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SliTaz GNU/Linux RSS Feed DistroWatch.com: SliTaz GNU/Linux

SliTaz GNU/Linux

Last Update: 2025-02-09 17:50 UTC

SliTaz GNU/Linux is a mini distribution and live CD designed to run speedily on hardware with 256 MB of RAM. SliTaz uses BusyBox, a recent Linux kernel and GNU software. It boots with Syslinux and provides more than 200 Linux commands, the lighttpd web server, SQLite database, rescue tools, IRC client, SSH client and server powered by Dropbear, X window system, JWM (Joe's Window Manager), gFTP, Geany IDE, Mozilla Firefox, AlsaPlayer, GParted, a sound file editor and more. The SliTaz ISO image fits on a less than 30 MB media and takes just 80 MB of hard disk space.

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 165 (51), 6 months: 165 (53), 3 months: 153 (57), 4 weeks: 133 (63), 1 week: 122 (64)

Average visitor rating: 6.29/10 from 7 review(s).

SliTaz Summary
Distribution SliTaz GNU/Linux
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Recent Related News and Releases
  Releases announcements with download links and checksums:
 • 2014-05-19: Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux 5.0 RC2
 • 2014-05-02: Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux 5.0 RC1
 • 2014-02-16: Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20140216
 • 2012-04-11: Distribution Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux 4.0
 • 2012-03-04: Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux 4.0 RC2
 • 2012-02-23: Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux 4.0 RC1
 • 2011-05-31: Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20110531
 • 2011-03-29: Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20110329
 • 2010-11-05: Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20101104
 • 2010-03-28: Distribution Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux 3.0
 • 2010-02-21: Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20100221
 • 2009-11-05: Development Release: SliTaz GNU/Linux Cooking 20091104
 • More SliTaz releases...

Table Notes and Explanations

(Please refer to the table below.)
  • Select view:
  • To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.
  • Notes: In case where multiple versions of a package are shipped with a distribution, only the default version appears in the table. For indication about the GNOME version, please check the "nautilus" and "gnome-shell" packages. The Apache web server is listed as "httpd" and the Linux kernel is listed as "linux". The KDE desktop is represented by the "plasma-desktop" package and the Xfce desktop by the "xfdesktop" package.
  • Colour scheme: green text = latest stable version, red text = development or beta version. The function determining beta versions is not 100% reliable due to a wide variety of versioning schemes.
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Feature cooking 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0
Release Date 2025-02-09 2012-04-10 2010-03-29 2009-04-16 2008-03-23
End Of Life          
Price (US$) Free Free Free Free Free
Image Size (MB)          
Free Download tazpkg ISO ISO ISO ISO
Installation Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode Text mode
Default Desktop LXDE Openbox Openbox Openbox JWM
Package Management TazPKG TazPKG TazPKG TazPKG TazPKG
Release Model Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed
Office Suite -- -- -- -- --
Processor Architecture i386, x86_64 i386 i386 i386 i386
Init Software other other other other other
Journaled File Systems          
Multilingual cz, de, en, es, fr, it, pt, ru de, en, es, fr, it, pt, ru de, en, es, fr, pt, ru de, en, es, fr, pt en, fr
Asian Language Support -- -- -- -- --
Full Package List cooking 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

Full Package List:   SliTaz GNU/Linux 1.0
  Number of packages: 448 (download as TXT)
  •  abiword-2.4.6
  •  abiword-plugins-2.4.6
  •  alsa-lib-1.0.16
  •  alsa-lib-dev-1.0.16
  •  alsaplayer-0.99.80
  •  alsa-plugins-1.0.16
  •  alsa-utils-1.0.16
  •  asunder-1.0.2
  •  atk-1.12.4
  •  atk-dev-1.12.4
  •  autoconf-2.61
  •  automake-1.9.6
  •  bash-3.2
  •  bastet-0.41
  •  bc-1.06
  •  binutils-2.17
  •  bison-2.3
  •  bogofilter-1.1.6
  •  busybox-1.7.3
  •  bzip2-1.0.4
  •  cairo-1.4.10
  •  cairo-dev-1.4.10
  •  cdparanoia-III-10pre0
  •  cdparanoia-III-dev-10pre0
  •  cdrkit-1.1.6
  •  cdrkit-audio-1.1.6
  •  chemtool-1.6.11
  •  clearlooks-0.6.2
  •  clex-3.17
  •  cmake-2.4.7
  •  coreutils-6.10
  •  cpio-2.9
  •  cromfs-1.5.4
  •  curl-7.17.1
  •  curl-dev-7.17.1
  •  curlftpfs-0.9.1
  •  cvs-1.11.22
  •  dialog-1.1-20071028
  •  dosfstools-2.11
  •  dropbear-0.50
  •  dvdauthor-0.6.14
  •  e2fsprogs-1.39
  •  e2fsprogs-dev-1.39
  •  easytag-2.1
  •  ecore-
  •  ecore-dev-
  •  edje-
  •  edje-dev-
  •  eet-
  •  eet-dev-
  •  efreet-
  •  efreet-dev-
  •  embryo-
  •  embryo-dev-
  •  emelfm2-0.3.6
  •  emotion-
  •  emotion-dev-
  •  enlightenment-0.16.999.042
  •  epdfview-0.1.6
  •  etk-
  •  evas-
  •  evas-dev-
  •  ewl-
  •  expat-2.0.1
  •  expat-dev-2.0.1
  •  file-4.21
  •  firefox-
  •  flac-1.2.0
  •  flex-2.5.33
  •  fontconfig-2.4.2
  •  fontconfig-dev-2.4.2
  •  freeradius-1.1.7
  •  freetype-2.3.5
  •  freetype-dev-2.3.5
  •  fribidi-0.10.9
  •  fribidi-dev-0.10.9
  •  funionfs-0.4.3
  •  fuse-2.7.1
  •  fuse-dev-2.7.1
  •  fuseiso-20070708
  •  gamin-0.1.9
  •  gamin-dev-0.1.9
  •  gawk-3.1.6
  •  gc-7.0
  •  gcc3-3.4.6
  •  gcc-4.2.2
  •  gcc-lib-base-4.2.2
  •  gc-dev-7.0
  •  gcolor2-0.4
  •  geany-0.13
  •  get-flash-plugin-1.00
  •  get-skype-1.00
  •  gettext-0.16.1
  •  gftp-2.0.18
  •  gimp-2.2.17
  •  gitmail-0.4
  •  glib-2.12.4
  •  glibc-2.3.6
  •  glibc-base-2.3.6
  •  glibc-dev-2.3.6
  •  glib-dev-2.12.4
  •  glibmm-2.8.16
  •  glibmm-dev-2.8.16
  •  gnome-icon-theme-2.18.0
  •  gnome-menus-2.18.3
  •  gnome-menus-dev-2.18.3
  •  gnupg-1.4.8
  •  gnutls-2.3.0
  •  gnutls-dev-2.3.0
  •  gparted-0.3.5
  •  gpicview-0.1.9
  •  gqview-2.0.4
  •  grsync-0.6.1
  •  grub-0.97
  •  gtk+-2.8.20
  •  gtkballs-3.1.5
  •  gtkballs-themes-3.1.5
  •  gtk+-demo-2.8.20
  •  gtk+-dev-2.8.20
  •  gtkdialog-0.7.9
  •  gtklife-5.1
  •  gtkmm-2.8.12
  •  gtkmm-dev-2.8.12
  •  hicolor-icon-theme-0.10
  •  hsetroot-1.0.2
  •  htop-0.7
  •  icon-naming-utils-0.8.2
  •  id3lib-3.8.3
  •  id3lib-dev-3.8.3
  •  imagemagick-6.3.9
  •  imagemagick-dev-6.3.9
  •  imlib2-1.4.0
  •  imlib2-dev-1.4.0
  •  inkscape-0.45.1
  •  iptables-1.4.0
  •  isapnptools-1.27
  •  isapnptools-dev-1.27
  •  isomaster-1.3.1
  •  jpeg-6b
  •  jpeg-dev-6b
  •  jwm-2.0.1
  •  kino-1.3.0
  •  kqemu-1.3.0pre11
  •  lame-3.97
  •  lame-dev-3.97
  •  leafpad-0.8.13
  •  libart_lgpl-2.3.19
  •  libart_lgpl-dev-2.3.19
  •  libavc1394-0.5.3
  •  libavc1394-dev-0.5.3
  •  libcap-1.97
  •  libcap-dev-1.97
  •  libcddb-1.3.0
  •  libcddb-dev-1.3.0
  •  libcrypto-0.9.8g
  •  libcrypto-dev-0.9.8g
  •  libdv-1.0.0
  •  libdv-dev-1.0.0
  •  libgcrypt-1.4.0
  •  libgcrypt-dev-1.4.0
  •  libglade-2.6.2
  •  libglade-dev-2.6.2
  •  libgnomecanvas-2.14.0
  •  libgnomecanvas-dev-2.14.0
  •  libgnomeprint-2.18.0
  •  libgnomeprint-dev-2.18.0
  •  libgnomeprintui-2.18.0
  •  libgnomeprintui-dev-2.18.0
  •  libgpg-error-1.6
  •  libgpg-error-dev-1.6
  •  libIDL-0.8.9
  •  libiec61883-1.1.0
  •  libiec61883-dev-1.1.0
  •  libmad-0.15.1b
  •  libmad-dev-0.15.1b
  •  libogg-1.1.3
  •  libogg-dev-1.1.3
  •  libpcap-0.9.8
  •  libpng-1.2.24
  •  libpng-dev-1.2.24
  •  libraw1394-1.3.0
  •  libraw1394-dev-1.3.0
  •  libsamplerate-0.1.2
  •  libsamplerate-dev-0.1.2
  •  libSDL-1.2.13
  •  libSDL-dev-1.2.13
  •  libsigc++-2.0.18
  •  libsigc++-dev-2.0.18
  •  libtool-1.5.24
  •  libvorbis-1.2.0
  •  libvorbis-dev-1.2.0
  •  libwrap-7.6
  •  libwrap-dev-7.6
  •  libxml2-2.6.30
  •  libxml2-dev-2.6.30
  •  libxslt-1.1.22
  •  libxslt-dev-1.1.22
  •  lighttpd-1.4.18
  •  lighttpd-modules-1.4.18
  •  links-2.1pre32
  •  linux-
  •  linux-headers-
  •  listpatron-0.1.1
  •  lostirc-0.4.6
  •  lxnetdaemon-0.1.1
  •  lxpanel-0.2.8
  •  lzma-4.57
  •  lzo-2.02
  •  lzo-dev-2.02
  •  m4-1.4.10
  •  make-3.81
  •  mc-4.6.1
  •  mercurial-0.9.5
  •  mhwaveedit-1.4.14
  •  microperl-5.8.8
  •  mjpegtools-1.9.0rc3
  •  module-init-tools-3.2
  •  mpg123-1.2.0
  •  mrxvt-0.4.2
  •  mtpaint-3.20
  •  nano-2.0.7
  •  ncurses-5.6
  •  ncurses-dev-5.6
  •  ninvaders-0.1.1
  •  nmap-4.53
  •  ntfs-3g-1.2310
  •  ntfs-3g-dev-1.2310
  •  ntfsprogs-2.0.0
  •  obconf-2.0.3
  •  opal-2.2.11
  •  opal-dev-2.2.11
  •  openbox-
  •  openbox-dev-
  •  openssl-0.9.8g
  •  openssl-dev-0.9.8g
  •  openvpn-2.0.9
  •  osmo-0.1.2
  •  pango-1.14.8
  •  pango-dev-1.14.8
  •  parted-1.8.8
  •  parted-dev-1.8.8
  •  patch-2.5.4
  •  pciutils-2.2.9
  •  pcmanfm-
  •  pcmciautils-014
  •  pcre-7.4
  •  pcre-dev-7.4
  •  perl-5.8.8
  •  perl-xml-parser-2.34
  •  perl-xml-simple-2.18
  •  php-5.2.5
  •  pidgin-2.4.0
  •  pkg-config-0.21
  •  poedit-1.3.7
  •  poppler-0.6.1
  •  poppler-apps-0.6.1
  •  poppler-dev-0.6.1
  •  popt-1.10.4
  •  popt-dev-1.10.4
  •  portmap-6.0
  •  ppp-2.4.4
  •  pwlib-1.10.10
  •  pwlib-dev-1.10.10
  •  python-2.5.1
  •  python-dev-2.5.1
  •  qemu-0.9.1
  •  rage-
  •  rdesktop-1.5.0
  •  retawq-0.2.6c
  •  rhapsody-0.28b
  •  rp-pppoe-3.8
  •  rsync-3.0.2
  •  ruby-1.9.0-0
  •  shared-mime-info-0.23
  •  shfs-0.35
  •  slim-1.3.0
  •  slitaz-base-files-1.4
  •  slitaz-boot-scripts-1.8.1
  •  slitaz-configs-1.4
  •  slitaz-dev-pkgs-1.0.1
  •  slitaz-doc-1.2
  •  slitaz-hacker-1.1
  •  slitaz-hacker-wiki-1.1
  •  slitaz-loram-1.2
  •  slitaz-loram-cdrom-1.1
  •  slitaz-menus-1.1
  •  slitaz-mercurial-style-1.2
  •  slitaz-polar-cursors-1.0
  •  slitaz-tango-icon-1.4
  •  slitaz-toolchain-1.0
  •  slitaz-tools-1.10
  •  sqlite-3.5.6
  •  sqlite-dev-3.5.6
  •  squashfs-3.3
  •  startup-notification-0.9
  •  startup-notification-dev-0.9
  •  strace-4.5.16
  •  sudo-1.6.9p12
  •  sylpheed-2.4.8
  •  sysfsutils-2.1.0
  •  sysfsutils-dev-2.1.0
  •  syslinux-3.61
  •  syslinux-extra-3.61
  •  tar-1.19
  •  tazlito-1.6
  •  tazpkg-1.10
  •  tazusb-1.2.1
  •  tazwok-1.7
  •  tcpdump-3.9.8
  •  testdisk-6.9
  •  tiff-3.8.2
  •  tiff-apps-3.8.2
  •  tiff-dev-3.8.2
  •  transmission-0.82
  •  transset-df-6
  •  tsclient-0.150
  •  ttf-bitstream-vera-1.10
  •  udev-116
  •  unfs3-0.9.20
  •  vim-7.1
  •  vorbis-tools-1.1.1
  •  vte-0.15.6
  •  wxWidgets-2.8.6
  •  wxWidgets-dev-2.8.6
  •  xarchive-0.2.8-6
  •  xarchive-extras-0.2.8-6
  •  xfree86-base-fonts-4.6.0
  •  xfree86-Xvesa-4.6.0
  •  xine-lib-1.1.11
  •  xine-lib-dev-1.1.11
  •  xine-ui-0.99.5
  •  xorg-7.3
  •  xorg-base-fonts-1.0
  •  xorg-bigreqsproto-1.0.2
  •  xorg-compositeproto-0.4
  •  xorg-damageproto-1.1.0
  •  xorg-dev-7.3
  •  xorg-dev-proto-7.3
  •  xorg-evieext-1.0.2
  •  xorg-fixesproto-4.0
  •  xorg-fontcacheproto-0.1.2
  •  xorg-fontsproto-2.0.2
  •  xorg-imake-1.0.2
  •  xorg-inputproto-1.3.2
  •  xorg-kbproto-1.0.3
  •  xorg-libfontenc-1.0.4
  •  xorg-libfontenc-dev-1.0.4
  •  xorg-libICE-1.0.4
  •  xorg-libICE-dev-1.0.4
  •  xorg-libSM-1.0.3
  •  xorg-libSM-dev-1.0.3
  •  xorg-libX11-1.1.3
  •  xorg-libX11-dev-1.1.3
  •  xorg-libXau-1.0.3
  •  xorg-libXau-dev-1.0.3
  •  xorg-libXaw-1.0.4
  •  xorg-libXaw-dev-1.0.4
  •  xorg-libXcomposite-0.4.0
  •  xorg-libXcomposite-dev-0.4.0
  •  xorg-libXcursor-1.1.9
  •  xorg-libXcursor-dev-1.1.9
  •  xorg-libXdamage-1.0.4
  •  xorg-libXdamage-dev-1.0.4
  •  xorg-libXdmcp-1.0.2
  •  xorg-libXdmcp-dev-1.0.2
  •  xorg-libXext-1.0.2
  •  xorg-libXext-dev-1.0.2
  •  xorg-libXfixes-4.0.3
  •  xorg-libXfixes-dev-4.0.3
  •  xorg-libXfont-1.3.1
  •  xorg-libXfont-dev-1.3.1
  •  xorg-libXft-2.1.12
  •  xorg-libXft-dev-2.1.12
  •  xorg-libXi-1.0.2
  •  xorg-libXi-dev-1.0.2
  •  xorg-libXinerama-1.0.2
  •  xorg-libXinerama-dev-1.0.2
  •  xorg-libxkbfile-1.0.4
  •  xorg-libxkbfile-dev-1.0.4
  •  xorg-libXmu-1.0.3
  •  xorg-libXmu-dev-1.0.3
  •  xorg-libXpm-3.5.7
  •  xorg-libXpm-dev-3.5.7
  •  xorg-libXrandr-1.2.2
  •  xorg-libXrandr-dev-1.2.2
  •  xorg-libXrender-0.9.4
  •  xorg-libXrender-dev-0.9.4
  •  xorg-libXss-1.1.2
  •  xorg-libXss-dev-1.1.2
  •  xorg-libXt-1.0.4
  •  xorg-libXt-dev-1.0.4
  •  xorg-libXtst-1.0.3
  •  xorg-libXtst-dev-1.0.3
  •  xorg-libXv-1.0.3
  •  xorg-libXv-dev-1.0.3
  •  xorg-libXvMC-1.0.4
  •  xorg-libXvMC-dev-1.0.4
  •  xorg-randrproto-1.2.1
  •  xorg-recordproto-1.13.2
  •  xorg-renderproto-0.9.2
  •  xorg-resourceproto-1.0.2
  •  xorg-rgb-1.0.1
  •  xorg-scrnsaverproto-1.1.0
  •  xorg-server-1.2.0
  •  xorg-server-dev-1.2.0
  •  xorg-server-Xati-1.2.0
  •  xorg-server-Xephyr-1.2.0
  •  xorg-server-Xi810-1.2.0
  •  xorg-server-Xnest-1.2.0
  •  xorg-server-Xnvidia-1.2.0
  •  xorg-server-Xvesa-1.2.0
  •  xorg-trapproto-3.4.3
  •  xorg-videoproto-2.2.2
  •  xorg-xauth-1.0.2
  •  xorg-xbitmaps-1.0.1
  •  xorg-xclock-1.0.3
  •  xorg-xcmiscproto-1.1.2
  •  xorg-xcompmgr-1.1.4
  •  xorg-xcursorgen-1.0.2
  •  xorg-xextproto-7.0.2
  •  xorg-xf86bigfontproto-1.1.2
  •  xorg-xf86dgaproto-2.0.3
  •  xorg-xf86driproto-2.0.3
  •  xorg-xf86-input-evdev-1.1.2
  •  xorg-xf86-input-keyboard-1.1.1
  •  xorg-xf86-input-mouse-1.2.2
  •  xorg-xf86miscproto-0.9.2
  •  xorg-xf86-video-ati-6.6.2
  •  xorg-xf86-video-i810-
  •  xorg-xf86-video-nv-2.1.2
  •  xorg-xf86-video-s3-0.5.0
  •  xorg-xf86-video-savage-2.1.3
  •  xorg-xf86-video-sis-0.9.3
  •  xorg-xf86-video-trident-1.2.3
  •  xorg-xf86-video-vesa-1.3.0
  •  xorg-xf86vidmodeproto-2.2.2
  •  xorg-xineramaproto-1.1.2
  •  xorg-xkbcomp-1.0.3
  •  xorg-xkeyboard-config-1.2
  •  xorg-xload-1.0.2
  •  xorg-xproto-7.0.10
  •  xorg-xsetroot-1.0.2
  •  xorg-xtrans-1.0.4
  •  xpad-2.12
  •  xterm-232
  •  zip-2.32
  •  zlib-1.2.3
  •  zlib-dev-1.2.3

Reader Ratings
Reader supplied reviews for SliTaz GNU/Linux

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from 7 review(s)
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Version: cooking
Rating: 1
Date: 2023-08-12
Votes: 24

SliTaz used to be a great little distro, up to version 4.

Mobile broadband was a pain to set up, but it was doable, and once set up, it just worked.

I used Slitaz for quite some time on an EeePC 4G, when my desktop machine died, and it was also good for data recovery from unbootable systems, even if it was lacking in software in comparison to the big distros.

Version 5 was supposed to be the ever up to date 'cooking' rolling release, but it seems that it was put on a back burner on the lowest heat setting possible. It's rolling so slowly, it's gathering moss.

Everything in SliTaz is so out of date as to be a security risk.

I don't really see how SliTaz can be truly considered to be active, when it does not actually roll with the freely available updates and source code.

It's a shame, because SliTaz has a very good GUI, and is a very easy system to use.

But use it at great risk to your data security and integrity.

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Version: 4.0
Rating: 7
Date: 2023-05-16
Votes: 28

Well...so over the last few weeks I tried 22 different distros. SlizTaz is the one I really, really wanted to work and was the only one I could not get WiFi to work on.

What i think is going on is it does not recognize my WiFi hardware unlike 21 other distros. Unfortunately there are many SlizTaz documents for setting up WiFi,meant for various SlizTaz versions that,in general, are not identified. Several of the terminal commands either do not exist, the parameters have changed,or the scripts the run with were not updated. For example one doc instructs you to issues the following:

lspci | grep -i network

good except in the version I am in running it tells you the flags are -k and -m and it does not recognize -i

The docs also note this:
SliTaz-4.0 and newer:
wifi-box was renamed to wifibox

Nope, I was running rolling and it is wifi-box

and then there is this:

The following commands do all of the above steps. This is also the easiest way:

# tazhw detect-pci --get-firmware
# /etc/init.d/network.sh restart

when the commands are run, it does not find things, fail on restart and indicates errors.

So the issue is the documentation is not in sync with the versions, even the doc with the installation does not match the distro. I am sure a Linux administrator who had seen what WiFi cards look like and new what drivers are needed and how to install them could adroitly navigate my issue; but sadly that does not (yet) describe me. I am reliant on the documentation which seems not to match the current version.

All that being said, I love the desktop, the blazing speed, I really want to get this working,

I also note the kernel is very dated and in the forum their seems to be some debate about the future of the distro. IMO, it would be a shame if SliTaz disappears. This is a nice distro, in a narrow niche where it is sorely needed.

So how to rate it, for a Linux system admin with experience this is likely a 9.0, For someone not afraid of a command line but is not a hard core Linux admin this is likely a 7.0 due to the documentation. For someone who is a GUI type with limited command line experience this is likely 5.0 . So I averaged the scores,and for now call SlizTaz a 7.0

In the end it is a great distro that simply needs a little attention. If I can get the WiFi configured and use it for some time I'll likely see if I can help them organize the docs.


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Version: cooking
Rating: 5
Date: 2023-03-09
Votes: 5

I used to run this years ago. I loved that it had such a small system footprint, and when I have a huge HD, extra space is great. I liked the look and feel, good skins and wallpaper. One downside was that my live cd wouldn't recognize my wifi. Eventually I had to switch to another distro because of issues with Wine, which was because the SliTaz team was using a VERY outdated kernel. I didn't mind the mild learning curve or the unique package system - you can convert anyway.
Please come back, SliTaz!

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