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NixOS RSS Feed DistroWatch.com: NixOS


Last Update: 2025-02-10 14:21 UTC

NixOS is an independently developed GNU/Linux distribution that aims to improve the state of the art in system configuration management. In NixOS, the entire operating system, including the kernel, applications, system packages and configuration files, are built by the Nix package manager. Nix stores all packages in isolation from each other; as a result there are no /bin, /sbin, /lib or /usr directories and all packages are kept in /nix/store instead. Other innovative features of NixOS include reliable upgrades, rollbacks, reproducible system configurations, source-based model with binaries, and multi-user package management. Although NixOS started as a research project, it is now a functional and usable operating system that includes hardware detection, KDE as the default desktop, and systemd for managing system services.

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 17 (436), 6 months: 17 (421), 3 months: 17 (451), 4 weeks: 18 (492), 1 week: 20 (497)

Average visitor rating: 9.12/10 from 81 review(s).

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Recent Related News and Releases
  Releases announcements with download links and checksums:
 • 2024-06-06: Distribution Release: NixOS 24.05
 • 2023-11-30: Distribution Release: NixOS 23.11
 • 2023-06-01: Distribution Release: NixOS 23.05
 • 2022-12-01: Distribution Release: NixOS 22.11
 • 2022-05-30: Distribution Release: NixOS 22.05
 • 2021-12-01: Distribution Release: NixOS 21.11
 • 2021-06-02: Distribution Release: NixOS 21.05
 • 2020-10-27: Distribution Release: NixOS 20.09
 • 2020-04-21: Distribution Release: NixOS 20.03
 • 2019-10-09: Distribution Release: NixOS 19.09
 • 2019-04-11: Distribution Release: NixOS 19.03
 • 2018-10-06: Distribution Release: NixOS 18.09
 • More NixOS releases...

 • 2025-01-23 Nix ported to FreeBSD kernel
 • 2023-09-20 A new guide to Nix published
 • 2022-05-31 NixOS adopts Calamares installer
 • 2021-06-21 NixOS offers install media with reproducible builds
 • More NixOS headlines...

Table Notes and Explanations

(Please refer to the table below.)
  • Select view:
  • To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.
  • Notes: In case where multiple versions of a package are shipped with a distribution, only the default version appears in the table. For indication about the GNOME version, please check the "nautilus" and "gnome-shell" packages. The Apache web server is listed as "httpd" and the Linux kernel is listed as "linux". The KDE desktop is represented by the "plasma-desktop" package and the Xfce desktop by the "xfdesktop" package.
  • Colour scheme: green text = latest stable version, red text = development or beta version. The function determining beta versions is not 100% reliable due to a wide variety of versioning schemes.
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Feature unstable 24.11
Release Date 2025-02-10 2024-11-30 2024-05-31 2023-11-30 2023-05-31 2022-12-01 2022-05-30 2021-11-30 2021-06-02 2020-10-27 2020-04-20 2019-10-09 2019-04-11 2018-10-06 2017-10-02 2016-10-03 2016-04-01 2016-02-05 2015-09-27 2015-02-25 2014-07-19 Release Date
End Of Life -- 2025-06-30 2024-12-31 2024-06-30     2022-12 2021-12 2021-12 2021-04 2020-10 2020-04                   End Of Life
Price (US$) Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Price (US$)
Image Size (MB) -- 800-2400 800-2400 800-2400 800-2400 800-2400 800-2200 700-2100 600-1900 500-1400 500-1200 500-1200 500-1100 500-1100 300-900             Image Size (MB)
Installation Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Installation
Default Desktop GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma GNOME, KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE KDE Default Desktop
Package Management Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Nix Package Management
Release Model Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Release Model
Office Suite -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, GOffice, LibreOffice Calligra, LibreOffice Calligra, LibreOffice Office Suite
Processor Architecture aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 i686, x86_64 i686, x86_64 aarch64, i686, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 i386, x86_64 Processor Architecture
Init Software systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd Init Software
Journaled File Systems                                           Journaled File Systems
Multilingual                                           Multilingual
Asian Language Support                                           Asian Language Support
Full Package List unstable 24.11 24.05 23.11 23.05 22.11 22.05 21.11 21.05 20.09 20.03 19.09 19.03 18.09 17.09 16.09 16.03 15.09.1012 14.12.885 14.04.630 13.10.35728 Full Package List

Full Package List:   NixOS 24.11
  Number of packages: 1,496 (download as TXT)
  •  02overridedns
  •  50-coredump.conf
  •  a52dec-0.8.0
  •  aalib-1.4rc5
  •  abseil-cpp-20240722.0
  •  accounts-qt-1.17
  •  accountsservice-23.13.9
  •  acl-2.3.2
  •  acl-2.3.2-bin
  •  acl-2.3.2-doc
  •  acl-2.3.2-man
  •  adwaita-icon-theme-47.0
  •  aha-0.5.1
  •  akonadi-24.08.3
  •  akonadi-calendar-24.08.3
  •  akonadi-contacts-24.08.3
  •  akonadi-mime-24.08.3
  •  akonadi-notes-24.08.3
  •  akonadi-search-24.08.3
  •  alsa-firmware-1.2.4-zstd
  •  alsa-lib-1.2.12
  •  alsa-plugins-1.2.12
  •  alsa-topology-conf-
  •  alsa-ucm-conf-1.2.12
  •  anthy-9100h
  •  apache-httpd-2.4.62
  •  appstream-1.0.3
  •  appstream-glib-0.8.2
  •  appstream-qt-1.0.3
  •  apr-1.7.5
  •  apr-util-1.6.3
  •  ark-24.08.3
  •  aspell-
  •  atkmm-2.28.4
  •  at-spi2-core-2.54.0
  •  attica-5.116.0
  •  attica-6.8.0
  •  attr-2.5.2
  •  attr-2.5.2-bin
  •  attr-2.5.2-doc
  •  attr-2.5.2-man
  •  audiofile-0.3.6
  •  audit-4.0
  •  audit-4.0-bin
  •  avahi-0.8
  •  avahi-0.8-man
  •  aws-c-auth-0.7.26
  •  aws-c-cal-0.6.15
  •  aws-c-common-0.9.27
  •  aws-c-compression-0.2.19
  •  aws-c-event-stream-0.4.3
  •  aws-checksums-0.1.18
  •  aws-c-http-0.8.2
  •  aws-c-io-0.14.18
  •  aws-c-mqtt-0.10.5
  •  aws-crt-cpp-0.26.12
  •  aws-c-s3-0.6.0
  •  aws-c-sdkutils-0.1.16
  •  aws-sdk-cpp-1.11.336
  •  ayatana-ido-0.10.4
  •  baloo-6.8.0
  •  baloo-widgets-24.08.3
  •  baobab-47.0
  •  bash-5.2p37
  •  bash-completion-2.14.0
  •  bash-interactive-5.2p37
  •  bash-interactive-5.2p37-doc
  •  bash-interactive-5.2p37-info
  •  bash-interactive-5.2p37-man
  •  bcache-tools-1.0.8
  •  bind-9.18.28-host
  •  bind-9.18.28-lib
  •  bind-9.18.28-man
  •  binutils-2.43.1
  •  binutils-2.43.1-lib
  •  binutils-wrapper-2.43.1
  •  bison-3.8.2
  •  bluez-5.78
  •  boehm-gc-8.2.8
  •  bolt-0.9.7
  •  boost-1.81.0
  •  breeze-6.2.4
  •  breeze-6.2.4-qt5
  •  breeze-gtk-6.2.4
  •  breeze-icons-5.116.0
  •  breeze-icons-6.8.0
  •  brltty-6.6
  •  brotli-1.1.0
  •  brotli-1.1.0-dev
  •  brotli-1.1.0-lib
  •  btrfs-progs-6.11
  •  bubblewrap-0.11.0
  •  busybox-1.36.1
  •  busybox-static-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl-1.36.1
  •  bzip2-1.0.8
  •  bzip2-1.0.8-bin
  •  bzip2-1.0.8-dev
  •  bzip2-1.0.8-man
  •  cairo-1.18.2
  •  cairo-1.18.2-dev
  •  cairomm-1.14.5
  •  cairomm-1.18.0
  •  calamares-3.3.10
  •  calamares-nixos-extensions-0.3.19
  •  cantarell-fonts-0.303.1
  •  ccrypt-1.11
  •  cdparanoia-III-10.2
  •  celt-0.11.3
  •  cfitsio-4.4.1
  •  chromaprint-1.5.1
  •  cifs-utils-7.1
  •  cjson-1.7.18
  •  ckbcomp-1.231
  •  clinfo-
  •  colord-1.4.6
  •  colord-1.4.6-man
  •  colord-gtk-0.3.1
  •  coreutils-9.5
  •  coreutils-full-9.5
  •  coreutils-full-9.5-info
  •  cpio-2.15
  •  cracklib-2.10.0
  •  cryptsetup-2.7.5
  •  cryptsetup-2.7.5-bin
  •  cryptsetup-2.7.5-man
  •  cups-2.4.11
  •  cups-2.4.11-lib
  •  curl-8.11.0
  •  curl-8.11.0-bin
  •  curl-8.11.0-man
  •  cyrus-sasl-2.1.28
  •  dash-0.5.12
  •  dav1d-1.2.1
  •  dav1d-1.5.0
  •  dav1d-1.5.0-dev
  •  db-4.8.30
  •  db-5.3.28
  •  dbus-1
  •  dbus-1.14.10
  •  dbus-1.14.10-dev
  •  dbus-1.14.10-doc
  •  dbus-1.14.10-lib
  •  dbus-1.14.10-man
  •  dconf-0.40.0
  •  dconf-0.40.0-lib
  •  ddrescue-1.28
  •  dejavu-fonts-2.37
  •  dejavu-fonts-minimal-2.37
  •  desktop-file-utils-0.27
  •  dhcpcd-10.1.0
  •  diffutils-3.10
  •  diffutils-3.10-info
  •  directfb-1.7.7
  •  discount-3.0.0d
  •  djvulibre-3.5.28
  •  dleyna-connector-dbus-0.4.1
  •  dleyna-core-0.7.0
  •  dleyna-renderer-0.7.2
  •  dleyna-server-0.7.2
  •  dmidecode-3.6
  •  dnsmasq-2.90
  •  dns-root-data-2024-06-20
  •  docbook-xml-4.5
  •  docbook-xsl-nons-1.79.2
  •  docbook-xsl-ns-1.79.2
  •  dolphin-24.08.3
  •  dolphin-plugins-24.08.3
  •  dosfstools-4.2
  •  dotconf-1.4.1
  •  double-conversion-3.3.0
  •  drkonqi-6.2.4
  •  duktape-2.7.0
  •  e2fsprogs-1.47.1
  •  e2fsprogs-1.47.1-bin
  •  e2fsprogs-1.47.1-info
  •  e2fsprogs-1.47.1-man
  •  ebook-tools-0.2.2
  •  ed-1.20.2
  •  editline-1.17.1
  •  editorconfig-core-c-0.12.9
  •  efibootmgr-18
  •  efibootmgr-18-man
  •  efivar-39
  •  efivar-39-bin
  •  efivar-39-man
  •  elfutils-0.191
  •  elisa-24.08.3
  •  ell-0.69
  •  enchant-2.6.9
  •  epiphany-47.2
  •  espeak-ng-1.51.1
  •  etc-alsa-conf.d-49-pipewire-modules.conf
  •  etc-polkit-1-rules.d-10-nixos.rules
  •  etc-sysctl.d-60-nixos.conf
  •  etc-systemd-system-preset-00-nixos.preset
  •  etc-systemd-user-preset-00-nixos.preset
  •  etc-X11-xorg.conf.d-00-keyboard.conf
  •  ethtool-6.11
  •  evince-46.3.1
  •  evolution-data-server-3.54.1
  •  exempi-2.6.5
  •  exfat-1.4.0
  •  exiv2-0.28.3
  •  exiv2-0.28.3-lib
  •  expat-2.6.4
  •  expat-2.6.4-dev
  •  f2fs-tools-1.16.0
  •  faad2-2.11.1
  •  fc-00-nixos-cache.conf
  •  fc-10-nixos-rendering.conf
  •  fc-52-nixos-default-fonts.conf
  •  fc-53-nixos-reject-type1.conf
  •  fc-53-no-bitmaps.conf
  •  fdk-aac-2.0.3
  •  ffado-2.4.9
  •  ffmpeg-6.1.2-data
  •  ffmpeg-6.1.2-lib
  •  ffmpeg-7.1-data
  •  ffmpeg-7.1-lib
  •  ffmpeg-headless-7.1-data
  •  ffmpeg-headless-7.1-lib
  •  ffmpegthumbs-24.08.3
  •  fftw-single-3.3.10
  •  file-5.45
  •  file-roller-44.3
  •  findutils-4.10.0
  •  findutils-4.10.0-info
  •  firefox-133.0
  •  firefox-unwrapped-133.0
  •  flac-1.4.3
  •  flatpak-1.14.10
  •  flex-2.6.4
  •  flite-2.2-lib
  •  fluidsynth-2.3.6
  •  folks-0.15.9
  •  font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.4
  •  font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.4
  •  fontconfig-2.15.0
  •  fontconfig-2.15.0-bin
  •  fontconfig-2.15.0-dev
  •  fontconfig-2.15.0-lib
  •  font-cursor-misc-1.0.4
  •  font-misc-misc-1.1.3
  •  font-util-1.4.1
  •  frameworkintegration-5.116.0
  •  frameworkintegration-6.8.0
  •  freefont-ttf-20120503
  •  freeglut-3.6.0
  •  freepats-20060219
  •  freerdp-2.11.7
  •  freerdp-3.9.0
  •  freetype-2.13.3
  •  freetype-2.13.3-dev
  •  fribidi-1.0.16
  •  fuse-2.9.9
  •  fuse-2.9.9-bin
  •  fuse-2.9.9-man
  •  fuse-3.16.2
  •  fuse-3.16.2-bin
  •  fuse-3.16.2-man
  •  game-music-emu-0.6.3
  •  gawk-5.3.1
  •  gawk-5.3.1-info
  •  gawk-5.3.1-man
  •  gcc-13.3.0
  •  gcc-13.3.0-lib
  •  gcc-13.3.0-libgcc
  •  gcc-wrapper-13.3.0
  •  gcr-3.41.2
  •  gcr-4.3.0
  •  gd-2.3.3
  •  gdb-host-cpu-only-15.2
  •  gdbm-1.24-lib
  •  gdk-pixbuf-2.42.12
  •  gdk-pixbuf-2.42.12-dev
  •  gdm-47.0
  •  geary-46.0
  •  geoclue-2.7.2
  •  geocode-glib-3.26.4
  •  getent-glibc-2.40-36
  •  gettext-0.21.1
  •  gexiv2-0.14.3
  •  gfortran-13.3.0-lib
  •  gfortran-13.3.0-libgcc
  •  ghostscript-with-X-10.04.0
  •  ghostscript-with-X-10.04.0-fonts
  •  giflib-5.2.2
  •  git-2.47.0
  •  git-2.47.0-doc
  •  gjs-1.82.1
  •  glib-2.82.1
  •  glib-2.82.1-bin
  •  glib-2.82.1-dev
  •  glibc-2.40-36
  •  glibc-2.40-36-bin
  •  glibc-2.40-36-dev
  •  glibc-2.40-36-getent
  •  glibc-iconv-2.40
  •  glibc-locales-2.40-36
  •  glibmm-2.66.7
  •  glibmm-2.82.0
  •  glib-networking-2.80.0
  •  glu-9.0.3
  •  glycin-loaders-1.1.1
  •  gmime-3.2.15
  •  gmp-6.3.0
  •  gmp-with-cxx-6.3.0
  •  gnome-autoar-0.4.5
  •  gnome-backgrounds-47.0
  •  gnome-bluetooth-47.1
  •  gnome-bluetooth-47.1-man
  •  gnome-browser-connector-42.1
  •  gnome-calculator-47.0
  •  gnome-calendar-47.0
  •  gnome-characters-47.0
  •  gnome-clocks-47.0
  •  gnome-color-manager-3.32.0
  •  gnome-connections-47.0
  •  gnome-console-47.1
  •  gnome-contacts-47.0
  •  gnome-control-center-47.1.1
  •  gnome-desktop-44.1
  •  gnome-disk-utility-46.1
  •  gnome-font-viewer-47.0
  •  gnome-initial-setup-47.1
  •  gnome-keyring-46.2
  •  gnome-logs-45.0
  •  gnome-maps-47.1
  •  gnome-menus-3.36.0
  •  gnome-music-47.0
  •  gnome-online-accounts-3.52.1
  •  gnome-online-accounts-3.52.1-man
  •  gnome-remote-desktop-47.1
  •  gnome-session-47.0.1
  •  gnome-session-47.0.1-sessions
  •  gnome-session-ctl-47.0.1
  •  gnome-settings-daemon-47.1
  •  gnome-shell-47.1
  •  gnome-shell-extensions-47.1
  •  gnome-system-monitor-47.0
  •  gnome-text-editor-47.1
  •  gnome-tour-47.0
  •  gnome-user-docs-47.0
  •  gnome-user-share-47.0
  •  gnome-weather-47.0
  •  gnu-config-2024-01-01
  •  gnugrep-3.11
  •  gnugrep-3.11-info
  •  gnum4-1.4.19
  •  gnumake-4.4.1
  •  gnupg-2.4.5
  •  gnuplot-6.0.1
  •  gnused-4.9
  •  gnused-4.9-info
  •  gnutar-1.35
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  •  gtkmm-4.16.0
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  •  hyperv-daemons-bin-6.6.63
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  •  i3lock.pam
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  •  icu4c-74.2
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  •  iptables-1.8.10-man
  •  iputils-20240905
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  •  jansson-2.14
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  •  jq-1.7.1-bin
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  •  kactivities-5.116.0-bin
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  •  karchive-6.8.0
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  •  kauth-6.8.0
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  •  kbookmarks-6.8.0
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  •  kcompletion-6.8.0
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  •  kconfig-6.8.0
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  •  kcoreaddons-5.116.0-bin
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  •  kcrash-6.8.0
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  •  kdbusaddons-6.8.0
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  •  kded-6.8.0
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  •  kdnssd-6.8.0
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  •  kdoctools-6.8.0
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  •  kglobalaccel-6.8.0
  •  kglobalacceld-6.2.4
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  •  kguiaddons-6.8.0
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  •  ki18n-5.116.0-bin
  •  ki18n-6.8.0
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  •  kiconthemes-5.116.0-bin
  •  kiconthemes-6.8.0
  •  kidentitymanagement-24.08.3
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  •  kimageformats-6.8.0
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  •  kirigami2-5.116.0
  •  kirigami-6.8.0
  •  kirigami-addons-1.5.0
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  •  kitemviews-6.8.0
  •  kjobwidgets-5.116.0
  •  kjobwidgets-5.116.0-bin
  •  kjobwidgets-6.8.0
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  •  kmod-debian-aliases.conf-30+20230601-2
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  •  knewstuff-6.8.0
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  •  knotifications-5.116.0-bin
  •  knotifications-6.8.0
  •  knotifyconfig-6.8.0
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  •  kpackage-6.8.0
  •  kparts-5.116.0
  •  kparts-5.116.0-bin
  •  kparts-6.8.0
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  •  krunner-6.8.0
  •  kscreen-6.2.4
  •  kscreenlocker-6.2.4
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  •  kservice-5.116.0-bin
  •  kservice-6.8.0
  •  ksmtp-24.08.3
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  •  ktextwidgets-5.116.0-bin
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  •  kwallet-5.116.0-bin
  •  kwallet-6.8.0
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  •  kwayland-6.2.4
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  •  kwin-6.2.4
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  •  kwindowsystem-6.8.0
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  •  kxmlgui-6.8.0
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  •  libaccounts-glib-1.27-dev
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  •  libaom-3.10.0-bin
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  •  libcddb-1.3.2
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  •  libcdio-paranoia-2.0.2
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  •  libinput-1.26.2
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  •  libiptcdata-1.0.5
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  •  libkexiv2-24.08.3
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  •  liblouis-3.31.0
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  •  libmng-2.0.3
  •  libmnl-1.0.5
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  •  libportal-gtk4-0.8.1
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  •  libressl-4.0.0-man
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  •  libsigc++-3.6.0
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  •  libssh2-1.11.1
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  •  libtiff-4.7.0-bin
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  •  libupnp-1.14.18
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  •  libxcb-1.17.0-dev
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  •  libXxf86vm-1.1.5
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  •  networkmanager-1.48.10-doc
  •  networkmanager-1.48.10-man
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  •  NetworkManager-fortisslvpn-gnome-1.4.0
  •  NetworkManager-iodine-gnome-1.2.0-unstable-2024-11-02
  •  NetworkManager-l2tp-gnome-1.20.16
  •  NetworkManager-openconnect-1.2.10
  •  NetworkManager-openvpn-1.12.0
  •  networkmanager-qt-6.8.0
  •  NetworkManager-sstp-gnome-1.3.2
  •  NetworkManager-vpnc-1.2.8
  •  newt-0.52.24
  •  nfs-utils-2.7.1
  •  nfs-utils-2.7.1-lib
  •  nftables-1.1.1
  •  nghttp2-1.64.0-lib
  •  nilfs-utils-2.2.11
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  •  nix-2.24.10-doc
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  •  nss-cacert-3.107-p11kit
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  •  ntfs3g-2022.10.3-man
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  •  okular-24.08.3
  •  oniguruma-6.9.9-lib
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  •  openh264-2.4.1
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  •  openvpn-2.6.12
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  •  pangomm-2.54.0
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  •  perl5.40.0-DBI-1.644
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  •  perl5.40.0-Encode-Locale-1.05
  •  perl-5.40.0-env
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  •  perl5.40.0-File-Listing-6.16
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  •  perl-5.40.0-man
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  •  perl5.40.0-Net-HTTP-6.23
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  •  perl5.40.0-Net-SSLeay-1.92
  •  perl5.40.0-Params-Util-1.102
  •  perl5.40.0-String-ShellQuote-1.04
  •  perl5.40.0-TermReadKey-2.38
  •  perl5.40.0-Test-Deep-1.204
  •  perl5.40.0-Test-DistManifest-1.014
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  •  perl5.40.0-Test-RequiresInternet-0.05
  •  perl5.40.0-TimeDate-2.33
  •  perl5.40.0-Try-Tiny-0.31
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  •  perl5.40.0-XML-Twig-3.52
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  •  phonon-4.12.0
  •  phonon-vlc-0.12.0
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  •  pipewire-1.2.6-doc
  •  pipewire-1.2.6-man
  •  pipewire-lv2-plugins
  •  pixman-0.43.4
  •  pkg-config-0.29.2
  •  pkg-config-wrapper-0.29.2
  •  plasma5support-6.2.4
  •  plasma-activities-6.2.4
  •  plasma-activities-stats-6.2.4
  •  plasma-browser-integration-6.2.4
  •  plasma-desktop-6.2.4
  •  plasma-integration-6.2.4
  •  plasma-integration-6.2.4-qt5
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  •  plasma-nm-6.2.4
  •  plasma-pa-6.2.4
  •  plasma-systemmonitor-6.2.4
  •  plasma-workspace-6.2.4
  •  plasma-workspace-wallpapers-6.2.4
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  •  polkit-qt-1-0.200.0
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  •  poppler-qt6-24.02.0
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  •  prison-6.8.0
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  •  protobuf-c-1.5.0-lib
  •  publicsuffix-list-0-unstable-2024-10-25
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  •  pulseaudio-qt-1.6.1
  •  purpose-6.8.0
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  •  python3.12-markdown-3.7
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  •  python3-3.12.7
  •  python3-3.12.7-env
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  •  qtdeclarative-5.15.15-bin
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  •  qtmultimedia-5.15.15-bin
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  •  qttools-5.15.15
  •  qttools-5.15.15-bin
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  •  qttranslations-6.8.0
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  •  qtwayland-6.8.0-only-plugins-qml
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  •  SDL_image-1.2.12
  •  sdparm-1.12
  •  seahorse-47.0.1
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  •  security-wrapper-fusermount3-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  •  security-wrapper-fusermount-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  •  security-wrapper-gnome-keyring-daemon-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  •  security-wrapper-kwin_wayland-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  •  security-wrapper-mount-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  •  security-wrapper-newgidmap-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  •  security-wrapper-newgrp-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  •  security-wrapper-newuidmap-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
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  •  security-wrapper-pkexec-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
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  •  security-wrapper-sg-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  •  security-wrapper-sudoedit-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  •  security-wrapper-sudo-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  •  security-wrapper-su-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  •  security-wrapper-umount-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  •  security-wrapper-unix_chkpwd-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  •  security-wrapper-vmware-user-suid-wrapper-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
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  •  shadow-4.16.0-man
  •  shadow-4.16.0-su
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  •  simple-dark-gray-2016-02-19
  •  simple-scan-46.0
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  •  snapshot-47.1
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  •  solid-5.116.0-bin
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  •  sonnet-5.116.0-bin
  •  sonnet-6.8.0
  •  sord-0.16.16
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  •  source-highlight-3.1.9
  •  source-sans-3.052
  •  soxr-0.1.3
  •  sox-unstable-2021-05-09-lib
  •  spandsp-0.0.6
  •  spectacle-24.08.3
  •  speech-dispatcher-0.11.5
  •  speex-1.2.1
  •  speexdsp-1.2.1
  •  spice-vdagent-0.22.1
  •  spidermonkey-128.1.0
  •  sqlite-3.46.1
  •  squashfuse-0.5.2
  •  sratom-0.6.16
  •  srt-1.5.3
  •  sshfs-fuse-3.7.3
  •  sstp-client-unstable-2023-03-25
  •  stoken-0.93
  •  strongswan-5.9.14
  •  stub-ld-i686-unknown-linux-musl
  •  stub-ld-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  •  sudo-1.9.16p2
  •  sushi-46.0
  •  svox-2018-02-14
  •  svt-av1-2.2.1
  •  switch-to-configuration-0.1.0
  •  syndication-5.116.0
  •  syndication-6.8.0
  •  syntax-highlighting-5.116.0
  •  syntax-highlighting-5.116.0-bin
  •  syntax-highlighting-6.8.0
  •  syslinux-unstable-2019-02-07
  •  sysstat-12.7.4
  •  systemd-256.8
  •  systemd-256.8-man
  •  systemd-minimal-256.8
  •  systemd-minimal-libs-256.8
  •  systemd-minimal-libs-256.8-dev
  •  system-sendmail-1.0
  •  systemsettings-6.2.4
  •  taglib-1.13.1
  •  talloc-2.4.2
  •  tcb-1.2
  •  tcl-8.6.15
  •  tcpdump-4.99.5
  •  tdb-1.4.11
  •  tecla-47.0
  •  terminus-font-4.49.1
  •  testdisk-7.1
  •  tevent-0.16.1
  •  texinfo-interactive-7.1.1
  •  texlive-bin-2023
  •  thin-provisioning-tools-1.0.12
  •  threadweaver-6.8.0
  •  time-1.9
  •  tinysparql-3.8.0
  •  tinyxml-2.6.2
  •  totem-43.1
  •  totem-pl-parser-3.26.6
  •  tpm2-tss-4.1.3
  •  tremor-unstable-2018-03-16
  •  twolame-2017-09-27
  •  tzdata-2024b
  •  udisks-2.10.1
  •  udisks-2.10.1-man
  •  udisks2.conf
  •  umockdev-0.18.4
  •  unbound-1.21.1-lib
  •  unifont-16.0.01
  •  unit-gnome-session-x11-services-ready.target
  •  unit-gnome-session-x11-services.target
  •  unit-run-vmblock-x2dfuse.mount
  •  unixODBC-2.3.12
  •  unzip-6.0
  •  upower-1.90.4
  •  uriparser-0.9.8
  •  usbutils-017
  •  usbutils-017-man
  •  util-linux-2.39.4-bin
  •  util-linux-2.39.4-lib
  •  util-linux-2.39.4-login
  •  util-linux-2.39.4-man
  •  util-linux-2.39.4-mount
  •  util-linux-2.39.4-swap
  •  util-linux-minimal-2.39.4-bin
  •  util-linux-minimal-2.39.4-lib
  •  util-linux-minimal-2.39.4-login
  •  util-linux-minimal-2.39.4-mount
  •  util-linux-minimal-2.39.4-swap
  •  v4l-utils-1.24.1
  •  vid.stab-unstable-2022-05-30
  •  vim-9.1.0787
  •  vim-9.1.0787-xxd
  •  vo-aacenc-0.1.3
  •  volume_key-0.3.11
  •  vpnc-scripts-unstable-2023-01-03
  •  vpnc-unstable-2021-11-04
  •  vte-0.78.1
  •  vulkan-loader-
  •  vulkan-tools-
  •  w3m-0.5.3+git20230121
  •  wavpack-5.7.0
  •  wayland-1.23.1
  •  wayland-utils-1.2.0
  •  webkitgtk-2.46.4+abi=4.1
  •  webkitgtk-2.46.4+abi=6.0
  •  webp-pixbuf-loader-0.2.6
  •  webrtc-audio-processing-1.3
  •  which-2.21
  •  wildmidi-0.4.6
  •  wireless-regdb-2024.10.07-zstd
  •  wireplumber-0.5.7
  •  wireplumber-0.5.7-doc
  •  wireplumber-lv2-plugins
  •  woff2-1.0.2-lib
  •  wpa_supplicant-2.11
  •  x264-0-unstable-2023-10-01-lib
  •  x265-3.6
  •  xapian-1.4.26
  •  xauth-1.1.3
  •  xbitmaps-1.1.3
  •  xcb-util-0.4.1
  •  xcb-util-cursor-0.1.5
  •  xcb-util-image-0.4.1
  •  xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1
  •  xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.10
  •  xcb-util-wm-0.4.2
  •  xdg-dbus-proxy-0.1.6
  •  xdg-desktop-portal-1.18.4
  •  xdg-desktop-portal-gnome-47.1
  •  xdg-desktop-portal-gtk-1.15.1
  •  xdg-desktop-portal-kde-6.2.4
  •  xdg-user-dirs-0.18
  •  xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.11
  •  xdg-utils-1.2.1
  •  xdpyinfo-1.3.4
  •  xe-guest-utilities-8.4.0
  •  xf86-input-evdev-2.11.0
  •  xf86-input-libinput-1.5.0
  •  xf86-input-vmmouse-13.2.0
  •  xf86-video-fbdev-0.5.0
  •  xfsprogs-6.11.0
  •  xfsprogs-6.11.0-bin
  •  xfsprogs-6.11.0-doc
  •  xgcc-13.3.0-libgcc
  •  xhost-1.0.9
  •  xinput-1.6.4
  •  xkbcomp-1.4.7
  •  xkeyboard-config-2.43
  •  xl2tpd-1.3.18
  •  xlsclients-1.1.5
  •  xmessage-1.0.7
  •  xmlsec-1.3.5
  •  xorgproto-2024.1
  •  xorg-server-21.1.14
  •  xprop-1.2.7
  •  xrandr-1.5.2
  •  xrdb-1.2.2
  •  xset-1.2.5
  •  xsetroot-1.1.3
  •  xsettingsd-1.0.2
  •  xterm-395
  •  xvidcore-1.3.7
  •  xwayland-24.1.4
  •  xwaylandvideobridge-0.4.0
  •  xxHash-0.8.2
  •  xz-5.6.3
  •  xz-5.6.3-bin
  •  xz-5.6.3-dev
  •  xz-5.6.3-doc
  •  xz-5.6.3-man
  •  yaml-cpp-0.8.0
  •  yelp-42.2
  •  yelp-xsl-42.1
  •  zd1211-firmware-1.5-zstd
  •  zfs-kernel-2.2.6-6.6.63
  •  zfs-user-2.2.6
  •  zimg-3.0.5
  •  zip-3.0
  •  zix-0.4.2
  •  zlib-1.3.1
  •  zlib-1.3.1-dev
  •  zstd-1.5.6
  •  zstd-1.5.6-bin
  •  zstd-1.5.6-dev
  •  zstd-1.5.6-man
  •  zxing-cpp-2.2.1

Reader Ratings
Reader supplied reviews for NixOS

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from 81 review(s)
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Version: 24.11
Rating: 10
Date: 2025-01-28
Votes: 8

From around 2008 to 2020 I used Ubuntu, but I was always interested in reproducible builds and was pointed to Nix and NixOS repeatedly. I started using Nix packages on Ubuntu but I switched to NixOS in 2020, starting with an NGINX server with Let's Encrypt, quickly moving on to laptops - Gnome, KDE Plasma, to i3 to sway (Wayland means no screen tearing, and I like the security model too). I needed an app for work (vmware-view) that needed pulseaudio, but then I realized pulseaudio had some pitch bugs that wouldn't be fixed, so I moved on to pipewire with pulseaudio api support. All of these options were a few short lines of config away.

Being risk averse and also a bit lazy about modifying my system and setting up rollback and backup systems, NixOS gave me the confidence to try new things and steadfastly stick to the security models I want. In short, NixOS lets me safely attempt to add more features, with transparency (every package and option from search.nixos.org links to the git source directly), making me a power user with little effort, giving me direct control of Linux semantics in a self-documenting way. I used to demo it controlling my entire system from a single file, making observers declare their intent to install it tomorrow, but I have since broken it up by semantics into multiple files, using flakes and home manager.

I strongly recommend NixOS!

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Version: unstable
Rating: 10
Date: 2025-01-26
Votes: 3

I have used several distributions, from a number of Arch, Debian, RHEL derivatives and void just to name a few.
NixOS is by far my favourite distro of all time. Its elegant configuration, package management, and reproducibility is a selling point unmatched by any other distro. Configuring all of my systems in the Nix language (which is functional and turing complete!) is an an absolute blast, even more so when combined with version control. I recently had to get my laptop repaired, and so before sending it off I just synced my system config on github and backed up my home directory to a USB then wiped the SSD, a few days later I get the laptop back and after a couple of commands from the installer USB and about 45 minutes it's like my laptop was never gone.
The only downside is that, for any programs that you want to build or use that aren't in the nixpkgs repo (which is the largest package repo in the world), you must ensure that you create a sandboxed environment as NixOS doesn't follow the standard Unix Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. Creating development/package environments is relatively simple though.
Other than that it is hands-down, in my humble opinion, one of the best distros ever.

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Version: 24.11
Rating: 10
Date: 2025-01-23
Votes: 3

Nixos + XFCE is probably the most stable drama free setup I ever had: it gets the job done. At the end of the day, you just want an indestructible rock-solid distro. I basically just have to backup the file configuration.nix to be able to reproduce the exact same setup and the file is less than 5kb in size. It's very flexible and I would say it's a distro at your service. You can even make it a pure bleeding-edge distro by switching to the unstable channel and be able to rollback to a previous system state if things ever go wrong. There is a learning curve but if a carpenter like me can use this distro, I believe many other people can. I could not recommend it highly enough. Kudos to the devs who are doing an awesome job

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