Version: 6.1 Rating: 9 Date: 2024-03-28 Votes: 18
Tails is simple and lovely to use. It's even quite speedy to run on some older systems, despite the Desktop Environment they have chosen. Unlike a lot of distros, they use Tor Browser which is based off Firefox, no Google based crap. Tor Browser is fast and fun.
While I do not agree with the choice of Desktop Environment (Gnome), preferring something more simple and lightweight like XFCE or even Fluxbox, it does what it says on the tin.
The metadata cleaner is great, though I prefer to use Tails command line way with 'mat2'. Check it out: man mat2 it's great! It really strips files from garbage, tracking, and other crap. I especially strip out junk in .PDF and image files before I load them!
OnionShare is quite amazing. Give it a try.
While people say it includes an IRC client, it only includes, "Pidgin" which I find so terrible to use for IRC, when compared to the others available in the Debian repositories.
And speaking of Debian, it's great to use such a project based upon Debian!
Despite many new laptops and desktops which don't include a CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive, Tails includes the Brasero burning app which is great! Some distros offer Live Media without a burning app. Hello? A lot of us have older systems and need this on a Live session! It really doesn't take that much space for a burning app, distros who fail to include it on their Live media should be ashamed!
If you're simply browsing the web, you might want to set the Tor Browser "Security Level" to "Safest" and disable javascript even further in about:config -> javascript.enabled -> toggled to false. This must be done with each new boot.
It looks like they've removed the controversial "libdvdcss" package which used to be included in former versions.
NoScript. Despite it not being in the panel of Tor Browser, Tails comes with NoScript installed. Go to Tools -> Add-ons and Themes (or just go to about:addons) and click on the three dots for NoScript and select Manage and then the Toolbar button setting and change it to Show if you'd like to see it and configure it to your liking.
Ublock Origin (uBO) is included in Tails. While it is great and all, the settings for the filter lists is somehow 'locked' and I cannot update nor add additional lists. Maybe this is done to provide some blocking on the web with identical settings for every Tails user. Still, I would like the option to install and update lists myself!
It's very important to keep Tails up to date. Did I mention it's important to be current? Did I? Remember that. Don't use old versions.
I give the 6.1 version a 9 out of 10. I find it lacking in a few areas, but does mostly satisfy me for it's intended purposes.