.4.9_4
  •  audacious 4.3.1_1
  •  audacious-gtk2 4.3.1_1
  •  audacious-gtk3 4.3.1_1
  •  audacious-plugins 4.3.1_2
  •  audacious-plugins-gtk2 4.3.1_2
  •  audacious-plugins-gtk3 4.3.1_2
  •  audacious-plugins-qt6 4.3.1_2
  •  audacious-qt6 4.3.1_1
  •  audacious-skins 1.0.0
  •  audacity 3.3.3_1
  •  audi
  •  audiere 1.9.4_7
  •  audiocd-kio 23.08.1
  •  audiowmark 0.6.1_1
  •  augeas 1.14.0_1
  •  augustus 3.2.0_1
  •  augustus-gene-prediction 3.5.0_4
  •  aumix 2.9.1_1
  •  auralquiz 1.0.0_5
  •  ausweisapp2 1.24.2
  •  authelia 4.37.5_7
  •  authenticator 4.3.1_5
  •  authoscope 0.8.1_7
  •  auto-admin
  •  autobackupmysql 1.4
  •  autobench 2.1.2_9
  •  autobook 1.5
  •  autocd 3.02.12b_3
  •  autoconf2.13 2.13
  •  autoconf2.69 2.69
  •  autoconf 2.71
  •  autoconf-archive 2022.09.03
  •  autoconf-switch 20220527
  •  autocutsel 0.10.1
  •  autodia 2.14_1
  •  autogen 5.18.16_4
  •  autojump 22.5.3_1
  •  automake 1.16.5
  •  automount 1.7.9
  •  automounter 1.5.1
  •  automuteus 7.2.7_12
  •  automx 0.10.2_3
  •  automysqlbackup 3.0.r6
  •  autopano-sift-C 2.5.1_10
  •  autorandr 1.12.1
  •  autorespond 2.0.5
  •  autoscan 1.4.0
  •  autossh 1.4g
  •  autotalent 0.2_1
  •  autotools 20220528
  •  autotrace 0.31.1_34
  •  autozen 2.1_8
  •  av1an 0.4.1_7
  •  avahi 0.8
  •  avahi-app 0.8_1
  •  avahi-autoipd 0.8_1
  •  avahi-gtk 0.8_1
  •  avahi-gtk3 0.8_1
  •  avahi-header 0.8_1
  •  avahi-libdns 0.8_1
  •  avahi-qt5 0.8_1
  •  avahi-sharp 0.8_1
  •  avalon-framework 4.2.0_2
  •  avanor 0.5.8
  •  avarice 2.14
  •  avce00 2.0.0
  •  avenger 0.8.5
  •  averiagwf 1.00_1
  •  avfs 1.1.4
  •  avida 2.12.4
  •  avidemux 2.8.1_2
  •  avidemux-cli 2.8.1_2
  •  avidemux-plugins 2.8.1_3
  •  avidemux-qt5 2.8.1_2
  •  aview 1.3.0.r1_7
  •  avir 3.0
  •  avis 1.2.0_1
  •  avldrums-lv2 0.7.2
  •  avogadro2 1.97.0_1
  •  avogadrolibs 1.97.0_3
  •  avoision 1.1_9
  •  avp 20170505_1
  •  avra 1.4.2
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  •  avr-gdb 7.3.1_6
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  •  avro-c 1.11.3
  •  avro-cpp 1.11.3
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  •  awele 1.0_4
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  •  awgg-gtk2
  •  awgg-qt5
  •  awka 0.7.5_1
  •  awless 0.1.11_17
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  •  aws-c-cal 0.6.2
  •  aws-c-common 0.9.41
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  •  aws-c-event-stream 0.3.21
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  •  aws-c-mqtt 0.9.6
  •  aws-crt-cpp 0.23.1
  •  aws-c-s3 0.3.17
  •  aws-c-sdkutils 0.1.12
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  •  aws-sdk-php81 3.273.3
  •  aws-sdk-php82 3.273.3
  •  aws-sdk-php83 3.273.3
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  •  axa 3.0.1_1
  •  axc 0.3.7
  •  axel
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  •  axmldec 1.2.0_9
  •  axom 0.7.0_1
  •  ayatana-ido 0.9.3_2
  •  aylet 0.5_7
  •  az-aspell 0.02.0_12
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  •  azpainterb 1.1.3_1
  •  azure-agent
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  •  b2sum 20190724_1
  •  b3sum 1.3.1_13
  •  b43-fwcutter 019
  •  b612 1.008
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  •  babeld 1.10_1
  •  babelflow 1.1.0_1
  •  babeltrace 1.5.7
  •  babl 0.1.106
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  •  backuppc 3.3.2_5
  •  backuppc4 4.4.0
  •  backuppc-devel
  •  backupuser 1.1.1
  •  bacon 2.13.0
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  •  bacula11-client-static 11.0.6_3
  •  bacula11-docs 11.0.6
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  •  bacula13-client-static 13.0.1_3
  •  bacula13-docs 13.0.1
  •  bacula13-server 13.0.1_3
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  •  bacula9-client-static 9.6.7_3
  •  bacula9-docs 9.6.7_1
  •  bacula9-server 9.6.7_3
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  •  bacula-web-php81 8.7.0_1
  •  bacula-web-php82 8.7.0_1
  •  bacula-web-php83 8.7.0_1
  •  baculum-api 11.0.6
  •  baculum-common 11.0.6
  •  baculum-web 11.0.6_1
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  •  bagel
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  •  baloo-widgets 23.08.1
  •  balsa 2.6.4
  •  bam 0.4.0
  •  bambootracker 0.6.3
  •  bamf 0.5.6_1
  •  bamp-lv2 g20210212
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  •  bangr-lv2 1.6.2
  •  banihstypos 0.2
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  •  bareos20-server 20.0.8
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  •  bareos21-server 21.1.7
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  •  bareos-server 22.0.3
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  •  barnyard2-sguil 1.13_6
  •  barony 3.3.7_2
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  •  barrier 2.4.0
  •  barrnap 0.9
  •  barvinok 0.41.7
  •  bas2tap 2.6
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  •  base91 0.6.0
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  •  bashc 5.1.8
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  •  bashtop 0.9.25_1
  •  basic256
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  •  bass 1.2_5
  •  bastet 0.43.2_6
  •  bastille 0.9.20220714
  •  bastillion 3.14.00
  •  basu 0.2.1
  •  bat 0.23.0_5
  •  batik 1.16
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  •  batterycat 1.6_1
  •  battmond 0.4_1
  •  battray 2.3_1
  •  batv-milter 0.5.0_2
  •  bayespam 0.9.2_1
  •  bazarr 1.3.0
  •  bazel029 0.29.0_2
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  •  bbappconf 0.0.2_2
  •  bbdate 0.2.4_3
  •  bbdb 3.2.2.a_6
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  •  bbdb-emacs_devel 3.2.2.a_6
  •  bbdb-emacs_devel_nox 3.2.2.a_6
  •  bbdb-emacs_nox 3.2.2.a_6
  •  bbdock 0.2.9_2
  •  bbe 0.2.2_2
  •  bbftp-client 3.2.1
  •  bbftp-server 3.2.1
  •  bbjd 1.01_1
  •  bbkeys 0.9.1_1
  •  bbmail 0.9.3
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  •  bbparse 0.1.0
  •  bbrun 1.6_14
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  •  bcf-score 1.16_1
  •  bcftools 1.17
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  •  bchoppr-lv2
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  •  bclock 1.0_2
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  •  bcpp 20230130
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  •  bdes 1993
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  •  bdfresize 1.5_2
  •  bdftopcf 1.1_2
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  •  beadm 1.3.5
  •  beadm-devel
  •  beancount 2.3.5
  •  beanie 0.8.2_1
  •  beansdb
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  •  bearssl 0.6
  •  be-aspell 0.01_12
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  •  beats8 8.8.2_2
  •  beav 1.40.18_3
  •  bedtools 2.31.0
  •  beebeep 5.8.4
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  •  beep 1.0_1
  •  beets 1.6.0_3
  •  beforelight 1.0.5_1
  •  beid 5.0.28_3
  •  belcard 5.2.94
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  •  belooted
  •  belr 5.2.94
  •  bemenu 0.6.15
  •  benchmark 1.8.3
  •  bencodetools g20221122
  •  Bento4 1.6.0_2
  •  beret 1.2.1
  •  BerkeleyGW 3.0.1_1
  •  bestfit 0.2.0
  •  bfbtester 2.0.1_1
  •  bfc g20150417
  •  bfe2 20030723_11
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  •  bfhist 0.4
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  •  bg-libreoffice
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  •  bg-mythes 4.3_1
  •  bgpq3 0.1.36
  •  bgpq4 1.11
  •  bgpuma 20151209_1
  •  bgrot 1.31
  •  bgs 0.8
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  •  bhyve+ 0.1.0
  •  bhyve-firmware 1.0_1
  •  bhyve-rc 4
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  •  bibtexconv 1.2.0
  •  bibutils 7.2
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  •  bicom 1.01
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  •  bigyear 200102261
  •  bijiben 40.1_5
  •  billardgl 1.75_2
  •  biloba 0.9.3_5
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  •  binaryen 116
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  •  bincimap 1.2.13_3
  •  binclock 1.5
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  •  bind918 9.18.19
  •  bind9-devel
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  •  bindgraph 0.3_1
  •  bindtest 1.56_1
  •  bind-tools 9.18.19
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  •  bingrep 0.11.0_6
  •  bingrok 0.0.1
  •  biniax2 1.30_9
  •  binkd 1.1.a.115
  •  bino 1.6.5_8
  •  binocle 0.3.1_5
  •  binutils 2.40_41
  •  binwalk 2.3.3
  •  bioawk 1.0.7
  •  biococoa 2.2.2_8
  •  biodiff 1.1.0_2
  •  biolibc 0.2.5
  •  biolibc-tools
  •  bio-mocha 1.16
  •  bioparser 3.1.0
  •  biorythm 1.1.4
  •  biosfont 1.3
  •  biosfont-demos 1.3
  •  biosig 2.5.2_1
  •  biosoup 0.11.0_1
  •  bip 0.9.0.r4
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  •  bird2 2.13.1
  •  bird2-netlink 2.13.1
  •  bird6 1.6.8
  •  birda 1.3
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  •  birdtray 1.11.4
  •  birthday 1.6.2
  •  bison 3.8.21
  •  bit 1.1.2_15
  •  bitchx 1.2.1_31
  •  bitcoin 25.0
  •  bitcoin-daemon 25.0
  •  bitcoin-utils 25.0
  •  bitedit 0.9.4
  •  bitefusion 1.0.2_3
  •  bitflu 1.52
  •  bitlbee 3.6_1
  •  bitlbee-discord
  •  bitlbee-facebook 1.2.21
  •  bitlbee-mastodon 1.4.5
  •  bitlbee-steam 1.4.2
  •  bitmap 1.0.9
  •  bitmap2pp 4.35.0_1
  •  bitmap-graphics-library g20181222_1
  •  bitmark 0.15.4_4
  •  bitmark-cli 0.15.4_4
  •  bitmark-daemon 0.15.4_4
  •  bitmark-recorder 0.15.4_4
  •  bitstream 1.5
  •  bitstream-vera 1.10_8
  •  bitter 2.1101
  •  bittwist 3.8
  •  bitwise 0.50
  •  bjumblr-lv2 1.6.8_1
  •  bkmrkconv 1.12
  •  bkpupsd 1.0a
  •  bksh 1.7
  •  bkt 0.7.1_1
  •  blackbox 0.70.1_7
  •  black-box 1.4.8_3
  •  blackbox_exporter 0.24.0_2
  •  black-hole-solver 1.12.0
  •  BlackjackClient 0.1_1
  •  blackout g20140730
  •  blackshadeselite 0.0.1_11
  •  blacs 1.7_39
  •  bladeRF 2023.02
  •  blahtexml 1.0
  •  blame
  •  blas 3.11.0_1
  •  blasfeo
  •  blaspp 2022.05.00_1
  •  blaze 3.8_2
  •  blazeiterative g20180409_13
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  •  blender-doc 3.5
  •  bless 0.6.3_31
  •  blind 1.1
  •  blinken 23.08.1
  •  blinkensisters-with-addons 0.5.3_17
  •  blis 0.9.0_2
  •  blisp g20230703
  •  bliss-graph-tool 0.73
  •  bliss-music-analyzer
  •  blitz 1.0.2_4
  •  bloaty 1.1_11
  •  blobby 1.1.11
  •  blobwars 2.00_1
  •  block 0.6
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  •  blockout 2.5_5
  •  blockrage 0.2.3_6
  •  blocksolve95 3.0_27
  •  blocky 0.22_1
  •  blogbench 1.1_1
  •  blokish 0.9.4_13
  •  bloodfrontier b2_12
  •  bloomberg-bde
  •  blop 0.2.8_2
  •  blt 2.5.3_6
  •  bluefish 2.2.14_1
  •  bluegps-linux 2.0
  •  bluej 4.2.2_1
  •  bluemoon 2.12
  •  blueprint-compiler 0.10.0_1
  •  blues g20220312
  •  bluez-firmware 1.2
  •  bmake 20230723
  •  bmd 2.1
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  •  bmd-plugin-hookcmd 2.1
  •  bmf 0.9.41
  •  bmfdec g20211007
  •  bmkdep 20140112
  •  bmon 4.0
  •  bmp2html 0.1_6
  •  bmpanel2 2.1.p1_2
  •  bn-aspell
  •  bnc 2.9.4
  •  bnf 1.6.10_1
  •  bn-freebsd-doc 202309241
  •  bn_IN-libreoffice
  •  bn-libreoffice
  •  boca 1.0.7
  •  bochs 2.7_12
  •  bodr 10
  •  boehm-gc 8.2.4
  •  boehm-gc-threaded 8.2.4
  •  bogofilter 1.2.5_3
  •  bogofilter-bdb 1.2.5_3
  •  bogofilter-kc 1.2.5_3
  •  bogofilter-sqlite 1.2.5_3
  •  bogosort 0.4.2_2
  •  boiling-egg 0.02_1
  •  boinc-client 7.20.2_4
  •  boinc_curses 0.2.3_1
  •  bo-libreoffice
  •  bolt 2.2.24
  •  bolt-lmm 2.3.6_6
  •  bombardier 1.2.6_2
  •  bomber 23.08.1
  •  bomberclone 0.11.9_3
  •  bomb-her-man 0.3_7
  •  bomns 0.99.3_3
  •  bonnie++ 1.98
  •  bonnie 2.0.6_1
  •  bonzomatic 2023.06.15
  •  bookworm 1.1.2_18
  •  boolector 3.2.2_2
  •  boops-lv2 1.8.2_1
  •  boost-all 1.83.0
  •  boost-build 4.10.1
  •  boost-docs 1.83.0
  •  boost-jam 1.83.0
  •  boost-libs 1.83.0
  •  boot-extract g20190614
  •  bootstrap-openjdk11
  •  bootstrap-openjdk17
  •  bootstrap-openjdk8 r450802_2
  •  bopm 3.1.3_3
  •  boringssl
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  •  bosh-bootloader 7.6.0_16
  •  bosh-cli 5.5.0_15
  •  bossa 1.9.1
  •  bosun 0.9.0_15
  •  botan2 2.19.3_5
  •  botan3 3.1.1
  •  bottlerocket 0.04c_2
  •  bottom 0.9.6_1
  •  bounce 1.0_8
  •  bouncycastle 1.45_2
  •  bouncycastle15 1.71
  •  bout++ 4.4.2_3
  •  bout++-merging-filaments g20200812_1
  •  bovo 23.08.1
  •  bowtie 1.3.1
  •  bowtie2 2.5.1
  •  box 0.4.0_2
  •  Box2D 2.4.1
  •  boxes 2.2.0_1
  •  boxfort 0.1.4
  •  bozohttpd 20210227
  •  bpatch 1.0_1
  •  bpft 4.20040506_1
  •  bpl+ 1.0_1
  •  bpython-py39 0.24
  •  bpytop 1.0.68_1
  •  braa 0.82
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  •  brainparty 0.61_3
  •  brainworkshop 5.0.2_1
  •  brasero 3.12.3_4
  •  br-aspell 0.50.21
  •  bredbandskollen 0.20190705_1
  •  brename 2.13.0_2
  •  BRiAl 1.2.11_1
  •  brickout 2002.06.09
  •  brickshooter 0.04_8
  •  brikx 0.4.5_9
  •  briquolo 0.5.7_16
  •  brisk-menu 0.6.2_1
  •  bristol 0.60.10_8
  •  brlaser 6.2
  •  brlcad 7.32.6
  •  br-libreoffice
  •  brogue 1.12
  •  brogue-nox11 1.12
  •  broot 1.26.1
  •  brotli 1.1.01
  •  browsh 1.8.0_1
  •  brumbrumrally 0.7
  •  brunsli 0.1_3
  •  brut 1.55_1
  •  brutalchess 0.5.2_16
  •  bruteblock 0.0.5_10
  •  brx-libreoffice
  •  brynet 1.12.2
  •  bs 2.11
  •  bschaffl-lv2 1.4.10_1
  •  bsdadminscripts2 0.4.2
  •  bsdbuild 3.1
  •  bsdcflow 0.0.6_1
  •  bsdconfig 0.9.0_1
  •  bsdconv 11.6
  •  bsdconv-opencc 11.5
  •  bsdcrashtar 0.1.3_1
  •  bsddialog 0.4.1
  •  bsd-diff 20120705_2
  •  bsdebfetch 1.1.b
  •  bsdec2-image-upload 1.4.6
  •  bsdfan g20180112
  •  bsdftpd-ssl 1.1.0_4
  •  bsdgames 0.75_12
  •  bsdhwmon 20151206
  •  bsdinfo 0.22_2
  •  bsdisks 0.30
  •  bsdnt 1.0_1
  •  bsdowl 2.2.1_4
  •  bsd-plotutils 1.4.2_2
  •  bsdrcmds 20171003.01
  •  bsdsfv 1.18
  •  bsd-spell 1.0.1
  •  bsd-splash-changer 060211
  •  bsdstats 7.0_3
  •  bsdtris 1.1_2
  •  bsequencer-lv2 1.8.10
  •  bsfilter 1.0.19_3
  •  bsh 2.1.1
  •  bshapr-lv2 0.13
  •  bs-libreoffice
  •  bslizr-lv2 1.2.16
  •  bsmtp 1.02_5
  •  bsmtrace 1.4_1
  •  bsmtrace3 3.1
  •  bsnmp-regex 0.6_2
  •  bsnmp-ucd 0.4.5
  •  bsod 0.1
  •  bsp 5.2
  •  bspwm 0.9.10
  •  bspwm-devel
  •  bstack 0.1_1
  •  bstone 1.1.9_3
  •  bsvc 2.4.6
  •  btanks 0.9.8083_10
  •  btcheck 2.1_1
  •  btllib 1.6.2
  •  btoa 5.2_11
  •  btop 1.2.13_1
  •  btor2tools g20190418
  •  btparse 0.35_1
  •  btpd 0.16_3
  •  btsixad 0.1.1
  •  bubble-chains 0.2.0_1
  •  bucklespring 1.5.1
  •  buddy 2.4_2
  •  budgie 10.8
  •  budgie-backgrounds 2.0
  •  budgie-control-center 1.3.0_1
  •  budgie-desktop 10.8.1
  •  budgie-desktop-view 1.2.1_1
  •  budgie-screensaver 5.1.0
  •  buffer 1.19
  •  bugsquish 0.0.6_13
  •  bugsx 1.08_2
  •  bugzilla2atom
  •  bugzilla44 4.4.13_2
  •  bugzilla50 5.0.4_3
  •  buici-clock
  •  build 0.3.10
  •  build2 0.16.0
  •  buildkite-agent 3.47.0_2
  •  buku 4.8
  •  bulk_extractor 2.0.3
  •  bulk_mailer 1.13_1
  •  bullet 3.25
  •  bullet-double 3.25
  •  bumprace 1.5.8_1
  •  bunyan 0.1.9_7
  •  bupstash 0.12.0_8
  •  burgerspace 1.9.5
  •  burp 2.4.0
  •  burp-devel 3.1.4
  •  burrtools 0.6.3_24
  •  busybee 0.7.0
  •  busybox 1.36.1_1
  •  butt 0.1.27_3
  •  butterfly 2.0.1_1
  •  buzhug 1.8_1
  •  bvi 1.4.2
  •  bvm 1.3.3
  •  bwa 0.7.17_1
  •  bwbasic 3.20
  •  bwidget 1.9.16
  •  bwm-ng 0.6.3
  •  bwping 2.5
  •  byacc 20230521
  •  byaccj 1.15
  •  byobu 5.133_2
  •  bzflag 2.4.26_1
  •  bzflag-server 2.4.26_1
  •  bzip 0.21_1
  •  bzip2 1.0.8
  •  bzip3 1.3.2
  •  bzrtp 5.2.94
  •  c 0.14
  •  c2html 0.9.6
  •  c2man 2.0.42
  •  c2mdoc 20040302_1
  •  c2ps 4.0_4
  •  c3270 4.2_1
  •  c3p0
  •  c4core 0.1.8
  •  c64bdf 1.0_4
  •  ca-aspell
  •  cabextract 1.11
  •  cacti 1.2.23_1
  •  cacti88-spine 0.8.8h
  •  cadabra2
  •  cadaver 0.23.3_4
  •  caddy 2.7.4_1
  •  cadence 0.9.2_4
  •  cadical 1.6.0
  •  cado-nfs
  •  cadubi 1.3.4
  •  caesarcipher 1.1
  •  caffe 1.0.136_3
  •  cage 0.1.5
  •  cagebreak 2.2.1
  •  c-a-i-r 2.19
  •  cairo 1.17.4_23
  •  cairo-clock 0.3.4_4
  •  cairo-dock 3.4.1_10
  •  cairo-dock-plugins 3.4.1_13
  •  cairo-language 2.2.0_1
  •  cairomm 1.12.2_6
  •  caja 1.26.1_3
  •  caja-extensions 1.26.0_5
  •  cake 2005.12.26_14
  •  cal3d 0.11.1
  •  cal 4.1
  •  calamares 3.2.61_3
  •  calamaris 2.59_2
  •  calamaris-devel
  •  calc
  •  calcium 0.4.1_1
  •  calcmysky 0.3.1
  •  calcoo 1.3.18_8
  •  calculix 2.21
  •  CalculiX-ccx 2.21
  •  calcurse 4.8.1
  •  caldavzap 0.13.1_1
  •  calendar 0.9.3
  •  calendar-data 2022.11
  •  calendarsupport 23.08.1
  •  calf-lv2
  •  calibrator 0.9
  •  calibre 6.27.0
  •  ca-libreoffice
  •  calife 3.0.6_1
  •  calindori 1.4_3
  •  caliper 2.10.0
  •  calligra 3.2.1_59
  •  calligraplan 3.3.0_4
  •  cam 1.02
  •  camerakit 0.0.1_15
  •  CAMotics 1.3.0_2
  •  camserv 0.5.1_211
  •  candycrisis 3.0.1
  •  caneda 0.3.1
  •  cannonball 0.34_2
  •  canta-gtk-themes 2021.09.08_1
  •  canta-icon-theme 2020.05.17
  •  cantarell-fonts 0.301
  •  cantata 2.5.0_3
  •  cantera 3.0.0
  •  cantor 23.08.1
  •  canu 2.2_3
  •  caph 1.1_6
  •  capnproto 0.10.3
  •  capnproto080 0.8.0
  •  capslock 0.1.1
  •  caps-lv2 g20200529
  •  caps-plugins 0.4.5_1
  •  capstone4 4.0.2_1
  •  capstone 5.0.1_1
  •  carbonapi 0.14.1_15
  •  carbon-relay-ng 0.10.0_1
  •  carbonzipper 0.74_14
  •  cardinal 22.05_2
  •  cardioid g20211026_1
  •  cardpeek 0.8.4_1
  •  cardpics 0.4
  •  c-ares 1.19.1
  •  cargo-audit 0.17.6_3
  •  cargo-bloat 0.11.1_6
  •  cargo-c 0.9.24_2
  •  cargo-depgraph 1.5.0_1
  •  cargo-generate 0.18.4
  •  CaribbeanStud 1.0_3
  •  caribou 0.4.21_6
  •  Carla 2.5.7
  •  caronade 0.6.1_7
  •  ca_root_nss 3.93
  •  cartotheque 0.1_12
  •  casadi 3.6.0_2
  •  cascade 1.4
  •  cascade-compiler g20200105.1
  •  cascadia-code 2111.01
  •  cask 0.8.3_12
  •  cask-emacs_canna 0.8.3_12
  •  cask-emacs_devel 0.8.3_12
  •  cask-emacs_devel_nox 0.8.3_12
  •  cask-emacs_nox 0.8.3_12
  •  cassandra3 3.11.14
  •  cassandra4 4.0.8
  •  cassandra-cpp-driver 2.17.0
  •  casstcl 2.16.1
  •  cast2gif
  •  castget
  •  castxml 0.6.1
  •  cataclysm-dda 0.g_11
  •  cataclysm-dda-tiles 0.g_11
  •  catapult 18.0_2
  •  catatonit 0.1.7_2
  •  catch 2.13.10
  •  catch2 3.4.0
  •  catclock g20200328
  •  catdoc 0.95
  •  catdvi 0.14_7
  •  catesc 0.6_1
  •  catfish 4.18.0
  •  catgirl 2.1_3
  •  catimg 2.7.0
  •  catseye-fm
  •  catsit 1.4
  •  cava 0.7.4_2
  •  ca_valencia-libreoffice
  •  cave9 0.4.1.git20150408_2
  •  cavezofphear 0.6.1
  •  cawbird 1.5_1
  •  cayley 0.7.7_5
  •  cbang 1.8.0_2
  •  cbfmt 0.2.0_7
  •  cblas 3.11.0_1
  •  c-blosc 1.21.0
  •  c-blosc2 2.10.4
  •  cbrowser 0.8_4
  •  cbsd 14.0.0
  •  cbsd-mq-api 0.3_14
  •  cbsd-mq-router 0.2_15
  •  cbviewer 0.8_3
  •  cc65 2.19
  •  ccache 3.7.12_4
  •  ccache4 4.8
  •  ccache-static 3.7.12_4
  •  cccc 3.2.0
  •  ccd2iso 0.9_1
  •  ccdoc 0.8r41
  •  ccid 1.5.1
  •  cciss_vol_status 1.12a
  •  ccl 1.12_2
  •  cclient 2007f_51
  •  ccls 0.20230115
  •  ccmath 2.2.1_3
  •  ccmix g20170612_2
  •  ccrtp 2.1.2
  •  ccrypt 1.11
  •  ccsrch 1.0.3_1
  •  cctz 2.2_3
  •  ccxstream 1.0.15_4
  •  ccze 0.2.1_5
  •  cdargs 1.35
  •  cdash 2.2.3_2
  •  cdb 0.75
  •  cdbfasta 2023.07.10
  •  cdbkup 1.0_3
  •  cddb-bundle 0.2_12
  •  cd-discid 0.9
  •  cddlib 0.94m
  •  cde 2.5.1_5
  •  cde-25 2.5.1_5
  •  cdecl 13.1
  •  cde-devel 2023.08.16_2
  •  cdeploy 0.2.1
  •  cdf3 3.8.0_1
  •  cd-hit 4.8.1_3
  •  cdialog 1.3.202302092
  •  cdif 2.14.20170401
  •  cdircmp 0.3
  •  cdk 5.0.201612101
  •  cdk-chemistry 2.7.1
  •  cdlabelgen 4.3.0
  •  cdo 2.2.2
  •  cdogs-sdl 1.5.0
  •  cdparanoia 3.9.8_10
  •  cdpd
  •  cdpr 2.4
  •  cdpsnarf 0.1.6_1
  •  cdrdao 1.2.5
  •  cdrkit 1.1.11_2
  •  cdrkit-genisoimage 1.1.11_2
  •  cdroot 1.2.6
  •  cdrtools 2023.09.28_1
  •  cego 2.48.29
  •  cegobridge 1.6.4
  •  cegui 0.8.7_19
  •  celestia-glut 1.6.1_14
  •  celestia-gtk 1.6.1_14
  •  celluloid 0.26
  •  cemu 1.3_1
  •  cenon 4.0.2_61
  •  centerim 4.22.10_6
  •  centreon-clib 21.04.4
  •  cereal 1.3.2_1
  •  ceres-solver 2.2.0.r1
  •  certmgr 3.0.3_15
  •  cervisia 23.08.1
  •  ceylon 1.3.3
  •  cf 6.49.0_15
  •  cfdg 3.4.1_3
  •  cfengine320 3.20.0
  •  cfengine321 3.21.2
  •  cfengine 3.22.0
  •  cfengine322 3.22.0
  •  cfengine-devel 3.2023.09.26
  •  cfengine-masterfiles320 3.20.0
  •  cfengine-masterfiles321 3.21.2
  •  cfengine-masterfiles 3.22.0
  •  cfengine-masterfiles322 3.22.0
  •  cfengine-masterfiles-devel 3.2023.09.22
  •  cfiles 1.8.6_28
  •  cfitsio 4.3.0
  •  cflow 2.0_1
  •  cflow2vcg 0.5_1
  •  cfortran 4.3
  •  cfr 0.152
  •  cfs 1.5.0
  •  cfssl 1.6.4_2
  •  cg 0.4
  •  cg3 1.3.6_6
  •  cgal 5.5.1_1
  •  cgdb 0.8.0
  •  cgicc 3.2.19_2
  •  cgichk 2.60_1
  •  cgif 0.3.2
  •  cgiirc 0.5.12
  •  cgilib 0.7_1
  •  cgi-lib 1.4_1
  •  cgi-lib_pl 2.18_1
  •  cgit 1.2.3
  •  cgiwrap 4.1
  •  cglm 0.9.1
  •  cgnslib 4.4.01
  •  cgoban 1.9.14_4
  •  cgprof 1.2_4
  •  cgribex 1.9.4_3
  •  ch 7.0.0_1
  •  chaco 2.2
  •  chafa 1.12.5_3
  •  ChaiScript 6.1.0_3
  •  chamfer s20230310
  •  chaoskube 0.28.0_3
  •  chaosreader 0.96
  •  chapping 0.43_14
  •  CharisSIL 6.200
  •  CharisSILCompact 4.114_2
  •  charls 2.4.2
  •  charmtimetracker 1.12.0_7
  •  chart 3.0.0_15
  •  charva 1.1.4_6
  •  chatgpt-shell-cli g20230516
  •  chatgpt-shell-cli-nox11 g20230516
  •  chatterino2 2.4.1_1
  •  cheat 4.4.0_8
  •  check 0.15.2
  •  checkbashisms 2.22.2
  •  checkbot 1.80_2
  •  checkheaders 1.0.1_1
  •  check_ipmi_sensor 3.10
  •  check_logfiles 4.1.1
  •  CheckM 1.2.0_1
  •  checkmate 0.21
  •  check_mk_agent 2.1.0.p22
  •  checkmol 0.5_14
  •  check_multi 0.26_1
  •  check_mysql_health 2.2.2
  •  check_nwc_health 11.0.1
  •  checkpassword 0.90
  •  checkpassword-pam 0.99_1
  •  checkrestart 0.5.0_1
  •  check_ssl_cert 2.75.0
  •  check_ups_health
  •  cheese 41.1_3
  •  chef 19930426
  •  chemicalfun 0.1.8_1
  •  chemical-mime-data 0.1.94_10
  •  CheMPS2 1.8.12_3
  •  chems 0.x04_1
  •  chemtool 1.6.14_4
  •  chemtool-devel 1.7.20050716_12
  •  cherrytree 1.0.2
  •  chessx 1.6.0
  •  chexedit 0.9.7_2
  •  chezmoi 2.40.0
  •  chez-scheme 9.6.2
  •  chgrep 1.2.4
  •  chiapos 1.0.3
  •  chibi-scheme 0.10.0
  •  chicago95
  •  chicken 5.3.01
  •  chilitags
  •  chillispot 1.0_13
  •  chimes-calculator 1.0.2_1
  •  ChipmunkPhysics 7.0.1_2
  •  chip-seq 0.1.2
  •  chipvault 200607
  •  chirp-py39 20230731
  •  chisel 1.9.1_1
  •  chkascii 2.4
  •  chkrootkit 0.58b
  •  chmlib 0.40_1
  •  chmview 2.0b4_2
  •  chntpw 140201
  •  chocolate-doom 3.0.1_1
  •  chomsky 2.3
  •  choose 1.3.4_5
  •  choparp 20150613
  •  choqok 1.7.0_7
  •  chordpack 0.8.1_2
  •  choria 0.27.0_3
  •  chpasswd 2.2.4_1
  •  chpp 0.3.5_7
  •  chroma 1.20
  •  chromaprint
  •  chroma-syntax-highlighter 0.9.2_15
  •  chrome-gnome-shell 10.1_2
  •  chromium 117.0.5938.149
  •  chromium-bsu
  •  chromono 1.1.1
  •  chrono-physics-simulation-engine 8.0.0_3
  •  chrono-time-tracking
  •  chrony 4.4
  •  chrony-lite 4.4
  •  chroot_safe 1.4_1
  •  chrootuid 1.3
  •  chrpath 0.16
  •  chruby 0.3.9
  •  chryzodus 0.32_4
  •  chu 0.1.29
  •  chuffed 0.12.1
  •  chyves 0.2.0
  •  c-icap 0.5.10_12
  •  c-icap-modules 0.5.5_1
  •  cidr 2.3.2_1
  •  cif-tools 1.0.9
  •  cil 1.7.3_3
  •  cim 3.37_2
  •  cimg 3.3.03
  •  cimod 1.5.1
  •  cineencoder 3.5.5_1
  •  cingb 0.32_1
  •  cinnamon 5.4.9_3
  •  cinnamon-control-center 5.4.6_2
  •  cinnamon-desktop 5.4.2_3
  •  cinnamon-menus 5.4.0
  •  cinnamon-screensaver 5.4.2_2
  •  cinnamon-session 5.4.0_2
  •  cinnamon-settings-daemon 5.4.4_3
  •  cinnamon-translations 5.4.2
  •  cinny 2.2.6
  •  circuslinux 1.0.3_14
  •  cirrus-cli 0.105.1
  •  ciscoconf 1.1
  •  ciso 1.0.0_2
  •  ciso-maker 1.02
  •  citra-qt5 s20220902_2
  •  citra s20220902_3
  •  cityhash 1.1.1_1
  •  civetweb 1.15
  •  cjdns 21.1_1
  •  cjose 0.6.1_2
  •  cjs 5.4.1_1
  •  ck4up 1.4_1
  •  ckb-libreoffice
  •  ckeditor 4.21.0
  •  ckpass 0.2
  •  cksfv 1.3.15
  •  clad 1.2
  •  cl-alexandria 1.21
  •  cl-alexandria-sbcl 1.2_271
  •  clamassassin 1.2.4_7
  •  clamav 1.2.0_11
  •  clamav-lts 1.0.3_11
  •  clamav-unofficial-sigs 7.2.5_2
  •  clamd-stream-client 1.3
  •  clamfs 1.2.0_3
  •  clamsmtp 1.10_5
  •  clamtk 6.14_1
  •  clapper 0.5.2_3
  •  cl-asdf
  •  clash 1.17.0_2
  •  clasp 3.3.9
  •  classiclooks 2.2.0_1
  •  claws-mail 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-acpi_notifier 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-address_keeper 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-archive 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-attachwarner 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-att_remover 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-bogofilter 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-bsfilter 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-clamd 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-dillo 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-fetchinfo 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-gdata 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-keyword_warner 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-libravatar 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-litehtml_viewer 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-mailmbox 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-managesieve 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-newmail 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-notification 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-pdf_viewer 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-perl 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-pgp 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-plugins 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-rssyl 3.19.14
  •  claws-mail-spamassassin 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-spam_report 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-themes 20140629
  •  claws-mail-tnef_parse 3.19.1
  •  claws-mail-vcalendar 3.19.1
  •  clazy 1.11_2
  •  cl-babel 2010.01.16_2
  •  cl-babel-sbcl 2010.01.16_78
  •  clblas 2.10_15
  •  clblast 1.1.0_4
  •  cl-cffi 0.16.1
  •  cl-clx
  •  cl-clx-sbcl
  •  cld2 20150505
  •  CLDR 43.0
  •  cldr-emoji-annotation
  •  clean 3.4
  •  cleanfeed 20200402
  •  cleanfeed-current 20200402
  •  cleanup-maildir 0.3.1
  •  clearlooks 0.6.2_14
  •  clearlooks-metacity 2.0_7
  •  clearlooks-phenix-theme 7.0.1
  •  clearlooks-themes 0.6.2_14
  •  clearlooks-themes-extras 0.6_9
  •  clearsans 1.00_2
  •  clearsilver 0.10.5_1
  •  clewn 1.14_3
  •  clex 4.7
  •  clfft 2.12.2_1
  •  clhep
  •  cli11 2.3.2
  •  cli 2.1.0
  •  cli53 0.8.22_4
  •  clickhouse
  •  clifm 1.14.6
  •  clig
  •  cligen 6.3.0
  •  c-lightning 23.08
  •  climm 0.7.1_12
  •  cl-infix 19960628_3
  •  cl-infix-sbcl 19960628_82
  •  clinfo
  •  cling 0.5.2018.08.13_12
  •  clingcon 5.2.0
  •  clingo 5.6.2
  •  clipcat 0.5.0_7
  •  cliphist 0.4.0_3
  •  clipit 1.4.5_1
  •  clipman 1.6.2_2
  •  clipmenu 6.2.0
  •  clipnotify
  •  clipp 1.2.3_1
  •  clipper 2.1.20180802_4
  •  clips 6.30
  •  cliquer 1.22
  •  clisp 2.49.93+_5
  •  clisp-hyperspec 7.0
  •  cli-visualizer 1.8.27_3
  •  cl-lml 2.5.7_2
  •  cl-lml-sbcl 2.5.7_77
  •  cl-md5 1.8.5_1
  •  cl-md5-sbcl 1.8.5_79
  •  cl-meta 0.1_31
  •  cl-meta-sbcl 0.1_801
  •  cln 1.3.6
  •  cloak 0.3.0_15
  •  cloc 1.98
  •  clockspeed 0.62_5
  •  clog 1.6
  •  clojure
  •  clojure-cider 1.7.0_6
  •  clojure-cider-emacs_canna 1.7.0_6
  •  clojure-cider-emacs_devel 1.7.0_6
  •  clojure-cider-emacs_devel_nox 1.7.0_6
  •  clojure-cider-emacs_nox 1.7.0_6
  •  clojure-mode.el 5.11.0_111
  •  clojure-mode.el-emacs_canna 5.11.0_111
  •  clojure-mode.el-emacs_devel 5.11.0_111
  •  clojure-mode.el-emacs_devel_nox 5.11.0_111
  •  clojure-mode.el-emacs_nox 5.11.0_111
  •  clone 1.0.8
  •  clonehdd 2.0.3_1
  •  cloog 0.21.1
  •  closql 1.2.1_6
  •  closql-devel
  •  closql-devel-emacs_canna
  •  closql-devel-emacs_devel
  •  closql-devel-emacs_devel_nox
  •  closql-devel-emacs_nox
  •  closql-emacs_canna 1.2.1_6
  •  closql-emacs_devel 1.2.1_6
  •  closql-emacs_devel_nox 1.2.1_6
  •  closql-emacs_nox 1.2.1_6
  •  closure-compiler 20220601
  •  cloudabi 0.19
  •  cloudabi-toolchain 1.11_2
  •  cloudabi-utils 0.38_2
  •  cloudcompare 2.12.4_6
  •  cloudflared 2023.8.2_1
  •  cloudquery 0.32.0_2
  •  clover 22.3.7
  •  clpbar 1.11.1
  •  clpeak 1.1.2
  •  cl-port 2002.10.02.1_3
  •  cl-port-sbcl 2002.10.02.1_80
  •  cl-ppcre 2.1.1
  •  cl-ppcre-sbcl 2.1.1_28
  •  clrng 1.0.0.b_3
  •  cl-split-sequence 20011114.1_2
  •  cl-split-sequence-sbcl 20011114.1_79
  •  clsync 0.4.r2_2
  •  clthreads 2.4.2_1
  •  cl-trivial-features 2010.01.16_1
  •  cl-trivial-features-sbcl 2010.01.16_79
  •  cl-trivial-gray-streams 2008.11.02_1
  •  cl-trivial-gray-streams-sbcl 2008.11.02_79
  •  cltune 2.7.0_2
  •  clucene
  •  clunk 1.3.261_1
  •  clustal-omega 1.2.4
  •  clustalw 2.1_3
  •  cluster-glue 1.0.12_6
  •  clusterit 2.5
  •  clusterssh 4.16
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  •  clutter-gst 2.0.18_2
  •  clutter-gst3 3.0.27_2
  •  clutter-gtk3 1.8.4_2
  •  cluttermm 1.17.3_5
  •  clxclient 3.9.2
  •  cm 0.4.2
  •  cmake 3.26.1
  •  cmake-core 3.26.1_3
  •  cmake-doc 3.26.1_1
  •  cmake-fedora 2.9.2
  •  cmake-gui-qt5 3.26.1_1
  •  cmake-gui-qt6 3.26.1_1
  •  cmake-man 3.26.1
  •  cmake-modules-webos 1.0.b
  •  cmark 0.30.2
  •  cmatrix 2.0
  •  cmdftp 0.9.8
  •  cmdpack 1.06
  •  cmdwatch 0.2.0_2
  •  cmh 1.1.1_3
  •  cminpack 1.3.6_5
  •  cmios9 2.1
  •  cmlib 3.0_9
  •  cmocka 1.1.5
  •  cmockery2 1.3.8
  •  cmogstored 1.8.1
  •  cmospwd 5.1
  •  cmph 2.0_1
  •  cmrt 1.0.6_2
  •  cmrtlib 20.1.1
  •  cmt 1.16_1
  •  cmunge 1.0_2
  •  cmus 2.10.0_6
  •  cnagios-nagios3 0.33_1
  •  cnagios-nagios4 0.33_1
  •  cncli 5.3.2_4
  •  cnd 0.7_1
  •  cnews cr.g_20
  •  c-nocem 3.7_4
  •  cntlm 0.92.3
  •  cobalt-site-generator 0.19.0_2
  •  coccigrep 1.20
  •  coccinella 0.96.20_2
  •  coccinelle 1.1.1
  •  cockroach 19.1.11_15
  •  cocoalib 0.99800
  •  cocogitto 5.5.0_1
  •  cocor 1.7_3
  •  cocot 20120313_1
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  •  codeblocks 20.03_7
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  •  codeigniter 3.1.13
  •  code-minimap 0.6.4_5
  •  codequery 0.26.0
  •  code_saturne 8.0.0
  •  codesearch 1.1.0_14
  •  codespell 2.2.5
  •  codeville 0.1.18
  •  codeworker 4.5.3
  •  coeurl 0.3.0_1
  •  coffeebreak 0.1.1
  •  coffeescript 2.7.0_1
  •  cogl 1.22.8_1
  •  Coin 4.0.0_4
  •  CoinMP 1.8.4_9
  •  coin-or-alps 2.0.2
  •  coin-or-asl 2.0.0
  •  coin-or-bcps 0.99.2_2
  •  coin-or-bonmin 1.8.9_2
  •  coin-or-cbc 2.10.10_2
  •  coin-or-cgl 0.60.7
  •  coin-or-cgl-conic
  •  coin-or-Clp 1.17.8
  •  coin-or-CoinUtils 2.11.9_1
  •  coin-or-couenne 0.5.8_11
  •  coin-or-cppad 20230000.0_1
  •  coin-or-creme g20210114
  •  coin-or-csdp 6.2.0_1
  •  coin-or-Data-Netlib 1.2.9
  •  coin-or-Data-Sample 1.2.12
  •  coin-or-Data-Stochastic 1.1.7
  •  coin-or-disco
  •  coin-or-flopc++
  •  coin-or-gravity 1.1.20220309_2
  •  coin-or-highs 1.5.3_1
  •  coin-or-hsl 2.2.1_1
  •  coin-or-lemon 1.3.1_4
  •  coin-or-metis 1.3.10_1
  •  coin-or-mumps 3.0.3_2
  •  coin-or-Osi 0.108.8
  •  coin-or-osi-conic 1.0.0_1
  •  coin-or-osiipopt 0.1.8_2
  •  coin-or-qpOASES 3.2.1_7
  •  coin-or-rehearse g20190305_1
  •  coin-or-symphony 5.7.1
  •  cointop 1.6.10_14
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  •  collectd5 5.12.0_9
  •  colly 2.1.0_14
  •  colm
  •  colobot 0.2.0_7
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  •  colord 1.4.6
  •  colord-gtk 0.3.0_1
  •  colordiff 1.0.21
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  •  colorize 0.3.4_3
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  •  colpack
  •  colt 1.2.0_1
  •  columns 1.2b_9
  •  colwide 0.01
  •  CombBLAS 2.0.0_1
  •  comfortaa-ttf 3.001_1
  •  comic-neue 2.51
  •  commit-mono 1.135
  •  commit-patch 2.6
  •  commoncpp 1.8.1_32
  •  compat10x-amd64 10.4.1004000.20181014
  •  compat11x-amd64 11.2.1102000.20181014
  •  compat12x-amd64 12.2.1202000.20210406
  •  compat4x-i386 5.3_11
  •  compat5x-amd64
  •  compat6x-amd64 6.4.604000.200810_3
  •  compat7x-amd64 7.4.704000.201310.1
  •  compat8x-amd64 8.4.804000.20151116
  •  compat9x-amd64 9.3.903000.20170608
  •  compat.el
  •  compat.el-emacs_canna
  •  compat.el-emacs_devel
  •  compat.el-emacs_devel_nox
  •  compat.el-emacs_nox
  •  compiler-rt 0.r131639
  •  compiz 0.8.8_15
  •  compiz-bcop 0.8.8_2
  •  compiz-plugins-extra 0.8.8_12
  •  compiz-plugins-main 0.8.8_11
  •  compiz-plugins-unsupported 0.8.8_10
  •  compton 20160907_7
  •  compton-conf 0.16.0_1
  •  comrak 0.18.0_2
  •  comserv 1.4.4
  •  conan 2.0.10
  •  conauto 2.03
  •  concentration 1.2_12
  •  concordance 1.5
  •  concorde 20031219
  •  concourse 6.7.2_14
  •  concourse-fly 6.7.1_14
  •  concurrencpp 0.1.7
  •  concurrencykit 0.6.0
  •  concurrentqueue 1.0.4
  •  conduit 0.8.8
  •  cone 1.12
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  •  confget 5.1.0
  •  configkit 0.4.20080902
  •  confregdecode 1.2.1_3
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  •  conky-awesome 1.19.4
  •  conkyforecast 2.24
  •  conman 0.3.0
  •  conmon 2.1.7_5
  •  connectagram 1.3.4_1
  •  connectfive 1.0.2_9
  •  cons 2.2.0_3
  •  conserver-com 8.2.7
  •  consolamono-ttf 20130127_2
  •  consolehm 1.31_1
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  •  cons-test 2.2.0_4
  •  construo 0.2.3_2
  •  consul 1.16.2
  •  consul-alerts 0.6.0_14
  •  consul_exporter 0.3.0_14
  •  consul-replicate 0.4.0_14
  •  consul-template 0.33.0_1
  •  containerd 1.7.6
  •  container-diff 0.17.0_15
  •  containernetworking-plugins 0.4_1
  •  containers-common 0.55.3
  •  contractor 0.3.5
  •  controllermap 2.28.2
  •  convco 0.4.2_1
  •  converseen
  •  convertall 0.8.0_7
  •  convey 0.3_3
  •  convmv 2.05
  •  cooledit 4.1.2
  •  coolmail 1.3_3
  •  coolreader 3.2.59
  •  cool-retro-term 1.1.1_2
  •  coordgenlibs 3.0.2
  •  coovachilli 1.0.12_1
  •  coppermine 1.6.25_1
  •  copperspice 1.7.4_3
  •  copperspice-examples 1.7.4_3
  •  cops 1.04_1
  •  copyq-qt5 7.1.0
  •  copyq-qt6 7.1.0
  •  copytape 1.0
  •  coq 8.6_193
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  •  coq-emacs_devel 8.6_193
  •  coq-emacs_devel_nox 8.6_193
  •  coq-emacs_nox 8.6_193
  •  coredns 1.11.1_1
  •  coregarage 4.3.0_2
  •  coreos-ct 0.9.0_14
  •  coreos-etcd 2.3.8_20
  •  coreos-etcd31 3.1.20_19
  •  coreos-etcd32 3.2.32_17
  •  coreos-etcd33 3.3.23_16
  •  coreos-etcd34 3.4.18_17
  •  coreterminal 4.3.0_3
  •  coreutils 9.1
  •  corkscrew 2.0_1
  •  coronapoker 4.33
  •  corosync2 2.4.6
  •  corosync3 3.1.7
  •  corrade 2020.06.1214_1
  •  corrupter 1.0_14
  •  corsixth 0.67
  •  cosma 2.6.2_1
  •  cosmoplayer 2.1.1_2
  •  cosmosmash 1.4.8
  •  costa 2.2_2
  •  couchdb3 3.3.2
  •  countdown 20150606
  •  countrycodes 1.0.6
  •  courier 1.1.11
  •  courier-analog 0.21
  •  courier-authlib 0.72.0
  •  courier-authlib-base 0.72.0
  •  courier-authlib-ldap 0.72.0
  •  courier-authlib-mysql 0.72.0
  •  courier-authlib-pgsql 0.72.0
  •  courier-authlib-sqlite 0.72.0
  •  courier-authlib-userdb 0.72.0
  •  courier-authlib-usergdbm 0.72.0
  •  courier-authlib-vchkpw 0.72.0
  •  couriergraph 20060202_6
  •  courier-imap 5.2.52
  •  courierpassd 1.1.2
  •  courierpasswd 1.1.3
  •  courier-prime g20180831_1
  •  courier-sox 0.17
  •  courier-unicode 2.2.6
  •  courieruserinfo 1.1.2
  •  coursier 1.1.0.m12
  •  covtool 2.1_11
  •  cowpatty 4.8
  •  cowrie 2.5.0
  •  cowsay 3.04_2
  •  coxeter 3.1.20210124
  •  coyim 0.3.11_19
  •  cozette 1.22.2
  •  cp2k 2022.2_1
  •  cp2k-data 2022.2
  •  cpan-upload 2.2_2
  •  cpan-upload-http 2.4_1
  •  cparser 0.9.14
  •  cpdup 1.22
  •  cpeditor 6.10.3
  •  cpipe 3.0.2
  •  cplanet 0.9_2
  •  cpmtools 1.1_2
  •  cpmtools2 2.24
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  •  cppdb 0.3.1_2
  •  cpp-hocon 0.3.0_5
  •  cpp-httplib 0.14.0
  •  cppi 1.18_1
  •  cpplint 1.6.1
  •  cpp-netlib 0.13.0_6
  •  cpp-pcp-client 1.7.7_5
  •  cpp-peglib 1.8.4
  •  cpprestsdk 2.10.18
  •  cpptest 2.0.0_1
  •  cpptoml 0.1.1
  •  cppunit 1.15.1
  •  cppurses 0.3.5
  •  cpputest 4.0
  •  cpp-utilities 5.24.1
  •  cppzmq 4.9.0
  •  cpr 1.10.4
  •  cproto 4.7k
  •  cptutils 1.77
  •  cpuburn 1.4_3
  •  cpu_features 0.7.0
  •  cpufetch 1.04
  •  cpuid2cpuflags 12
  •  cpuid 3.3_7
  •  cpuid-etallen 20230120
  •  cpulimit 2.2
  •  cpu-microcode 1.0
  •  cpu-microcode-amd 20230808
  •  cpu-microcode-intel 20230808
  •  cpu-microcode-rc 1.0
  •  cpuminer 2.5.1_1
  •  cpupdate g20180513_5
  •  cpu_rec_rs 1.0.0_2
  •  cpu-x 4.5.3
  •  cpu-x-tuionly 4.5.3
  •  cqrlog-gtk2 2.5.2_4
  •  cqrlog-qt5 2.5.2_4
  •  cquery 20180718_7
  •  crack-attack 1.1.14_18
  •  cracklib 2.9.7_1
  •  crackpkcs12 0.2.11
  •  craft 1.0_10
  •  crafty 25.2_1
  •  cramfs 1.1_1
  •  crashme 2.4_1
  •  crashtest 1.1_4
  •  crate 0.1.3_2
  •  crawl 0.4_14
  •  crc32c 1.1.2
  •  cream 0.43
  •  create-cert 2.10
  •  create-rb-port 0.0.3
  •  createtorrent 1.1.4
  •  credis 0.2.3
  •  creduce 2.11.0.l13.g202201171
  •  cretan-hubris 0.2_7
  •  crex 0.2.5_2
  •  cricket 1.0.5_12
  •  crimson-fields 0.5.3_5
  •  crispy-doom 6.0_1
  •  critcl 3.2
  •  criterion 2.4.2_1
  •  criticalmass 1.5.0_31
  •  crlfuzz 1.4.1_15
  •  crlibm 1.0.b4_2
  •  crm114 20100106_6
  •  crmsh 4.3.1
  •  croc 9.6.5_2
  •  cronic 3
  •  cronolog 1.6.2_6
  •  cronolog-devel 1.7.1_1
  •  croscorefonts 1.31.0_2
  •  crosextrafonts-caladea 20130214_4
  •  crosextrafonts-carlito 20130920_4
  •  crossfire-client 1.75.2_1
  •  crossip 1.2_5
  •  crosti 1.14.0_2
  •  crowdsec 1.5.4
  •  crowdsec-blocklist-mirror 0.0.2_2
  •  crowdsec-firewall-bouncer 0.0.27_2
  •  crow-translate 2.10.10
  •  crrcsim 0.9.13_3
  •  crunch 3.6
  •  crw 1.03_3
  •  cryptcat 1.2.11
  •  cryptlib 3.4.6
  •  cryptoballot g20181015_17
  •  cryptominisat 5.11.11_1
  •  cryptopp 8.8.0
  •  cryptoslam 1.2
  •  crystal 1.7.3
  •  cs 0.9.6_2
  •  cs-aspell 20040614.1_11
  •  csb-aspell 0.02.0_12
  •  cscope 15.9
  •  cscout 3.01
  •  csharp-mode.el 0.9.2_11
  •  csharp-mode.el-emacs_canna 0.9.2_11
  •  csharp-mode.el-emacs_devel 0.9.2_11
  •  csharp-mode.el-emacs_devel_nox 0.9.2_11
  •  csharp-mode.el-emacs_nox 0.9.2_11
  •  cs-hunspell 2.0
  •  cs-hyphen 2.0
  •  c-sig
  •  c-sig-emacs_canna
  •  c-sig-emacs_devel
  •  c-sig-emacs_devel_nox
  •  c-sig-emacs_nox
  •  cs-libreoffice
  •  csmash 0.6.6_23
  •  csmith 2.3.0
  •  cs-mythes 2007.09.26_1
  •  csoap 1.1.0_5
  •  csocks 1.7_1
  •  csound 6.15.0_10
  •  CsoundQt
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  •  cssed 0.4.0_15
  •  css-mode-elisp 0.11_2
  •  csso 1.3.9_3
  •  csstidy 1.4
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  •  csvdiff 1.7_1
  •  csvq 1.18.1_2
  •  csvtk 0.24.0_15
  •  csxcad
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  •  ctags 5.8
  •  ctcs 1.4.1_1
  •  CTK-widgets 2023.07.13
  •  ctl-sat g20200210
  •  ctm 2.0_3
  •  ctop 0.7.7_13
  •  ctorrent 3.3.2_4
  •  ctpl 0.3.4
  •  ctpp2 2.8.3_8
  •  ctrace 0.9_1
  •  ctre 3.8
  •  ctris 0.42.1
  •  ctrlproxy 3.0.8_9
  •  ctronome 0.5.6
  •  ct-submit 1.1.2_15
  •  ctwm 4.1.0_11
  •  ctypes.sh 1.2_2
  •  cube 2005.08.29_19
  •  cubicsdr 0.2.5_12
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  •  cudatext-qt5 1.199.0
  •  cudd 3.0.0
  •  cuetools 1.4.1
  •  cufflinks
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  •  cups 2.4.6
  •  cups-bjnp 2.0.3
  •  cups-filters 1.28.16_5
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  •  cups-pdf 3.0.1_2
  •  cups-pk-helper 0.2.7
  •  cups-smb-backend 1.0_12
  •  Cura 4.13.1_42
  •  CuraEngine 4.13.1_11
  •  curator 2.1_8
  •  curl 8.3.0
  •  curlie 1.6.7_15
  •  curlpp 0.8.1_4
  •  currtime 0.2.5
  •  cursive 0.111
  •  cursor-ardoise-theme 3.6
  •  cursor-chameleon-anthracite 0.5_1
  •  cursor-chameleon-darkskyblue 0.5_1
  •  cursor-chameleon-pearl 0.5_1
  •  cursor-chameleon-skyblue 0.5_1
  •  cursor-chameleon-white 0.5_1
  •  cursor-crystal-theme 1.1.1_8
  •  cursor-dmz-aa-theme 0.4.5
  •  cursor-dmz-theme 0.4.5
  •  cursor-jimmac-theme 0.1_3
  •  cursor-neutral-white-theme 1.1.1
  •  curtail 1.7.0_2
  •  curv 0.5_18
  •  curvedns 0.88.b_13
  •  cut 2.7_1
  •  cutecom 0.51.0_1
  •  cutegram 2.7.1_6
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  •  cutelyst-asql 0.80.0
  •  cutemaze 1.3.2_1
  •  cutils 1.6_1
  •  cutmp3 3.0.1_2
  •  cutter 1.2.6_4
  •  cuttlefish 1.3_5
  •  cuttlefish-texture-compressor 2.7.4
  •  cuyo 2.1.01
  •  cvc 1.1.5
  •  cvc5 1.0.8_1
  •  cvechecker 3.9_1
  •  cvise 2.8.0
  •  cvm 0.97
  •  cvs 1.20120905_7
  •  cvs2cl 2.73
  •  cvs2darcs 0.8_9
  •  cvs2html 1.98_1
  •  cvsadmin 1.0.3_2
  •  cvsbook 1.21_3
  •  cvschangelogbuilder 2.5
  •  cvschk 1.12
  •  cvsd 1.0.24
  •  cvsdadm 0.3.2_1
  •  cvsdelta 1.7.0
  •  cvs-devel 1.12.13_13
  •  cvsdiff2patch 1.0.1
  •  cvsgraph 1.7.2_1
  •  cvs+ipv6 1.20120905_3
  •  cvslines 1.6.9
  •  cvsmail 2.2
  •  cvsmonitor 0.6.3_8
  •  cvsplot 1.7.4_5
  •  cvsps 2.1_2
  •  cvsps-devel 2.2.b1
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  •  cvs-syncmail 2.1
  •  cvstrac 2.0.1_1
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  •  cvsweb3 3.0.6_5
  •  cvswrap 0.2
  •  cvsync 0.25.0
  •  cw 1.0.16_1
  •  cwdaemon 0.10.2
  •  cweb 3.64a.a
  •  cwm 7.1
  •  cwrap 1.1.0
  •  cwstudio 0.9.6_5
  •  cwtext 0.96
  •  cx88 1.5.4
  •  cxmon 3.2
  •  cxref 1.6e
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  •  cxxplot 0.4.2_1
  •  cxxtest 4.4_2
  •  cxxtools 2.2.1_3
  •  cyanrip 0.9.0_2
  •  cy-aspell 0.50.3_11
  •  cyberchef 10.5.2
  •  CycloneDDS 0.10.2
  •  cy-hunspell v20220727
  •  cy-libreoffice
  •  cyr-rfx-koi8-o 1.1_5
  •  cyrus2courier 1.4_1
  •  cyrus2dovecot 1.3
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  •  cyrus-imapd30 3.0.18_1
  •  cyrus-imapd32 3.2.11_1
  •  cyrus-imapd34 3.4.6
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  •  cyrus-imapd36 3.6.3
  •  cyrus-imapd36-http 3.6.3
  •  cyrus-imapd38 3.8.1
  •  cyrus-imapd38-http 3.8.1
  •  cyrus-sasl 2.1.28
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  •  cyrus-sasl-ldapdb 2.1.28
  •  cyrus-sasl-saslauthd 2.1.28
  •  cyrus-sasl-sql 2.1.28
  •  cyrus-sasl-srp 2.1.28
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  •  czkawka 6.0.0_2
  •  czmq 4.1.1
  •  czmq4 4.2.1
  •  d0_blind_id 1.0_2
  •  d11amp 0.61_1
  •  d2x 0.2.5_15
  •  daa2iso 0.1.7e_1
  •  da-aspell
  •  dact 0.8.42_2
  •  dadadodo 1.04
  •  dae 0.9
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  •  dahdi 2.4.0rc5_7
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  •  dakota 6.17.0_5
  •  da-libreoffice
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  •  dalton 2020.0_1
  •  damager 0.1
  •  damask 0.2.0
  •  dancer 4.16_1
  •  dangen 0.5_5
  •  dante 1.4.3
  •  daq 2.2.2_3
  •  dar 2.7.13
  •  darcnes 9b0401_8
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  •  darkhttpd 1.14
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  •  darkman 1.5.4_6
  •  darknet 4.p_31
  •  darkplaces 20180412.b1_1
  •  darkstat 3.0.721
  •  darktable 4.4.2_3
  •  darling-dmg g20221019_1
  •  darts 0.32_1
  •  dartsim 6.13.0_3
  •  dasel 2.3.6
  •  dash 0.5.12
  •  dash.el 2.19.1_8
  •  dash.el-emacs_canna 2.19.1_8
  •  dash.el-emacs_devel 2.19.1_8
  •  dash.el-emacs_devel_nox 2.19.1_8
  •  dash.el-emacs_nox 2.19.1_8
  •  dasherr 1.05.01
  •  dasm
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  •  datalegreya 0.2017.03.29_1
  •  datamash 1.8
  •  datapipe 1.0_1
  •  dataplot 20210713_2
  •  datasette 0.63.3
  •  date 3.0.1_1
  •  dateutils 0.4.1_1
  •  datovka 4.22.1
  •  dav1d 1.2.1_2
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  •  davical-php81 1.1.12
  •  davical-php82 1.1.12
  •  davical-php83 1.1.12
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  •  db2latex 0.8p1_2
  •  db5 5.3.28_9
  •  dbacl 1.14.1
  •  dbcsr 2.6.0
  •  dbeacon
  •  dbench 4.0_2
  •  dbf 0.9.0_3
  •  dbh 5.0.22_1
  •  dbixx 0.0.4_4
  •  dblatex 0.3.12
  •  dbmail 3.4.0
  •  dbow 0.7_1
  •  dbow2 1.1.f.23_4
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  •  dbus 1.14.101
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  •  dbus-glib 0.112
  •  dbus-java 2.7
  •  dbus-sharp 0.8.1_31
  •  dbus-sharp-glib 0.6
  •  dbus-tcl 3.1
  •  dbview 1.0.4
  •  dc20pack 1.0
  •  dc3dd 7.3.0
  •  dcd 0.99.2_2
  •  dcf77pi
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  •  dclib 0.3.23_8
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  •  dcmtk 3.6.7_3
  •  dconf 0.40.0_3
  •  dconf-editor 3.38.3_1
  •  dcp2icc 0.1_9
  •  dcraw 9.28_4
  •  dcraw-m 9.22_9
  •  dcw-gmt 2.1.1
  •  ddate
  •  ddclient 3.9.1
  •  ddgr 2.1
  •  ddh 64_7
  •  DDNet 17.3
  •  ddns 1.0
  •  dDocent 2.7.8_2
  •  ddosify 1.0.5_2
  •  dd_package 2.2.0
  •  ddpt 0.97
  •  ddrescue 1.25
  •  dd_rescue 1.99.12
  •  deadbeef 0.7.2_26
  •  deadbeef-jack-plugin 0.0.2011.03.22_2
  •  deadbeef-mpris2-plugin 1.12_1
  •  deadbeef-musical-spectrum-plugin 0.0.2015.10.13_2
  •  deadbeef-playback-status-plugin 0.0.2015.09.12_2
  •  deadbeef-quick-search-plugin 0.0.2016.01.02_2
  •  deadbeef-spectrogram-plugin 0.0.2015.01.10_2
  •  deadbeef-vu-meter-plugin 0.0.2014.09.14_2
  •  deadbeef-waveform-seekbar-plugin 0.0.2016.01.01_2
  •  de-alt-aspell 2.1.1_11
  •  de-aspell 20161207_3
  •  deb2targz 20100710
  •  de-BBBike 3.18_4
  •  debhelper 13.11.6
  •  debian-keyring 2022.12.24
  •  debootstrap 1.0.128n2_1
  •  debugedit 20170411.1
  •  de-bugzilla44 4.4.10_1
  •  deco-extractor 1.6.4_1
  •  deco-misc 3.9_5
  •  de-dict 1.2
  •  de-ding 1.9
  •  de-dtaus 0.9
  •  dee 1.2.7_24
  •  de-eric6 21.11
  •  defendguin 0.0.13
  •  deforaos-browser 0.5.1_1
  •  deforaos-editor 0.4.0_1
  •  deforaos-keyboard 0.3.1_1
  •  deforaos-libdesktop 0.2.2_2
  •  deforaos-libsystem 0.3.1_1
  •  deforaos-mailer 0.1.7_1
  •  deforaos-pdfviewer 0.0.2_46
  •  deforaos-player 0.1.6_5
  •  deforaos-todo 0.2.1_1
  •  de-freebsd-doc 202309241
  •  de-geonext 1.74
  •  deheader 1.6
  •  de-hunspell 20161207_3
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  •  dejavu 2.37_3
  •  de-jdictionary-eng-ger 1.4_2
  •  de-jdictionary-ger-hun 1.4_2
  •  delaboratory 0.8_13
  •  delatt 1.1.3_1
  •  delay 1.6
  •  delegate 9.9.13_1
  •  de-libreoffice
  •  delta 2020.06.22
  •  deltarpm 3.6_1
  •  deltup 0.4.4_1
  •  deluge 2.1.12
  •  deluge-cli 2.1.1
  •  delve 1.21.0_2
  •  de-mythes 2023.09.24
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  •  dendrite 0.13.3
  •  denemo 2.0.6_18
  •  deno 1.37.1
  •  denominator 4.7.1
  •  denyhosts-py39 3.1.2
  •  de-phone 1.20170802
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  •  desed 1.2.1_10
  •  deskmenu 1.4.5_1
  •  desktop-file-utils 0.26_1
  •  desktop-installer
  •  destroy 20130926
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  •  de-tipp10 3.3.0
  •  detox 1.4.5
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  •  devctl-jail-kmod g20190521
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  •  devd-mount
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  •  devil 1.8.0_41
  •  devilspie 0.23_1
  •  devilspie2 0.43_2
  •  devilutionX 1.4.1_2
  •  devisor 2.1_3
  •  devmon 0.3.1.b1_4
  •  devmon-templates 20080206
  •  devstat 0.3.3_1
  •  devtodo 0.1.20_3
  •  de-webalizer 2.23.8_14
  •  de-wordpress-de_DE 6.2.2_1
  •  dfc 3.1.1
  •  d-feet 0.3.16_1
  •  DFileServer 1.1.3_1
  •  dfshow 0.10.1.b
  •  dftbplus 23.1_1
  •  dftd3
  •  dftd4 3.5.0
  •  dfuife-curses
  •  dfu-programmer 0.7.2
  •  dfu-util 0.11
  •  dgd 1.4.23
  •  dgd-kernel 1.3.4_2
  •  dgd-lpmud 2.4.5_6
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  •  dgen-sdl 1.33_5
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  •  dgo-libreoffice
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  •  dhcpdump 1.8
  •  dhcping 1.2
  •  dhcp_probe 1.3.1_1
  •  dhcprelya 6.1_1
  •  dhewm3 1.5.2
  •  dhex 0.69
  •  dhisd 5.5
  •  dhrystone 2.1_2
  •  dht 0.27
  •  di 4.51
  •  dia 0.97.3_51
  •  dia2code 0.8.8_2
  •  dia2code+ 1.0.0_9
  •  diablo 5.1_2
  •  diakonos 0.9.7_1
  •  dialog4ports 0.1.6_1
  •  dialog4ports-static 0.1.6_1
  •  diamond 2.1.8
  •  diamond-cs 1.3.8_2
  •  diaspora 1.1.1_3
  •  dico 2.11_1
  •  dict 1.13.1
  •  dictd 1.13.1
  •  dictem 1.0.4_18
  •  dictem-emacs_canna 1.0.4_18
  •  dictem-emacs_devel 1.0.4_18
  •  dictem-emacs_devel_nox 1.0.4_18
  •  dictem-emacs_nox 1.0.4_18
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  •  diction 1.11_2
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  •  dictionary-emacs_devel 1.8.7_34
  •  dictionary-emacs_devel_nox 1.8.7_34
  •  dictionary-emacs_nox 1.8.7_34
  •  dieharder 3.31.1_9
  •  diesel-cli 2.1.1_1
  •  diffcode 1.2
  •  diffmark 0.10_4
  •  diff-pdf 0.5.1_1
  •  diffpdf 2.1.3_51
  •  diff-so-fancy 1.4.4
  •  diffsplit 1.0
  •  diffstat 1.65
  •  difftastic 0.51.1_1
  •  diffutils 3.8
  •  dify 0.6.0_6
  •  digdag 0.10.5
  •  digestpp g20200907
  •  digger 20020314_3
  •  digiham 0.3.0
  •  digikam 8.1.0_3
  •  digital 0.29
  •  digitemp 3.7.2
  •  dihydrogen
  •  dijo 0.2.7_7
  •  dikt 2s4_11
  •  dilay 1.9.0_6
  •  dillo 3.0.5_4
  •  dim 1.1
  •  dimod 0.12.11
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  •  dino 0.4.3
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  •  dinotrace-emacs_devel 9.4f_5
  •  dinotrace-emacs_devel_nox 9.4f_5
  •  dinotrace-emacs_nox 9.4f_5
  •  dionysus-topology-library g20210521_1
  •  diplib 3.4.0
  •  dirac 1.0.2_5
  •  dirac-quantum-chemistry-software 22.0_1
  •  dirbuster 1.0r1
  •  dircproxy 1.2.0.r1_2
  •  dirdiff 2.1_4
  •  direnv 2.32.3_2
  •  direvent 5.3
  •  direwolf 1.6_2
  •  dirmngr 1.1.0_15
  •  dirvish 1.2.1_3
  •  discid 1.3_1
  •  disco 1.2_2
  •  discordo g20220909_9
  •  discount 2.2.7d
  •  discus 0.5.0
  •  diskcheckd 20150220
  •  diskimage-tools 0.2
  •  diskonaut 0.11.0_28
  •  diskscrub 2.6.1
  •  diskus 0.7.0_14
  •  disman 0.527.0
  •  distcache 1.5.1
  •  distcc 3.4
  •  distel 4.1.1_14
  •  distel-emacs_canna 4.1.1_14
  •  distel-emacs_devel 4.1.1_14
  •  distel-emacs_devel_nox 4.1.1_14
  •  distel-emacs_nox 4.1.1_14
  •  distilator 1.4
  •  distorm 20121220.r230_2
  •  diswall 0.4.2_2
  •  ditaa 0.11.0
  •  dive 0.11.0_2
  •  divide-and-succeed 0.9.4_1
  •  djgpp-binutils 2.17_1
  •  djview 4.12_2
  •  djvulibre 3.5.28_2
  •  dkfilter 0.11_1
  •  dkftpbench 0.45_2
  •  dkh 1.2_6
  •  dkimproxy 1.4.1_1
  •  dk-milter 1.0.2_6
  •  dkns 1.100
  •  dlib-cpp 19.24_1
  •  dlib-models 20210513
  •  dlint 1.4.1
  •  dlmalloc 2.8.6
  •  dma 0.13.20220128_11
  •  dmachine 0.25
  •  dMagnetic 0.37
  •  dmake 4.13.11
  •  dmalloc 5.6.5
  •  dmarcts-report-parser 2.0
  •  dmenu2 0.2
  •  dmenu 5.1
  •  dmenu-wayland 0.1
  •  dmg2img 1.6.7
  •  dmidecode 3.5
  •  dmidiplayer 1.7.2_1
  •  dmjava 1.05_2
  •  dmlc-core 0.3.123
  •  dmtx-utils 0.7.6_2
  •  dmucs 0.6.1_1
  •  dnetc 2.9112.5211
  •  dnf 4.17.0
  •  dnrd 2.20.3_1
  •  dns2blackhole 0.1
  •  dns2tcp 0.5.2
  •  dns_balance 2.1
  •  dnsblast 0.0.2016060901
  •  dnscap 2.2.01
  •  dnscheckengine 1.1_4
  •  dnscontrol 4.4.1
  •  dnscrypt-proxy2 2.1.5_1
  •  dnscrypt-wrapper 0.4.2_2
  •  dnsdbck 1.01
  •  dnsdbflex 1.0.6
  •  dnsdbq 2.6.4
  •  dnsdist 1.8.1
  •  dnsenum
  •  dnsflood 1.20
  •  dnsforwarder 6.1.151
  •  dnshistory 1.3_2
  •  dnsjava 2.1.9
  •  dnsjit 1.2.3_1
  •  dnsmap 0.30
  •  dnsmasq 2.89_11
  •  dnsmax-perl 1.0.1
  •  dnsperf 2.11.0
  •  dnsproxy 1.17_3
  •  dnsrecon 0.10.1_1
  •  dnsreflector 1.02
  •  dnstable 0.13.1_1
  •  dnstable-convert 0.12.0_2
  •  dnstop 20140915
  •  dnstracer 1.10
  •  dns-ui v0.2.7_1
  •  dnsutl 1.12_2
  •  dnsviz 0.9.4
  •  dnswalk 2.0.2_3
  •  dnswall 0.1.4_1
  •  dnsx 1.1.4_3
  •  doas 6.3p9
  •  dobutsu 5
  •  doc 2.2.3
  •  docbook 1.5
  •  docbook2mdoc 1.1.0_1
  •  docbook2odf 0.244_2
  •  docbook2X 0.8.8_7
  •  docbookrx 1.0.0.d
  •  docbook-sgml 4.5_1
  •  docbook-to-man 1.0_2
  •  docbook-utils 0.6.14_13
  •  docbook-xml 5.0_3
  •  docbook-xsd 1.0.b1
  •  docbook-xsl 1.79.1_11
  •  docbook-xsl-ns 1.79.1
  •  docear 1.2.0
  •  docker 18.09.5_14
  •  docker-compose 1.24.0_1
  •  docker-credential-pass 0.6.4_14
  •  docker-machine 0.16.2_15
  •  docker-registry 2.7.1_14
  •  docker-tray 1.5_8
  •  doc-mode.el 1.1_27
  •  doc-mode.el-emacs_canna 1.1_27
  •  doc-mode.el-emacs_devel 1.1_27
  •  doc-mode.el-emacs_devel_nox 1.1_27
  •  doc-mode.el-emacs_nox 1.1_27
  •  docopt.cpp
  •  docproj 4.1.7
  •  docproj-fonts-cjk 20221225
  •  docproj-legacy 3.1
  •  docsis 0.9.8
  •  doctest 2.4.8
  •  doctl 1.99.0
  •  doctorj 5.1.2_2
  •  dodgindiamond2 0.2.2_11
  •  doggo 0.5.6_21
  •  doh-proxy 0.9.8_5
  •  doinkd 0.02
  •  dojo 1.12.2
  •  dokuwiki-php80 20230404a
  •  dokuwiki-php81 20230404a
  •  dokuwiki-php82 20230404a
  •  dokuwiki-php83 20230404a
  •  dolibarr16 16.0.5
  •  dolibarr17 17.0.3
  •  dolibarr 18.0.1
  •  dolly 0.58.c
  •  dolphin 23.08.1
  •  dolphin-emu 5.0.16795_6
  •  dolphin-plugins 23.08.1
  •  dom4j 1.6.1_2
  •  domc 0.8.0_4
  •  domination 1.2.5
  •  domino-chain 1.1_7
  •  domoticz 2023.1_1
  •  dontspace 1.2_4
  •  dooble 2023.08.30
  •  dooble-qt5 2023.08.30
  •  Doom64EX g20180824_1
  •  doom-data 1.0_1
  •  doom-freedoom 0.12.1
  •  doom-hacx 1.0
  •  doom-hr 1.0_1
  •  doom-hr2 1.0
  •  doomlegacy 1.48.121
  •  doomsday 2.3.1_6
  •  doom-wolfendoom 1.0
  •  dos2unix 7.5.1
  •  dosage 3.0_1
  •  dosbox 0.74.3_1
  •  dosbox-staging 0.80.1_1
  •  dosbox-x 2022.12.26
  •  dose-response 1.0.0_37
  •  dosunix 1.0.14
  •  dotconf 1.3_1
  •  dotdotpwn 3.0.2_2
  •  dotenv-linter 3.3.0_7
  •  dot-forward 0.71
  •  doublecmd-gtk2 1.0.11_1
  •  doublecmd-qt5 1.0.11_1
  •  double-conversion 3.3.0
  •  DoulosSIL 4.112_2
  •  DoulosSILCompact 4.110_3
  •  dovecot 2.3.20_1
  •  dovecot-coi 2.3.9_2
  •  dovecot-fts-elastic 1.1.0_3
  •  dovecot-fts-flatcurve 0.3.4
  •  dovecot-fts-xapian 1.5.4_5
  •  dovecot-pigeonhole 0.5.20
  •  dovecot-xaps g20210623
  •  downtimed 1.0
  •  downzemall 3.0.6_1
  •  doxygen 1.9.62
  •  dparser 1.33
  •  dpdk 19.11.12
  •  dpdk20.11 20.11.8
  •  dpf-plugins-lv2 1.7_2
  •  dpinger 3.3
  •  dpkg 1.19.8
  •  dps8m 3.0.1_1
  •  dq 20230101
  •  draco-3d-compression 1.5.6
  •  dragon 1.5.5
  •  dragonfly-reverb 3.2.10_1
  •  dragon-player 23.08.1
  •  drawing 1.0.2_1
  •  Drawpile 2.1.20_4
  •  drawterm 20140106_1
  •  DRAWxtl 5.5_1
  •  dreamchess 0.3.0_3
  •  drg2sbg 2.2
  •  drgeo 1.1.0_26
  •  driftnet 1.5.0_1
  •  drill 0.8.3_2
  •  drive 0.4.0_23
  •  drjava 20140826.r5761_1
  •  drm-510-kmod 5.10.163_7
  •  drm-515-kmod 5.15.25_3
  •  drm_info 2.5.0
  •  drm-kmod 20220907_1
  •  droid-fonts-ttf 20131024_5
  •  drool 2.0.0
  •  dropbear 2022.83
  •  dropbox-api-command 2.13_11
  •  dropbox-uploader 1.01
  •  drumgizmo 0.9.19_2
  •  drumkv1-lv2 0.9.32
  •  drumpiler 0.9.0_7
  •  drumstick 2.8.1
  •  drupal10 10.0.11
  •  drupal7 7.98
  •  drupal7-wysiwyg 7.x.2.9
  •  drupal9 9.5.11
  •  drush-php80 8.4.11
  •  drush-php81 8.4.11
  •  drush-php82 8.4.11
  •  drush-php83 8.4.11
  •  ds2 20151028
  •  dsbautostart 1.2_1
  •  dsbbatmon 1.0.6_1
  •  dsbdriverd 1.1
  •  dsb-libreoffice
  •  dsblogoutmgr 1.3.2_1
  •  dsbmc 1.2_1
  •  dsbmc-cli 0.4
  •  dsbmd 1.11.4
  •  dsbmixer 1.7_1
  •  dsbsu 0.2_1
  •  dsbwrtsysctl 0.1.5
  •  dsbxinput 0.1.1_3
  •  dsc 2.13.0
  •  dsd 1.6.0_1
  •  dsdp 5.8_5
  •  dseg 0.46
  •  dsp 2.0.1
  •  dspam 3.10.2_9
  •  dspdfviewer 1.15.1_64
  •  d-spy 1.8.0
  •  dsr-pdb 1.0.3_11
  •  dssi 1.1.1_12
  •  dssim 3.2.4_9
  •  dssp 4.4.2
  •  dsssl-docbook-modular 1.79_11
  •  dstask 0.26_8
  •  dsvpn 0.1.4
  •  dtach 0.9
  •  dtc 1.6.0
  •  dtcp 20130602_4
  •  dtcpclient 20151002_1
  •  dtd2relax 1.1.1_2
  •  dtd-catalogs 1.2
  •  dtdparse 2.00_1
  •  dte 1.9.1
  •  dtmfdial 0.2
  •  dtool 0.12.0_14
  •  dtpstree 1.0.3
  •  dtrace-toolkit 1.0_7
  •  dtse 1.3_2
  •  dtv-scan-tables 20221125
  •  du2ps 3.1
  •  dua-cli 2.20.1_3
  •  dual-dhclient 1.0_1
  •  dual-dhclient-daemon 0.1
  •  duckdb 0.8.1
  •  duel 0.98_11
  •  duf 0.8.1_15
  •  duff 0.5.2_2
  •  dufs 0.36.0_1
  •  duhdraw 2.8.13
  •  duktape 2.7.0
  •  duktape-lib 2.7.0
  •  dumb 0.9.3_5
  •  dumb-allegro 0.9.3_5
  •  dump1090 20200718
  •  dumpasn1 20210212
  •  dumpmpeg 0.6_10
  •  duncan 0.4_1
  •  dune-alugrid 2.8.0_6
  •  dune-common 2.8.0_9
  •  dune-curvedgeometry g20201116_1
  •  dune-fem
  •  dune-foamgrid 2.8.0_1
  •  dune-functions 2.8.0_1
  •  dune-geometry 2.8.0_8
  •  dune-grid 2.8.0_8
  •  dune-grid-glue 2.8.0_6
  •  dune-istl 2.8.0_5
  •  dunelegacy 0.96.4_5
  •  dune-localfunctions 2.8.0_1
  •  dune-metagrid g20210929_1
  •  dune-multidomaingrid 2.8.0_1
  •  dune-pdelab
  •  dune-polygongrid 2.8.0_6
  •  dune-spgrid 2.8.0_1
  •  dune-typetree 2.8.0_1
  •  dune-uggrid 2.8.0_8
  •  dune-vtk 2.8.0_10
  •  dungeon 3.2_1
  •  dungeoncrawl 4.0.0.b26
  •  dunst 1.9.1
  •  duo 2.0.1
  •  duo_openvpn 2.5
  •  dupd 1.7
  •  dupl
  •  duplicity 0.8.23
  •  duplo 0.2.0
  •  duply 2.2.2
  •  dupmerge 1.73_1
  •  dura 0.2.0_8
  •  durden 0.6.1_1
  •  dust 0.8.6_3
  •  dust3d 1.0.0.r.6_1
  •  dustrac 2.1.1_1
  •  dutree 0.2.15_3
  •  dv2sub 0.3_5
  •  dvb-apps
  •  dvbcut 0.7.4_5
  •  dvbsnoop 1.4.50
  •  dvc 0.30.1_4
  •  dvdauthor
  •  dvdbackup 0.4.2_7
  •  dvdid 0.2.0a_2
  •  dvdimagecmp 0.3
  •  dvdisaster 0.79.10
  •  dvdisaster-nox11 0.79.10
  •  dvdread g20160701_2
  •  dvd+rw-tools 7.1_3
  •  dvd-slideshow 0.8.4_11
  •  dvdstyler 3.3.b3_42
  •  dvdvideo-py39 20130117_2
  •  dvi2tty 5.3.4
  •  dvips2ascii 1.3
  •  dvisvg 0.7.1.d_9
  •  dvorak7min 1.6.1_1
  •  dvtm 0.15
  •  dwarf2json g20220807_10
  •  dwarfdump 20161124
  •  dwarves 1.19_1
  •  dwatch 0.1.1_1
  •  dwatch-gource 0.9
  •  dwatch-json 1.2
  •  dwatch-pwsnoop 0.1.1
  •  dwave-preprocessing 0.6.3
  •  dwdiff 2.1.4_5
  •  dwl 0.4
  •  dwm 6.4
  •  dwmblocks g20201227
  •  dwz 0.14
  •  dxa65 0.1.5
  •  dxirc 1.40.1
  •  dxpc 3.9.2
  •  dxx-rebirth 20220929_2
  •  dymo-cups-drivers 1.4.0_4
  •  dynamechs 4.0.p1_91
  •  dynamic_motd 1.3
  •  dynamips-community 0.2.17
  •  dynare 5.4_3
  •  dyncall 1.4
  •  dynip 0.0
  •  dynomite 0.6.22
  •  dzen2 0.9.5
  •  dzip 2.9
  •  dz-libreoffice
  •  e00compr 1.0.1
  •  e107 2.3.2
  •  e16 1.0.28
  •  e16-docs
  •  e16-themes 1.0.2
  •  e2fsprogs 1.47.0
  •  e2fsprogs-core 1.47.0
  •  e2fsprogs-libblkid 1.47.0
  •  e2fsprogs-libuuid 1.47.0
  •  e2guardian 5.3.4_2
  •  e2tools 0.1.0_2
  •  e93 1.4.3
  •  eaglemode 0.96.1_1
  •  e-antic 1.2.1_3
  •  eastl
  •  easydiff 0.4.0_10
  •  easyexif 1.0
  •  easygit 0.98
  •  easylatex 0.080
  •  easyloggingpp 9.97.1
  •  easy-profiler
  •  easyrpg-player 0.8
  •  easy-rsa 3.1.6
  •  easystroke
  •  easytag 2.4.3_8
  •  ebnf2yacc 0.1.1
  •  eboard 1.1.3_1
  •  ebook2cw 0.8.2_2
  •  ebook-tools 0.2.2_8
  •  ebsnvme-id 1.0.2
  •  ebsynth
  •  ebumeter 0.4.2_2
  •  ebur128 0.1.8_3
  •  ebusd 23.2
  •  ec2-scripts 1.12
  •  ecal 5.12.0
  •  ecartis 1.0.0.s20060813_11
  •  ecasound 2.9.3_1
  •  ecce 2.9.d
  •  eccodes 2.30.0_2
  •  ecflow 5.11.3
  •  ecgi 0.6.3
  •  echat 0.04.b1
  •  echinus 0.4.9_2
  •  echolinux 0.17a_8
  •  echoping 6.0.2_9
  •  ecl 21.2.1_1
  •  eclat 2.1
  •  eclib 20230424_1
  •  eclipse 4.24_1
  •  eclipse-cdt 9.0.1
  •  eclipse-drjava 0.9.8_6
  •  eclipse-ecj 4.4.2_1
  •  eclipse-EPIC 0.6.35_3
  •  eclipse-findbugs
  •  eclipse-glassfish 5.1.0_1
  •  eclipse-pydev 10.2.1
  •  eclipse-ShellEd 1.0.2a_4
  •  ecos 2.0.10
  •  ecpprog g20200725_1
  •  ecrire 0.3.4_1
  •  ecwolf 1.4.1_3
  •  ed2k-hash 0.4.0
  •  ed2k-hash-openssl 1.4
  •  edbrowse 3.8.5
  •  eden 0.7.4_17
  •  edenmath 1.1.1_12
  •  edfbrowser 1.95
  •  edflib 1.24
  •  edge 1.35_11
  •  edi 0.8.0_1
  •  edid-decode 0.1.20230831
  •  editline 1.17.1
  •  editorconfig-core-c 0.12.6
  •  editres 1.0.7
  •  editss 2.2_3
  •  edje_viewer 20130520_6
  •  edk2-bhyve g202308_3
  •  edk2-fvp g202308_3
  •  edk2-macchiatobin g202308_3
  •  edk2-qemu-i386 g202308_3
  •  edk2-qemu-x64 g202308_3
  •  edk2-rpi3 g202308_3
  •  edk2-rpi4 g202308_3
  •  edk2-xen-x64 g202308_3
  •  edlib 1.2.7
  •  eduke32 20230926
  •  edumips64 1.2.10
  •  efivar 0.15_8
  •  efl 1.26.3_12
  •  eflite 0.4.1
  •  eggdrop 1.9.3
  •  egl 0.3.1_10
  •  eglexternalplatform 1.1
  •  egl-wayland 1.1.12
  •  egoboo 2.8.1_11
  •  egress-monitor 0.0.5
  •  egypt 1.11
  •  ehnt 0.3_8
  •  eif 1.3.4_4
  •  eiffelstudio 5.7_8
  •  eigen 3.4.0_2
  •  eights 1.0
  •  einstein 2.0_10
  •  eiskaltdcpp-cli 2.2.10_20
  •  eiskaltdcpp-daemon 2.2.10_18
  •  eiskaltdcpp-data 2.2.10_20
  •  eiskaltdcpp-gtk 2.2.10_22
  •  eiskaltdcpp-lib 2.2.10_25
  •  eisl 3.50
  •  eispack 1.0_15
  •  ejabberd 23.04_1
  •  ejdb 2.73
  •  eject 1.5_4
  •  ekhtml 0.3.2_2
  •  eksanos 1.2.0_4
  •  eksctl 0.160.0
  •  el
  •  el-aspell 0.50.3_11
  •  elasticsearch7 7.17.11
  •  elasticsearch8 8.8.2
  •  elasticsearch-plugin-head 2015.12.16
  •  elastix 5.1.0_1
  •  el-data
  •  electric 7.0.0_5
  •  electricfence 2.2.2_2
  •  elemental 1.5.2
  •  elementary-calculator 2.0.2
  •  elementary-calendar 6.1.2_1
  •  elementary-code 7.1.0_1
  •  elementary-photos 2.8.0_1
  •  elementary-terminal 6.1.1_1
  •  elementary-videos 3.0.0
  •  element-web 1.11.45
  •  elf 0.5.4p1_5
  •  elfcat 0.1.8_18
  •  elf-dissector 0.0.1_2
  •  elfio 3.11
  •  elfkickers 3.2
  •  el-freebsd-doc 202309241
  •  elfsh 0.51b3_5
  •  elfutils 0.187
  •  elgg 5.0.6
  •  el-hyphen 2005.10.17_1
  •  elinks
  •  elisa 23.08.1
  •  elixir 1.14.5
  •  elixir-devel 1.15.6
  •  elixir-hex 2.0.6
  •  elixir-make 0.4.2
  •  elixir-mode.el 2.3.1_14
  •  elixir-mode.el-emacs_canna 2.3.1_14
  •  elixir-mode.el-emacs_devel 2.3.1_14
  •  elixir-mode.el-emacs_devel_nox 2.3.1_14
  •  elixir-mode.el-emacs_nox 2.3.1_14
  •  elk 3.99.8_2
  •  elk-chemistry 8.8.26
  •  elki
  •  el-libreoffice
  •  elliott-803 0.1.11
  •  elm 2.5.8_5
  •  elmerfem 9.0_9
  •  elpa 2021.11.001_1
  •  elscreen
  •  elscreen-emacs_canna
  •  elscreen-emacs_devel
  •  elscreen-emacs_devel_nox
  •  elscreen-emacs_nox
  •  elvish 0.17.0_15
  •  emacs 29.13
  •  emacs-canna 29.13
  •  emacs-devel
  •  emacs-devel-nox
  •  emacs-koi8u 1.0_1
  •  emacs-lisp-intro 2.04_1
  •  emacs-nox 29.13
  •  emacsql 3.1.1_5
  •  emacsql-devel
  •  emacsql-devel-emacs_canna
  •  emacsql-devel-emacs_devel
  •  emacsql-devel-emacs_devel_nox
  •  emacsql-devel-emacs_nox
  •  emacsql-emacs_canna 3.1.1_5
  •  emacsql-emacs_devel 3.1.1_5
  •  emacsql-emacs_devel_nox 3.1.1_5
  •  emacsql-emacs_nox 3.1.1_5
  •  emacs-sqlite3-api 0.17_1
  •  emacs-sqlite3-api-emacs_canna 0.17_1
  •  emacs-sqlite3-api-emacs_devel 0.17_1
  •  emacs-sqlite3-api-emacs_devel_nox 0.17_1
  •  emacs-sqlite3-api-emacs_nox 0.17_1
  •  emacs-w3m 1.4.632.b.20230630_1
  •  emacs-w3m-emacs_canna 1.4.632.b.20230630_1
  •  emacs-w3m-emacs_devel 1.4.632.b.20230630_1
  •  emacs-w3m-emacs_devel_nox 1.4.632.b.20230630_1
  •  emacs-w3m-emacs_nox 1.4.632.b.20230630_1
  •  emailrelay 1.9_6
  •  embb 1.0.0_5
  •  embree 3.13.5_5
  •  emby-server
  •  emby-server-devel
  •  emerald 0.8.8_7
  •  emerald-themes 0.6.0
  •  emiclock 2.0.2_5
  •  emil 2.1b9_1
  •  emilua 0.4.3
  •  emms 5.0_13
  •  emms-emacs_canna 5.0_13
  •  emms-emacs_devel 5.0_13
  •  emms-emacs_devel_nox 5.0_13
  •  emms-emacs_nox 5.0_13
  •  emovix 0.9.0_2
  •  emprint 20130520_5
  •  empty 0.6.23c
  •  emptyepsilon 2021.06.23
  •  emscripten 3.1.43
  •  ems-flasher 0.03_11
  •  emu64 5.1.0
  •  emulationstation 2.9.4_5
  •  emwm 1.1
  •  emwm-utils 1.1
  •  en-aspell 2020.12.07.0
  •  enblend 4.2_23
  •  enca 1.19
  •  enchant 1.6.0_9
  •  enchant2 2.2.15_3
  •  enchive 3.5
  •  encode-explorer 6.3
  •  encodings 1.0.51
  •  encrypted-dns-server 0.9.6_11
  •  encryptpad
  •  endgame-singularity 1.00_2
  •  endgame-singularity-music 007_1
  •  endian 1.1
  •  endlessh 1.1_1
  •  endless-sky 0.10.2
  •  endless-sky-high-dpi 0.10.2
  •  enet 1.3.171
  •  en-freebsd-doc 202309241
  •  engauge-digitizer 12.2.2_33
  •  en_GB-libreoffice
  •  en-gimp-help-html 2.10.0_2
  •  engrampa 1.26.0_2
  •  en-hunspell 2020.12.07
  •  enigma 1.30_2
  •  enlightenment 0.25.4_22
  •  enma 1.2.0_6
  •  en-mythes 2006.12.08_1
  •  enscribe 0.1.0_12
  •  enscript-a4 1.6.6_3
  •  enscript-letter 1.6.6_3
  •  enscript-letterdj 1.6.6_3
  •  ensemblist 040126_12
  •  ensmallen 2.19.1_1
  •  ent 0.20080128_1
  •  entangle 1.0_2
  •  enteruser 1.0
  •  entombed 2007.07.04_2
  •  entr 5.4
  •  entt 3.12.2
  •  envconsul 0.13.2_2
  •  envsubst 0.1
  •  envy 0.1.0_15
  •  enygma 1.04
  •  en_ZA-libreoffice
  •  eo-aspell 2.1.20000222_11
  •  eog 43.1_2
  •  eog-plugins 3.26.8_3
  •  eo-libreoffice
  •  eolie 0.9.101_2
  •  eom 1.26.0_4
  •  eos-movrec 0.3.2.b_6
  •  epazote 2.1.2_14
  •  epdfview 0.1.8_63
  •  ephemera 6.34
  •  ephoto 1.6.0_1
  •  epic4 2.10.10
  •  epic5 2.1.12
  •  epiphany 42.4_4
  •  epiphany-game 0.7.0
  •  epix 1.2.22_1
  •  epkowa 2.11.0_6
  •  epl.el 0.8_14
  •  epl.el-emacs_canna 0.8_14
  •  epl.el-emacs_devel 0.8_14
  •  epl.el-emacs_devel_nox 0.8_14
  •  epl.el-emacs_nox 0.8_14
  •  epm 4.5.1
  •  epos 2.5.37_1
  •  epplets 0.14_11
  •  eprover 2.6_1
  •  eps 1.7_2
  •  eps2png 2.905
  •  epsonepl 0.2.2_6
  •  epson-inkjet-printer-escpr 1.7.26
  •  epsonscan2
  •  epstool 3.09
  •  epstools 1.8
  •  epte 2.0.8_1
  •  eq10q-lv2 2.2_6
  •  eql5 g20220228
  •  equinix-metal-cli 0.16.0
  •  erd 3.0.6_6
  •  erdtree 3.1.2_2
  •  erfa 2.0.0
  •  ergo 3.8.2
  •  ergo-irc-server 2.11.1_7
  •  eric6-qt5-py39 21.11_3
  •  eris 1.3.23_10
  •  erkale g20220405_7
  •  erkale-pseudopotentials g20220405
  •  erkale-serial g20220405_7
  •  erlang
  •  erlang-cl 1.2.4
  •  erlang-doc 25.3
  •  erlang-java
  •  erlang-man 25.3
  •  erlang-native-compiler g20210602
  •  erlang-rebar3_hex 2.5.0
  •  erlang-recon 2.5.3
  •  erlang-runtime21
  •  erlang-runtime22
  •  erlang-runtime23
  •  erlang-runtime24
  •  erlang-runtime25
  •  erlang-runtime26 26.1.1
  •  erlang-wx
  •  erminej 3.2
  •  E-Run 1.2_16
  •  es 0.9.b1_6
  •  es-aspell 1.11.21
  •  esbuild 0.19.2_1
  •  eschalot
  •  es-eric6 21.11
  •  es-freebsd-doc 202309241
  •  es-hunspell 2.2
  •  es-hyphen 2013.09.011
  •  es-libreoffice
  •  es-mythes 20140516
  •  espeak-ng 1.51.1_4
  •  espressivo-lv2 0.1.639
  •  ess 18.10.2_17
  •  ess-emacs_canna 18.10.2_17
  •  ess-emacs_devel 18.10.2_17
  •  ess-emacs_devel_nox 18.10.2_17
  •  ess-emacs_nox 18.10.2_17
  •  essentia 2.1.b5.859_3
  •  estd 0.6.5
  •  estic 1.61_10
  •  estraier 1.2.30_4
  •  et-aspell
  •  etcd 1.0.1_3
  •  eterm 0.9.6_5
  •  eterm-bg 0.9.6
  •  eternalterminal 6.2.4_1
  •  eteroj-lv2 0.10.0_1
  •  ethash 1.0.1_1
  •  etherape 0.9.20_1
  •  ethname 2.0.1
  •  etktab 3.2_3
  •  etl 1.4.4
  •  et-libreoffice
  •  etracer 0.8.2
  •  etsh 5.4.0
  •  ettercap
  •  euchre 0.8_4
  •  euclid-wm 0.4.3_1
  •  eukleides 1.5.4_6
  •  eu-libreoffice
  •  eureka 1.27.b_2
  •  eval 113_2
  •  evangeline 1.1.4
  •  evans 0.10.11_3
  •  evcxr-jupyter 0.15.1_2
  •  evdev-proto 5.8
  •  evemu 2.7.0
  •  eventviews 23.08.1
  •  eventxx 1.0.1_5
  •  evhz g20210920_1
  •  evilfinder 1.00_5
  •  evilvte 0.5.2.p1_4
  •  evilwm 1.4.2
  •  evince 43.1_6
  •  evince-lite 43.1_6
  •  evisum 0.6.0_1
  •  evolution 3.44.4_3
  •  evolution-data-server 3.44.4_4
  •  evolution-ews 3.44.4_3
  •  evolvotron 0.8.1_2
  •  evq3 1.3.20080810_11
  •  evtest 1.35
  •  evtViewer 0.6
  •  evtx 0.8.1_3
  •  eww-wayland 0.4.0_11
  •  eww-x11 0.4.0_11
  •  exa 0.10.1_25
  •  exaile 4.1.1_1
  •  excido 0.1.5c_17
  •  execline
  •  exempi 2.6.3
  •  exercisix 1.2
  •  exercism 3.2.0_2
  •  exfat-utils 1.4.0
  •  exhale
  •  exhaust 1.9.2
  •  exhaust-doc 1.9.2
  •  exhaust-ma 1.9
  •  exif 0.6.22
  •  exifprobe 2.0.1
  •  exiftags 1.01
  •  exiftran 2.14_1
  •  exilog 0.5_9
  •  exim 4.96.1
  •  exim-doc-html 4.96
  •  exim-doc-pdf 4.96
  •  exim-doc-postscript 4.96
  •  exim-ldap2 4.96.1_1
  •  exim-monitor 4.96.1
  •  exim-mysql 4.96.1
  •  exim-postgresql 4.96.1
  •  exim-sa-exim 4.96.1+4.2.1
  •  exim-sqlite 4.96.1
  •  exipick 20100323.0
  •  exiv2 0.28.0_11
  •  exmh 2.9.0_5
  •  exo 2_2
  •  exomizer 3.1.1
  •  exonerate 2.4.0
  •  expat 2.5.0
  •  expect 5.45.4_41
  •  expense 0.1_12
  •  expiretable 0.6_2
  •  explosions 0.2005.07.31_16
  •  exprtk 0.0.2
  •  exrtools 0.4_34
  •  extipl 5.04
  •  extract_url 1.6.2
  •  exult 1.8_41
  •  exult-devel
  •  eyeclock 2.0_4
  •  ezbounce 1.99.15_25
  •  ezc3d 1.5.4
  •  ezjail 3.4.2_1
  •  ezmlm 0.53_1
  •  ezmlm-idx 7.2.2_1
  •  ez-pine-gpg 0.4.h_2
  •  ezquake 3.2.3_32
  •  ezstream 0.5.6_8
  •  ezxml 0.8.6
  •  f1spirit-remake 1.0_15
  •  f2 1.9.1_1
  •  f2c 20200916
  •  f3 8.0
  •  f3d 2.1.0
  •  f77flow 0.12_1
  •  faac 1.30
  •  faad2 2.10.11
  •  fa-aspell 0.11.0_12
  •  fabio 1.6.0_14
  •  fabla2-lv2 g20180331_3
  •  facedetect 0.1_8
  •  faces 1.7.7_12
  •  facile 1.1.3_2
  •  facter 3.14.24_4
  •  fairymax 5.0b.20160316.1_1
  •  faiss 1.7.4_1
  •  fakebo
  •  fakeident 2.7
  •  fakeroot 1.23
  •  fakertc 3
  •  fakesteak 0.2.4
  •  faketty 1.0.13_1
  •  falconseye 1.9.3_11
  •  fa-libreoffice
  •  falkon 23.08.1
  •  falkon-qtonly 23.08.1
  •  fallout 1.0.4_11
  •  fam 2.6.10_9
  •  fancybox 3.5.7
  •  fand 0.2.3
  •  fann
  •  fanout 0.6.1
  •  fantasque-sans-mono 1.8.0
  •  fanwood g20110526_1
  •  fapg 0.43
  •  far2l 2.5.2
  •  farbfeld 4_1
  •  fargoal 20040629_3
  •  farmhash g20190513
  •  farsifonts 0.4_4
  •  farstream 0.2.9
  •  fasd 1.0.1
  •  fasda 0.1.4
  •  fasm 1.73.31
  •  fasm-fpga g20190920
  •  fasta 21.1.1
  •  fasta3 36.3.8
  •  fastahack 1.0.0
  •  fastdb 3.75_8
  •  fastdfs 6.0.6
  •  fastdnaml 1.2.2_2
  •  fastfetch 2.1.0
  •  fastfetch-lite 2.1.0
  •  fast_float 5.2.0
  •  fastforward 0.51
  •  fasthenry 3.0.w.021113
  •  fastjar 0.93.20060808_3
  •  fastjet 3.4.2
  •  fastnetmon 1.2.5_2
  •  fastool 0.1.4
  •  fastops 1.0.0
  •  fastp 0.23.4
  •  fastqc 0.12.1
  •  fastq-trim 0.1.2
  •  fastresolve 2.10_6
  •  fastscapelib
  •  fasttracker2 1.70
  •  FastTree 2.1.10_5
  •  fastx_toolkit 0.0.14_1
  •  fatal 2023.09.25.00
  •  fatback 1.3_2
  •  fatfrog-lv2 1.0
  •  FAudio 21.01
  •  faup 1.5.48_1
  •  faust 2.68.0
  •  faustlive
  •  faust-lv2 1.4.20180118_7
  •  fava 1.26
  •  fb303 2023.09.25.00
  •  fbcmd 0.5.1_4
  •  fbdesk 1.4.1_6
  •  fbg2 0.4_7
  •  fbpanel 6.1_7
  •  fbreader 0.99.6_6
  •  fbthrift 2023.09.25.00_1
  •  fbzmq 2022.05.30.00_5
  •  fc++ 1.5
  •  fccf 0.6.0_2
  •  fceux 2.6.6
  •  fcft 3.1.6
  •  fcgi-devkit 2.4.0_5
  •  fcgiwrap 1.1.0_11
  •  fcheck 2.07.59_1
  •  fcitx5 5.0.23
  •  fcitx5-configtool 5.0.17_2
  •  fcitx5-gtk2 5.0.23
  •  fcitx5-gtk3 5.0.23
  •  fcitx5-gtk4 5.0.23
  •  fcitx5-gtk-common 5.0.23
  •  fcitx5-lua 5.0.10
  •  fcitx5-m17n 5.0.11
  •  fcitx5-qt5 5.0.17_1
  •  fcitx5-qt6 5.0.17_1
  •  fcitx5-qt-common 5.0.17_1
  •  fcitx-m17n 0.2.3_1
  •  fcitx-qt5 1.2.7
  •  fcitx-table-other 0.2.3
  •  fcl05 0.5.0_3
  •  fcl 0.7.0_1
  •  fcode-utils 1.0.3
  •  fconfig 20080329
  •  fconv 1.1_2
  •  fcplay 0.0.1_2
  •  fcppt 4.4.0_1
  •  fcrackzip 1.0_2
  •  fcron 3.2.1_1
  •  fd 3.01j
  •  fd-find 8.7.0_5
  •  fdk-aac 2.0.2
  •  fdm 2.2
  •  fdmf 0.0.9.s_12
  •  fdm_materials 4.7.11
  •  fdupes 2.2.11
  •  feappv 4.1i_5
  •  feathernotes 1.1.1
  •  featherpad 1.4.1
  •  feedbackd 0.1.0
  •  feff10
  •  feh 3.10
  •  felis 1.0_1
  •  fence-agents 4.12.1
  •  fenics-basix 0.5.1_1
  •  fennel 1.3.0
  •  ferite 1.0.2_9
  •  ferrite-core 2.02
  •  festalon 0.5.5_15
  •  festival 2.4_2
  •  festival-freebsoft-utils 0.10_5
  •  festlex-cmu 1.95
  •  festlex-czech 0.2.1
  •  festlex-poslex 1.4.1_2
  •  festvox-cmu_us_awb_arctic 0.95
  •  festvox-cmu_us_bdl_arctic 0.95
  •  festvox-cmu_us_clb_arctic 0.95
  •  festvox-cmu_us_jmk_arctic 0.95
  •  festvox-cmu_us_ksp_arctic 0.95
  •  festvox-cmu_us_rms_arctic 0.95
  •  festvox-cmu_us_slt_arctic 0.95
  •  festvox-don 1.4.0_2
  •  festvox-el11 1.4.0_2
  •  festvox-kal16 1.4.0
  •  festvox-kal8 1.4.0_1
  •  festvox-ked16 1.4.0_1
  •  festvox-ked8 1.4.0_1
  •  festvox-rab16 1.4.1_2
  •  festvox-rab8 1.4.1_2
  •  festvox-russian 0.5
  •  fetchconfig 0.26
  •  fetchlog 1.4
  •  fetchmail 6.4.37
  •  fetchmailconf 6.4.37
  •  fet-qt5 6.9.5
  •  fet-qt6 6.9.5
  •  fex 2.0.0_1
  •  FFaudioConverter 0.31.0_1
  •  ffdec 17.0.2
  •  ffe 0.3.9_1
  •  fff 2.2
  •  fflas-ffpack 2.5.0
  •  ffmpeg4 4.4.4_3
  •  ffmpeg 6.0_31
  •  ffmpegthumbnailer
  •  ffms2 2.40_3
  •  ffnvcodec-headers
  •  ffproxy 1.6
  •  ffsend 0.2.74_19
  •  fftw 2.1.5_23
  •  fftw3 3.3.10_3
  •  fftw3-float 3.3.10_3
  •  fftw3-long 3.3.10_3
  •  fftw3-quad 3.3.10_3
  •  fftw-float 2.1.5_23
  •  ffuf 2.0.0_6
  •  fgallery 1.9.1_2
  •  fheroes2 1.0.8
  •  fhist 1.21_6
  •  fhourstones 3.1_2
  •  fi-aspell 0.7.0_12
  •  fiche 0.9.1_3
  •  ficl 4.1.0_4
  •  fidocadj 0.24.8
  •  fidogate4 4.4.10_1
  •  fidogate 5.12
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  •  fifteen 20150410_1
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  •  figlet-fonts 20121202
  •  figtree
  •  fiked 0.0.5_8
  •  filament 1.43.0
  •  file2pcap 1.29
  •  file 5.39
  •  filebench 1.5.a3.27
  •  filebot 4.9.6_1
  •  filedupe 1.1_4
  •  filelight 23.08.1
  •  filemon 0.0.1
  •  fileobj 0.8.0
  •  filepp 1.8.0
  •  fileprune 1.12
  •  file-roller 3.42.0_21
  •  filerunner
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  •  filetype 0.1.3
  •  filevercmp g20151117
  •  filewatcherd 1.01
  •  filezilla 3.55.1_1
  •  fi-libreoffice
  •  fillets-ng 1.0.1_9
  •  filmulator 0.11.1_3
  •  filtermail 0.8.6
  •  filters 2.55
  •  filtron g20180218_15
  •  finch 2.14.12
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  •  findmaildirs 0.4
  •  findmtu 0.9
  •  findutils 4.9.0
  •  fineftp-server 1.3.1_2
  •  finfo 0.1
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  •  firacode 6.2
  •  firago 1.001_1
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  •  firebird30-server 3.0.10_3
  •  firebird40-client 4.0.2_1
  •  firebird40-server 4.0.2_1
  •  firedm 2022.2.5_1
  •  firedns 0.9.12
  •  fireflies 2.07_8
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  •  firefox-esr 115.3.11
  •  fire-hpp 0.2
  •  firestring 0.9.12
  •  firmware-utils 20111222
  •  firstboot-cloudsetup 1.2
  •  firstboot-freebsd-update 1.3
  •  firstboot-pkgs 1.6
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  •  fishsupper 0.1.6_21
  •  fist 4.1
  •  fistgen 0.2.1
  •  five-or-more 3.32.3_1
  •  fixc 1.2_14
  •  fix-mime-charset 0.5.3_2
  •  fixrtf 0.1.20060303_3
  •  fizz 2023.09.25.00
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  •  flac 1.4.31
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  •  flag 1.0.6
  •  flam3
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  •  flameshot 12.1.0_1
  •  flamethrower 0.11.0
  •  flamp 2.2.09
  •  flann 1.9.2_3
  •  flare-engine 1.14_1
  •  flare-game 1.14_1
  •  flash 1.2.11
  •  flasher 1.3
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  •  flashrom 1.3.0_1
  •  flasm 1.62_1
  •  flatbuffers205 2.0.5
  •  flatbuffers 23.5.261
  •  flatcc 0.6.1
  •  flatery-icon-themes 2022.01.17
  •  flat-frog 2.2.13
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  •  flat-remix-icon-themes 20220525
  •  flatzebra 0.1.7
  •  flawfinder 2.0.19
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  •  fldiff 1.1_11
  •  fldigi 4.2.00
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  •  flexbackup 1.2.1_7
  •  flexdock 1.2.4
  •  flexfloat g20220606_2
  •  FlexGet 3.9.10
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  •  flex-sdk3
  •  flex-sdk
  •  flickcurl 1.26_3
  •  flif 0.4
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  •  flightgear-aircraft 20190826
  •  flightgear-data 2020.3.18
  •  flim
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  •  flim-emacs_devel
  •  flim-emacs_devel_nox
  •  flim-emacs_nox
  •  flint2 2.9.0_1
  •  FlintQS 1.0
  •  flip 1.19
  •  flite 2.1
  •  fllog 1.2.6
  •  fl_moxgen 1.00_2
  •  flmsg 4.0.23
  •  flobopuyo 0.20_16
  •  flock 2.37.2
  •  flog 1.8
  •  flops 2.2
  •  florence 0.6.3_5
  •  flowd 0.9.1_4
  •  flower 0.10_5
  •  flowgger 0.3.1_2
  •  flowgrind 0.8.2_2
  •  flow-tools 0.68.6_4
  •  flowviewer 4.5_4
  •  flphoto 1.3.1_15
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  •  flruler 1.05
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  •  fluctuate 1.40
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  •  fluida-lv2 0.8_1
  •  FluidPlug-lv2 g20230318
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  •  fluidsynth 2.3.4
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  •  flvtool++ 1.2.1_16
  •  flwm 1.16_1
  •  flwrap 1.3.6
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  •  flying 6.20_3
  •  flyspray
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  •  fmit 1.2.14_3
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  •  fnott 1.4.1
  •  fnt 1.4.1_1
  •  fntsample 5.4_1
  •  fo-aspell
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  •  fogpad-lv2
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  •  folly 2023.09.25.00_1
  •  fomp-lv2 1.2.4
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  •  font-bitstream-75dpi 1.0.3_4
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  •  foomatic-db-hpijs 1.4
  •  foomatic-filters 4.0.17_9
  •  foot 1.15.3_1
  •  foo-yc20 1.3.0_4
  •  fop 2.8
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  •  forge-emacs_devel 0.3.2_1
  •  forge-emacs_devel_nox 0.3.2_1
  •  forge-emacs_nox 0.3.2_1
  •  forkbomb 1.4_1
  •  form 4.3.1
  •  formication 1.0.b1_3
  •  formido 1.0.1_2
  •  fort 1.5.4
  •  fortran-utils 1.1
  •  fortunate 3.1_11
  •  fortuneit 1.99
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  •  fortune-mod-bofh 2.0_3
  •  fortune-mod-epictetus 0.2
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  •  fortune-mod-futurama 0.2_4
  •  fortune-mod-psalms 1.0
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  •  fortytwo-bdb 0.2.1_12
  •  fortytwo-encore 0.3.1_10
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  •  fossmixer 0.0.3_4
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  •  foswiki 2.1.8
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  •  fowsr 2.0_1
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  •  fox17 1.7.84
  •  foxtrotgps 1.2.2_5
  •  fox-xml
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  •  fpart 1.5.1_1
  •  fpc 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-a52 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-aspell 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-base 3.2.2
  •  fpc-bfd 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-bzip2 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-cairo 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-chm 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-dblib 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-dbus 3.2.2_4
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  •  fpc-dts 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-fastcgi 3.2.2_4
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  •  fpc-fcl-res 3.2.2_4
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  •  fpc-fcl-stl 3.2.2_4
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  •  fpc-fv 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-gdbint 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-gdbm 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-gmp 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-gnutls 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-googleapi 3.2.2_4
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  •  fpc-httpd24 3.2.2_4
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  •  fpc-libenet 3.2.2_4
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  •  fpc-libmagic 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-libmicrohttpd 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-libpng 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-libvlc 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-libxml2 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-lua 3.2.2_4
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  •  fpc-ncurses 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-newt 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-numlib 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-odata 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-odbc 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-oggvorbis 3.2.2_4
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  •  fpc-pxlib 3.2.2_4
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  •  fpc-rtl-extra 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-rtl-generics 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-rtl-objpas 3.2.2_4
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  •  fpc-sqlite 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-svgalib 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-symbolic 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-syslog 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-tplylib 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-units 3.2.2
  •  fpc-unzip 3.2.2_4
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  •  fpc-utmp 3.2.2_4
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  •  fpc-webidl 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-x11 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-xforms 3.2.2_4
  •  fpc-zlib 3.2.2_4
  •  fpdf 1.811
  •  fpdns 20190131
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  •  fplll 5.4.4_1
  •  fpp 1.1_1
  •  fprintd 0.8.1
  •  fprint_demo 20080303_3
  •  fprobe 1.1_1
  •  fq 0.8.0
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  •  fractgen 2.1.11
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  •  fragrouter 1.6_1
  •  frand 0.1_7
  •  fraqtive
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  •  fr-aster
  •  frawk 0.4.7
  •  freac 1.1.7
  •  frece 1.0.6_7
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  •  freebsd-telnetd 14.0.5
  •  freebsd-update-notify
  •  freebsd-uucp 1.07.4_3
  •  FreeCAD 0.21.1_1
  •  freecell-solver 6.2.0
  •  freeciv 3.0.8
  •  freeciv-nox11 3.0.8
  •  freecol 0.11.6
  •  freecolor 0.9.3
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  •  freedroidrpg 1.0_1
  •  freedt 23
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  •  freefem++ 4.13_2
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  •  freeradius3-ldap 3.2.3
  •  freeradius3-mysql 3.2.3
  •  freeradius3-pgsql 3.2.3
  •  freeradius3-sqlite3 3.2.3
  •  freeradius-client 1.1.7
  •  freerdp 2.11.2_1
  •  free-sa-devel 2.0.0b6.7
  •  freesbie 2.0.20070710_4
  •  freesweep 1.0.2
  •  freeswitch 1.10.9_3
  •  freesynd 0.7.5
  •  freetalk 4.2_1
  •  freetds 1.4.21
  •  freetds-devel 1.3.1661
  •  freetype2 2.13.1
  •  freetype-gl g20210208_4
  •  freevrrpd 1.2
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  •  frei0r-plugins 2.3.1
  •  frei0r-plugins-cairo 2.3.1
  •  frei0r-plugins-gavl 2.3.1
  •  frei0r-plugins-opencv 2.3.1
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  •  fr-geonext 1.74
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  •  fr-hyphen 3.0
  •  fribidi 1.0.13
  •  fricas 1.3.9_1
  •  frikqcc 2.6
  •  fritzing 0.9.2_20
  •  fr-jdictionary-fre-hun 1.0_4
  •  fr-libreoffice
  •  fr-med 4.0.0_3
  •  fr-mythes 2.3
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  •  frogr 1.6_3
  •  frontaccounting 2.3.25
  •  frontaccounting24 2.4.11
  •  frontbase-jdbc 2.5.6
  •  FrontISTR 5.2_1
  •  frost
  •  frotz 2.51
  •  froxlor 2.0.10
  •  frozen-bubble 2.213.g20170702_1
  •  frp 0.51.3_1
  •  frr7 7.5.1_4
  •  frr7-pythontools 7.5.1_4
  •  frr8 8.5.3_1
  •  frr8-pythontools 8.5.3_1
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  •  fsc 1.2
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  •  fselect 0.8.4_2
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  •  fslsfonts 1.0.5
  •  fsmtrie 2.0.0
  •  fsom g20151117_2
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  •  fspd
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  •  fstobdf 1.0.6
  •  fstrcmp 0.7.D001
  •  fstrm 0.6.1
  •  fstyp 0.1
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  •  fsv2 1.1.0_5
  •  fswatch 0.02.b5_1
  •  fswatch-mon 1.13.0_2
  •  fswiki 3.6.2_2
  •  fswm g20230808
  •  fsx 0.1.0_6
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  •  ft2play g20220407
  •  ftdi-eeprom 1.1_1
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  •  ftpfind 0.996
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  •  ftpproxy 1.2.3_1
  •  ftpsesame 0.95
  •  ftpsync 1.3.061
  •  ftwin 0.8.10
  •  ftxui 4.1.1
  •  fuel 1.0.1_4
  •  functionalplus 0.2.20.p0
  •  fungw 1.2.1_2
  •  funktrackergold 1.5.2_9
  •  funnyboat 1.6_2
  •  fur-libreoffice
  •  furnace 0.6
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  •  fusefs-cryptofs 0.6.0_7
  •  fusefs-curlftpfs 0.9.2_6
  •  fusefs-encfs 1.9.5_6
  •  fusefs-exfat 1.4.0
  •  fusefs-ext2 0.0.10_5
  •  fusefs-funionfs 0.4.3
  •  fusefs-fusepak 0.5
  •  fusefs-gitfs 0.5.2_2
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  •  fusefs-lkl 4.16.g20180628_4
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  •  fusefs-mp3fs 0.91_21
  •  fusefs-nbt 20230720
  •  fusefs-ntfs 2022.10.3
  •  fusefs-ntfs-compression 1.0
  •  fusefs-pod 0.5.2_14
  •  fusefs-rar2fs 1.29.5_8
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  •  fusefs-s3fs 1.92
  •  fusefs-sandboxfs 0.2.0_33
  •  fusefs-simple-mtpfs 0.4.0
  •  fusefs-smbnetfs 0.6.3
  •  fusefs-sqlfs 1.1_11
  •  fusefs-squashfuse 0.1.104
  •  fusefs-sshfs 3.7.3_1
  •  fusefs-unionfs 2.2
  •  fusefs-unreliablefs 0.2.0
  •  fusefs-webdavfs g20200520_15
  •  fusefs-xfuse 0.1.0.a_21
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  •  fuse-zip 0.4.4_1
  •  fusionpbx 4.4.1_1
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  •  fuzz 0.6_1
  •  fuzzel 1.9.2
  •  fuzzylite 6.0_1
  •  fuzzysearchdatabase g20201005
  •  fv 1.03_7
  •  fvwm 2.6.9_2
  •  fvwm3 1.0.8_1
  •  fvwm-themes 0.7.0_6
  •  fwanalog 0.6.9_6
  •  fwknop 2.6.10_2
  •  fwlogwatch 1.5
  •  fwup 1.10.0
  •  fx 30.0.3
  •  fxdiv g20181121
  •  fxite 0.92_4
  •  fxload 20140224
  •  fxscintilla 2.28.0_8
  •  fxt 2023.06.27
  •  fy-aspell 0.12.0_1
  •  fy-libreoffice
  •  fyre 1.0.1_27
  •  fzf 0.42.0
  •  fzy 1.0
  •  g15daemon 3.0.4
  •  g2 0.72
  •  g2o 20230806_1
  •  g810-led 0.4.2_1
  •  ga 5.8.2
  •  gaa 1.6.6
  •  ga-aspell 4.5.02
  •  gabedit
  •  gaffitter 0.6.0_1
  •  gajim 1.3.3
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  •  galaxyhack 1.74_40
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  •  galene 0.7.2_2
  •  galera 25.3.37_4
  •  galera26 26.4.16_1
  •  ga-libreoffice
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  •  gallery-dl 1.26.0
  •  gambit 16.0.2_1
  •  gambit-c 4.9.4_11
  •  gamenetworkingsockets 1.3.0_4
  •  gamescope 3.12.5
  •  gamin 0.1.10_10
  •  gammaray 2.11.3_3
  •  gammu 1.42.0
  •  gammy 0.9.64_1
  •  ganglia-monitor-core 3.7.2
  •  ganttproject 3.1.3100_1
  •  ganv 1.8.2_1
  •  gap 4.12.2
  •  gapcmon 0.8.9_9
  •  garage 0.8.4
  •  garcon 4.18.1_1
  •  garden-of-coloured-lights 1.0.9_2
  •  garlic 1.6_1
  •  gartoon-redux 1.11_2
  •  gastex 3.0
  •  gather 0.4.1
  •  gatk
  •  gatling 0.16
  •  gau2grid 2.0.7_1
  •  gauche 0.9.12
  •  gauche-gl 0.6_5
  •  gauche-makiki 0.4
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  •  gaul 0.1849.0_5
  •  gaupol 1.4.3_2
  •  gavl 1.4.0_4
  •  gawk 5.2.2
  •  gbase 0.5_9
  •  gbdfed 1.6_2
  •  gbe 0.0.22_3
  •  gbrainy 2.4.6_22
  •  gbsdconv 11.3_2
  •  gbsplay 0.0.941
  •  gbtolib 3.0.3_2
  •  gcab 1.5
  •  gcal 4.1_1
  •  gcc10 10.4.0_1
  •  gcc11 11.3.0_8
  •  gcc11-devel 11.4.1.s20230921
  •  gcc12 12.2.0_6
  •  gcc 12_5
  •  gcc12-devel 12.3.1.s20230922
  •  gcc13 13.1.0_1
  •  gcc13-devel 13.2.1.s20230923
  •  gcc14-devel 14.0.0.s20230924
  •  gcc48 4.8.5_15
  •  gcc6-aux 20180516_31
  •  gcc8 8.5.0_2
  •  gcc9 9.5.0_1
  •  gcc-arm-embedded 10.3.20210921
  •  gccmakedep 1.0.3
  •  gcc-msp430-ti-toolchain
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  •  gchemutils 0.14.17_2
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  •  gcolor3 2.4.0_2
  •  gcompris-qt 3.3
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  •  gconf-editor 3.0.1_61
  •  gconfmm 2.28.3_3
  •  g-cows 1.12
  •  gcp 2.3.1
  •  gcpio 2.14
  •  gcp-ops-agent 2.22.0_8
  •  gcr 3.40.0_1
  •  gcta 1.26.0_4
  •  gdal 3.7.2_1
  •  gdal-grass 1.0.2_21
  •  gd-aspell
  •  gdb 13.2_1
  •  gdbm 1.23
  •  gdchart 0.11.5_11
  •  gdcm 3.0.21_1
  •  gdialog 2.5_1
  •  gdisk 1.0.9_3
  •  gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.10_1
  •  gdk-pixbuf-xlib 2.40.2_1
  •  gdl 3.40.0_1
  •  gd-libreoffice
  •  gdm 42.0_6
  •  gdma 2.2.6_6
  •  gdmap 0.8.1_2
  •  gdmd
  •  gdnsd2 2.4.3
  •  gdnsd3 3.8.0
  •  gdome2 0.8.1_14
  •  gdrive 2.1.1_14
  •  gds3d g20220203
  •  gdscpp g20200611
  •  gdsreader 0.3.2_1
  •  gdstk 0.9.42
  •  gdt 4.0.4
  •  Gdtclft 2.2.5_18
  •  gdu 5.25.0_2
  •  geant4 11.1.2_1
  •  geany 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-addons 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-autoclose 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-automark 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-codenav 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-commander 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-ctags 1.38_1
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  •  geany-plugin-defineformat 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-doc 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-extrasel 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-gendoc 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-geniuspaste 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-git-changebar 1.38_3
  •  geany-plugin-insertnum 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-latex 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-lineoperations 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-lipsum 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-lua 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-macro 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-markdown 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-miniscript 1.38_1
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  •  geany-plugin-overview 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-pairtaghighlighter 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-pg 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-pohelper 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-pretty-printer 1.38_3
  •  geany-plugin-prj 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-projectorganizer 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugins 1.38
  •  geany-plugin-scope 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-sendmail 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-shiftcolumn 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugins-l10n 1.38_1
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  •  geany-plugin-tableconvert 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-treebrowser 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-updatechecker 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-utilslib 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-vc 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-vimode 1.38_1
  •  geany-plugin-workbench 1.38_3
  •  geany-plugin-xmlsnippets 1.38_1
  •  geany-themes 1.24_1
  •  gearmand 1.0.6_24
  •  geary 40.0_7
  •  geckodriver 0.26.0_37
  •  gecode 6.3.0_7
  •  geda 1.8.2_81
  •  gedit 44.2_1
  •  gedit-plugins 43.1_2
  •  gedkeeper 2.25.2_2
  •  geekcode 1.7.3
  •  geeqie 2.0.1_13
  •  gef 2022.01_1
  •  gegl 0.4.46_2
  •  gemdropx 0.9_12
  •  gemma 0.98.3_3
  •  gemmi 0.6.3
  •  gemmlowp g20190812
  •  gemrb 0.9.1
  •  gemserv 0.6.6_6
  •  gen6dns 1.3
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  •  generand 0.1.2
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  •  genht 1.1.3
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  •  genius 1.0.27_4
  •  genpatch 1.40_1
  •  genplist 1.2
  •  genromfs 0.5.7
  •  genryu 1.501
  •  genseki 1.501
  •  gensen 1.501
  •  gensig 2.3_1
  •  GentiumBasic 1102_1
  •  GentiumPlus 6.200
  •  gentoo 0.20.7_1
  •  genwan 1.501
  •  genyo 1.501
  •  genyog 1.501
  •  geoapi 3.0.0
  •  geoclue 2.5.7
  •  geocode-glib2 3.26.4
  •  geocode-glib 3.26.4
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  •  geogram 1.7.9
  •  geographiclib 2.2
  •  geoipupdate 6.0.0_2
  •  geomorph 0.63_1
  •  geomview 1.9.5_4
  •  geonext 1.74
  •  geonkick-lv2 2.10.0
  •  geos 3.12.0
  •  geoserver 2.23.2
  •  geoserver-mysql-plugin 2.23.2
  •  gerbera 1.12.1_3
  •  gerbv 2.7.0_2
  •  getdelta 0.7.8_5
  •  getdns 1.5.2_4
  •  getdp 3.5.0_1
  •  geteltorito 0.61
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  •  get_iplayer 3.31_1
  •  getline 3.9
  •  getopt 1.1.6
  •  getoptions 3.3.0
  •  getssl 2.46
  •  gettext 0.22
  •  gettext-lint 0.4_4
  •  gettext-msghack 0.21
  •  gettext-po-mode 0.22_4
  •  gettext-runtime 0.22_1
  •  gettext-tiny 0.3.2
  •  gettext-tools 0.22
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  •  gf2x 1.3.0
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  •  gfanlib 0.6.2_1
  •  gfbgraph 0.2.5
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  •  gfold 4.0.0_13
  •  gforth 0.7.3_15
  •  gftp 2.7.0b_1
  •  g-gcl 1.10
  •  ggobi 2.1.11_6
  •  g-golf-guile22 0.8.0.a.5
  •  g-golf-guile30 0.8.0.a.5
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  •  ghc810 8.10.7_4
  •  ghc92 9.2.8
  •  ghc 9.4.6
  •  ghdl 3.0.0_1
  •  ghemical 3.0.0_25
  •  ghex 3.41.1_1
  •  gh-grep 1.2.0_2
  •  ghidra 9.1
  •  gh-md-toc 0.8.0
  •  ghmm 0.9.r3_2
  •  ghostie 0.2.1_7
  •  ghostscript10 10.02.0
  •  ghostscript9-agpl-base 9.56.1_12
  •  ghostscript9-agpl-x11 9.56.1
  •  ghostunnel 1.7.1_2
  •  ghostwriter 2.2.0_3
  •  ghostwriter-qt6 2.2.0_3
  •  ghq 1.4.2_2
  •  ghub 3.6.0_1
  •  ghub-devel
  •  ghub-devel-emacs_canna
  •  ghub-devel-emacs_devel
  •  ghub-devel-emacs_devel_nox
  •  ghub-devel-emacs_nox
  •  ghub-emacs_canna 3.6.0_1
  •  ghub-emacs_devel 3.6.0_1
  •  ghub-emacs_devel_nox 3.6.0_1
  •  ghub-emacs_nox 3.6.0_1
  •  giacxcas
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  •  gifsicle-nox11 1.94
  •  gifski 1.10.3_4
  •  giftool 1.0
  •  gigabase 3.91_9
  •  gigalomania 0.28_1
  •  gigolo 0.5.3_1
  •  gillo 1.0.b1_12
  •  gimageview 0.2.27_29
  •  gimmage 0.2.3_19
  •  gimp 2.10.322
  •  gimp-app 2.10.34_81
  •  gimp-beautify-plugin 2012.08.12.00_11
  •  gimp-data-extras 2.0.4
  •  gimp-gutenprint 5.3.4
  •  gimp-jxl-plugin 0.8.2
  •  gimp-lensfun-plugin 0.2.5.d_1
  •  gimp-lqr-plugin 0.7.2_2
  •  gimp-refocus-plugin 0.9.0_12
  •  gimp-resynthesizer 2.0.3_2
  •  GiNaC 1.8.7
  •  gindent 2.2.12_1
  •  gio-sharp 2.22.3_2
  •  girara 0.4.0
  •  gismo
  •  gist 6.0.0
  •  git 2.42.0
  •  git-absorb 0.6.10_5
  •  gitaly 16.3.5
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  •  git-chglog 0.15.4_3
  •  git-cinnabar 0.6.2_2
  •  git-cliff 1.3.0_1
  •  git-codereview 1.6.0_1
  •  git-cola 4.1.0_2
  •  git-credential-azure 0.2.3_1
  •  git-credential-gopass 1.15.8
  •  git-credential-oauth 0.10.1_1
  •  git-crypt 0.7.0
  •  git-cvs 2.42.0
  •  git-delta 0.16.5_2
  •  gitea 1.20.5
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  •  gnumeric 1.12.52_1
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  •  gnuplot-tex-extras 5.2.8_1
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  •  gnustep-preview 0.8.5_12
  •  gnustep-sudoku 0.7_9
  •  gnustep-wrapper 0.1.0_11
  •  gnutls 3.7.9
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  •  gnu-unifont-otf 15.1.02
  •  gnu-unifont-ttf 15.0.061
  •  gnu-watch 3.3.17
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  •  go120 1.20.8
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  •  go121 1.21.1
  •  goaccess 1.8
  •  goattracker 2.76
  •  goawk 1.24.0_2
  •  gob2 2.0.18
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  •  gobby 0.4.13_10
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  •  gobi_loader g20191227
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  •  go-bindata-assetfs 1.0.1_14
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  •  godot-tools 4.0.2_1
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  •  goocanvas3 3.0.0_1
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  •  gopass 1.15.8
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  •  gophernicus 3.0.1
  •  gopherus 1.2.2
  •  gopls 0.13.2
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  •  goprotobuf 1.5.3_41
  •  goredo 1.31.0
  •  goreleaser 1.21.2
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  •  gostsum 20221213_1
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  •  go-tools 0.13.01
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  •  gource 0.51_7
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  •  gpgme-cpp 1.22.0
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  •  gpgme-qt6 1.22.0
  •  gpgme-qt-headers 1.22.0
  •  gpg-tui 0.10.0_1
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  •  gpicker 2.3_1
  •  gpicview 0.2.5_2
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  •  gplcver 2.12.a
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  •  gpm 1.4.0_14
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  •  gpp 2.24
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  •  gpsbabel14 1.4.4_1
  •  gpsbabel 1.7.0
  •  gpscorrelate 1.6.1_10
  •  gpsd 3.23.1_1
  •  gpsim 0.31.0_1
  •  gpsman
  •  gpsmanshp 1.2.3_1
  •  gpsprune 23.1
  •  gpstk 8.0.0
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-aldebaran 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-arcturus 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-banks 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-beige-goby 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-bonaire 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-carrizo 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-cyan-skillfish2 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-dimgrey-cavefish 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-fiji 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-green-sardine 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-hainan 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-hawaii 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-kabini 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-kaveri 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-mullins 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-navi10 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-navi12 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-navi14 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-navy-flounder 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-oland 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-picasso 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-pitcairn 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-polaris10 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-polaris11 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-polaris12 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-raven 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-raven2 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-renoir 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-si58 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-sienna-cichlid 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-stoney 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-tahiti 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-tonga 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-topaz 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-vangogh 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-vega10 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-vega12 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-vega20 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-vegam 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-verde 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-amd-kmod-yellow-carp 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-intel-kmod-alderlake 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-intel-kmod-broxton 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-intel-kmod-cannonlake 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-intel-kmod-dg1 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-intel-kmod-elkhartlake 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-intel-kmod-geminilake 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-intel-kmod-icelake 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-intel-kmod-kabylake 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-intel-kmod-rocketlake 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-intel-kmod-skylake 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-intel-kmod-tigerlake 20230210_1
  •  gpu-firmware-kmod 20230210_11
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-aruba 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-barts 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-bonaire 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-btc 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-caicos 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-cayman 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-cedar 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-cypress 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-hainan 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-hawaii 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-juniper 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-kabini 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-kaveri 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-mullins 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-oland 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-palm 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-pitcairn 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-r100 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-r200 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-r300 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-r420 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-r520 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-r600 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-r700 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-redwood 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-rs600 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-rs690 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-rs780 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-rv610 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-rv620 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-rv630 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-rv635 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-rv670 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-rv710 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-rv730 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-rv740 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-rv770 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-sumo 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-sumo2 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-tahiti 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-turks 20220511
  •  gpu-firmware-radeon-kmod-verde 20220511
  •  gputils 1.5.2
  •  gpx2map 0.2_2
  •  gpxloggerd 0.2.5
  •  gpxsee 7.32_1
  •  gqlplus 1.16_2
  •  gqradio 1.9.2_14
  •  gqrx 2.16_41
  •  grabc 1.1_4
  •  grace 5.1.25_10
  •  gracer 0.1.5_25
  •  gracula 3.0_1
  •  gradle5 5.0
  •  gradle62 6.2.2_1
  •  gradle6 6.9.4
  •  gradle761 7.6.1
  •  gradle 8.2.1
  •  gradle-completion 1.4.1
  •  grads 1.9b4_18
  •  grafana9 9.5.7_2
  •  graffer 1.1_2
  •  grafx2 2.8_1
  •  grails 1.3.6
  •  gramofile 1.6P_15
  •  gramps 5.1.6
  •  granatier 23.08.1
  •  granite 6.2.0_1
  •  granite7 7.2.0_2
  •  grantlee5 5.3.0
  •  grantlee-editor 23.08.1
  •  grantleetheme 23.08.1
  •  granulate 0.2
  •  grap 1.46
  •  graphene 1.10.8
  •  GraphicsMagick 1.3.40_21
  •  graphite2 1.3.14
  •  graphlan 1.1.3_1
  •  graphos 0.7_3
  •  graphpath 1.2
  •  graphviz 8.1.0_1
  •  grass7 7.8.7_11
  •  grass8 8.2.1_5
  •  graveman
  •  gravity-lang 0.8.5
  •  graylog 5.1.5
  •  graywolf
  •  grc 1.13
  •  grc-aspell 0.02.0
  •  grcov 0.8.19_1
  •  greed-game 4.2
  •  gregarius 0.6.1_1
  •  grepcidr 2.0
  •  grepip 1.0_3
  •  greple 8.3304
  •  grepmail 5.3033_1
  •  gretl 2023b
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  •  greybird-theme 3.23.3
  •  greyfix 0.4.0_1
  •  greylite 2.3_5
  •  gri 2.12.23_13
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  •  griels-quest git20150512_1
  •  griffith 0.15
  •  grig 0.9.0_2
  •  grilo 0.3.15
  •  grilo-plugins 0.3.15_1
  •  grim 1.4.1_1
  •  grimshot 1.8.1
  •  grip 4.2.4_2
  •  grisbi 2.0.5_3
  •  grive2 0.5.2.d_5
  •  groff 1.23.0_2
  •  grok_exporter 1.0.0.r4_14
  •  gromit 20041213_9
  •  gromit-mpx 1.4.3_1
  •  gron 0.6.1_13
  •  gron.awk 0.2.0
  •  groonga 13.0.1
  •  GroopM 0.3.4_4
  •  groovy 2.4.21
  •  gr-osmosdr 0.2.3_71
  •  growl-for-linux 0.8.5_9
  •  grpc142 1.42.0_5
  •  grpc 1.54.2_12
  •  grpcox 1.0.0_14
  •  grpcui 1.3.1_11
  •  grpcurl 1.8.7_10
  •  grpn 1.5.2_1
  •  grr 1.0_10
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  •  grub2-pcbsd 2.02q_18
  •  grubik 0.1_11
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  •  grv 0.3.2_21
  •  grx 2.4.9_4
  •  grzip 0.3.0_3
  •  gsad 22.6.0
  •  gsasl 2.2.0
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  •  gsed 4.9
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  •  gsettings-desktop-schemas 42.0
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  •  gshhg-gmt 2.3.7
  •  gshisen 1.3.0_9
  •  gsimplecal 2.5.1
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  •  gskrab 0.0.1_12
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  •  gsm 1.0.19
  •  gsmartcontrol 1.1.4_1
  •  gsmc 1.1_6
  •  gsnmp 0.2.0_3
  •  gsoap 2.8.131
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  •  gsound 1.0.3
  •  gspdf 0.5_11
  •  gspell 1.10.0_3
  •  gspiceui 1.1.00_6
  •  gspoof 3.2_18
  •  gssdp14 1.4.1_1
  •  gssdp 1.6.2_1
  •  gst123 0.3.3_4
  •  gstat-rs 0.1.4
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-a52dec 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-aalib 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-all 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-amrnb 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-amrwbdec 1.22.5
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins-assrender 1.22.5
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins-bs2b 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-cairo 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-cdio 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-cdparanoia 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-chromaprint 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-core 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-curl 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-dash 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-dtls 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-dts 1.22.5
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins-dvdread 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-faac 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-faad 1.22.5
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins-flite 1.22.5
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins-gl 1.22.5
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins-good 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-gsm 1.22.5
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins-libvisual 1.22.5
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins-mpeg2enc 1.22.5
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins-openh264 1.22.5
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins-openmpt 1.22.5
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins-png 1.22.5
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins-qt 1.22.5
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins-rsvg 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-rtmp 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-rust 0.11.0_1
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-shout2 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-sidplay 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-smoothstreaming 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-sndfile 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-sndio
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-soundtouch 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-soup 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-spandsp 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-speex 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-srt 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-srtp 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-svt-av1 1.7.0
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-svt-hevc 1.5.1
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-svt-vp9 0.3.0
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-taglib 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-theora 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-ttml 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-twolame 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-ugly 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-v4l2 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-vorbis 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-vpx 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-vulkan 1.22.5
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  •  gstreamer1-plugins-webp 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-webrtcdsp 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-x 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-x264 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-x265 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-ximagesrc 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-zbar 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-plugins-zxing 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer1-qt5 1.2.0_28
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  •  gstreamer1-vaapi 1.22.4
  •  gstreamer1-validate 1.16.3_1
  •  gstreamermm 1.10.0_3
  •  gtamsanalyzer 0.42_12
  •  gtar 1.35
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  •  gthumb 3.12.2_6
  •  gti 1.8.0
  •  gtick 0.5.5_4
  •  gtimelapse 0.1_17
  •  gtimer 2.0.0_5
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  •  gtk2-qtcurve-theme 1.9.0_1
  •  gtk3 3.24.34_1
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  •  gtk3-unico-engine
  •  gtk4 4.12.3
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  •  gtk-aluminumalloy-smog-theme 2004.01.04_6
  •  gtk-aluminumalloy-toxic-theme 2004.01.04_6
  •  gtk-aluminumalloy-volcanic-theme 2004.01.04_9
  •  gtkam 1.0_7
  •  gtk-aquaextremesunken-theme 1.0_9
  •  gtk-arc-themes 20220223_1
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  •  gtkchtheme 0.3.1_12
  •  gtkcord4 0.0.14
  •  gtkdatabox 1.0.0
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  •  gtk-digital-harmony-theme 1.1_9
  •  gtk-doc 1.33.2_2
  •  gtk-E17-theme 3.22.21
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  •  gtk-equinox-engine 1.50_6
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  •  gtkextra 3.3.4_1
  •  gtkglarea 2.0.1_12
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  •  gtkglextmm 1.2.0_16
  •  gtk-gnutella 1.2.2_3
  •  gtk-gray-theme 1.7_8
  •  gtkguitune 0.8_13
  •  gtkhtml4 4.10.0_3
  •  gtkimageview 1.6.4_6
  •  gtk-layer-shell 0.8.1
  •  gtk-lila-theme 0.5.5_7
  •  gtk-lila-theme-extras 0.4.5_8
  •  gtk-longhorninspirat-theme 1.0_10
  •  gtklp 1.3.4_1
  •  gtk-milk-theme 2.1_9
  •  gtk-mixer 1.0.3_1
  •  gtkmm24 2.24.5_4
  •  gtkmm30 3.24.2_3
  •  gtkmmorse 0.9.27_6
  •  gtk-murrina-aqua 0.1_7
  •  gtk-murrine-engine 0.98.2_6
  •  gtk-nodoka-engine 0.7.5_4
  •  gtk-oxygen-engine 1.4.6_4
  •  gtkpasman 0.12.1_2
  •  gtkperf 0.40_11
  •  gtk-pipe-viewer 0.4.8
  •  gtkpod 1.0.0_13
  •  gtkradiant 1.5.0_19
  •  gtk-sharp20 2.12.45_6
  •  gtk-sharp30 2.99.3_6
  •  gtk-sharp-beans 2.14.1_1
  •  gtksourceview2 2.10.5_9
  •  gtksourceview3 3.24.11_3
  •  gtksourceview4 4.8.3_1
  •  gtksourceview5 5.4.2_1
  •  gtksourceviewmm3 3.18.0_3
  •  gtkspell 2.0.16_7
  •  gtkspell3 3.0.10_1
  •  gtkterm2 0.2.3_13
  •  gtk-theme-switch 2.0.0.r2_7
  •  gtk-update-icon-cache 3.24.31
  •  gtk-vnc 1.3.1_3
  •  gtkwave 3.3.117
  •  gtk-xfce-engine 3.2.0_1
  •  gtmixer 1.0.2_3
  •  gtorrentviewer 0.2b_20
  •  gtranslator 40.0_3
  •  gts 0.7.6_5
  •  gtultra 1.5.5
  •  gtypist 2.9.5_2
  •  guacamole-client 1.5.3
  •  guacamole-server 1.5.3
  •  guake 3.4.0_4
  •  gu-aspell 0.03.0_12
  •  gubby 0.5.5
  •  gucharmap 15.1.0
  •  guetzli 1.0.1_5
  •  gug-libreoffice
  •  guichan 0.8.2_15
  •  guidoar g20210127
  •  guidolib 1.7.11
  •  guifi-snpservices
  •  guile1 1.8.8_1
  •  guile2 2.2.7_5
  •  guile3 3.0.9_1
  •  guile-aclocal 3.0.9_1
  •  guile-cairo-guile22 1.11.2_2
  •  guile-cairo-guile30 1.11.2_2
  •  guile-gnome-platform-full 2.16.5_9
  •  guile-gnome-platform-lite 2.16.5_9
  •  guile-lib-guile22 0.2.7_1
  •  guile-lib-guile30 0.2.7_1
  •  guile-meta 4
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  •  guilib 1.2.1_5
  •  guitarix 0.44.1_8
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  •  gu-libreoffice
  •  gum 0.11.0_3
  •  gumbo 0.10.1
  •  gummi 0.8.1_23
  •  gunfudeadlands 1.01_5
  •  gup 0.4
  •  gupnp14 1.4.4_1
  •  gupnp 1.6.5
  •  gupnp-av 0.14.1_1
  •  gupnp-dlna 0.10.3_5
  •  gupnp-igd12 1.2.0
  •  gupnp-igd 1.6.0
  •  gupnp-tools 0.12.1
  •  gupnp-ui 0.1.1_10
  •  gurk-rs 0.4.1
  •  gurl 0.2.3_14
  •  guspat 20000706_2
  •  gutenfetch 1.5_1
  •  gutenprint 5.3.4
  •  gv 3.7.4_5
  •  gv-aspell 0.50.0_11
  •  gvfs 1.50.2_1
  •  gvmd 22.9.0
  •  gvm-libs 22.7.1
  •  gvolwheel 1.0.3_1
  •  gvp 0.3.0_14
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  •  gwenhywfar-fox16 5.10.2
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  •  gwenhywfar-gtk3 5.10.2
  •  gwenhywfar-qt5 5.10.2
  •  gwenview 23.08.1
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  •  gwhois 20120626
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  •  gworkspace-gwmetadata 1.0.0_1
  •  g-wrap 1.9.15_3
  •  gwsocket 0.3
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  •  gxmessage 3.4.3_2
  •  gxneur 0.20.0_4
  •  gxplugins-lv2 1.0
  •  GxSwitchlessWah-lv2 g20171206
  •  gzdoom 4.7.1_6
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  •  h2c 1.0
  •  h2o 2.2.6_1
  •  h2o-devel 2.3.0.d.20230817
  •  h323plus 1.27.2
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  •  h5utils 1.13.2_2
  •  h5z-zfp 1.1.1
  •  ha 0.999b_2
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  •  habari 0.8
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  •  hackrf 2021.03.1_1
  •  hackrf-devel g2021.01.24_1
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  •  hamclock 2.80
  •  hamcrest 1.3
  •  hamlib 4.5.5
  •  hammer2 1.1.1
  •  hanazono-fonts-ttf 20170904_1
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  •  handlr 0.7.1_15
  •  hangman 0.9.2_12
  •  hans 1.0
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  •  haproxy24-lua 2.4.24
  •  haproxy25 2.5.14_1
  •  haproxy25-lua 2.5.14_1
  •  haproxy26 2.6.15
  •  haproxy26-lua 2.6.15
  •  haproxy27 2.7.10
  •  haproxy27-lua 2.7.10
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  •  haproxy-devel 2.9.d6
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  •  haproxy-lua 2.8.3
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  •  harfbuzz-cairo 8.2.1
  •  harfbuzz-icu 8.2.1
  •  harminv 1.3.1_21
  •  harp 0.6.0_4
  •  haruna 0.12.1
  •  harvid 0.9.1_3
  •  hashcash 1.22
  •  hashcat 6.2.61
  •  hashdb
  •  hash g20200929
  •  hashicorp-serf 0.10.1_3
  •  hashtypes 0.1.4
  •  Hasklig 1.1_1
  •  hastmon 0.3.4
  •  hatari 2.3.1_1
  •  hatop 0.8.1
  •  havoc 0.3.1
  •  hbiff 1.2_2
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  •  hcloud 1.36.0_2
  •  hcs12mem 1.4.1
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  •  hdf5 1.12.2_21
  •  hdf5-18 1.8.23
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  •  heaan 2.1.40_1
  •  headscale 0.16.4_10
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  •  healpix-c 3.50_5
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  •  healthd 0.7.9_2
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  •  hedgewars 1.0.2_2
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  •  heimdal-devel 2023.09.21
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  •  heimer 4.2.0
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  •  heirloom-sh 050706_2
  •  helfem g20210912_9
  •  helib 2.3.0
  •  he-libreoffice
  •  helix 23.05_4
  •  hello 2.12.1
  •  helm 3.13.0
  •  helmfile 0.154.0_2
  •  help2man 1.49.3
  •  help_hannahs_horse 1.0_2
  •  helpviewer 0.3_12
  •  helvum 0.4.1
  •  heme 0.4.2
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  •  herbe 1.0.0
  •  herbstluftwm 0.9.5
  •  hercules 3.13
  •  heretic 1.2_9
  •  Hermes 1.3.3_5
  •  hermes-javascript-engine 0.12.0_2
  •  hermit-font 2.0_1
  •  heroes 0.21_19
  •  hesiod 3.2.1_3
  •  hetzner_ddns 0.2.4
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  •  hexalate 1.2.2_1
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  •  hexpert 2.4.1
  •  hexter 1.0.3_3
  •  hextools 1.2
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  •  hexyl 0.13.1_1
  •  hey 0.1.4_15
  •  heyoka 1.0.0_2
  •  heyu2 2.10.3
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  •  hhm 0.1.1
  •  hhpc 0.3.1
  •  hhsuite 3.3.0_2
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  •  hiawatha-monitor-php81 1.6
  •  hiawatha-monitor-php82 1.6
  •  hiawatha-monitor-php83 1.6
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  •  hid-tools 0.3.1
  •  higan 106_12
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  •  highlight 4.83
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  •  highlnk 0.2
  •  highmoon 1.2.4_12
  •  highway 1.0.7
  •  highwayhash g20201021_11
  •  hikari 2.3.3_4
  •  hil-aspell 0.11.0_12
  •  hi-libreoffice
  •  hilite 1.5
  •  himenobench 2015.07.09_10
  •  hinversi 0.8.2_2
  •  hiredis 1.0.2
  •  hisat2 2.2.1_2
  •  histring
  •  hitch 1.7.3
  •  hitori 3.38.4_1
  •  hlextract 2.4.6
  •  hllib 2.4.6
  •  hlmaster 0.9.3
  •  hmat-oss 1.8.1_1
  •  hmmer 3.3.2
  •  hnb 1.9.18
  •  hobbes-icons-xpm3 1.0_1
  •  hockeypuck g20180725_14
  •  hoel 1.4.28
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  •  honggfuzz 0.7
  •  horcrux 0.3_14
  •  horizon-eda 2.5.0_1
  •  hostapd 2.10_8
  •  hostapd29 2.9_4
  •  hostapd-devel 2023.09.26_3
  •  hostctl 1.1.4_2
  •  hostdb 1.004_1
  •  host-setup 4.0.2
  •  hot-babe 0.2.2_10
  •  hotcrp 2.102_16
  •  hotkeys
  •  hotspot 1.4.1_2
  •  hourglass 1.0.1
  •  hoverboard 0.8.0_1
  •  howdy 3.0.0.b.20230306_2
  •  howm 1.4.8_6
  •  howm-emacs_canna 1.4.8_6
  •  howm-emacs_nox 1.4.8_6
  •  hp2xx 3.4.4_8
  •  hp48cc 1.3_2
  •  hpacucli 7.50_4
  •  HPCombi 0.0.6_1
  •  hpenc 3.0_2
  •  hping3 20051105
  •  hpipm
  •  hpl 2.3_3
  •  hplip 3.23.5_1
  •  hploscripts 3.0_2
  •  hppsmtools 1.11
  •  hpsjam 1.2.7_1
  •  hptt
  •  hpx 1.9.1_1
  •  hq 1.0.1_5
  •  hr-aspell 0.51.0_11
  •  hr-libreoffice
  •  hs-aeson-pretty 0.8.9_1
  •  hs-Agda 2.6.3_1
  •  hs-alex
  •  hs-arbtt
  •  hsb-aspell 0.02.02
  •  hsb-libreoffice
  •  hs-brainfuck
  •  hs-cabal2tuple
  •  hs-cabal-install
  •  hs-cgrep 6.6.32_4
  •  hs-conlecterm
  •  hs-cpphs
  •  hs-cputype 0.2.2_1
  •  hs-cryptol 3.0.0
  •  hs-darcs 2.16.5_3
  •  hs-DAV 1.3.4_5
  •  hs-dhall 1.41.2
  •  hs-dhall-bash 1.0.40_1
  •  hs-dhall-json 1.7.12
  •  hs-dhall-yaml 1.2.12
  •  hs-elm 0.19.1_5
  •  hs-elm-format 0.8.7
  •  hsetroot 1.0.5
  •  hsflowd 1.24.1
  •  hsftp 1.15_3
  •  hs-futhark 0.25.4
  •  hs-ghc-events 0.19.0
  •  hs-ghcprofview
  •  hs-git-annex 10.20230407
  •  hs-git-brunch
  •  hs-gitit
  •  hs-happy 1.20.0_2
  •  hs-hascard
  •  hs-haskell-language-server
  •  hs-haskell-language-server-ghc810
  •  hs-haskell-language-server-ghc92
  •  hs-hasktags 0.72.0_3
  •  hs-hedgewars-server 1.0.2_1
  •  hs-hjsmin 0.2.1
  •  hs-hledger 1.29.2
  •  hs-hledger-ui 1.29.2
  •  hs-hledger-web 1.29.2
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  •  hs-hoogle
  •  hs-hpack 0.35.2
  •  hs-hscolour 1.24.4_91
  •  hs-hspec-discover 2.10.10
  •  hs-lhs2tex 1.24_2
  •  hs-matterhorn 50200.18.0
  •  hs-mueval 0.9.3_13
  •  hs-ormolu
  •  hs-pandoc 3.1.8_1
  •  hs-pandoc-crossref
  •  hs-panopticum
  •  hs-postgrest 11.0.1
  •  hs-profiteur
  •  hs-purescript 0.15.9
  •  hsqldb 2.3.4
  •  hs-scroll 1.20180421_12
  •  hs-shake 0.19.7
  •  hs-ShellCheck 0.9.0
  •  hs-spago 0.20.9
  •  hs-stack 2.11.1
  •  hs-syfco 1.1.34
  •  hs-threadscope
  •  hstr 2.3
  •  hs-unlambda
  •  hs-verismith
  •  hs-wai-app-static
  •  hs-xmobar 0.46
  •  hs-xmonad 0.17.1
  •  hs-yaml
  •  hs-yesod-bin
  •  htable 1.2
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  •  htmlc 2.21.0_1
  •  htmlcompressor 1.5.3_3
  •  htmlcxx 0.87
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  •  htmlise 0.2
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  •  htmlq 0.4.0_16
  •  htmltest 0.17.0_9
  •  htmltolatex 1_25
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  •  htpdate 1.3.7
  •  hts_engine-API 1.10
  •  htslib 1.17
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  •  httm 0.26.4_3
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  •  httperf 0.9.1
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  •  http-parser 2.9.4
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  •  httrack 3.49.4
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  •  huc 3.21
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  •  hugin 2022.0.0_10
  •  hugo 2.12_17
  •  hu-hunspell 1.6.1
  •  hu-hyphen 2007.05.17_1
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  •  hu-jdictionary-eng-hun-expr 1.4_4
  •  hulgalugha 1.0
  •  hu-libreoffice
  •  humanzip 0.5
  •  hu-mythes 2003.09.29_1
  •  hunspell 1.7.2
  •  hurl 4.0.0_1
  •  husky-areafix 1.9.20191207
  •  husky-fidoconf 1.9.20191207
  •  husky-huskylib 1.9.20191207
  •  husky-smapi 1.9.201912071
  •  husky-sqpack 1.9.20191207
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  •  hwstat 0.5.1
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  •  hyperfine 1.17.0_2
  •  hyperhotp 0.1
  •  Hyperlatex 2.9.a_20
  •  Hyperlatex-emacs_canna 2.9.a_20
  •  Hyperlatex-emacs_devel 2.9.a_20
  •  Hyperlatex-emacs_devel_nox 2.9.a_20
  •  Hyperlatex-emacs_nox 2.9.a_20
  •  hypermail 2.4.0_5
  •  hyperrogue 12.1q
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  •  hyphen 2.8.8
  •  hyphy 2.5.53
  •  hypnotix 2.9_3
  •  hypre 2.29.0_1
  •  hyprland 0.30.0_2
  •  hyprland-share-picker 1.2.1
  •  hyprland-share-picker-qt6 1.2.1
  •  hyprpaper 0.4.0
  •  hyprpicker 0.1.1_1
  •  i18n-man 1.1_1
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  •  i3 4.22
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  •  i386-gcc9 9.5.0_11
  •  i386-rust-bootstrap 1.72.0
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  •  i3lock-color 2.13.c.4_2
  •  i3status 2.14_2
  •  i7z 0.27.4
  •  ia-aspell 0.50.1_11
  •  iaikPkcs11Wrapper 1.2.18
  •  iansui 1.000
  •  iat 0.1.7
  •  iaxmodem 1.2.0_10
  •  iboview 20150427_25
  •  ibp 0.21_2
  •  ibsh 0.3e_1
  •  ibus 1.5.27_2
  •  ibus-kmfl 1.0.3_7
  •  ibus-m17n 1.4.22
  •  ibus-table 1.17.2
  •  ibus-typing-booster 2.24.1
  •  ibus-uniemoji
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  •  ical 3.0.4
  •  icapeg 1.0.0_2
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  •  icbm3d 0.4_4
  •  icc-profiles-adobe-cs4 1
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  •  icc-profiles-openicc 1.3.1_2
  •  iccxml 0.9.8_2
  •  icdiff 2.0.7
  •  Ice 3.6.5_1
  •  Ice37 3.7.6
  •  iceauth 1.0.8_2
  •  icebreaker 1.9.8_2
  •  icecast 2.4.4_21
  •  icecast-kh 2.4.0.k15_3
  •  icedtea-web 1.8.8_9
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  •  iceicepenguin 1.5.1_11
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  •  ices 2.0.3_21
  •  icestorm g20220915
  •  icewm 3.4.2
  •  icewm-extra-themes 1.2
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  •  icingadb 1.1.1_5
  •  icinga-ipl-i18n-php80 0.2.0_1
  •  icinga-ipl-i18n-php81 0.2.0_1
  •  icinga-ipl-i18n-php82 0.2.0_1
  •  icinga-ipl-i18n-php83 0.2.0_1
  •  icinga-php-library-php80 0.12.0
  •  icinga-php-library-php81 0.12.0
  •  icinga-php-library-php82 0.12.0
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  •  icingaweb2-php82 2.11.4_1
  •  icingaweb2-php83 2.11.4_1
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  •  ImageMagick7
  •  ImageMagick7-nox11
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  •  imc 4.3_8
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  •  inastemp 0.2.4
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  •  include-what-you-use 0.20
  •  Inconsolata-LGC 20131024_2
  •  inconsolata-ttf 2.001_11
  •  incron 2017.11.13_2
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  •  inputplug 0.4.0_19
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  •  InsightToolkit501 5.0.1_2
  •  InsightToolkit 5.3.0_3
  •  inspectrum 0.2.3
  •  inspircd 3.16.1_2
  •  installwatch 0.6.3_3
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  •  intel-graphics-compiler-llvm12 1.0.12504.5
  •  intel-graphics-compiler-llvm13 1.0.12504.5
  •  intel-graphics-compiler-llvm14 1.0.12504.5
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  •  intel-ice-kmod 1.38.16_1
  •  intel-igb-kmod 2.5.28
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  •  intel-ixl-kmod 1.13.4_1
  •  intel-ixv-kmod 1.5.34_1
  •  intellij 2020.2.3
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  •  intellij-ultimate 2022.2.5_1
  •  intel-media-sdk 22.4.3
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  •  intel-nvmupdate-10g 3.60
  •  intel-nvmupdate-40g 9.30
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  •  intel-pcm 202302_1
  •  intel-snap 0.0.1_15
  •  intel-undervolt 1.7
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  •  intercal 0.31
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  •  intersect-lv2 1.3
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  •  intltool 0.51.0_1
  •  intx 0.10.1
  •  invada-studio-plugins-lv2 1.2.0_1
  •  inxi
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  •  io-devel 20180807_2
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  •  ion-shell
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  •  ioquake3-server 1.36_17
  •  ior
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  •  iosevka 16.7.0
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  •  iozone 3.506
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  •  ipacctd 1.47_1
  •  ipa_conv 1.1_2
  •  ipad_charge 2.0.1
  •  ipa_sdb 1.1.1_3
  •  ipaudit 1.1
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  •  ipdecap 0.7.2_1
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  •  ipfs-go-fs-repo-migrations 1.7.1_14
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  •  ipgrab 0.9.10_1
  •  ipguard 1.04_4
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  •  iplike 2.2.0
  •  ipmi_exporter 1.6.1_8
  •  ipmitool 1.8.18_3
  •  Ipopt 3.14.12
  •  ipp-usb 0.9.23_2
  •  iprange 1.0.4
  •  ipsc 0.4.3
  •  ipsec-tools 0.8.2_12
  •  ipsumdump 1.86
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  •  ipv6gen 1.0
  •  ipv6mon 1.0_5
  •  ipv6toolkit 2.0
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  •  ircd-ratbox-devel 3.0.7_3
  •  ircii 20210314
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  •  iroffer-dinoex 3.33
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  •  irrlicht 1.8.5_1
  •  irrtoolset 5.1.3_1
  •  irsim 9.7.116
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  •  irstlm 5.80.03_4
  •  isaac 4.2_17
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  •  isa-l 2.30.0
  •  isal-kmod g20220517
  •  is-aspell
  •  isbg 2.2.1
  •  isboot-kmod 0.2.15
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  •  isc-dhcp44-relay 4.4.3P1
  •  isc-dhcp44-server 4.4.3P1
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  •  isic 0.07_5
  •  isl 0.26
  •  is-libreoffice
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  •  iso8879 1986_3
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  •  isoqlog 2.2.1_1
  •  iso-schematron-xslt 20130313_1
  •  ispc 1.21.0_1
  •  istgt 20150713
  •  istio 1.7.4_15
  •  isync 1.4.4
  •  it-aspell 2.4.20070901.02
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  •  itcl4 4.2.3
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  •  it-hyphen 2016.02.10
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  •  itk 3.4.2
  •  it-libreoffice
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  •  ja-boiled-mozc-emacs_devel_nox 0.7_19
  •  ja-boiled-mozc-emacs_nox 0.7_19
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  •  ja-bugzilla50 5.0.2
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  •  ja-celrw 0.16
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  •  jp2a 1.1.1_1
  •  jpatch 0.4.p1_3
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  •  jpegoptim 1.5.5_1
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  •  jpgtn 2.06_5
  •  jpm 1.1.0
  •  jps 1.0
  •  jq 1.7_1
  •  jql 7.0.3_1
  •  jrdesktop
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  •  jrobin 1.5.14
  •  jrosetta 1.0.4_1
  •  jrrd 1.1.4
  •  jrtplib 3.11.2
  •  jruby
  •  jruls 0.2
  •  jsap 2.1_2
  •  jsch 0.1.55
  •  jshon 20180209
  •  jsl 0.3.0_2
  •  jslice 1.0.0_4
  •  jsMath-fonts 1.3
  •  jsmin 20191031
  •  json2yaml 1.2.0
  •  json-c 0.17
  •  jsoncpp 1.9.5
  •  json-dto 0.3.1
  •  json-fortran
  •  json-glib 1.8.0
  •  jsonnet 0.18.0
  •  jsonrpc-glib 3.42.0
  •  json-tui
  •  json-yaml 1.2.1
  •  jstest-gtk 20180710_6
  •  jsxc 4.4.0
  •  jtans 1.0_4
  •  jtc 1.76
  •  jtiger 2.1.0376
  •  jtop 1.0
  •  jtopen 6.2
  •  jtransforms 2.4
  •  jts 1.18.1
  •  juce 7.0.7
  •  jucipp 1.7.2_2
  •  Judy 1.0.5_3
  •  juk 23.08.1
  •  juke 0.7
  •  julia 1.9.3_1
  •  juliamono 0.050
  •  julius 4.1.2_2
  •  julius-caesariii 1.7.0_11
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  •  jumpgate 0.7_1
  •  jumpnbump 1.61_2
  •  jumpy 0.7.0_4
  •  junction 20140329_1
  •  junicode 1.002_1
  •  junit 4.12
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  •  jupp 3.1.41
  •  just 1.14.0_4
  •  jutils 1.0.1_11
  •  jvgs 0.5.1_5
  •  jvmtop
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  •  jwhois 4.0_8
  •  jwm 2.4.3_1
  •  jwsmtp 1.32.15
  •  jwt-cli 6.0.0_2
  •  jxgrabkey 0.3.2
  •  jxrlib 1.1
  •  jython 2.7.0
  •  jzintv 1.0.202007121
  •  jzip 2.0.1g
  •  jzlib 1.1.1
  •  k3b 23.08.1_1
  •  k40-whisperer 0.59
  •  k4dirstat 3.4.3
  •  k8temp 0.4.1
  •  k9s 0.27.4_2
  •  kab-libreoffice
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  •  kaccounts-providers 23.08.1
  •  kaddressbook 23.08.1
  •  kadnode 2.3.0_1
  •  kaffeine 2.0.18_5
  •  kafka 3.5.1
  •  kahip 3.15
  •  kaidan 0.9.1_1
  •  kalarm 23.08.1
  •  kalc-calculator 0.8.4_1
  •  kalgebra 23.08.1
  •  ka-libreoffice
  •  kalk 23.08.1
  •  kalker 2.0.4_1
  •  kallisto 0.50.0_21
  •  kalzium 23.08.1
  •  kamailio 5.6.2_1
  •  kamera 23.08.1
  •  kamerka 0.20_5
  •  kamis 2.0.19
  •  kamoso 23.08.1
  •  kanagram 23.08.1
  •  kanatest 0.4.10.g20200611_1
  •  kanshi 1.4.0
  •  kapacitor 1.5.1_14
  •  kapman 23.08.1
  •  kapp 0.56.0_2
  •  kapptemplate 23.08.1
  •  kaputa 1.000_3
  •  kartofel 1.2_17
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  •  katarakt 0.2_27
  •  kate 23.08.1_1
  •  katomic 23.08.1
  •  kawa 3.1.1
  •  kb2mb2 1.0_3
  •  kbackup 23.08.1
  •  kbdscan 20110507
  •  kbfsd 1.5.3
  •  kbibtex 0.10.0_4
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  •  kblocks 23.08.1
  •  kbounce 23.08.1
  •  kbreakout 23.08.1
  •  kbruch 23.08.1
  •  kBuild 0.1.9998_15
  •  kc 2.5.1
  •  kcachegrind 23.08.1
  •  kcalc 23.08.1
  •  kcalutils 23.08.1
  •  kcat 1.7.0
  •  kcd 7.15.0_11
  •  kcgi 0.13.0
  •  kcharselect 23.08.1
  •  kchmviewer 8.0.9
  •  kcolorchooser 23.08.1
  •  kColorPicker 0.2.0_1
  •  kconfig-frontends
  •  kcov 37_1
  •  kcron 23.08.1
  •  kdb 3.2.0_14
  •  kdbg 3.0.1_2
  •  kdbxviewer 0.1.12
  •  kddockwidgets 1.7.0
  •  kde5
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  •  kdeadmin 23.08.1_1
  •  kde-baseapps 23.08.1_2
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  •  kdeconnect-kde 23.08.1
  •  kde-dev-scripts 23.08.1
  •  kde-dev-utils 23.08.1
  •  kdeedu 23.08.1_1
  •  kdeedu-data 23.08.1
  •  kdegames 23.08.1_1
  •  kdegraphics 23.08.1_1
  •  kdegraphics-mobipocket 23.08.1
  •  kdegraphics-svgpart 23.08.1
  •  kdegraphics-thumbnailers 23.08.1
  •  kdemultimedia 23.08.1_3
  •  kdemultimedia-ffmpegthumbs 23.08.1
  •  kdenetwork 23.08.1_1
  •  kdenetwork-filesharing 23.08.1
  •  kdenlive 23.08.1_1
  •  kdepim 23.08.1_2
  •  kdepim-addons 23.08.1
  •  kdepim-runtime 23.08.1_1
  •  kde_poster 1.0_1
  •  kdesdk 23.08.1
  •  kdesdk-kio 23.08.1
  •  kdesdk-thumbnailers 23.08.1
  •  kdesvn 2.1.0_5
  •  kde-thumbnailer-chm 0.2.1_4
  •  kde-thumbnailer-epub 1.1.9.b_4
  •  kde-thumbnailer-fb2 0.3.1_4
  •  kdeutils 23.08.1_1
  •  kdevelop 23.08.1_1
  •  kdevelop-pg-qt 2.2.2_1
  •  kdev-php 23.08.1_1
  •  kdev-python 23.08.1
  •  kdf 23.08.1
  •  kdiagram 2.8.0_1
  •  kdialog 23.08.1
  •  kdiamond 23.08.1
  •  kdiff3 1.10.6
  •  kdiskmark 3.1.2
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  •  kdsoap-qt5 2.1.1_1
  •  kdsoap-qt6 2.1.1_1
  •  kea 2.4.0_1
  •  keama 4.4.3P1
  •  keditbookmarks 23.08.1
  •  keepass 2.54_2
  •  keepass-plugin-keepassrpc 1.8.0_2
  •  keepassxc 2.7.6
  •  keeperrl 0.0.23_5
  •  keep-presence 1.0.6
  •  keitairc 2.0
  •  kenny 1.7_1
  •  kepubify 4.0.4_14
  •  kerl 3.1.0
  •  kermit 10.0.beta10
  •  kevedit 0.5.1_5
  •  kexi 3.2.0_8
  •  keybase 6.2.2_1
  •  keybinder 0.3.1_6
  •  keybinder-gtk3 0.3.2_2
  •  keyboardcast 0.1.1_6
  •  keyboard-daemon 0.7_1
  •  keychain 2.8.5
  •  keycloak 22.0.3
  •  keyd 2.4.3
  •  keynav 0.20180821.01
  •  keyprint 1.0_2
  •  keysmith 23.08.1
  •  kf5-attica 5.110.0
  •  kf5-baloo 5.110.0
  •  kf5-breeze-icons 5.110.0
  •  kf5-extra-cmake-modules 5.110.0
  •  kf5-frameworkintegration 5.110.0
  •  kf5-frameworks 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kactivities 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kactivities-stats 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kapidox 5.110.0
  •  kf5-karchive 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kauth 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kbookmarks 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kcalendarcore 5.110.01
  •  kf5-kcmutils 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kcodecs 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kcompletion 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kconfig 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kconfigwidgets 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kcontacts 5.110.01
  •  kf5-kcoreaddons 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kcrash 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kdav 5.110.0_11
  •  kf5-kdbusaddons 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kdeclarative 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kded 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kdelibs4support 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kdesignerplugin 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kdesu 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kdewebkit 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kdnssd 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kdoctools 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kemoticons 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kfilemetadata 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kglobalaccel 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kguiaddons 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kholidays 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-khtml 5.110.0
  •  kf5-ki18n 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kiconthemes 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kidletime 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kimageformats 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kinit 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kio 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kirigami2 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kitemmodels 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kitemviews 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kjobwidgets 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kjs 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kjsembed 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kmediaplayer 5.110.0
  •  kf5-knewstuff 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-knotifications 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-knotifyconfig 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kpackage 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kparts 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kpeople 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kplotting 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kpty 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kquickcharts 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kross 5.110.0
  •  kf5-krunner 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kservice 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-ktexteditor 5.110.0
  •  kf5-ktextwidgets 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kunitconversion 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kwallet 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kwayland 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kwidgetsaddons 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kwindowsystem 5.110.0
  •  kf5-kxmlgui 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-kxmlrpcclient 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-oxygen-icons5 5.110.0
  •  kf5-plasma-framework 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-prison 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-purpose 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-qqc2-desktop-style 5.110.0
  •  kf5-solid 5.110.0_1
  •  kf5-sonnet 5.110.0
  •  kf5-style-qtcurve 1.9.0_1
  •  kf5-syndication 5.110.01
  •  kf5-syntax-highlighting 5.110.0
  •  kf5-threadweaver 5.110.0
  •  kfind 23.08.1
  •  kfloppy 23.04.3
  •  kfourinline 23.08.1
  •  kfr 5.0.3
  •  kgeography 23.08.1
  •  kgeotag 1.4.0_1
  •  kget 23.08.1
  •  kgoldrunner 23.08.1
  •  kgpg 23.08.1
  •  kgraphviewer 2.4.3_8
  •  khangman 23.08.1
  •  khelpcenter 23.08.1
  •  khmeros 5.0_2
  •  kibana7 7.17.11_1
  •  kibana8 8.8.2_1
  •  kibi 0.2.2_24
  •  kicad 7.0.2_32
  •  kicad-devel r20230622153548_5
  •  kicad-doc 7.0.2_2
  •  kicad-library-footprints 7.0.2_2
  •  kicad-library-footprints-devel r20230622084925_2
  •  kicad-library-packages3d 7.0.2_2
  •  kicad-library-packages3d-devel r20230611223914_2
  •  kicad-library-symbols 7.0.2_2
  •  kicad-library-symbols-devel r20230618100922_2
  •  kicad-library-tmpl 7.0.2_2
  •  kicad-library-tmpl-devel r20230122200022_2
  •  kickoff 0.7.0_6
  •  kickpass 0.2.0_2
  •  kickshaw 0.5.26_1
  •  kiconvtool 0.99
  •  kid3-kf5 3.9.4_1
  •  kid3-qt5 3.9.4_1
  •  kid3-qt6 3.9.4_1
  •  kidentitymanagement 23.08.1
  •  kig 23.08.1
  •  kigo 23.08.1
  •  kile 3.0.b3_43
  •  killbots 23.08.1
  •  kImageAnnotator 0.6.1
  •  kimagemapeditor 23.08.1
  •  kimap 23.08.1
  •  kim-api 2.3.0_1
  •  kineto g20211104_14
  •  kio-extras 23.08.1_1
  •  kio-fuse 5.0.1_1
  •  kio-gdrive 23.08.1
  •  kio-zeroconf 23.08.1
  •  kipi-plugins 23.08.1_1
  •  kippo 0.9_1
  •  kirigami-addons 0.11.0
  •  kirigami-gallery 23.08.1
  •  kiriki 23.08.1
  •  kismet 2016.07.r1_21
  •  kissat 3.1.0
  •  kiss-templates 0.19_13
  •  kitinerary 23.08.1
  •  kitty 0.30.0
  •  kiwix-tools 3.5.0_1
  •  kjumpingcube 23.08.1
  •  kk-libreoffice
  •  kktdirect 0.5_13
  •  klatexformula 4.0.0_3
  •  klavaro 3.14
  •  klayout 0.28.3
  •  kldap 23.08.1
  •  kldfind 0.61
  •  kldpatch 20090116
  •  klee 3.0
  •  kleopatra 23.08.1
  •  klettres 23.08.1
  •  klg-php80 1.5_1
  •  klg-php81 1.5_1
  •  klg-php82 1.5_1
  •  klg-php83 1.5_1
  •  klib g20210616
  •  klickety 23.08.1
  •  klines 23.08.1
  •  klish 2.1.4
  •  klog 2.2.1
  •  klondike 1.9_4
  •  kludge3d 20040822_16
  •  klystrack 1.7.6_1
  •  kmag 23.08.1
  •  kmahjongg 23.08.1
  •  kmail 23.08.1
  •  kmail-account-wizard 23.08.1
  •  kmailtransport 23.08.1
  •  kmbox 23.08.1
  •  kmcp 0.9.4
  •  kmflcomp 0.9.9_2
  •  kmfl-european-latin 1.6_1
  •  kmfl-khmer 1.0
  •  kmfl-sil-ezra 2.4_5
  •  kmfl-sil-galatia 1.03_1
  •  kmfl-sil-ipa-unicode 1.2_4
  •  kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin 20090831_4
  •  kmfl-sil-yi 20020903_4
  •  kmfl-varamozhi-malayalam 1.1.1_5
  •  kmime 23.08.1
  •  kmines 23.08.1
  •  kmix 23.08.1
  •  km-libreoffice
  •  kmousetool 23.08.1
  •  kmouth 23.08.1
  •  kmplayer 0.12.0b_73
  •  kmplot 23.08.1
  •  kmr_Latn-libreoffice
  •  kms-cmake-utils 6.18.0_1
  •  kmscube s20230926
  •  kmymoney 5.1.3_3
  •  kn-aspell 0.01.1
  •  knavalbattle 23.08.1
  •  knc 1.7.1
  •  knetwalk 23.08.1
  •  knews 1.0b.1_14
  •  knightcap 3.6_9
  •  knights 23.08.1
  •  kn-libreoffice
  •  knock 0.81
  •  knocker 0.8.0
  •  knockpy 5.4.0_2
  •  knot3 3.3.1
  •  knot3-lib 3.3.1
  •  knotes 23.08.1
  •  knot-resolver 5.7.0
  •  knotter
  •  knxd 0.14.59
  •  ko-aleefonts-ttf 13.3_1
  •  ko-baekmukfonts-bdf 2.2
  •  ko-baekmukfonts-ttf 2.2_4
  •  kobodeluxe 0.5.1_14
  •  ko-d2coding-ttf 1.3.2
  •  kodaskanna 0.1.0_3
  •  kodi 20.2_3
  •  kodi-addon-game.libretro 20.1.0_1
  •  kodi-addon-game.libretro.beetle-psx
  •  kodi-addon-game.libretro.fceumm
  •  kodi-addon-game.libretro.genplus
  •  kodi-addon-game.libretro.pcsx-rearmed
  •  kodi-addon-game.libretro.picodrive
  •  kodi-addon-inputstream.adaptive 20.3.13
  •  kodi-addon-peripheral.joystick 20.1.0_1
  •  kodi-addon-pvr.hts 20.6.2
  •  kodi-addon-pvr.iptvsimple 20.11.0
  •  kodi-addon-screensaver.biogenesis 20.1.0_1
  •  kodi-addon-screensaver.matrixtrails 20.1.0_1
  •  kodi-addon-screensaver.stars 20.1.0_1
  •  kodi-addon-visualization.fishbmc 20.2.0_1
  •  kodi-addon-visualization.shadertoy 20.3.0_1
  •  kodi-addon-visualization.spectrum 20.2.0_1
  •  kodi-platform 20190726_8
  •  ko-engdic 0.2_1
  •  ko-fcitx5-hangul 5.0.11
  •  ko-fcitx-hangul 0.3.0_1
  •  ko-freebsd-doc 202309241
  •  ko-FreeWnn-lib 1.1.1.a021_14
  •  ko-FreeWnn-server 1.1.1.a021_15
  •  ko-h2ps 2.06
  •  kohana 3.3.6
  •  ko-hanyangfonts 1.0_5
  •  ko-hcode 2.1.3_1
  •  ko-hmconv 1.0.3_1
  •  ko-hpscat-jshin 1.3.12
  •  ko-hunspell 0.7.90
  •  koi8-u-gemini-x11 1.0_5
  •  koi8-u-monaco-x11 1.0_4
  •  ko-ibus-hangul 1.5.1_1
  •  ko-imhangul-gtk2 2.1.1_1
  •  ko-imhangul-gtk3 3.1.1_1
  •  ko-kaistfonts-ksc 1.0_5
  •  kokkos 4.1.00
  •  kok-libreoffice
  •  ko-ko.TeX
  •  ko-ko.TeX-fonts-base
  •  ko-ko.TeX-fonts-extra 0.1.0_6
  •  kolf 23.08.1
  •  ko-libhangul 0.1.0_3
  •  ko-libreoffice
  •  kollision 23.08.1
  •  kolourpaint 23.08.1
  •  kommit 1.0.2_1
  •  komodo-edit 11.0.2
  •  kompare 23.08.1
  •  komposter g20201211_1
  •  ko-munhwafonts-cid 1.0_3
  •  ko-nabi 1.0.0_2
  •  ko-nanum-barun-gothic 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-barun-gothic-otf 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-barun-pen 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-barun-pen-otf 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-brush 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-brush-otf 20220210
  •  ko-nanumfonts 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-gothic 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-gothic-coding 2.5
  •  ko-nanum-gothic-eco 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-gothic-eco-otf 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-gothic-otf 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-myeongjo 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-myeongjo-eco 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-myeongjo-eco-otf 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-myeongjo-otf 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-pen 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-pen-otf 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-square 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-square-otf 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-square-round 20220210
  •  ko-nanum-square-round-otf 20220210
  •  kongress 1.0.1_2
  •  ko-nhpf 1.42_1
  •  konqueror 23.08.1
  •  konquest 23.08.1
  •  konsole 23.08.1
  •  kontact 23.08.1
  •  kontactinterface 23.08.1
  •  kontrast 23.08.1
  •  konversation 23.08.1
  •  kooha 2.2.4
  •  kooka 0.61.323_41
  •  kookbook 0.2.1_3
  •  kopete 23.08.1
  •  kopia 0.14.1
  •  kops 1.28.0
  •  kore 4.2.3
  •  korganizer 23.08.1
  •  ko-scim-hangul 0.4.0_3
  •  ko-scim-tables 0.5.10_1
  •  kosmindoormap 23.08.1
  •  kosmorro 0.10.12
  •  ko-sourcehansans-otf 2.000
  •  ko-sourcehanserif-otf 1.001_1
  •  ko-spoqahansans-ttf 2.1.2
  •  kotlin 1.9.0
  •  ko-unfonts-core
  •  ko-unfonts-extra
  •  ko-uniksc 0.9
  •  kpat 23.08.1
  •  kpcli 3.1_1
  •  kpeoplevcard 0.1_1
  •  kphotoalbum 5.11.0_2
  •  kpimtextedit 23.08.1
  •  kpkpass 23.08.1
  •  kplib 1.1.1
  •  kplot 0.1.15
  •  kpmcore 23.08.1
  •  kpmenu 1.4.1_15
  •  kproperty 3.2.0_2
  •  kpublictransport 23.08.1
  •  kqtquickcharts 23.08.1
  •  kquickimageeditor 0.2.0
  •  kraft 1.1
  •  krank 07_11
  •  krb5-120 1.20.2
  •  krb5-121 1.21.2
  •  krb5 1.21.2
  •  krb5-devel 1.22.2023.09.20
  •  krdc 23.08.1
  •  krename 5.0.2_3
  •  kreport 3.2.0_9
  •  kreversi 23.08.1
  •  krfb 23.08.1
  •  krill 0.13.1_3
  •  krita 5.1.5_19
  •  krita-gmic-plugin
  •  kronometer 2.3.0_1
  •  kronosnet 1.26
  •  kross-interpreters 23.08.1
  •  kruler 23.08.1
  •  krusader 2.8.0_2
  •  ksanecore 23.08.1
  •  kseexpr
  •  ksh 1.0.7
  •  ksh93 93.u_32
  •  ksh-devel 2023.09.16
  •  kshisen 23.08.1
  •  kshutdown 5.2_2
  •  ksirk 23.08.1
  •  ks-libreoffice
  •  ksmtp 23.08.1
  •  ksnakeduel 23.08.1
  •  ksnip 1.10.1
  •  kspaceduel 23.08.1
  •  ksql 0.3.5
  •  ksquares 23.08.1
  •  kst
  •  kstars 3.6.6_11
  •  kstart 4.3
  •  ksudoku 23.08.1
  •  ksystemlog 23.08.1
  •  kteatime 23.08.1
  •  ktechlab 0.51.0_1
  •  ktextaddons 1.5.2
  •  ktimer 23.08.1
  •  ktimetracker 5.0.1_3
  •  ktnef 23.08.1
  •  ktoblzcheck 1.53_8
  •  ktorrent 23.08.1
  •  ktouch 23.08.1
  •  ktuberling 23.08.1
  •  kturtle 23.08.1
  •  ku-aspell 0.20.1_11
  •  kube-apiserver 1.27.2_2
  •  kube-controller-manager 1.27.2_2
  •  kubectl 1.28.2
  •  kube-scheduler 1.27.2_2
  •  kubrick 23.08.1
  •  kuklomenos 0.4.5_4
  •  kuku 2.1.0
  •  kuserfeedback 1.2.0_2
  •  Kvantum-qt5 1.0.10
  •  kvazaar 2.2.0_1
  •  KVIrc
  •  kwalletmanager 23.08.1
  •  kwave 23.08.1
  •  kwinft 5.27.0_2
  •  kwordquiz 23.08.1
  •  kxstitch 2.2.0_5
  •  ky-aspell 0.01.0
  •  kyotocabinet 1.2.80
  •  kyototycoon 0.9.56_6
  •  kyra 2.1.3_6
  •  kyua 0.13_63
  •  kzip 20200115_1
  •  l0pht-watch 1.1_1
  •  l2a 1.2
  •  l2p 1.1.1_5
  •  l2tpd 0.69_11
  •  la-aspell 20020503.0_1
  •  lab
  •  labplot 2.10.1
  •  labwc 0.6.5
  •  la-capitaine-icon-theme 0.6.2
  •  lacheck 1.26_1
  •  ladspa 1.17_1
  •  ladvd 1.1.2_1
  •  lafontaine 0.4.1_11
  •  lagrange 1.16.5
  •  lambda 0.1.4_2
  •  lambdamoo 1.8.1_1
  •  lame 3.100_4
  •  lamprop 2020.12.28
  •  lander 0.7.3_1
  •  landrop 0.4.0
  •  languageclient-neovim
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  •  lapack 3.11.0_1
  •  lapack95 1.0_20
  •  lapacke 3.11.0_1
  •  lapackpp 2022.05.00_1
  •  lapce 0.2.8_4
  •  lapispuzzle 1.2_9
  •  larbin 2.6.3_3
  •  largetifftools 1.4.1_1
  •  larswm 7.5.3_2
  •  lasem 0.5.1_2
  •  lash 0.5.4_19
  •  lasi 1.1.3_1
  •  laspack 1.12.2
  •  lasso 2.8.2
  •  LAStools 2.0.0_1
  •  lastpass-cli 1.3.6
  •  laszip 3.4.3
  •  latd 1.31
  •  laternamagica 0.5_5
  •  latex2html 2016_1
  •  latex2rtf 2.3.17_1
  •  latex-beamer 3.57_1
  •  latex-biber 2.191
  •  latexdiff 1.3.3
  •  latex-jlisting 0.2
  •  latex-ltablex 1.0_2
  •  latex-mk 2.1_5
  •  latex-resume 20010823_3
  •  latex-service 0.1_11
  •  lato g20180831_1
  •  latte 1.2.2_2
  •  latte-dock 0.10.9_1
  •  latte-integrale 1.7.6_1
  •  lattice-ice40-examples-hx1k g20180310_2
  •  lattice-ice40-examples-hx8k g20180310_2
  •  lattice-ice40-tools g20181021_1
  •  lava 1.0.1
  •  lavalauncher 2.1.1
  •  layan-gtk-themes 2021.06.30
  •  lazarus-gtk2 2.2.6
  •  lazarus-gtk2-devel 2.3.0_2
  •  lazarus-qt5 2.2.6_1
  •  lazarus-qt5-devel 2.3.0_2
  •  lazpaint-gtk2 7.1.6_8
  •  lazpaint-qt5 7.1.6_8
  •  lazperf 2.0.0
  •  lazycli 0.1.15_7
  •  lazygit 0.40.2_1
  •  lazyread 2.0
  •  lbann 0.102.254_1
  •  lbdb 0.42.1
  •  lbl-cf 1.2.5
  •  lbl-hf 1.9
  •  lb-libreoffice
  •  lbrate 1.1_2
  •  lbreakout 010315_9
  •  lbreakout2 2.6.5_1
  •  lbreakouthd 1.1.1_1
  •  lbzip2 2.5
  •  lc 1.0
  •  lcab 1.0b12
  •  lcalc 2.0.5_1
  •  lcdproc 0.5.9
  •  lcdtest 1.18_10
  •  lci 0.11.2_4
  •  lcms 1.19_71
  •  lcms2 2.15_2
  •  lcov 1.15
  •  ldap-account-manager 8.5
  •  ldapdiff 1.4.1_4
  •  ldapdns 2.07_4
  •  ldapscripts 2.0.8_1
  •  ldapsdk 6.0.7_11
  •  ldapsh 2.00_41
  •  ldap-stats 5.2_1
  •  ldapvi 1.7_6
  •  ldb15 1.5.6_2
  •  ldb20 2.0.10_1
  •  ldb21 2.1.5_1
  •  ldb22 2.2.3
  •  ldns 1.8.3
  •  ldraw 202202111
  •  ldview 4.5_1
  •  le 1.16.8
  •  leafnode 1.12.0
  •  leafpad 0.8.19_2
  •  leafpak 1.1.1
  •  league-gothic 1.601
  •  league-spartan 2.220
  •  leaktracer 2.4
  •  lean 3.51.1
  •  leatherman 1.12.9_2
  •  lebiniou 3.66.0_5
  •  lebiniou-data 3.66.0
  •  led 2.0_1
  •  ledger 3.2.1_6
  •  ledgersmb 1.2.26_2
  •  ledit 2.04_1
  •  leela-zero 0.17.30_5
  •  lefthook 1.4.8_2
  •  leftwm 0.4.2_1
  •  legend-of-edgar 1.36_1
  •  legesmotus 0.4.0_8
  •  lego 4.14.2
  •  leiningen 2.9.10_1
  •  lemon 3.34
  •  lemonbar 1.4_1
  •  lemonbar-xft g20201213
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  •  lensfun 0.3.95_2
  •  lenticular-lv2
  •  leocad 23.03
  •  leo_center 0.4.70_1
  •  leofs 1.4.3_2
  •  leproxy 0.2.2
  •  lepton-eda 1.9.18_3
  •  leptonica 1.82.0_1
  •  lerc 4.0.0
  •  less 551_1
  •  lesspipe 2.06
  •  lesstif 0.95.2_72
  •  lets 0.0.53_1
  •  letsdns 1.0.1_2
  •  leveldb 1.23_1
  •  level-zero 1.14.0
  •  levmar 2.6_15
  •  lewton 0.10.2_21
  •  lexter 1.0.3_6
  •  lf 31
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  •  lfcxml 1.3.6
  •  lfe 2.1.1
  •  lfm 3.1
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  •  lfpfonts-var 0.83_5
  •  lft 3.912
  •  lftp 4.9.2
  •  lfview 1.1a_3
  •  lg 1.9.s20140622_1
  •  lgeneral 1.4.4
  •  lha 1.14i_9
  •  lhasa 0.3.1
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  •  liba52 0.8.0
  •  libaacs 0.11.1
  •  libabigail 2.0_2
  •  libabw 0.1.3_3
  •  libaccounts-glib 1.26
  •  libaccounts-qt5 1.16_4
  •  libac g20190308_1
  •  libad9361-iio 0.3
  •  libadplug 2.3.3
  •  libadwaita 1.4.0
  •  libaec 1.0.6
  •  libafterbase 0.92_3
  •  libafterimage 1.20_8
  •  libaiff 6.0
  •  libansilove 1.4.1
  •  libantlr3c 3.4_1
  •  libantlr4 4.13.0
  •  libao 1.2.0_6
  •  libappindicator
  •  libapreq2 2.17
  •  libaravis 0.8.20_2
  •  libarc 2.0.2_2
  •  libarchive 3.7.11
  •  libarchive-qt 2.0.6
  •  libArcus 4.13.1_21
  •  libarea 20191031_1
  •  libarena 0.3.7
  •  libargon2 20190702
  •  libarms 5.01_2
  •  libart_lgpl 2.3.21_31
  •  libartnet 1.1.2
  •  libasr 1.0.4
  •  libasr-devel 201602131606_3
  •  libass 0.17.1_1
  •  libassa 3.5.1_1
  •  libassetml 1.2.1_16
  •  libassuan 2.5.6
  •  libast 0.7_13
  •  libastylej 3.0.1_2
  •  libastylej-arduino 3.0.1_2
  •  libatomic_ops 7.8.0
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  •  libaudiofile 0.3.6_4
  •  libaura 3.1.20051222
  •  libavif 1.0.1
  •  libavl 1.4.0_1
  •  libayatana-appindicator 0.5.92_2
  •  libayatana-indicator 0.9.3_2
  •  libb2 0.98.1_1
  •  libb64 1.2.1
  •  libbacktrace 1.0
  •  libbde a.20221031
  •  libbdplus 0.2.0
  •  libbegemot 1.11_5
  •  libbfd 2.40
  •  libbgpdump 1.6.0
  •  libbigwig 0.4.7
  •  libbind 6.0_1
  •  libbinio 1.5
  •  libbluray 1.3.41
  •  libboard 0.9.4_10
  •  libbpfjit g2020082801
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  •  libbpm 0.3_1
  •  libbraiding 1.1
  •  libbs2b 3.1.0_7
  •  libbson 1.24.2
  •  libbt 1.06
  •  libbtc g20210428_1
  •  libburn 1.5.6
  •  libc6-shim 20230916
  •  libcabinet 0.30_2
  •  libcaca 0.99.b19_2
  •  libcanberra 0.30_9
  •  libcanberra-gtk2 0.30_9
  •  libcanberra-gtk3 0.30_9
  •  libcapn 1.1.0
  •  libcbor 0.10.2
  •  libccd 2.1
  •  libccp4 6.5.1_5
  •  libcdada 0.4.0
  •  libcdaudio 0.99.12p2_3
  •  libcdb g2020082801
  •  libcddb 1.3.2_4
  •  libcddb-doc 1.3.0
  •  libcdio 2.1.0
  •  libcdio-paranoia 10.2+2.0.1
  •  libcdr01 0.1.7_6
  •  libcds
  •  libcec 6.0.2_1
  •  libcelero 2.9.0
  •  libCello 1.1.7_1
  •  libcerf 2.3
  •  libcfu 0.04.a_3
  •  libchamplain 0.12.20_2
  •  libCharon 4.13.0
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  •  libchk 1.10.3
  •  libcidr 1.2.3
  •  libcifpp
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  •  libcint 5.4.0
  •  libcircllhist g20221215
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  •  libcomprex 0.3.3_13
  •  libcomps 0.1.19
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  •  libcoverart 1.0.0_6
  •  libcprime 4.3.0_1
  •  libcpuid 0.6.3
  •  libcreg e.20221022
  •  libcroco 0.6.13_2
  •  libcrossguid
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  •  libcsptr
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  •  libcsv 3.0.3_3
  •  libctl 4.5.0_2
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  •  libcue 2.1.0
  •  libcutl 1.10.0_22
  •  libcwd 1.0.6_6
  •  libcyaml 1.4.1
  •  libdaemon 0.14_1
  •  libdap 3.20.11
  •  libdaq 3.0.12
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  •  libdatadog 2.1.0_4
  •  libdatovka 0.3.0
  •  libdatrie 0.2.13_1
  •  libdazzle 3.44.0_1
  •  libdbi 0.9.0_3
  •  libdbi-drivers 0.9.0_6
  •  libdbusmenu 16.04.0_7
  •  libdbusmenu-qt5
  •  libdbusmenu-qt6
  •  libdc1394 2.2.6
  •  libdc 5.0.10
  •  libdca 0.0.7
  •  libdcadec 0.2.0_1
  •  libddwaf 1.14.0_1
  •  libde265 1.0.12
  •  libdecaf 1.0.0_3
  •  libdecor 0.2.0
  •  libdeflate 1.19
  •  libdevq 0.0.4
  •  libdfui 4.1.20060122
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  •  libdill 2.14
  •  libdisasm 0.23_2
  •  libdiscid 0.6.4_1
  •  libdisorder 0.0.2_1
  •  libdispatch 5.51
  •  libdisplay-info 0.1.1
  •  libdistance 0.2.2_1
  •  libdivide 5.0_1
  •  libdivsufsort
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  •  libdmtx 0.7.5
  •  libdnet 1.13_4
  •  libdnf 0.70.2_1
  •  libdnsres 0.1a_10
  •  libdockapp 0.7.2
  •  libdom 0.4.1
  •  libdomainkeys 0.69_1
  •  libdombey 5.56
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  •  libdrizzle-redux 5.1.4_2
  •  libdrm 2.4.1161
  •  libds 2.2
  •  libdsk 1.4.2
  •  libdsp 5.0.2_3
  •  libdssialsacompat 1.0.8a_2
  •  libdv 1.0.0_8
  •  libdvbcsa 1.1.0_1
  •  libdvbpsi 1.3.3
  •  libdvdnav 6.1.1
  •  libdvdread 6.1.3
  •  libdwarf 20161124
  •  libdynamite 0.1.1_4
  •  libe 0.11.0
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  •  linux-c7-elfutils-libs 0.176_2
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  •  linux-c7-expat-devel 2.1.0_1
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  •  linux-c7-freetype 2.8_2
  •  linux-c7-fribidi 1.0.2_1
  •  linux-c7-gdk-pixbuf2 2.36.12
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  •  linux-c7-gnutls 3.3.29
  •  linux-c7-graphite2 1.3.10
  •  linux-c7-gsm 1.0.13
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  •  linux-c7-gtk3 3.22.30_4
  •  linux-c7-harfbuzz 1.7.5
  •  linux-c7-icu 50.2_1
  •  linux-c7-jasper-libs 1.900.1_5
  •  linux-c7-jbigkit-libs 2.0_2
  •  linux-c7-jpeg 1.2.90_4
  •  linux-c7-libaio 0.3.109
  •  linux-c7-libasyncns 0.8_1
  •  linux-c7-libcroco 0.6.12_1
  •  linux-c7-libdrm 2.4.97
  •  linux-c7-libepoxy 1.5.2
  •  linux-c7-libgcrypt 1.5.3_4
  •  linux-c7-libgfortran 4.8.5_6
  •  linux-c7-libglade2 2.6.4_1
  •  linux-c7-libglvnd 1.0.1
  •  linux-c7-libgpg-error 1.12_2
  •  linux-c7-libogg 1.3.0_1
  •  linux-c7-libpciaccess 0.14
  •  linux-c7-libpng 1.5.13_3
  •  linux-c7-librsvg2 2.40.20
  •  linux-c7-libsigc++20 2.10.0
  •  linux-c7-libsndfile 1.0.25_7
  •  linux-c7-libssh2 1.8.0_1
  •  linux-c7-libtasn1 4.10
  •  linux-c7-libthai 0.1.14_1
  •  linux-c7-libtheora 1.1.1_1
  •  linux-c7-libtiff 4.0.3_5
  •  linux-c7-libtool-ltdl 2.4.2
  •  linux-c7-libunwind 1.2
  •  linux-c7-libv4l 0.9.5_2
  •  linux-c7-libvorbis 1.3.3_2
  •  linux-c7-libxkbcommon 0.7.1_1
  •  linux-c7-libxml2 2.9.1_4
  •  linux-c7-libxslt 1.1.28_1
  •  linux-c7-ltp 20200605
  •  linux-c7-lttng-ust 2.4.1
  •  linux-c7-lz4 1.8.3
  •  linux-c7-make 3.82_1
  •  linux-c7-motif 2.3.4_6
  •  linux-c7-nettle 2.7.1_1
  •  linux-c7-nspr 4.34.0
  •  linux-c7-nss 3.79.0
  •  linux-c7-numactl-libs 2.0.12_1
  •  linux-c7-openal-soft 1.16.0_3
  •  linux-c7-openldap 2.4.44_3
  •  linux-c7-openssl-devel 1.0.2k_1
  •  linux-c7-p11-kit 0.23.5_1
  •  linux-c7-pango 1.42.4_1
  •  linux-c7-pixman 0.34.0
  •  linux-c7-power10-functional-sim 1.1
  •  linux-c7-power9-functional-sim 1.1_1
  •  linux-c7-pulseaudio-libs 10.0_3
  •  linux-c7-pulseaudio-utils 10.0_2
  •  linux-c7-qt 4.8.7_4
  •  linux-c7-qtwebkit 2.3.4_2
  •  linux-c7-qt-x11 4.8.7_4
  •  linux-c7-sdl 1.2.15_3
  •  linux-c7-sdl20 2.0.14
  •  linux-c7-sdl_image 1.2.12_2
  •  linux-c7-sdl_mixer 1.2.12_1
  •  linux-c7-sdl_ttf 2.0.11_2
  •  linux-c7-sqlite 3.7.17_2
  •  linux-c7-strace 4.24_3
  •  linux-c7-systemd-libs 219_12
  •  linux-c7-tcl85 8.5.13_1
  •  linux-c7-tcp_wrappers-libs 7.6_2
  •  linux-c7-tk85 8.5.13_1
  •  linux-c7-trousers 0.3.14_1
  •  linux-c7-unixODBC 2.3.1
  •  linux-c7-userspace-rcu 0.7.16
  •  linux-c7-wayland 1.15.0
  •  linux-c7-xcb-util 0.4.0_1
  •  linux-c7-xcb-util-image 0.4.0_1
  •  linux-c7-xcb-util-keysyms 0.4.0_1
  •  linux-c7-xorg-libs 7.7_10
  •  linux-c7-zlib-devel 1.2.7
  •  linuxdcpp 1.1.0_21
  •  linuxdoc 1.1_2
  •  linuxdoc-tools 0.9.83
  •  linux-doom3
  •  linux-doom3-demo 1.1.1286_4
  •  linux-dotnet10-runtime 1.0.11
  •  linux-dotnet10-sdk 1.1.9
  •  linux-dotnet11-runtime 1.1.8
  •  linux-dotnet-cli 2.0.7
  •  linux-dotnet-runtime 2.0.7
  •  linux-dotnet-sdk 2.1.201
  •  linux_dvbwrapper-kmod 1.0_1
  •  linux-dwarffortress 0.47.05
  •  linux-enemyterritory 2.60b_5
  •  linux-enemyterritory-jaymod 2.2.0_1
  •  linux-enemyterritory-shrub 1.2_1
  •  linux-enemyterritory-tce 0.49_1
  •  linux-etqw-demo-server 2.0.r1
  •  linux-etqw-server 1.5
  •  linuxfdisk 2.11z_1
  •  linux-gputest 0.7.0
  •  linux-j 504b_4
  •  linux-jabref 5.31
  •  linux-laudio 0.4
  •  linuxlibertine 4.7.5_4
  •  linuxlibertine-g 20120116_2
  •  linux_libusb 13.1.0
  •  linux-miniconda-installer 0.1.0_1
  •  linux-nvidia-libs-304 304.137
  •  linux-nvidia-libs-340 340.108
  •  linux-nvidia-libs-390 390.154
  •  linux-nvidia-libs-470 470.161.03
  •  linux-nvidia-libs 535.104.05
  •  linux-opera 12.16_3
  •  linux-quake4 1.4.2_11
  •  linux-quake4-demo 1.0_1
  •  linux-rkbin g20190719
  •  linuxsampler 2.2.0_3
  •  linux-steam-utils 20230709
  •  linux-sublime 2.0.2_6
  •  linux-sublime3 3.2.2_2
  •  linux-sublime-merge 2091
  •  linux-sublime-text4 4155
  •  linux-tsmuxer 1.10.6
  •  linux-unigine-sanctuary 2.3
  •  linux-unigine-tropics 1.3
  •  linux-virtual-jay-peak 1.1a_3
  •  linuxwave 0.1.5
  •  linux-zotero 6.0.10_2
  •  linwarrior 20100320_6
  •  lion 20060630
  •  liquibase 4.3.5
  •  liquid-dsp 1.3.2_1
  •  liquidsfz 0.3.1_1
  •  lirc 0.9.0_131
  •  lis 2.1.3
  •  listadmin 2.40
  •  listener 2.2_3
  •  listres 1.0.4_2
  •  listserialc 1.1.0
  •  litecoin
  •  litecoin-daemon
  •  litecoin-utils
  •  lite-editor 1.11
  •  liteide 38.2_4
  •  litestream 0.3.9_12
  •  lite-xl 2.1.1_1
  •  litmus 0.13_2
  •  littlefly-lv2 1.0
  •  livego 0.0.15_15
  •  liveMedia 2022.06.162
  •  lizard 1.0
  •  lizardfs 3.12.0_19
  •  lizzie 0.6.105_2
  •  ljclive 0.4.10_2
  •  ljdeps 1.0_6
  •  lla 0.99.1_1
  •  llbuild s.2017.12.10
  •  lldpd 1.0.14
  •  lldpd-tiny 1.0.14
  •  llhttp 9.1.2
  •  lll_spect 1.0_4
  •  LLnextgen 0.5.5
  •  llvm10 10.0.1_11
  •  llvm11 11.0.1_8
  •  llvm12 12.0.1_11
  •  llvm13 13.0.1_5
  •  llvm14 14.0.6_2
  •  llvm 151
  •  llvm15 15.0.7_6
  •  llvm15-lite 15.0.7_6
  •  llvm16 16.0.6_6
  •  llvm16-lite 16.0.6_6
  •  llvm17 17.0.1
  •  llvm17-lite 17.0.1
  •  llvm-devel 18.0.d20230921
  •  llvm-devel-lite 18.0.d20230921
  •  llvm-morello 13.0.d20230914
  •  lm4tools
  •  lmarbles 1.0.8_5
  •  lmbench 3.0.a9_31
  •  lmclock 1.2_2
  •  lmdb 0.9.311
  •  lmdbg 1.3.0
  •  lmfit 9.0
  •  lmmon 0.65_1
  •  lmon 1.2_1
  •  lms 3.40.1_1
  •  lm-solve 0.14.2
  •  lmtp2nntp 1.4.1
  •  lnav 0.11.2
  •  lndir 1.0.3_2
  •  lnphost 1.0a
  •  localedata 5.4_2
  •  locale-en_DK 0.1.1
  •  localize 0.0.1_12
  •  local-php-security-checker 2.0.6_8
  •  locator 0.1
  •  loccount 2.12_14
  •  lockfile-progs 0.1.19
  •  lockfree-malloc 0.0.20120802_11
  •  log4c 1.2.4_1
  •  log4cplus 2.1.0
  •  log4cpp 1.1.4
  •  log4cxx 1.1.0
  •  log4j 1.2.17
  •  log4net 1.2.10_5
  •  log4sh 1.4.2
  •  log4shib 2.0.1
  •  loganalyzer-php80 4.1.13
  •  loganalyzer-php81 4.1.13
  •  loganalyzer-php82 4.1.13
  •  loganalyzer-php83 4.1.13
  •  logcheck 1.4.3
  •  logisim 2.7.1
  •  logrotate 3.13.0_1
  •  logstalgia 1.1.4_3
  •  logstash7 7.17.11
  •  logstash8 8.8.2
  •  logsurfer 1.8_1
  •  logswan 2.1.13
  •  logtool 1.3.1_1
  •  logtools 0.13e_2
  •  loguru
  •  logwatch 7.5.1
  •  Lohit 20140220_3
  •  lokalize 23.08.1
  •  loki 0.1.7
  •  lolcat 1.4
  •  lo-libreoffice
  •  lollypop 1.4.16_2
  •  lookat 1.4.4
  •  lookatme 2.5.5_1
  •  lookout 1.4_1
  •  loook 0.9.0
  •  lordsawar 0.3.2_3
  •  loudmouth 1.5.4
  •  lout 3.42.2_1
  •  love07 0.7.2_25
  •  love08 0.8.0_20
  •  love10 0.10.2_4
  •  love 11.4
  •  love5 0.5.0_31
  •  lowdown 1.0.2
  •  lpairs 1.0.5
  •  lpc21isp 1.97
  •  lpcnet 20210629_1
  •  LPRng 3.8.C_51
  •  LPRngTool 1.3.2_10
  •  lprps 2.5_1
  •  lp_solve
  •  lr 1.6_1
  •  lrcalc 2.1
  •  lrng 20130314
  •  lrslib 7.21
  •  lrzip 0.651
  •  lrzsz 0.12.20_4
  •  lsblk 3.7
  •  lscolors 0.15.0_1
  •  lscpu 1.2.0_1
  •  lsd 0.23.1_6
  •  lsdvd 0.17_5
  •  lsix 1.8
  •  lskat 23.08.1
  •  lsknobs 1.0
  •  ls-lint 2.1.0_1
  •  l-smash
  •  lsof 4.97.08
  •  lsop 0.2
  •  lsp-plugins-lv2 1.2.5_1
  •  ls-qpack 2.5.3
  •  lsw 0.3_2
  •  lsyncd 2.2.3
  •  lt-aspell
  •  ltfs
  •  lt-hyphen 2004.04.15_1
  •  ltl2ba 1.3
  •  lt-libreoffice
  •  ltrace 0.6.0
  •  ltris 1.2.11
  •  lttoolbox 3.7.1_1
  •  lua51 5.1.5_9
  •  lua51-argon2 3.0.1
  •  lua51-argparse 0.7.1
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  •  lua51-bitlib 24_1
  •  lua51-bitop 1.0.2_2
  •  lua51-cjson 2.1.0_1
  •  lua51-cqueues 20200726_1
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  •  lua51-json 1.3.4_1
  •  lua51-lgi 0.9.2_3
  •  lua51-libevent 0.4.6_2
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  •  lua51-luaexpat 1.5.1
  •  lua51-luafilesystem 1.8.0
  •  lua51-lua-gd 2.0.33r3
  •  lua51-lualdap 1.3.1
  •  lua51-luarocks 3.9.2
  •  lua51-luasec 1.3.2
  •  lua51-luasocket 3.1.0_11
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  •  lua51-luasql-mysql 2.6.0
  •  lua51-luasql-odbc 2.6.0
  •  lua51-luasql-postgres 2.6.0
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  •  lua54-cqueues 20200726_1
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  •  lua54-luacheck 0.25.g20200825
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  •  lua54-luasql-odbc 2.6.0
  •  lua54-luasql-postgres 2.6.0
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  •  luajit 2.0.5_6
  •  luajit-devel
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  •  luakit 2.3.31
  •  luakit-devel
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  •  lua-mode-emacs_canna 20210802_5
  •  lua-mode-emacs_devel 20210802_5
  •  lua-mode-emacs_devel_nox 20210802_5
  •  lua-mode-emacs_nox 20210802_5
  •  lua-rds-parser 0.06
  •  lua-resty-core 0.1.27
  •  lua-resty-dns 0.22
  •  lua-resty-http 0.17.1
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  •  lucene 3.6.2
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  •  lumina-archiver 1.6.2
  •  lumina-calculator 1.6.2
  •  lumina-core 1.6.2_7
  •  lumina-coreutils 1.6.2
  •  lumina-fileinfo 1.6.2
  •  lumina-fm 1.6.2
  •  lumina-mediaplayer 1.6.2
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  •  lumina-screenshot 1.6.2
  •  lumina-textedit 1.6.2
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  •  luna 1.9
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  •  lurch 0.7.0_1
  •  lurker 2.3_3
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  •  lv2proc 0.5.1_2
  •  lv 4.51.20200728
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  •  lwp 2.8
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  •  lxappearance-obconf 0.2.3_4
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  •  lxi-tools 2.5
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  •  lxqt-qtplugin 1.3.0
  •  lxqt-runner 1.3.0
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  •  lxsession 0.5.5
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  •  lxterminal 0.4.0_1
  •  ly 0.6.0
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  •  lyra 1.6.1
  •  lysdr 0.0.6_5
  •  lyx 2.3.7
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  •  lzfse 20160707
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  •  lzlib 1.13
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  •  lzmalib 0.0.1_1
  •  lzo2 2.10_1
  •  lzop 1.04
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  •  m4 1.4.191
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  •  M4RIE 20200115
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  •  mac
  •  macchanger 1.7.0_2
  •  mackerel-agent 0.77.1_2
  •  mac_nonet-kmod g20150821
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  •  mafft 7.267
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  •  magia 0.2.0_15
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  •  magit-devel-emacs_nox
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  •  magit-emacs_devel 3.3.0_11
  •  magit-emacs_devel_nox 3.3.0_11
  •  magit-emacs_nox 3.3.0_11
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  •  magnum-plugins 2020.06.1064_1
  •  magpie 0.9.3
  •  mahjong 1.16_1
  •  maia 1.0.4_11
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  •  mailcommon 23.08.1_2
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  •  mailest-emacs_canna 0.9.24_15
  •  mailest-emacs_devel 0.9.24_15
  •  mailest-emacs_devel_nox 0.9.24_15
  •  mailest-emacs_nox 0.9.24_15
  •  mail-expire 0.9.2
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  •  mailfront 2.22
  •  mailgraph 1.14_10
  •  mailhog 1.0.1_14
  •  mai-libreoffice
  •  mailimporter 23.08.1
  •  mailman 2.1.39_1
  •  mailman-exim4 2.1.39_1
  •  mailman-postfix 2.1.39_1
  •  mailpit 1.9.4
  •  MailScanner
  •  mailslurper 1.14.2.g20201217_6
  •  mailsync 5.2.1_4
  •  mailutils 3.16_1
  •  mailx 0.5_2
  •  mailzu-php80 0.8.r3_9
  •  mailzu-php81 0.8.r3_9
  •  maim 5.7.4_6
  •  mairix 0.24
  •  maitretarot 0.1.98_7
  •  make++ 2.0
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  •  makemkv 1.17.4
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  •  makeself 2.5.0
  •  mako 1.8.0
  •  malbolge 0.1.1
  •  maliit-framework 2.3.0_1
  •  maliit-keyboard 2.3.1
  •  malint 0.2
  •  malloy 0.7.0
  •  maltrail 0.60
  •  mamba 2.5
  •  mame 0.259
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  •  manaplus
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  •  manck 1.2_2
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  •  m-aneos 1.0.1_1
  •  mangband 1.5.3
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  •  mantis-php81 2.25.61
  •  mantis-php82 2.25.61
  •  mantis-php83 2.25.61
  •  mantra 0.1.1
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  •  mapchan 3.2_3
  •  mapdir 1.2.1
  •  mapm3 3.0_1
  •  mapserver 8.0.1_3
  •  mapyrus 1.802
  •  mar 0.5
  •  maradns 2.0.15
  •  marble 23.08.1
  •  marblemarcher 1.4.5_2
  •  marco 1.26.0_1
  •  mari0 1.6.2
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  •  mariadb1011-server 10.11.5
  •  mariadb105-client 10.5.21
  •  mariadb105-server 10.5.21
  •  mariadb106-client 10.6.14
  •  mariadb106-server 10.6.14
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  •  mate-session-manager 1.26.0_4
  •  mate-settings-daemon 1.26.0_3
  •  mate-system-monitor 1.26.0_3
  •  mate-terminal 1.26.0_1
  •  mate-themes 3.22.23_1
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  •  mate-utils 1.26.0_2
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  •  mathgl 2.5_6
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  •  MathJax 2.7.9
  •  MathJax3 3.2.2
  •  mathlibtools 1.2.0_1
  •  mathml-xsd 2_3
  •  MathMod 11.1_1
  •  mathomatic 16.0.5_2
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  •  mathpresso g20230108
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  •  matterircd 0.27.1_1
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  •  mattermost-webapp 7.10.4
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  •  maven 3.8.8_1
  •  maven39 3.9.4
  •  maven-wrapper 2
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  •  maxr 0.2.12
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  •  mboxstats 3.1
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  •  mcjoin 2.11
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  •  mc-nox11 4.8.30
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  •  mcron 1.2.3
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  •  mctc-lib 0.3.1_1
  •  mcweject 1.1
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  •  mdbx 0.11.14
  •  mdcached 1.0.9_1
  •  mdds 2.1.1
  •  mdf2iso 0.3.1
  •  mdk 1.3.0_2
  •  mdnsd 0.7.g.107_11
  •  mdns-repeater 1.11
  •  mDNSResponder 1790.80.10_1
  •  mDNSResponder_nss 1790.80.10
  •  mdocml 1.14.6
  •  mdp 1.0.15_1
  •  mdpop3d 0.97
  •  mdspan 0.6.0
  •  mdtest 1.9.3_14
  •  mdynamix 5.2.8_5
  •  meandmyshadow 0.5a_2
  •  meanwhile 1.0.2_6
  •  measurement-kit 0.10.14
  •  mediainfo 23.09
  •  mediastreamer 5.2.94
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  •  mediawiki135-php82 1.35.13
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  •  meep 1.27.0
  •  megacmd 1.6.3_1
  •  megaglest 3.13.0_11
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  •  megahit 1.2.9_1
  •  megamario 1.7_5
  •  megatools 1.10.3
  •  meh 0.3.27_2
  •  meilisearch 1.4.0
  •  meld 3.22.01
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  •  melonds-qt6 0.9.5
  •  memcached 1.6.21
  •  memdump 1.01
  •  memfetch 0.05b
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  •  memtest86 4.3.7
  •  memtest86+ 5.01_5
  •  memtester 4.6.0
  •  mencal 3.0
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  •  mesa-demos 8.4.0_3
  •  mesa-devel 23.2.0.b.4427
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  •  mesa-gallium-va 22.3.7
  •  mesa-gallium-vdpau 22.3.7
  •  mesa-gallium-xa 22.3.7
  •  mesa-libs 22.3.7_2
  •  mesen
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  •  meshoptimizer 0.19
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  •  meson 1.2.2
  •  mesquite-mesh-toolkit 2.3.0
  •  mess822 0.58_2
  •  messagelib 23.08.1_2
  •  metabase 0.41.5
  •  metacam 1.2
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  •  metacity-aluminumalloy-cryogenic-theme 2004.01.04_6
  •  metacity-aluminumalloy-smog-theme 2004.01.04_6
  •  metacity-aluminumalloy-toxic-theme 2004.01.04_6
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  •  metacity-digital-harmony-theme 1.1_9
  •  metacity-longhorninspirat-theme 1.0_10
  •  metacity-milk-theme 2.1_9
  •  metacity-themes 20040306_5
  •  metaeuk 6_2
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  •  metalock 0.8.0_4
  •  metalog 3_11
  •  metamail 2.7_16
  •  MetaPhysicL 1.3.3_1
  •  metapixel 1.0.2_12
  •  metasploit 6.2.23_9
  •  metauml 0.2.5_5
  •  meteo
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  •  metronome 0.9.0_19
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  •  mew-devel 6.9.48_1
  •  mew-devel-emacs_canna 6.9.48_1
  •  mew-devel-emacs_devel 6.9.48_1
  •  mew-devel-emacs_devel_nox 6.9.48_1
  •  mew-devel-emacs_nox 6.9.48_1
  •  mew-emacs_canna 6.9_3
  •  mew-emacs_devel 6.9_3
  •  mew-emacs_devel_nox 6.9_3
  •  mew-emacs_nox 6.9_3
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  •  mfid 0.03_1
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  •  mfmod_pcre 1.1.1
  •  mftrace 1.2.20
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  •  mgba 0.10.2_4
  •  mgdiff 1.0_5
  •  mgetty 1.1.37_2
  •  mgopen 1.1_1
  •  mg-static 202305011
  •  mhash
  •  mhonarc 2.6.24
  •  mhwaveedit 1.4.24_6
  •  mi-aspell 0.50.0_11
  •  miau 0.6.6_3
  •  mickey 0.1.13
  •  micro 2.0.12
  •  microbin 2.0.4_2
  •  micro_httpd 2014.08.14
  •  micro_inetd 2014.08.14
  •  micro_proxy 20140814_1
  •  micropython 1.17_2
  •  microsocks 1.0.3
  •  microsoft-gsl 4.0.0
  •  middleman 1.9.1_2
  •  midifile g20200602_1
  •  midi-matrix-lv2 0.28.0_1
  •  midiomatic-lv2 0.2.1
  •  midipp 2.1.7_1
  •  midisharelight g20200204
  •  midori 9.0_9
  •  midpoint 4.4.1
  •  mifluz 0.26.0_1
  •  migrate 3.6.11
  •  mikmod 3.2.8
  •  mikutter 5.0.4
  •  milkytracker 1.04.00_3
  •  mill 0.11.4
  •  miller 5.10.2
  •  milter-bogom 1.9.2_4
  •  milter-callback 1.6.0_9
  •  milter-greylist 4.6.4
  •  milter-manager 2.1.6_1
  •  milter-regex 2.7_2
  •  milton 1.9.1_2
  •  mimalloc 2.1.2
  •  mime4j 0.7.2_1
  •  mime-construct 1.11_2
  •  mimedefang 2.86
  •  mimelib 1.1.2_2
  •  mime-support 3.62
  •  mimetex 20120331.1.74
  •  mimir 2.15_1
  •  min12xxw 0.0.9
  •  minc2 2.2.00_141
  •  minder 2.0.2_3
  •  minder-app 1.14.0_3
  •  mindforger 1.54.0_1
  •  mindterm-binary 1.2.1_1
  •  minecraft-client 1.7.9_6
  •  mined 2022.27_1
  •  minerbold 1.4_1
  •  minetest 5.7.0_1
  •  minetest_game 5.7.0
  •  minetestmapper 20220221
  •  ming 0.4.8
  •  mingw32-bin-msvcrt r4.0.3.1.a4.0.3.1
  •  mingw32-binutils 2.40_41
  •  mingw32-directx 20020518_2
  •  mingw32-gcc 4.8.1_61
  •  mingw32-libffi 3.0.13_3
  •  mingw32-libyaml 0.1.6_3
  •  mingw32-openssl 1.0.2u_1
  •  mingw32-pdcurses 3.4_3
  •  mingw32-pthreads 2.8.0_3
  •  mingw32-zlib 1.2.8_3
  •  miniaudio 0.11.151
  •  minicom 2.8
  •  minidlna 1.3.2_41
  •  minidnn g20200330_1
  •  miniflux 2.0.48
  •  minify 2.12.9_1
  •  mini_httpd 1.30_3
  •  minikube 1.31.2
  •  minilens 1.2_1
  •  minimalist 2.5.3
  •  minimap2 2.25
  •  minimp3 g202111301
  •  minimunin 0.5
  •  minio 2023.
  •  minio-client 2023.
  •  minipot 0.2.3
  •  minipro 0.5
  •  minirsyslogd 1.02_1
  •  minisat 2.2.1_2
  •  minisatip 1.3.01
  •  minised 1.15
  •  mini_sendmail 1.3.9
  •  miniserve 0.24.0_2
  •  minisign 0.11
  •  minissdpd 1.6.0
  •  minitube 3.9.3_3
  •  miniupnpc 2.2.5
  •  miniupnpd 2.3.3_11
  •  minixmlto 0.0.7
  •  minizinc 2.6.4_1
  •  minizinc-ide 2.6.4_2
  •  minizinc-solvers 20210505_1
  •  minizip 1.2.11
  •  minizip-ng 3.0.8
  •  minorminer 0.2.12
  •  mint-themes 0.0.41cf70d
  •  mio2jack g20180501_3
  •  mips64-binutils 2.40_41
  •  mips64-gcc9 9.5.0_11
  •  mips-binutils 2.40_41
  •  mips-gcc9 9.5.0_11
  •  miracl 5.6_81
  •  miredo 1.2.6_6
  •  mirmon 2.11_1
  •  mirror 2.9_2
  •  mirrormagic 3.3.0
  •  mirrorselect 0.9.0_15
  •  mirtk
  •  miruo 0.9.6b
  •  miscom 1.0
  •  missey 1.2.0_1
  •  mit-scheme 9.2_4
  •  mixal 1.11
  •  mixer 1.0
  •  mixer.app 1.8.0_2
  •  mixertui 1.4.2_2
  •  mixxx 2.3.2_9
  •  mjpegtools 2.1.0_17
  •  mjpg-streamer g2021081601_11
  •  mk-aspell 0.50.0_11
  •  mkbold 1.0_2
  •  mkbold-mkitalic 0.11_1
  •  mkcatalog 1.1
  •  mkclean 0.9.0
  •  mkcomposecache 1.2.1
  •  mk-configure 0.38.2
  •  mkcue 1
  •  mkdesktop 5.0
  •  mkfontscale 1.2.1
  •  mkfwimage r1_1
  •  mkgmap r4912
  •  mkgmap-splitter r653
  •  mkhexgrid 0.1.1_22
  •  mkitalic 1.0_2
  •  mkjail 0.0.4
  •  mk-libreoffice
  •  mk-livestatus 1.2.8p25_3
  •  mknmz-wwwoffle 0.7.2_2
  •  mkntpwd 1.0
  •  mkp224o 1.6.1
  •  mkreadmes 1.3
  •  mksh 59c
  •  mktorrent 1.1_1
  •  mkvalidator 0.5.0
  •  mkvtoolnix 79.0_1
  •  mkvtoolnix-nogui 79.0_1
  •  ml1 4.12_1
  •  ml-aspell 0.04.1
  •  mlclock 1.1_3
  •  mldonkey
  •  mldonkey-core
  •  mldonkey-gui
  •  mle 1.7.2
  •  mlkit 4.7.3
  •  ml-libreoffice
  •  mlmmj 1.3.0_11
  •  mlmmj-archive-mid 0.2
  •  mlmmj-archiver 0.4
  •  mlmmj-webview 0.0.6
  •  mlpack 4.2.0_1
  •  mls 1.3_2
  •  mlt7 7.18.0_2
  •  mlt7-glaxnimate-qt5 7.18.0
  •  mlt7-glaxnimate-qt6 7.18.0
  •  mlt7-qt5 7.18.0
  •  mlt7-qt6 7.18.0
  •  mlterm 3.9.3
  •  mlton 20210816_1
  •  mlvpn 2.3.1_2
  •  mm 1.4.2_1
  •  mmail 0.52
  •  mmake 2.3_1
  •  mm-common 0.9.12
  •  mmc-utils 20230807
  •  mmdb2 2.0.22
  •  mmdnn 0.3.1_1
  •  mmencode 2.7
  •  mmex 1.2.7_18
  •  mmh 0.4
  •  mmix 20160804_1
  •  mmr 1.6.0_1
  •  MMseqs2 13.45111_2
  •  mmtc 0.3.2_5
  •  mmtf-cpp 1.1.0_1
  •  mmv 1.01b.19_1
  •  mmve 0.2.0
  •  mn-aspell 0.06.22
  •  mn-freebsd-doc 202309241
  •  mni-libreoffice
  •  mn-libreoffice
  •  mnn 2.6.0
  •  mnogosearch 3.4.1_1
  •  moab 5.3.1_3
  •  moagg 1.95b_1
  •  moar 1.16.0_1
  •  mobile-broadband-provider-info 20230416
  •  moc 2.5.2_9
  •  mod_amd g20150926_1
  •  modd 0.8_17
  •  mod_dav_svn 1.14.2
  •  modernish 0.16.5
  •  modlogan 0.8.13_18
  •  modman 1.12
  •  mod_php80 8.0.30
  •  mod_php81 8.1.24
  •  mod_php82 8.2.11
  •  mod_php83 8.3.0.r3
  •  modplug-tools 0.5.6
  •  mod_rivet 3.2.0
  •  modsecurity3 3.0.8
  •  modsecurity3-nginx 1.0.3
  •  modules2tuple 2.2.4_13
  •  modules 4.6.0
  •  mod_webauth 4.7.0_2
  •  mog 0.6.0_2
  •  mohawk 2.0.21
  •  moinmoin 1.9.11
  •  moinmoincli 4.6.0
  •  mojave-gtk-themes 2022.06.07
  •  Mojo-Base-XS 0.07
  •  mol2ps 0.4b_12
  •  molden 7.1_11
  •  molequeue 0.9.0_3
  •  molgif g20180108_15
  •  MolScript 2.1.2_4
  •  molsketch 0.7.3
  •  mondulkiri 2_3
  •  monero-cli
  •  mongo-c-driver 1.24.2
  •  mongodb44 4.4.24
  •  mongodb50 5.0.21_1
  •  mongodb60 6.0.9
  •  mongodb70 7.0.1
  •  mongodb-tools 100.8.0_1
  •  mongoose 5.6
  •  monit 5.33.0
  •  monitord 0.4.1_7
  •  monitoring-plugins 2.3.3_1
  •  monitorix 3.14.0
  •  monkeysphere 0.43
  •  mono5.10
  •  mono 5.20
  •  mono5.20
  •  mono6.8
  •  mono-addins 1.3_4
  •  mono-basic 4.7_2
  •  monocypher 4.0.2
  •  monoid 0.61_1
  •  monolith 2.7.0_8
  •  mons 0.8.2
  •  monsterz 0.7.1_17
  •  montecarlo_fonts 1.0_3
  •  montserrat 7.222
  •  moo 1.5_1
  •  moodbar 1.2.1
  •  moodle41-php80 4.1.5
  •  moodle41-php81 4.1.5
  •  moodle42-php80 4.2.2
  •  moodle42-php81 4.2.2
  •  moon-buggy 1.0.51_4
  •  moonlander 1.0_14
  •  moonlight-embedded 2.6.0
  •  moony-lv2 0.36.0_1
  •  moosefs2-cgi 2.0.91
  •  moosefs2-cgiserv 2.0.91
  •  moosefs2-chunkserver 2.0.91
  •  moosefs2-cli 2.0.91
  •  moosefs2-client 2.0.91
  •  moosefs2-master 2.0.91
  •  moosefs2-metalogger 2.0.91
  •  moosefs2-netdump 2.0.91
  •  moosefs3-cgi 3.0.117
  •  moosefs3-cgiserv 3.0.117
  •  moosefs3-chunkserver 3.0.117
  •  moosefs3-cli 3.0.117
  •  moosefs3-client 3.0.117
  •  moosefs3-master 3.0.117
  •  moosefs3-metalogger 3.0.117
  •  moosefs3-netdump 3.0.117
  •  mopac 22.0.6_11
  •  mopd 2.5.3_2
  •  moregroupware 0.7.4_3
  •  moreutils 0.67_2
  •  moria 5.5.2
  •  morla 0.16.1_14
  •  morse 2.5_1
  •  morse-robotics 1.4.154
  •  morty
  •  mosh 1.4.0
  •  mosh-scheme 0.2.7_6
  •  mosquitto 2.0.15_1
  •  most 5.2.0
  •  mothur 1.48.0
  •  motion 4.3.2_8
  •  motogt 20110505_9
  •  motsognir 1.0.13
  •  mountsmb2 0.90.2
  •  mourier g20170925_1
  •  mousai 0.7.5_4
  •  mouseclock 1.0_5
  •  mousepad 0.6.1_1
  •  moveable-type-fonts 20100801_2
  •  movingmotif 2.3.0_3
  •  movit 1.6.3_1
  •  Mowitz 0.2.1_5
  •  mozjpeg 4.1.1
  •  mozo 1.26.1_1
  •  mozplugger 2.1.6
  •  mp2d f20190610
  •  mp3-archive-tools 0.9_2
  •  mp3asm
  •  mp3blaster 3.2.6_2
  •  mp3burn 0.4.2_2
  •  mp3cd 1.027_11
  •  mp3check 1.6
  •  mp3_check 1.98_1
  •  mp3ck 0.04
  •  mp3gain 1.6.2
  •  mp3guessenc 0.27.5
  •  mp3info 0.8.5a
  •  mp3lint 0.9_1
  •  mp3mover 2.1.1_1
  •  mp3plot 0.6.0_35
  •  mp3rename 0.6
  •  mp3riot 1.3_1
  •  mp3splt 2.6.2
  •  mp3stat 2.6.01_13
  •  mp3unicode 1.2.1_2
  •  mp3val 0.1.8
  •  mp3wrap 0.5
  •  mp4v2 2.1.3
  •  mp 5.61
  •  mp-a4 3.0.1
  •  mpack 1.6_3
  •  mpage 2.5.7
  •  mpatrol 1.4.8_5
  •  mpb 1.11.1_4
  •  mpc 1.3.1_1
  •  mpc-qt 23.02_1
  •  mpd5 5.9_16
  •  mpdas 0.4.5_3
  •  mpdcon 1.5.1_12
  •  mpdecimal 2.5.1
  •  mpd-l2tp-ipv6pd-client 20150430
  •  mp_doccer 1.2.2
  •  mpdscribble 0.22_1
  •  mpeg_encode 1.5b
  •  mpexpr 1.2_1
  •  mpfi 1.5.4
  •  mpfr 4.2.11
  •  mpfrc++ 3.7.0
  •  mpfrcx 0.6.3_1
  •  mpg123 1.32.2
  •  mpg123.el 1.60_1
  •  mpg321 0.2.10_11
  •  mph 1.2
  •  mpich 3.4.3_2
  •  mpifx 1.4
  •  mping 2.01
  •  mping-fraubsd 0.1.4
  •  mpir 3.0.0_1
  •  mplayer
  •  mplayer-skins 1.1.5
  •  mp-letter 3.0.1
  •  mplex 1.1
  •  mpop 1.4.16_3
  •  mp-player 0.6_1
  •  mppp 0.27_3
  •  mpqc 2.3.1_48
  •  mprime 30.7b9_1
  •  mprocs 0.6.4_9
  •  mps 0.20.16_4
  •  mptd 0.01_1
  •  mptsd 1.1.27
  •  mpv 0.36.0_51
  •  mpv-mpris 1.1
  •  mpvpaper 1.3_3
  •  mpz 1.0.23_1
  •  mqtt2prometheus 0.1.6_14
  •  mr-aspell 0.10.0_22
  •  mrbayes 3.2.7_2
  •  mrboom 5.3
  •  mrc 1.3.10
  •  mrchem 1.1.3
  •  mrcpp 1.5.0
  •  mr-libreoffice
  •  mroonga 13.05
  •  mrouted 3.9.8_1
  •  mrtg 2.17.10_11
  •  mrtg-ping-probe 2.2.0_6
  •  mrxvt 0.4.2_11
  •  mrxvt-devel 0.5.4_12
  •  ms-aspell 0.50.0_11
  •  msbuild 15.8.p_2
  •  mscgen 0.20_7
  •  mscompress 0.3
  •  msdl 1.2.7r2
  •  msend 3.0_3
  •  msglint 1.04
  •  msgpack-c 6.0.0
  •  msgpack-cxx 6.1.0
  •  msgpuck 2.0_6
  •  msiklm g20211104
  •  msitools 0.101_2
  •  msktutil 1.2.1
  •  msl 1.7.4_1
  •  msmtp 1.8.24
  •  msoak 0.8
  •  msopenh264 5.2.0_2
  •  msort 8.53_3
  •  msp430-debug-stack
  •  mspdebug 0.25.20200402_1
  •  MST-Bench 0.2.2
  •  mstch
  •  mstflint
  •  mstore 0.2.0_2
  •  mswebrtc 1.1.2_2
  •  msyslog 1.08g_3
  •  mtasc 1.14_2
  •  mt-aspell 0.50.0_11
  •  mtbl 1.5.1
  •  mt_dolphin_ia 0.1.98_7
  •  mtf 0.2.1_1
  •  mt_gtk_client 0.1.98_15
  •  mtm 1.2.1
  •  mtools 4.0.43
  •  mtop 0.6.6_5
  •  mtpaint 3.50.09_4
  •  mtpfs 1.1_4
  •  mtr 0.95_1
  •  mtrace 5.2_1
  •  mtr-nox11 0.95_1
  •  mtrxmath 1.0.2
  •  mtx 1.3.12_1
  •  mtxclient 0.9.2_3
  •  mtxorbd 1.0.2
  •  mu 1.8.13_2
  •  mu4e 1.8.13_6
  •  mu4e-emacs_canna 1.8.13_6
  •  mu4e-emacs_devel 1.8.13_6
  •  mu4e-emacs_devel_nox 1.8.13_6
  •  mu4e-emacs_nox 1.8.13_6
  •  mu4e-maildirs 0.8.20201028_12
  •  mu4e-maildirs-emacs_canna 0.8.20201028_12
  •  mu4e-maildirs-emacs_devel 0.8.20201028_12
  •  mu4e-maildirs-emacs_devel_nox 0.8.20201028_12
  •  mu4e-maildirs-emacs_nox 0.8.20201028_12
  •  mucommander
  •  muffin 5.4.5_2
  •  muh 2.2a
  •  mujs 1.3.3_1
  •  mulberry 4.0.8_2
  •  multi-aterm 0.2.1_3
  •  multican 0.0.5_3
  •  multicat 2.3
  •  multicharge 0.2.0_1
  •  multichoose
  •  multimarkdown 6.7.0
  •  multimc 0.6.11
  •  multimon-ng 1.1.0_1
  •  multisort 1.1
  •  multisuck 1.0.4
  •  multitail 6.5.0
  •  multiwatch 1.0.0_2
  •  mumble 1.5.517_3
  •  mummer 4.0.0.b2.2_3
  •  mumps4 4.10.0_4
  •  mumps-edf 5.1.2.a7_4
  •  munge 0.5.15
  •  munger 5.12
  •  munin-common 2.0.73
  •  munin-contrib g.2023.01.14
  •  munin-master 2.0.73
  •  munin-node 2.0.73
  •  munkres-cpp
  •  muon 0.2.0
  •  muparser 2.3.4
  •  muparserx 4.0.12
  •  mupdf 1.20.3_11
  •  mupen64plus 2.5
  •  mupen64plus-audio-sdl 2.5
  •  mupen64plus-core 2.5_2
  •  mupen64plus-input-sdl 2.5
  •  mupen64plus-plugins 2.5
  •  mupen64plus-qt 1.14_4
  •  mupen64plus-rsp-cxd4 2.5_6
  •  mupen64plus-rsp-hle 2.5_2
  •  mupen64plus-rsp-z64 2.5_1
  •  mupen64plus-ui-console 2.5
  •  mupen64plus-video-arachnoid 2.5_2
  •  mupen64plus-video-glide64 2.5_2
  •  mupen64plus-video-glide64mk2 2.5_24
  •  mupen64plus-video-rice 2.5_2
  •  mupen64plus-video-z64 2.5_3
  •  murex 5.0.9310
  •  murmur 1.3.3_6
  •  murmur-cli
  •  muscle 3.8.1551
  •  muse-emacs 3.20_25
  •  muse-emacs_canna 3.20_25
  •  muse-emacs_devel 3.20_25
  •  muse-emacs_devel_nox 3.20_25
  •  muse-emacs_nox 3.20_25
  •  musepack 2011.08.10
  •  musescore 4.1.1
  •  muse-sequencer 4.2.0
  •  musiccontrol 0.3_3
  •  musicpc 0.34_1
  •  musicpd 0.23.14
  •  musikcube 3.0.2_1
  •  musique 1.11
  •  mustache 4.1
  •  mutagen 0.17.2_2
  •  mutt 2.2.12
  •  mutter 42.4_2
  •  muttprint 0.73_5
  •  mutt_vc_query 002
  •  mvdsv 0.342
  •  mvfst g20230828_1
  •  mx4j 3.0.2_1
  •  mxascii 1.1
  •  mxflib 1.0.1
  •  mxico 1.0.1_2
  •  mxkill 1.2
  •  mxml 3.1
  •  mxnet 1.9.1_3
  •  mxp 1.3_5
  •  mybashburn 1.0.2_5
  •  mybb 1.8.33
  •  mydumper
  •  mygui 3.4.2
  •  mygui-dummy 3.4.2
  •  mygui-ogre 3.4.2
  •  mygui-opengl 3.4.2
  •  my-libreoffice
  •  mymoon 1.2.a_5
  •  mypaint 2.0.1_3
  •  mypaint-brushes 1.3.1
  •  mypaint-brushes2 2.0.2
  •  myphpmoney 1.3.r31
  •  myrddin 0.3.1_1
  •  myrepos 1.20180726
  •  myrescue 0.9.4
  •  mysql2pgsql 1.21
  •  mysql++ 3.3.0
  •  mysql80-client 8.0.33_3
  •  mysql80-server 8.0.33
  •  mysqlbackup 2.8
  •  mysql-connector-c++ 8.0.33
  •  mysql-connector-j 8.1.0
  •  mysql-connector-java51 5.1.49
  •  mysql-connector-odbc-unixodbc-mysql80 8.0.32
  •  mysqld_exporter 0.12.1_15
  •  mysqldump-secure 0.16.3
  •  mysqlphp2postgres 0.95
  •  mysqlreport 3.5_3
  •  mysqlsla 2.03_3
  •  mysql-snmp 1.2.17
  •  mysqltuner 1.9.9
  •  mysqlviz 0.3_1
  •  mytetra 1.43.27
  •  mythes 1.2.4_7
  •  mythplugin-mythmusic 33.1_1
  •  mythplugin-mythweb 33.1.0
  •  mythtv 33.1_31
  •  mytop 1.7
  •  myxer 1.2.1_26
  •  n2n 2.8
  •  n98-magerun 1.98.0
  •  naev 0.10.6_2
  •  nagcon 0.0.32
  •  nagios 3.5.1_12
  •  nagios4 4.4.13_11
  •  nagios-certexp-plugin 1.9
  •  nagios-check_bacula11 11.0.6_3
  •  nagios-check_bacula13 13.0.1_3
  •  nagios-check_bacula9 9.6.7_3
  •  nagios-check_clamav 1.2_3
  •  nagios-check_cpu_usage 1.0_1
  •  nagios-check_dhcp.pl 0.1
  •  nagios-check_email_delivery 0.7.1b_4
  •  nagios-check_hdd_health 1.1
  •  nagios-check_hp_bladechassis 1.0.1
  •  nagios-check_mysql_slave 0.1.1_1
  •  nagios-check_netsnmp 1.0_2
  •  nagios-check_ports 0.7.4
  •  nagios-check_postgres 2.26.0
  •  nagios-check_postgres_replication 2010.12.16_3
  •  nagios-check_puppet 1.3
  •  nagios-check_redis 0.1_1
  •  nagios-check_relayd_status 1.1
  •  nagios-check_smartmon-py39 20100318_5
  •  nagios-check_tftp 1.0.1
  •  nagios-check_zpools 1.0
  •  nagios-geom 1.3
  •  nagiosgraph 1.5.2_3
  •  nagios-openldap-plugins 0.5_1
  •  nagios-pf-plugin 0.1_2
  •  nagios-plugins 2.4.41
  •  nagiosql
  •  nagios-snmp-plugins 1.3.1
  •  nagios-snmp-plugins-extras 1.1.2_1
  •  nagios-statd 3.12_2
  •  nagnu 1.1.3_1
  •  nagstamon 3.12.0
  •  nagtail 0.0.31
  •  nagvis 1.9.36
  •  najitool 0.8.4_2
  •  nakenchat 3.00.b1
  •  naludump 0.1.1_1
  •  namazu2 2.0.21_2
  •  namecoin 24.0_11
  •  namecoin-daemon 24.0_11
  •  namecoin-utils 24.0_11
  •  namefix 4.0.2_2
  •  namesilo_ddns 2.3.1
  •  nana 2.5_1
  •  nano 7.2
  •  nanoblogger 3.4.2_1
  •  nanoblogger-extra 3.4.2_1
  •  nanodbc 2.14.0
  •  nanoflann 1.5.0
  •  nanogui g20220215_1
  •  nanomsg 1.1.5_1
  •  nanonote 1.4.0
  •  nanopb
  •  nanort g20201207
  •  nano-signal-slot
  •  nanosvg g20221204
  •  nanovna-saver 0.5.3_1
  •  nant 0.92_4
  •  narcissu2 1.1_2
  •  nas 1.9.4_3
  •  nasawash 0.50
  •  nasm 2.16.012
  •  nast 0.2.1.g20210616
  •  natscli 0.1.1
  •  nats-nkeys 0.4.5
  •  nats-nsc 2.8.1
  •  nats-server 2.10.1
  •  nats-streaming-server 0.25.5_2
  •  nats-top 0.6.0_3
  •  naturaldocs 1.52_21
  •  nautilus 42.2_3
  •  nautilus-python 1.2.3_4
  •  nautilus-sendto 3.8.6
  •  nauty 2.8.61
  •  nawk 20121220_2
  •  nazghul 0.7.1_5
  •  nb-aspell
  •  nbdkit 1.20.4_1
  •  nbd-server 3.241
  •  nbench 2.2.3
  •  nbfc 0.1
  •  nb-libreoffice
  •  NBlood r13805
  •  nbosd 0.5.0_7
  •  nbsdgames 5
  •  nbsmtp 1.00_3
  •  nbtscan 1.7.2
  •  nc 1.0.1_1
  •  ncbi-blast+ 2.14.1
  •  ncbi-cxx-toolkit 27.0.0_1
  •  ncbi-entrez-direct 14.9.20210423_16
  •  ncbi-toolkit 2017.01.06_8
  •  ncbi-vdb 2.11.0_6
  •  ncc 2.8_3
  •  ncdc 1.22.1_3
  •  ncdu 1.19
  •  ncdu2 2.2.2_4
  •  ncftp 3.2.6_2
  •  ncid 1.11_1
  •  ncmpc 0.48
  •  ncmpcpp 0.9.2_10
  •  ncnf 3.0.1_5
  •  ncnn 20230816
  •  ncp 1.2.4
  •  ncpamixer
  •  ncrack 0.7
  •  ncrypt 0.8.1_1
  •  ncspot 0.13.4_2
  •  ncurses 6.4
  •  ndesk-dbus 0.6.1a_3
  •  ndesk-dbus-glib 0.4.1_4
  •  ndesk-options 0.2.1_3
  •  ndiff 2.00_4
  •  ndisc6 1.0.7
  •  ndmpd 1.2_1
  •  ndoutils 2.1.3
  •  ndpi 4.6.d202305101
  •  ndpmon 1.4.0_8
  •  nds-aspell 0.01.0_12
  •  ne 3.3.2
  •  neatvnc 0.7.0
  •  nebula 1.7.2_2
  •  nec2c 1.3
  •  nedit 5.7
  •  neko 2.2.0_12
  •  ne-libreoffice
  •  nemesis 1.8.5_11
  •  nemo 5.4.2_2
  •  nemu 3.2.0
  •  nenscript 1.13.3
  •  neo 0.6.1
  •  neo4j 4.4.24
  •  neochat 23.08.1_1
  •  neo-cowsay 2.0.4_13
  •  neofetch 7.1.0_1
  •  neolink 0.3.0_19
  •  neomutt 20230517
  •  neon 0.32.4
  •  neovim 0.9.2
  •  neovim-gtk 1.0.4_5
  •  neovim-qt5
  •  neovim-qt6
  •  nepenthes 0.2.2_17
  •  nerdctl 1.2.1_4
  •  nerd-fonts 2.1.0
  •  nest 3.5_1
  •  nestopia 1.52.0_1
  •  net2ftp 1.4
  •  net6 1.3.14_9
  •  netatalk3 3.1.161
  •  netbeans 17
  •  netbox 3.6.3
  •  netcat 1.10_3
  •  netcdf 4.9.2
  •  netcdf-cxx 4.3.1_3
  •  netcdf-fortran 4.6.0
  •  netdata 1.42.4
  •  netdata-go 0.56.0
  •  netdisco 2.061001
  •  netdisco-mibs 4.034
  •  netdot 1.0.7_4
  •  netdumpd 20220406
  •  netease-music-tui 0.1.5_7
  •  netembryo 0.1.1_2
  •  netevent
  •  netgen 6.2.2304
  •  netgen-lvs 1.5.256
  •  nethack32 3.2.3_7
  •  nethack33 3.3.1_11
  •  nethack33-nox11 3.3.1_11
  •  nethack34 3.4.3_9
  •  nethack34-nox11 3.4.3_9
  •  nethack36 3.6.7
  •  nethack36-nox11 3.6.7
  •  netherearth 0.51_12
  •  nethogs 0.8.5_1
  •  netleak 0.1a_2
  •  netmagis-common 2.3.6_1
  •  netmagis-database 2.3.6_1
  •  netmagis-detecteq 2.3.6_1
  •  netmagis-metro 2.3.6_1
  •  netmagis-servers 2.3.6_1
  •  netmagis-topo 2.3.6_1
  •  netmagis-utils 2.3.6_1
  •  netmagis-www 2.3.6_1
  •  netmap 0.1.3_2
  •  netmask 2.4_2
  •  netpbm 11.04.02
  •  netperf 2.7.1.p20210121_1
  •  netperfmeter 1.9.0
  •  netpipes 4.2
  •  netqmail 1.06_6
  •  netqmail-mysql
  •  netqmail-tls 1.06.20200107_4
  •  netradiant 20150621_6
  •  netrek-BRMH 2.2.2_2
  •  netrek-client-cow 3.3.2
  •  NetRexx 2.05_3
  •  netrik 1.16.1
  •  netron 4.1.9
  •  netscape-java40 1999.11.15_2
  •  netscript 1.7.1_4
  •  netsed 1.3
  •  netselect 0.4
  •  net-snmp 5.9.1_41
  •  netspoc 3.2_1
  •  netstiff 20080331
  •  netstrain 3.0
  •  netsurf 3.10_8
  •  netsurf-buildsystem 1.9
  •  nettle 3.9.1
  •  nettoe 1.5.1_1
  •  netty 4.1.53
  •  netwalk 0.4.11_3
  •  netwib 5.38.0_2
  •  networkmgr 6.2
  •  netxms 3.9.420
  •  nevada-toolset g20200815
  •  neverball 1.6.0_4
  •  newfile 1.0.14_6
  •  newlisp 10.7.5_3
  •  newmat 1.1_1
  •  newsboat 2.30.1_6
  •  newsfetch 1.21_2
  •  newsfish 1.2.6
  •  newsgrab 0.4.0_1
  •  newspost 2.1.1_1
  •  newsstar 1.5.6_4
  •  newsx 1.6_4
  •  newt 0.52.22
  •  newtonsoft-json 9.0.1_4
  •  newvox 1.0_8
  •  nexfontsel 3.0.1_4
  •  neXtaw 0.15.1_5
  •  nextcloud-appointments-php80 1.15.3
  •  nextcloud-appointments-php81 1.15.3
  •  nextcloud-appointments-php82 1.15.3
  •  nextcloud-calendar-php80 4.5.1
  •  nextcloud-calendar-php81 4.5.1
  •  nextcloud-calendar-php82 4.5.1
  •  nextcloudclient 3.10.0
  •  nextcloud-contacts-php80 5.4.2
  •  nextcloud-contacts-php81 5.4.2
  •  nextcloud-contacts-php82 5.4.2
  •  nextcloud-cospend-php80 1.5.10
  •  nextcloud-cospend-php81 1.5.10
  •  nextcloud-cospend-php82 1.5.10
  •  nextcloud-deck-php80 1.11.0
  •  nextcloud-deck-php81 1.11.0
  •  nextcloud-deck-php82 1.11.0
  •  nextcloud-end_to_end_encryption-php80 1.13.1
  •  nextcloud-end_to_end_encryption-php81 1.13.1
  •  nextcloud-end_to_end_encryption-php82 1.13.1
  •  nextcloud-forms-php80 3.3.1
  •  nextcloud-forms-php81 3.3.1
  •  nextcloud-forms-php82 3.3.1
  •  nextcloud-groupfolders-php80 15.3.1
  •  nextcloud-groupfolders-php81 15.3.1
  •  nextcloud-groupfolders-php82 15.3.1
  •  nextcloud-mail-php80 3.4.0
  •  nextcloud-mail-php81 3.4.0
  •  nextcloud-mail-php82 3.4.0
  •  nextcloud-notes-php80 4.8.1
  •  nextcloud-notes-php81 4.8.1
  •  nextcloud-notes-php82 4.8.1
  •  nextcloud-passman-php80 2.4.7
  •  nextcloud-passman-php81 2.4.7
  •  nextcloud-passman-php82 2.4.7
  •  nextcloud-php80 27.1.0
  •  nextcloud-php81 27.1.0
  •  nextcloud-php82 27.1.0
  •  nextcloud-spreed-signaling 1.1.3_1
  •  nextcloud-talk-php80 17.1.1
  •  nextcloud-talk-php81 17.1.1
  •  nextcloud-talk-php82 17.1.1
  •  nextcloud-tasks-php80 0.15.0
  •  nextcloud-tasks-php81 0.15.0
  •  nextcloud-tasks-php82 0.15.0
  •  nextcloud-twofactor_admin-php80 4.3.0
  •  nextcloud-twofactor_admin-php81 4.3.0
  •  nextcloud-twofactor_admin-php82 4.3.0
  •  nextcloud-twofactor_nextcloud_notification-php80 3.7.0
  •  nextcloud-twofactor_nextcloud_notification-php81 3.7.0
  •  nextcloud-twofactor_nextcloud_notification-php82 3.7.0
  •  nextcloud-twofactor_webauthn-php80 1.2.0
  •  nextcloud-twofactor_webauthn-php81 1.2.0
  •  nextcloud-twofactor_webauthn-php82 1.2.0
  •  nextdns 1.40.1
  •  nextgo 3.0_11
  •  nextpnr 0.4_11
  •  nexuiz 2.5.2_21
  •  nexus2-oss 2.15.1
  •  nezd 0.1.0_1
  •  nfcutils 0.1.2_1
  •  nfdump 1.6.20_1
  •  nfft 3.5.3_1
  •  nflib
  •  nfpm 2.32.0_2
  •  nfsen 1.3.8_1
  •  nfs-exporter 0.4.3
  •  nfsshell 20130510_4
  •  nfstrace
  •  nfy 0.2
  •  nget 0.27.1_7
  •  nghttp2 1.56.0
  •  nginx 1.24.0_123
  •  nginx-devel 1.25.2_7
  •  nginx-lite 1.24.03
  •  nginx-naxsi 1.24.03
  •  nginx-prometheus-exporter 0.11.0_2
  •  nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker 4.2020.03.2005_1
  •  nginx-vts-exporter 0.10.7_14
  •  ng_ipacct 20210316_1
  •  ngircd 26.11
  •  ng_mikrotik_eoip 1.0
  •  ngraph 6.3.54_1
  •  ngrep 1.45_4
  •  ngspice_rework 41
  •  ngspice_rework-shlib 41
  •  ngs-sdk 3.0.1
  •  nheko 0.11.3_2
  •  nibbleblog 3.0.2_2
  •  nickle 2.93
  •  nifmon 1.4
  •  nift 2.4.11_1
  •  nifticlib 2.0.0_1
  •  nightfall 1.92_5
  •  nighthawk 3.0.0_6
  •  nikto 2.1.61
  •  nim 2.0.0_1
  •  nimble 0.14.2
  •  nimuh 1.02_12
  •  nini 1.1.0_3
  •  ninix-aya 5.0.9
  •  ninja 1.11.12
  •  nInvaders 0.1.1_1
  •  nip2 8.7.1_13
  •  nist-kat 0.0.2015.02.23_1
  •  nitpicker 1.2.11
  •  nitrogen 1.6.1_5
  •  nitrokey-app 1.4.2_1
  •  nitroshare
  •  njam 1.25_12
  •  njs 0.8.1
  •  nlarn 0.7.6
  •  nl-aspell 0.50.2_11
  •  nlcglib 1.0.b.20230622
  •  nl-freebsd-doc 202309241
  •  nl-hunspell 2.10
  •  nl-hyphen 2005.10.16_1
  •  nll 20230909a
  •  nl-libreoffice
  •  nll-nosdl 20230909a
  •  nl-mythes 2015.12.10
  •  nload 0.7.4_1
  •  nlohmann-json 3.11.2
  •  nlopt 2.7.1_2
  •  nmap 7.94
  •  nmealib 0.5.3
  •  nmh 1.8
  •  nmh-devel 2023.09.18
  •  nmrpflash 0.9.21
  •  nms 1.0.11
  •  nmsg 1.1.1
  •  nn 6.7.3_1
  •  nnap 1.1
  •  nn-aspell
  •  nncp 8.8.1_8
  •  nng 1.5.2
  •  nn-insight 1.0.7_7
  •  nn-libreoffice
  •  nnn 4.8
  •  nntp
  •  noattach 1.2_4
  •  nocc 1.9.13
  •  node16 16.20.1_1
  •  node 18.16.0
  •  node18 18.18.0
  •  node20 20.8.0
  •  node_exporter 1.5.0_7
  •  node-thrift 0.16.0_2
  •  noffle 1.1.5_3
  •  noip 2.1.9_4
  •  noise-repellent-lv2 0.2.3
  •  noise-suppression-for-voice-lv2 1.03_1
  •  nologin 1.0_1
  •  nologinmsg 1.0_1
  •  nomacs 3.16_10
  •  nomad 1.6.2
  •  nomadnet 0.3.8_1
  •  nomad-pot-driver 0.9.1
  •  nomarch 1.4
  •  nomyso 4.3
  •  nonsense 0.6_2
  •  nordic-theme 2.1.0
  •  norm 1.5r6_3
  •  normalize 0.7.7_11
  •  normalizemime 1.19_1
  •  nosefart 1.92f_1
  •  noson-app 5.4.1_1
  •  nosqlbench 0.0.20151214_1
  •  nostromo 1.9.6
  •  nostt 1.1.1_1
  •  notcurses 3.0.8_3
  •  note 1.3.26
  •  notekit 0.2.0_1
  •  notepadnext 0.6.3
  •  notes 2.1.0
  •  noti 3.7.0_4
  •  notification-daemon 3.20.0_2
  •  notify-osd 0.9.34_4
  •  notify-sharp 3.0.3_2
  •  notmuch 0.38
  •  notmuch-emacs 0.38
  •  notmuch-emacs_canna 0.38
  •  notmuch-emacs_devel 0.38
  •  notmuch-emacs_devel_nox 0.38
  •  notmuch-emacs_nox 0.38
  •  notmuch-mutt 0.38
  •  noto 2.0
  •  noto-basic 2.0_2
  •  noto-emoji 2.038
  •  noto-extra 2.0_1
  •  noto-hk 2.004
  •  noto-jp 2.004
  •  noto-kr 2.004
  •  noto-sans-hk 2.004
  •  noto-sans-jp 2.004
  •  noto-sans-kr 2.004
  •  noto-sans-sc 2.004
  •  noto-sans-tc 2.004
  •  noto-sc 2.004
  •  noto-serif-hk 2.001
  •  noto-serif-jp 2.001
  •  noto-serif-kr 2.001
  •  noto-serif-sc 2.001
  •  noto-serif-tc 2.001
  •  noto-tc 2.004
  •  novelwriter 2.0.7_1
  •  novnc 1.4.0
  •  nox 2023.4.22
  •  npadmin 0.8.7_1
  •  npapi-xine 1.0.2_14
  •  npc 0.83
  •  nplot 0.9.11_3
  •  npm 10.2.0
  •  npm-node16 9.9.0
  •  npm-node18 10.2.0
  •  npm-node20 10.2.0
  •  npmount 0.1.1
  •  npretty
  •  npth 1.6
  •  npush 0.7
  •  nq 0.5
  •  nqc 3.1.r6_1
  •  nqptp 1.2.4
  •  nqueens 1.0
  •  nrg2iso 0.4
  •  nr-libreoffice
  •  nrpe 4.1.0
  •  ns3 3.35_2
  •  nsca27 2.7.2_8
  •  nsca27-client 2.7.2_8
  •  nsca 2.9.2_1
  •  nsca-client 2.9.2_1
  •  nsca-ng 1.6
  •  nsca-ng-client 1.6
  •  nscde 2.3
  •  nsd 4.7.0
  •  nsd_exporter 0.1.0_17
  •  nsf 1.0
  •  nsgenbind 0.8
  •  nsh 0.4.2_18
  •  nslint 3.1
  •  nsnake 2.2.0
  •  nsnotifyd 2.0
  •  nso-libreoffice
  •  nsping 0.8_2
  •  nspr 4.35
  •  nsq 1.2.1_14
  •  nss 3.93
  •  nsscache 0.49
  •  nss_compat_ossl 0.9.6_1
  •  nss_ldap 1.265_14
  •  nss_mdns
  •  nss_ndb 1.0.24
  •  nss-pam-ldapd 0.9.12_1
  •  nss-pam-ldapd-sasl 0.9.12_1
  •  nss_resinit 20060412
  •  nss_wrapper 1.1.3_2
  •  nstat g202306011
  •  nsxiv 28
  •  nsync 1.24.0
  •  nsysctl 2.1.2
  •  ntfs2btrfs 20230501
  •  ntfy
  •  ntimed 0.0.2015.01.30_1
  •  ntk 1.3.1001_1
  •  ntl 11.5.1_1
  •  ntopng 5.6.d202309201
  •  ntp 4.2.8p17_1
  •  ntpa 0.8.2_6
  •  ntpd-rs 0.3.7_1
  •  NTPoly 3.0.0
  •  ntpsec
  •  ntpstat 0.6
  •  ntraceroute 6.4.2_3
  •  nuclearchess 1.0.0_10
  •  nuclei 2.9.11_1
  •  nucleus 0.77_6
  •  nuitka-py39 1.8
  •  nuklear 4.10.6
  •  nullmailer 2.2_11
  •  numchar 1.0
  •  numdiff 5.9.0_1
  •  numix-gtk-theme 2.6.7_1
  •  numix-icon-theme 21.10.31
  •  numix-icon-theme-circle 22.04.06
  •  numlockx 1.2
  •  numptyphysics 0.3.r20090104_11
  •  numptyphysics-npcomplete 0.0.r20090116_3
  •  NunniMCAX 1.4.1
  •  nurbs++ 3.0.11_10
  •  nushell 0.85.0
  •  nusoap 0.9.5
  •  nuspell 5.1.3
  •  nut 2.8.0_23
  •  nut-devel 2023.09.21
  •  nut_exporter 3.0.0_2
  •  nuttcp 8.2.2
  •  nux 1.6_31
  •  nvc 1.10.3
  •  nvclock 0.8.b4_8
  •  nvi2 2.2.1
  •  nvidia-driver-304 304.137_10
  •  nvidia-driver-340 340.108_4
  •  nvidia-driver-390 390.154_1
  •  nvidia-driver-470 470.161.03
  •  nvidia-driver 535.104.05_1
  •  nvidia-drm-510-kmod 535.104.05
  •  nvidia-drm-515-kmod 535.104.05
  •  nvidia-drm-kmod 535.104.05
  •  nvidia_gpu_prometheus_exporter g20181028_15
  •  nvidia-hybrid-graphics 0.6
  •  nvidia-hybrid-graphics-390 0.6
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  •  nvidia-secondary-driver 535.104.05_1
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  •  nvidia-texture-tools 2.1.2
  •  nvidia-xconfig 525.116.04
  •  nvi-m17n 1.79.20040608_51
  •  nvimpager 0.12.0
  •  nvme-cli 1.8.1
  •  nvramtool r6440
  •  nwcc 0.8.3
  •  nwchem 7.2.0_1
  •  nwchem-data 7.2.0
  •  nwg-bar 0.1.3_2
  •  nwg-dock 0.3.9
  •  nwg-dock-hyprland 0.1.7
  •  nwg-drawer 0.3.9_2
  •  nwg-launchers
  •  nwg-look 0.2.4_2
  •  nwg-menu 0.1.1_16
  •  nwreckdum 0.0.6_2
  •  nx 2.4.0
  •  nxcomp
  •  nxengine
  •  nxproxy
  •  nyancat 1.5.21
  •  nyan-lang g20180708_2
  •  ny-aspell 0.01.0_12
  •  nylon 1.21_10
  •  NymphCastLib v0.1_1
  •  NymphCast v0.1_4
  •  NymphRPC v0.1_1
  •  nyquist 3.16
  •  nyx 2.1.0_1
  •  nzbget 21.1_2
  •  nzbhydra2 4.7.4
  •  nzbperl 0.6.8_1
  •  o2em 1.17_4
  •  O2-tools 2.01
  •  o3read 0.0.4
  •  oak 1.5.0
  •  oaml 1.3.4_2
  •  oath-toolkit 2.6.9
  •  oauth2-proxy 7.5.1
  •  obake
  •  obby 0.4.8_6
  •  obconf 2.0.4_5
  •  obconf-qt 0.16.2
  •  obexapp 1.4.15_4
  •  obfs4proxy-tor 0.0.14_8
  •  obhttpd 7.3.20230714_1
  •  objconv 2.54.1
  •  objecthash 20160802_18
  •  objfw 1.0.4
  •  oblige 7.70_1
  •  obliterate 0.5
  •  obpager 1.8
  •  observium-php80 0.19.8_2
  •  observium-php81 0.19.8_2
  •  obs-recursion-effect 0.0.5_1
  •  obs-streamfx 0.12.0.b299_1
  •  obs-studio 29.1.3_3
  •  obs-text-pthread 2.0.2_2
  •  obs-waveform 1.7.0
  •  obuparse g20230712
  •  oc 4.9_15
  •  ocaml 4.08.1
  •  ocaml-annexlib 0.13.2_4
  •  ocaml-autoconf 1.1_1
  •  ocaml-base64 2.0.0_1
  •  ocaml-bz2 0.6.0_3
  •  ocaml-cairo 0.6.4
  •  ocaml-calendar 2.03.2_1
  •  ocaml-camlidl 1.05_3
  •  ocaml-camljava 0.3_4
  •  ocaml-camlp4 4.08+1
  •  ocaml-camlp5 7.14_1
  •  ocaml-camomile 1.0.2_1
  •  ocaml-camomile-examples 0.4.1_1
  •  ocaml-cfg 2.2.0_1
  •  ocaml-classes 4.00_1
  •  ocaml-cmdliner 1.0.4_2
  •  ocaml-cppo 1.6.9_1
  •  ocaml-cryptgps 0.2.1_3
  •  ocaml-cryptokit 1.11_1
  •  ocaml-csv 1.2.1_3
  •  ocaml-dbm 1.0_1
  •  ocaml-dune 3.7.1
  •  ocaml-expat 0.9.1_5
  •  ocaml-extlib 1.7.9_1
  •  ocaml-findlib 1.9.6
  •  ocaml-gsl 1.19.1_7
  •  ocaml-ipaddr 3.1.0
  •  ocaml-jsonm 1.0.2_1
  •  ocaml-lablgl 1.05_51
  •  ocaml-lablgtk2 2.18.13_1
  •  ocaml-lablgtk3 3.1.1_2
  •  ocaml-labltk 8.06.7
  •  ocaml-lacaml 8.0.7_11
  •  ocaml-lwt 2.5.2_1
  •  ocaml-magic 0.7.3_4
  •  ocaml-nox11 4.08.1
  •  ocaml-num 1.4_1
  •  ocaml-ocamlbuild 0.14.2_2
  •  ocaml-ocamlgraph 1.8.8_1
  •  ocaml-ocurl 0.9.2_1
  •  ocaml-opam 2.1.5_1
  •  ocaml-ounit 1.0.3_3
  •  ocaml-parmap 1.2.4
  •  ocaml-pcre 7.2.3_2
  •  ocaml-pomap 4.1.1_1
  •  ocaml-ppx-tools 6.6
  •  ocaml-re 1.4.1_1
  •  ocaml-react 1.2.1_1
  •  ocaml-res 5.0.1_1
  •  ocaml-result 1.5_1
  •  ocaml-sdl 0.9.1_5
  •  ocaml-sem 0.0.2_4
  •  ocaml-sexplib0 0.16.0
  •  ocaml-sqlite3 4.0.5_1
  •  ocaml-ssl 0.5.13
  •  ocaml-text 0.8_1
  •  ocaml-topkg 1.0.7_1
  •  ocaml-type_conv 113.00.02_1
  •  ocaml-uchar 0.0.2_2
  •  ocaml-ulex 1.1_2
  •  ocaml-uutf 1.0.3_1
  •  ocaml-xstr 0.2.1_3
  •  ocaml-xstrp4 1.8.2_1
  •  ocaml-zarith 1.13
  •  ocaml-zip 1.11_1
  •  ocean-spectroscopy-code 3.0.4
  •  oclgrind 21.101
  •  oc-libreoffice
  •  ocl-icd 2.3.1_1
  •  oclock 1.0.4
  •  ocrad 0.28
  •  ocserv 1.2.1
  •  ocsinventory-agent 2.10.01
  •  ocsinventory-ocsreports 2.11.1
  •  ocsinventory-server 2.11.1
  •  octave 8.3.0_1
  •  octave-forge 20230902_1
  •  octave-forge-actuarial 1.1.0_26
  •  octave-forge-audio 2.0.7_1
  •  octave-forge-automatic-differentiation 1.0.0_4
  •  octave-forge-base 1.9_1
  •  octave-forge-benchmark 1.1.1_29
  •  octave-forge-bim 1.1.6_3
  •  octave-forge-bioinfo 0.1.2_29
  •  octave-forge-biosig 3.0.1_3
  •  octave-forge-bsltl 1.3.1_5
  •  octave-forge-cfitsio 0.0.5
  •  octave-forge-cgi 0.1.2_17
  •  octave-forge-civil-engineering 1.0.7_29
  •  octave-forge-coder 1.8.0_2
  •  octave-forge-communications 1.2.6
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  •  octave-forge-csg-toolkit 1.3.0_1
  •  octave-forge-dataframe 1.2.0_15
  •  octave-forge-data-smoothing 1.3.0_23
  •  octave-forge-dicom 0.5.1_2
  •  octave-forge-divand 1.1.2_19
  •  octave-forge-doctest 0.8.0_2
  •  octave-forge-econometrics 1.1.2_5
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  •  octave-forge-femoctave 2.1.2
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  •  octave-forge-fpl 1.3.5_18
  •  octave-forge-fuzzy-logic-toolkit 0.4.6_5
  •  octave-forge-ga 0.10.3_3
  •  octave-forge-general 2.1.2_3
  •  octave-forge-generate_html 0.3.3_2
  •  octave-forge-geographiclib 2.0_3
  •  octave-forge-geometry 4.0.0_5
  •  octave-forge-gnuplot 1.0.1_26
  •  octave-forge-gsl 2.1.1_14
  •  octave-forge-ident 1.0.7_29
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  •  octave-forge-informationtheory 0.1.8_29
  •  octave-forge-integration 1.0.7_29
  •  octave-forge-internal-fluid-flow 1.0.0
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  •  octave-forge-io 2.6.4_31
  •  octave-forge-irsa 1.0.7_29
  •  octave-forge-level-set 0.3.0_18
  •  octave-forge-linear-algebra 2.2.3_61
  •  octave-forge-lssa 0.1.4_5
  •  octave-forge-ltfat 2.6.01
  •  octave-forge-mapping 1.4.2_3
  •  octave-forge-matgeom 1.2.3_5
  •  octave-forge-mccabe-thiele 0.1.5_3
  •  octave-forge-miscellaneous 1.3.0_5
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  •  octave-forge-mqtt 0.0.4
  •  octave-forge-msh 1.0.12_3
  •  octave-forge-multicore 0.2.15_29
  •  octave-forge-mvn 1.1.0_21
  •  octave-forge-nan 3.7.0_2
  •  octave-forge-ncarray 1.0.5_2
  •  octave-forge-netcdf 1.0.17
  •  octave-forge-nnet 0.1.13_26
  •  octave-forge-nurbs 1.4.3_4
  •  octave-forge-oct2mat 1.0.7_29
  •  octave-forge-octave-pool 1.1.5
  •  octave-forge-octclip 2.0.3_2
  •  octave-forge-octproj 3.0.2_6
  •  octave-forge-odebvp 1.0.6_29
  •  octave-forge-onsas 0.2.8_1
  •  octave-forge-optics 0.1.4_5
  •  octave-forge-optim 1.6.2_2
  •  octave-forge-optiminterp 0.3.7_3
  •  octave-forge-outliers 0.13.9_29
  •  octave-forge-parallel 4.0.2
  •  octave-forge-pde1dm 1.3_3
  •  octave-forge-pkg-octave-doc 0.5.0
  •  octave-forge-plot 1.1.0_24
  •  octave-forge-ponchon-savarit 1.0.0
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  •  octave-forge-psychrometrics 1.0.0
  •  octave-forge-pythonic 0.1.3_1
  •  octave-forge-quaternion 2.4.0_18
  •  octave-forge-queueing 1.2.7_5
  •  octave-forge-secs1d 0.0.9_24
  •  octave-forge-secs2d 0.0.8_29
  •  octave-forge-secs3d 0.0.1_26
  •  octave-forge-signal 1.4.5
  •  octave-forge-simp 1.1.0_29
  •  octave-forge-sockets 1.4.1
  •  octave-forge-sole 0.1.1_3
  •  octave-forge-sparsersb 1.0.9_5
  •  octave-forge-special-matrix 1.0.7_29
  •  octave-forge-splines 1.3.5
  •  octave-forge-sqlite 0.0.3_1
  •  octave-forge-statistics 1.6.0
  •  octave-forge-statistics-bootstrap 5.4.2
  •  octave-forge-stk 2.8.1
  •  octave-forge-strings 1.3.1
  •  octave-forge-struct 1.0.18_2
  •  octave-forge-symband 1.0.10_29
  •  octave-forge-symbolic 3.1.1_1
  •  octave-forge-tcl-octave 0.1.8_29
  •  octave-forge-tsa 4.6.3_3
  •  octave-forge-velas 1.0.6
  •  octave-forge-video 2.1.1
  •  octave-forge-websockets 0.1.0_3
  •  octave-forge-zenity 0.5.7_29
  •  octave-forge-zeromq 1.5.6
  •  octomap 1.9.8
  •  octopkg 0.3.3_1
  •  octopus 11.4_5
  •  octosql 0.12.2_2
  •  odamex 0.7.0_3
  •  odbc-cpp-wrapper 1.1
  •  ode 0.16.21
  •  odo 0.2.2
  •  ods2 1.3_1
  •  ods2reader 19930601_1
  •  ods2sql 0.4.0_27
  •  odt2txt 0.5
  •  office-code-pro 1.004
  •  oftpd 0.3.7
  •  ogdf 2020.02
  •  ogg2mp3 0.6.1_4
  •  oggvideotools 0.9.1_17
  •  ogmrip 1.0.1_15
  •  ogmtools 1.5_17
  •  ogre3d 1.11.6_13
  •  ogre3d19 1.9.0_21
  •  oha 0.6.1_1
  •  ohmu 1.1.0_4
  •  ohmyzsh 20230913
  •  ohsnap 1.8.0_1
  •  ohsnap-otb 1.8.0_1
  •  oidentd 2.5.1
  •  oidn 2.0.1_1
  •  oink g20210710_5
  •  oinkmaster 2.0_1
  •  ois 1.5.1
  •  okc321 1.1
  •  oksh 7.31
  •  oksh-static 7.31
  •  okteta 0.26.13_11
  •  okular 23.08.1
  •  ola 0.10.9_1
  •  oldrunner 20120131
  •  oldschool-pc-fonts 2.2_2
  •  oleo 1.99.16_15
  •  olive-video-editor
  •  olm 3.2.13
  •  olsrd 0.9.8_1
  •  omake 0.10.6_1
  •  omega 0.90.4_1
  •  omi 20030719
  •  om-libreoffice
  •  omnibackup 0.2.1
  •  omniORB 4.3.1
  •  omnitty 0.3.0_4
  •  omping 0.0.4
  •  ompl 1.6.0_1
  •  ondir 0.2.4_1
  •  onednn252 2.5.2
  •  onednn 3.2.1
  •  onefetch 2.18.1_2
  •  oneko-sakura 1.2_2
  •  onenetd 12
  •  oneshot 1.5.1_15
  •  onetbb 2021.10.0
  •  oneVPL 2022.1.5
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  •  onioncat 4.10.0
  •  onionscan 0.2_17
  •  onis 0.8.2
  •  onlyoffice-documentserver
  •  onnx 1.14.1
  •  onscripter-1byte 20230825
  •  onscripter 20230825
  •  oo2c 2.1.11_14
  •  oolite 1.88_5
  •  ooni-mini 0.23.0_14
  •  oonsoo 1.2_3
  •  op 1.34_2
  •  opa 0.41.0_13
  •  open 1.4
  •  Open3D 0.2_11
  •  open62541 1.3.7
  •  open-adventure 1.16
  •  openal-soft 1.21.1_4
  •  openarc 1.0.0.b3.20201016_1
  •  openarena 0.8.8.s1910_182
  •  openarena-data 0.8.8
  •  openarena-oax B51_1
  •  openarena-server 0.8.8.s1910_182
  •  openbabel
  •  open-beagle 3.0.3_1
  •  openbgpd 5.2.20121209_41
  •  openbgpd6 6.9p0
  •  openbgpd7 7.7
  •  openblas 0.3.202
  •  openbmp 0.14.0_12
  •  openbor3482 3482_2
  •  openbor3711 3711_2
  •  openbor3979 3979_2
  •  openbor4432 4432_5
  •  openbor 7138_2
  •  openbox 3.6_9
  •  openbox-arc-theme 20170104
  •  openbsm 1.1.p2_1
  •  openbubbles 1.2_5
  •  openbve
  •  openca-ocspd 3.1.3
  •  opencart
  •  opencascade740 7.4.0_3
  •  opencascade 7.7.0_6
  •  opencbm
  •  opencbm-kmod
  •  opencbm-plugin-xa1541
  •  opencity
  •  opencl 3.0.14
  •  OpenClaw 0.3.98_4
  •  opencl-clang-llvm11 11.0.0
  •  opencl-clang-llvm12 12.0.0
  •  opencl-clang-llvm13 13.0.0
  •  opencl-clang-llvm14 14.0.0
  •  opencl-clang-llvm15 15.0.0
  •  opencl-clang-llvm16 16.0.0
  •  openclonk 8.1_4
  •  opencoarrays 2.10.1
  •  opencollada 1.6.68_4
  •  opencolorio 2.2.1_4
  •  opencolorio-tools 2.2.1_3
  •  openconnect 9.12
  •  openconnect-freebsd-daemon 2.1.0
  •  openconnect-gui 1.5.3_3
  •  opencore-amr 0.1.6
  •  OpenCorsairLink g20191001
  •  opencpn 5.2.4_5
  •  opencryptoki 3.19.0
  •  opencsg 1.4.2_7
  •  openct 0.6.20_2
  •  openctm 1.0.3_3
  •  opencv 4.6.0_13
  •  opencvs 20151230
  •  opencyc 0.7.0_3
  •  opendbviewer 1.1.1_1
  •  opendbx 1.4.6_6
  •  opendchub 0.8.3_1
  •  opendht
  •  OpenDiablo2 0.1.g20210514_15
  •  opendircolors 0.0.2
  •  opendkim 2.10.3_16
  •  opendmarc 1.4.2
  •  opendnssec2 2.1.13
  •  opendx 4.4.4_37
  •  openems
  •  openenroth g20230128_2
  •  openexr 3.2.0
  •  openexr-website-docs 3.2.0
  •  openfhe 1.0.4
  •  openfire 4.7.51
  •  OpenFodder 1.8.0
  •  openfortivpn 1.20.5
  •  openfpgaloader 0.11.0
  •  openfst 1.8.1
  •  openfts 0.40_5
  •  openfx-arena 2.4.3_12
  •  openfx-misc 2.4.3
  •  openglad 0.98_10
  •  opengl-man 657.2
  •  opengrok 1.7.42
  •  opengv g20200806_1
  •  openh264 2.3.02
  •  openhab2 2.5.12
  •  openhab2-addons 2.5.12
  •  openhab 4.0.3
  •  openhab-addons 4.0.3
  •  openhantek 3.3.3
  •  OpenHMD 0.3.0_1
  •  openicc-config 0.1.0
  •  openiked-portable 7.2
  •  openimageio
  •  openipmi 2.0.29
  •  open-isns 0.101
  •  openjade 1.3.3p1_4
  •  openjazz 20190106
  •  openjdk11 11.0.20+8.1_1
  •  openjdk11-jre 11.0.20+8.1_1
  •  openjdk17 17.0.8+7.1_1
  •  openjdk17-jre 17.0.8+7.1_1
  •  openjdk18 18.0.2+9.1_2
  •  openjdk19 19.0.2+7.1_1
  •  openjdk20 20.0.2+9.1
  •  openjdk8 8.382.05.1
  •  openjdk8-jre 8.382.05.1
  •  openjfx14
  •  openjk g20221013_1
  •  openjpeg15 1.5.2_2
  •  openjpeg 2.5.0_1
  •  openjph 0.9.0
  •  openkim-models 2021.08.11_2
  •  OpenLara g20230628
  •  openldap25-client 2.5.16
  •  openldap25-server 2.5.16
  •  openldap26-client 2.6.6
  •  openldap26-server 2.6.6
  •  openlibm 0.8.0
  •  openlierox 0.58.r5_31
  •  openlldp 0.4.a_2
  •  openmc 0.13.3_1
  •  openmdns 0.7_3
  •  openmesh 9.0_1
  •  openmodelica 1.20.0_2
  •  openmolcas 23.06
  •  openmortal 0.7_13
  •  open-motif 2.3.8_3
  •  open-motif-devel 2023.02.16_1
  •  openmpi3 3.1.6_2
  •  openmpi 4.1.5_1
  •  openmsx 18.0_1
  •  openmw 0.48.0_1
  •  openmx 3.8.5_8
  •  opennn 6.0.4
  •  openntpd 6.8p1_72
  •  opennurbs 20130711_3
  •  openobex 1.7.2
  •  openocd 0.11.0_1
  •  openomf 0.6.5_6
  •  openorienteering-mapper 0.9.5_7
  •  openpgl 0.5.0_1
  •  openpgm 5.2.122_6
  •  openprinting 1.0_5
  •  openr2 1.3.3
  •  openra 20210321
  •  openradius 0.9.12c_4
  •  openrct2 0.4.6
  •  openresolv 3.13.2
  •  openresty
  •  openrgb 0.8
  •  openrm
  •  openroad 2.0.2930_41
  •  openrsync 0.0.20200401
  •  opensaml 3.2.1_3
  •  open-sans 20180831
  •  opensbi 1.3.1
  •  opensc 0.23.0
  •  openscad 2021.01.01.20221206_4
  •  openscad-devel 2022.12.20_1
  •  openscop 0.9.7
  •  openseachest 23.03.1
  •  opensearch13 1.3.10
  •  opensearch 2.9.0
  •  opensearch-dashboards 2.9.0
  •  openshadinglanguage
  •  openshot 3.1.1
  •  OpenSim-core 4.1_5
  •  open-simh
  •  opensips31 3.1.11_2
  •  openslide
  •  openslp 2.0.0_1
  •  opensmtpd 6.8.01
  •  opensmtpd-extras 6.7.11
  •  opensmtpd-extras-queue-ram 6.7.11
  •  opensmtpd-extras-scheduler-ram 6.7.11
  •  opensmtpd-extras-table-ldap 6.7.1_11
  •  opensmtpd-extras-table-mysql 6.7.11
  •  opensmtpd-extras-table-passwd 6.7.11
  •  opensmtpd-extras-table-postgresql 6.7.11
  •  opensmtpd-extras-table-redis 6.7.11
  •  opensmtpd-extras-table-socketmap 6.7.11
  •  opensmtpd-extras-table-sqlite 6.7.11
  •  opensmtpd-filter-rspamd 0.1.8
  •  opensmtpd-filter-senderscore 0.1.1_14
  •  opensonic 0.1.4_5
  •  OpenSP 1.5.2_4
  •  openspades 0.1.3_4
  •  OpenSPH 0.4.0_12
  •  OpenSSH-askpass
  •  openssl 1.1.1w1
  •  openssl30 3.0.11_1
  •  openssl31 3.1.3_1
  •  openssl32 3.2.0.a2
  •  openssl-agent 0.16.0
  •  openssl-quictls 3.0.10
  •  openssl-unsafe
  •  openssn 1.4_6
  •  opensubdiv 3.5.0_6
  •  opensurge 0.1.r765_8
  •  opensycl 0.9.4
  •  opentelemetry-cpp 1.11.0
  •  opentelemetry-proto 1.0.0
  •  opentimelineio 0.15_3
  •  opentimer g20221116
  •  OpenTomb 2018.02.03.a_2
  •  opentoonz 1.5.0_6
  •  openttd 13.0_1
  •  openttd-opengfx 7.1
  •  openttd-openmsx 0.4.2
  •  openttd-opensfx 1.0.3
  •  openturns 1.20_14
  •  opentyrian 2.1.20221123
  •  openuniverse 1.0.b3_14
  •  openupsd 0.3.1_1
  •  openvanilla-framework
  •  openvas 22.7.5
  •  openvdb 10.0.1_10
  •  openvkl 1.3.0_9
  •  openvmps 1.4.06
  •  open-vm-tools 12.3.02
  •  open-vm-tools-nox11 12.3.02
  •  openvpn 2.6.6
  •  openvpn-admin 1.9.4_7
  •  openvpn-auth-ldap 2.0.4_2
  •  openvpn-auth-radius 2.1_4
  •  openvpn-auth-script
  •  openvpn-devel g202303311
  •  openvsp 3.35.3
  •  openvswitch 2.17.3
  •  openwince-include 0.4.2
  •  openxcom 1.0_12
  •  openyahtzee 1.9.3_5
  •  openzwave 1.4.3254
  •  openzwave-devel 1.6.1061_1
  •  ophcrack 3.8.0_1
  •  opie 1.20230501
  •  opkg-openwrt 20180803_1
  •  opsin 3.0.20190223_1
  •  optar 2015.02.09_2
  •  optimfrog 5.100
  •  optipng 0.7.7
  •  optpp 2.4_2
  •  opus 1.4
  •  opusfile 0.12_1
  •  opustags 1.9.0
  •  opus-tools 0.2_2
  •  ora2pg 24.1
  •  orage 4.18.0_2
  •  orange3 3.29.1_4
  •  orangehrm 5.5
  •  or-aspell 0.03.1_12
  •  orbital_eunuchs_sniper 1.30_9
  •  orbit-lv2 0.1.661
  •  orbiton 2.64.1_1
  •  orbitron g20110525
  •  orc 0.4.34_1
  •  orca 43.1_2
  •  orcania 2.3.3
  •  oregano 0.84.43_4
  •  or-libreoffice
  •  oroborus 2.0.20
  •  orpie 1.5.2_8
  •  orthanc 1.11.0_10
  •  orthanc-dicomweb 1.8_7
  •  orthanc-mysql 4.3_6
  •  orthanc-postgresql 4.0_6
  •  orthanc-webviewer 2.8_7
  •  orthorobot
  •  or-tools 9.5_4
  •  ortp 5.2.94
  •  orville-write 2.55_1
  •  osbf-lua 2.0.4
  •  osc 1.3.1
  •  oscam 1.20.20210729
  •  OSCAR 1.4.0
  •  osdclock 0.5_10
  •  osdlyrics 0.4.3_7
  •  osdmixer 0.9_7
  •  osg34 3.4.1_55
  •  osg 3.6.5_63
  •  osgearth 3.4_2
  •  osgg 1.0_2
  •  osinfo-db 20230719
  •  osinfo-db-tools 1.10.0_2
  •  OSKAR 2.8.3_5
  •  osm2mp r475_2
  •  osm2pgrouting 2.3.8_5
  •  osm2pgsql 1.9.2_1
  •  osm-gps-map 1.1.0_1
  •  osmium-tool 1.16.0
  •  osmosis 0.48.3
  •  ospray 2.10.0_6
  •  ospray-studio 0.11.1_3
  •  osqp 0.6.3
  •  osrm-backend 5.26.0_5
  •  osrtspproxy 2.0_1
  •  oss 4.2.b2019_4
  •  ossec-hids 3.7.0
  •  ossec-hids-agent 3.7.0
  •  ossec-hids-agent-config 3.7.0
  •  ossec-hids-local 3.7.0_1
  •  ossec-hids-local-config 3.7.0
  •  ossec-hids-server 3.7.0_1
  •  ossec-hids-server-config 3.7.0
  •  ossim 2.11.1_3
  •  osslsigncode 2.7
  •  ossp-al 0.9.3_1
  •  ossp-cfg 0.9.11_1
  •  ossp-ex 1.0.6_1
  •  ossp-l2 0.9.13_1
  •  ossp-sa 1.2.6_1
  •  ossp-uuid 1.6.2_9
  •  ossp-val 0.9.4_1
  •  ossp-var 1.1.3_1
  •  ossp-xds 0.9.3_1
  •  osticket-php81 1.17.3
  •  osv-scanner 1.4.0
  •  otf2bdf 3.1
  •  otk 0.96_4
  •  otpw 1.5
  •  ot-recorder 0.9.2
  •  otrs 6.0.29_2
  •  ots 9.1.0_2
  •  ott 0.28_1
  •  otter 3.3f_4
  •  otter-browser 1.0.03_2
  •  ouch 0.4.2_1
  •  oura 1.8.1_4
  •  outcome
  •  ov 0.15.0_3
  •  ovs 1.05_5
  •  owamp 3.3
  •  owfs 3.2p4_2
  •  owl-lisp 0.1.23
  •  owncast 0.0.13_2
  •  owncloudclient 2.8.2_4
  •  owncloud-php80 10.13.1
  •  owncloud-php81 10.13.1
  •  owncloud-php82 10.13.1
  •  owncloud-php83 10.13.1
  •  owntone 28.5_5
  •  owrep 1.2
  •  oxipng 8.0.0_7
  •  ox-text-editor 0.2.7_7
  •  oxygen-fonts 5.4.3
  •  oyranos 0.9.6_17
  •  oysttyer 2.10.0
  •  p0f 3.09b_1
  •  p11-kit 0.24.1_2
  •  p4 2023.1.2468153
  •  p4api 2023.1.2468153
  •  p4delta 1.3.2
  •  p4.el 10.6_1
  •  p4genpatch 1
  •  p5-accessors 1.01_1
  •  p5-accessors-fast 0.03_1
  •  p5-AcePerl 1.92_5
  •  p5-ack 3.7.0
  •  p5-Acme-6502 0.77_2
  •  p5-Acme-ButFirst 1.00_1
  •  p5-Acme-Comment 1.04_1
  •  p5-Acme-Damn 0.06
  •  p5-Acme-GuessNumber 0.05
  •  p5-Acme-HTTP 0.10
  •  p5-Acme-MetaSyntactic 1.015
  •  p5-Acme-Monta 0.01_1
  •  p5-Acme-Steganography-Image-Png 0.06_6
  •  p5-Adapter-Async 0.019
  •  p5-AddressBook 0.16_1
  •  p5-Agent 3.20_1
  •  p5-AI-Categorizer 0.09_2
  •  p5-AI-DecisionTree 0.11_1
  •  p5-AI-Genetic 0.05_1
  •  p5-AI-NeuralNet-BackProp 0.89_1
  •  p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar 0.10_1
  •  p5-AI-Perceptron 1.0_1
  •  p5-AI-Prolog 0.741_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-Accounting 0.08_7
  •  p5-Algorithm-Annotate 0.10_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-Backoff 0.009
  •  p5-Algorithm-BinPack 0.5_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-Bucketizer 0.13_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-C3 0.11
  •  p5-Algorithm-CheckDigits 1.3.6
  •  p5-Algorithm-ChooseSubsets 0.02_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-Cluster 1.59
  •  p5-Algorithm-Combinatorics 0.27_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-Cron 0.10
  •  p5-Algorithm-CurveFit 1.05_2
  •  p5-Algorithm-Dependency 1.112
  •  p5-Algorithm-Dependency-Objects 0.04_3
  •  p5-Algorithm-Diff 1.1903
  •  p5-Algorithm-Evolutionary 0.82.1
  •  p5-Algorithm-FloodControl 2.001000_2
  •  p5-Algorithm-IncludeExclude 0.01_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-Interval2Prefix 0.02_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-LCS 1.04_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-Line-Bresenham 0.11
  •  p5-Algorithm-LUHN 1.02
  •  p5-Algorithm-MarkovChain 0.06_2
  •  p5-Algorithm-Merge 0.08_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-MinMax 0.01_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-Munkres 0.08_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-NaiveBayes 0.04_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-Networksort 2.02
  •  p5-Algorithm-Numerical-Shuffle 2009110301_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-Pair-Best2 2.040
  •  p5-Algorithm-Pair-Swiss 0.14_1
  •  p5-Algorithm-Permute 0.17
  •  p5-Algorithm-RabinKarp 0.41_2
  •  p5-Algorithm-SVM 0.13_1
  •  p5-Alias 2.32_3
  •  p5-aliased 0.34
  •  p5-alias-module 0.002
  •  p5-Alien-Base-ModuleBuild 1.17
  •  p5-Alien-Build 2.80
  •  p5-Alien-Gimp 0.10
  •  p5-Alien-GSL 1.07_1
  •  p5-Alien-LibGumbo 0.05_1
  •  p5-Alien-SDL 1.446_1
  •  p5-Alien-wxWidgets 0.69_3
  •  p5-Alt-Crypt-RSA-BigInt 0.06
  •  p5-Alzabo 0.92_1
  •  p5-Amazon-SimpleDB 0.03_1
  •  p5-Amazon-SQS-Simple 1.06_1
  •  p5-AMF-Perl 0.15_3
  •  p5-Amon2 6.16
  •  p5-Amon2-DBI 0.33
  •  p5-Amon2-Lite 0.13
  •  p5-Amon2-Plugin-LogDispatch 0.01_2
  •  p5-Amon2-Plugin-Web-CSRFDefender 7.03_2
  •  p5-Amon2-Plugin-Web-MobileAgent 0.09_1
  •  p5-Any-Daemon 0.961
  •  p5-AnyData 0.12
  •  p5-AnyEvent 7.171
  •  p5-AnyEvent-AIO 1.1_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-BDB 1.1_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-CacheDNS 0.08
  •  p5-AnyEvent-Connection 0.06_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-Connector 0.03
  •  p5-AnyEvent-CouchDB 1.31_4
  •  p5-AnyEvent-DBD-Pg 0.03_3
  •  p5-AnyEvent-DBI 3.04
  •  p5-AnyEvent-DBI-Abstract 0.01_2
  •  p5-AnyEvent-DBus 0.31_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-DNS-EtcHosts 0.0103_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-Filesys-Notify 1.23
  •  p5-AnyEvent-Fork 1.32
  •  p5-AnyEvent-Gearman 0.10_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-Graphite 0.08_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-HTTP 2.222
  •  p5-AnyEvent-HTTPD 0.93_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-HTTP-LWP-UserAgent 0.10_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-I3 0.17
  •  p5-AnyEvent-IRC 0.97_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-Memcached 0.08
  •  p5-AnyEvent-MessagePack 0.20
  •  p5-AnyEvent-MPRPC 0.20_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-MQTT 1.142640_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-RabbitMQ 1.22
  •  p5-AnyEvent-Redis 0.24_3
  •  p5-AnyEvent-ReverseHTTP 0.05_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-RPC 0.05_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-Run 0.01_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-SCGI 1.1_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-SNMP 6.0_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-Subprocess 1.102912_2
  •  p5-AnyEvent-Task 0.801_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-Twitter 0.64_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream 0.28
  •  p5-AnyEvent-WebSocket-Client 0.55_1
  •  p5-AnyEvent-Worker 0.06_2
  •  p5-AnyEvent-XMPP 0.55_1
  •  p5-Any-Moose 0.27
  •  p5-Any-Moose-Convert 0.004_2
  •  p5-AnyMQ 0.35_1
  •  p5-AnyMQ-AMQP 0.30_1
  •  p5-Any-Template 1.015_1
  •  p5-Any-URI-Escape 0.01_1
  •  p5-Apache2-SiteControl 1.05_3
  •  p5-Apache2-SOAP 0.73_4
  •  p5-Apache-Admin-Config 0.95_1
  •  p5-Apache-ASP 2.63
  •  p5-Apache-AuthCookie 3.31
  •  p5-Apache-AuthTicket 0.94
  •  p5-ApacheBench 0.73_1
  •  p5-Apache-Clean 2.00_4
  •  p5-Apache-ConfigFile 1.23_1
  •  p5-Apache-ConfigParser 1.02
  •  p5-Apache-Config-Preproc 1.07
  •  p5-Apache-DB 0.18_1
  •  p5-Apache-DBI 1.12_2
  •  p5-Apache-Defaults 1.03
  •  p5-Apache-Htgroup 1.23_1
  •  p5-Apache-Htpasswd 1.9_2
  •  p5-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler 0.36
  •  p5-Apache-MP3 4.00_4
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  •  p5-Apache-Profiler 0.10_2
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  •  p5-Apache-Session-SharedMem 0.6_1
  •  p5-Apache-Session-SQLite3 0.03_1
  •  p5-Apache-Session-Wrapper 0.34_1
  •  p5-Apache-SessionX 2.01_1
  •  p5-Apache-Singleton 0.17
  •  p5-Apache-Solr 1.09
  •  p5-App-Acmeman 3.05
  •  p5-App-Build 0.74_1
  •  p5-App-Cache 0.37_1
  •  p5-App-CLI 0.500
  •  p5-App-CLI-Extension 1.421
  •  p5-App-Cmd 0.336
  •  p5-AppConfig 1.71
  •  p5-AppConfig-Std 1.10
  •  p5-App-Control 1.07
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  •  p5-App-cpanminus-reporter 0.17
  •  p5-App-cpanoutdated 0.24_1
  •  p5-App-DSC-DataTool 0.03
  •  p5-App-FatPacker 0.010008
  •  p5-App-Genpass 2.401
  •  p5-App-gist 0.16_1
  •  p5-App-GitGot 1.339
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  •  p5-App-Info 0.57_1
  •  p5-App-local-lib-helper 0.07
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  •  p5-App-Options 1.12_2
  •  p5-App-perlbrew 0.98
  •  p5-App-Rad 1.05_1
  •  p5-App-Regather 0.85.00
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  •  p5-App-SD 0.75_2
  •  p5-App-Sqitch 1.3.0
  •  p5-App-SVN-Bisect 1.1_3
  •  p5-App-TLSMe 0.110000_1
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  •  p5-App-ZFSCurses 1.212
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  •  p5-Archive-Any-Lite 0.11
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  •  p5-Archive-Extract-Libarchive 0.38_5
  •  p5-Archive-Libarchive 0.08
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  •  p5-Archive-SimpleExtractor 0.11_2
  •  p5-Archive-Tar 3.02
  •  p5-Archive-Tar-Wrapper 0.38
  •  p5-Archive-Zip 1.68
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  •  p5-ARGV-Struct 0.06
  •  p5-Ark 0.1.r1_2
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  •  p5-Array-FileReader 0.03_2
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  •  p5-Array-RefElem 1.00_1
  •  p5-Array-Unique 0.09
  •  p5-Array-Utils 0.5
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  •  p5-asa 1.03_1
  •  p5-AsciiDB-TagFile 1.06_1
  •  p5-Asm-Preproc 1.03
  •  p5-Asterisk-FastAGI 0.02_2
  •  p5-asterisk-perl 1.08
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  •  p5-Astro-App-Satpass2 0.051
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  •  p5-Astro-Constants 0.1400
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  •  p5-Astro-Hipparcos 0.09_3
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  •  p5-Astro-PAL 1.09
  •  p5-Astro-satpass 0.129
  •  p5-Astro-SIMBAD 2.0.0_2
  •  p5-Astro-SIMBAD-Client 0.047
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  •  p5-Astro-SunTime 0.06
  •  p5-Astro-Telescope 0.71_1
  •  p5-Astro-WaveBand 0.10
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  •  p5-AtExit 2.05
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  •  p5-Attribute-Handlers-Prospective 0.01_2
  •  p5-Attribute-Persistent 1.1_1
  •  p5-Audio-CD 0.04_3
  •  p5-Audio-Ecasound 1.01_1
  •  p5-Audio-FLAC-Header 2.4_4
  •  p5-Audio-M4P 0.57
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  •  p5-Audio-MPD 2.004_2
  •  p5-Audio-MPD-Common 2.003
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  •  p5-Audio-Scan 1.01
  •  p5-Audio-Scrobbler 0.01_3
  •  p5-Audio-Wav 0.14_2
  •  p5-Audio-WMA 1.3_1
  •  p5-AuthCAS 1.6_2
  •  p5-Authen-Bitcard 0.90_1
  •  p5-Authen-Captcha 1.024
  •  p5-Authen-CyrusSASL 0.01_1
  •  p5-Authen-DecHpwd 2.007
  •  p5-Authen-Htpasswd 0.171_1
  •  p5-Authen-Krb5 1.9_2
  •  p5-Authen-Krb5-Simple 0.43
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  •  p5-Authen-OATH 1.0.0_1
  •  p5-Authen-PAAS 1.1.1_1
  •  p5-Authen-PAM 0.16_2
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  •  p5-Authen-PluggableCaptcha 0.05_3
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  •  p5-Authen-SASL-SASLprep 1.100
  •  p5-Authen-SCRAM 0.011
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  •  p5-Authen-Simple-DBI 0.2_1
  •  p5-Authen-Simple-DBM 0.2_1
  •  p5-Authen-Simple-HTTP 0.2_1
  •  p5-Authen-Simple-Kerberos 0.1
  •  p5-Authen-Simple-LDAP 0.3_1
  •  p5-Authen-Simple-Net 0.2_2
  •  p5-Authen-Simple-PAM 0.2_1
  •  p5-Authen-Simple-Passwd 0.6_1
  •  p5-Authen-Simple-RADIUS 0.1_1
  •  p5-Authen-Simple-SSH 0.1_1
  •  p5-Authen-TacacsPlus 0.28
  •  p5-Authen-Ticket 0.02_1
  •  p5-Authen-TypeKey 0.05_3
  •  p5-Auth-YubikeyDecrypter 0.07_1
  •  p5-autobox 2.84
  •  p5-autobox-Core 1.33
  •  p5-autobox-Transform 1.035
  •  p5-autodie 2.29
  •  p5-AutoLoader 5.74
  •  p5-autovivification 0.18_1
  •  p5-AutoXS-Header 1.02_1
  •  p5-Avro 1.11.3
  •  p5-AWS-Signature4 1.02
  •  p5-BackupPC-XS 0.62
  •  p5-Badger 0.16
  •  p5-Barcode-ZBar 0.10
  •  p5-bareword-filehandles 0.007
  •  p5-Baseball-Sabermetrics 0.03_1
  •  p5-Bash-Completion 0.008_2
  •  p5-BBS-Client 0.03_1
  •  p5-BBS-UserInfo 0.01_1
  •  p5-BBS-UserInfo-Maple3 0.01_1
  •  p5-BBS-UserInfo-Maple3itoc 0.01_1
  •  p5-BBS-UserInfo-Ptt 0.06_1
  •  p5-BBS-UserInfo-SOB 0.01_1
  •  p5-BBS-UserInfo-Wretch 0.03_1
  •  p5-B-C 1.57
  •  p5-B-Compiling 0.06
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  •  p5-BDB 1.92
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  •  p5-B-Deobfuscate 0.20_1
  •  p5-Beanstalk-Client 1.06_1
  •  p5-Benchmark-Forking 1.01_2
  •  p5-Benchmark-Stopwatch 0.05_1
  •  p5-Benchmark-Timer 0.7112
  •  p5-Bencode 1.502
  •  p5-BerkeleyDB 0.65
  •  p5-Best 0.15_1
  •  p5-BFD 0.31_1
  •  p5-B-Flags 0.17
  •  p5-B-Generate 1.56
  •  p5-B-Graph 0.51_1
  •  p5-B-Hooks-AtRuntime 8
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  •  p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check-EntersubForCV 0.10
  •  p5-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr 0.06
  •  p5-B-Hooks-Parser 0.21
  •  p5-BibTeX-Parser 1.03
  •  p5-BigIP-iControl 0.095_2
  •  p5-BigIP-ParseConfig 1.1.9
  •  p5-bignum 0.66
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  •  p5-BIND-Config-Parser 0.01_1
  •  p5-BIND-Conf_Parser 0.95_1
  •  p5-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene 1.73_21
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  •  p5-Bio-Coordinate 1.007001
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  •  p5-Bio-Das-Lite 2.11_1
  •  p5-Bio-DB-EMBL 1.7.4
  •  p5-Bio-DB-NCBIHelper 1.7.7
  •  p5-Bio-FeatureIO 1.6.905
  •  p5-Bio-GFF3 2.0_2
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  •  p5-Bio-Graphics 2.40_2
  •  p5-Bio-MAGETAB 1.31_2
  •  p5-Bio-NEXUS 0.78_1
  •  p5-BioPerl 1.007007_1
  •  p5-BioPerl-Run 1.007003
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  •  p5-Bio-SCF 1.03_2
  •  p5-Bio-Variation 1.7.5
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  •  p5-Bit-Vector 7.4_1
  •  p5-Bit-Vector-Minimal 1.3_1
  •  p5-B-Keywords 1.26
  •  p5-Blog-Spam 1.0.2_2
  •  p5-Bloom-Filter 1.2
  •  p5-boolean 0.46
  •  p5-B-OPCheck 0.32
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  •  p5-BorderStyle 3.0.3
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  •  p5-BorderStyles-Standard 0.014
  •  p5-Bot-BasicBot 0.93
  •  p5-Bot-Training 0.07
  •  p5-Bot-Training-MegaHAL 0.03
  •  p5-Bot-Training-StarCraft 0.03
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  •  p5-Brackup 1.10_3
  •  p5-Brannigan 1.1.00001
  •  p5-Bread-Board 0.37
  •  p5-Bread-Board-Declare 0.16_1
  •  p5-Browser-Open 0.04_1
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  •  p5-BSD-Sysctl 0.12.3
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  •  p5-BSON 1.12.2
  •  p5-BSON-XS 0.8.4
  •  p5-Bucardo 5.6.0
  •  p5-Bundle-Perl6 0.12_1
  •  p5-Business-CreditCard 0.39
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  •  p5-Business-Hours 0.13
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  •  p5-Business-OCV 0.1_1
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  •  p5-Business-OnlinePayment 3.05
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  •  p5-Business-OnlinePayment-BankOfAmerica 1.02_2
  •  p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Beanstream 0.02_1
  •  p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Cardstream 1.0_3
  •  p5-Business-OnlinePayment-eSec 0.02_3
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  •  p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Jettis 0.02_1
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  •  p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Network1Financial 0.02_3
  •  p5-Business-OnlinePayment-OCV 0.01_2
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  •  p5-Business-OnlinePayment-PaymenTech 2.07
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  •  p5-Business-OnlinePayment-SurePay 0.01_1
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  •  p5-Business-PayPal-IPN 1.94_1
  •  p5-Business-Stripe 0.07
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  •  p5-Business-TW-TSIB-CStorePayment 0.04_1
  •  p5-Business-TW-TSIB-VirtualAccount 0.04b_2
  •  p5-Business-UPS 2.02
  •  p5-Business-WorldPay-Junior 1.07_1
  •  p5-B-Utils 0.27
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  •  p5-Cache-Cache 1.08
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  •  p5-Cairo-GObject 1.005_1
  •  p5-Calendar-Simple 2.0.3
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  •  p5-Capture-Tiny-Extended 0.114
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  •  p5-Carp-Clan-Share 0.013_1
  •  p5-Carp-Datum 0.1.3_1
  •  p5-Carp-REPL 0.18
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  •  p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP 1.018
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  •  p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class 0.1506_1
  •  p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-LDAP 1.017
  •  p5-Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT 0.07_2
  •  p5-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext 0.001001_1
  •  p5-Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole 0.15_1
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  •  p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI 0.12_1
  •  p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI-Plain 0.03_1
  •  p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI-Sweet 0.06_1
  •  p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Plain 0.03_1
  •  p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema 0.66
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  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-AtomServer 0.04_1
  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication 0.10023_23
  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-CDBI 0.10_1
  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-OpenID 0.02_1
  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd 0.020_2
  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL 0.16
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  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-AutoCRUD 2.200002
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  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-C3 0.03_1
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  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FastMmap 0.9_2
  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Memcached 0.8_2
  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Memcached-Fast 0.14_1
  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Captcha 0.04_2
  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader 0.34_1
  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-Environment 0.07_1
  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-CookiedSession 0.35_2
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  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-DefaultEnd 0.08_1
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  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ErrorCatcher
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  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator 0.094_1
  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N 0.10_2
  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Log-Dispatch 0.121_1
  •  p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Log-Handler 0.08_1
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  •  p5-CDDB-File 1.05_2
  •  p5-CDDB_get 2.28_31
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  •  p5-CGI 4.57
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  •  p5-CGI-Application 4.61
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  •  p5-CGI-Application-Dispatch-Server 0.53_1
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  •  p5-CGI-Application-PSGI 1.00_1
  •  p5-CGI-Application-Server 0.063_1
  •  p5-CGI-ArgChecker 0.02_1
  •  p5-CGI-Builder 1.36_1
  •  p5-CGI-Builder-TT2 0.03_1
  •  p5-CGI-Cache 1.4214
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  •  p5-CGI-Prototype 0.9054_1
  •  p5-CGI-PSGI 0.15_1
  •  p5-CGI-Response 0.03_1
  •  p5-CGI-Session 4.48_1
  •  p5-CGI-Session-Driver-memcached 0.04_1
  •  p5-CGI-Session-ExpireSessions 1.12_1
  •  p5-CGI-Simple 1.280
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  •  p5-CGI-Struct 1.21_1
  •  p5-CGI-Thin 0.52_1
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  •  p5-CGI-Untaint-email 0.03_1
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  •  p5-CGI-XMLApplication 1.1.5
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  •  p5-Chart 2.4.10
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  •  p5-Chart-Gnuplot 0.23
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  •  p5-Chart-PNGgraph 1.21_8
  •  p5-Chatbot-Eliza 1.08
  •  p5-Check-ISA 0.09
  •  p5-Chemistry-3DBuilder 0.10_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-Bond-Find 0.23_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-Canonicalize 0.11_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-Elements 1.075
  •  p5-Chemistry-File-MDLMol 0.21_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-File-Mopac 0.15_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-File-PDB 0.23_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-File-SLN 0.11_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-File-SMARTS 0.22_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-File-SMILES 0.47_2
  •  p5-Chemistry-File-VRML 0.10_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-File-XYZ 0.11_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-FormulaPattern 0.10_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-InternalCoords 0.18_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-Isotope 0.11_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-MacroMol 0.06_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-MidasPattern 0.11_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-Mok 0.25_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-Mol 0.39
  •  p5-Chemistry-Pattern 0.27_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-Reaction 0.02_1
  •  p5-Chemistry-Ring 0.20_1
  •  p5-Chess-PGN-Parse 0.20
  •  p5-CHI 0.600
  •  p5-CHI-Driver-DBI 1.27_1
  •  p5-CHI-Driver-Memcached 0.16
  •  p5-CHI-Driver-Redis 0.10
  •  p5-CHI-Driver-TokyoTyrant 0.02
  •  p5-Child 0.013
  •  p5-chklinks 3.09_1
  •  p5-Chooser 2.0.0_2
  •  p5-CIF-Client 0.21_3
  •  p5-Cisco-CopyConfig 1.4
  •  p5-Cisco-Hash 0.02_1
  •  p5-Cisco-IPPhone 0.05_1
  •  p5-Cisco-Reconfig 0.912
  •  p5-Cisco-UCS 0.51_11
  •  p5-Clamd 1.04_5
  •  p5-CLASS 1.1.8
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  •  p5-Class-Accessor-Chained 0.01_2
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  •  p5-Class-Accessor-Complex 1.100880_2
  •  p5-Class-Accessor-Constructor 1.111590_1
  •  p5-Class-Accessor-Fast-Contained 1.01_1
  •  p5-Class-Accessor-Fast-XS 0.04_1
  •  p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped 0.10014
  •  p5-Class-Accessor-Installer 1.100880_1
  •  p5-Class-Accessor-Lite 0.08
  •  p5-Class-Accessor-Lvalue 0.11_1
  •  p5-Class-Accessor-Named 0.009_1
  •  p5-Class-Adapter 1.08_1
  •  p5-Class-AlzaboWrapper 0.14_1
  •  p5-Class-ArrayObjects 1.03_1
  •  p5-Class-AutoClass 1.56_2
  •  p5-Class-Autouse 2.01_1
  •  p5-Class-Base 0.09
  •  p5-Class-BlackHole 0.04_1
  •  p5-Class-C3 0.35
  •  p5-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT 0.14
  •  p5-Class-C3-Componentised 1.001002
  •  p5-Class-C3-XS 0.15
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  •  p5-Class-Component 0.17_1
  •  p5-Class-Constant 0.07
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  •  p5-Class-CSV 1.03_1
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  •  p5-Class-Data-Inheritable 0.09
  •  p5-Class-Data-Lite 0.0010
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  •  p5-Class-DBI 3.0.17_3
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  •  p5-Class-DBI-AsForm 2.42_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-AutoLoader 0.12_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-BaseDSN 1.22_2
  •  p5-Class-DBI-DATA-Schema 1.00_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-DDL 1.02_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-FromCGI 1.00_2
  •  p5-Class-DBI-FromForm 0.04_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-LazyInflate 0.06_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Loader 0.34_2
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Loader-Relationship 1.3_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-mysql 1.00_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Oracle 0.51_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Pager 0.08_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Pg 0.09_4
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Plugin 0.03_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-AbstractCount 0.08_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch 0.08_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Iterator 0.13_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Pager 0.566_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-RetrieveAll 1.04_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Senna 0.01_5
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Type 0.02_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Replication 0.01_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-SAK 1.4_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-SQLite 0.11_2
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Sweet 0.11_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-ToSax 0.10_1
  •  p5-Class-DBI-Untaint 1.00_1
  •  p5-Class-Declare 0.19
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  •  p5-Class-Delegation 1.9.0
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  •  p5-Class-Factory-Util 1.7_1
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  •  p5-Class-Generate 1.18
  •  p5-Class-Gomor 1.03
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  •  p5-Class-Hook 0.06
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  •  p5-Class-Inner 0.200001_1
  •  p5-Class-InsideOut 1.14
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  •  p5-Class-ISA 0.36_1
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  •  p5-Class-Load-XS 0.10
  •  p5-Class-MakeMethods 1.010_1
  •  p5-Class-Measure 0.10
  •  p5-Class-MethodMaker 2.24_1
  •  p5-Class-MethodMapper 1.0_1
  •  p5-Class-Method-Modifiers 2.15
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  •  p5-Class-Mix 0.006
  •  p5-Class-Mixin 1.00_1
  •  p5-Class-MixinFactory 0.92_1
  •  p5-Class-Multimethods 1.701
  •  p5-Class-Multimethods-Pure 0.13_1
  •  p5-Class-NamedParms 1.08
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  •  p5-Class-ObjectTemplate 0.7_1
  •  p5-Class-ObjectTemplate-DB 0.27_1
  •  p5-Class-Observable 2.004
  •  p5-Class-OOorNO 0.011_1
  •  p5-Class-ParmList 1.06
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  •  p5-Class-ReturnValue 0.55_1
  •  p5-Class-Roles 0.30_2
  •  p5-Class-Singleton 1.6
  •  p5-Class-Spiffy 0.15_2
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  •  p5-Class-Std 0.013
  •  p5-Class-Std-Fast 0.0.8_2
  •  p5-Class-Std-Utils 0.0.3_1
  •  p5-Class-STL-Containers 0.37
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  •  p5-Class-Tangram 1.57_1
  •  p5-Class-Throwable 0.13
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  •  p5-Class-Tiny-Chained 0.004
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  •  p5-Class-Unload 0.11
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  •  p5-Class-Workflow 0.11_1
  •  p5-Class-XPath 1.4_1
  •  p5-Class-XSAccessor 1.19_21
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  •  p5-Clone-Fast 0.97_1
  •  p5-Clone-More 0.90.2_2
  •  p5-Clone-PP 1.08
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  •  p5-Compress-LZW 0.04
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  •  p5-Compress-Raw-Lzma 2.206
  •  p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib 2.206
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  •  p5-Config-Objective 0.9.1_3
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  •  p5-Config-Wrest 1.036_2
  •  p5-Config-YAML 1.42_1
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  •  p5-constant-def 0.01_2
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  •  p5-Convert-Bencode_XS 0.06_2
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  •  p5-Convert-UUlib 1.701
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  •  p5-Crypt-GOST_PP 1.10_1
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  •  p5-Crypt-XTEA 0.0108
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  •  p5-Dancer-Logger-Syslog 0.6
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  •  p5-DateTime-Calendar-Julian 0.107
  •  p5-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan 0.0601_1
  •  p5-DateTime-Calendar-Pataphysical 0.07
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  •  p5-DateTime-Event-Cron 0.09
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  •  p5-DateTime-Event-Recurrence 0.19
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  •  p5-DateTime-Fiscal-Year 0.02_1
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  •  p5-DateTime-Format-IBeat 0.161_1
  •  p5-DateTime-Format-ICal 0.09_1
  •  p5-DateTime-Format-ISO8601 0.16
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  •  p5-DateTime-Format-Pg 0.16014
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  •  p5-DateTime-Format-SQLite 0.11_1
  •  p5-DateTime-Format-Strptime 1.791
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  •  p5-DBD-Google 0.51_2
  •  p5-DBD-LDAP 1.00
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  •  p5-DBD-Multi 0.16_1
  •  p5-DBD-mysql 4.050_1
  •  p5-DBD-ODBC 1.61
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  •  p5-DBD-PgPP 0.08_1
  •  p5-DBD-SQLite 1.74
  •  p5-DBD-SQLite2 0.38
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  •  p5-DBI 1.643
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  •  p5-DBICx-Sugar 0.0200
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  •  p5-DBIx-Class-Candy 0.005003
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  •  p5-DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch 0.10_1
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  •  p5-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault 0.04_1
  •  p5-DBIx-Class-DynamicSubclass 0.03_1
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  •  p5-DBIx-Class-Helpers 2.036000
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  •  p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS 0.01007_1
  •  p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-IP 0.02003_1
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  •  p5-DBIx-Class-PassphraseColumn 0.02_1
  •  p5-DBIx-Class-QueryLog 1.005.001
  •  p5-DBIx-Class-QueryProfiler 0.05_1
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  •  p5-DBIx-Class-ResultSet-RecursiveUpdate 0.42
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  •  p5-DBIx-Class-Tree-NestedSet 0.10_1
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  •  p5-DBIx-Custom 0.4000
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  •  p5-DBIx-DBHResolver 0.17_1
  •  p5-DBIx-DBSchema 0.47
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  •  p5-DBIx-HA 1.1_1
  •  p5-DBIx-Handler 0.15
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  •  p5-DBIx-Introspector 0.001005
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  •  p5-DBIx-NoSQL 0.0021
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  •  p5-DBIx-Perlish 1.06
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  •  p5-DBIx-Recordset 0.26_1
  •  p5-DBIx-RetryOverDisconnects 0.08_1
  •  p5-DBIx-Safe 1.2.5_3
  •  p5-DBIx-SearchBuilder 1.76
  •  p5-DBIx-Sequence 1.5_1
  •  p5-DBIx-Simple 1.37
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  •  p5-DBIx-Skinny-InflateColumn-DateTime 0.06_1
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  •  p5-DBIx-Skinny-Pager 0.11_1
  •  p5-DBIx-Skinny-Schema-Loader 0.25_1
  •  p5-DBIx-SQLEngine 0.93_1
  •  p5-DBIx-SQLite-Simple 0.35
  •  p5-DBIx-Sunny 0.9992_1
  •  p5-DBIx-TableHash 1.05_1
  •  p5-DBIx-Tracer 0.03
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  •  p5-DBIx-Tree 1.98
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  •  p5-DBIx-Wrapper 0.29
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  •  p5-DBM-Deep 2.0016
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  •  p5-Declare-Constraints-Simple 0.03_2
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  •  p5-DelimMatch 1.06
  •  p5-Dev-Bollocks 0.06_1
  •  p5-Devel-ArgNames 0.03_2
  •  p5-Devel-Autoflush 0.06_1
  •  p5-Devel-Backtrace 0.12_2
  •  p5-Devel-BeginLift 0.001003_1
  •  p5-Devel-CallChecker 0.009
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  •  p5-Devel-Caller-Perl 1.4_1
  •  p5-Devel-Callsite 1.0.1
  •  p5-Devel-CheckBin 0.04
  •  p5-Devel-CheckCompiler 0.07
  •  p5-Devel-CheckLib 1.16
  •  p5-Devel-CheckOS 1.96
  •  p5-Devel-Confess 0.009004
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  •  p5-Devel-Cover 1.40
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  •  p5-Devel-Declare 0.006022
  •  p5-Devel-Declare-Parser 0.020
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  •  p5-Devel-Ditto 0.06_1
  •  p5-Devel-DProfPP 1.3_1
  •  p5-Devel-Dumpvar 1.06_3
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  •  p5-Devel-EvalContext 0.09_1
  •  p5-Devel-Events 0.09
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  •  p5-Devel-FindPerl 0.016
  •  p5-Devel-Gladiator 0.08_1
  •  p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction 0.14
  •  p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction-XS 0.03
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  •  p5-Devel-InheritNamespace 0.00003_1
  •  p5-Devel-KYTProf 0.9994_1
  •  p5-Devel-Leak 0.03_2
  •  p5-Devel-Leak-Cb 0.04_1
  •  p5-Devel-LeakGuard-Object 0.06_2
  •  p5-Devel-Leak-Object 1.02
  •  p5-Devel-LeakTrace 0.06
  •  p5-Devel-LexAlias 0.05_2
  •  p5-Devel-MAT 0.51
  •  p5-Devel-MAT-Dumper 0.47
  •  p5-Devel-Messenger 0.02_1
  •  p5-Devel-Modlist 0.801_1
  •  p5-Devel-NYTProf 6.12
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  •  p5-Devel-PackagePath 0.03_1
  •  p5-Devel-PartialDump 0.20
  •  p5-Devel-PatchPerl 2.08
  •  p5-Devel-Platform-Info 1.00
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  •  p5-Devel-PPPort 3.68
  •  p5-Devel-Profile 1.05_2
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  •  p5-Devel-Refactor 0.05_1
  •  p5-Devel-Refcount 0.10_1
  •  p5-Devel-REPL 1.003029
  •  p5-Devel-Required 0.16
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  •  p5-Devel-SimpleTrace 0.08_2
  •  p5-Devel-Size 0.83
  •  p5-Devel-Size-Report 0.13_3
  •  p5-Devel-SmallProf 2.02_2
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  •  p5-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML 0.15
  •  p5-Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals 2.01
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  •  p5-Devel-STrace 0.31_2
  •  p5-Devel-StrictMode 0.003
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  •  p5-Devel-Timer 0.14
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  •  p5-Devel-TraceCalls 0.04_1
  •  p5-Devel-TraceSAX 0.021_1
  •  p5-Devel-TraceUse 2.096
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  •  p5-Device-RAID-Poller 0.2.0
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  •  p5-Device-USB 0.35_2
  •  p5-dicewaregen 1.4
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  •  p5-Digest-Bcrypt 1.212
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  •  p5-Digest-CRC 0.24
  •  p5-Digest-Crc32 0.01_1
  •  p5-Digest-DJB 1.00_1
  •  p5-Digest-DMAC 1.1.4_2
  •  p5-Digest-Elf 1.42
  •  p5-Digest-EMAC 1.2_2
  •  p5-Digest-FNV 2.00_1
  •  p5-Digest-GOST 0.06
  •  p5-Digest-Hashcash 0.04_1
  •  p5-Digest-Haval256 1.0.5_2
  •  p5-Digest-HMAC 1.04
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  •  p5-Digest-MD2 2.04_2
  •  p5-Digest-MD4 1.9_2
  •  p5-Digest-MD5 2.58
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  •  p5-Digest-MD5-M4p 0.01_2
  •  p5-Digest-MD5-Reverse 1.3_1
  •  p5-Digest-MurmurHash 0.11_1
  •  p5-Digest-Nilsimsa 0.06_1
  •  p5-Digest-Pearson 1.00_1
  •  p5-Digest-Pearson-PurePerl 1.00_1
  •  p5-Digest-Perl-MD4 1.4_1
  •  p5-Digest-Perl-MD5 1.9_1
  •  p5-Digest-SHA1 2.13_2
  •  p5-Digest-SHA3 1.05
  •  p5-Digest-SHA 6.04
  •  p5-Digest-SHA-PurePerl 6.03
  •  p5-Digest-SV1 0.01_1
  •  p5-Digest-Tiger 0.03_1
  •  p5-Digest-TransformPath 1.00_2
  •  p5-Digest-Whirlpool 2.04_1
  •  p5-Directory-Queue 2.2
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  •  p5-Directory-Scratch-Structured 0.04_1
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  •  p5-Dir-Self 0.11_1
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  •  p5-Dist-CheckConflicts 0.11_1
  •  p5-Dist-Joseki 0.20_1
  •  p5-Dist-Metadata 0.927
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  •  p5-DJabberd 0.85_2
  •  p5-DNS-Config 0.66_1
  •  p5-DNS-EasyDNS 0.04_1
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  •  p5-DNS-Zone 0.85_1
  •  p5-DNS-ZoneParse 1.10_2
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  •  p5-DR-Tarantool 0.44_1
  •  p5-DSC 2.04
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  •  p5-Dumbbench 0.503
  •  p5-DWH_File 0.24_2
  •  p5-DynaLoader-Functions 0.004
  •  p5-EasyTCP 0.26_2
  •  p5-Email-Abstract 3.010
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  •  p5-Email-AddressParser 0.04_1
  •  p5-Email-Address-UseXS 1.000
  •  p5-Email-Address-XS 1.05
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  •  p5-Email-Find 0.10_1
  •  p5-Email-Folder 0.860
  •  p5-Email-Folder-IMAP 1.105
  •  p5-Email-Folder-IMAPS 1.105
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  •  p5-Email-FolderType-Net 1.043
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  •  p5-Email-LocalDelivery-Ezmlm 0.10_1
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  •  p5-Emplacken 0.01_2
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  •  p5-Env-PS1 0.06_1
  •  p5-eperl 2.2.14_1
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  •  p5-EV 4.331
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  •  p5-Event-ExecFlow 0.64_1
  •  p5-Event-Join 0.06_1
  •  p5-Event-Lib 1.03_7
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  •  p5-Event-RPC 1.03_3
  •  p5-Event-tcp 0.14_1
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  •  p5-ex-lib 0.90_1
  •  p5-Expect 1.35
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  •  p5-experimental 0.031
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  •  p5-Exporter-Declare 0.114
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  •  p5-ExtUtils-LibBuilder 0.08
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  •  p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile 0.09
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  •  p5-ExtUtils-XSBuilder 0.28_2
  •  p5-ExtUtils-XSpp 0.18
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  •  p5-feedgnuplot 1.59
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  •  p5-File-CountLines 0.0.3_1
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  •  p5-File-KeePass-Agent 2.01_2
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  •  p5-File-MMagic-XS 0.09008_1
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  •  p5-File-NCopy 0.36_2
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  •  p5-File-Path-Tiny 1.0
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  •  p5-File-Pid-Quick 1.02_1
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  •  p5-File-RsyncP 0.76
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  •  p5-File-Scan-ClamAV 1.95_1
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  •  p5-File-Spec-Native 1.004
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  •  p5-File-Sync 0.11_1
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  •  p5-Filesys-DfPortable 0.85_1
  •  p5-Filesys-DiskFree 0.06_2
  •  p5-Filesys-DiskSpace 0.05_1
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  •  p5-Filter-Simple 0.94
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  •  p5-Finance-Amortization 0.5_1
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  •  p5-Finance-Currency-Convert-WebserviceX 0.07001_1
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  •  p5-Finance-TW-TSEQuote 0.28
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  •  p5-Find-Lib 1.04_1
  •  p5-Firefox-Marionette 1.40
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  •  p5-Forest 0.10_1
  •  p5-forks 0.36_2
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  •  p5-Form-Sensible 0.20023
  •  p5-FormValidator-Lite 0.41_1
  •  p5-FreeBSD-Ports 0.04_1
  •  p5-FreeBSD-Ports-INDEXhash 1.2.2_1
  •  p5-FreezeThaw 0.5001
  •  p5-Frontier-RPC 0.07.b4_1
  •  p5-FSA-Rules 0.35
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  •  p5-FurlX-Coro 1.02_1
  •  p5-Fuse 0.16.1_2
  •  p5-Fuse-Simple 1.00_1
  •  p5-FusionInventory-Agent 2.5.2
  •  p5-Future 0.50
  •  p5-Future-AsyncAwait 0.66
  •  p5-Future-IO 0.14
  •  p5-FuzzyOcr-devel 3.6.0_6
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  •  p5-Games-AlphaBeta 0.4.7_2
  •  p5-Games-Bingo 0.18_1
  •  p5-Games-Bingo-Bot 0.01_2
  •  p5-Games-Bingo-Print 0.04_3
  •  p5-Games-Dice 0.046
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  •  p5-Games-GuessWord 0.16_1
  •  p5-Games-Tournament-RoundRobin 0.03
  •  p5-Gantry 3.64_1
  •  p5-Gazelle 0.49
  •  p5-GD 2.78
  •  p5-GD-Arrow 0.01_5
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  •  p5-GD-Graph 1.56
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  •  p5-GD-Graph-histogram 1.1_5
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  •  p5-Gearman-XS 0.12_3
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  •  p5-Geo-Caching 0.11_2
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  •  p5-Geo-Coder-Ovi 0.03_1
  •  p5-Geo-Coder-PlaceFinder 0.05_1
  •  p5-Geo-Coder-TomTom 0.04
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  •  p5-Geo-Coordinates-Converter-iArea 0.14_1
  •  p5-Geo-Coordinates-Transform 0.10
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  •  p5-Geometry-Primitive 0.24_1
  •  p5-Geo-Parse-OSM 0.42_2
  •  p5-Geo-Postcodes 0.320_1
  •  p5-Geo-Postcodes-DK 0.32_1
  •  p5-Geo-Postcodes-NO 0.31_1
  •  p5-Geo-ShapeFile 3.03
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  •  p5-Geo-WebService-Elevation-USGS 0.120
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  •  p5-Getopt-Attribute 2.101700_1
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  •  p5-Getopt-Compact-WithCmd 0.22_1
  •  p5-Getopt-Declare 1.14_1
  •  p5-Getopt-Euclid 0.4.6_1
  •  p5-Getopt-EX 1.15.1_11
  •  p5-Getopt-GUI-Long 0.93_1
  •  p5-Getopt-Long 2.54
  •  p5-Getopt-Long-Descriptive 0.111
  •  p5-Getopt-Lucid 1.10
  •  p5-Getopt-Tabular 0.3_1
  •  p5-Giovanni 1.12
  •  p5-GIS-Distance 0.201
  •  p5-GIS-Distance-Fast 0.16
  •  p5-GIS-Distance-Lite 1.0_2
  •  p5-GitDDL 0.03
  •  p5-GitDDL-Migrator 0.08
  •  p5-github_creator 0.15_1
  •  p5-Git-PurePerl 0.53
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  •  p5-Git-Repository-Plugin-Log 1.314
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  •  p5-Git-Version-Compare 1.005
  •  p5-Git-Wrapper 0.048
  •  p5-Glib 1.3294
  •  p5-Glib-Object-Introspection 0.051
  •  p5-GMail-IMAPD 0.94_1
  •  p5-GnuPG 0.19_1
  •  p5-GnuPG-Interface 1.03
  •  p5-Goo 0.09_3
  •  p5-Goo-Canvas2 0.06_2
  •  p5-Google-Chart 0.05014_4
  •  p5-Google-Checkout 1.1.1_1
  •  p5-Google-Data-JSON 0.1.10_2
  •  p5-Google-ProtocolBuffers 0.12
  •  p5-Google-SAML-Request 0.05
  •  p5-Google-SAML-Response 0.14
  •  p5-Google-Search 0.028_1
  •  p5-goto-file 0.005
  •  p5-GPS 0.17_1
  •  p5-GPS-Babel 0.11_1
  •  p5-GPS-OID 0.07_1
  •  p5-GPS-Point 0.20
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  •  p5-Graphics-Primitive-Driver-Cairo 0.47
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  •  p5-Graph-ReadWrite 2.10
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  •  p5-GraphViz 2.25
  •  p5-GraphViz2 2.67
  •  p5-GraphViz2-Data-Grapher 2.51
  •  p5-GraphViz2-DBI 2.52
  •  p5-GraphViz2-Parse-ISA 2.54
  •  p5-GraphViz2-Parse-RecDescent 2.52
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  •  p5-Graph-Writer-GraphViz 0.12
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  •  p5-GSSAPI 0.28_2
  •  p5-Gtk3 0.034_1
  •  p5-Gtk3-ImageView 10_1
  •  p5-Gtk3-SimpleList 0.21
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  •  p5-Gungho 0.09008_2
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  •  p5-Gzip-Faster 0.21
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  •  p5-Hash-AutoHash 1.17_1
  •  p5-Hash-AutoHash-Args 1.18_1
  •  p5-Hash-Case 1.030
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  •  p5-Hash-Merge-Simple 0.051_5
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  •  p5-Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat 0.11
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  •  p5-Hatena-Keyword 0.05_3
  •  p5-Heap 0.80_1
  •  p5-Heap-Simple 0.13_1
  •  p5-Heap-Simple-Perl 0.14_1
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  •  p5-Heimdal-Kadm5 0.08
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  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Gender 0.02_21
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Infinitive 1.14
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect 1.905
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number 1.12
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase 0.20
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-MatchNames 1.36
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-NameCase 1.21
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-NamedEntity 1.93
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-NameParse 1.38
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Nickname 1.36
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Number-IsOrdinal 0.05
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Numbers 2.03
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Easy 2014120401
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate 1.05
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-PluralToSingular 0.21
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Sentence 0.34
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Squeeze 2020.02
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Summarize 0.2_2
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Syllable 0.251_1
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Tagger 0.31
  •  p5-Lingua-EN-Words2Nums 0.18_1
  •  p5-Lingua-Han-PinYin 0.23
  •  p5-Lingua-Han-Utils 0.13
  •  p5-Lingua-Ident 1.7_1
  •  p5-Lingua-Identify 0.56_1
  •  p5-Lingua-Ispell 0.07_3
  •  p5-Lingua-JA-Fold 0.08_2
  •  p5-Lingua-JA-Romanize-Japanese 0.23
  •  p5-Lingua-KO-Hangul-Util 0.28
  •  p5-Lingua-KO-Romanize-Hangul 0.20
  •  p5-Lingua-Preferred 0.2.4_1
  •  p5-Lingua-PT-Stemmer 0.02
  •  p5-Lingua-RU-Charset 0.02_1
  •  p5-Lingua-Stem 2.31
  •  p5-Lingua-Stem-Fr 0.02_1
  •  p5-Lingua-Stem-It 0.02_1
  •  p5-Lingua-Stem-Ru 0.04
  •  p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball 0.952_2
  •  p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da 1.01_1
  •  p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-No 1.2_2
  •  p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Se 1.2_1
  •  p5-Lingua-StopWords 0.12
  •  p5-Lingua-Translit 0.28
  •  p5-Lingua-Treebank 0.16_1
  •  p5-Lingua-ZH-HanDetect 0.04_1
  •  p5-Lingua-ZH-Keywords 0.04_2
  •  p5-Lingua-ZH-Numbers 0.04_1
  •  p5-Lingua-ZH-Romanize-Pinyin 0.23
  •  p5-Lingua-ZH-Segment 0.02_1
  •  p5-Lingua-ZH-Summarize 0.01_2
  •  p5-Lingua-ZH-TaBE 0.07_5
  •  p5-Lingua-ZH-Toke 0.02_2
  •  p5-Lingua-ZH-WordSegmenter 0.01_1
  •  p5-Lingua-ZH-Wrap 0.03_1
  •  p5-Linux-Cpuinfo 1.12
  •  p5-List-AllUtils 0.19
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  •  p5-List-Compare 0.53
  •  p5-List-Cycle 1.04
  •  p5-List-Flatten 0.01
  •  p5-List-Gen 0.974_1
  •  p5-List-Group 1.3_1
  •  p5-List-MoreUtils 0.430
  •  p5-List-MoreUtils-XS 0.430
  •  p5-List-Objects-Types 2.001001
  •  p5-List-Objects-WithUtils 2.028003_2
  •  p5-List-Pairwise 1.03
  •  p5-List-Permutor 0.022_1
  •  p5-List-PowerSet 0.01_1
  •  p5-List-Regexp 1.04
  •  p5-List-Rotation-Cycle 1.009_1
  •  p5-List-SomeUtils 0.59
  •  p5-List-SomeUtils-XS 0.58
  •  p5-List-Uniq 0.20_1
  •  p5-List-UtilsBy 0.12
  •  p5-List-UtilsBy-XS 0.06
  •  p5-List-Util-WeightedRoundRobin 0.4_1
  •  p5-LMAP-CID2SPF 0.9_2
  •  p5-LMDB_File 0.12
  •  p5-Locale-Codes 3.64
  •  p5-Locale-Currency-Format 1.35
  •  p5-Locale-Geocode 1.20_1
  •  p5-Locale-gettext 1.07
  •  p5-Locale-libintl 1.33
  •  p5-Locale-Maketext 1.32
  •  p5-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy 0.11_1
  •  p5-Locale-Maketext-Gettext 1.32
  •  p5-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon 1.00_1
  •  p5-Locale-Maketext-Simple 0.21_1
  •  p5-Locale-Msgfmt 0.15_2
  •  p5-Locale-PGetText 0.16_1
  •  p5-Locale-PO 0.27_1
  •  p5-Locale-SubCountry 2.07
  •  p5-Locale-US 3.04
  •  p5-Locale-XGettext 0.8
  •  p5-local-lib 2.000029
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  •  p5-Log-Accounting-SVN 0.01_11
  •  p5-Log-Agent 1.005
  •  p5-Log-Agent-Logger 0.201
  •  p5-Log-Any 1.717
  •  p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Dispatch 0.08
  •  p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Log4perl 0.09
  •  p5-Log-Any-App 0.540
  •  p5-Log-Any-IfLOG 0.090
  •  p5-Log-Colorize-Helper 0.1.1_1
  •  p5-Log-Contextual 0.008001
  •  p5-Log-Defer 0.312
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch 2.71
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-Array 1.003
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-ArrayWithLimits 0.050
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-Colorful 0.03_3
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-Config 1.04_2
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-Configurator-Any 1.122640
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-Configurator-YAML 0.03_1
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-DBI 0.02_1
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-Dir 0.160
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-Email-EmailSend 0.03_2
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-File-Rolling 1.09_3
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate 1.38
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-FileShared 1.02_1
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-File-Stamped 0.12_2
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-FileWriteRotate 0.062
  •  p5-Log-Dispatchouli 2.012_1
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-Perl 0.05
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-Screen-Color 0.04_2
  •  p5-Log-Dispatch-Scribe 0.07
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  •  p5-Logfile-Rotate 1.04_1
  •  p5-Log-ger 0.040
  •  p5-Log-Handler 0.90
  •  p5-Log-Log4perl 1.57
  •  p5-Log-Log4perl-Appender-RabbitMQ 0.200002
  •  p5-Log-Log4perl-Appender-Socket-UNIX 1.04
  •  p5-Log-Log4perl-Layout-JSON 0.60
  •  p5-Log-Log4perl-Tiny 1.8.0
  •  p5-Log-Message 0.08_2
  •  p5-Log-Message-Simple 0.10_1
  •  p5-Log-Minimal 0.19_1
  •  p5-Log-Procmail 0.14
  •  p5-Log-Report 1.34
  •  p5-Log-Report-Optional 1.07
  •  p5-Log-Simple 1.8_1
  •  p5-Log-Syslog-Constants 1.02
  •  p5-Log-Syslog-Fast 0.67
  •  p5-Log-Trace 1.070_1
  •  p5-Log-TraceMessages 1.4_1
  •  p5-Long-Jump 0.000001
  •  p5-Luka 1.08_2
  •  p5-LV 0.006_1
  •  p5-Lvalue 0.21_3
  •  p5-LWP-Authen-Negotiate 0.08_1
  •  p5-LWP-Authen-OAuth 1.02_1
  •  p5-LWP-Authen-OAuth2 0.19
  •  p5-LWP-Authen-Wsse 0.05_1
  •  p5-LWP-ConnCache-MaxKeepAliveRequests 0.33_1
  •  p5-LWP-MediaTypes 6.04
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  •  p5-LWP-Protocol-connect 6.09_1
  •  p5-LWP-Protocol-http10 6.03_1
  •  p5-LWP-Protocol-https 6.11
  •  p5-LWP-Protocol-PSGI 0.11
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  •  p5-LWP-UserAgent-Determined 1.07_1
  •  p5-LWP-UserAgent-POE 0.05
  •  p5-LWP-UserAgent-WithCache 0.13
  •  p5-LWPx-ParanoidAgent 1.12
  •  p5-LWPx-TimedHTTP 1.8_1
  •  p5-Mac-FileSpec-Unixish 1.12_1
  •  p5-Mac-Macbinary 0.06_1
  •  p5-Mac-PropertyList 1.504
  •  p5-Mail-Address-MobileJp 0.09_1
  •  p5-Mail-Alias 1.15
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  •  p5-Mail-Audit-Attach 0.96_1
  •  p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults 2.20230112
  •  p5-Mail-Box 3.010
  •  p5-Mail-Box-IMAP4 3.008
  •  p5-Mail-Box-IMAP4-SSL 0.03
  •  p5-Mail-Box-Parser-C 3.011
  •  p5-Mail-Box-POP3 3.006
  •  p5-Mail-Bulkmail 3.12_1
  •  p5-Mail-CheckUser 1.24
  •  p5-Mail-DeliveryStatus-BounceParser 1.543
  •  p5-Mail-DKIM 1.20230911
  •  p5-Mail-DMARC 1.20190308
  •  p5-Mail-DomainKeys 1.0_2
  •  p5-Mail-Ezmlm 0.08.2_2
  •  p5-Mail-Field-Received 0.26_1
  •  p5-Mail-FilterXML 0.3_2
  •  p5-Mail-Folder 0.07_1
  •  p5-Mail-Freshmeat 1.20_1
  •  p5-Mail-GnuPG 0.23
  •  p5-Mail-Graph 0.14_8
  •  p5-Mail-IMAPClient 3.43
  •  p5-Mail-IMAPTalk 4.04
  •  p5-Mail-ListDetector 1.04_2
  •  p5-Mail-LMLM 0.6807
  •  p5-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser 1.5111
  •  p5-Mail-MboxParser 0.55_2
  •  p5-Mail-Message 3.013
  •  p5-Mail-OpenDKIM 4204
  •  p5-Mail-OpenRelay-Simple 0.02_1
  •  p5-Mail-POP3Client 2.21
  •  p5-Mail-Procmail 1.08_2
  •  p5-Mail-Procmailrc 1.09_1
  •  p5-Mail-RBL 1.10_2
  •  p5-Mail-RFC822-Address 0.3_1
  •  p5-Mail-SendEasy 1.2_1
  •  p5-Mail-Sender 0.903
  •  p5-Mail-Sendmail 0.80
  •  p5-Mail-SPF 2.9.0_5
  •  p5-Mail-Spool 0.50_1
  •  p5-Mail-SRS 0.31_2
  •  p5-Mail-Tools 2.21
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  •  p5-Mail-Transport-Dbx 0.07_1
  •  p5-Mail-Verify 0.02_1
  •  p5-Mail-Verp 0.06_1
  •  p5-Mail-Webmail-Gmail 1.09_1
  •  p5-Make 2.011
  •  p5-Makefile-DOM 0.008_1
  •  p5-Makefile-Parser 0.216
  •  p5-Mango 1.30_2
  •  p5-MARC-Charset 1.35_1
  •  p5-MARC-Lint 1.46_1
  •  p5-MARC-Record 2.0.7
  •  p5-MARC-XML 1.0.3_1
  •  p5-Markapl 0.14_1
  •  p5-Markup-Perl 0.5_1
  •  p5-Marpa 0.208_1
  •  p5-Marpa-HTML 0.112_2
  •  p5-Marpa-PP 0.014_2
  •  p5-Marpa-XS 1.008000_3
  •  p5-Mason 2.24
  •  p5-MasonX-Interp-WithCallbacks 1.19_1
  •  p5-MasonX-Profiler 0.07
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  •  p5-MasonX-WebApp 0.12_6
  •  p5-match-simple 0.012
  •  p5-match-simple-XS 0.002
  •  p5-Math-Algebra-Symbols 1.27
  •  p5-Math-Base36 0.142
  •  p5-Math-Base85 0.5
  •  p5-Math-BaseCalc 1.019
  •  p5-Math-BaseCnv 1.14
  •  p5-Math-Bezier 0.01_1
  •  p5-Math-Bezier-Convert 0.02_1
  •  p5-Math-BigInt 1.999842
  •  p5-Math-BigInt-FastCalc 0.5015
  •  p5-Math-BigInt-GMP 1.6013
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  •  p5-Math-BigInt-Pari 1.3012
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  •  p5-Math-Calc-Units 1.07_1
  •  p5-Math-CDF 0.1_2
  •  p5-Math-Cephes 0.5305
  •  p5-Math-Combinatorics 0.09_1
  •  p5-Math-Complex 1.59_1
  •  p5-Math-ConvexHull 1.04_1
  •  p5-Math-Currency 0.53
  •  p5-Math-Derivative 1.01
  •  p5-Math-Evol 1.13
  •  p5-Math-Expr 0.4_1
  •  p5-Math-FFT 1.36
  •  p5-Math-Financial 0.76_1
  •  p5-Math-FixedPrecision 0.21_2
  •  p5-Math-Fleximal 0.06_1
  •  p5-Math-Geometry 0.04_1
  •  p5-Math-Geometry-Planar 1.18_1
  •  p5-Math-Geometry-Planar-GPC 1.04_1
  •  p5-Math-Geometry-Planar-GPC-PolygonXS 0.052
  •  p5-Math-Geometry-Planar-Offset 1.05_1
  •  p5-Math-Geometry-Voronoi 1.3_2
  •  p5-Math-GMP 2.25
  •  p5-Math-GMPf 0.51
  •  p5-Math-GMPq 0.55
  •  p5-Math-GMPz 0.58
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  •  p5-Math-GSL 0.43_1
  •  p5-Math-Int128 0.22_6
  •  p5-Math-Int64 0.54
  •  p5-Math-Interpolate 1.06_1
  •  p5-Math-Intersection-StraightLine 0.05
  •  p5-Math-Logic 1.19_1
  •  p5-Math-Matrix 0.94
  •  p5-Math-MatrixReal 2.13
  •  p5-MathML-Entities 0.17_1
  •  p5-Math-MPC 1.31_1
  •  p5-Math-MPFR 4.27
  •  p5-Math-NumberCruncher 5.00_2
  •  p5-Math-Pari 2.01080900
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  •  p5-Math-Polygon-Tree 0.08_1
  •  p5-Math-Polynomial-Solve 2.86
  •  p5-Math-Prime-Util 0.73
  •  p5-Math-Prime-Util-GMP 0.52
  •  p5-Math-Prime-XS 0.27
  •  p5-Math-ProvablePrime 0.045
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  •  p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS 1.004_3
  •  p5-Math-Random-MT 1.17
  •  p5-Math-Random-MT-Auto 6.23
  •  p5-Math-Random-OO 0.22_1
  •  p5-Math-RandomOrg 0.04_2
  •  p5-Math-Random-Secure 0.080001
  •  p5-Math-Round 0.07
  •  p5-Math-Round-Var 1.0.0_1
  •  p5-Math-RPN 1.11_1
  •  p5-Math-Sequence 1.00_1
  •  p5-Math-Series 1.01_1
  •  p5-Math-SigFigs 1.21
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  •  p5-Math-Spline 0.02_1
  •  p5-Math-String 1.30
  •  p5-Math-Symbolic 0.612_2
  •  p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-CCompiler 1.04_2
  •  p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Contains 1.01_1
  •  p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-ErrorPropagation 0.11_1
  •  p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-LaTeXDumper 0.208_1
  •  p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Pattern 2.01_2
  •  p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Simplification 1.01_1
  •  p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Transformation 2.02_1
  •  p5-Math-SymbolicX-BigNum 0.02_1
  •  p5-Math-SymbolicX-Complex 1.01_1
  •  p5-Math-SymbolicX-Error 1.01_1
  •  p5-Math-SymbolicX-Inline 1.11_1
  •  p5-Math-SymbolicX-NoSimplification 1.01_1
  •  p5-Math-SymbolicX-ParserExtensionFactory 3.02_1
  •  p5-Math-SymbolicX-Statistics-Distributions 1.02_1
  •  p5-Math-TrulyRandom 1.0_2
  •  p5-Math-Units 1.3_1
  •  p5-Math-Utils 1.14
  •  p5-Math-Vec 1.01_1
  •  p5-Math-VecStat 0.08_1
  •  p5-Math-VectorReal 1.02_1
  •  p5-MaxMind-DB-Common 0.040001_1
  •  p5-MaxMind-DB-Reader 1.000014
  •  p5-MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS 1.000009
  •  p5-MaxMind-DB-Writer 0.300003
  •  p5-Maypole 2.13_6
  •  p5-Maypole-Authentication-UserSessionCookie 1.4_1
  •  p5-Maypole-Component 0.03_1
  •  p5-McBain 2.001000
  •  p5-McBain-WithPSGI 2.001001
  •  p5-MCE 1.889
  •  p5-MCE-Shared 1.886
  •  p5-Mcrypt
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  •  p5-Media-Type-Simple 0.31.0
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  •  p5-MediaWiki-API 0.52
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  •  p5-Memoize 1.16
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  •  p5-MIME-EncWords 1.014.3
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  •  p5-MIME-Lite-TT-HTML 0.04_1
  •  p5-MIME-Tools 5.5102
  •  p5-MIME-Types 2.24
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  •  p5-Minilla 3.0.15_1
  •  p5-Minion 10.25
  •  p5-Misc-Quality 0.1_1
  •  p5-mixin 0.08
  •  p5-Mixin-Event-Dispatch 2.000
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  •  p5-Mknod 0.02_1
  •  p5-MLDBM 2.05_1
  •  p5-MLDBM-Sync 0.30_1
  •  p5-Mo 0.401
  •  p5-Mobile-UserAgent 1.05_1
  •  p5-mocked 0.09_2
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  •  p5-Mock-Sub 1.09
  •  p5-Modern-Perl 1.20230106
  •  p5-ModPerl-VersionUtil 0.03_1
  •  p5-Module-Build 0.4234
  •  p5-Module-Build-Convert 0.49_3
  •  p5-Module-Build-Kwalitee 0.24_1
  •  p5-Module-Build-Pluggable 0.10
  •  p5-Module-Build-Pluggable-CPANfile 0.05
  •  p5-Module-Build-Pluggable-ReadmeMarkdownFromPod 0.04
  •  p5-Module-Build-Prereqs-FromCPANfile 0.02
  •  p5-Module-Build-Tiny 0.047
  •  p5-Module-Build-Using-PkgConfig 0.03
  •  p5-Module-Build-WithXSpp 0.14
  •  p5-Module-Build-XSUtil 0.19
  •  p5-Module-CheckDeps 0.08_1
  •  p5-Module-CheckVersion 0.08
  •  p5-Module-Collect 0.06_2
  •  p5-Module-Compile 0.23_1
  •  p5-Module-CoreList 5.20230920
  •  p5-Module-CPANfile 1.1004
  •  p5-Module-CPANTS-Analyse 1.02
  •  p5-Module-Dependency 1.86_2
  •  p5-Module-Depends 0.16_1
  •  p5-Module-Extract 0.01_2
  •  p5-Module-ExtractUse 0.345
  •  p5-Module-Extract-Use 1.051
  •  p5-Module-Find 0.16
  •  p5-Module-Functions 2.1.3_1
  •  p5-Module-Implementation 0.09_1
  •  p5-Module-Info 0.37
  •  p5-Module-Info-File 1.01
  •  p5-Module-Inspector 1.05_2
  •  p5-Module-Install 1.21
  •  p5-Module-Install-AuthorRequires 0.02_1
  •  p5-Module-Install-AuthorTests 0.002_1
  •  p5-Module-Installed-Tiny 0.011
  •  p5-Module-Install-ReadmeFromPod 0.30
  •  p5-Module-Install-Repository 0.06_1
  •  p5-Module-Install-Template 0.08_1
  •  p5-Module-Install-TestBase 0.86_1
  •  p5-Module-Install-XSUtil 0.45_1
  •  p5-Module-List 0.004
  •  p5-Module-Load 0.36
  •  p5-Module-Load-Conditional 0.74
  •  p5-Module-Loaded 0.08_1
  •  p5-Module-Loader 0.04
  •  p5-Module-Load-Util 0.009
  •  p5-Module-Manifest 1.09
  •  p5-Module-Math-Depends 0.02_3
  •  p5-Module-Metadata 1.000038
  •  p5-Module-Path 0.19
  •  p5-Module-Pluggable 5.2
  •  p5-Module-Pluggable-Fast 0.19_1
  •  p5-Module-Pluggable-Ordered 1.5_2
  •  p5-Module-Reader 0.003003
  •  p5-Module-Recursive-Require 0.04_1
  •  p5-Module-Refresh 0.18
  •  p5-Module-Release 2.133
  •  p5-Module-Reload 1.12
  •  p5-Module-Reload-Sel 1.02_1
  •  p5-Module-Runtime 0.016
  •  p5-Module-Runtime-Conflicts 0.003_1
  •  p5-Module-ScanDeps 1.34
  •  p5-Module-Setup 0.09_1
  •  p5-Module-Signature 0.88
  •  p5-Module-Starter 1.77
  •  p5-Module-Starter-PBP 0.0.3_2
  •  p5-Module-Starter-Plugin-SimpleStore 0.144_1
  •  p5-Module-Starter-Plugin-TT2 0.125_2
  •  p5-Module-Used v1.2.0_4
  •  p5-Module-Util 1.09_2
  •  p5-Module-Version 0.201
  •  p5-Module-Versions 0.02_1
  •  p5-Module-Versions-Report 1.06_1
  •  p5-MogileFS-Client 1.17_2
  •  p5-MogileFS-Network 0.06_1
  •  p5-MogileFS-Server 2.73
  •  p5-MogileFS-Utils 2.30
  •  p5-Mojo-IOLoop-Delay 8.76
  •  p5-Mojo-IOLoop-ForkCall 0.21
  •  p5-Mojolicious 9.34
  •  p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Authentication 1.39
  •  p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Database 1.10_1
  •  p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-HamlRenderer 2.100000
  •  p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Mail 1.5
  •  p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Mongodb 1.16_1
  •  p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-NYTProf 0.23
  •  p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-OpenAPI 5.05
  •  p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-SetUserGroup 1.000
  •  p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-TtRenderer 1.62
  •  p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-YamlConfig 0.2.1
  •  p5-Mojo-Log-Clearable 1.001
  •  p5-MojoMojo 1.12_1
  •  p5-Mojo-Pg 4.27
  •  p5-Mojo-RabbitMQ-Client 0.3.1
  •  p5-Mojo-Server-FastCGI 0.41_1
  •  p5-Mojo-Weixin 1.4.6
  •  p5-MojoX-Log-Dispatch-Simple 1.12
  •  p5-MojoX-Renderer-Xslate 0.14
  •  p5-Mon 0.11_1
  •  p5-MongoDB 2.2.2
  •  p5-Mongoose 2.00
  •  p5-Monitoring-Livestatus 0.84
  •  p5-Monitoring-Plugin 0.40
  •  p5-Monitor-Simple 0.2.8_1
  •  p5-Monoceros 0.28_1
  •  p5-Moo 2.005005
  •  p5-Moos 0.30_1
  •  p5-Moose 2.22061
  •  p5-Moose-Autobox 0.15_1
  •  p5-Moose-Policy 0.05_1
  •  p5-Moose-Test 0.01_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Aliases 0.11_1
  •  p5-MooseX-App 1.42
  •  p5-MooseX-App-Cmd 0.34
  •  p5-MooseX-ArrayRef 0.005
  •  p5-MooseX-Async 0.07_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Attribute-Chained 1.0.3
  •  p5-MooseX-Attribute-ENV 0.02_2
  •  p5-MooseX-AttributeHelpers 0.25
  •  p5-MooseX-AttributeShortcuts 0.037
  •  p5-MooseX-AuthorizedMethods 0.006_1
  •  p5-MooseX-ClassAttribute 0.29_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Clone 0.06
  •  p5-MooseX-CompileTime-Traits 1.102570_1
  •  p5-MooseX-ConfigFromFile 0.14
  •  p5-MooseX-CoverableModifiers 0.30
  •  p5-MooseX-Daemonize 0.22
  •  p5-MooseX-Declare 0.43_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast 0.009032
  •  p5-MooseX-Extended 0.35
  •  p5-MooseX-FollowPBP 0.05_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Getopt 0.75
  •  p5-MooseX-HasDefaults 0.03_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Has-Options 0.003_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Has-Sugar 1.000006
  •  p5-MooseX-InsideOut 0.106_2
  •  p5-MooseX-IOC 0.03_3
  •  p5-MooseX-LazyRequire 0.11
  •  p5-MooseX-Lists 0.05_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Log-Log4perl 0.47_1
  •  p5-MooseX-MarkAsMethods 0.15_1
  •  p5-MooseX-MetaDescription 0.06_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion 0.01_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-Mooish 0.001
  •  p5-MooseX-MethodAttributes 0.32
  •  p5-MooseX-Method-Signatures 0.49
  •  p5-MooseX-MultiInitArg 0.02_1
  •  p5-MooseX-MultiMethods 0.10_1
  •  p5-MooseX-MungeHas 0.011
  •  p5-MooseX-NonMoose 0.26_2
  •  p5-MooseX-Object-Pluggable 0.0014_1
  •  p5-MooseX-OneArgNew 0.005
  •  p5-MooseX-Params-Validate 0.21
  •  p5-MooseX-POE 0.215_1
  •  p5-MooseX-RelatedClassRoles 0.004_2
  •  p5-MooseX-Role-Loggable 0.114
  •  p5-MooseX-Role-Matcher 0.05_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Role-Parameterized 1.11
  •  p5-MooseX-Role-Strict 0.05_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Role-WarnOnConflict 0.01
  •  p5-MooseX-Runnable 0.10_1
  •  p5-MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor 0.10
  •  p5-MooseX-SetOnce 0.201000
  •  p5-MooseX-SimpleConfig 0.11
  •  p5-MooseX-Singleton 0.30
  •  p5-MooseX-Storage 0.53_1
  •  p5-MooseX-StrictConstructor 0.21
  •  p5-MooseX-Test-Role 0.08
  •  p5-MooseX-TraitFor-Meta-Class-BetterAnonClassNames 0.002003
  •  p5-MooseX-Traits 0.13
  •  p5-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable 0.12_1
  •  p5-MooseX-TransactionalMethods 0.009
  •  p5-MooseX-Types 0.50
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-Common 0.001014
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime 0.13
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-ButMaintained 0.16_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-MoreCoercions 0.15
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-MySQL 0.003
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-DateTimeX 0.10_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-ISO8601 0.20
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-JSON 1.00
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-LoadableClass 0.015
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-Path-Class 0.09
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-Path-Tiny 0.012
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-Perl 0.101344
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-PortNumber 0.03
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-Set-Object 0.05
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-Signal 1.101932_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-Stringlike 0.003_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-Structured 0.36
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-URI 0.09
  •  p5-MooseX-Types-VariantTable 0.04_1
  •  p5-MooseX-Util 0.006_1
  •  p5-MooX-Aliases 0.001006_1
  •  p5-MooX-Attribute-ENV 0.04
  •  p5-MooX-Cmd 0.017
  •  p5-MooX-ConfigFromFile 0.009
  •  p5-MooX-File-ConfigDir 0.008
  •  p5-MooX-HandlesVia 0.001009
  •  p5-MooX-late 0.100
  •  p5-MooX-Locale-Passthrough 0.001
  •  p5-MooX-Options 4.103
  •  p5-MooX-Role-Parameterized 0.082
  •  p5-MooX-Singleton 1.20
  •  p5-MooX-StrictConstructor 0.011
  •  p5-MooX-Thunking 0.08
  •  p5-MooX-Traits 0.005_1
  •  p5-MooX-Types-MooseLike 0.29
  •  p5-MooX-Types-MooseLike-Numeric 1.03
  •  p5-MooX-TypeTiny 0.002003
  •  p5-Mouse 2.5.101
  •  p5-MouseX-App-Cmd 0.30
  •  p5-MouseX-AttributeHelpers 0.07_2
  •  p5-MouseX-ConfigFromFile 0.05_1
  •  p5-MouseX-Foreign 1.000_1
  •  p5-MouseX-Getopt 0.3600
  •  p5-MouseX-NativeTraits 1.09_2
  •  p5-MouseX-StrictConstructor 0.02_1
  •  p5-MouseX-Traits 0.1102_1
  •  p5-MouseX-Types 0.06_1
  •  p5-MouseX-Types-Path-Class 0.07_1
  •  p5-Mozilla-CA 20230821
  •  p5-Mozilla-PublicSuffix 1.0.6_19
  •  p5-MP3-Find 0.07_1
  •  p5-MP3-ID3v1Tag 1.11_1
  •  p5-MP3-Info 1.26
  •  p5-MP3-Tag 1.16
  •  p5-MP3-Tag-Utils 0.0.3_1
  •  p5-MP4-Info 1.13_2
  •  p5-MPEG-ID3v2Tag 0.39_1
  •  p5-MRO-Compat 0.15
  •  p5-MRO-Define 0.02_1
  •  p5-MR-Tarantool 0.0.24_2
  •  p5-MRTG-Parse 0.03_1
  •  p5-Msgcat 1.03_1
  •  p5-multidimensional 0.014
  •  p5-Multiplex-CMD 0.03_1
  •  p5-Music-Audioscrobbler-MPD 0.13_3
  •  p5-Music-Audioscrobbler-Submit 0.05_2
  •  p5-MusicBrainz-DiscID 0.06
  •  p5-MySQL-Diff 0.50
  •  p5-mysql-genocide 0.03_1
  •  p5-Nagios-Object 0.21.18_4
  •  p5-Nagios-Plugin 0.36_1
  •  p5-Nagios-Plugin-Beanstalk 0.04_1
  •  p5-nagios-plugin-check_raid 4.0.10
  •  p5-Nagios-Plugin-LDAP 0.04_2
  •  p5-Nagios-Plugins-Memcached 0.02_2
  •  p5-namespace-autoclean 0.29
  •  p5-namespace-clean 0.27
  •  p5-namespace-clean-xs 0.09
  •  p5-namespace-sweep 0.006_1
  •  p5-Net 3.151
  •  p5-Net-Abuse-Utils 0.27
  •  p5-Net-Abuse-Utils-Spamhaus 0.09
  •  p5-Net-ACL 0.07_2
  •  p5-Net-ACME2 0.35
  •  p5-Net-Address-Ethernet 1.129
  •  p5-Net-Address-IPv4-Local 0.12_1
  •  p5-NetAddr-IP 4.079
  •  p5-NetAddr-IP-Count 2.01_1
  •  p5-NetAddr-IP-Find 0.03_1
  •  p5-NetAddr-IP-Lite 1.01_1
  •  p5-NetAddr-MAC 0.97
  •  p5-Net-Akismet 0.05_1
  •  p5-Net-Amazon 0.62_1
  •  p5-Net-Amazon-AWIS 0.36_2
  •  p5-Net-Amazon-AWSSign 0.12_1
  •  p5-Net-Amazon-EC2 0.36
  •  p5-Net-Amazon-MechanicalTurk 1.02_2
  •  p5-Net-Amazon-Route53 0.122310_1
  •  p5-Net-Amazon-S3 0.991
  •  p5-Net-Amazon-Signature 0.03_1
  •  p5-Net-Amazon-Signature-V3 0.003
  •  p5-Net-Amazon-Signature-V4 0.21
  •  p5-Net-Amazon-Thumbnail 0.06_3
  •  p5-Net-AMQP 0.06_1
  •  p5-Net-AMQP-RabbitMQ 2.40010
  •  p5-Net-Analysis 0.41_1
  •  p5-Net-AOLIM 1.61_2
  •  p5-Net-APNS 0.0202_1
  •  p5-Net-APNs-Extended 0.14_1
  •  p5-NetApp 500.002_1
  •  p5-Net-Appliance-Phrasebook 2.103642
  •  p5-Net-Appliance-Session 4.300005
  •  p5-Net-ARP 1.0.12
  •  p5-Net-Async-CassandraCQL 0.11_2
  •  p5-Net-Async-FastCGI 0.25_1
  •  p5-Net-Async-HTTP 0.49
  •  p5-Net-Async-XMPP 0.003_3
  •  p5-Net-BGP 0.18
  •  p5-Net-BitTorrent 0.052_5
  •  p5-Net-BitTorrent-File 1.02_1
  •  p5-Net-BitTorrent-PeerPacket 1.2_1
  •  p5-Net-Blogger 1.03
  •  p5-Net-Bonjour 0.96_1
  •  p5-Net-CascadeCopy 0.2.6_2
  •  p5-Net-Cassandra 0.35_1
  •  p5-Net-Cassandra-Easy 0.15_3
  •  p5-NetCDF 1.2.4_9
  •  p5-Net-CIDR 0.21
  •  p5-Net-CIDR-Lite 0.22
  •  p5-Net-CIDR-MobileJP 0.24_2
  •  p5-Net-CIDR-Set 0.13_1
  •  p5-Net-CLI-Interact 2.400002
  •  p5-Net-Connection 0.2.0
  •  p5-Net-Connection-lsof 0.2.0
  •  p5-Net-Connection-Match 0.5.0
  •  p5-Net-Connection-ncnetstat 0.7.1
  •  p5-Net-Connection-Sort 0.0.1
  •  p5-Net-CSTA 0.04_1
  •  p5-Net-CUPS 0.64
  •  p5-Net-Curl 0.52_1
  •  p5-Net-DAAP-Client 0.42_3
  •  p5-Net-DAAP-DMAP 1.27_3
  •  p5-Net-Daemon 0.48_1
  •  p5-Net-Daemon-SSL 1.0_1
  •  p5-Net-DAV-Server 1.30.5_1
  •  p5-Net-DBus 1.2.0_1
  •  p5-Net-Delicious 1.14_1
  •  p5-Net-DHCP 0.700
  •  p5-Net-DHCPClient 1.0_1
  •  p5-Net-DHCP-Watch 2.03_1
  •  p5-Net-Dict 2.22
  •  p5-Net-DirectConnect 0.14_1
  •  p5-Net-Divert 0.01_2
  •  p5-Net-DLookup 1.01_1
  •  p5-Net-DNS 1.401
  •  p5-Net-DNS-Async 1.07_1
  •  p5-Net-DNSBL-MultiDaemon 0.39_1
  •  p5-Net-DNSBL-Statistics 0.14_1
  •  p5-Net-DNS-Check 0.45_1
  •  p5-Net-DNS-Codes 0.12_1
  •  p5-Net-DNS-Lite 0.12_1
  •  p5-Net-DNS-Match 0.05_1
  •  p5-Net-DNS-Paranoid 0.08
  •  p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock 1.20230216
  •  p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable 0.009
  •  p5-Net-DNS-RR-SRV-Helper 0.0.0_2
  •  p5-Net-DNS-SEC 1.22
  •  p5-Net-DNS-TestNS 1.10_2
  •  p5-Net-DNS-ToolKit 0.48_1
  •  p5-Net-DNS-ZoneFile-Fast 1.27
  •  p5-Net-DNS-Zone-Parser 0.02_1
  •  p5-Net-Domain-ExpireDate 1.20
  •  p5-Net-Domain-TLD 1.75
  •  p5-Net-DRI 0.96_2
  •  p5-Net-Dropbox-API 1.9_1
  •  p5-Net-eBay 0.62
  •  p5-Net-EPP 0.25
  •  p5-Net-EPP-Proxy 0.04_1
  •  p5-Net-ext 1.011_2
  •  p5-Net-FastCGI 0.14_1
  •  p5-Net-Finger 1.06_1
  •  p5-Net-FireEagle 1.6_2
  •  p5-Net-Flickr-API 1.7_21
  •  p5-Net-Flickr-Backup 3.1_2
  •  p5-Net-Flickr-RDF 2.2_1
  •  p5-Net-Flow 1.003
  •  p5-Net-Frame 1.21
  •  p5-Net-Frame-Device 1.12
  •  p5-Net-Frame-Dump 1.18
  •  p5-Net-Frame-Layer-ICMPv6 1.09
  •  p5-Net-Frame-Layer-IPv6 1.07
  •  p5-Net-Frame-Simple 1.09
  •  p5-Net-FreeDB 0.10_1
  •  p5-Net-FreshBooks-API 0.24
  •  p5-Net-FS-Flickr 0.1_8
  •  p5-Net-FS-Gmail 0.2_1
  •  p5-Net-FTP-AutoReconnect 0.3_1
  •  p5-Net-FTP-Common 7.0.d_2
  •  p5-Net-FTP-File 0.06_2
  •  p5-Net-FTP-Recursive 2.04_2
  •  p5-Net-FTPServer 1.125_2
  •  p5-Net-FTPSSL 0.42
  •  p5-Net-GeoPlanet 0.2_1
  •  p5-Net-GitHub 1.05
  •  p5-Net-Gnats 0.22
  •  p5-Net-Google 1.0.1_1
  •  p5-Net-Google-Analytics 3.05
  •  p5-Net-Google-AuthSub 0.5_2
  •  p5-Net-Google-Calendar 1.01_1
  •  p5-Net-Google-Code 0.19_1
  •  p5-Net-Google-DataAPI 0.28.01_1
  •  p5-Net-Google-PicasaWeb 0.11_1
  •  p5-Net-Google-SafeBrowsing2 1.09_2
  •  p5-Net-Google-Spreadsheets 0.15.01_1
  •  p5-Net-GPSD3 0.19
  •  p5-Net-Groonga-HTTP 0.03
  •  p5-Net-Growl 0.99_1
  •  p5-Net-GrowlClient 0.02_2
  •  p5-Net-Hiveminder 0.08_3
  •  p5-Net-HL7 0.76
  •  p5-Net-HTTP 6.23
  •  p5-Net-HTTPS-Any 0.12
  •  p5-Net-HTTPS-NB 0.15
  •  p5-Net-HTTP-Spore 0.09
  •  p5-Net-HTTP-Spore-Middleware-Header 0.03_1
  •  p5-Net-Ident 1.23_1
  •  p5-Net-IDN-Encode 2.500
  •  p5-Net-IDN-Nameprep 1.102
  •  p5-Net-Ifconfig-Wrapper 0.26
  •  p5-Net-ILO 0.54_1
  •  p5-Net-IMAP-Client 0.9507
  •  p5-Net-IMAP-Server 1.39
  •  p5-Net-IMAP-Simple 1.2212
  •  p5-Net-IMAP-Simple-SSL 1.3_1
  •  p5-Net-INET6Glue 0.604
  •  p5-Net-Interface 1.016
  •  p5-Net-IP 1.26_1
  •  p5-Net-IPAddress 1.10_1
  •  p5-Net-IP-Match-Regexp 1.01_2
  •  p5-Net-IP-Match-XS 0.03_1
  •  p5-Net-IP-Minimal 0.06_1
  •  p5-Net-IP-RangeCompare 4.025_1
  •  p5-Net-IP-Resolver 0.02_1
  •  p5-Net-IPTrie 0.7_2
  •  p5-Net-IPv4Addr 0.10_1
  •  p5-Net-IPv6Addr 1.02
  •  p5-Net-IP-XS 0.22
  •  p5-Net-IRR 0.09
  •  p5-Net-Jabber 2.0_1
  •  p5-Net-Jifty 0.14_1
  •  p5-Net-LDAP-AutoDNs 0.2.2_1
  •  p5-Net-LDAP-AutoServer 0.2.1_1
  •  p5-Net-LDAP-Express 0.12_1
  •  p5-Net-LDAP-FilterBuilder 1.200002
  •  p5-Net-LDAP-LDAPhash 1.0.3_1
  •  p5-Net-LDAP-Makepath 1.0.1_2
  •  p5-Net-LDAP-posixAccount 0.0.2_1
  •  p5-Net-LDAP-posixGroup 0.0.2_1
  •  p5-Net-LDAP-Server 0.43_1
  •  p5-Net-LDAP-Server-Test 0.22
  •  p5-Net-Libdnet 0.99
  •  p5-Net-Libdnet6 0.28
  •  p5-Net-LibIDN 0.12_5
  •  p5-Net-LibIDN2 1.02
  •  p5-Net-LibLO 0.06_3
  •  p5-Net-LimeLight-Purge 0.03_1
  •  p5-Net-LMTP 0.02
  •  p5-Net-MAC 2.103622_1
  •  p5-Net-MAC-Vendor 1.2000_1
  •  p5-Net-ManageSieve 0.13
  •  p5-Net-Mosso-CloudFiles 0.44_1
  •  p5-Net-MovableType 1.74_1
  •  p5-Net-MQTT 1.143260_1
  •  p5-Net-NBName 0.26_1
  •  p5-Net-NBsocket 0.24_1
  •  p5-Net-Nessus-XMLRPC 0.30_2
  •  p5-Net-Netcat 0.05
  •  p5-Net-Netmask 2.0002
  •  p5-Net-NetSend 0.12_1
  •  p5-Net-NIS 0.44_1
  •  p5-Net-NIS-Listgroup 1.0.0_3
  •  p5-Net-Nmsg 0.17_2
  •  p5-Net-NSCA-Client 0.009002_2
  •  p5-Net-Nslookup 2.04_1
  •  p5-Net-NTP 1.5
  •  p5-Net-OAuth 0.28_1
  •  p5-Net-OAuth2 0.67
  •  p5-Net-OAuth-Simple 1.7
  •  p5-Net-OpenID-Common 1.20
  •  p5-Net-OpenID-Consumer 1.18
  •  p5-Net-OpenID-JanRain 1.1.1_3
  •  p5-Net-OpenID-Server 1.09_2
  •  p5-Net-OpenSSH 0.84
  •  p5-Net-OpenSSH-Parallel 0.14
  •  p5-Net-OpenStack-Attack 1.0500_1
  •  p5-Net-OpenVPN-Manage 0.02
  •  p5-Net-OSCAR 1.928_1
  •  p5-NetPacket 1.6.0
  •  p5-Net-Packet 3.27_1
  •  p5-Net-Packet-Target 1.01_1
  •  p5-Net-ParseWhois 0.70_1
  •  p5-Net-Patricia 1.22_1
  •  p5-Net-Pcap 0.21
  •  p5-Net-PcapUtils 0.01_1
  •  p5-Net-Ping 2.75
  •  p5-Net-Ping-External 0.15
  •  p5-Net-Plurk 0.11_1
  •  p5-Net-POP3-SSLWrapper 0.06_1
  •  p5-Net-Printer 1.12_1
  •  p5-Net-Proxy 0.13_1
  •  p5-Net-PubSubHubbub-Publisher 0.91_1
  •  p5-Net-QMTP 0.06_1
  •  p5-Net-RabbitFoot 1.03_2
  •  p5-Net-RabbitMQ 0.2.8_1
  •  p5-Net-Radius 2.103_1
  •  p5-Net-Radius-Server 1.116_1
  •  p5-Net-Random 2.32
  •  p5-Net-RawIP 0.25_11
  •  p5-Net-RBLClient 0.5_2
  •  p5-Net-Rendezvous-Publish 0.04_2
  •  p5-Net-Riak 0.1702
  •  p5-Net-RNDC 0.003
  •  p5-Net-Rsh 0.05_1
  •  p5-Net-RTP 0.09_2
  •  p5-Net-SAML2 0.74
  •  p5-Net-SAP 0.10_4
  •  p5-Net-SCP 0.08_2
  •  p5-Net-SCP-Expect 0.16_2
  •  p5-Net-SDP 0.07_2
  •  p5-Net-SenderBase 1.02_1
  •  p5-Net-Server 2.014
  •  p5-Net-Server-Coro 1.3_1
  •  p5-Net-Server-Mail 0.26
  •  p5-Net-Server-Mail-ESMTP-AUTH 0.2
  •  p5-Net-Server-SS-PreFork 0.05_1
  •  p5-Net-sFlow 0.11_1
  •  p5-Net-SFTP 0.12_1
  •  p5-Net-SFTP-Foreign 1.93
  •  p5-Net-SinFP 2.10
  •  p5-Net-SIP 0.836
  •  p5-Net-SMPP 1.19_2
  •  p5-Net-SMS-Clickatell 0.05_1
  •  p5-Net-SMS-Mollie 0.04_3
  •  p5-Net-SMS-PChome 0.11_1
  •  p5-Net-SMTP_auth 0.08_1
  •  p5-Net-SMTPS 0.03_2
  •  p5-Net-SMTP-Server 1.1_2
  •  p5-Net-SMTP-TLS 0.12_2
  •  p5-Net-SMTP-TLS-ButMaintained 0.24_1
  •  p5-Net-SNMP 6.0.1_1
  •  p5-Net-SNMPTrapd 0.17
  •  p5-Net-SNMP-Util 1.04_2
  •  p5-Net-Snort-Parser 1.41_1
  •  p5-Net-SNPP 1.17_2
  •  p5-Net-SPDY 0.1.5_2
  •  p5-Net-SSH 0.09_1
  •  p5-Net-SSH2 0.73
  •  p5-Net-SSH-AuthorizedKeysFile 0.18
  •  p5-Net-SSH-Expect 1.09_1
  •  p5-Net-SSH-Mechanize 0.1.3_1
  •  p5-Net-SSH-Perl 2.14_2
  •  p5-Net-SSLeay 1.92
  •  p5-Net-SSL-ExpireDate 1.24
  •  p5-Net-SSLGlue 1.058
  •  p5-Net-STF-Client 1.01_1
  •  p5-Net-Stomp 0.61
  •  p5-Net-STOMP-Client 2.5
  •  p5-Net-Subnet 1.03_1
  •  p5-Net-Syslog 0.04_1
  •  p5-Net-TacacsPlus 1.10
  •  p5-Net-TCLink 3.4_2
  •  p5-Net-TcpDumpLog 0.11_1
  •  p5-Net-Telnet 3.05
  •  p5-Net-Telnet-Cisco 1.11
  •  p5-Net-Telnet-Cisco-IOS 0.6_1
  •  p5-Net-Telnet-Netscreen 1.2_1
  •  p5-Net-TiVo 0.11_1
  •  p5-Net-Todoist 0.06_1
  •  p5-Net-Trac 0.16_1
  •  p5-Net-Traceroute 1.15_1
  •  p5-Net-Traceroute6 0.03_2
  •  p5-Net-Traceroute-PurePerl 0.10_1
  •  p5-Net-Trackback 1.01_1
  •  p5-Net-Twitter 4.01043
  •  p5-Net-Twitter-Lite 0.12008
  •  p5-Net-uFTP 0.161_1
  •  p5-Net-UPnP 1.4.6
  •  p5-Net-UPS 0.16_1
  •  p5-Net-vCard 0.5_1
  •  p5-Net-VNC 0.40_3
  •  p5-Net-Wake 0.02_1
  •  p5-Net-WhitePages 1.04_2
  •  p5-Net-Whois 1.9_1
  •  p5-Net-Whois-ARIN 0.12_1
  •  p5-Net-Whois-IP 1.19_1
  •  p5-Net-Whois-Raw 2.99037
  •  p5-Net-Whois-RIPE 2.008001
  •  p5-Net-Works 0.22
  •  p5-Net-Write 1.10
  •  p5-Net-XMPP 1.05_1
  •  p5-Net-XMPP2 0.14_2
  •  p5-Net-XWhois 0.90_5
  •  p5-Net-Yadis 1.0_2
  •  p5-Net-YAP 0.6_1
  •  p5-Net-YASA 0.03_1
  •  p5-Net-Z3950-SimpleServer 1.20_1
  •  p5-Net-Z3950-ZOOM 1.30_3
  •  p5-News-Article 1.27_4
  •  p5-News-Article-NoCeM 0.09
  •  p5-Newsletter 0.033
  •  p5-News-Newsrc 1.11_1
  •  p5-Nexmo-SMS 0.06_2
  •  p5-NEXT 0.69
  •  p5-Nginx-ReadBody 0.07_1
  •  p5-Nginx-Simple 0.07_1
  •  p5-Nmap-Parser 1.37
  •  p5-Nmap-Scanner 1.0_5
  •  p5-NNTPClient 0.37_1
  •  p5-No-Worries 1.7
  •  p5-NSNMP 0.5_1
  •  p5-Number-Bytes-Human 0.11_1
  •  p5-Number-Compare 0.03_1
  •  p5-Number-Format 1.76
  •  p5-Number-Format-Metric 0.60
  •  p5-Number-Fraction 3.0.4
  •  p5-Number-Misc 1.2
  •  p5-Number-Nary 1.100313
  •  p5-Number-RecordLocator 0.005_1
  •  p5-Number-Spell 0.04_1
  •  p5-Number-Tolerant 1.710
  •  p5-Number-Uncertainty 0.1_1
  •  p5-Number-WithError 1.01_1
  •  p5-Number-WithError-LaTeX 0.06_2
  •  p5-OAI-Harvester 1.201
  •  p5-Object-Accessor 0.48_2
  •  p5-Object-Array 0.060_2
  •  p5-Object-AUTHORITY 0.004_1
  •  p5-Object-Container 0.16
  •  p5-Object-Declare 0.25
  •  p5-Object-Destroyer 2.02
  •  p5-Object-Enum 0.07.3_1
  •  p5-Object-Event 1.220_1
  •  p5-Object-Import 1.005
  •  p5-Object-InsideOut 4.05
  •  p5-Object-MultiType 0.05_1
  •  p5-Object-Pad 0.80.1
  •  p5-Object-Pluggable 1.29_1
  •  p5-Object-Realize-Later 0.21
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  •  p5-Object-Signature 1.08
  •  p5-Object-Simple 3.1600
  •  p5-Object-Tiny 1.09
  •  p5-Object-Tiny-Lvalue 1.084
  •  p5-Object-Tiny-RW 1.07
  •  p5-ODF-lpOD 1.127
  •  p5-ODF-lpOD_Helper 6.006
  •  p5-Ogg-Vorbis-Header 0.11
  •  p5-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl 1.0_5
  •  p5-OLE-Storage_Lite 0.22
  •  p5-Olson-Abbreviations 0.04_2
  •  p5-OOTools 2.40
  •  p5-Opcodes 0.14_1
  •  p5-OpenAI-API 0.37
  •  p5-OpenAPI-Client 1.07
  •  p5-OpenCA-CRL 0.9.6_11
  •  p5-OpenCA-CRR 0.0.2_1
  •  p5-OpenCA-REQ 0.9.60_1
  •  p5-OpenCA-X509 0.9.10_2
  •  p5-OpenOffice-OODoc 2.125_1
  •  p5-openxpki 3.24.2
  •  p5-openxpki-i18n 3.24.2
  •  p5-OrePAN2 0.49_1
  •  p5-ORLite 1.98_1
  •  p5-ORLite-Migrate 1.10_2
  •  p5-Oryx 0.24_2
  •  p5-orz 0.13_1
  •  p5-OSSP-uuid 1.6.2_9
  •  p5-Ouch 0.0501
  •  p5-OurNet-BBS 1.66_6
  •  p5-OurNet-BBSAgent 1.61_1
  •  p5-Package-Constants 0.06
  •  p5-Package-DeprecationManager 0.18
  •  p5-Package-Generator 1.106_1
  •  p5-Package-MoreUtil 0.592
  •  p5-Package-Stash 0.40
  •  p5-Package-Stash-XS 0.30
  •  p5-Package-Util-Lite 0.001
  •  p5-Package-Variant 1.003002_1
  •  p5-PadWalker 2.5
  •  p5-Pango 1.227_2
  •  p5-PAR 1.018
  •  p5-Parallel-Async 0.03_1
  •  p5-Parallel-Fork-BossWorker 0.05_1
  •  p5-Parallel-ForkManager 2.02
  •  p5-Parallel-Iterator 1.002
  •  p5-Parallel-Prefork 0.18
  •  p5-Parallel-Pvm 1.4.0_4
  •  p5-Parallel-Scoreboard 0.08
  •  p5-ParallelUserAgent 2.62
  •  p5-Params-CallbackRequest 1.20_1
  •  p5-Params-Check 0.38_1
  •  p5-Params-Classify 0.015
  •  p5-Params-Coerce 0.15
  •  p5-Params-Util 1.102
  •  p5-Params-Validate 1.31
  •  p5-Params-Validate-Dependencies 1.41
  •  p5-Params-ValidationCompiler 0.31
  •  p5-Paranoid 2.10
  •  p5-Paranoid-Log-Email 2.00
  •  p5-Paranoid-Log-Syslog 2.00
  •  p5-PAR-Dist 0.52
  •  p5-parent 0.241
  •  p5-PAR-Packer 1.059
  •  p5-Parse-ANSIColor-Tiny 0.700
  •  p5-Parse-BooleanLogic 0.09_1
  •  p5-Parse-CPAN-Packages 2.40_1
  •  p5-Parse-CPAN-Packages-Fast 0.09
  •  p5-Parse-CSV 2.07
  •  p5-Parse-Distname 0.05
  •  p5-Parse-EDID 1.0.7
  •  p5-Parse-ErrorString-Perl 0.27
  •  p5-Parse-ExuberantCTags 1.02_1
  •  p5-Parse-FixedLength 5.39_1
  •  p5-Parse-Flex 0.12_1
  •  p5-Parse-HTTP-UserAgent 0.42
  •  p5-Parse-IRC 1.22
  •  p5-ParseLex 2.21_1
  •  p5-Parse-LocalDistribution 0.19
  •  p5-Parse-Method-Signatures 1.003019
  •  p5-Parse-MIME 1.006
  •  p5-Parse-Netstat 0.14
  •  p5-Parse-PerlConfig 0.05_3
  •  p5-Parse-PhoneNumber 1.9_1
  •  p5-Parse-PlainConfig 3.06
  •  p5-Parse-PMFile 0.44
  •  p5-Parse-Range 0.96_1
  •  p5-Parse-RecDescent 1.967015
  •  p5-Parser-MGC 0.21
  •  p5-Parse-Snort 0.9
  •  p5-Parse-Syslog 1.10_2
  •  p5-Parse-Syslog-Mail 0.17_1
  •  p5-ParseTemplate 3.08_1
  •  p5-Parse-VarName 0.03
  •  p5-Parse-Win32Registry 1.1
  •  p5-Parse-Yapp 1.21
  •  p5-PatchReader 0.9.6_3
  •  p5-Path-Abstract 0.096_1
  •  p5-Path-Class 0.37
  •  p5-Path-Class-File-Lockable 0.03_1
  •  p5-Path-Class-URI 0.04_1
  •  p5-Path-Dispatcher 1.08
  •  p5-Path-Dispatcher-Declarative 0.03_1
  •  p5-Path-Extended 0.23
  •  p5-Path-FindDev 0.5.2_1
  •  p5-Path-IsDev 1.001003
  •  p5-Path-Iterator-Rule 1.015
  •  p5-Path-Resource 0.072_1
  •  p5-Path-Tiny 0.144
  •  p5-PathTools 3.7500
  •  p5-Paws 0.45_1
  •  p5-PayflowPro 4706
  •  p5-PBKDF2-Tiny 0.005
  •  p5-PCSC-Card 1.4.14
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  •  p5-PDF-API2-Simple 1.1.5
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  •  p5-PDF-API3 3.001_1
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  •  p5-PDF-Create 1.46
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  •  p5-Pegex 0.75
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  •  p5-Perl6-Builtins 0.0.3_2
  •  p5-Perl6-Export 0.07_2
  •  p5-Perl6-Export-Attrs 0.000006
  •  p5-Perl6-Form 0.04_2
  •  p5-Perl6-Junction 1.60000_1
  •  p5-Perl6-Rules 0.03_1
  •  p5-Perl6-Say 0.16_1
  •  p5-Perl6-Slurp 0.051005
  •  p5-Perl6-Subs 0.05_2
  •  p5-Perlanet 3.0.3
  •  p5-Perlbal 1.80_1
  •  p5-Perlbal-Plugin-PSGI 0.03_1
  •  p5-Perl-Critic 1.150
  •  p5-Perl-Critic-Bangs 1.08_1
  •  p5-Perl-Critic-Deprecated 1.119_1
  •  p5-Perl-Critic-Itch 0.07
  •  p5-Perl-Critic-Moose 1.05
  •  p5-Perl-Critic-More 1.003
  •  p5-Perl-Critic-Pulp 99
  •  p5-Perl-Critic-Swift 1.0.3
  •  p5-Perl-Critic-Tics 0.010
  •  p5-PerlCryptLib 1.12
  •  p5-PerlIO-eol 0.19
  •  p5-PerlIO-gzip 0.20
  •  p5-PerlIO-Layers 0.012
  •  p5-PerlIO-locale 0.10_1
  •  p5-PerlIO-utf8_strict 0.010
  •  p5-PerlIO-Util 0.72_3
  •  p5-PerlIO-via-Bzip2 0.02_1
  •  p5-PerlIO-via-dynamic 0.14_1
  •  p5-PerlIO-via-MD5 0.08
  •  p5-PerlIO-via-symlink 0.05_1
  •  p5-PerlIO-via-Timeout 0.32_1
  •  p5-PerlIO-via-Unidecode 1.02_1
  •  p5-perl-ldap 0.6800
  •  p5-Perl-Lint 0.25_1
  •  p5-Perl-Metrics-Lite 0.080_1
  •  p5-Perl-Metrics-Simple 0.19
  •  p5-Perl-MinimumVersion 1.40
  •  p5-PerlMol 0.3500_2
  •  p5-Perl-osnames 0.122
  •  p5-Perl-OSType 1.010
  •  p5-PerlPoint-Converters 1.0205
  •  p5-PerlPoint-Package 0.45.2_2
  •  p5-Perl-PrereqScanner 1.023
  •  p5-Perl-PrereqScanner-Lite 0.28_1
  •  p5-Perl-PrereqScanner-NotQuiteLite 0.9917
  •  p5-Perl-Tidy 20230912
  •  p5-Perl-Unsafe-Signals 0.03
  •  p5-Perl-Version 1.013_2
  •  p5-PerlX-Maybe 1.202
  •  p5-PerlX-Maybe-XS 1.001
  •  p5-Petal 2.26
  •  p5-Petal-CodePerl 0.06_1
  •  p5-Petal-Mail 0.31_2
  •  p5-Petal-Utils 0.06_1
  •  p5-Pg 2.1.1_61
  •  p5-PGP 0.3a_2
  •  p5-PGPLOT 2.21_17
  •  p5-PGP-Sign 1.04
  •  p5-Phone-Info 0.0.1_2
  •  p5-PHP-Serialization 0.34_1
  •  p5-PHP-Session 0.27_1
  •  p5-Physics-Unit 0.54
  •  p5-Pid-File-Flock 0.08_1
  •  p5-pip 1.19_1
  •  p5-Pipeline 3.12_2
  •  p5-Pithub 0.01041
  •  p5-PkgConfig 0.25026
  •  p5-PkgConfig-LibPkgConf 0.11
  •  p5-Plack 1.0050
  •  p5-Plack-App-Proxy 0.29_1
  •  p5-Plack-Builder-Conditionals 0.05_1
  •  p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-HTTPD 0.03_1
  •  p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-ReverseHTTP 0.04_1
  •  p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-SCGI 0.03_1
  •  p5-Plack-Handler-CLI 0.05_1
  •  p5-Plack-Handler-SCGI 0.02_1
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  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-AMF 0.02_1
  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-Auth-Digest 0.05
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  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-Deflater 0.12_1
  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-Expires 0.06_1
  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-ExtDirect 3.20
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  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-FixMissingBodyInRedirect 0.12_1
  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-ForceEnv 0.02_1
  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-Header 0.04_1
  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-Headers 0.11
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  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-InteractiveDebugger 0.01_1
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  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-MethodOverride 0.20
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  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-Status 1.101150_1
  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-Test-StashWarnings 0.08_1
  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-Throttle 0.01_1
  •  p5-Plack-Middleware-XForwardedFor 0.172050
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  •  p5-Plack-Server-POE 0.4_1
  •  p5-Plack-Server-ReverseHTTP 0.02_1
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  •  p5-Plucene 1.25_5
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  •  p5-Plucene-Plugin-Analyzer-SnowballAnalyzer 1.1_2
  •  p5-Plucene-Simple 1.04_3
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  •  p5-Plugtools-Plugins-HomeOU 0.0.0_1
  •  p5-plutil 1.7
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  •  p5-Pod-XML 0.99_4
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  •  p5-POE-API-Peek 2.20_12
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  •  p5-POE-Component-Client-DNS 1.0541
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  •  p5-POE-Component-Client-Whois 1.38
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  •  p5-POE-Component-DBIAgent 0.26_2
  •  p5-POE-Component-DebugShell 1.412_1
  •  p5-POE-Component-DirWatch 0.300004
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  •  p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-Blowfish 0.01_1
  •  p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-Bollocks 1.02
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  •  p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-Hailo 0.18_1
  •  p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-Karma 0.003_1
  •  p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-POE-Knee 1.12
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  •  p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-QueryDNSBL 1.04_1
  •  p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-RSS-Headlines 1.10
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  •  p5-POE-Component-JobQueue 0.5710_1
  •  p5-POE-Component-LaDBI 1.2.1_1
  •  p5-POE-Component-Logger 1.10_1
  •  p5-POE-Component-Pcap 0.04_1
  •  p5-POE-Component-Pluggable 1.28
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  •  p5-POE-Component-RRDTool 0.18_6
  •  p5-POE-Component-RSS 0.09_1
  •  p5-POE-Component-RSSAggregator 1.11_1
  •  p5-POE-Component-Schedule 0.95_2
  •  p5-POE-Component-Server-DNS 0.32
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  •  p5-POE-Component-Server-HTTPServer 0.9.2_1
  •  p5-POE-Component-Server-IRC 1.54_1
  •  p5-POE-Component-Server-NNTP 1.06
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  •  p5-POE-Component-Server-Twirc 0.20
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  •  p5-POE-Component-TSTP 0.02_1
  •  p5-POE-Devel-Profiler 0.02_1
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  •  p5-POE-Filter-LZW 1.74
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  •  p5-POE-Filter-XML 1.140700
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  •  p5-POE-Loop-Tk 1.305_2
  •  p5-POE-Quickie 0.18_1
  •  p5-POE-Session-Irssi 0.50_3
  •  p5-POE-Session-MultiDispatch 1.3_1
  •  p5-POE-Stage 0.0600_1
  •  p5-POE-Test-Loops 1.360_1
  •  p5-POEx-Role-PSGIServer 1.110670_1
  •  p5-POEx-Role-SessionInstantiation 1.102610_1
  •  p5-POEx-Role-Streaming 1.102610_1
  •  p5-POEx-Role-TCPServer 1.102740_1
  •  p5-POE-XS-Loop-Poll 1.000_1
  •  p5-POE-XS-Queue-Array 0.006_1
  •  p5-POEx-Types 1.100910_1
  •  p5-POSIX-getpeername 0.01_2
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  •  p5-POSIX-Run-Capture 1.03
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  •  p5-POSIX-strftime-Compiler 0.44
  •  p5-POSIX-strptime 0.13
  •  p5-PostgreSQL-PLPerl-Call 1.007
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  •  p5-PostScript-Simple 0.09
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  •  p5-PPI 1.277
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  •  p5-PPIx-Utilities 1.001000_1
  •  p5-PPIx-Utils 0.003
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  •  p5-prefork 1.05
  •  p5-Prima 1.68.002_1
  •  p5-Probe-Perl 0.03
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  •  p5-Proc-Daemon 0.23
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  •  p5-Proc-Pidfile 1.10
  •  p5-Proc-PID-File 1.29
  •  p5-Proc-PidUtil 0.09_1
  •  p5-Proc-ProcessTable 0.636
  •  p5-Proc-ProcessTable-Colorizer 0.3.0
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  •  p5-Proc-ProcessTable-Match 0.0.1
  •  p5-Proc-ProcessTable-ncps 0.1.1
  •  p5-Proc-Queue 1.23_1
  •  p5-Proc-Reliable 1.16_1
  •  p5-Proc-SafeExec 1.5_1
  •  p5-Proc-Simple 1.32
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  •  p5-Proc-WaitStat 1.00_1
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  •  p5-Project-Libs 0.02_1
  •  p5-Promises 0.94
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  •  p5-Protocol-ACME 0.16_1
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  •  p5-Protocol-XMPP 0.006_1
  •  p5-PSGI 1.102_1
  •  p5-Pthread-GetThreadId 0.01
  •  p5-Pugs-Compiler-Rule 0.37_2
  •  p5-PV 1.5_1
  •  p5-Qmail-Envelope 0.53_1
  •  p5-qpsmtpd 0.93_3
  •  p5-Quantum-Superpositions 2.03
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  •  p5-Queue-Beanstalk 0.02_1
  •  p5-Quota 1.8.2
  •  p5-RADIUS-UserFile 1.01_1
  •  p5-Rcs 1.05_1
  •  p5-Rcs-Agent 1.05_1
  •  p5-RDF-Core 0.51_1
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  •  p5-RDR-Collector 1.0000
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  •  p5-Reflex 0.100
  •  p5-Ref-Util 0.204
  •  p5-Ref-Util-XS 0.117
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  •  p5-Regexp-Bind 0.05_1
  •  p5-Regexp-Common 2017060201
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  •  p5-Regexp-Common-net-CIDR 0.03
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  •  p5-Regexp-Common-time 0.16
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  •  p5-Regexp-Debugger 0.002006
  •  p5-Regexp-DefaultFlags 0.01_1
  •  p5-Regexp-Grammars 1.058
  •  p5-Regexp-IPv6 0.03_1
  •  p5-Regexp-Lexer 0.05
  •  p5-Regexp-Log 0.06_1
  •  p5-Regexp-Log-Common 0.10
  •  p5-Regexp-Pattern-Perl 0.007
  •  p5-Regexp-RegGrp 2.01
  •  p5-Regex-PreSuf 1.17_1
  •  p5-Regexp-Shellish 0.93_1
  •  p5-Regexp-Stringify 0.06
  •  p5-Regexp-Subst-Parallel 0.11_1
  •  p5-Regexp-Trie 0.02
  •  p5-Relations 0.95_1
  •  p5-Relations-Query 0.93_1
  •  p5-relative 0.04_1
  •  p5-Religion 1.04_1
  •  p5-Reply 0.42
  •  p5-reslog 3.16_3
  •  p5-ResourcePool 1.0107_1
  •  p5-ResourcePool-Resource-DBI 1.0101_1
  •  p5-ResourcePool-Resource-Net-LDAP 1.0003
  •  p5-ResourcePool-Resource-SOAP-Lite 1.0103_2
  •  p5-Resources 1.04_1
  •  p5-REST-Application 0.992_1
  •  p5-REST-Client 273
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  •  p5-REST-Google-Apps-Provisioning 1.1.10_1
  •  p5-Return-MultiLevel 0.05
  •  p5-Return-Type 0.007
  •  p5-Return-Value 1.666005
  •  p5-Rex 1.14.3
  •  p5-Rinci 1.1.103
  •  p5-Role-Basic 0.13_2
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  •  p5-Role-Identifiable 0.007
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  •  p5-Rose-DBx-Object-Renderer 0.77_1
  •  p5-Rose-HTML-Objects 0.626
  •  p5-Rose-Object 0.860_1
  •  p5-Rose-URI 1.02
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  •  p5-Router-R3 0.011001
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  •  p5-Routes-Tiny 0.21
  •  p5-routines 0.02
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  •  p5-RPC-ExtDirect 3.24
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  •  p5-RPC-XML 0.82
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  •  p5-RRD-Simple 1.44_7
  •  p5-RRDTool-OO 0.36_1
  •  p5-RT44-RT-Extension-MandatoryOnTransition 0.22
  •  p5-RT44-RTx-Calendar 1.03_1
  •  p5-RT50-RT-Extension-MandatoryOnTransition 0.22
  •  p5-RT50-RTx-Calendar 1.03_1
  •  p5-RT-Client-REST 0.721
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  •  p5-RT-Extension-LDAPImport 0.36_4
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  •  p5-RT-Extension-RepeatTicket2 2.00
  •  p5-RTF-Parser 1.12_1
  •  p5-RTF-Tokenizer 1.20
  •  p5-RTF-Writer 1.11_1
  •  p5-RunApp 0.13_1
  •  p5-RundeckAPI
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  •  p5-Safe-Hole 0.13_1
  •  p5-Safe-Isa 1.000010
  •  p5-Sah 0.9.51
  •  p5-Samba-LDAP 0.05_2
  •  p5-Samba-SIDhelper 0.0.0_3
  •  p5-Sane 0.05_1
  •  p5-Scalar-Defer 0.23_1
  •  p5-Scalar-Does 0.203
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  •  p5-Scalar-List-Utils 1.631
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  •  p5-Scalar-Util-Numeric 0.40
  •  p5-SCGI 0.6_1
  •  p5-Schedule-At 1.15_1
  •  p5-Schedule-Cron 1.05
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  •  p5-Schedule-Load 3.064_1
  •  p5-Schedule-Match 0.07_1
  •  p5-Scope-Container 0.04
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  •  p5-Scrappy 0.94112090_1
  •  p5-Script-isAperlScript 1.0.0_1
  •  p5-sdf 2.001_2
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  •  p5-Search-Elasticsearch-Client-0_90 5.02
  •  p5-Search-Elasticsearch-Client-1_0 5.02
  •  p5-Search-Elasticsearch-Client-2_0 5.02
  •  p5-Search-Elasticsearch-Client-5_0 6.00
  •  p5-Search-Estraier 0.09_3
  •  p5-Search-InvertedIndex 1.17
  •  p5-Search-Namazu 0.96_5
  •  p5-Search-Odeum 0.02_3
  •  p5-Search-QueryParser 0.95
  •  p5-Search-QueryParser-SQL 0.010
  •  p5-Search-Saryer 0.40_3
  •  p5-Search-Sitemap 2.13
  •  p5-Search-VectorSpace 0.02_14
  •  p5-Search-Xapian12
  •  p5-Search-Xapian
  •  p5-Selenium-Remote-Driver 1.37
  •  p5-self 0.36
  •  p5-self-init 0.01_1
  •  p5-Sendmail-AccessDB 1.04
  •  p5-Sendmail-Milter 0.18_2
  •  p5-Senna 0.51_5
  •  p5-Sentinel 0.07
  •  p5-Sereal 5.004
  •  p5-Sereal-Decoder 5.004
  •  p5-Sereal-Encoder 5.004
  •  p5-Server-Starter 0.35
  •  p5-SES 1.01_2
  •  p5-Session-Storage-Secure 1.000
  •  p5-Session-Token 1.503
  •  p5-Set-Array 0.30_1
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  •  p5-Set-Crontab 1.03_1
  •  p5-Set-CrossProduct 2.008
  •  p5-Set-Infinite 0.65_1
  •  p5-Set-IntSpan 1.19_1
  •  p5-Set-IntSpan-Fast 1.15_1
  •  p5-Set-IntSpan-Fast-XS 0.05_1
  •  p5-Set-NestedGroups 0.01_1
  •  p5-Set-Object 1.42
  •  p5-Set-Partition 0.03_1
  •  p5-Set-Scalar 1.29
  •  p5-Set-Tiny 0.04
  •  p5-Set-Window 1.01_1
  •  p5-SGML-DTDParse 2.00_1
  •  p5-SGML-Parser-OpenSP 0.994_4
  •  p5-SGMLSpm 1.03_2
  •  p5-SHA 2.01_1
  •  p5-Shell-Base 0.05_1
  •  p5-Shell-Command 0.06_1
  •  p5-Shell-Config-Generate 0.34
  •  p5-Shell-EnvImporter 1.07_1
  •  p5-Shell-GetEnv 0.10
  •  p5-Shell-Guess 0.09
  •  p5-Shell-Parser 0.04_1
  •  p5-Shell-Perl 0.0040_1
  •  p5-Shell-Source 0.01_1
  •  p5-ShipIt 0.60_1
  •  p5-ShipIt-Step-Manifest 0.01_1
  •  p5-Signal-Mask 0.008
  •  p5-signatures 0.14
  •  p5-Sisimai 4.25.16
  •  p5-Slurp 0.4_1
  •  p5-Smart-Comments 1.06
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  •  p5-SMS-Send-DeviceGsm 1.06_1
  •  p5-SMS-Send-NexmoUnicode 0.02
  •  p5-SMS-Send-TW-chtsns 0.03_1
  •  p5-SMS-Send-TW-emome 0.04_1
  •  p5-SMS-Send-TW-HiAir 0.02_1
  •  p5-SMS-Send-TW-PChome 0.03_1
  •  p5-SMS-Send-TW-Socket2Air 0.01_1
  •  p5-SMS-SMS77 0.01_2
  •  p5-SNMP-Info 3.95
  •  p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler 0.06_1
  •  p5-SNMP-Persist 0.05_1
  •  p5-SNMP_Session 1.13_4
  •  p5-SNMP-Simple 0.02_3
  •  p5-SNMP-Trapinfo 1.02_1
  •  p5-SNMP-Util 1.8_2
  •  p5-Snort-Rule 1.07_1
  •  p5-SOAP 0.28_1
  •  p5-SOAP-Amazon-S3 0.0401
  •  p5-SOAP-Data-Builder 1_1
  •  p5-SOAP-Lite 1.27
  •  p5-SOAP-MySOAP 0.023_2
  •  p5-SOAP-Transport-FTP 0.711_1
  •  p5-SOAP-Transport-HTTP-Plack 0.03_2
  •  p5-SOAP-Transport-JABBER 0.713_1
  •  p5-SOAP-WSDL 3.004_1
  •  p5-SOAP-XML-Client 2.8_1
  •  p5-Socket 2.037
  •  p5-Socket6 0.29
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  •  p5-SOCKS 0.03_1
  •  p5-Software-License 0.104004
  •  p5-Software-License-CCpack 1.11
  •  p5-Solr 0.03_1
  •  p5-Sort-ArbBiLex 4.01_1
  •  p5-Sort-Array 0.26_1
  •  p5-Sort-ArrayOfArrays 1.00_1
  •  p5-Sort-Fields 1.001
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  •  p5-Sort-Key-DateTime 0.07_1
  •  p5-Sort-Key-IPv4 0.03_1
  •  p5-Sort-Key-Top 0.08_1
  •  p5-Sort-Maker 0.06_1
  •  p5-Sort-Naturally 1.03_1
  •  p5-Sort-Sub 0.120
  •  p5-Sort-Tree 1.09_1
  •  p5-Sort-Versions 1.62
  •  p5-Specio 0.48
  •  p5-Sphinx-Config 0.10
  •  p5-Sphinx-Manager 0.08
  •  p5-Sphinx-Search 0.31
  •  p5-Spiffy 0.46_1
  •  p5-Spoon 0.24_2
  •  p5-SPOPS 0.87
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  •  p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-Styler 1.02_1
  •  p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcelXML 0.15
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  •  p5-SQL-Maker 1.22_1
  •  p5-SQL-NamedPlaceholder 0.10
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  •  p5-SQL-Statement 1.414
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  •  p5-SQL-Translator 1.63
  •  p5-Squatting 0.83
  •  p5-Squatting-On-PSGI 0.06_1
  •  p5-SRU 1.01_1
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  •  p5-Statistics-Forecast 0.3_1
  •  p5-Statistics-Frequency 0.04
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  •  p5-Statistics-R 0.34_5
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  •  p5-Statistics-TTest 1.1.0_3
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  •  p5-Storable 3.25
  •  p5-Storable-AMF 1.00_1
  •  p5-Store-CouchDB 4.3
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  •  p5-Stream-Buffered 0.03_1
  •  p5-Stream-Reader 0.09_1
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  •  p5-String-Ediff 0.09_2
  •  p5-String-Errf 0.007
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  •  p5-Symbol-Util 0.0203_1
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  •  p5-Sys-HostIP 1.9.3_1
  •  p5-Sys-Hostname-FQDN 0.11_1
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  •  p5-Sys-Sig 0.05_1
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  •  p5-Tatsumaki 0.1013_1
  •  p5-Tcl 1.27
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  •  p5-tokyotyrant 1.16_3
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  •  p5-ToolSet 1.00_1
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  •  p5-Try-Catch 1.1.0
  •  p5-Try-Tiny 0.31
  •  p5-Try-Tiny-Retry 0.004_1
  •  p5-Twiggy 0.1026
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  •  p5-Type-Tiny-XS 0.025
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  •  p5-UNIVERSAL-can 1.20140328_1
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  •  p5-Unix-ConfigFile 0.06_1
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  •  p5-User 1.9_1
  •  p5-User-Identity 1.02
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  •  p5-UUID-Random-Patch-UseMRS 0.030
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  •  p5-UUID-URandom 0.001
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  •  p5-W3C-LinkChecker 4.81_2
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  •  p5-WDDX 1.02_2
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  •  p5-WebService-Basecamp 0.1.4_1
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