Peppermint OS
Last Update: 2024-08-22 16:20 UTC
Peppermint OS is a Debian- and Devuan-based (previously a Lubuntu-based) Linux distribution that aims to be fast and easy on system resources. By employing its Site Specific Browser, Peppermint integrates seamlessly with cloud and web-based applications. The distribution's other features include straight forward updates and easy step-by-step installation using the Calamares installer. The distribution once employed a hybrid LXDE/Xfce desktop environment, mixing LXDE's lxsession with Xfce's panel and application menu. Starting in 2022, Peppermint OS shifted to using the Xfce desktop, dropping the LXDE components.
Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 48 (196), 6 months: 50 (186), 3 months: 57 (188), 4 weeks: 59 (202), 1 week: 58 (198)
Average visitor rating: 7.62/10 from 93 review(s).