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Redcore Linux RSS Feed DistroWatch.com: Redcore Linux

Redcore Linux

Last Update: 2024-02-02 02:44 UTC

Redcore Linux explores the idea of bringing the power of Gentoo Linux to the masses. It aims to be a very quick way to install a pure Gentoo Linux system without spending hours or days compiling from source code, and reading documentation. To achieve this goal, Redcore provides a repository with pre-built binary packages which receives continuous updates, following a rolling release model.

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 164 (51), 6 months: 171 (51), 3 months: 168 (50), 4 weeks: 150 (55), 1 week: 140 (56)

Average visitor rating: 8.09/10 from 32 review(s).

Redcore Summary
Distribution Redcore Linux
Home Page https://redcorelinux.org/
Mailing Lists --
User Forums --
Alternative User Forums
Documentation https://wiki.redcorelinux.org/
Screenshots --
Download Mirrors https://redcorelinux.org/downloadDistroWatch Torrent Archive
Bug Tracker https://bugs.redcorelinux.org/
Related Websites https://gentoo.org/support/documentation/
Reviews 2401: DistroWatch
2201: DistroWatch
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18.x: DistroWatchMundo GNU (Portuguese) • Linux.com
17x: DistroWatch
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Recent Related News and Releases
  Releases announcements with download links and checksums:
 • 2024-01-25: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 2401
 • 2023-02-24: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 2301
 • 2022-10-06: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 2201
 • 2021-10-20: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 2102
 • 2021-06-09: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 2101
 • 2021-01-22: Development Release: Redcore Linux 2101 Beta
 • 2020-05-24: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 2004
 • 2019-08-18: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 1908
 • 2019-02-08: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 1812
 • 2018-07-01: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 1806
 • 2018-04-01: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 1803
 • 2018-01-28: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 1801
 • More Redcore releases...

 • 2024-08-14 Redcore getting flood of updates
 • 2021-10-04 Redcore explains Portage bug
 • 2019-09-28 Redcore publishes fixes for package manager
 • 2018-11-28 Redcore updates port management tools
 • 2018-02-20 Redcore enhances security
 • More Redcore headlines...

Table Notes and Explanations

(Please refer to the table below.)
  • Select view:
  • To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.
  • Notes: In case where multiple versions of a package are shipped with a distribution, only the default version appears in the table. For indication about the GNOME version, please check the "nautilus" and "gnome-shell" packages. The Apache web server is listed as "httpd" and the Linux kernel is listed as "linux". The KDE desktop is represented by the "plasma-desktop" package and the Xfce desktop by the "xfdesktop" package.
  • Colour scheme: green text = latest stable version, red text = development or beta version. The function determining beta versions is not 100% reliable due to a wide variety of versioning schemes.
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Feature 2401
1806 1710 Feature
Release Date 2024-01-25 2023-02-24 2022-10-05 2021-10-20 2020-05-24 2019-08-18 2019-02-07 2018-07-01 2017-11-07 Release Date
End Of Life                   End Of Life
Price (US$) Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Price (US$)
Image Size (MB) 4500-4600 4500-4600 4200-4300 3900-4000 3400-3500 3400-3500 2400-2500 2400-2500 2500-2600 Image Size (MB)
Free Download ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO Free Download
Installation Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Installation
Default Desktop KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma KDE Plasma, LXQt KDE Plasma, LXQt LXQt LXQt Default Desktop
Package Management emerge emerge emerge emerge emerge emerge emerge emerge emerge Package Management
Release Model Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Release Model
Office Suite LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice Office Suite
Processor Architecture x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 Processor Architecture
Init Software OpenRC OpenRC OpenRC OpenRC OpenRC OpenRC, SysV OpenRC, SysV OpenRC, SysV OpenRC, SysV Init Software
Journaled File Systems ext3, ext4 ext3, ext4 ext3, ext4 ext3, ext4 ext3, ext4 ext3, ext4 ext3, ext4 ext3, ext4 ext3, ext4 Journaled File Systems
Multilingual -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Multilingual
Asian Language Support -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Asian Language Support
Full Package List 2401 2301 2201 2102 2004 1908 1812 1806 1710 Full Package List
Package 2401
1806 1710 Package
abiword (3.0.5) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- abiword (3.0.5)
alsa-lib (1.2.13) 1.2.10 1.2.8 1.2.2 1.1.9 1.1.6 1.1.2 1.1.2 alsa-lib (1.2.13)
amdgpu (23.0.0) -- 22.0.0 22.0.0 21.0.0 19.1.0 19.0.1 18.1.0 18.0.1 -- amdgpu (23.0.0)
bash (5.2.37) 5.2 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.0 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.3 bash (5.2.37)
bind (9.20.5) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- bind (9.20.5)
chromium (133.0.6943.53) -- 109.0.5414.119 106.0.5249.91 94.0.4606.61 -- -- -- -- -- chromium (133.0.6943.53)
cups (2.4.11) 2.4.7 2.4.2 2.4.2 2.3.3 2.3.3 2.2.11 2.2.7 2.2.7 2.1.4 cups (2.4.11)
dhcp (4.4.3-P1) 4.4.3 4.4.3-P1 4.4.3 4.4.2-P1 4.4.2 4.4.1 4.3.6 4.3.6 4.3.5 dhcp (4.4.3-P1)
e2fsprogs (1.47.2) 1.47.0 1.47.0 1.46.5 1.46.4 1.45.6 1.45.3 1.44.5 1.43.9 1.43.6 e2fsprogs (1.47.2)
firefox (135.0) 121.0.1 110.0 -- -- 76.0.1 68.0.1 65.0 -- -- firefox (135.0)
freetype (2.13.3) 2.13.2 2.13.0 2.12.1 2.11.0 2.10.2 2.10.1 2.9.1 2.9.1 2.8 freetype (2.13.3)
gcc (14.2.0) 13.2.0 12.2.1 12.2.0 10.3.0 9.3.0 8.2.0 8.2.0 7.3.0 5.4.0 gcc (14.2.0)
gimp (2.10.38) -- 2.10.32 2.10.32 2.10.28 2.10.18 2.10.12 2.10.8 2.10.2 2.8.22 gimp (2.10.38)
glibc (2.41) 2.37 2.36 2.35 2.33 2.30 2.28 2.28 2.26 2.25 glibc (2.41)
gnome-shell (47.4) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- gnome-shell (47.4)
gnucash (5.10) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- gnucash (5.10)
gnumeric (1.12.57) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- gnumeric (1.12.57)
grub (2.12) 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 grub (2.12)
gtk (4.16.12) 4.12.5 4.8.3 4.8.0 3.24.29 3.24.5 3.24.5 3.22.29 -- -- gtk (4.16.12)
httpd (2.4.63) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- httpd (2.4.63)
inkscape (1.4) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.92.2 0.91 inkscape (1.4)
k3b (24.12.2) -- -- -- 21.08.1 20.04.0 19.04.3 18.12.1 18.04.2 17.08.2 k3b (24.12.2)
kmod (33) 31 30 30 29 27 26 24 24 23 kmod (33)
krita (5.2.9) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- krita (5.2.9)
LibreOffice (25.2.0) 7.4.5 7.3.6 7.1.6 6.4.3 6.2.5 6.1.4 6.0.5 5.2.7 LibreOffice (25.2.0)
linux (6.13.2) 6.6.13 6.1.12 5.15.71 5.14.10 5.6.13 5.1.20 4.14.90 4.16.16 4.9.53 linux (6.13.2)
Package 2401
1806 1710 Package
lxpanel (0.10.1) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- lxpanel (0.10.1)
mariadb (11.5.2) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- mariadb (11.5.2)
mate-desktop (1.28.2) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- mate-desktop (1.28.2)
mesa (24.3.4) 8.5.0 23.0.0rc4 22.2.0 21.2.2 20.0.4 19.1.3 18.3.1 18.1.2 17.2.4 mesa (24.3.4)
mysql (9.2.0) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- mysql (9.2.0)
nautilus (47.2) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- nautilus (47.2)
NVIDIA (565.77) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- NVIDIA (565.77)
openbox (3.6.1) -- -- -- -- -- 3.6.1 3.6.1 3.6.1 3.6.1 openbox (3.6.1)
openjdk (23.0.2) 21.0.1 17.0.6 11.0.12 -- -- -- -- -- openjdk (23.0.2)
openssh (9.9p1) 9.6p1 9.2p1 9.0p1 8.8p1 8.2p1 8.0p1 7.7p1 7.7p1 7.5p1 openssh (9.9p1)
openssl (3.4.0) 3.1.4 1.1.1t 1.1.1q 1.1.1l 1.1.1g 1.1.0k 1.0.2q 1.0.2o 1.0.2m openssl (3.4.0)
perl (5.40.1) 5.38.2 5.36.0 5.36.0 5.34.0 5.30.2 5.30.0 5.26.2 5.24.3 5.24.3 perl (5.40.1)
php (8.4.3) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- php (8.4.3)
plasma-desktop (6.2.5) 5.27.10 5.27.1 5.25.5 5.22.5 5.18.5 5.16.4 5.14.5 -- -- plasma-desktop (6.2.5)
postfix (3.9.1) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- postfix (3.9.1)
postgresql (17.2) 16.1 15.2 16.1 14.0 -- -- -- -- -- postgresql (17.2)
Python (3.13.2) 3.11.7 3.10.10 3.10.7 3.9.7 3.7.7 3.6.9 3.5.5 2.7.14 3.4.5 Python (3.13.2)
qt (6.8.2) 5.15.12 5.15.8 5.15.5 5.15.2 5.14.2 5.12.4 5.11.3 5.9.5 5.7.1 qt (6.8.2)
samba (4.21.3) 4.19.3 4.16.8 4.16.5 4.15.0 4.12.1 4.8.6 4.5.15 4.5.15 4.5.10 samba (4.21.3)
systemd (257.2) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- systemd (257.2)
thunderbird (135.0) -- -- -- -- 68.8.0 60.8.0 60.5.0 -- -- thunderbird (135.0)
vim (9.1) 9.0 9.0 9.0 8.2 8.2 8.1 8.0 8.0 8.0 vim (9.1)
vlc (3.0.21) 3.0.20 3.0.18 3.0.16 3.0.10 3.0.6 3.0.3 2.2.6 vlc (3.0.21)
wayland (1.23.1) 1.22.0 1.21.0 1.21.0 1.19.0 1.18.0 1.17.0 1.16.0 1.15.0 1.13.0 wayland (1.23.1)
xfdesktop (4.20.0) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- xfdesktop (4.20.0)
xorg-server (21.1.15) 21.1.11 21.1.7 21.1.4 1.20.13 1.20.8 1.20.5 1.20.3 1.19.5 1.19.5 xorg-server (21.1.15)

Reader Ratings
Reader supplied reviews for Redcore Linux

Average rating
from 32 review(s)

What are your thoughts on Redcore Linux?
Please include a few pros and a few cons, along with your overall impression of the operating system.
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Rating:    out of 10

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Past reviews - sort by:

Version: 2401
Rating: 10
Date: 2024-12-30
Votes: 2

I’m what is called a distro hopper. I’ve had Recore Linux on a separate SSD drive for years. It is the only operating system I can trust to work on my old Dell I-7. Many complain how long it takes to update and/or upgrade the operating system, and it is the same with any type Gentoo based operating system. So, why does it take so long to update/upgrade Gentoo operating systems? Gentoo’s update and upgrade system actually tests your hardware and the software you are installing to verify software works properly with your hardware.

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Version: 2401
Rating: 10
Date: 2024-05-21
Votes: 65

A solid distro that was very simple to install, and an excellent example for people not wanting to compile a gentoo build from source. KDE out of the box runs smooth and among the many Linux distros that exist i think gentoo/redcore has some of the best documentation available. Also for those that care about gaming I was able to setup Steam without issue and it runs great. Since migrating to Linux from windows about 5 years ago most if not all my time has been spent on Debian derivatives and Redcore was a delight to use and an excellent introduction to Gentoo.

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Version: 2301
Rating: 10
Date: 2023-11-14
Votes: 69

Hardware: OptiPlex 3060, Intel i3-8300T X(4) 3.200GHz CoffeeLake-S UHD Graphics 630, Memory used 2954MiB/15824MiB, RedcoreHardened Rolling.Boulder.Uphill x86_64 Kernel: 6.1.61-redcore-lts, Window Manager: KWin, Packages: 1618 (emerge). Note that the default init in Gentoo & Redcore is "openRC."
Redcore 2201 (Rastaban) was installed over a year ago and has successfully upgraded through two rolling releases (Sirius & Rolling.Boulder.Uphill), including all the updates. Old Apple devices will work fine with RC; wifi & ethernet drivers are installed by default if required — a great way to repurpose those Apple PCs sitting in the cupboard gathering dust.
Note: this is a biased review as I'm a long-term Redcore (RC) user. RC is pure Hardened Gentoo that installs in minutes using the Calamares GUI installer. The live ISO/installer is around 4GB, designed to be installed offline, and the installer includes just about all the software needed to run as a typical desktop. KDE Plasma is the only supported desktop. Unlike Gentoo, the goal of Redcore is to be a binary OS, rather than a source-based distro, making it easier and substantially quicker to install packages than its parent. Achieved by RC's package wrapper, "Sisyphus," with typical usage being "sisyphus install ," or if choosing to install a package that is unavailable in the RC repositories, it can be installed from Gentoo using the same install commands, but adding "-e" to the end of "sisyphus install -e." It's straightforward; unlike "emerge," Sisyphus just works. Avoid installing packages with "emerge" as it installs the package as an alien, potentially resulting in instability of package management. If you install a package with "emerge," it is essential to sync the RC & Gentoo repos with the command "sisyphus spmsync." Updates & upgrades are not prompted; you must take the initiative to run them yourself. There are two ways to do this: Sisyphus GUI, accessible via the system icon in the Plasma app launcher. Note that using the SISYPHUS GUI will not install source-based updates, and you will be prompted to use the terminal and run the command "sisyphus install upgrade -e." I choose to run this command when updating. This syncs the packages and the RC & Gentoo repos, looks for all updates & upgrades, and then asks you to confirm the listed installs. Please run "sisyphus --help," and there you will see a list of commands, and you can ask for help like "sisyphus branch --help."
Overall, RC is a fast, responsive and stable distro. I find RC more stable than Debian & Arch distros. It's my workhorse. The initial release of RC was in 2017; there were issues in 2018 &and historical. Please don't negatively rate RC if you use the command "emerge" due to ignorance or not researching how to run the package wrapper Sisyphus. Don't use "emerge" unless instructed by the developer, either directly or on the news page at redcorelinux.org. Ensure your hardware is supported, and note that RC is only compatible with AMD & Intel 64 hardware. Btrfs is only supported as a storage device, not for the RC OS drive; use ext4.
Community support is available at Libera IRC #redcorelinux. Be patient for great community help and be considerate of different time zones. It's not a huge community but a very supportive one. I hope this provides more understanding of RC, and hopefully, you will see the benefits of RC as I have.

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