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Pentoo RSS Feed DistroWatch.com: Pentoo


Last Update: 2025-02-10 23:20 UTC

Pentoo is a Gentoo-based Linux live CD with a selection of applications and tools designed to perform penetration testing.

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 182 (46), 6 months: 187 (45), 3 months: 147 (59), 4 weeks: 203 (38), 1 week: 201 (39)

Average visitor rating: 9/10 from 3 review(s).

Pentoo Summary
Distribution Pentoo
Home Page https://www.pentoo.ch/
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Documentation https://www.pentoo.ch/docs
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Download Mirrors https://www.pentoo.ch/downloads
Bug Tracker https://github.com/pentoo/pentoo-overlay/issues
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Recent Related News and Releases
  Releases announcements with download links and checksums:
 • 2016-08-02: Development Release: Pentoo 2015.0 RC5
 • 2015-12-02: Development Release: Pentoo 2015.0 RC4.6
 • 2015-01-05: Development Release: Pentoo 2015.0 RC3.7
 • 2013-03-09: Development Release: Pentoo 2013.0 RC1.1
 • 2012-11-10: Development Release: Pentoo 2012.0 Beta 3
 • 2012-09-07: Development Release: Pentoo 2012.0 Beta 2
 • 2012-07-31: Development Release: Pentoo 2012.0 Beta
 • 2009-12-05: Distribution Release: Pentoo 2009.0
 • 2009-08-18: Development Release: Pentoo 2009.0 Beta
 • 2006-07-05: Distribution Release: Mini-Pentoo 2006.1
 • 2006-02-03: Distribution Release: Mini-Pentoo 2006.0
 • More Pentoo releases...

 • 2018-07-18 Pentoo update errror
 • More Pentoo headlines...

Table Notes and Explanations

(Please refer to the table below.)
  • Select view:
  • To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.
  • Notes: In case where multiple versions of a package are shipped with a distribution, only the default version appears in the table. For indication about the GNOME version, please check the "nautilus" and "gnome-shell" packages. The Apache web server is listed as "httpd" and the Linux kernel is listed as "linux". The KDE desktop is represented by the "plasma-desktop" package and the Xfce desktop by the "xfdesktop" package.
  • Colour scheme: green text = latest stable version, red text = development or beta version. The function determining beta versions is not 100% reliable due to a wide variety of versioning schemes.
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Feature daily 2025.0 2024.0 2019.1 2009.0 2006.1 2006.0 2005.1 Feature
Release Date 2025-02-10 2025-01-02 2024-01-30 2019-04-25 2009-12-04 2006-07-05 2006-02-02 2005-06-22 Release Date
End Of Life                 End Of Life
Price (US$) Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Price (US$)
Image Size (MB) 2200-5700 5100-5200 5100-5200 2900-3300         Image Size (MB)
Free Download ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO Free Download
Installation -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Installation
Default Desktop Xfce Xfce Xfce Xfce Enlightenment Enlightenment Enlightenment GNOME Default Desktop
Package Management Portage Portage Portage Portage Portage Portage Portage Portage Package Management
Release Model Rolling Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Release Model
Office Suite -- LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice -- -- -- -- Office Suite
Processor Architecture i686, x86_64 i686, x86_64 i686, x86_64 i686, x86_64 i686, x86_64 i686 i686 i686 Processor Architecture
Init Software SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV SysV   Init Software
Journaled File Systems         -- -- -- -- Journaled File Systems
Multilingual                 Multilingual
Asian Language Support -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Asian Language Support
Full Package List daily 2025.0 2024.0 2019.1 2009.0 2006.1 2006.0 2005.1 Full Package List

Full Package List:   Pentoo 2006.0
  Number of packages: 269 (download as TXT)
  •  acpid 1.0.4-r2
  •  acx100 0.3.23
  •  aircrack 2.41-r1
  •  airsnort 0.2.7
  •  alsa-headers 1.0.10
  •  alsa-jack 1.0.10_rc1
  •  alsa-lib 1.0.10
  •  alsa-utils 1.0.10
  •  amap 5.1
  •  at76c503a 0.12_beta23-r2
  •  atmel-firmware 1.3
  •  attr 2.4.19-r1
  •  audiofile 0.2.6-r1
  •  autoconf 2.13
  •  autoconf 2.59-r6
  •  autoconf-wrapper 3-r1
  •  automake 1.4_p6
  •  automake 1.5
  •  automake 1.6.3
  •  automake 1.7.9-r1
  •  automake 1.8.5-r3
  •  automake 1.9.6-r1
  •  automake-wrapper 1-r1
  •  baselayout 1.11.13-r1
  •  bash 3.0-r12
  •  bc 1.06-r6
  •  bind-tools 9.2.5
  •  binutils 2.16.1
  •  binutils-config 1.8-r6
  •  bison 1.875
  •  bluediving 0.3
  •  bluez-firmware 1.0
  •  bluez-libs 2.19
  •  bluez-utils 2.19
  •  btscanner 2.1
  •  bzip2 1.0.3-r5
  •  cairo 1.0.2
  •  captive 1.1.7
  •  chntpw
  •  cmospwd 4.7
  •  coldplug 20040920
  •  com_err 1.38
  •  coreutils 5.2.1-r6
  •  cpio 2.6-r5
  •  cracklib 2.8.3-r1
  •  cronbase 0.3.2
  •  db 1.85-r2
  •  db 3.2.9-r10
  •  ddcxinfo-knoppix 0.6
  •  debianutils 2.14.1-r1
  •  dhcpcd 2.0.0
  •  diffutils 2.8.7-r1
  •  disktype 4
  •  dmapi 2.2.1
  •  dosfstools 2.11
  •  dsniff 2.3-r7
  •  e2fsprogs 1.38
  •  ecore cvs
  •  e cvs
  •  edje cvs
  •  eject 2.0.13-r2
  •  emelfm2 0.0.9-r1
  •  e_modules cvs
  •  engage cvs
  •  entice cvs
  •  epeg cvs
  •  epsilon cvs
  •  esmart cvs
  •  esound 0.2.36-r1
  •  eterm cvs
  •  ethereal 0.10.14
  •  etherwake 1.09
  •  ettercap 0.7.3
  •  evas cvs
  •  ewl cvs
  •  examine cvs
  •  fam 2.7.0-r2
  •  file 4.13
  •  findutils 4.1.20-r2
  •  firehol 1.226-r1
  •  flex 2.5.4a-r6
  •  fontconfig 2.2.3
  •  freetype 2.1.9-r1
  •  ftp 0.17-r3
  •  fuse 2.4.1-r1
  •  gaim 1.5.0
  •  gawk 3.1.4-r4
  •  gcc 3.3.6
  •  gcc-config 1.3.12-r5
  •  gconf 2.10.1-r1
  •  gdbm 1.8.3-r2
  •  gdk-pixbuf 0.22.0-r5
  •  gentoolkit 0.2.0-r3
  •  gentoo-sources 2.6.14-r4
  •  gettext 0.14.4
  •  giflib 4.1.4
  •  gkismet 0.0.10
  •  glibc 2.3.5-r2
  •  gnome-libs 1.4.2
  •  gnome-mime-data 2.4.2
  •  gnome-vfs 2.10.1-r2
  •  gnuconfig 20051113
  •  gparted 0.0.9-r1
  •  gpm 1.20.1-r4
  •  grep 2.5.1-r8
  •  groff 1.19.1-r2
  •  gtk+ 1.2.10-r11
  •  gtk+ 2.8.8
  •  gzip 1.3.5-r8
  •  hashalot 0.3-r1
  •  hdparm 5.9
  •  help2man 1.33.1
  •  hostapd 0.4.7-r1
  •  hostap-driver 0.4.7
  •  hostap-utils 0.4.7
  •  hotplug 20040923-r1
  •  hotplug-base 20040401
  •  hping 2.0.0_rc3-r1
  •  hwdata-gentoo 0.2
  •  hwsetup 1.1
  •  ieee80211 1.1.9
  •  ike-scan 1.8
  •  imlib 1.9.14-r3
  •  imlib2 cvs
  •  iproute2
  •  iptables 1.3.4
  •  iputils 021109-r3
  •  ipw2100 1.1.4
  •  ipw2100-firmware 1.3
  •  ipw2200 1.0.10
  •  ipw2200-firmware 2.4
  •  jack-audio-connection-kit 0.99.0-r1
  •  jfsutils 1.1.8
  •  johntheripper 1.6.37_p11
  •  jpeg 6b-r5
  •  kbd 1.12-r5
  •  kismet 2005.08.1
  •  lcms 1.13-r1
  •  less 385_p4-r2
  •  libaal 1.0.5
  •  libao 0.8.5
  •  libast 0.6.1
  •  libbonobo 2.10.1
  •  libid3tag 0.15.1
  •  libkudzu 1.1.62-r1
  •  libmikmod 3.1.11-r1
  •  libmng 1.0.8-r1
  •  libnasl 2.3.1
  •  libnet 1.0.2a-r3
  •  libnet
  •  libnids 1.18
  •  libogg 1.1.2
  •  libpcap-ringbuffer 1.0.20041001
  •  libperl 5.8.6-r1
  •  libpng 1.2.8
  •  libsndfile 1.0.11
  •  libtool 1.5.20
  •  libvorbis 1.1.0
  •  links 2.1_pre19
  •  linux-headers 2.6.11-r2
  •  livecd-tools 1.0.25
  •  localepurge 0.5
  •  m4 1.4.3
  •  madwifi-driver 0.1_pre20050420-r1
  •  mailbase 1
  •  make 3.80-r2
  •  man 1.6-r1
  •  man-pages 2.18
  •  metasploit 2.5
  •  mkxf86config 0.9.3
  •  module-init-tools 3.2.1
  •  mozilla-firefox 1.5-r4
  •  mozilla-launcher 1.42
  •  mp 3.3.12
  •  mtools 3.9.10
  •  nano 1.3.7
  •  nasm 0.98.39-r1
  •  nbtscan 1.5.1
  •  ncurses 5.4-r6
  •  ndiswrapper 1.7
  •  nessus 2.3.1
  •  nessus-core 2.3.1
  •  nessus-libraries 2.3.1
  •  nessus-plugins 2.3.1
  •  netcat 110-r8
  •  netkit-fingerd 0.17-r2
  •  netkit-rsh 0.17-r6
  •  net-tools 1.60-r11
  •  nikto 1.35
  •  nmap 4.00
  •  ntfsprogs 1.12.1
  •  obexftp 0.10.7-r1
  •  oftpd 0.3.7-r1
  •  openssh 4.2_p1
  •  orbit 0.5.17
  •  orbit 2.12.3
  •  p0f 2.0.5-r1
  •  pango 1.10.2
  •  parted 1.6.23
  •  patch 2.5.9
  •  pax-utils 0.1.4
  •  pciutils 2.2.0-r1
  •  pcmcia-cs 3.2.8-r2
  •  perl 5.8.6-r8
  •  perl-cleaner 1.01
  •  portage 2.0.53
  •  portmap 5b-r9
  •  procps 3.2.5-r1
  •  psmisc 21.6
  •  pwdb 0.62
  •  python 2.4.2
  •  rdesktop 1.4.1
  •  readline 5.0-r2
  •  redfang 2.5
  •  reiser4progs 1.0.5
  •  reiserfsprogs 3.6.19
  •  rpm2targz 9.0-r3
  •  rsync 2.6.0-r6
  •  rt2x00 cvs
  •  rtl8180 0.21-r1
  •  sandbox 1.2.12
  •  sed 4.1.4
  •  shadow 4.0.7-r4
  •  shared-mime-info 0.16
  •  sharutils 4.2.1-r11
  •  sox 12.17.7-r1
  •  squashfs-tools 2.1_p2-r1
  •  ss 1.38
  •  ssmtp 2.61
  •  startup-notification 0.8
  •  sudo 1.6.8_p9-r2
  •  syslinux 3.09
  •  syslog-ng 1.6.8-r1
  •  sysvinit 2.86
  •  tar 1.15.1
  •  tcp-wrappers 7.6-r8
  •  tcsh 6.14-r2
  •  telnet-bsd 1.2
  •  texinfo 4.8-r2
  •  thcrut 1.2.5
  •  tiff 3.7.3
  •  ttmkfdir 3.0.9-r3
  •  udev 070-r1
  •  unzip 5.52
  •  usbutils 0.11-r5
  •  utempter
  •  util-linux 2.12r-r1
  •  wget 1.10.2
  •  which 2.16
  •  wifi-radar 1.9.4
  •  wireless-tools 28_pre10
  •  wpa_supplicant 0.4.7
  •  xchat 2.4.5
  •  xdialog 2.1.1
  •  xfsdump 2.2.25
  •  xfsprogs 2.6.25
  •  xmms 1.2.10-r15
  •  xmms-alsa 1.2.10-r2
  •  xmms-jack 0.10
  •  xmms-liveice 1.0.0
  •  xmms-mikmod 1.2.10
  •  xmms-mpg123 1.2.10-r1
  •  xmms-vorbis 1.2.10-r1
  •  xorg-x11 6.8.2-r4
  •  xprobe 0.2.2
  •  xterm 204
  •  yersinia 0.5.5
  •  zip 2.3-r4
  •  zlib 1.2.3

Reader Ratings
Reader supplied reviews for Pentoo

Average rating
from 3 review(s)
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Version: 2024.0
Rating: 10
Date: 2024-05-18
Votes: 21

I've been daily driving Pentoo for the last 6 months now and WOW this os is amazing. Out of all distros I've tried this is the most stable and easy to install. This is even more stable than Debian. It's pretty much Gentoo with a bunch of hacking tools. Though I removed all of them which just leaves me with everything I need, Gentoo with Xfce (and the Pentoo kernel). I have no idea why more people aren't using this distro (especially people who want to try Gentoo without going through the install lol). It's a great way for people to try out portage to see if they like it or not. Anyway I could ramble on about this forever but I'm gonna sum it up with a few pros and cons:

Gentoo with xfce4
Openrc (because it's Gentoo, duh)
Simple installer that ALWAYS works (no internet connection needed)
Great distro for hackers

Not for beginners
Grub "Pentoo theme" looks silly and shouldn't be there. It causes grub2 to boot slower, this can be commented out in the config file.
Too many hacking tools (many of which require very advance Linux skills to remove)

-- conclusion--
If you want to escape from systemd and try Gentoo give Pentoo a shot! It's super stable and fast! Make sure to download the FULL BUILD (Pentoo_Full_amd64_hardened).

Was this review helpful? Yes No
Version: daily
Rating: 9
Date: 2024-05-04
Votes: 1

I stored Pentoo on a USB stick with Sardu and next to Porteus and some recovery distributions. After configuring it, I saved the changes to the module using the "flushchanges" command in the terminal, so that Pentoo always starts configured to my liking. To store documents, files and downloadable programs, I created a special folder in the root of the Sardu USB so that they are not deleted when the system is shut down.

I have not installed it on my hard drive because I already have another system installed there, which I like because of the ease of installing applications.

I use Pentoo as a live USB and its advantage over most other distributions is its responsiveness and good choice of applications.

The xfce desktop is light and responsive, while offering everything for fine configuration. It uses less than 500MB of RAM when idle, so I can use it on less powerful machines. I prefer Mate, but Xfce is a good desktop environment.

What I miss in this distribution
- a package manager like Debian's Synaptic
- a natively installed VPN

If it offered that, I would be happy to install it on my hard drive.

Was this review helpful? Yes No
Version: daily
Rating: 8
Date: 2024-02-03
Votes: 3

I figured I'd post something here just because no one else had.

long story short, if you just want to try real gentoo (without the cumbersome installation ) with xfce4 already install (along with a bunch of different hacking tools) then you should try Pentoo. It's super easy to install and everything is still gentoo, great way to quickly test out the portage system.

I had done a bunch of research about gentoo tried to install it on real hardware and it didn't work. Personally I believe that using an OS is much more important than a cumbersome installation which is why I tried Pentoo. Although many descriptions of Pentoo say it's a 'base-distro' it's more like an overlay of gentoo (neofetch will show the gentoo icon and the OS section will read as gentoo). Installation is really easy with Pentoo and you still get that hands on experience with portage. Because everything is still gentoo compiling times are still long and you should STILL READ THE HANDBOOK as there is a bunch of useful information on there.

Again this is still gentoo so you should ! This is NOT Debian, Ubuntu or Mint. If you are a causal linux user who is not ready to invest time into learning gentoo then IT'S NOT FOR YOU.

easiest way to install gentoo
comes with a bunch of cool hacking tools and xfce4

hacking tools it comes with could be bloat if you don't need them
might face backlash from the gentoo community for not installing gentoo the traditional way
time consuming maintenance

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Contact, corrections and suggestions: Jesse Smith

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