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Extended Lifecycle Support for CentOS 7 | TuxCare
rlxos RSS Feed DistroWatch.com: rlxos


Last Update: 2024-09-06 14:25 UTC

rlxos is an independent Linux distribution which runs on an immutable filesystem and features the Xfce desktop. The project features the Distrobox container manager to facilitate running software from multiple other distributions. It also includes support for Flatpak and includes the Bolt AI assistant.

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 141 (58), 6 months: 107 (87), 3 months: 231 (32), 4 weeks: 228 (34), 1 week: 224 (34)

Average visitor rating: 7.67/10 from 3 review(s).

rlxos Summary
Distribution rlxos
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Recent Related News and Releases
  Releases announcements with download links and checksums:
 • 2024-09-06: Distribution Release: rlxos 2.0
 • 2023-11-23: Distribution Release: rlxos 2023.11
 • More rlxos releases...

Table Notes and Explanations

(Please refer to the table below.)
  • Select view:
  • To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.
  • Notes: In case where multiple versions of a package are shipped with a distribution, only the default version appears in the table. For indication about the GNOME version, please check the "nautilus" and "gnome-shell" packages. The Apache web server is listed as "httpd" and the Linux kernel is listed as "linux". The KDE desktop is represented by the "plasma-desktop" package and the Xfce desktop by the "xfdesktop" package.
  • Colour scheme: green text = latest stable version, red text = development or beta version. The function determining beta versions is not 100% reliable due to a wide variety of versioning schemes.
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Feature 2.0
Release Date 2024-09-06 2023-11-23 2023-04-21
End Of Life      
Price (US$) Free Free Free
Image Size (MB) 2200-2300 3000-3800 3000-3800
Free Download ISO ISO ISO
Installation Graphical Graphical Graphical
Default Desktop Xfce Xfce GNOME
Package Management Flatpak Flatpak Flatpak
Release Model Semi-Rolling Semi-Rolling Semi-Rolling
Office Suite -- -- --
Processor Architecture x86_64 x86_64 x86_64
Init Software systemd systemd systemd
Journaled File Systems Btrfs Btrfs Btrfs
Multilingual -- -- --
Asian Language Support -- -- --
Full Package List 2.0 2023.11 2023.04

Full Package List:   rlxos 2023.11
  Number of packages: 846 (download as TXT)
  •  2in1 0.0.1
  •  abseil-cpp 20230802.0
  •  accountsservice 23.13.9
  •  acl 2.3.1
  •  alsa-lib 1.2.10
  •  amtk 5.6.1
  •  android-tools 31.0.3p2
  •  android-udev 20220611
  •  apache 2.4.57
  •  appimage 0.0.1
  •  appimagetool continuous
  •  appstream 0.16.3
  •  appstream-glib 0_8_2
  •  apr 1.7.0
  •  apr-util 1.6.3
  •  apt 2.7.3
  •  ark 23.08.0
  •  aspell 0.60.8
  •  atk 2.38.0
  •  atkmm 2.28.3
  •  at-spi2-atk 2.38.0
  •  at-spi2-core 2.48.4
  •  attica
  •  attr 2.5.1
  •  audit 3.1.2
  •  autoconf 2.71
  •  autoconf-archive 2023.02.20
  •  automake 1.16.5
  •  avahi 0.8
  •  awesome 4.3
  •  babl 0.1.106
  •  baloo 5.94.0
  •  baloo-widgets 22.08.1
  •  bash 5.2.15
  •  bc 1.07.1
  •  bemenu 0.6.10
  •  benchmark 1.8.3
  •  berkeley-db 5.3.28
  •  binutils
  •  bison 3.8.2
  •  bluedevil
  •  blueman 2.3.5
  •  bluez 5.69
  •  bluez-qt 5.109.0
  •  bogofilter 1.2.5
  •  boost 1.83.0
  •  bootstrap 2307
  •  branding
  •  breeze
  •  breeze-grub
  •  breeze-gtk
  •  breeze-icons
  •  brotli 1.0.9
  •  bsdiff 4.3
  •  btrfs-progs 6.5.1
  •  bubblewrap 0.8.0
  •  busybox 1.36.1
  •  bzip2 1.0.8
  •  cabextract 1.11
  •  ca-certificates 2023-08-22
  •  cairo 1.17.8
  •  cairomm 1.14.0
  •  cbindgen 0.25.0
  •  cdparanoia 10.2
  •  cdrtools 3.02a09
  •  cgroupfs-mount 1.4
  •  check 0.15.2
  •  chromaprint 1.5.1
  •  cifs-utils 7.0
  •  clutter 1.26.4
  •  clutter-gst 3.0.27
  •  clutter-gtk 1.8.4
  •  cmake 3.26.4
  •  cogl 1.22.8
  •  colord 1.4.6
  •  colord-gtk 0.3.0
  •  conky 1.12.2
  •  conky-manager 2.4
  •  containerd 1.7.8
  •  core 2307
  •  coreutils 9.3
  •  cpio 2.14
  •  cppgir "2200"
  •  cppunit 1.15.1
  •  cracklib 2.9.11
  •  cryptsetup 2.6.1
  •  cups 2.4.7
  •  curl 8.2.1
  •  cyrus-sasl 2.1.28
  •  dbus 1.14.8
  •  dbus-c++ 0.9.0
  •  dbus-cxx 0.12.0
  •  dbus-glib 0.112
  •  dbus-nosystemd 1.14.8
  •  dconf 0.40.0
  •  dconf-editor 43.0
  •  debian-archive-keyring 2021.1.1
  •  debootstrap 1.0.132
  •  desktop-file-utils 0.26
  •  devel
  •  dialog 1.3-20230209
  •  diffutils 3.10
  •  discover
  •  distrobox
  •  dkms 3.0.6
  •  dmenu 5.2
  •  dmidecode 3.5
  •  dnsmasq 2.89
  •  docbook-xml 4.5
  •  docbook-xsl 1.79.2
  •  docker 24.0.6
  •  dosfstools 4.2
  •  dotnet 6.0.300
  •  dotnet-runtime 6.0.300
  •  dpkg 1.22.0
  •  dpp 10.0.13
  •  dqlite 1.10.0
  •  dracut 056
  •  drkonqi 5.24.5
  •  duktape 2.7.0
  •  e2fsprogs 1.47.0
  •  ed 1.19
  •  efibootmgr 18
  •  efivar 38
  •  eglexternalplatform 1.1
  •  egl-wayland 1.1.11
  •  elementary-xfce-icons 0.15.2
  •  enchant 2.5.0
  •  enet 1.3.17
  •  espeak-ng 1.51.1
  •  evince 44.3
  •  evolution-data-server 3.48.4
  •  evtest 1.35
  •  exempi 2.6.4
  •  exiv2 0.28.0
  •  expat 2.5.0
  •  extra-cmake-modules 5.109.0
  •  fakeroot 1.32.1
  •  fcft 3.1.6
  •  fcron 3.3.0
  •  fdk-aac 2.0.2
  •  ffmpeg 6.0
  •  fftw 3.3.10
  •  file 5.44
  •  filesystem 0.0.3
  •  findutils 4.9.0
  •  firmware 20230804
  •  flac 1.4.3
  •  flatpak 1.15.4
  •  flex 2.6.4
  •  fmt 8.1.1
  •  folks 0.15.6
  •  fontconfig 2.14.2
  •  foot 1.15.3
  •  fprintd 1.94.2
  •  frameworkintegration 5.109.0
  •  freeglut 3.4.0
  •  freerdp 2.7.0
  •  freetype 2.13.1
  •  fribidi 1.0.13
  •  fuse2 2.9.9
  •  fuse 3.16.1
  •  gawk 5.2.2
  •  gc 8.2.2
  •  gcc
  •  gconf 3.2.6
  •  gcr 3.41.1
  •  gcr-4 4.1.0
  •  gd 2.3.3
  •  gdb 13.2
  •  gdbm 1.23
  •  gdk-pixbuf 2.42.10
  •  gdl 3.40.0
  •  gdm 44.1
  •  genimage 16
  •  geoclue 2.7.0
  •  geocode-glib 3.26.4
  •  geoip 1.6.12
  •  geoip-database 20220621
  •  gettext 0.22
  •  gexiv2 0.14.2
  •  gfbgraph 0.2.5
  •  giflib 5.2.1
  •  git 2.42.0
  •  gjs 1.78.0
  •  glew 2.2.0
  •  glib 2.76.5
  •  glibc
  •  glibmm 2.66.5
  •  glib-networking 2.76.1
  •  glm
  •  gloox 1.0.27
  •  glslang 12.2.0
  •  glu 9.0.3
  •  gmime 3.2.7
  •  gmp 6.3.0
  •  gnome 44
  •  gnome-autoar 0.4.4
  •  gnome-backgrounds 44.0
  •  gnome-bluetooth 42.6
  •  gnome-control-center 44.3
  •  gnome-desktop 44.0
  •  gnome-epub-thumbnailer 1.6
  •  gnome-initial-setup 44.0
  •  gnome-keyring 42.1
  •  gnome-menus 3.36.0
  •  gnome-online-accounts 3.48.0
  •  gnome-power-manager 3.32.0
  •  gnome-session 44.0
  •  gnome-settings-daemon 44.1
  •  gnome-shell 44.4
  •  gnome-shell-extension-arc-menu v20
  •  gnome-shell-extension-blur-me "13"
  •  gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel "43"
  •  gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng "46"
  •  gnome-shell-extension-nightmode "51"
  •  gnome-shell-extensions "40.4"
  •  gnome-shell-extension-x11gestures "13"
  •  gnome-terminal 3.48.2
  •  gnome-video-effects 0.6.0
  •  gnu-efi 3.0.17
  •  gnupg 2.4.3
  •  gnutls 3.8.1
  •  go 1.21.1
  •  gobject-introspection 1.76.1
  •  gom 0.4
  •  gparted 1.5.0
  •  gperf 3.1
  •  gpgme 1.22.0
  •  gptfdisk 1.0.9
  •  grafana 10.1.1
  •  graphene 1.10.8
  •  graphite2 1.3.14
  •  graphviz 8.1.0
  •  grep 3.11
  •  grilo 0.3.16
  •  grilo-plugins 0.3.16
  •  groff 1.23.0
  •  grub 2.06
  •  grub-i386 2.06
  •  gsettings-desktop-schemas 44.0
  •  gsl 2.7.1
  •  gsound 1.0.3
  •  gspell 1.12.2
  •  gst-libav 1.22.5
  •  gst-plugins-bad 1.22.5
  •  gst-plugins-base 1.22.5
  •  gst-plugins-good 1.22.5
  •  gstreamer 1.22.5
  •  gtest 1.14.0
  •  gtk2 2.24.33
  •  gtk 3.24.38
  •  gtk4 4.12.1
  •  gtk-doc 1.33.2
  •  gtkmm 3.24.8
  •  gtksourceview4 4.8.4
  •  gtksourceview5 5.8.0
  •  gtk-vnc 1.3.1
  •  guile 3.0.9
  •  gvfs 1.51.91
  •  gzip 1.12
  •  harfbuzz 8.0.1
  •  hicolor-icon-theme 0.17
  •  highlight 4.8
  •  htop 3.2.2
  •  http-parser 2.9.4
  •  hunspell 1.7.0
  •  hwdata 0.373
  •  hwloc 2.9.2
  •  iana-etc 20230524
  •  ibus 1.5.25
  •  icmake 9.03.01
  •  icon-naming-utils 0.8.90
  •  icu 73.2
  •  iio-sensor-proxy 3.4
  •  imagemagick 7.1.1-15
  •  imlib2 1.12.0
  •  inetutils 2.4
  •  inih r57
  •  initial-setup
  •  initramfs 0.3.0
  •  interface 0.0.2
  •  intltool 0.51.0
  •  inxi 3.3.08
  •  iproute2 6.4.0
  •  iptables 1.8.9
  •  iso-codes 4.15.0
  •  itstool 2.0.7
  •  jack 1.9.20
  •  jansson 2.14
  •  jasper 4.0.0
  •  jetring 0.31
  •  jfsutils 1.1.15
  •  jq 1.6
  •  json-c 0.17
  •  json-glib 1.6.6
  •  jsonrpc-glib 3.44.0
  •  kactivities
  •  kactivities-stats
  •  kactivitymanagerd
  •  kapidox
  •  karchive
  •  kauth
  •  kbd 2.6.3
  •  kbookmarks
  •  kcalendarcore
  •  kcmutils
  •  kcodecs
  •  kcompletion
  •  kconfig
  •  kconfigwidgets
  •  kcontacts
  •  kcoreaddons
  •  kcrash
  •  kdav
  •  kdbusaddons
  •  kdeclarative
  •  kde-cli-tools
  •  kdecoration
  •  kded
  •  kde-gtk-config
  •  kdelibs4support
  •  kdeplasma-addons
  •  kdesignerplugin
  •  kdesu
  •  kdewebkit
  •  kdnssd
  •  kdoctools
  •  kdsoap 2.1.1
  •  kemoticons
  •  kernel-headers 6.3.8
  •  keybinder 0.3.2
  •  keyutils 1.6.1
  •  kf5 5.109.0
  •  kfilemetadata
  •  kgamma5
  •  kglobalaccel
  •  kguiaddons
  •  khelpcenter
  •  kholidays
  •  khotkeys
  •  khtml
  •  ki18n
  •  kiconthemes
  •  kidletime
  •  kimageformats
  •  kinfocenter
  •  kinit
  •  kio
  •  kio-extras 23.08.0
  •  kirigami2
  •  kitemmodels
  •  kitemviews
  •  kjobwidgets
  •  kjs
  •  kjsembed
  •  kmediaplayer
  •  kmenuedit
  •  kmix 23.08.0
  •  kmod 30
  •  knewstuff
  •  knotifications
  •  knotifyconfig
  •  kpackage
  •  kparts
  •  kpeople
  •  kpipewire
  •  kplotting
  •  kpmcore 23.08.0
  •  kpty
  •  kquickcharts
  •  krb5 1.21.2
  •  kross
  •  krunner
  •  kscreen
  •  kscreenlocker
  •  kservice
  •  ksshaskpass
  •  ksystemstats
  •  ktexteditor
  •  ktextwidgets
  •  kunitconversion
  •  kuserfeedback 1.2.0
  •  kwallet
  •  kwallet-pam
  •  kwayland
  •  kwayland-integration
  •  kwidgetsaddons
  •  kwin
  •  kwindowsystem
  •  kwrited
  •  kxmlgui
  •  kxmlrpcclient
  •  labwc 0.6.4
  •  lame 3.100
  •  layer-shell-qt
  •  lcms 2.15
  •  less 643
  •  lftp 4.9.2
  •  libadwaita 1.3.5
  •  libaio 0.3.113
  •  libaom 3.7.0
  •  libappimage 1.0.3
  •  libarchive 3.7.1
  •  libass 0.17.1
  •  libassuan 2.5.6
  •  libatasmart 0.19
  •  libavc1394 0.5.4
  •  libavif 1.0.1
  •  libblockdev 3.0.3
  •  libboost 1.76.0
  •  libbsd 0.11.7
  •  libburn 1.5.6
  •  libbytesize 2.9
  •  libcacard 2.8.1
  •  libcanberra 0.30
  •  libcap 2.69
  •  libcap-ng 0.8.3
  •  libcdio 2.1.0
  •  libcdio-paranoia 2.0.1
  •  libchamplain 0.12.21
  •  libcloudproviders 0.3.2
  •  libconfig 1.7.3
  •  libconfuse 3.3
  •  libdaemon 0.14
  •  libdatrie 0.2.13
  •  libdazzle 3.44.0
  •  libdbusmenu-qt 0.9.3+16.04.20160218
  •  libdmapsharing 3.9.13
  •  libdrm 2.4.116
  •  libdvdread 6.1.3
  •  libelf 0.185
  •  libepoxy 1.5.10
  •  libev 4.33
  •  libevdev 1.13.1
  •  libevent 2.1.12
  •  libexif 0.6.24
  •  libexplain 1.4
  •  libffi 3.4.4
  •  libfprint 1.94.6
  •  libgcc 13.1.0
  •  libgcrypt 1.10.2
  •  libgdata 0.18.1
  •  libgdiplus 6.1
  •  libgee 0.20.6
  •  libgepub 0.7.1
  •  libgit2 1.5.0
  •  libgmp 6.2.1
  •  libgnomekbd 3.28.1
  •  libgpg-error 1.47
  •  libgrss 0.7.0
  •  libgsf 1.14.50
  •  libgssglue 0.4
  •  libgtop 2.40.0
  •  libgudev 238
  •  libgusb 0.4.6
  •  libgweather 4.4.0
  •  libgxps 0.3.2
  •  libhandy 1.8.2
  •  libical 3.0.16
  •  libidn2 2.3.4
  •  libiec61883 1.2.0
  •  libinput 1.23.0
  •  libinstpatch 1.1.6
  •  libisoburn 1.5.6
  •  libisofs 1.5.6
  •  libjit 0.1.4
  •  libjpeg-turbo 2.1.5
  •  libkcddb 22.04.1
  •  libkdcraw 23.08.0
  •  libkexiv2 23.08.0
  •  libksba 1.6.4
  •  libkscreen
  •  libksysguard
  •  libldap 2.6.1
  •  libllvm 15.0.7
  •  libmd 1.1.0
  •  libmediaart 1.9.6
  •  libmng 2.0.3
  •  libmnl 1.0.5
  •  libmpc 1.3.1
  •  libmpd 11.8.17
  •  libmpfr 4.2.0
  •  libmtp 1.1.21
  •  libndp 1.8
  •  libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.9
  •  libnfnetlink 1.0.2
  •  libnih 1.0.3
  •  libnl 3.8.0
  •  libnma 1.10.6
  •  libnotify 0.8.2
  •  libnvme 1.5
  •  libogg 1.3.5
  •  libosinfo 1.10.0
  •  libpeas 1.36.0
  •  libpipeline 1.5.7
  •  libpng 1.6.40
  •  libportal 0.6
  •  libpsl 0.21.2
  •  libpwquality 1.4.5
  •  libqalculate 4.8.0
  •  libraw 0.21.1
  •  libraw1394 2.1.2
  •  librsvg 2.56.3
  •  libsamplerate 0.2.2
  •  libsass 3.6.5
  •  libseccomp 2.5.4
  •  libsecret 0.21.0
  •  libsigc++ 2.12.0
  •  libsndfile 1.2.2
  •  libsodium 1.0.18
  •  libsoup 2.74.3
  •  libsoup3 3.4.2
  •  libsquash 0.8.0
  •  libssh 0.10.5
  •  libtasn1 4.19.0
  •  libthai 0.1.29
  •  libtheora 1.1.1
  •  libtiff 4.5.1
  •  libtirpc 1.3.3
  •  libtool 2.4.7
  •  libtorrent-rasterbar 2.0.9
  •  libunistring 1.1
  •  libusb 1.0.26
  •  libutf8proc 2.7.0
  •  libuv 1.46.0
  •  libva 2.19.0
  •  libvdpau 1.5
  •  libvirt 9.7.0
  •  libvirt-glib 4.0.0
  •  libvncserver 0.9.14
  •  libvorbis 1.3.7
  •  libvpx 1.13.0
  •  libwacom 2.8.0
  •  libwebp 1.3.1
  •  libwnck 43.0
  •  libwpe 1.14.1
  •  libxdg-basedir 1.2.3
  •  libxml2 2.9.12
  •  libxmlb 0.3.14
  •  libxslt 1.1.38
  •  libyaml 0.2.5
  •  libyaml-cpp 0.6.3
  •  lightdm 1.32.0
  •  lightdm-gtk-greeter 2.0.8
  •  lld 16.0.6
  •  llvm 15.0.7
  •  lmdb 0.9.31
  •  lm-sensors 3.6.0
  •  locales 2307
  •  lsb-release 2.0
  •  l-smash 2.14.5
  •  lsof 4.98.0
  •  lua52 5.2.4
  •  lua 5.3.5
  •  lvm2 2.03.22
  •  lxappearance 0.6.3
  •  lxc 5.0.3
  •  lxcfs 5.0.4
  •  lxd 5.17
  •  lynis 3.0.9
  •  lynx 2.8.9
  •  lz4 1.9.4
  •  lzip 1.23
  •  lzo 2.10
  •  m4 1.4.19
  •  mailcap 2.1.54
  •  make 4.4.1
  •  make-ca "1.7"
  •  man-db 2.11.2
  •  mandoc 1.14.6
  •  man-pages 6.05.01
  •  mariadb 11.2.1
  •  mercurial 6.5.1
  •  mesa 23.1.7
  •  meson 1.1.1
  •  milou
  •  miniupnpc 2.2.5
  •  mkinitramfs 0.1.6
  •  modemmanager 1.18.12
  •  mod_wsgi 4.9.0
  •  mono
  •  mpg123 1.31.3
  •  mtdev 1.1.6
  •  mtools 4.0.43
  •  mutter 44.4
  •  nano 7.2
  •  nasm 2.16.01
  •  nautilus 44.2.1
  •  ncompress "5.0"
  •  ncurses 6.4
  •  nettle 3.9.1
  •  networkmanager 1.44.0
  •  network-manager-applet 1.32.0
  •  networkmanager-qt
  •  newt 0.52.23
  •  nghttp2 1.56.0
  •  nginx 1.25.2
  •  ninja 1.11.1
  •  nodejs 18.17.1
  •  npth 1.6
  •  nspr 4.35
  •  nss 3.93
  •  ntfs-3g 2022.10.3
  •  numactl 2.0.16
  •  nvidia-settings 515.65.01
  •  nvidia-utils 515.65.01
  •  ohmyzsh master
  •  oniguruma 6.9.8
  •  openal 1.22.0
  •  openblas-lapack 0.3.20
  •  opencv3 3.4.16
  •  opencv 4.8.0
  •  openfst 1.8.2post1
  •  openjdk
  •  openjdk-bin
  •  openjdk-jre
  •  openjpeg 2.5.0
  •  openldap 2.6.6
  •  openmpi 4.1.5
  •  openpmix 4.2.0
  •  openssh 9.4p1
  •  openssl 3.1.2
  •  optipng 0.7.7
  •  opus 1.3.1
  •  osinfo-db 20230719
  •  osinfo-db-tools 1.10.0
  •  os-prober 1.81
  •  ostree 2023.7
  •  oxygen
  •  oxygen-icons5
  •  p11-kit 0.25.0
  •  p7zip 17.04
  •  pam 1.5.3
  •  pam-config 0.0.1
  •  pam_wrapper 1.1.4
  •  pango 1.51.1
  •  pangomm 2.46.3
  •  parted 3.6
  •  patch 2.7.6
  •  pavucontrol 5.0
  •  pcaudiolib 1.2
  •  pciutils 3.10.0
  •  pcre2 10.42
  •  pcre 8.45
  •  pcsclite 1.9.8
  •  perl 5.38.0
  •  phodav 3.0
  •  phonon 4.11.1
  •  phonon-backend-gstreamer 4.10.0
  •  physfs 3.0.2
  •  picom 10.2
  •  picotts 20189d
  •  pinentry 1.2.1
  •  pipewire 0.3.79
  •  pixman 0.42.2
  •  pkg-config 1.8.1
  •  plasma
  •  plasma-browser-integration
  •  plasma-desktop
  •  plasma-disks
  •  plasma-firewall
  •  plasma-framework
  •  plasma-integration
  •  plasma-nm
  •  plasma-pa
  •  plasma-pam
  •  plasma-sdk
  •  plasma-systemmonitor
  •  plasma-thunderbolt
  •  plasma-vault
  •  plasma-wayland-protocols 1.10.0
  •  plasma-workspace
  •  plasma-workspace-wallpapers
  •  plymouth 22.02.122
  •  po4a 0.66
  •  pocketsphinx 0.8
  •  polkit 123
  •  polkit-gnome 0.105
  •  polkit-kde-agent-1
  •  polkit-qt 0.114.0
  •  poppler 23.09.0
  •  poppler-data 0.4.12
  •  popt 1.19
  •  postfix 3.8.2
  •  powerdevil
  •  prison
  •  procps-ng 4.0.4
  •  proot 5.1.0
  •  protobuf 3.19.4
  •  psmisc 23.6
  •  pugixml 1.13
  •  pulseaudio 16.1
  •  purpose
  •  python2 2.7.18
  •  python 3.11.4
  •  qbe r1258
  •  qca 2.3.7
  •  qemu 8.1.2
  •  qqc2-breeze-style
  •  qqc2-desktop-style
  •  qrencode 4.1.1
  •  qt 5.15.10
  •  quilt 0.67
  •  raft 0.13.0
  •  readline 8.2
  •  redflat 20230207
  •  release-info
  •  rest 0.9.1
  •  rpcsvc-proto 1.4.4
  •  rrdtool 1.8.0
  •  rsync 3.2.7
  •  rtkit 0.13
  •  ruby 3.2.2
  •  runc 1.1.9
  •  rustc 1.72.0
  •  samba 4.19.0
  •  sassc 3.6.2
  •  sbc 2.0
  •  scdoc 1.11.2
  •  schroot 1.6.13
  •  screenrotator 2200
  •  sddm 0.19.0
  •  sddm-kcm
  •  sdl 1.2.15
  •  sdl2 2.28.3
  •  sdl2_image 2.6.3
  •  seatd 0.7.0
  •  sed 4.9
  •  selftest 0.0.1
  •  setconf 0.7.7
  •  sgml-common 0.6.3
  •  shadow 4.13
  •  shared-mime-info 2.2
  •  slang 2.3.3
  •  snowball 2.2.0
  •  sof-firmware 2023.09
  •  solid
  •  sonnet
  •  sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8
  •  sphinxbase 0.8
  •  spice 0.15.2
  •  spice-gtk 0.42
  •  spice-protocol 0.14.4
  •  spice-vdagent 0.22.1
  •  spidermonkey 115.3.0
  •  spirv-headers
  •  spirv-tools 2023.2
  •  sqlite 3430000
  •  squashfs-tools 4.6.1
  •  squashfuse 0.1.105
  •  srclang 0.0.1
  •  sshfs 3.7.3
  •  startup-notification 0.12
  •  strace 6.5
  •  sudo 1.9.14p3
  •  sway 1.8.1
  •  swig 4.1.1
  •  swupd 0.1.0
  •  syndication
  •  syntax-highlighting
  •  syslinux 6.03
  •  sysprof 3.40.1
  •  systemd 252
  •  systemsettings
  •  taglib 1.13.1
  •  talloc 2.4.1
  •  tar 1.35
  •  tcc 0.9.27
  •  tcl 8.6.13
  •  template-glib 3.36.1
  •  tepl 6.8.0
  •  texinfo 7.0.3
  •  thermald 2.5.4
  •  threadweaver
  •  tllist 1.1.0
  •  tlp 1.4.0
  •  totem-pl-parser 3.26.6
  •  touchegg 2.0.12
  •  traceroute 2.1.3
  •  tracker 3.5.3
  •  tracker-miners 3.5.2
  •  triehash 0.3-3
  •  typescript 4.7.4
  •  tzdata 2023c
  •  uchardet 0.0.8
  •  udisks 2.10.1
  •  ufw 0.36.2
  •  unidef 2.12
  •  unrar 6.2.10
  •  unzip 6.0
  •  upower 1.90.2
  •  usbredir 0.13.0
  •  usbutils 015
  •  uthash 2.3.0
  •  util-linux 2.39.1
  •  v4l-utils 1.24.1
  •  vaapi-driver 2.4.1
  •  vala 0.56.13
  •  vala-language-server 0.48.3
  •  valgrind 3.21.0
  •  vim 9.0.1736
  •  volume_key 0.3.12
  •  vte 0.72.2
  •  waf 2.0.26
  •  wayland 1.22.0
  •  wayland-protocols 1.32
  •  webkitgtk 2.41.92
  •  webkitgtk-6.0 2.41.92
  •  webp-pixbuf-loader 0.2.4
  •  weston 12.0.2
  •  wget 1.21.4
  •  which 2.21
  •  wimlib 1.14.3
  •  wlroots 0.16.2
  •  wpa_supplicant 2.10
  •  wpebackend-fdo 1.14.2
  •  wxgtk
  •  x264 20230215
  •  x265 20230215
  •  xdg-dbus-proxy 0.1.5
  •  xdg-desktop-portal 1.17.2
  •  xdg-desktop-portal-gnome 44.2
  •  xdg-desktop-portal-gtk 1.14.1
  •  xdg-desktop-portal-kde
  •  xdg-user-dirs 0.18
  •  xdg-user-dirs-gtk 0.11
  •  xdg-utils 1.1.3
  •  xfce4 4.18
  •  xine-lib 1.2.13
  •  xmlto 0.0.28
  •  xxhash 0.8.1
  •  xz 5.4.4
  •  yajl 2.1.0
  •  yarn 1.22.19
  •  yasm 1.3.0
  •  yelp-xsl 42.1
  •  yodl 4.03.03
  •  zenity 3.44.2
  •  zip 3.0
  •  zlib 1.2.13
  •  zram-generator 1.1.2
  •  zsh 5.9
  •  zsh-autosuggestions 0.7.0
  •  zstd 1.5.5
  •  zsync 0.6.2

Reader Ratings
Reader supplied reviews for rlxos

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Version: 2023.11
Rating: 8
Date: 2023-12-12
Votes: 13

I recently installed rlxos version 2023.11 on a HP Intel CORE I3, 8GB RAM, 250GB SSD , Wireless networking laptop. I had two issues. First issues was with partitioning, I can can only used UEFI and Secure boot on my laptop. rlxos will not boot in Secure mode on my laptop. I had to create a GPT partition wait a EFI and Root partitions with the Gparted tool in the rlxos Installer to continue the install. Once created, the install completed. rlxos reboots to setup a user account and read-only core environment.

Second issue was password. rlxos did not let me continue using a long passphrase on my laptop. I had to create a six-character password to continue, i.e. character, number, and symbol. I was able to change it later Once I got pass these two issues, was able to update using SWUPD and install applications from Flathub. I installed the following: LibreWolf, Torbrowser-lanncher, and Pycharm Community edition from the CLI.

All in all, everything is working. I used this laptop for distro-hopping.. I have an interest in immutable OS. I am trying rlxos as a security concern for public Wi-Fi access. I will see what happens with rlxos.

Thank you,
Intermediate Linux User

Was this review helpful? Yes No
Version: 2023
Rating: 6
Date: 2023-07-25
Votes: 6

It works well enough, but was not getting any new updates, and when I went to find a discussion board, noticed the website is gone. Maybe it is now dormant or discontinued? I like how systems like this update as a whole, and the flatpak integration is/was seamless. I would have continued with it longer had the website not disappeared. If the developer is still maintaining, then some signs of life might help encourage continued use! I will continue to look for this style of system, rolling with read-only updates, for non-production machines. They are very easy to maintain, and great for more inexperienced users.

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Version: 2023
Rating: 9
Date: 2023-05-14
Votes: 13

It Just Works

- Easy to use
- Nice GNOME Interface (nearly vanilla)
- Nice on boarding process
- Easy to manage (mostly self managed) (Day 12 and didn't open terminal for once)
- Performance feel better on my Dell Inspiron 7420

- "AI bot" only respond "hey", (fixed after update) but still need major improvements
- No nvidia GPU supported yet.
- Thunderbolt not supported? (may me missing boltd conflict?? lol)
- Systemd...

Overall: Good to see a independent distribution doing so great in term of overall UX

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Contact, corrections and suggestions: Jesse Smith

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