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openEuler Summit 2024
Solus RSS Feed DistroWatch.com: Solus


Last Update: 2025-02-08 21:47 UTC

Solus is a Linux distribution built from scratch. It uses a forked version of the PiSi package manager, maintained as "eopkg" within Solus, and its flagship edition uses the Budgie desktop environment. Budgie was originally developed-in-house, but is now maintained as a separate project by the Buddies of Budgie team. Solus is also available in Plasma, Xfce, and GNOME editions. The distribution is available for 64-bit computers only.

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 25 (331), 6 months: 21 (384), 3 months: 20 (411), 4 weeks: 13 (686), 1 week: 25 (404)

Average visitor rating: 7.49/10 from 201 review(s).

Solus Summary
Distribution Solus
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Reviews 4.5: DistroWatch
4.4: DistroWatchMichlFranken (German)
4.x: DistroWatchDistroWatchLinuxzasve (Croatian) • DistrocrunchDistroWatchOrdinatechnicDedoimedoAverage Linux UserCMS CriticHeise (German) • DedoimedoDistroWatch
3: OrdinatechnicDistroWatchCMS CriticLinux.comPro-Linux (German)
2017.x: DedoimedoDarkDuckDistroWatch
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Recent Related News and Releases
  Releases announcements with download links and checksums:
 • 2025-01-26: Distribution Release: Solus 4.7
 • 2024-10-15: Distribution Release: Solus 4.6
 • 2024-01-09: Distribution Release: Solus 4.5
 • 2023-07-08: Distribution Release: Solus 4.4
 • 2021-07-11: Distribution Release: Solus 4.3
 • 2021-02-03: Distribution Release: Solus 4.2
 • 2020-01-25: Distribution Release: Solus 4.1
 • 2019-03-18: Distribution Release: Solus 4.0
 • 2017-08-15: Distribution Release: Solus 3
 • 2017-04-18: Distribution Release: Solus 2017.04.18.0
 • 2017-01-02: Distribution Release: Solus 2017.01.01.0
 • 2016-10-19: Distribution Release: Solus 1.2.1
 • More Solus releases...

 • 2024-07-15 Solus dropping AppArmor and Snap support
 • 2023-04-18 Solus team planning a come-back
 • 2023-02-13 Solus project status updates
 • 2021-09-14 Solus to replace GTK in Budgie desktop
 • 2019-10-03 Solus updates supported desktops
 • 2019-03-21 Budgie 10.5 shipped with Solus 4.0
 • 2019-01-15 Solus roadmap for 2019
 • 2018-11-02 Solus team regaining account access
 • 2018-10-27 Solus founder out of contact
 • 2018-09-21 Solus updates install media
 • More Solus headlines...

Table Notes and Explanations

(Please refer to the table below.)
  • Select view:
  • To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.
  • Notes: In case where multiple versions of a package are shipped with a distribution, only the default version appears in the table. For indication about the GNOME version, please check the "nautilus" and "gnome-shell" packages. The Apache web server is listed as "httpd" and the Linux kernel is listed as "linux". The KDE desktop is represented by the "plasma-desktop" package and the Xfce desktop by the "xfdesktop" package.
  • Colour scheme: green text = latest stable version, red text = development or beta version. The function determining beta versions is not 100% reliable due to a wide variety of versioning schemes.
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Feature 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.0 3.9999 3 2017.04.18.0 1.2.1 Feature
Release Date 2025-01-26 2024-10-15 2023-07-08 2021-07-11 2020-01-25 2019-03-17 2018-09-20 2017-08-15 2017-04-18 2016-10-19 Release Date
End Of Life                     End Of Life
Price (US$) Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Price (US$)
Image Size (MB) 3000-3300 2400-2900 2200-2600 1800-2100 1600-1900 1400-1500 1400-1500 1100-1200     Image Size (MB)
Installation Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Graphical Installation
Default Desktop Budgie, GNOME, KDE Plasma, Xfce Budgie, GNOME, KDE Plasma, Xfce Budgie, GNOME, KDE Plasma, MATE Budgie, GNOME, KDE Plasma, MATE Budgie, GNOME, KDE Plasma, MATE Budgie, GNOME, MATE Budgie, GNOME, MATE Budgie, GNOME, MATE Budgie, GNOME, MATE Budgie, MATE Default Desktop
Package Management Flatpak, eopkg (pisi fork), Snap Flatpak, eopkg (pisi fork), Snap Flatpak, eopkg (pisi fork), Snap Flatpak, eopkg (pisi fork), Snap Flatpak, eopkg (pisi fork), Snap Flatpak, eopkg (pisi fork), Snap Flatpak, eopkg (pisi fork), Snap Flatpak, eopkg (pisi fork), Snap Flatpak, eopkg (pisi fork) eopkg (pisi fork) Package Management
Release Model Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Release Model
Office Suite LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice LibreOffice -- Office Suite
Processor Architecture x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 Processor Architecture
Init Software systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd systemd Init Software
Journaled File Systems                     Journaled File Systems
Multilingual Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes         Multilingual
Asian Language Support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes         Asian Language Support
Full Package List 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.0 3.9999 3 2017.04.18.0 1.2.1 Full Package List

Full Package List:   Solus 3
  Number of packages: 660 (download as TXT)
  •  accountsservice 0.6.43
  •  acl 2.2.52
  •  adapta-gtk-theme
  •  adwaita-icon-theme 3.24.0
  •  alsa-firmware 1.0.29
  •  alsa-lib
  •  alsa-plugins 1.1.4
  •  alsa-utils 1.1.4
  •  apparmor 2.11.0
  •  appstream-data 8
  •  appstream-glib 0.6.12
  •  arc-gtk-theme 20170302
  •  arc-icon-theme 20160605
  •  atkmm 2.24.2
  •  atril 1.18.0
  •  at-spi2 2.22.0
  •  at-spi2-atk 2.22.0
  •  attr 2.4.47
  •  avahi 0.6.32
  •  baobab 3.24.0
  •  baselayout 1.8.0
  •  bash 4.3.042
  •  bash-completion 2.7
  •  bc 1.06.95
  •  bind-utils 9.11.1_p2
  •  binutils-libs 2.28
  •  blueman 2.0.4
  •  bluez 5.45
  •  breeze-cursor-theme 5.6.1
  •  brisk-menu 0.4.5
  •  budgie-desktop 10.4
  •  budgie-desktop-branding 17
  •  budgie-desktop-branding-livecd 17
  •  budgie-desktop-branding-material 17
  •  bzip2 1.0.6
  •  ca-certs 20170803
  •  cairomm 1.12.2
  •  caja 1.18.3
  •  canon-ufriilt-common 3.71
  •  caribou 0.4.21
  •  chrome-gnome-shell 9.0
  •  clr-boot-manager 1.5.4
  •  clutter 1.26.0
  •  clutter-gtk 1.8.2
  •  cogl 1.22.0
  •  coinmp 1.8.3
  •  colord 1.3.4
  •  comar 3.0.3
  •  comar-api 2.4.7
  •  compiz
  •  coreutils 8.27
  •  cpio 2.12
  •  cracklib 2.8.22
  •  cryptsetup 1.7.5
  •  cups 2.2.3
  •  cups-filters 1.16.1
  •  cups-pk-helper 0.2.6
  •  curl 7.55.1
  •  cyrus-sasl 2.1.26
  •  db5 5.3.21
  •  dbus 1.10.18
  •  dbus-glib 0.108
  •  dbus-launch 1.10.18
  •  dconf 0.26.0
  •  dconf-editor 3.22.3
  •  dejavu-fonts-ttf 2.37
  •  desktop-file-utils 0.23
  •  dhclient 4.3.2
  •  disktype 9
  •  djvulibre 3.5.27
  •  dmidecode 3.0
  •  docbook-xml 4.5
  •  doflicky 6
  •  dosfstools 4.0
  •  dotconf 1.3
  •  dracut 045
  •  e2fsprogs 1.43.4
  •  enchant 1.6.0
  •  engrampa 1.18.2
  •  eog 3.24.1
  •  eom 1.18.2
  •  espeak-ng 1.49.1
  •  evince 3.24.1
  •  evolution-data-server 3.24.5
  •  exfat-utils 1.2.3
  •  exiv2 0.25
  •  expat 2.2.3
  •  faad 2.7
  •  faba-icon-theme 4.1.2
  •  faba-icon-theme-mono 4.3
  •  fdk-aac 0.1.5
  •  ffmpeg 3.3.3
  •  ffmpegthumbnailer 2.2.0
  •  fftw 3.3.6
  •  file 5.30
  •  file-roller 3.24.1
  •  findutils 4.6.0
  •  firefox 55.0.1
  •  font-clear-sans-ttf 1.00
  •  fontconfig 2.12.1
  •  font-droid-ttf 1.00
  •  font-hack-ttf 2.020
  •  font-indic-ttf 0.5.14
  •  font-lateef-ttf 1
  •  font-roboto-ttf 2.136
  •  font-symbola-ttf 9.0
  •  font-tlwg-ttf 0.6.3
  •  foomatic-db 4.0.20170420
  •  foomatic-db-engine 4.0.12
  •  freetype2 2.8
  •  freetype2-subpixel 2.8
  •  fribidi 0.19.7
  •  fuse 2.9.5
  •  fuse-exfat 1.2.0
  •  gawk 4.1.4
  •  gcab 0.7
  •  gcr 3.20.0
  •  gd 2.2.4
  •  gdbm 1.13
  •  gdk-pixbuf 2.36.8
  •  gdm 3.20.1
  •  gedit 3.22.1
  •  geoclue 2.4.7
  •  gettext
  •  ghostscript 9.21
  •  giflib 4.1.6
  •  gjs 1.48.6
  •  glib2 2.52.3
  •  glibc 2.25
  •  glibmm 2.51.7
  •  glib-networking 2.50.0
  •  gmime 2.6.23
  •  gmp 6.1.2
  •  gnome-autoar 0.2.2
  •  gnome-backgrounds 3.24.0
  •  gnome-bluetooth 3.20.1
  •  gnome-calculator 3.24.0
  •  gnome-calendar 3.24.3
  •  gnome-color-manager 3.24.0
  •  gnome-control-center 3.24.3
  •  gnome-desktop-branding 9
  •  gnome-desktop-branding-livecd 9
  •  gnome-desktop-branding-material 9
  •  gnome-disk-utility 3.24.1
  •  gnome-doc-utils 0.20.10
  •  gnome-icon-theme 3.12.0
  •  gnome-keyring 3.20.1
  •  gnome-mpv 0.12
  •  gnome-online-accounts 3.24.2
  •  gnome-screensaver 3.6.1
  •  gnome-screenshot 3.22.0
  •  gnome-session 3.24.1
  •  gnome-session-shell 3.24.1
  •  gnome-settings-daemon 3.24.3
  •  gnome-shell 3.24.3
  •  gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock 60
  •  gnome-shell-extension-impatience 0.4.5
  •  gnome-shell-extensions 3.24.3
  •  gnome-shell-extension-topicons-plus 20
  •  gnome-system-monitor 3.24.0
  •  gnome-system-tools 3.0.0
  •  gnome-terminal 3.24.2
  •  gnome-themes-standard 3.22.3
  •  gnome-tweak-tool 3.24.1
  •  gnome-user-docs 3.24.2
  •  gnupg 2.1.21
  •  gobject-introspection 1.52.1
  •  goofiboot 51
  •  gpart 0.3
  •  gparted 0.28.1
  •  gpgme 1.9.0
  •  gpm 1.20.7
  •  graphite2 1.3.10
  •  grep 3.1
  •  grilo 0.3.3
  •  groff 1.22.2
  •  grub2 2.0.2_beta2
  •  gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.24.0
  •  gspell 1.4.1
  •  gstreamer-1.0 1.10.4
  •  gstreamer-1.0-libav 1.10.4
  •  gstreamer-1.0-plugins-bad 1.10.4
  •  gstreamer-1.0-plugins-base 1.10.4
  •  gstreamer-1.0-plugins-good 1.10.4
  •  gstreamer-1.0-plugins-ugly 1.10.4
  •  gtk2-engine-murrine 0.98.2
  •  gutenprint 5.2.12
  •  gvfs 1.32.1
  •  gvfs-goa 1.32.1
  •  gzip 1.8
  •  harfbuzz 1.4.5
  •  hexchat 2.12.4
  •  hicolor-icon-theme 0.15
  •  hplip-drivers 3.17.7
  •  hunspell-en 2016.06.26
  •  hwdata 0.302
  •  hyphen 2.8.8
  •  ibus 1.5.14
  •  ijs 0.35
  •  imlib2 1.4.9
  •  indicator-application 17.04.20161201
  •  inetutils 1.9.4
  •  inotify-tools 3.14
  •  inxi 2.3.23
  •  iproute2 4.9.0
  •  iptables 1.6.0
  •  isl 0.16.1
  •  iso-codes 3.75
  •  jansson 2.10
  •  kbd 2.0.4
  •  kerberos
  •  kernel-glue 4
  •  kmod 24
  •  lame 3.99.5
  •  less 487
  •  liba52dec 0.7.4
  •  libabw 0.1.1
  •  libaio 0.3.11
  •  libao 1.2.0
  •  libappindicator 12.10.0
  •  libarchive 3.3.2
  •  libass 0.13.4
  •  libassuan 2.4.3
  •  libatasmart 0.19
  •  libatk 2.22.0
  •  libbluray 1.0.1
  •  libboost 1.62.0
  •  libcaca 0.99.19
  •  libcairo 1.14.10
  •  libcanberra 0.3
  •  libcap2 2.25
  •  libcddb 1.3.2
  •  libcdio 0.92
  •  libcdio-paranoia
  •  libcdr 0.1.3
  •  libcmis 0.5.1
  •  libcolord-gtk 0.1.26
  •  libcroco 0.6.12
  •  libdaemon 0.14
  •  libdbusmenu 16.04.0
  •  libdc1394 2.2.3
  •  libdmapsharing 2.9.39
  •  libdmx 1.1.3
  •  libdrm 2.4.82
  •  libdv 1.0.0
  •  libdvbpsi 1.3.0
  •  libdvdcss 1.4.0
  •  libdvdnav 5.0.1
  •  libdvdread 5.0.0
  •  libebml 1.3.4
  •  libe-book 0.1.2
  •  libedit 20160618.3.1
  •  libelf 0.168
  •  libepoxy 1.3.1
  •  libetonyek 0.1.6
  •  libevdev 1.5.6
  •  libevent 2.0.22
  •  libexempi 2.4.0
  •  libexif 0.6.21
  •  libexttextcat 3.4.4
  •  libffi 3.2.1
  •  libflac 1.3.2
  •  libfontenc 1.1.3
  •  libfreehand 0.1.1
  •  libgcc 6.4.0
  •  libgcrypt 1.8.0
  •  libgdata 0.17.8
  •  libgee 0.20.0
  •  libgeocode-glib 3.20.1
  •  libglade 2.6.4
  •  libglu 9.0.0
  •  libgnome-desktop 3.24.1
  •  libgnomekbd
  •  libgnome-keyring 3.12.0
  •  libgnome-menus 3.13.3
  •  libgnutls 3.5.14
  •  libgomp 6.4.0
  •  libgpg-error 1.27
  •  libgphoto2 2.5.8
  •  libgpod 0.8.3
  •  libgtk-2 2.24.28
  •  libgtk-3 3.22.18
  •  libgtkmm-2 2.24.5
  •  libgtkmm-3 3.22.0
  •  libgtksourceview 3.24.2
  •  libgtop 2.36.0
  •  libgusb 0.2.10
  •  libgweather 3.24.1
  •  libgxps 0.2.5
  •  libhunspell 1.3.3
  •  libical 2.0.0
  •  libice 1.0.9
  •  libicu 58.2
  •  libidn2 2.02
  •  libieee1284 0.2.11
  •  libimobiledevice 1.2.0
  •  libindicator 12.10.1
  •  libinput 1.7.3
  •  libixion 0.12.2
  •  libjpeg-turbo 1.5.1
  •  libjson-glib 1.2.8
  •  libkate 0.4.1
  •  libksba 1.3.5
  •  liblangtag 0.6.2
  •  liblcms2 2.8
  •  libmad 0.15.1b
  •  libmatekbd 1.18.2
  •  libmatemixer 1.18.0
  •  libmateweather 1.18.1
  •  libmatroska 1.4.7
  •  libmbim 1.14.0
  •  libmodplug
  •  libmpeg2 0.5.1
  •  libmspub 0.1.2
  •  libmtp 1.1.13
  •  libmwaw 0.3.11
  •  libndp 1.6
  •  libnettle 3.3
  •  libnl 3.2.21
  •  libnotify 0.7.7
  •  libnspr 4.15
  •  libnss 3.31
  •  liboauth 1.0.3
  •  libodfgen 0.1.6
  •  libogg 1.3.2
  •  liboobs 3.0.0
  •  liborcus 0.12.1
  •  libp11-kit 0.23.2
  •  libpagemaker 0.0.3
  •  libpaper 1.1.24
  •  libparted 3.2
  •  libpciaccess 0.13.5
  •  libpcre 8.41
  •  libpeas 1.20.0
  •  libpipeline 1.4.1
  •  libplist 2.0.0
  •  libpng 1.5.28
  •  libproxy 0.4.14
  •  libpwquality 1.3.0
  •  libqmi 1.18.0
  •  libquvi 0.9.4
  •  libraw1394 2.0.5
  •  libreoffice-calc
  •  libreoffice-common
  •  libreoffice-draw
  •  libreoffice-impress
  •  libreoffice-writer
  •  librest 0.8.0
  •  librevenge 0.0.4
  •  librsvg 2.40.18
  •  libsamplerate 0.1.9
  •  libsecret 0.18.5
  •  libselinux 20170804
  •  libshout 2.4.1
  •  libsigc++ 2.10.0
  •  libsm 1.2.2
  •  libsndfile 1.0.28
  •  libsoup 2.58.2
  •  libspectre 0.2.8
  •  libspeex 1.2.1
  •  libssh 0.7.5
  •  libssh2 1.8.0
  •  libstartup-notification 0.12
  •  libstdc++ 6.4.0
  •  libtasn1 4.12
  •  libtelepathy-glib 0.24.1
  •  libtheora 1.1.1
  •  libtiff 4.0.8
  •  libtimezonemap 0.4.5
  •  libtool 2.4.6
  •  libunistring 0.9.4
  •  libunwind 1.1
  •  libupnp 1.6.21
  •  libusb 1.0.21
  •  libusbmuxd 1.0.10
  •  libva 1.8.1
  •  libvdpau 1.1.1
  •  libvisio 0.1.5
  •  libvorbis 1.3.5
  •  libvpx 1.6.1
  •  libvte 0.49.1
  •  libwacom 0.24
  •  libwebkit-gtk 2.16.6
  •  libwebp 0.6.0
  •  libwnck 3.20.1
  •  libwpd 0.10.1
  •  libwpg 0.3.1
  •  libwps 0.4.6
  •  libx11 1.6.5
  •  libxau 1.0.8
  •  libxcb 1.12
  •  libxcomposite 0.4.4
  •  libxcursor 1.1.14
  •  libxdamage 1.1.4
  •  libxdmcp 1.1.2
  •  libxext 1.3.3
  •  libxfixes 5.0.3
  •  libxfont 1.5.2
  •  libxft 2.3.2
  •  libxi 1.7.8
  •  libxinerama 1.1.3
  •  libxkbcommon 0.7.1
  •  libxkbfile 1.0.9
  •  libxklavier 5.4
  •  libxml2 2.9.4
  •  libxmu 1.1.2
  •  libxpm 3.5.12
  •  libxrandr 1.5.1
  •  libxrender 0.9.10
  •  libxres 1.0.7
  •  libxscrnsaver 1.2.2
  •  libxshmfence 1.2
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  •  libxt 1.1.5
  •  libxtst 1.2.3
  •  libxv 1.0.11
  •  libxxf86dga 1.1.4
  •  libxxf86vm 1.1.4
  •  lightdm 1.15.0
  •  linux-current 4.12.7
  •  linux-driver-management 0.0.2
  •  linux-firmware 20170511
  •  linux-tools-cpupower 4.9.43
  •  llvm 4.0.1
  •  lm_sensors 3.4.0
  •  lsb-release 1.4
  •  lsof 4.89
  •  lua 5.1.5
  •  lvm2 2.02.168
  •  lz4 1.7.5
  •  lzip 1.16
  •  lzo 2.09
  •  man-db 2.7.5
  •  marco 1.18.1
  •  mariadb-libs 10.1.23
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  •  mate-calc 1.18.0
  •  mate-control-center 1.18.2
  •  mate-desktop 1.18.0
  •  mate-desktop-branding 15
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  •  mate-media 1.18.1
  •  mate-menus 1.18.0
  •  mate-notification-daemon 1.18.0
  •  mate-notification-theme-slate 4
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  •  mate-polkit 1.18.1
  •  mate-power-manager 1.18.0
  •  mate-screensaver 1.18.1
  •  mate-sensors-applet 1.18.2
  •  mate-session-manager 1.18.1
  •  mate-settings-daemon 1.18.1
  •  mate-system-monitor 1.18.0
  •  mate-terminal 1.18.1
  •  mate-themes 3.22.13
  •  mate-tweak 17.10.2
  •  mate-user-guide 1.18.0
  •  mate-utils 1.18.2
  •  mesalib 17.1.6
  •  mesalib-demos 17.1.6
  •  metacity 3.22.1
  •  mobile-broadband-provider-info 20170310
  •  modem-manager 1.6.4
  •  moka-icon-theme 5.3.5
  •  mozjs 38.8.0
  •  mpc 1.0.3
  •  mpfr 3.1.5
  •  mpv-libs 0.25.0
  •  mtdev 1.1.5
  •  mutagen 1.37
  •  mutter 3.24.4
  •  mythes 1.2.4
  •  nano 2.8.6
  •  nautilus 3.24.2
  •  nautilus-extension 3.24.2
  •  ncurses 5.9
  •  neon 0.30.2
  •  net-snmp 5.7.3
  •  network-manager 1.4.4
  •  network-manager-applet 1.4.2
  •  networkmanager-openconnect 1.2.4
  •  networkmanager-openvpn 1.2.10
  •  nghttp2 1.16.0
  •  noto-sans-ttf 1
  •  npth 1.5
  •  ntfs-3g 2017.3.23
  •  nvidia-304-glx-driver-modaliases 304.135
  •  nvidia-340-glx-driver-modaliases 340.102
  •  nvidia-glx-driver-modaliases 384.59
  •  onboard 1.4.1
  •  openal-soft 1.18.0
  •  openconnect 7.08
  •  openldap 2.4.45
  •  openssh 7.5_p1
  •  openssl 1.0.2l
  •  openvpn 2.4.3
  •  opus 1.2.1
  •  orc 0.4.26
  •  orca 3.24.0
  •  os-installer 16.0
  •  os-prober 1.65
  •  pam 1.1.6
  •  pango 1.40.5
  •  pangomm 2.40.1
  •  papirus-icon-theme 20170804
  •  parted 3.2
  •  pcaudiolib 1.0
  •  pciutils 3.5.4
  •  pcre2 10.23
  •  perl 5.24.1
  •  perl-xmlparser 2.44
  •  perl-xml-twig 3.52
  •  piksemel 1.3.1
  •  pinentry 1.0.0
  •  pisi 3.5
  •  pixman 0.34.0
  •  plotinus 0.2.0
  •  pluma 1.18.2
  •  polkit 0.113
  •  poppler 0.49.0
  •  popt 1.16
  •  procps-ng 3.3.12
  •  protobuf 3.0.0
  •  psmisc 22.21
  •  pulseaudio 10.0
  •  pyatspi2 2.20.2
  •  pycups 1.9.73
  •  python 2.7.13
  •  python3 3.5.4
  •  python3-cairo 1.10.0
  •  python3-dbus 1.2.4
  •  python3-gobject 3.24.1
  •  python-cairo 1.10.0
  •  python-dbus 1.2.4
  •  python-geoip 0.2.7
  •  python-gobject2 2.28.6
  •  python-gobject 3.24.1
  •  python-gtk2 2.24.0
  •  python-magic 0.4.3
  •  python-parted 3.10
  •  python-psutil 4.1.0
  •  python-pycurl 7.19.0
  •  python-pyliblzma 0.5.3
  •  python-requests 2.11.1
  •  python-setproctitle 1.1.10
  •  python-urlgrabber 3.10.1
  •  qpdf 6.0.0
  •  qt5-base 5.9.1
  •  qt5-x11extras 5.9.1
  •  qtstyleplugins 5.0.0
  •  readline 6.3.008
  •  reiserfsprogs 3.6.24
  •  rhythmbox 3.4.1
  •  rhythmbox-alternative-toolbar 0.17.4
  •  samba 4.6.6
  •  sane-backends 1.0.27
  •  sbc 1.3
  •  sdl1 1.2.15
  •  sdl1-image 1.2.12
  •  sdl2 2.0.5
  •  seahorse 3.20.0
  •  sed 4.4
  •  setxkbmap 1.3.1
  •  shadow
  •  shared-mime-info 1.8
  •  sharutils 4.15.2
  •  slick-greeter 1.0.8
  •  snapd 2.27
  •  snappy 1.1.4
  •  solus-artwork 18
  •  solus-artwork-mate 18
  •  solus-hardware-config 13
  •  solus-sc 20
  •  sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8
  •  speech-dispatcher 0.8.6
  •  spidermonkey 1.0.0
  •  sqlite3 3.19.3
  •  squashfs-tools 4.3
  •  stoken 0.91
  •  sudo 1.8.20_p2
  •  swig 3.0.12
  •  system-config-printer 1.5.7
  •  systemd 218
  •  system-tools-backends 2.10.2
  •  taglib 1.11.1
  •  talloc 2.1.9
  •  tar 1.29
  •  tdb 1.3.12
  •  telepathy-logger 0.8.2
  •  thunderbird 52.2.1
  •  time 1.7
  •  totem-pl-parser 3.10.7
  •  transmission 2.92
  •  tree 1.7.0
  •  twolame 0.3.13
  •  tzdata 2017b
  •  uchardet 0.0.6
  •  udisks 2.6.5
  •  unixodbc 2.3.4
  •  unrar 5.5.5
  •  unzip 6.0
  •  upower 0.99.4
  •  usbutils 008
  •  util-linux 2.28
  •  v4l-utils 1.12.3
  •  vapoursynth 37
  •  vino 3.22.0
  •  vlc 2.2.6
  •  vo-aacenc 0.1.3
  •  vpnc 0.5.3
  •  wavpack 5.1.0
  •  wayland 1.12.0
  •  wget 1.19.1
  •  which 2.21
  •  wireless-tools 29
  •  wpa_supplicant 2.4
  •  x264 20170411.2245
  •  x265 2.3
  •  xauth 1.0.10
  •  xcb-util 0.4.0
  •  xcb-util-image 0.4.0
  •  xcb-util-keysyms 0.4.0
  •  xcb-util-renderutil 0.3.9
  •  xcb-util-wm 0.4.1
  •  xdg-desktop-portal 0.5
  •  xdg-desktop-portal-gtk 0.5
  •  xdg-user-dirs 0.15
  •  xdg-user-dirs-gtk 0.1
  •  xdg-utils 1.1.2
  •  xdpyinfo 1.3.2
  •  xhost 1.0.7
  •  xinit 1.3.4
  •  xkbcomp 1.3.1
  •  xkeyboard-config 2.19
  •  xmodmap 1.0.9
  •  xorg-driver-input-evdev 2.10.5
  •  xorg-driver-input-libinput 0.25.1
  •  xorg-driver-input-synaptics 1.9.0
  •  xorg-driver-input-wacom 0.34.2
  •  xorg-driver-video-amdgpu 1.3.0
  •  xorg-driver-video-fbdev 0.4.4
  •  xorg-driver-video-nouveau 1.0.15
  •  xorg-driver-video-qxl 0.1.5
  •  xorg-driver-video-radeon 7.9.0
  •  xorg-driver-video-vesa 2.3.4
  •  xorg-driver-video-vmware 13.2.1
  •  xorg-server 1.18.4
  •  xprop 1.2.2
  •  xrandr 1.5.0
  •  xrdb 1.1.0
  •  xvidcore 1.3.4
  •  xz 5.2.3
  •  yelp 3.22.0
  •  yelp-xsl 3.20.1
  •  youtube-dl 2017.07.23
  •  zenity 3.24.0
  •  zimg 2.5.1
  •  zip 3.0
  •  zlib 1.2.11

Reader Ratings
Reader supplied reviews for Solus

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from 201 review(s)
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Version: 4.7
Rating: 6
Date: 2025-02-06
Votes: 0

Had no issues installing, but NVIDIA drivers do not install from graphical pkg manager, somehow it comes with an ancient python 2.9* installed, ran into a lot of dependency hells getting AI apps running. It seems a lot is broken on the backend of things or not quite right. Otherwise I like the distro, I had used it years ago, but not worth all the hassles. Several apps are not available in the repo's not even snapper, but it does have flatpack support. If you want out of the box good support for ComfyUI and other AI apps don't waster your time.

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Version: 4.7
Rating: 10
Date: 2025-02-06
Votes: 6

I am always surprised when I read about system problems. I installed this system 9 months ago. Since then I have not experienced any problems. Flawless updates arrive every week.
The developers pay attention to the quality of the updates. You can also follow this in the forums.
I prefer rolling systems. Many people are averse to rolling systems because they consider them unstable. Solus showed me that this is not the case.
Of course I believe the problems of others. Which may be due to lack of preparation or different hardware. I have not experienced these.

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Version: 4.7
Rating: 1
Date: 2025-02-02
Votes: 0

booting is the worst part of this distro. Tried on the installer the nvidia choice and it just sat there nothing on the screen, tried the regular one and it sat there for a few minutes and then started up after some process gave up. I installed it and it took like 10 minutes so not terrible then I rebooted. I have refind for booting so there are 5 choices listed for solus and it just put a couple of lines up on the screen and did nothing else and then I gave up so I'm giving this a one. They need to get a consultant of talented person that is great a fixing their booting issue here. The live once it came up was not bad, not great but was not terrible at all with a decent speed with the internet so a plus there but the boot speed reminds me of windows around the year 2000 taking minutes while mx and manjaro also on this system take under a minute from being off and 40 seconds on rebooting so this system needs some heavy attention on the boot sector so recommend testing on different machines to see where the freeze problems are in the log files.

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